THE COOS BAY TIMES; MARSRFIELD, Ofttt'ON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1911' EVENING EDITION, r j i f f n 4 NEARLY RIOT T (Continued from pngo I.) Dr. Hayden being struck a severe blow wh.le trying to quell the trou ble. Gossmnn was released from Jail n few minutes after lie was put In, Marshal Carter releasing him on his own recognizance. Ituffz Wrr Aimry According to statements mndo by mm Offlcer lluttz, the special patrolman 'jyou tjmt i aA not believe the pcoplo the Merchants' Accoclatlon, ho is of th,B cty nro jntorc8teti n nny planning to M &" : ' personal controversy between nny of yor Straw or using profane laiiBungo , y fa , , f ' , in n.iiirnqfliiiL' him. Duttz dcclnrcs that the epIthetH the mayor applied to him were In violation of law. It was also reported today that Duttz had resigned but J. T. Ilnrrignn.soc retarv of the Merchants' Association, said he had not boon apprised of It. Mayor Straw said today that tho action he took was to prevent a riot. As to who wns right or wrong in tho personal altercation, he said ho did not know. Ho snld that Night watchman Duttz was tho first officer he saw and he ordered him to arrest , mnn nnnslnr? Mm irnilhlo and that ' "" " -o - 1- . . Buttz replied that It wnsn t Ills duty. Ho said ho talked very plainly to ulliiz anil iuiu nun uiiuui iu muiw the nrrojjt or take off his star. i nero arc a nuinuer oi uinui vvi' elons of tho affair In circulation to day' nrid many 'of the onlookers nro criticising Mayor Straw rather severe ly for his actions . Ones Who Built Chandler Hotel and Secured Paving Are For Him For Mayor. Editor Times: Innsmuch as J, W. Bonnctt'B or gan, has on several occasions refer red to my support of R. A. Copplo for mayor ns being inspired by mo tives not in harmony with tho beet interests of tho tax-paying citizens of Marshflcld, It Is duo to myself that my motives should not bo mlsundor-, stood. I will not undortako to answer Mr. Dennett's compliments to "Mr. Mor- ton-Copple," ns It wrenches a follow to kick agnlnst nothing. In tho first ploco, my attitude In this campaign la consistent, ns I have opposed Dr. Straw's candidacy for tho ofllco of mayor each tlmo ho has been nnmed. I supported It. A. Copplo for coun cumnn Dccnuso i considered him n keon, enpnbio, progressiva business man. I nm supporting Mr. Copplo for mayor for tho aamo reason, cou pled with tho fact that ho stands for municipal ownership of our water works, which Is tho paramount Issuo In this campaign, and means moro to tho futura of Marshflcld than any other consideration. The Individuals who built tho Chandler hotel, and who signed tho first flvo contracts for hard surfaco paving In Mnrahfleld, when Mr. Mc Cnnn, tho contractor, had become discouraged and wns about to aban don nny further effort to instnll hard eurfneo paving, and who have done most to insplro nnd advance tho spirit of Improvement in Marshflcld, nro supporting Mr. Copplo for mayor In this campaign, being confident that ho will give Marshflcld a thor ough, progressive buslness-llko nnd dignified administration. M. C. HORTON. DooBt for Mnr8hflold tomorrow by Toting yes on No. 300 and holp make Jt a bigger and bettor Coos Day. in Every Pair Thit Clove U Guaranteed All Right for 30 Day' Wear. You ire abtolutdy pro tected by the mtnulac. lurer if the glove iin'l right it will be mule right to your latiifaction. That ictlly it the mod conduuve way of proving to you that these clove are made from only beit iltins. carefully cut, tewed and fuhioncd to a per- I feet fit. None but a good glove could be to I unconditionally guaranteed. Aik for IRELAND'S GUARANTEED GLOVES a . I T m nuM la P. mocru, wrumou ana jice uw mm, women anu ciuureaj. Vt recommend lh glovr LecauM ihey an gwJuul you at lure o ba uliifioj. Let u thou) them toyou. ') THE TOGGERY wm in SUPPORT COPPLE rn This 1 Iflgyp i,t 19 vTS2 iff 15 L SHOULD FOLLOW CHANDLER LEAD Wm. Grimes Characterizes J. W. Bennett's Attack As, Bigoted and Untrue. Hon. 3, W. Bennett, Mnrahncld, Ore corn Friend Joe: My attention has Jnst , been called In your nrtlclo entitled the "Holy Trinity." I believe I sta- iml In anViat n nnn In mv tnaf IrtHnr Irt object and purpose bmicthing for the betterment of this community nor do I believe that the sarensm and bigotry manifested In your lgng and bolaborod nrtlclo, will lmvo nny' ef fect one way or tho other upon the voters of this community. I am not speaking for Mr. Horton or Mr. Mnloncy In this letter ns It seems they have- so far been nblo to speak for themselves. Up to this time 1 hnd not written or inspired an article for publication bearing upon tho Is- .... 11.1. -..... -I., -- l.-.l T 1I i mil's ui mio uuihiiuikii, uui iitiu J ouii- ctC(, nny votcr to voto for tho cnuao jof nny cnn,,anl0t 1)llt j picnd Blty , to having Joined with Tho Times and its numerous friends In support of Mr. Copple, "on nccount of tho Issues Involved nnd not because It Is Mr. Copple. In this campaign I have no per Bonnl Interest to subserve In my sup port of Mr. Copple. Cnn you say as much for your cnndldnto, Joe? Now I dcslro to rofor to that part of your article that was Intended for mis chief making only. Yon refer to nn alleged Intervlow in tho Oregon Jour nal of recent date which wns repub lished In The Times. I hnd nothing whatever to do with tho .writing or wording of the subject referred to I did visit Mr. Jackson, managing ed itor of the Journnl. I tried to glvo the town n boost and may In refer ring to tho many Industries nnd en terprises going on, usod tho term' "wo hnvo" a street railway In courso of construction, etc" I did not menn ownership, Joo, that will bo left to you You could hnvo snld, "I own tho streot railway, I own tho waterworks, nnd I am about all has at present anything to do with the city's Interests. But I am satis fied to Join tho humblo crowd and sny "wo" hnvo theso things with us, if not for us. A boostor often gotu moro credit given him than Is duo I think this may have bcon tho enso that seems to Jicttlo you. Mr. Jack son Is a friend of mlno, and tho pro fuso mnnnor In which I was Intro duced to his staff may hnvo hnd much to do with tho manuor in which tho nrtlclo was written. Now tho mis chief you Intended, was your refer ence to Mr. Chandler's loyalty to tho town, his largo Investments, etc., which has done much to build up this community. In all this I most heart ily ngrco and would not In tho least detract any credit whatever duo him. But why havo you not Joined Mr. Chnndler In theso many enterprises that has been to tho public good? You know nnd saw tho need of this town having a hotel sultablo to Its standing. I thought enough of Mr. Chandler to Join htm with a modest amount nnd to go boforo tho stock holders and ask them to namo tho hotel for him, and mado tho motion that so declared tho snmo. Now If you nro nnd woro sincere In your professed lovo for Mr. Chand ler and had so much Implied confi dence In his ability nnd standing to do nnd decide things for tho commu nity's best Interests, why did not you follow him In his efforts when ho tried to call a mooting of tho busi ness Interests of this community nt tho Chamber of Commerce. Why wns his ndvlco not taken "that ho thought tho tlmo had ar rived for groator things for tho city's good, and it wns no tlmo for faction alism, that It ought to bo n tlmo of get-togethor on a cnndldnto for mayor, and that no solflsh Interest or ambition should prevail?" Ho wont oven bo far as to send for Mr. Copplo to hnvo him withdraw. Mr. Copplo agreed to do bo for harmony's sako. Mr. Straw was wired to by Mr. Chandler and asked If ho would not get out of tho way for somo rea sons. By tho advise of Mr. Powers, yourfiolf and a fow othors ho recolv- od lu Bubstnnco a nogattvo reply. I was with Mr. Chandler n ha vlows on this mnttor at tho tlmo, and nm following his vlows now, and expect to on election day. So, Joo, yot over your grouch, get to bo a booster, look out for tho communi ty's Interest onco In n whllo at lonst, You hnvo done well hero and "got yours," so let some of tho "now comors" stay horo without "digging" at them nil tho tlmo, you need them for a largor, n bettor community. So, wishing you, together with tho community may prosper, I am yours for a blggor, hotter nnd moro pro gressive Aiarsniioid, WM. GRIMES. ELECTION RETURNS TOMORROW NIGHT Wo havo arranged for telophono roports showing tho progress of the count of ballots In the Marshflcld city election tomorrow night and thoy will bo postod every fow minutes, Evoryono Invited. Blanco llllliml & Pool Parlors, Davis & Richmond, Prop. Boost for Marshfiold tomorrow by voting yes on No. 300 nnd help make THE CALL OF COOS BAY Alt nations of the Earth shall glorify thy birth And testify thy -worth, Coos, nay, All tides shall tfnim to thee, wealth shall thy tribute be, Queen of the Sunset Sen, Coos Day. (Francis II. Clarke). Aro you satisfied with the name Marshflcld, which Btiggcata a low, swampy, unhealthy location? Coos Hoy Is known everywhere ns one of the great hnrbors of the world. "Coos Hay" suggests a harbor, our greatest resource. The namo "Coos liny- la worth a million dollars to ub as nn ndvor tiDcnicnt. VOTE - 300 X YES 301 NO WANT SIMPSON His Election to the Command of Oregon Naval Militia Is Predicted. Tho election of Capt. Edgar Simp- sbn of North Bend ns head of tho Oregon Naval Militia Is predicted In tho following from tho Orogonlnn: "Friends of Captain Edgar Simp- son of North Dcnd, navigating officer of tho Oregon Naval Militia, with tho rank of Lloutonnnt-Commnnder, nro forecasting lila election to tho Cap- tnlncy. Balloting will bo carried on among tho executives of tho organ - Izntlon a wcok from today, nnd it la said tho cholco of tho mayoralty la for tho Coos Bay man. "On tho ovo of the first crulso of tho Boston, Captain Simpson cast his lot with tho mllltln, nnd hla nblllty and poraonnllty made him such a fa- vorlto with tho ofllcors that boforo they left tho Bhlp nt Mnrshfleld ho was unanimously elected to his pre- sent rank. Affairs of tho militia have been takon in hnnd by tho rccqntly reorganized Naval Board. Members of that body visited tho Boston last night to Inspect tho ship nnd ob serve drills. Adjutnnt-Goneral Fln zor snld that steps were bolng taken to plnco tho nnval forces on tho beat poaalblo footing nnd thnt when a por- ninnent commnnder Is elected ho Inoki for many Improvements to fol low." HOLDUP MEN CONFESS. Stngo BoblxTH Arrested nt Roscburg Tell of Oullt. ' ROSEBURO, Oro Occ. 4. Ed ward Jurglns nnd Fred. Foator, who woro nrrestcd on Frldny, accused of holding up tho Drnln-Scottsburg stngo, mado a comploto confession In tho prosonco of Sheriff Qulno and District Attorney Brown. Innsmuch ns tho next term of tho Circuit Court does not convono until February, it Is probablo thnt tho grand Jury will bo summoned nnd diBposo of this enso during tho noxt few days. Two of tho pasaengorn robbed nro members of tho grand Jury nnd reside nt Gardiner. After the show try a Turkish Bath Phono 314-.T, City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and rensonnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhero nt nny tlmo." Stands Blanco Hotol nnd Blanco Clgnr Store. Day Phones 78 and 46. Night Phono 4C DARKER & GOODALE, Proprietor. We Clean and Press ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J Prof. A. Richards TEACHER OF PIANO. And voice culture. Appointment hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants call at Studio, Songs tnckon Bldg., 1.10 Broadway. WANTED!!! JARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the Pnouma tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & HARVEY PHONE 100 Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash tbeso gnrments cleaner and better than tho work can bo done elsowhero, and they aro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink them, even woolen gnrmonts aro returned the enmo slzo as when sent U3. Wo Iron the garments nicely, make ordlnnry repairs freo of charge and you havo fresh clean, sweet under wear ready for each week's "change. Bundle youra up with next week's laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & Steam laundry AS COMMANDER IVESSEL READY L Steam Schooner A. M. Simpson Goes Into Water Tomorrow at Noon Hour. Tho now steam schooner built nt tho Krtiso & Banks shlpynrds nt North Bend for tho Simpson Lumber (compnny, will bo launched nt 12:30 o'clock tomorrow. The vessel Ib to bo named tho A. M. Simpson, in lion- or of Cnpt. Simpson, the head of tho lumber company, who has. owned ninny vessels on tho Pacific const dttr- lng years pnst. 1 Tho vessel will bo christened by Isnbeilo Macgcnn, tho HjUo daughter of Capt. Macgonn of tho Brcnkwater. Tho vessel la ovor 200 foot long nnd will enrry nbout 900,000 feet of lumber. Sho Is tho largest steam lumber schooner over built on Coos Bay. Tho steamers R. D. Inmnn nnd F. S. Loop woro largo but lacked n fow feet of being as long as the A. M. Simpson. Mr. Kruso somo years ngo built a largci- bont, tho Snnlo E. Snail, but thnt was n sailing vessel I A largo crowd of Bpectators Is ox pected to witness tho launching. NOTICE TO FIREMEN. All members of tho Marshflcld Firo Department nro requested to meet nt tho hnll Thursday evening, Do comber 7. when tho nominations of ofllccrB will bo made. Meeting opens nt 7:30. J. W. DAVIS. President. Where tho Locality Docs Not Count. Whorover there nro people suffer ing from kldnoy nnd bladder nll moiits, from bnckncho, rhoumntlam nnd urinary irrogularltlca. Foloy Kldnoy Pills will help them. "Dolvl dore, III., E. A. Kelly, oa cx-onglncor, snys: "Thrco years ngo my kidney beenmo so bad that I Was compelled to glvo up my englno nnd quit. There was a Bovero aching pain over tho hips, followed by nn Inflammation of the bladder, nnd always a thick sed iment. Foley Kidney Pills mndo mo n sound and well man. I can not say too much In tholr praise." RED CROSS DRUG CO. V Modern Brlok Building, Electric Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Roomt with Hot nnd Cold Wntor. II O T E L .CO OS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a Day mid Upwards Cot, Broadway and Market Marshfiold. Oregon. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION OF THE CITY OF MAHSHF1ELD. Pursuant to tho direction of tho Common Council of tho City of Marshfiold, Coos County, Oregon, no tice Is hereby given that on Tuesday, tho Ctu day of Deeombor, 1911, thoro will bo hold In tho Council Chamber in tho City Hall of tho aald City of Marshfiold, n rogular gonernl elec tion, for tho purposo of olecting a Mayor to sorvo for tho term of two youra, commencing tho first Monday In January, 1912, and of electing two members of tho Common Coun cil to servo for tho torm of throo years each, commencing tho first Monday in January, 1912, and of electing n Recprder to servo for the term of ono year, commencing tho first Monday in Janunry, 1912; nnd for tho purpose of submitting to tho legal votors for their approval or rejection "An Amendment to tho City Ohartor of tho City of Mnrshfleld, changing tho nnmo of Bald City from City of Marshfiold' to 'City of Coos Bay,' " and for tho purpoao of sub mitting to tho legal voters for their approval or rejection "An Amend ment to tho Chnrtor of tho City of Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Oregon. changing tho nnmo of aald City from 'Ulty of .Marahflelrt' to Mllllcoma.' " The snld election will be hold be tween tho hours of nine o'clock A.M. and six o'clock P, M, Provided. That tho Judges of election shall have tho power to adjourn ono hour nt noon, duo proclamation of such adjourn ment bolng mndo. J. R. Llghtner, A. D. Wolcott and F, A. Golden havo been heretofore by tho Common Council of said City appointed ns Judges of said election and Roy Lawhorn, J. C. Merchant nnd C. A. Pennock as clorks of said election. Dated this 24th day of November, 1911. JOHN W. BUTLER, Recorder or tho City of Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Oregon. iCMofid2how,m.iDvetivaab.ilt7 Our I- P"V MANV PEOPLE CALL THIS Our Store WE CONSIDER THIS THE HIGHEST COMPLtMKNT Poo SIDLE. IT IS OUR AIM AT ALL TIMES TO GIVE YOU SUCH VALUES THAT WE WILL MERIT TJIIS CONFIDENCE. SUITS, OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS SOLD AT PRICES WITH SUCH VALUES THAT GIVE US OUR SLOGAN "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. HANDON '. RIGGS' 1 9 1 2 Art Calendar Something New Baby's picture. Family group. Yourself artistically framed In Calendar. Tho Chrlstmn8 prcsont you nro looking for. LibcrnI discount now. RIGGS' HOURS O TO a FAST AND Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIHELESK Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay Saturday Decern ber 9. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phone 44 C. F. McOEOnOB, Agtnt. FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Our stages lonvo Mnrshfleld for Rosoburg at C o'clock crerr evening nnd nfford quickest connections with Southern Ftdfle Railway. Faro ?0. 00. COOS IIAY ROSEUURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SGIIETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., MawhJWd. C. P. BARNARD, Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PHONE 11. "THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Portland Sunday, December 10 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH IJANIt ROAD AT PORTLUU , NORTH PaJIFIO PHONE 44 EQUIPPED Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT O A. M. ON DECEMBER 8. 12, " AND 0. SAILS FROM COOS HAY AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX I CEMBER"0, 10, 23 AND 30. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PnONK MAIN 8 Steamer Homer SaUs From San Francisco Thursday, Nov. 30th, I9H For San Francisco Mohday, Dec 4th 1911 F. S. DOW, Agent A new stock of the latest In tho MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Order Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 8874 Store MARSHFIELD STUDIO !W7 FRONT STHEET COMMODIOUS STEAMSHIP COMPANY. C. F. McGEORGE, Agl WITn WIRELESS di uwT Liv -''W . .t- il.nrf V Wo have secured v1'"' b!SZ pareu 10 iuhuv. v- tho people of Coor gr. w dilyera. gooo rta w , hat will mea" BU"; for 1 ii tho Dubllc. Phone u wr ed ft!1;," aD&e !so 1 ,T1 vu" sry.'j. " "v-ii kinds. ,. "e Enciiard vffJX . Livery, Feed ?R 141 First ad AW " It a bigger and better Coos Bay. 4m? 'J