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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1911)
4 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1911-EVENING EDITION. As a Matter of Economy, you Bhould hnvo modern plumbing Installed. It nuk uiuy uiivo 1110 OXHonsefl nni nn,x.. , ......vj .wiwUo jniur fiiuiiiuui wuubub, uut It Will protect tho hcnlth of your family by keeping your homo in good unnltary condition. tABifanT flxturco nro designed to givo tho very highest sanitary efficiency, nnd lasting scrvico. You tnko no chances in buying this wnro, becauso you nro fully protected by tho tnnifatsT guarantee. will that Wo can supply just tho fixtures . that you need, whether for your bathroom, kitchon or laundry, Why not consult uo now? m Pioneer Hardware Company MARSIIFIELD, OUE. FRONT 8T. Mg0!g$h Jury failed to return nn Indictment ngalnRt him. Xiw Chili. Prof. Itaymond organ ized a new dancing club last evening. ' THE WEATHER. (llv Associated Press.) OREGON, Dec. 7. Knlr In oast, nnd rain In west tonight, nnd warmer In southwest. Fri day, rain except snow east nnd extromo cast. Southerly winds high nlong tho coast. UK- I.OCA h TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:00 p. hi., Dec. G, ,by Mrs. E. MltiBUs, special government meteorological observer: Mnxlmum 51 Minimum 42 At 4:00 p. m 42 Prcclpltntlon .79 wind, NorthcaBt; clear. i jMi.t .McciiiiK' At a nicotine uio .unrsiiiiom ioiiro or isiks last uvo nlng Harry Winkler of North Hend. was InPlntPd and fitted with tho nnt-li'f- There was a good turnout nnd tho mooting mndo ono of the most enjoyable sessions tho lodgo hns hold In u long time , IJOltN. ! ., Dcnmiiil Tor Itoxes. There has been p big demand for boxes In tho Mnrshflold postofllco recently and now nil of tho boes oxcept two nro rent ed. ' When free dollvory Is Inaugur ated hero February 1, It Is exnected "t ' p will bo a 1)1k sltimi) in tho uox rentals. Meet Frldny. Tho young pooplo's society of tho Mnrshflold Swedish Lutheran will moot Friday evoning nt tho church hall nt 8 o'clock. It will bo tho annunl business mooting nnd oHIccrs will bo elected for tho onBUlng yonr, a Boclal tlmo will fol low and nil mombcrs nro urged to attend. KKSW PEOPLE D. O. KENYON Is In from Ten Mllo todny. tho mouth of tho Columbia a fewr wooks ago. MILO PIERSON Is In from Ten Mllo on business. AL. NICHOLS of Empire Is a Mnrsh flold vlBltor today. Always "16 Busy Corner" Thermos (4 Tfo Bottle" A most practical Xmas Gift, Keeps boiling liquids hot 24 hours! Keeps all-cold liquids cold 3 days. A nice assortment of these has just arrived Priced. $1.50 to $7.00, Lockhart-Parsons Phone -Main 298 Drug Co. Us McLAQOAN To Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. McLnggan nt their homo In Enst aldo Wednesday, Dec. C,a daughter. REID To Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rold ut tho homo of Mrs. Reld's par ents, Judge and Mrs. C. A. Sohl brodo, Thursday, December 7, a son.1 Mothor and child nro doing nicely. MORRIS To Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Morris at tholr homo In San Jose, Cal., Novombor 17, a daughtor. This nowB will bo gratifying In formation to tho many frlonds on Coos Dny of Mr. and Mrs. Morris who woro formorly residents of this vicinity. JONES To Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Jones Tuesdny, Dccombor G, n dauKhtor. Mothor and child nro doing nicely nnd tho father Is very proud over the arrival of their first daughtor. Mr. Jonos Is ono of tho proprietors of tho Coob Bay Steam Laundry. Racial Dance. Tho Fratornnl Union Is mnklng preparations to glvel n social danco on Dccombor 15. Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Would do well to call at tu Pacific Monumental torxa, South 'Jroadwuy uud mako selection from the largo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson has In his employ tho only practical marblo and gra nite cutter In Coos county. And nouo but tho host worK Is turnod Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIARLO ND JOS80N CEMENT. The beet Domestlo and Imported brands. Plaster, Lima Brick aud all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH I1ROADWAY. PHONE 201 Ih RHcnnitl. Jess Day, who Is woll known In this section through a number of nrlzo fights ho has par ticipated In, camo over from Coqulllo! iiiBt. evening. Ho nns been Incarce rated In tho county Jatl for a couplo of months, having boon bound over to tho grand Jury on tho charge of creating a dlsturbnnco at n rosort in Coqulllo. Ho states that tho grand i'V FOR SALE Or trade n bargain. For'y acres partly Improved, 2'a miles from Coos nay. Address "owner" enro Times. BIST AND CHEAPEST Shoo repair Bhop In city. Cornor 3rd and Commercial Ave. S. Kulju, Prop. WANTKD Portable Saw mill In good condition. Address Port Or ford Mill Co., Port Orford giving description and prlco, Immodlato- ly. rWAXTRDCJlrl for kitchen and gen. erai housework. Call or tolophono office at mill. C. A. Smith Lmbr Co We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and De'ivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PIIO.VE .MAIN' 57-J xmas presents front street. cheap, 017 AI;L KINDS of hauling dono prompt y J. E. Fitzgerald. Phono 129J. WAXTi:i)-ni,'i to work lit Restau- J"1- Apply Times' ofllco. K REXTZfl7r"oonl furnished Jouso and 2 acres of land In MllUngton. Address Peter Robort on, nay Park. OR Ri;xt tO-room hoiiso In South arsiifleld. Phono 119-L. The Old Reliable ''you need any fruit-trees for 'anting or wish to mako good mon y soiling tree write us for parti te!8; No Prevlous experience Oed If you want to moke money. niFQ ow ym' AL11ANV NURSE -lligi Ic, Albany. Oregon. J yoi aro troubled with chronic "Dstlpatlon, tho mild and gentle ef tvi01 Chamberlain's Tablets maken esnpMnlK- ai.iA,i Blanchard's Livery Wo have ttcurou ttie livery busl tots of L. II. Helsnor and aro pre pared to render oscdont service to tho pooplo of Coc- Uay. Careful diivers. gooa rlss Jd everything hat will mean batlsfactory service to tho public. Phon us for a driving horse, a rig or anthlng noeded in the livery line. Wo also do truck g business of ail kinds. 1LANCHAHD 1JHOTHER9 Phone 138-J Livery, Feed and Rules Service, 141 First and Alder Streets New Line OF Cashmere Suits JUST RECEIVED Priced at $16 AT THE FIXUP Price Too High. Owing to tho high bids on threo spraying machines doslrod to aid in cleaning up tho fruit treo pests In this section, tho county court nt Coqulllo this wcok rejected all of thorn. Inspector P. M. Hall-Lewis was Instructed to tako tho matter up and try to got moro rcasonablo terms. It Is expected the machlno will cost about $400 oach. Bnvlngfl Increnwc. Tho doposlts In tho Postal Savings Department of tho Marshflold postofllco havo'reachod tho total of $0,087, which Is moro tnan has bcon doposltod in tho postal banks of somo of tho largo cities. Tho department wns stnrtod horo loss than six months ago and Deputy Postmas ter Sumnor Is hopoful that It will roach tho $10,000 mark by tho end of tho first six months. Got Off Cheap. Mayor Straw was tho first of tho candidates In tho Marshflold city election to fllo his campaign expenso account with tho city rccordor as required by law. Tho oxponso account Is in aflldavlt form which Mayor Straw, boforo Arthur McICeown as notary public, swears that ho did not contribute a cent to a campaign iiinu. Mr. straw's cam paign commltteo has not yet filed Its oxponso account. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is horoby glvon to tho stock holders of tho First National Dank of Coos Day of tho annual mooting to bo hold on January 9, 1912, be tween tho hours of ten o'clock, A.M. and eight o'clock, P. M., on said day, at Us banking houso In Marshflold, Oregon, for tho purpoBO of olectlng n board of directors for tho ensuing year nnd transacting such othor business as may properly como bo foro tho mooting. DORSEY KREITZER, Cashier. K. PERKINS and wlfo of Ilnndon aro Marshflcld visitors. HARRY 0. HOY returned from Co qulllo at noon today. MRS. RUSSELL from Wlllanch In lot wns In Marshflold today. VM. HOWELL of Coqulllo Is In 'Marshflold for a few days' visit. MISSAQNES TUPPER of Marshfleld Is tho guest of Marshflold frlonds. ANSON ROOERS was down from his Cnos River homo todny on busl-r.cfcfi. R. E. SHINE of Coqulllo wns look ing after business Intorests on the Day yestorday. JOHN SAMSTOS and son, from Kon tuck Inlet mado a business visit In Marshflold yestorday. M. DLIVENS of tho Marshflold Turkish Dath parlors loft ycotor day for Salem on business. HARRY WINKLER camo down from North Dond last evening to bo Initiated Into tho Mnrshflold lodgo of Elks. INSPECTORS AMES and Woldon ar rived horo today to Inspect tho boilers nnd hulls of BOino of tho local boats. F. S. DOW expects to loavo Saturday for Portland on business. MAJOR L. D. KINNEY wns In Marsh flold today on business. .MAX MOORE of Catching Inlot is la Marshflold today on busluoss. I. It. TOWER expects to lcavo Satur day for Portland ou business and plcasuro. MRS. R. O. GRAVES Is roportod quite sick nt her homo ou West Contrnl avonuo. MICHAEL KERRIGAN, tho woll known Llbby ploncor, Is In Mnrsh flold today on bustnoss. S. P. DARTLETT of Coqulllo has en tered Morcy hospital at North Dond for medical treatmont. JUDGE COKE is horo from Coqulll and will return thoro tomorrow 16 .nrrango tho docket for tho regular December term of court. MISS STELLA PETERSON of East sldo was taken to tho hospital at North Dcnd. Sho Is suffering from a sovoro attack of typhoid fovor. CITY FISH MARKET Foot of Market Ave. on Dock FRESH FISH, CLAMS AND CRABS. Fair Prices, Honest Weight and a first-class article, You can all afford to eat fish at our prices, Try them, SMITH & BALCH, Proprietors. Phone 269 WHAT A SNAP It Is for poo plo to buy horo who know tho real quality and valuo of CANDY, ICE CREAM AND HOT DRINKS That Is prov ed by tho number of keen buyers who trado horo regular ly. It's JUBt as much of a snap for tho Inexporlonccd too. For wo haudlo only rollablo qual ities, thus making It sufo to buy hero whether you know or not. ED. MoKEOWN, foroman of tho Smith-Powers Logging Camp on South Inlot, was In Marshflold yes torday on business. ORIN PRATT passed thru town Wed nesday ovonlng on his way from Portland to Euroka whoro ho plans to stay for a short tlmo. A. E. ADELSPERGER returned to day from a trip to Portland and Salem. At Portland ho attended a meeting of tho Oregon Forest Firo Patrol association. J. LEE DROWN expects to lcavo Sat urday for Portlnnd and Salem oft mattorB connoctcd with tho Oregon Btato Doard of Pharmacy of which ho was recontly appointed a raom-bor. MRS. L. M. TOZIER. who recently undorwont nn oporatlon nt Merer hospital has roturned to hor home. Sho has fully rocovorcd, much to tho gratification of hor many frlonds. MRS. C. J. MAHONEY of Portland, who has boon vlslttng rolatlvos la Coqulllo, Is tho guost of Miss Ma mie Mahonoy nnd Mrs. Elizabeth AdnniB. Sho will lcavo Saturday for hor homo in Portland. REV. A. G. LIND enmo back today from a very pleasant trip to Port land. Ho wilt preach Sunday In North Dond at 10:30 and In Marsh flold at 7:30 as usual. SAM NASS, who oporntcs thp cannery nn tuo lower coqulllo passou through horo today on routo from his homo In Astorln to look aftor tho shipment of his season's pack. EDWARD WILLIAMS of Salom, who has bcon looking nfto rsomo prop erty Interests horo, wont over to Coqulllo todny to visit tho now editor of tho Coqulllo Hornld, who Is nn old friend of his. MRS. E. ANDERSON nnd two chil dren of Rorkoloy, Calif., nrrlvod horo yesterday on tho stoamor Ro dondo to visit nt tho homo of hor mothor, Mrs. Mnry Ogron, and oth or rolutlves. hck MRS. MARY MCKNIGHT nrrlvod homo on tho Drcakwator today from Delllngham, Wash., whrY4 sho has beon mnklng nn extended visit nt tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. Loggle. MRS. A. E. LLEWELLYN arrived horo today from Delllngham, Wash., to spond tho winter with hor daughtor, Mrs. W. II. Ashman. Sho formorly resided on tho Day, having loft horo about seven years ago. non SMITH CHOSEN. "Dob" Smith, opposing two other candidates namod Smith, was elected mayor of Grants Pass by n plurality of Just threo votes. In addition to olectlng city officials, Oakland voted to give an Independent tolophono company n franchise. Suth- orllu votod $30,000 bonds for a wa ter system nnd ro-olccted city couu- cllmen, whoso terms had oxplred. Pendloton voted down the commis sion form of govornmont and oloctod for mayor W. F. Matlock, former mayor, by 80 votes over Ray Raleyv Tho election wns tho hottest over wagod In that city, and over 140,000 changed hands on tho result. Grant D. Dlinlck was elected mayor of Ore gon City by 112 majority over Wil liam Anderson. Salom olectod a "wet" council nnd endorsed tho non pnrtlsan primary for tho nomination of city candidates. MRS. J. P. O'Drlen nnd Miss M. O'Drlen nrrlvod hero today to visit nt tho homo of tholr son and brother, A. Rnlpho O'Rrlen. Aftor a short visit horo, they will pro ceed to their homo In Mexico. TWO STOHICS. A new stock of the latest In the MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Order Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J t. , ' t",l,jr Be to your case, A Modern Drlck Dulldlng, Electric Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Roomc with Hot and Cold Water. noi E h .C O OS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 60 cents a Day and Upwards. Cot. Droadway and Market Marshfleld, Oregon. Beech Nut Brand Tomato Catsup, per bottle, 30c Chipped ,Beef , per jar, . . 25c Piemento Cheese, per jar, 25c Sliced Bacon, per jar, . . 40c Bacon Slabs, per pound, . 35 Nasburg Grocery PHONE 213-J D. M. Hezin, who recontly sold his North inlot ranch to Vlnco Pratt, plans to loavo Saturday for cran berry culture nlong tho Columbia. Later he will return to his old homo In Wisconsin to remain. W. CDEUDNER is In receipt of a postal card wrltton by his Ron. Georgo. who has been seriously III with typhoid fovor at tho hospital In San Francisco. Ho Is Improv ing rapidly nnd hopes to bo out soon. REV. F. ZEHE, the Luthornn minis tor nt Norway, Oro came back on tho Dreakwater today with a bride. Tho . many friends Rev. Zoho already has found In Cons couu'y wish tho young couple grcnt happiness. JAY DOYLE, who has beon spondlng tho past yoar at his old homo in Pennsylvania und touring tho country between thoro nnd Alaska, arrived horo today. Ho was not on tho s'oamor Washington whon that steamer wns almost lost at Shaving Mirrors Every man wants a good shave. He generally has a good razor, but oft times don't have a good mirror. Present him with one of these. Prices 50c to $5.00 Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists. PHONE 111, MAHSHFIKL1). I Saltiest Salt on Earth! IN FACT The Salt, of the Earth Lester's Violet Grain Salt Flows Freely. Ask Your Grocer About It -e - ie by all dealers.