J A THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSRFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911 EVENING EDITION. h f i & v I COOS BAYTIMES:pM I. O. MALONKY Editor ami Pub. DAN E. MALONEY News Editor t- . - Entered nt the postoraco at Alarsu flold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall matter. CONGRESS HIS III SEAS WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. A M os I ss (Continued from pago 1.) most Important In both houses. Many iS Illustration of tho evor-ln- w" " ' . . ""i. rrrnslnc lntordoncndonco 0f ingress, n" 0I lnom l0 00 npproacn crensing Jntoruopcnuonco 01 1 vlgoroU8ly includo monotnry rc- manhlnd Is that of tno recent ,, -innnitn f n,i.u,.nti,, iP. Bavlng of tho Prlnz Joachim, as tho teB ;vUh Qrcnt Drtnn and Franco, result of n distress signal sent by , , t, , treaties with Nlcnrnnun wireless. Seven vessels answered ;nm, tInn,..lrnH. Alnnknn lotrlslntion. M.Imi " ' "" ' tho election of senators by direct vote of tho poople, ponslon bills and tho SHE CONDOR nnd rushed to tho aid of the sinking Bill p. A few years ago a vessel on tho high seas would havo known no re cponslblllty such as Is now laid upon every ship within reach of tho llttlo snnpplng spark that flashes a mes Bago of appeal. It Is n responsibility that Is noble and human a privilege In fact that Bclonco has placed with in tho reach of humanity. And It is pleasant to noto tho uni fying, and humanizing Influence of Btich a dlscovory. With tho revolu tion of modes of travel, tho Increase In rapid transit and tho multiplica tion of mechanical contrivances which, when used thoughtlessly, ocom to act as antagonizing forces be tween man and man. It sometimes appears as it civilization wero bent tipon breaking Its own neck. Wireless telegraphy illustrates tho possibilities for tho development of n closer bond of sympathy and holp fulness. Tho automobtlo nnd tho curious air-craft are avqilablo for tho Aamo sort of service, and the growing demand for caution nnd tho greater caro nnd efficiency which tlmo will bring to thoso Inventions will ncccssltato a devolopmcnt of thnt humanitarian spirit which moro inttmnto Intercourse and allied Inter ests make Imporatlvo. W n E T IDS ANGELES J. T. Cone Worried Over Predi cament Spouse May Be In As Result of Misfortune. J. T. Cono, a steam fitter who camo hero from Portland about a month ngo to nld In rebuilding, tho "brewery Is much perturbed today over Ills Inability to got In communi cation with his wlfo who wns tho vic tim of Los AuguleH pick-pockets whllo en route hero from Tucson, Ariz. Mrs. Cono loft Tucson November 28 nnd reached Loh Angeles tho fol lowing day and whllo there was rob bed of hor pocketbook containing her through ticket to Coos Day nnd nil hor cash, besides other articles. Sho wired Mr. Cono horo of hor mis fortuno nnd snld alio was writing him. Sho did not gtvo any nddress In Los A n gol oh and no letter hns come. Ho Is greatly worried ovor hor prcdlcnmont nnd today took tho mat tor up with Supt. Miller of the local Southern Pacific properties with n vlow of porslbly locating Mrs. Cono through tho Southern Pnelflc ticket ol!lco3 nt Los Angoles. TRY GiiM NEXT TUESDAY regular and pormnncnt annual ap propriations, to bo under tho direc tion this tlmo In tho Houso by n democratic committee. While tho legislative struggles nro in progress, politics is certain not to bo ovorshadowod. With tho demo crats looking ahead with Bnngulno hopo for triumph at tho polls next November, nnd Insurgent republicans striking out in earnest to capturo their party convention, If possible; every movo mndo in oitncr branch of Congress from now until adjourn ment will bo thoroughly considered from political as well as legislative viewpoints. Tho political not In Washington will soon begin to boll, with the republican nntlonnl commit tee meeting horo December 12, to be followed Jnnunry 8 by tho democra tic nntlonnl committee. Selection of convcntlpn cities, choosing of corn mlttcc chairmen who will manage tho big campaigns nnd plans for tho approaching party conventions and the subsequent battle of tho ballots will attract an miich attention from tho nation's lcglBln'ors (in will tho making of tho nation's laws. To enliven tho political Intorcst In both Houses thcro nro'cnnllldntcs for tho Presidency casting tholr Bhndows ncrORs tho horizon. Champ Clark, tho speaker of tho House, already consldorod nmong tlio domocrntlp possibilities, may nt any tlmo make presidential pronounce ment to his colleagues; and Ropro Hontntlvo Oscar W. Underwood of Alabnmn. tho democratic floor load er, also Is talked of throughout the country nn presidential tlmbor. In tho Sonnto, Mr. La Follotto al ready has been proclaimed by pro gressive republicans ns their cholcn o wrest tho nomination from Mr. Tnft.. In tho Houso tho political Intorcst Will bo furthor complicated by th3 relied with Mr. Underwood nnd rel led with Mr. Underwood and brnndod him ns n reactionary and now crltlclzos Soeakcr Clark In wl-nt many democrats doclaro Is nn effort to causo a brorich botwoon the snenkor and tho majority loader of tho House. Tho tariff leglslntlvo program will follow tho long .iwa'ltod rfport of th tariff board which Is expected to sub mit tho result of its Investigation u wool nnd cotton beforo tlm holidays. Tlio Wnys nnd Moons Ccmmlttoo of tho House, howovrtfi ii.ider tho ill roc Ion of Chairman 1'n.W.vood. will bogln-it onco tho preparation of new tariff bills. Throughout tho recess has n force of clorks and epirth hnvo been at work preparing for tho com inltteo. President Tnft has given his plodgo thnt, when tho tariff board submits Ib roport on tho woolen nnd cotton schedules It will, bo his pleasure to mnko tariff recommendations to Con gress. Tho subject will bo trontod In n speclnl message. Menntlmo, however, tho Ways and Means Commltteo will begin propn ratlon of revised schedules to In cludo wool, cotton, Iron nnd steel products, sugar nnd otl-or food-stuffs. An Important bchedulo to romo up Is the sugar schedulo nnd In denllng with this tho Houso nnd tho WnyH nnd Means commltteo will bo guided somowhnt by tho report of tho sno- tlnl nntnnilllnA rf li.mititi. .. , A tl.n 1,'Mllt Knl-lan.. ...Ill l. ..l.1 .." V ..IIWV . ll) IHIU IIU trial ViMi TiioHilnv nor nin nt f -. An,0,,cn SiiRar Refining coninnnv. Xions 1.:rn:rderofhtorc;ls0,tfllonx,,cctol, to ro,,ort nr,y ,n kins. Ho was tried once, convicted, Con8I,.OMf, , tJl0 rocnrila of Ul0 " TV1TX ''? "II1BOdMbl" hoConBrei, will be tho comlng-vlgormm was granted a now trial by tho Oro-i, r,,at lIo,in.a T,. ,,, . ..i SSS. 'I'lVTnSvo i ?''0T,,M00plJ,8it"t a"or,nn nnH-trusMaw already ! 10.- ..'1'" .. 'n8JX?.' ,,y Jl,,?f Cok?l on. In tho House tho question Gasoline Sloop Has Narrow Escape While Attempting to Cross Out. Tho gnsollno sloop Condor, bound from Coos Day to Ynqulna with a cargo of coal, nnrrowly escaped dis aster whllo crossing out to sen yes terday. Capt. C. A. Raker considers his escape llttlo short of, miraculous. Ho started to cross out about1 10:30, tho bar being apparently i smooth. Suddenly ho encountered somo nenvy BeaB and tho Condor shipped considerable watqr. Tho second sea loosened tho deck load breaking In tho windows of tho houso, and slightly injuring Capt. Baker. Seelnrr other lmnw nnnn coming, ho succeeded In closing thq englno had almost stopped as a ro-l stilt of tho Inrush of wntor from tho ' breakers. Rotwcen tho foiirth nnd fifth sens, ho succeeded In turning tho Condor 'around nnd put back In. Tho damago to tho Condor wns slight and orily about n ton of conl Vas lost. Capt. Rakor's Injuries aro slight. Tho Condor belongs to tlio Wnld port Lumber company of Wnldport Orcgoh, and Had been horo to undor go ropnlra'nt tho North Hond ship yards, d " II Coming? Coming! nBnBanRaHBniHHHHBBlBiBHHMaaHHi Raymond Teal Musical Comedy Company The Big Song Show Wait For It Watch For It Carload of Special Scenery and Electrical Effects 30 PEOPLE Mostly Girls MASONIC OPERA HOUSE TiFC A ULK,. V 5 Nights Beginning Saturday 91, jfa "" jtlk " t"" . 1 cash KxmiiT WAS NOT AOOUKSSOR. Jpo CloBBman. denies tho Imputation thrit ho was tho aggressor Jn Inst Saturday's moleo on Front, street. Tho omcors took Qossmnn to Jail, claim ing that ho was tho aggressor, but Mr. Qossmnn nnd his friends vigor ously deny this clalih. Mr. OoBstnan says thnt ho waa merely an onlookor of n clnBh botweon Geo. Flnnngnn and Char.. D. Lash when Flanagan struck at him and knocked his pipe but of his mouth. Then, ho sayfl, ho "mixed It" bocnuBo ho could not do otherwise No chnrges wero proforred against Qossmnn who was released by Marshal Carter a few minutes after his nrrcst. Mr. Qossmnn sayn that ho will not fllo any charges against Mr. Flnnngan. $100 Reward For any sewing mochlno1! can't pldco In first class order. Supplies for all machines furnished. Lenvo ordors, drop n postal card or phono Itogers hotel. C. S. Leibendorfer Kxpert Machinist. " Phono 144-L Rofprenco O. O. Lund, louthcr butcher OVKS F.VRXIXOS. Shop CriOS HAV "(SVjJIr STORK. Early.. XKW rino piece MF..SS.VLINB dres scB at Tho liADlKS' Emporium. A- Dea Moines man had an attack of miiBculnr rheumatism In his shoulder. A friend advised him to I go to Hot'Sprlngs. Thnt incnnt nn exponso oi lbu.uu or moro. He Boucht for n nulnlcnr nnd Minnnnr way to euro It and found It in Cham-' borlaln'B Liniment. Threo daya aft or tho first application of this lini ment ho was well. For salo by all dcnlors. M? New Suits From $8.50 to $25 Specials at $ 1 6.00 Same as You See Marked $20 Elsewhere FIXUP this morning, It bolug made tho first criminal trial of tho rugular Decern nor term of circuit court. win bo first considered by tho com mltteo on Judiciary. This commlttoo .has dotermlnod also to roport bills T. ..!.. ni. i.. ii.i.. t n.-i .n. i. i Ti i 1 1 i i .1 . amending the Injunction stntuto ,BL,.,0..hacl.n0t,t'c,!1,!ll M1Ut"?,r Ul.innrt tho contempt statutes, tho lat- A Zn ,, VZS .'l,",.V," ; Acr to Include provision for trial by ; ,,. i ii. ?uZ' ;; ,7; II'IO- in cases of indirect compensation. Tho threo, Tom Hall, It. O. Graves and C. A. Sohlbredo, rocolved $.riQ for tho first trial and tho npponl to tho supremo court. District Attorney Ilrowu will ns Hlst Deputy Prosecuting Attornoy Llljeqvlst In piohoontlng Ciarrlson. Owing to tho mipromo court ruling out the confohHlon of Oarrlnon, It la clnlmod that It will ho difllcult to convict GarrUon again. Porl.Ins was murdnrod and his body weighted down with stonoB thrown Into, tho nay. The body wns foulul nfter sovornl weoks' soatoh ndhr tho mouth of Cooa IJIvor. Hond Frank Sncchl's lotter to you. Appears olsowho.o today. contompt. These will be pressed for pnssngo bo fore adjournment. Tho enmmltteo has In linnd n half ilnKon bills providing nmondmont to the Shermnn anti-trust law, Tho tatp nr nwo. rrrv.ir Tut Eno, c. U iVl TV 1'" I Frank J CIhmioi innlM.ialli ,lnu htl spnlpr irinr nt thi flrin n( F J rhonvy .t To ioIik liulii( i In tlii' I'llv nfTnlwli I'nnnli mil etaloiifiT4'iilil Ami thnt mi firm will lwv lht ! im.. 'S'F IU'XntKnn(II.AUHf(irflih nml They Prefer Drafts "In sending off tho money for my llfo insurance," snld n man, "thoy asked mo to send a bank draft. "Why nln't my check nil right?" Wo answer: Ilecnuso thoy aro not acquainted with you, whllo our bank Is listed In tho bank directories. Thoy know us nnd know our . correspondents. Another thing, thoy might havo to -pay exchange on your personal check, whllo our bank draft always goes at par. Then ngnln, If your check gets lost lu tho mall It takes much dolay and corresponden ce to got mattors stralghtoned out ngnln, whllo If one of our drnfts is lost wo can Issuo n duplicate- without dolay. It Is always advlsablo to uso n bank draft whon Bonding money nway, INTEREST PAID OX TIME AXI SAVINGS DEPOSITS. The First National Bank Show Window Advertising Our Special Service for Merchants Something more than clover displays arc" netifissary" to make show .windows profit-producers. VindQw.displays must ho well designed and changed frequently if 'thoy ft re to Sell goods for merchants. , ; J? GOOD LIGHTING will make the windows yield the greatest possible results. Our New Business Department has mndo a study of window advertising. Our repre sentatives plan offcclivo "WrNDOW LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS for any customer without charge. jrerchants who feel the need of this valunblo service may obtain it by a simple request. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. . Corner Central and Second U virv crt of Cntiirih Uml CHinml lni'iircl hy tli ii'i nt IIhIIV Oiimrrli run rK i. (mii:xkv Sworn to lfir nin ftinl iiIim Iicm III mv lirowtiii-ii, uiUiitliilU) or llii'iiiilxr. II 10. I l""' ,. v l.Kh(l, , . ,. Notary I'riiuc Kiill'iCfilntrli euro l (' rn lnlerinll, nml n'tilrt-'il on tlio liltiod nml mucoid hiirtni'va sr of Jlu- sli'ii Vfi.il for lrllmoiilH frrt MAUSIIFIEIJ) OK COOS HAY CAPITAli 100,000.00 OUEGOX f flu SVulaiulolwUnfl swrJto ' wum 7 Olympic Flour Highest Quality i.ijmiiT: ri - ' m'.r mh, . M. RTATEAIICNT OK CONDITION Flanagan (Sh Bennett Bank of, .MAHSIIEIICIil), OHEOON At tho close Of bu.sliiesH Seileiuber 1st, 1011. ltesources. . Loans nnd Discounts ........! J397.39JJ' nanklntj House ' 5O.O0O.M CnaU and ExchanBOs 141,56. Total ...'.' ?S8H,0I0. LlnbllUlei' ,, .A,, Capital Stock paid In,....;. .'."..".'.... J5O.O60.W Surplus nnd Undivided ProiitH ....'.'. 64.H5.TI Doposlta , ; 484,T7.Ti Total $588,00.4J DON'T LET IT C3ET AWAY FHOM YOU that wo couldn't sell meat the sec ond tlmo to n good housoUeoper If what sho bought tho first time didn't prove correct In weight nnd right lnj quality nnu price. Tho fact that somo of tho keenest buyers In tho city buy their meats hero regularly proves that wo treat them right. Why havon't you tried us yet? maiisiifielh cash maiucet. FOURIER BROS. Two Markets North Bend Marshfleia Abstracts, Real Estate, Firt and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENKY SENOPTACKEN, Mpr. Coqullle Offl;e Phone ld Marshfleld Offlco H-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Oensral Ageuts ''EASTSIDE' DRESSMAKING CJOWNS, SUITS AND nEMODELLING. MRS. E. JBANDEL Phono 19-J. Cor. 4th and Park Ave. Unique Pantatof" , m.ulX'lVfl. I'HBS AND REPAIR MA K,PD HAT WORK. ROSS & PlKEfiOR- olifllHW .. f i n.l.1 nvnnllA - 400 UUl .v.. 'I H V ?S i'yii Hi gCT 'gruc1';