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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. M I MWii i ,,, i II QUORUM AT CITY - COIHICH- (Continued from page 1.) noy (Joss out Into the linll nnd held a brief conference with him. Meanwhile Mayor Straw returned from n call on a patient nnd Mnrshnl Carter reported that he had tele phoned the two absent ocuncllnien notified thorn that tholr presence was required. Ho said both had good reasons for not attending. Ho said Mr. Copplo had Informed him that ho was worn out from being tp Into Tuesday night and hnd already retired when Mr. Carter phoned him and could not come down. Mr. Fer guson, Ma:shnl Carter said, report ed that ho was also In bed. When Mr. Carter offered to come down In an auto and bring him up, Mr. Fer guson was reported to hnvo replied that he would bo found at homo. Councilman Powers had been man ifesting much displeasure at tho non nttondnnco of tho absent ones. Ho declared that ho did not Hko to come down and sit around Hko a bump nti n Inr. nml tuna Iti fnvnr nf linvlriv 1 tho marshal forco them to como. When ho heard Marshal Carter's report on tnoir absence, no gnvo ex pression to his feelings in terms that would have mado Mayor 8traw open 1'ls eyes. Ho declared that tho ab sent members woro poor pports, had dropped ibjut ono hundroi per cent in his estimation, that they wcro lino "representatives of tho peop'." etc., etc. etc., Finally Mayor Straw asli 1 1 C ly Attorney Qoss what would bo tho best thing to do and Mr. Goes said that ho thought tho council Bhould adjourn for two days and glvo tho mombcrs written notice to bo pres ent. This motion was finally adopt ed and tho council adjourned. Councilman Snvago objected to ad journing Baying thnt ho was going to Bnndon for four or five days and would not bo able to bo -present. Whon Mnrsbnl Carter was order ed by tho council to bring In tho ab sent mombors, Mayor Straw suggest, ed that Mr. Copplo bo brought In but Clty.Attomoy Qoss said that both of thorn would havo to bo treated nllko. AH COOS CO. PflDDUCT HILLS ARE PAIR. American Federation of Labor Pays Clumico Dan-ow. .(By Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. C. Tho McNnmarn ways and means commltteo of tho Amoricnn Federa tion of Labor, mot today at tho of fice of Prcstdont Campers. All phases of tho McXamnrn case, It wnn said, wcro not consldored. As to tho dofenso fund Morrison said ho did not think there wns much re maining of tho 1100,000 rnlBed, al though ho had not seen tho stato mont of tho expenditures ho did not exactly know how much wbb loft. Claronco S. Darrow waB given a ro talnor of $50,000 nnd was pnld his regular charges per day, so that aft er this was paid, In addition to tho othor expenses which havo been heavy, Morrison thought not much wns loft. Delay A tho 'arrival lof tFirank Ryan, president of tho International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers caused n tomporary postponement this afternoon of tho conforonco of tho ways and means committee of tho Amorlcan Federa tion of Labor hnvlng in chnrgo .tho McNamara dofonso fund. Rynn will arrive lato today whon tho con foronco will bo resumed. WICKEHSIIAM IS ILL Attonioy General Suffers Sudden At tack today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day ' Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Doc5. At- tomoy Genoral Wlckorsham wns ta- icon suddenly 111 while atendlng a cabinet session today. Ho is suffer ing from a slight attack of Indiges tion. His condition Is not serious. AUTO SUPPLIES nt Tho GUN-NEUY. f I his r Rnnrl n fill Li 4 ft :: -- Wr m Every 7' h Guaranteed All Hlght for I 30 Dayg' Wear. You are bolulely pio tectrd by the manul&c. turer if the glove iin't right It will be made right to your tatuUction. That really it the rood concluu've way of proving to you that Ithete glove are made from only bett tkini, carefully cut, tewed ami faihioned to a per fect fit. None but a good glove could be to unconditionally guaranteed. Aik for IRELAND GUARANTEED GLOVES TW an Buds In Can. Mock, Churauand Glace (fof men. women and cniUito). V trcomnwiul thus W becauaa if an fooJvui yuu ate tuie to be utuued. Lttutihoiothtm toyou, ffi) THE TOGGERY Platinum Worth $2,300 Taken From Whiskey Run Near Coquille. ID YOU over try to buy a pound of plntlnum? Probnbly not, If you nrc tho ordinary man, for platinum Ib worth nearly threo times its weight In gold, nnd tho skilled tradesmen, who havo to hnvo It, aro about tho only ones who buy It by tho pound, or oven by tho ounce. Usunlly It Is sold by tho grain. But more than n pound of it-i four pounds nnd two ounces, to bo exact wns exhibited at The Journnl ofrico this morning. It was shown by Dr. Harry Lane, to whom It was sent nftcr "kicking around" as ho expres ses It. at tho homo of his undo In DonnlnB county for many yenrs. How tho bottlo found Us wny to Portlnnd, nnd where It camo from, mnko nn Interesting story thnt leads back to pioneer dnyB. About tho yenr 1853 two Mexicans, vagrants of fortune, enmo up tho Oregon const. At tho mouth of Whiskey Run, n short dlstnnco nbovo tho mouth of the Coqulllo river, thoy enmo upon n glitter of riches. Tho stream had washed a largo deposit pf gold-laden sand to tho beach. As soon as tho secret was out, thousands of treasure seekers flocked In, and Whiskey Run heenmo famous In tho mining history of that day. Sc-uuwinnn Find Gold. I3ut Gradually tho diggings wcro worked out, nnd tho pcoplo depart ed. Years afterward, a squawman, living In that country killed his squaw and becanto a fugitive. Ho roamed over tho mountains, keeping nway from tho habitations whoro danger lay. One day, about tho year 18C8, as he stopped to drink from a mountain stream, his cyo caught tho glitter of gold. Tlio secret o' Whis key Run wns rediscovered. Follow ing up tho lend, ho flnnlly iocntea tno place from which tho gold was being washed, at tho foot of a mountain. Tho yellow pnrtlclcs lny in bnnks of blnck sand. Ho staked a cinim, and with wealth at his command, ho ven tured out. In tho courso of tlmo tho squaw- man discoverer sold his claim, and Simon R. Lnno, undo of Dr. Lnno, boenmo tho owner. Mr. Lano, now about 80 years' of ngo, resides In tho mountains of Douglas county, no worked tho claim, and for a tlmo It yielded bountifully In gold. Tho minors, However, rotina m flcultlcs In washing out tho gold. Platinum was In tho wny. Platinum thon wns worth llttlo. It was moroly a nulsanco. Tho black sand carry ing tho g,old also carried tho' plati num, nnd it wns difficult to mnko tho gold and platinum pnrt company. Furthermore, tho plntlnum also car ried Iridium, llkowlso henvy and ubo less to tho minors of that day. Tho llttlo flakes of gold were flat. Tho platinum was flat, bin iho rand cubical In form, and whon tho sand was sent through tho slulco boxes tho gold nnd plntlnum would sink to gether to tho bottom of tho box. It was n groat pest. Gradually tho gold was worked out of tho platinum, nnd tho plntlnum thrown away. Per haps half a ton of It wns discarded. Lntor on tho platinum mnrkot be gan to pick up. Instond of being worth CO cents a ounco, It. wns quot ed tho othor day nt $40 nn ounco troy weight. That moans $552 a pound. Gold is worth only ?1C an ounco. Tho bottlo of platinum sent by Mr. Lnno Is diluted, adulterated, so to speak, with flakes of gold, so it will not assay as much as puro platinum. Some yenrs ago, Mr. Lano began collecting somo of tho plntlnum In n bottlo. Tho old mines woro bolng worked n llttlo and tho platinum was Rcranod from tho slulco boxes, whoro It persisted In gathering. Tho othor day ho sent tho uottio to I'ortinna to Dr. Lano. Resides bolng a curiosity tho bottlo Is worth $2,300 In gold. Ono might travel half around tho world without finding four pounds of platinum In ono "bunch." Platinum has sevoral peculiar nual Itlos, which mako It valuablo In tho nrts. Intense heat Is foqulrod to melt It, such as an electric furnace, nnd nn known acid will cut Into It. So It Is used for crucibles In malting other metals, by jowelors In mount lngs, where a tonnclous grip Is re- fliilrod to hold settings, and by don tlsts for "pegs." Formorly It was used for electric light fllnments, un til Edison or somo ono equally wlso, found that bamboo "mnklngs" would do as well, and bamboo costs but lit tle. Portland Journal. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho San Gabriel, belonging to tho North Bend News Gnrdlncr Mill comnnny, enmo In to- J. E. Edmunds of tho Coos Dny day to load at tho depot with lumber Wiring Co., wns n North Bond busl- frotn tho Coquille. ness visitor yesterday. Captain Levi Snyder has taken rninnmnil nf thn trna Bchooner Anvil In place of Captain Alfred Hansen, I who left Inst night for San Francis co. Portland Journal. The Wllhclmlna w'll tnko on a cargo of general merchandise hero for Ynqulnn nnd Waldport. It wui brought In from Portland on tho Brenkwnter this morning. , Mrs. W. B. Simpson nnd llttlo daughter visited hor slstor, Mrs. W. N. Ekblud In Mnrshllold yostorday. Tho Homer will sail at 12:30 Fri day noon with passengers, and freight! for San Francisco. It was found' that Instead of having broken n ulmfl mnrnlv n lr' In tho nlinff had U.L..V, ...w. -w. .. """ -" --.--- slipped out. Tins wns quicKiy repair cu wnnc sno wns ueacncu, nenr tarn plre. Mrs. 13. W. Rlggs Injured hor nrm bndly yesterday by a fall. E. R. Hodson of South Mnrshllold visited relatives hero yesterday. Sir. nnd Mrs. Geo. Bolster visited In Mnrshllold yesterday. The "Advance" enmo In yostordny from tho CoqulUo nnd Is tnklng on n consignment of freight from tho Box Factory. Cnptaln T. J. Mncgcnn bf the Am erican stenmshlp Breakwater, rcportB that on October 20, 1011, tho chart piano depth over Coos Bay bar was ID foot. Aids to navigation in pro-i por position and good order. Chan nel straight from 100 feet south of end of Jetty to bnr buoy, which will leave black buoy 100 feet to star- board going out, whoro best wator will bo 'found. There Is an nvorngo depth of IS feet nt low wntor In tho Inner harbor from No. 2 buoy to Mnrshfleld. Portland Telegram. STRIKE IS OVER MONOGRAM OIL at Tho GUNNERY. First Class Auto Service Whon you want to go nnywhore In n hurry Try FOOTE'S AUTOS. Best rntes In the city. BEST CARS. Best drlvors. Phono G-J until 11 p. m.i nfter 11 p.m. phono 5-J. Resi dence phono 2 8-J. D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. Hero is n remedy that will euro your cold. Why wasto tlmo and money experimenting whon you can got a preparation that has won n world-wide reputation by Its cures of this disoaso nnd can always be do ponded upon? It is known every where as Chamberlnln's Cough Rem ody, nnd Is a medlctno of real merit. For sale by all dealers. Illinois Ccntrnl Says thnt it no. long. cr AffectH Tlicm (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, 111. Dec. 7 Tho 1111. nols Central rnllroad officials an nounced tho strlko of tho shopmen Is a thing of tho past, nnd now there aro nbout 12,000 workmen on tho pnyroll compnred with 13,300 before tho strlko. SPARK PLUGS tind COILS nt Tho GUNNERY. Tho Norwegian Luther"!! Ladles' Aid Society will hold Its annual Christmas miction snio Saturday ev ening, Dec. 1, In tho church linll. HcfrcMliuiciitH wlll'bo served. Mij T. .T. Slmnnnii fntnrnoil tnilnV on the Breakwater from Portlnnd i whoro sho hns boon spending a few weolcs. Tho "Oregon," which unloaded lumber hero tho pnst few days, loft for tho Coqulllo yostordny. In tow of tho tug Kllhynm. Tho schooner Advnnco with a load of spruce timber for tho box factory was towed over from tlio Coqulllo this weok by tho tug Kllhynm. Cnpt. Edgnr Simpson of North Bend will lenvo Saturday for Port land, on the Brenkwnter, whoro, It Is undoratood, he will bo elected cnptnln of tho Orogon Naval Mllltln. POCKET FLASHLIGHTS nt Tho GUNNERY. a vs&WXV , - ' nsarJWES WIELdHIir iTrH in ii ij y igy 4GfxJ3mMnm ,i&z&&iaKauimi fXWTiS lmMrrkzzA i HiiilMI iW'zmmmmaHMA MlMilS""1 I'M1 m,ata ihih iki ' villi III! 1 yli w IH n. f hii v llUH'llillauJliluUlnlll ' v SOCIAL HOP SATURDAY night nt I. O. O. F. hall. Tickets 50c. BOXING gloves at tho GUNNERY. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drlvors nnd rensonnblo chnrgcB. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt any tlmo." Stands Blanco Hotol nnd BInnco Clgnr StoroDay Phones 78 nnd 4C. Night Phono 40. HAHKElt .i GOODALK. Proprietor. CHRISTMAS Rich Christmas Gifts mmmmm nro hero In abundance. Such nn nrrny of watches, lockets, fobs, rings, nocklncos, brooches, etc., you never saw. If you want to mnko n lnstlng gift, ono thnt will romlnd tho recipient of you forovcr buy Jowolry. And buy it horo In ordor to insuro reliability as woll as beauty and rcnsonablo uess In prlco. We Guarantee AH Goods We Sell RED CROSS DRUG STORE Fishermen Notice! THE COOS BAY ICE AND COLD STORAGE COMPANY ARE PREPARED TO TAKE ALL Steelhead Salmon AND WILL PAY TnE HIGH EST PRICE FOR SAME. R1 O. E. NICHOLSON, Malinger. Union Oils JASOLINE DISTILLATE BENZINE KEROSENB SAMSON GAS ENGINES and CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Uonhflcld, Ore. PHONE 80W Midi Orders Solicited. TK. E. F. WINKLER, Naturopath nnd Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation frco. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 and 6 to 8 p. ra. Naturopath Institute Room No. 1 No. 13G Broadway, Marsbflold, Oro Prof. A. Richards TEACHER OF PIANO. And volco culture. Appointment hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants call nt Studio, Songs- tnckon Bldg., 130 Broadway. Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash tbeso garments cleaner and better than tho work can be done elsewhere, and thoy are not worn so much. Wo do not shrink them, even woolen garments are returned the same slzo as when sent us. Wo Iron tho garments nicely, make ordinary ropalrs free of charge and you have fresh elenn, sweet under wear ready for each week's change. Bundle yours up with next weok's laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & ?team Laundiy 1 phon" aao-j pvR. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Uraduato of the American school of Osteopathy at Klrkavillo, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to t; Phono 161-Jj Marsbflold; Oregon. J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Offtee over Flanagan & Bennett Bank larshfleld Oregon TR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon . Marsbflold, Oregon. Office; Lockhart Building, opposite Post Office. Phono 105-J T It. A. J. HENDRY'S -' Modern Dental Parlors. Wo aro equlppod to do high class work on short notice at tho very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo site Chandler hotol, phono 112-J. v A, TURKISn BATn will do you GOOD. Phone 2 14-J. Bcnjarnjn Qotes Quality A WORD of seven slmplo lottors; still It menns moro to you nnd to ovory good dresser thnn nnythlng connected with clothes. When you Bocuro qunllty, you got your full money's worth. Benjamin Clothes Mndo according to Now York standard In stylo and to tha "Bcnjnmln" stundnrd In fnbrlc nnd tnllorlng. Sold In our wny. "Cash Only," "Money Talks" Fixes tho prlco moro rensonnblo than clothes without -this label: t "Money Talks". Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. LAESHFIELD BANDOtf FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay at 11:30 a. m., Saturday December 9. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 . O. F. McQEOROB, Agent FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our stngeB lenvo Marsbflold for RoBoburg at 0 o'clock err evening and afford quickest connections with Southern Pino Railway. Faro $6.00. COOS nAY ROSEBURO STAGE LINE. OTTO SCIIETTEIt, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., .Mnrshflfld. C. P. HARNARD, Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PnONK 11 - r "THE FRIEND OF COOS BAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Eureka, Thursday, Dec. 7, at 10 A. M. ,.,. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT I'OIVTIiAAf wnrTii i. (ii?in ci'i?Aianil rrjMI'ANY. PHONE 44 O. F. McGEORGEAseB J EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME J9 SAILS FROM TORTLAttD AT 8 P. M. ON DECEMBER . AND 20. v jjj;. SAILS FR05I COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF TnE TIDE u. CEMBER 0, 10, 23 AND 30. .. t L. H. 1CEATINO. AflRNT PHONE MAIN J. . "1 Steamer Homer Sails From San Francisco . Thursday, Nov. 30th, 1J1 For San Francisco Monday, Dec. 4th 19 F. S. DOW, Agent 38sr -t