THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY,. DECEMBER 9, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. "fc i$ variety of useful p esen s. l xv-vv 'wr':cJiasarS5s rpN A 1 . ..'vi.. . "" i vw - '- tyV C - XV I -ivv.- J " .. Holiday - Announcement! Just prior to the enjoyments and merrymaking of Christinas time comes a period of perplexity' familiar to all buyers of gifts. The selection of just the right and desirable present for each one who is to be remembered is oftentimes a burdensome task. Feeling confident that we can be of the greatest assistance in overcoming these difficulties and can smooth the way for the Christinas buyer in the matter of selection we are pleased to invite your attention to our holiday stock for 1911 a revelation in pleasing and appropriate gifts. Whatever earnest effort and experience can do to provide our patrons with the latest and best has been done, and we are confident our efforts will not fail to give pleasure and 'the best of satisfaction. The time of every Holiday Shopper will indeed bo well spent in looking through our bright, fresh selections of up-to-date gifts.' Timely hints and valuable sug gestions will bo made to you by the goods themselves, the fitness and desirability of many articles will recommend them as most appropriate. and "satisfactory for those you wish to remember. At the present moment it is probable that you have a list pf people in mind who should receive gifts from you, and the anxious question of the hour is WHAT to get them. - Conic and see our varied line of really desirable gifts and the problem will immediately be changed to the simpler question of WHICH to get them. We acknowledge a more than common pride in our Holiday display this season, caused by the excellence of the goods represented, and the variety and range af forded for" perfect satisfaction in the selection of anything from an inexpensive little remembrance to a solid and substantial gift. OUR SALE OF LADIES' SUITS, COATS AND WRAPS STILL CON TINUES, AFFORDING A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING ON STRICTLY HIGH GLASS AND UP-TO-DATE GARMENTS. OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS FROM THIS DATE UNTIL AFTER THE HOLIDAYS. YOU MAY CHOOSE YOUR GIFTS NOW AND HAVE THEM SET ASIDE FOR DELIVERY ANY TIMl'J BE FORE CHRISTMAS. i t Magnes & Matson (, f, V , viif J-'". I V COOS BAYTMES II. O. MALOXKY DAN K. MALOXKY Kdltor and Tub. News Editor Kntoiod at tho postofnee aI Marsti flold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mnll innttor. HUSLVKSK MUX'S TltllUJTK TO Jilt. C A. SMITH. i HAT WAS n very grncoful nml felicitous compliment tho busi ness men of Mnrshflold paid Mr. C. A. Smith on Thursday when n Hcoro of them niiulo a porsonnl call nt his ofllco to glvo expression to tholr acknowledgment and upprcoln TUNNEL SITE JT KUGI2NR, Oro Dec. 9. Tho PLAY TONIGHT AT Tonight a gnmo of boBkot ball will COUNCIL HAS nillFT KFffi ON ywiui vsl-w viii g tho cltywoiild .tuko euro of to- lt wna decided to award a prl- lire North Front Htreot pro- Vnto contend for tho street cleaning ngnln. (luy Lnttln. who lintl chnrgo worlc nnd nlso to haul tho fire en- of tho work, stnted that It had ro- Kl" to llros. Nothing definite ..,.!.. i i. ,i i i,n.. ....... .... dond about this beyond referring It qulrod six days longer than was an- q t Flr0 nn Wl,tor committee and ticipnted and that it wns nis unaoi- wnllo tiloy nro looking Into the nutr HIUIIIIIIIK i the (utl ;ject. looKing 10 tuo property own- ngnln. ors wi pay ino cuy uacu. Tj10 comiPi nlsp ilecliled to per Mayor Straw Raid that tho jnattor ,t jira' gicop t0 ,my nn nssejament hnd boon nn emergency Job and hu fo,. 8tr0(, im,)r0vomoiits without In felt Hint If tho city conld not go ..noi,.., i,n H,,ni nfionn nor cent pen- Guard says: "Tlio Pacific Great bo played botwoon Morahflold and I t continued rrom pago 1.) ahead In such enses rolylng on tho Hity, sho started to tight tho asseii- Wostorn Hnllwny company began suit North Dond nt North liund. Altho -- honesty of qltlzons to niako good, ho ,on't n tho courts, lost tho suit and In tho circuit court ngnlnst Maurlco both teams will piny hard to win it Inspector Trlbbey could not grant n wnnieti to movo out. Anjn, no tjl0 property was sold and uow h THAT WAS n vory BrncoInl nml j,or ,, . , c0,0, ,,oco will moralr to on on nn. ,m,nt ror tho rwnlr inilc. tho ni ,ho rata. S i'ho .VroZli- .o 'i. rM""" , ,. , iiuhuii uiiiiioi iii oruur io gui moiu ,...., .... th Q . t, ivrHo '.l ',", ... .. . . . ;. Ki'""' wouia rccomponso tho city. Ho said Hnloon IIcouhch will bo Issued for tn land on which to niako tho heavy cut V0",') ..layers . th,lt B" w' Wr,B,,,t' U, now ow,,orthat tho city should pay tho bill and ",ext six Tmonihs that Is nocessnry nt that point. Tho i tlio last 'unnin with N'ortl. non.l .f Ul? I'roporty, hoped to tear out h0 bolleved It would nil bo collected - company already has n deed to a the "Marshtlold boys woro handicap- tl10 om mmi"ne 800U ""' "UL" ,l 'ck. Ho also suggostod that steps right-of-way fifty feet wldo there, but .'.., .'". " ... v..w , LT. '.' now ono and consonuontly did 'not h tifn m i,vn n lur i.,,ih ..,, ,i, ... .... ... i r -..; : iiuu wuiiuiinu iiiu tui in ituiiii uiinuut . . .. . . . , -. .i w .. .i. .f tion or tno spionuiu won; no uas, owing to tho depth or tho proposed balHloor wns fenced off on tho boun- " '" Koing to ino oxponso oi put- Ht,0nt and arrangements mndo for dono and Is doing for tho devolop-j cut, to make tho proper slope, a lit- (jnry nneB ting In u wholo now Job of plumbing paving It. ment of Coos nay. tie moro land la necessary. Tho com- instead "of prnctlc'ng tho Inst two ln tho old structure Flnnlly tho, councilman Powers concurred Primarily n prlvnto onterprlso tho, ,, also seeks to condomn a small night thlH week, tho High school boyrt council agreed thnt ho should bo per-- with this and urgod Hint Messrs. business of the C. A. Smith Lumbor pioeo of Innd fur.herwost on which hnvo been laying n now floor In tho mltted to tompornrlly vopalr tho! i.awhorno nnd Gldloy haston tho and Mnnufacturlng company Is of. to dump the dirt which will como tnbo: uncle whllo a couple or carpon- wor,c ' I collection ns much ns possible. finch magnitude nnd far-reuclilng ef-fiom this heavy cut. as thero Is no ters nro engaged In nrranglng tho Viil ls Onleml. Then a motion ordering plans for icci nun, ji i iii iciimy iiiiiBi-jMiu- uiimr pinco 10 pui in. soais in sucii a way that all porsons " "muun ufumou us iniuiuiuu sowerlng tho now streot wns ndopt- llc Institution In tho benefits con- "Tho survoys df tho Pacific Great on tho side linos will bo nblo to wit- to construct two bulkhondB nlong cd. Tho city englnoor was also in- forrod on this community. Tho ex- Wostorn nnd Southern Pacific conlllct noss tho gnmo. Tho screons for tho North Front street north from tho strncted to prepare plans and bpoc!- M S Dollar to TflkC 2,000 jircsslon of appreciation from tho at that point and if both roads nro baskets will nlso bo made inoro solid, present bulkhead north to tho city flcntlons for hard surfaco imvlntl for """' l ,m,uQI, fnP promlnont inon of tho city could not to be built thoro, promises to bo a Mannger Hnrrlngton Is n-ranglng limits. This will pormlt tho lining tho street from tho present hard sur- ""Get 01 LUnilJer IUI but bo pleaBlng to tho mnn who la big legal battlo for possession of tho to hnvo n baskot ball gnmo botween of Front streot. This stop wns tnkon face paving to tho Cold Storago SlianClllcli. tho illroetlne uenliis of this Croat 111- sltn nf tlm wnal iwirlnl f ilm inn- tho "fnts" anil tho "leans" nn n nro. In m-tlnr in nnnliln Mm pninn.ll in ,.i... . . ,...... J dustry. nel. It is understood that tho South- Hnijnnry to tho High Bchool gamo hnvo tho Btreet filled by tho dredge 8treet. Mnvor Straw wanted It mndo Tho M. S. Dollnr, ono of the large 'ft iinnHinimin n ! .u.. iin.ui. . l i v f iiniiiwiii Trin 1 till! ir iha . r ...! i w i. . ...... .. . i hu uviii iinu.-in turn Diuuiaiivuj urn jiiiiiiu cuiiipauy owns no rigut- " .". .im iiiu iui- uiuKuii. ji iiiu iiiuuuriy ow wiin wnicn tno moa was concoiveu or-wny west or tho tunnol sito, but UIB cu" " 8er,irou lor tins prenmin- nnd given utterance gavo It added tho right-of-way agents and officials n ' 'Molr ni8 with their respective vnluo as an outpouring of gonuluo of the cnnniniiy seem to know what I)08l,lon8 wjll ho printed In Tho Times good will from tho ropresentntlvo thoy nro doing nnd It Is nosslblo 'n BOn' B",,,0Tiont nrtlclo on High LARGE VESSEL TO LOAD II men of tho community. they may spring a surprlso of somo It Is nlways gratifying to know sort or nnotbop In thnt connection In thnt our offorts nro appreciated and tho nenr future, llttlo acts Uko this nrojis roses along "Attornoy Chns. A. Hardy, ropre llfo's rugged road. Fontlng Georgo Pony, tho contract It was an occasion for mutual or who reront'v Kcrnireii n iiutctnant coiigrnuiiawoiiB, .iir. v, a. amiin lor ngalnst tho I.ano Count School nthlotlcs. Pictures of the High School foot bnll team aro being mndo by Mr. S'nddon. Considering tho time tho Plate wns exposed In tnklng tho pic ture It Is nn excopt'onnlly good ono. An milnifynfV nml fpnmn1 ..Inf..... rf 2xy. As8nl C,'!m" tl10 "191 Co3 Coiintv Champions" .poo for grading nna- of tho 1 01 1 Coo Pountv Ctnm- linvo ono bulkhead built, nnd tho tilled, it will obvlnto the cost two bulkheads. . Tho council nlso declared Its Inten sion to fill tho section south of Nob Hill to nnd Including Central avonuo nnd nlso tho Intersecting streets ns far west ns Sixth street. Pave North Front Street. Tho old question of tl'o city pay ilredgo Htreot. Mayor Straw wanted It mndo Tho M. S. Dollnr, ono or me n6" iwnors two soparato projects so that if tho of tho Dollar Stenmshlp companj. Iiollat property owners on tho north part "eot, Is oxpected hero In a c0P""J of tho object too strong, tho wholo streot weeks to load nt tho C. A. will nni l. i,t.i .... mill tnr Slinnrrlinl. Plllna. U'B '" Hoiitl.ui Hiislness. sol Is of practically tho same dlmen Councilman Ferguson asked thnt slons as tho Hazol Dollar, wmen w an arc light bo ordered Installed at on part of her enrgo hero Ia i jpn tho Intersection of North Droadway for China. Tho M. S. Dollar cam and Front streot. It wns referred to about 3,000,000 fcot of lumber w tho light commltteo. will tnko on nbout 2,000,000 at i Another lilll fni- Mm Pnul n,-nnra Smith mill. -I lng for tho fill on North Front streot smnllnox caso came In. Tim oninmiu This Is the second of n niimwr having so thoroughly deserved so py for over $5.poo for grading ,, of ti,o 1011 Coo, Ponn v C n.. a tho """ttlng private property men thought thoy had disposed of onrgnos of .lumber for China .www nr" vn- , w". , tnn l !"u " Mm !"Z 2 tm ,"" n ' ' "oii" will lo pro-otod tc ! the school "? ?ho ?l(i0 aim? in -' "ll of "10, Bon.otlmo ago! First, tho Smith company will '; " ; V V I i l ii i' v i "'"" i'i'w b"u i" uo iiiou iy t to team. Tho mnnager and l""1 "" u,-,u,u l" council couiu tnoy paid Dr. Ingram for what thoy unnerstoou. -mo cuiui"w -- . nnd irrnteful hearts which prompted nun nst tho Abso niniiinnv nml .1. 1.. .., , i i.. '" ., ' VlT ' ,."" thrmrirli Mm "iwi tmm" ninnaan. n ii,,.i .. ' ,...." .. ' ." "l. ",t n,innnrin in i.nii.1 nn n foreign bo roiicitous an nckuowiongmcut. Illlltortod Fionnli IMCltKI'SIKItY Pleasant odors for A'.MAS HKI) w"0''"!!! tho Asset company Bold to Rnnhllngs pooplo to hnvo It nut in slight, tho CHOSS Drue Storo. , Ml- ""oil Its Interest In tho 30 acros tho next font ball guldo. Tim Ath- lnbor necessary in iniiit 111 I'owoirs or unristoner's ieic Association or tho High School lino. .Most or tl'o pronortv owners ' illnir furnlRimri Prnni nin 1 V. . ;i "inn ! inn uiiiYi-rs in inn icaiii unvo . .. '",ij " muuKut nuro uu 1110 oxpouses or tno '" " '" " ,,,- nnen- Huell, Southorn Pacific right-of-way ben th'nklng nbout sending tho pic- Iv' an nssossmont for It. The cost, i caso nnd nftor Dr. Inuram loft, a trado for tho lumber nnd tno 01 ngont, to sot aside the transaction Miro nf tho 1011 champions to tho cnnslderlng tho Improvement, Is number of other bills enme In. Thoy 'ln ot lt w111 not on,y Uo nnv city oniy paying ror the' paid theso and now R. J. Walrath hna for them but for nn 01 -' ,)h sary In hnndllng tho pipe-; presonted n bill for n bed nnd bod- Tll "nzo1 Po"nr' w,,'c" miTlDS Wo have lots of plcturea Prices Pass, west of tho city. Xtfo'rney Vlarl -.. gve n dance the 'nuVg of 'bo ve paid prlvntel f. t m wo ' Sod norpnyT TBo couno11 cU" Dny In . spHng. Is now home lower than ever bofor.o-Wnlker Stu- rtv. It I understood, will allege fraud 27th of December. This will be a few nro holding back. Owing to a I The cUy recorder was Instructed to ward bound to San Francisco, AJ nun mm wiw uimsiui; whk iimcni tor "') liiviiuutiuiii nun is uxnecieu 10 inisinKo roiauvo to tno tune nnd ox-1 ndvertlso for bids for clennlnir the though badly uaningeu uu -"h.f the ronson thnt tho stockholders of bo a cret success. The committee nonso. tho cPv did not nroiwiv oaii.1 Rtro,a r oi ...i, .. ,Jl i,.- thn rnnat nf .Tnnan, bI'o took discussion, Contractor Nolmo wns cargo to -Hankow ana xneu .,iHia,i .....t i.. i . ... viiin..linl w h era tenipomw. '. .....u iui o.vuihiik wie sireois so " " " . hr to r early in tho ovenlng without sprlnk- P were mndo to enuiiio dv dlo TIIKKMOS llOTTliUS, chnnng DIRIIKS nnd Percoln.tors for Xiuiih. 11KI) CHOSS Drug atoro. compnny woro not glvon nnpo'nteil to act ns gonernl mnnagers mate tho cost nnd mny bo out $100 or tho nronosod action nnd f ,1,n n(fpi" ")nnlsts of T psPo Isnno- Eo on tho work. the ABSot nonce ot ino nronoseu action nnd " "" "''- viohii m csro imuu:- eo on for othor reasons." foii. cnni-man, iieorgo Johnson and When somo additional bills enmo Fine HAXIMWIXTKI) CHINA, LP nyor,y' '" I-st ovonlng for labor. Councilman pnt-irinss nml ailvni wnrn lipii Tint Norwegian Lutheran Indies' Copplo rnised the auestlon of tho The kind YOU liuveinoss Dltro STOHK. iAI" Soc'ety will hold Its nniiiiiil city paying for work dono on prl SOCIAL HOP S.VrUKDAV night at I. O. O. F. hall. Tickets 50c. l.liihv roii. ALWAYS USUI). PHO.VR 72 Pacific Livery & Tnuibter Co. t In-Ktinns mirtlnit uiin sntiininv nv. vnto nronertv. Ho sniil Mint im Pictures nt prices that will please phIint. Dec. n. In tho church hall, thought thn It had been ngreed you Walkor Studio. Kcfi-csbments will be served. .once that this should not bo done ling them on dry days. Ho was also turn to tho Unltei S at os criticized for not cleaning nil of tho manent repairs will ho mail streets ns regulnrly as his contract called for. councilman Powers suggosted nnd tho children at that tho city buy a team to do tho , DRUd STOHK. m H Xmns presents for papa, 1 1 ,1 th a, nlillilren at ItM' u" M l fajBmi!tl& W