The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 05, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Image 1

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f a Llttlo "Campaign" Of
Will rt 1'oiir Real EHln(o "In
0,0 Mnrlcct" Ef t o c 1 1 v o 1 y I
' hi nut thn facta nbout vnur
:.-,v iwforo tho oyes of all 'pob-
tble buyers" In town. And If
fi.m' ono of thoni who ought to
it, you'" "''
(fas law Qftmra
Will Keep (tio Inconto from Your
I''iinilHlicd Rooms from Lnpelngt
YOU can really holp tho family
revenues by renting a fow furnished
rooms and, If you knew how and
when to use tho classified columns,
you may keep that llttlo extra Income
ob "etendy as a clock."
Established In 1878
na Tho Coast Mull
X Consolidation of Times. Const Mnll
nnd Coos Hay Advertiser.
No. 121
Result of Municipal Contest
Not bc miown aeiore
Late Tonight.
During First Three Hours, 320
Voted Estimate Will Be
About 700.
VOTE IS 1010.
Tho voto in tho MnrBhflold
city election for co'uncllmcn'last
year was: -
It. A. Copplo 338
Duncan Ferguson 325
C. C. doing 174
August Frlzeon 141
VOTE IX ll)0.
Big Crowds Attend Closing
Political Meetings of City
With threo different rallies In pro
gress nt tho Bnnio time, tho Mnrsh
llold city campaign entne to n close
lost evening. The Copplo forces hold
their rally in tho Royal Theatre, tho
Strnw forces hold their rally In
4 , tho Odd Follows hall nnd tho Soclnl-
Large. Number Slain and
Wounded In Successful At-
tacks by Italians In Tripoli.
(From Associated Press to Coos Day
TRIPOLT, Africa, Dec. 6.--Nowb
reached horo todny of two battles
near Benghazi and Oeim. .Tho Itn-
100 in
Hans were victorious. Tho
lent 1,200 nnd tho Italians
killed and wounded.1' .
A forco'of twenty thou'snnd Ita
lians attacked and occupied ydsler
dny tho Turkish Military camp oil
the oasis of Ainzara, nftcr a severe
battle In which boh sldos aro re
ported to nave lost heavily.
YEARS fflllfliS' SES
Mob of Three Hundred Survi- lho proprietors of tho waist com-
,,... .i,ii.11,'v.i, r.u,.,., Pn"'' wl,on tnc M10 nppenrod in
VOrS Of' New York Factory court today to stand trial for alleged
Holocaust Attaok Proprie-1,"an,B.InVglUer- , , ,
fnrc In Pnnrt I ' ' " tl10 court oncers Inttho bulld-
IUI b III OUUI 1. ) Thg nnj tlio police reserves wcro cnll-
I cd out to check tho assailants. With
lorn doming and cllshovoicd Hair,
For mnyor
f E. E. Strnw '..358
I. S. Smith 334
Whllo tho totnl for tho two
candidates for mayor was only
692, tho totnl voto polled In
1909 wns 704.
Isls held an open nlr meeting nt tho
comer of Front nnd Market streets.
Despite tho fenr somo hold
owing to tho troublo of Saturday eve
ning that troublo might brenk out
again Inst night, nothing occurred.
Thoro wns n big crowd out at each
of tho meetings hut thoro wns no In-
tnrfnrnnrn with imv if Miifninntlnnri
I S. II. PnMirnrl nrnaM.wl n. h
Copplo meotlng nnd addresses wero
With C45 votes cast nt 3: 15 o'clock 'nmdo by him, It. A. Copplo, F. E.
this afternoon, It wns estimated that A,,cn nnd , M , c- "orton. Tho
.v. ,.,.i ... i ., -,..., speakers hold their remarks prlncl-
r r . lmllJ" ,0 th0 wnlcr Question, urging
election In Mnrshflold today would bo tho necessity of securing an ndeaunto
Wwccn 700 nnd 750. supply of puro water for tho city.
Tho voting wns fast nnd furious Mr. Copplo also spoko of tho injustice
during tho early hours and during 'of tho Present city building ordl
the thrco hours tho polls woro opon nnnco nnd promised thnt If elected
thli'mornlng, 320 votes woro polled. ," would endeavor to hnvo It amend-
Owlnc to tho hoavv voto enrlv so that tho obnoxious features
Ik mill.rll.. MnM,lM..1nHf.. . .1... o U'nnlrl lin nllmlnntnil TTa itAnlncml
i.o mwiiij, iiuumuiuiii Ul 11IU OLIUW "" "- " .V 'ItVIUIUI
(Special to Tho Tlmes.V """"
, NEW YORK, Dec. 5 A mob .of
three hundred women, Burvlvbrs of
tho Triangle Wnlst Fnctory flro In
which 14G girls lost their lives, at
tacked Isnnc Harris nnd Max Dlanck,
the defendants wero flnnlly rolcascd
nnd wero escorted under heavy po
llco protection to tho court court
room. Tho women had been sum
moned as witnesses for ho prosecu
i. o. niw
Jas. B. McNamara Escapes
Death Penalty Through
"Services Rendered."
Report That Brothers Hope to
Get Paroles Have Told on
' Conspirators.
(From Associated Prc33 to Coos Bay,
LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Dec. 5.
Jamos B. McNnmnrn, confessed mur
doror, Was sonteuced to llfo Imprt
sonment horo todny by J ml go Wal
tor Uordwoll.
. Ills brother, John J. McNamara,
Mrs. Walter W. Lady Asks United States Supreme Court
Lodge to Help Locate Man
Maybe Lost in Woods.
Mrs. Walter W. Lady, who arrived
horo a few days ago, Is greatly wor-i
rled over tho non-nppcurnnco of her
husbnnd who started to wnlk to
Mnrshflold from Elkton last Friday
nnrl whn hna nnt rontho.! Imrn vot.
forces. In cottlnir tho men out to tho that ho wns In favor of progress nnd.oK i,. ,,.,nnin,i n itn.m
rolls, It was clalmod by Bomo thnt Btrpot Improvements nndjn this con- woodmen of America for nld In lo- lno constitutionality of tho question
Decides Against Beef Trust
By Associated Press to tho Cons Bny
WASHINGTON, D. 0., Dec. 5
Tho Suprcpio Court of tho United
Stntes refused to grant n stay of tho
Beef Packers trial In Chicago until
tho court would bo nblo to pass on
wry few votes romnlncd to bo cast
liter 3:30 this nftornoon.
There wns no disturbance of nny
kind around tho polls, tho crowd bo
Ing fairly good nnturod.
Owing to tho big voto, It Is not ho
llered that tho count can bo com
pleted beforo midnight tonight.
Tho Judges of election nro: C. L.
Pennock, A. D. Wolcott nnd F. A.
Golden and tho clorks nro Mr. Ilahs
opf, C. A. Ponnock nnd Mr. .Lo-Jlleux.
All thrco factions hnvo chnllongors
incctlon said that ho would llko tocntine Mr. Ladv.
Jiavo somo ond who Is holding up Mru. Lndy cam horo from Shorl
Mayor Straw ns holng responsible for dnn, Oregon. A wook ago last Frl
many Improvements In Mnrshflold to'(iftV ho telephoned from Elkton to
point out a Blnglo ynrd of paving or, her nt Scottsburc for her to nroceed
n slnglo building thnt Mayor Straw
hns paid far. Besides tho nddresscs,
moving pictures wero shown.
Strnw Ilnlly Held.
At tho Straw rally, J. M. Upton,
Dr. E. Mlngus nnd Mnyor Strnw wcro
tno spenkers. Pictures or .Improve
ments in Mnrshflold of tho Smith
mill nnd Smith-Powers logging
horo and that ho would walk in from
Elkton. Ho said that ho mid another
mnn would como In to Coos Day over
tho trail.
Sho proceeded horo and reached
Mnrshflold last Tuesday but has been
unnblo to find any traco of her husband.
Thnt ho started In nnd got lost In
raised by lho pnekers In habeas cor
pus proceedings.
Indictment Against St, Loids Tub-
IIhIict Quashed. .
(From Associated Press to Coos Bay
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 5 Unltod States
District Judgo Jacob X. Trlobor to
day quashed tho Indlctmont against
i-i. u. L,ewi8, charging him with us
Jit tho polls Tho Straw forcos hnd camps, tho Boston. "Holy Joo," Jacktno woods or mot wllh nn nclcdont J?B J,e mn,,lB x? defraud and uphold
P. K. Gettlns nnd I. It. Tower theroi Carter nnd Mayor Straw woro flashed u h nniv nminnniinn , Mn i,. 9 nIons .,n "bntomont fllodby tho
Host of tho day whllo Warron Bnch-'on tho screen. Campaign songs wor'mlso.
tti and Geo. Bnlncs noted In tho
mo capacity for tho, Copplo forcos.
C. I. Bohror, C. D. Lnsh nnd Alex
Johnson kopt tnb for tho socialists.
Prosecutions Aro TlirentcneU.
Street gossip wns rlfo this nftor-
poon concerning nllogod Illegal vol
sung by n nunrtetto consisting of
Messrs. Jones, B&lllngor, Ostllnd and
J. M. Upton In his remarks said
that tho water question wns not nn
Issuo In tho cnmpnlgn thnt It was
sololy a question of indorsing Mayor
Ihr- A largo numbor of voters woro Straw's past record. Ho paid tribute
orn In. Many who aro omployod to Mr. Strnw's nblllty ns nn cxccutlvo
In logging camps camo In nnd cast officer.
their votes. It was claimed that Br. E. Mlngus spoko briefly saying
many of theso woro not ontltlod to thnt ho wished to correct somo erro-
TOtO hilt thin wnn n nnlnf ! IIOOUS ImllrCSBlOIlS that had COt OUt
'hen tho votes woro challonged, thoy about Mayor Straw. Ho said ho was
Mo genornlly sworn In nnd will warm personnl friend of Mr. Straw
count In this election. Tho only nnd did not want to seo him (Strnw)
benefit of challenging will bo to lay' "Bod to beat somo ono olso over. Ho
tne foundation for prosecutions nft- snld thnt Straw was opposed to tho
r tho election. U was stated that n Nolan franchlso from tho stnrt nnd
careful Investigation would bo mndo would hnvo vetoed It if tho council
of somo of tho allogcd Illogal voters had passed It. Ho said that Mayor
nd tho matter placod before tho Straw did ndt represent certnln ln
srand Jury now In session nt Co- torests nnd snld furthermore that
'u,1'e. I Mnyor Straw would not havo heon n
For tho first time In mnnv moons. ' candidate for reelection If ho hnd not
"npalgnlng wns permitted in Marsh- been "dared to run." Dr. Mlngus np-
Tho. Modorn Woodmon aro
ondcavoring to locato him.
Session Will Be One of Most
Important Since Civil
t... IT .t .-.-..I I ll
t T" Z rr',-' , ?"TJ, "r W Associated Press to tho Coos Bny
suranco cases, except Harry B. Gard
President Sends Short Mes-
sage to Congress on Trust
Associated Press to Coos Bay
rri,n jii. m,,,.D nl , President Toft's third anual messago
Tho democratic morabora of tho , lo conuress dovotct nieiualvalv tn thn
House Ways and Means Committee, Sherman net and tho truBt
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Buy
sw - -- ,zrrmsff sBstni.r .;;;r Sra ? s?
" . !. a a Vila nlnni
O. w. T-M.U-.. ..!... .,... I "". ." "'. uT- i.i ...i- ably becln work on tho cotton nnd Bresa toaay. xno President dofond
....... uuujr, rmur Aiciieuwn, nuinour ui iiib iuuu ' Ai tw ,.,ii i.m miv... ed tho Sherman nnt or Intnrnrntn.l
waiting longer for tho report of tho y th Supremo Court of tho United
tariff board and tho President's mes- s,n!?.B and Indicated plainly his op-
nenresenta- i'uollluu lu lI1 repeal oi mo amena
Jjy Condron, Dr. DIx. O. A. Brown, was for Mr. Copplo.
rw. Powors and others wero parti-1 Mayor Straw devoted his remarks
CUlarly nrtlvn In KaT.o1 nrnnM lAHiTAlir (n nn nttnpl nn fn. Pnnnlfl.
ntMh. . l Ut 4 .tllbj II I HnnA n.Amnnnvlnn If
-". nuioH iininnpinf tn vmti. iinrntinir mm as uovoiu or iiuiiuv nnu . - --- .- --. -- --,-. ,.., . ,i, -.,. t. ....j
. o--o - ---",--": ." .. . .. - Mirn ITnrlaptDnnil lina nnllnil fo .nn.!"""" V " ""l " PUhhunwu
Powers, Dr. DIx and J. W. Bennett 'holding him up ns "cheap" and hypo
we i kept busy all day hauling votors ' critical. Regarding tho water ques-
the polls. jtlon, ho said that had all been settled
Iteault Is Uncertain. I nnd did not enter into tho campaign,
whllo many of Mayor Straw's clo- Ho said that ho was opposed to mu
et friends Into this afternoon woro nlclpnl ownership unless ho could bo
"Pressing confidence that ho would 'ahown that tho utility was a paying
' by a big majority, thoy wero not
'Citing Un tl lilt In Ihol. .,.l, nn.4
lneJe?iV,n? no 8tono "nturned to lu
8re his victory.
ri.l!!?, . stePhai of tho socialists,
claimed thoy would win.
Inn ' ? cWte forcos wero also claim
L l Mr Copplo would win by a
od majority.
Interest centers entirely In the
im ?lty contest, very llttlo being
ed w0ut counc"m)ou. It is bellov
p Inat the raco between Tom Coke.
Allen, John Merchant and Carl
ein.; LlBen for councllmen will bo
nose. Two nrb to be elected.
According to street talk, It seem
fori . Pract,clIy certain that tho of
"" to change tho name of Marsh-
le bet Day r M,u,CQma would
8..uhe.r, was ,ess netting on tho re
ft,r;today tnan 'n ny election In
tt8ny years.
xtusmvB1 reducod ,1,0 a day at
proposition. He said that If ho was
're-elected, nnd ho declared that ho
folt suro ho would be, he would get
all tho available information possible
and submit the water proposition to
a voto of tho people. He said It
would bo passed on within two
He said that on other matters ho
stood where ho always stood and
would keep on "doing tho same." Ho
said tho boulevard system was one
of the things ho hoped to bring to a
reality soon.
Ho continually took whacks at Mr.
Copplo and said that If ho was re
elected, ho would seo that Mr. Cop
plo kept his word about resigning
from the council If ho (Straw) was
chosen mayor again. Ho said ho had
not intended to run again until Mr.
Copplo began trying to get him out
of office by compromising.
Organizer Lewis was tho principal
speaker at tho Socialist meeting and
urged bis audience to support the en
tire Socialist ticket.
ferenco on tho subject tomorrow. w' 1 rr' n . ,
Washington Dec 4 "Tho l?w and PuPPlemental legislation thnt
most important session since the
Civil War" Is tho prediction mndo
b; many democratic leaders for the
first regular session of tho Sixty
second Congress which opened Mon
day. "Stirring days ahead," aro fore
cast by republican members, and on
both sides of tho big party lino mem
bers In the House and Sonato aro
drawn up to fight out weighty pro
blems of legislation In a session that
will lead up to the Presidential cam
paign of 1912.
Of Importance as to tho bearing It
will havo on tho approaching poli
tical contest In tho nation; of parti
cular Interest because of party dif
ferences, regulars and Insurgents
on the republican side; reactionaries
and progressive among tho demo
crats, and of unusual significance
because of the heavy legislative pro
gram, It Is at least certain that this
will bo one of tho liveliest sessions
of Congress In many years.
With tho gavels falling In tho.
House and Senate at noon, the tar
iff and the trusts stood out aa the
(Continued on page 2.)
would descrlbo and donounco tho
methods of competition that aro un
In submitting this messago, Pres
ident Taft said:
"This message is the first of sever
al which I sail send to Congress dur
Los Angeles Dynamiter De
clares He. Did Not Intend to
Kill People.
(By Acsociatcd Press to Coos Bay
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 5.
James B. McXamarn'a, brlof confes
sion penned in bis own hand writing
Into vostordnv nnd hnrlntr mnnv ovl-1
.donees of ri man llttlo skilled in lot- secretary of tho Intornntlonal Asso-
. , ......11- ..!-.. t !-'.... . ..!. .. ,.'. . . '
utb, wua uiuuu iiuuiiu muuf. Jit is ciiuion oi uriugo nnu airuciurni iron
no fpllowB. Jworkorst who confessed to dynnmlt-
'I, James B. McNamara, defendant lnR tho Llowollyn Iron Works In thla
In tho enso beforo tho pcoplo, hnvlng cItyi wn8 8ontonccd to flttcon yoara,
horotoforo plead guilty to tho crime ,n tho ,)Cn,0tlary. Both men wlU,
of murder, desires to mako this Blur bo confined In the San Quontln ponl-
toment of facts and this Is tho truth: tcntlnry
,n','0n hr nrBht of Bflonib1 ?," Twenty-ono persons lost their Uvea
1910, nt C:45 p. m., -Placed In tho ,n Tho TlmcB, faster. No ono wns
nk alloy, a portion of Tho Times kUIo,, ln tno L,owcl)yn Iron Work9.
building, n sultcnso containing six- affair
toon sticks of 80 per cent dynnmlto, Tho .McNnmnraB wcro takon from
sot to explode at ono o'clock tho next tho court room ,mck to jn, Thc!r
morning. It was my Intention to In- cn,.n-i ,ff ,ho rnnm nimnm immn.
d lately. Judgo Bordwoll also loft at
once, returning to his chnmbors. Tho
crowd filed out laughing and chat
ting. Tho Bontonco wns pronounced
In i court room full of cheory-fneod
room until tho prlsonors loft nnd
.then they trailed them across tho
"brldgo of sighs" when thoy loft. Tho
two brothers, sldo by sldo rccolved
whnt tho law and court dotermlncd
to bo n Juot return for what thoy con
fessed to hnvo dono.
Tho oxtromo penalty for James B.
McNamara wns death and that for
his brother waB llfo Imprisonment.
District Attorney Fredericks urgod
clemency bo shown onch man bocauso
of his plea of guilty and on account
of "other services rendorcd tho
James B. McNamara's plea that ho
Intondcd to kill no ono was scoutod
by Judgo Bordwoll. "You woll do
sorvo tho maximum penalty," said
tho court. "That thnt Judgment
docs not fnll Is not duo to any ox
tonuntlng curcumstnnccs but it la
wisdom for tho court to do other
wise" This ho practically reiterated
to John J. McNamara.
James B. McNamara, who dyna
mited The Times' building, It la con
sidered by tho sttito, hns boon act
ing undor orders nnd his brother
John J, although a man of gronter
Interests and inflnltoly wider grasp
of affairs, which mndo him secretary
of tho International Brldgo nnd
nlso may
Jure tho building nnd senro tho own
or. I did not Intend to tnko tho llfo
of any ono. I slnccroly regret thnt
theso unfortunnto men lost their
lives. If tho giving of my llfo would
bring thorn back, I would gladly glvo nnnAntnru ,ui,na ,. iii.i
Hi. in mui ill iJiuuuiiiK utility 10 mur
der In tho first degree I hnvo placed
my llfo In tho hands of the stnfo.
Rumor of Plan to Shoot Mc-
Namaras While They Were
Receiving Sentences.
LOS ANOELES, Cnl., Doc. 8.
Every man who ontorod Judgo Bord
woll's court this morning war
Bcnrched by Detective Browno and n
picked forco of men. Ho said ho
received Information that an nttempt
might bo mndo to shoot tho McNn
maraa whllo they woro being sontonc-
cd. Tho McNnmarns slont fairly
well last nlEht. nnd nlthouKh extro. Structural Iron Workers
moly norvouB before being taken to (hnvo his Instructions from men high
mo conn nouso, sniu woro wining io. u.i.
"tnko their medicine." They said If t wna pointed out thnt should tho
thoy received prison sentences. thoypfcNamaras fnll to dlscloso all thoy
both would work for parolCB for. know nbout the conspiracy hero and
which thoy will become ellglblo In .olsowhoro, they might bo Induced to
seven years. toll through hopo of commutation of
! their sentences possibly obtalnablo
through tho governor of tho stnto.
"I think they will toll nil thoy
know," commented District Attornoy
Fredericks, "if it will bo only to enuo
their consclonco nnd holp to cloar
union labor of some of tho bad men
In It. Tho McNnmarns aro not tho
only guilty ones."
McNnnmrna to Tell All.
With tho announcomont of n plea
for clemency enmo Information that
tho McNamara brothors had furnish
ed Information of great valuo In the
Investigation of tho alloRed far
reaching dynnmlto conspiracy and
that tho plan was to servo thorn im
mediately nftor tho sontonco with
summons to appear boforo tho fed
oral grand jury now ln session hero.
To thnt body thoy aro oxpectod to
glvo evidence which tho dlftrlct nt-
$50,000 FEE
Attorney For McNamaras Re
ceives Large Sum Money
Still Coming In.
Associated Press to Coos Bay
NEW YORK, Dec. B. "Not less
4lmn flff-vr tliAiianml rltllara" TCfia Hlrt
feo received by Clarence Dnrrow for tomey declared thoy already had sup
t,i i-- i .wnnrtinn. nr in. plied to him and any more thoy may
lng tho Interval between tho opening lNnmara brothers ln tho Los Angolos hav0, Jt ,8 hollovod by tho s'nto of
of Its regular session and its adjourn I dVSln -Iclals that both will glvo tho Inqiil-
ment for the Christmas holidays. ' iMmltoSihyVntti D .B,tor8 a" tno Information thov havo
Tho amount of Information to be g"J jS Tecrotaw of tho American faring upon tho Investigation by
?Sq" GoSrnment8 tvSSAti i Stodta! d Jury. Tho inquisition ia
POrtant bU cnHInK Sr comment the McNamara defense fund, considered hero of vast Importance
poriani suojecta calling ror commont.,. . .. ,,.-. , M1, ...., Its Inquiry, It Is bellovod, will reaoh
by the executive, and transmlss on'?Ione7 ror tno doronse is sun pour- Atlantic seaboard
to Congress of exhauslvo reports ofine n. according to Morrison who AUant Vll of Consnlrocv
special commissions make It .PHd; Tho McNamaras -Vwol served
slble to Include In ono messago of i thousand dollars had been subscrlb-' ... H.inimona to flnnoni. hnfArA thn
reasonable, length a discussion of tho ed nnd that most of It had been Bent."'',8CrmTthe.Mmn i,nJ !1
to the attorneys and spent. courti nltliousli this hnd boon oxnect-
Gompers today reiterated his sta-'ej, jt jg certain, howovnr. t'mt
tement that ho did not know any-'thev will nnnonr. It Is known tho
oi tne .Mojsama-. "services rondorei
topics that1 ought to be brought to the
attention of the National Legislature
at Its first Vcgular session."
(From Associated Press to Coos Bay
NEW YORK, Dec. B. A reorgan
ization of the Wabash Railroad was
determined tbday at a meeting of the
board of directors.
thing about tho guilt
'services rendered th stot" rrT-
rns and that ho was dumbfounded Jed to by District Atto-nev Frodnr'ok
wero in a jarge pari romn or nq
missions made hy th hrntnorq to
this District Attorney nnd that those
admissions will bo m"!" narn hor
tho federal grand Jury
Tho confession mndo hv ,Tom.', R,
McNamarOjiadlncourt today, It la
when tho wires carried (ho news to
(Continued on paeo 4,1