THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. """J I JJ 'V"". ANY of you who has worn or seen the adjustable collar ulster ette, as made for us by HartSchaffner&.Marx wants one; and we've got one f cryou. Best winter ovorcont over made. Othors hero Tor dressy wear; stylish, lively models. Suits nlso In ninny good styles. Ovcicoats $10. GO and up SultB $18 nnd up Woolen Mill Store ThlB stoio Is the Coos Day homo of II n r t Schnffnor& Marx clothes Cerriffet Hart &hffhr It MrK Always- "TBe Busy Corner" shop EARLY WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON YOUR XMAS SHOPPING. REMEMBER WE PACK AND PAV ALL EXPRESS CHAR GES on all oilers purchased here and sent to ANY PART OK THE UNITED STATUS OK CANADA. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Main, 298- Us WE NOW HAVE TIIK AGENCY FOR TIIK Two Best 1912 Model Motor Cycles Made Demonstrators will bo on ourfloor very soon. Model A with "Full-flotolng scnt" nnd freo wheel control, mngnoto Ignition, $235.00 r. o. 1). factory. 1 II.P. Mngnoto Ignition, $21:5.00 f. o. b. Portland. Other models nnd prices may bo obtained by Inquiring at our store. SPECIAL Coos IBay Apples For a Few Days Only , aj TO l TIER BALDWIN FANCY J-Jj2 )$ TO I TIKIt BALDWIN CHOICE ; - h TO l TIER BALDWIN COMMON Oo AND 91.00 t AND 0 TIER SP1TZENBERG CHOICE 9U0 AND 91.-. .'US TO 4 TIER SPITENBEHO FANC1' - " )i TO 1 TIER SPY ,5 Ayn 1'"" I TIER SPY COMMON ; w Lockhart's Grocery THE WEATHER. (Hv Associated Press.) OREGON, Doc. 2 Fair to night and Sundny In eastern portion, with rnln or snow in the west nnd easterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE. TEMPERATURE PORT. For twontv-four hours endliiE nt 4:00 p. in., Dec. 1, by Mrs. 13. Mlncus. BDcclal coverument meteorological observer: Maximum . . GC Minimum 4-1 At 4:00 p. m. .nono Wind, Northwest; clear. Prove.i Up OH Claim. Thomas Wolr of North Bond nppenred before U. S. Lnnd Commissioner Arthur Peck yestcrdny nnd mndo final proof on his homestead. Pay Day. Today Is tho monthly pay day for tho Mnrshflold public school teachers. Whother tho teach ers will bo given anothor pay day boforo tho Christmas holidays has not been dctormlnod. ( Is Hotter. Mrs. P. jr. Mnrhoffer, who recently underwent nn opera tion for appendicitis was nblo to sit up today. Sho Is getting nlong fine, much to tho gratification of her many frlonds. Sho will probably bo nblo to rnturn homo by the mlddlo of noxt week. Annual Mooting. Tho ntinunl congrcgntlonal meeting of the Chris tian church, will be hold nt tho church on Central avenue on Thos dny ovonlng December Gth nt 7:30 o'clock, nt which the roports will bo mndo, nnd tho church and Sundny school officers for tho coming year will bo selected. ( RlK Candy Shipment On tho noxt Urcakwator, tho Bradley Candy com pany of Maruhflold will receive ' n shipment of about twenty tons of candy. It Is by fnr tho largest Bln glo consignment of sweots that has over been received on th) Dny nnd Is snld to be ono of thu largest, f not tho lnrgest, Binglo consignment of candy ovor mndo to ono firm from Portland. Decision Nexf Week Tho submis sion ift tho arguuionts in tho Port of Port Orford Injunction enso was com pleted Inst ovonlng. It l oxpoctod that Judgo John S. Coko will render his decision next week, determining whethor tho Injunction shnll bo made permanent. Attorney Morodlth Is pleased wll tho prospect of the early decision as ho has felt thnt tho big timber Interests woro inoroly sparring for dolny In the cne. ,, uonntmn vJuntoV llourg wny nnu )) Arc Not Socialist; Sec. A. J, Sto phaua of tho Mnrshllold Socialists says that tho McNamnrn Brothors who yestcrdny pleaded guilty to tho fiS'iinniltlng outrages in Lob Angoles n o not Socialists ana thnt tho So cialists should not bo blamed for their deeds. Ho Bays that nil tho connect on tho Socialists lind with tho enso was that thoy woro trying to see thnt tne MeN'nnmruH got n-fntr trial. Tho local Socialists mot In their hall Inst night and a big crowd, Including many women, Is snld to .huvo been present to hear Organizer Lewis Hpenk. , Elect Col. Rosa. Tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commorco yostordny aft--emoon after dlsciisslng tho question ' of sending a special representative to Salem to assist Assessor T. J, Thrift , hi Becurlng n reduction In tho assess cd vnluntlon of Coos county fnrm lands decided to nsk Col. II. It. Rosa of Dandon to ropresont Coos county. Mr. Hosn wns hero en routo to Port laud nnd snld ho would bo glnd to nsslst In anything that would be beneficial to Coos county nnd will bo glnd to go to Snleni nnd do what ho enn to nsslst Mr. Thrift. Approve Letter. Tho Murshfleld Chnmber of Commorco has sent n letter to Major Morrow In ch'nrgo of the U. S. Engineers In this district approving tho letter and map recent ly submitted to tho engineers by Cnpt. Mncgcnn rolatlvo to tho restor ation nnd extension of tho North Jetty and the construction of n South Jetty. No further Information has boon obtained frotn'nn authoritative Bourco relative to tho likelihood of Cooh Day securing an omorgoncy ap propriation nt tho coming session of Congress for tho Jotty work. OH Mf INORTH BEKO' i REAKWATEB WIS NAME Steamship Sails This Morning Score Sixteen to Thirteen In For Portland With Large Passenger yst. Basket Ball Contests With Marshfield. ECT3 w B98303ZER9 OW EV ME TICKETS 1 IN NORTH BEND I MRS. LOUIS WIRTH of Coos Rlvor Is In Marshfield todny. W. P. IIODSON of Coos Rlvor Is In Marshfield on business. MRS. WICKMAN of Empire Is a Mnrshflold visitor today. DR. DROWN of Dandon was a and twonty-thrco Chinamen Mnrshflold visitor yesterday. " . II. J. McDIARMID or Uandon Is In MarBhflold today on business. E. L. BESSBY of South Coos River Is n Marshfield buslncsB visitor. DEN McMULLEN Is hero from Myr tlo Point on business and pleasure. R. E. DEDILLION of Dandon Is a Marshfield business visitor todny. L. D. SMITH of Coos Rlvor wns In Mnrshflold yestcrdny on business. WARREN DESSEY nnd wlfo of Coos Rlvqr nro Mnrshflold Bhoppors to dny. MRS. J. J. CLINKENDEARD of Coos Rlvor wns n Mnrsflcld shopper yos tordny. C. J. DRUSCHKE hns returned froi a business trip to Curry1 county polntB. T. M. COLLVER of Cntchlng Inlet wns In Mnrshflcld yestcrdny on business. E. T. HAWLEY nnd wlfo left on tho Dronkwntor this morning for Port lnnd nnd Dolse, Idaho. ED. LINODBRG Ib enjoying n visit from his father who is n promi nent rcBldcnt of Port Orford. ED. HANSON of Gardiner, Oregon, nnd formerly of Rn-idon Is spend ing n dny or two ov. tu Dny. MRS. .1. W. GARDINER nnd Miss Pearl Heath of North Bend nro guests of Marshflold fr'cnds today. J. L. AASEN of Coqulllo, a mombor of tho logging firm of Anson n-"thor8, is In Mnrshflold on busi ness. JACK DOWRON, Jr.. Is In from tho Dowron ranch nt Ton Mllo whero ho has bcon spending several weeks. MISSES MARJORIE COWAN nnd Grnco Kruso nro assisting In tho Mngncs nnd Mntoon stpro during tho holidays. J. S. PUTNAM, a prominent builder nnd contracto- of Hot Springs, So. Dakota. Is on Coos Day Investigat ing Its prospects with n vlow to lo cating hero. JOHN It. HERRON loft yestordnv with Joo Conch for Rnndon to con fer rolatlvo to nrrnnglng n match with "Roughhouso Chnrloy" DuniB nnd somo othor pugilist. ' J. C. SWINPORD nnd wlfo roturnod yostordny from Myrtlo Point whoro thoy spont Thanksgiving nt tho Annln homo. Miss Zolln Swlnford romnlncd ovor for a longer visit nnd Is expected homo todny. Tho Drenkwater sailed at 7:30 this Tho North Bond basket ball team morning for Portland with n largo dofeated tho Marshflold boyB In a passenger list nnd a enrgo of iuIbcoI-K10 Pjy Frlda' nSht. at North lnneoiiB frolght Bond. Tho score wns 16 to 13. Tho Among those snlllng on her woro amo wa9 hotl' contested through tho following out a,u' was Probably tho cleanest Mrs. H. E.' Miller, II. E. Miller, fame ovor plnyod hotweon tho two Miss G. Wilcox. Mrs. Irn D. Mnllory, tcamB ,,,. , , Mrs. J. Gorstlo. A. E. Adolsporgor, rh, Mnrshflold boy. scorned liam O. D. Holt, II. E. Plank, Nola Halo- lorcd " tho small size of the North non, P. V. Sexton. Miss JolTrlcs, Dond gymnnslum. Thoy had been James Allen, T. J. Thrift, C. R. Shan- nrnctlclnB on a regulation slzo floor nor.-H. Monner, Clay Roberts, Peter an( hny becn us B fo and Rolls, Chas. P. Johnson, Mrs. Chns. M f ,lay a,,(l ,n th,s Bam0 felt P. Johnson, Geo. Johnson, Luo Poy,!thottlack r room. Marlon West, Jim Frnnganby. Alec' "owpvor. toward tho last of the Franganby. R. II. Rosa, P. E. West- Bnmo th Marshfield boys beenmo ac orborg. John Olson. E. T. Hnwloy. -P"810"1 l, Ul 'Conditions nnd put Mrs. E. T. Hnwloy. W. L. Kestner, N(Jrth Uc,ul on tho dofens yo during J. H. McCloakey, Mrs. J. II. McClos-,a lrmr Jh" ,a8J "'" , key. A.XT. Delow, D. L. Roscnfoldj In tho first half, tho two teams n,in ni,nnff. n. Tnvnnr. Ton nnioh. wero about evenly matched. North "'-' ..u..nV w. ....u.v Hwv -... .-,,, ,.. A, AM. MnHA rtAta.M. getting n flojd basket during tho first half minute of piny. Mnrshflold cntno right back, Pitman getting three fouls out of tho first four trial. Neither side scorned nblo to gain nn ndvnntngo nnd tho, first hnlf endod with tho score G to 6, In tho second half, North Dond took n fresh start rtul mndo three goals in rapid succession. Mnrshflold throw thrco flold goals nnd ono foul nnd tbreo fouls woro thrown by North Bond. Tho Hnoup wns as follows: Marshflold North Bond. S Clarko e C Clnrko r g I Stutsman, Carlson and 1 g r f 1 f Hodson Dowey Davis Hanson Van Zlle Candidates For City Offices nominated at Caucus Last Evening. i Dyorly Por treasurer C. S. Wlnsor nnd TBnIlCg0n J. II. Groves. pUmnn i-or rccorucr a. n. uoroysairo. pIo(1 ROnls Mnrshflold. Pltmnn, For councilman L. P. fcalkennaln ,. Lnr8on, 1; Isaacson, 2. North (ono year). ' Bend VanZllo, 2; Hanson, 1; Do- For couucllmou J. G. Horno, Geo. woy 2. n0,igon j D. Mnndlgo, J. P. GrubbB nnd M. L. Gon; from foui,lMarhnold, Pit Hunt, (two year tonn). .mon G. North nond Hodson, 3; llio uuovu auiumuiiD u.o ...ou.vo HnBon 1 lm Knrtli Tlniul nllv pnur.un Innti . . uoioreo uaricor. of tho North Dond city caucus last ovonlng. W. E. Best presided ns chairman nnd Edgar McDnnlol was Umplro Gray. "Pltir.nn nnd C. Clnrko plnyod tho Bocrotnry. There was very little ln-bMt KIUI10 for Mnrshflold. Pltrtati tcrost In It, only nbout 80vonty-flvomn,(In ar of Mnr8nfloUr8 thirtooa bolng present and tho business being ,nts For North nml( Dowoy nnd accomplished In nbout twenty mln lltCB. C. II. Droulllnrd was on tho Cltl Hodson woro easily tho stars. A preliminary which offorod a groat deal of amusomont for the zcn'B ticket named in ndvunco but ho B,)cotntor8 wn8 pinyc(i by tho QoA nnnounccd thnt ho could not accept as ho oxpecta to movo away from North Dond In tho near futuro. Sovoral candidates whoso names woro placed in upmlnatlon withdrew. Among thoso who declined tho nomi nation for councilman woro S. Rogs tad, Edgar McDnnlol. P. L. Swonrln gon, R. J. Coko nnd Robert Ranks. Tho election will bo hold Decombor 12. W. L. Hunt, ono of tho nomlnooa for councilman, wns n "dnrk horso." bugB" nnd Clio "Drownlos," two tennis mndQ up of girls from tho North Dond High school. Tho game resulted In a scoro of 0110 to 6no, nolthor sldo bolng nblo to throw a Hold bnskot during tho thirty min utes of piny. , OLD SOLDIER. DIES. POUND Coin of United States cur rency on floor of Flanagan & Hon nott's hank. Owner can huvo same by Identifying It nnd paying for this ad. Tamos W. Llualimi Pusses Away nt Home In ICastslde. Jnmes W. Llnahan, an old soldlor, died at 1 o'clock this nftornoon at hlrf homo in Eastslde. Ho had no fam ily horo but had been cared for dur ing his Illness which hns extended ovor somo tlmo. Ho hns n nephew In Snn Francisco who hns boon notified. Two Private Phones- 85 and 305 FOR RENT H-rooni furnished houso and 2 acres of lnnd in Mllllnston. Address Potor Robert son, Bay Park. FOR iKT Ranch closo to Multi field on county road and boat land ing. Good houso nnd barn. Bot tom land. Owner, J. H. Drldgos, Lloyd Hotel. 4 WANTED Cook nt Merchants' Cnfo GAIN IN MARSHFIELD. School Census Shows Thirty Increase North Rend Loses. Mnrshflold shows n gnln in tho school census which wns completed by Judgo Hnll this afternoon. In tho Marshflold district (horo Is a school population of 812 ns compar ed to 782 last year, a gain of 30. In North Bond thoro Is a school population of CGG this year compar ed to C45 lust year, n loss of 80. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Btenmor Homor Is duo In to morrow from Snn Francisco with pnwongors nnd frolght. Tlin Vnun Rmltli In ilnn In tnninr- 1IA i.nt iiMnannt lna. nUAIlllllf nllfl ' ' ... . . I iiu d iiuv iiiKouHi. ,.i w.v rt rnw rroin Hnn j.'rnncisco wnoro buo It is undoratood thnt ho wnB nnnied hft8 ,,eon on (iry.,ick for nwhllo. C. , without bolng consulted nnd It wns A SmUhi ,,cn(1 of Ul0 Ci A 8mth reported todny thnt ho would prob- Lumuor COmpnny, la oxpoctod In on nuiy wjiauruw irom wiu men. jlor ,...,.., ........ ......n Tll I2xceIlor arrived In yostordny NORTH REM) NEWS from portinnd with n big shipment " of flro brick which will b3 usod by Mr. and Mrs. Win, Rolchort nnd tj10 q, a, smith company In Impro- Mlss Allco Rolchort, spent tho day vomonts at tho mill. with rolatlvos In Marshflold. Tho schooner Oregon la unloading Mrs. I. Froolnnd of Shormnn Avo n 8hlpinont of spruce from tho C6- vlsltod friends yostordny In MnrBh- qulllo rlvor nt tho North Bond Box flold. fnitory. Jesso Smith of South Coob Rlvor Tho Nnnn Smith wh'ch will nrrlvo Is preparing to erect a flno rosldonco tomorrow from Snn Francisco will on tho old homo plnco thoro. bring In n largo shipment of oil for I tho Stnndnrd OU company. NOTICE TO ELKS. ' Tho gasolluo nloop Condor which All Elks nro requested to moot nt ''n8.!'00," "nflorRolnn ropa'rB nt tho the Masonic hnll at 1:30 Sunday to SuiloiwoinJfS'r NownorV prepare for the annual memorial w'" Z J "" ; ,, .services which will open at 2 o'clock. f g Francisco for Cooa Bay. ,....v..... " . 1, i...j Tl'o Randolph Is duo In tdny nnd ELECTRM: portablea at reduced ', ,on(, n ft ;,ny 0f tWQ w,h onor. prices at MILNERH. ni ninrelinndUo for Port Orford nnd Gold Beach. I'IM'i E.MiKAVKII U,ld,l.U CARDS make delightful presonts iRED CROSS DRUO STORE. I Ijsi7.0 Coats SPECIAL 91.00 nt The LADIES' EMPORIUM. . CHANGE FORM OF ACTION. Civil Suits to He Started Agaliufi Paiille Iluidwaro Men. 'By Associated l'ess to Cooa Dny Tlmns ' FOUND Near Chandler hotel, a gold Masonic pin. Owner can navo faame by Identifying pin nnd by paying for this ad. WANTED Girl to work In Restau rant. Apply Times' olllco. SWEET APPLE CIDER In any quantity. Freo Dollvery; phono 210-L, Capo Arago Soda Works. 1 FOR RENT lO-room houso in South Marshflold. Phono 11D-L. ' Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes and Lounging Robes nt tho Woolen Mill Storo. iinnrii.Tnmn.l t- r n. n Am . rw..r r 1,1.1a . .....,.(, VAnilliUIU,, V. J., uvv, - u '"""""" '"'"" - '""""'"; effort to bring nbout a voluntary dls- RIM..1II TAILORED .Suits NOW 8h!t,0. ' """'I'H!"""0" .. ...... u..Vii7Aiiitf .01 tiouiors ui iiuriiwuru iiiiu piuiiiuius ?10'50 nt LADIES I.MIORIU.M. 8in,i08 on tjl0 Pacific const through I ...,... .1 t. o-.i. ti, lii c,v" suit, nnd tho termination of I CHAFING dishes. Casseroles, Por- .,, lllpv inv0Btintlnn of lhn IIlnt. colators, Ball Toa Pots nt MIIAMlb.. , . AnisoiM waa i10Cim here KODAKS mnko pooplo happy. Glvo thorn for presonts. RED CROSS DRUG STORE. Fancy ROOKS nnd STATIONERV nt RED CROSS DRUG STORE. Tho LADIES' EMPORIUM will bo open EVENINGS noxt week. todny. WINE GLASSES nt MILNER'S. Coats SPECIAL $1.00 at Tho LADIES' EMPORIU.M. HIGH GRADE COAL 9I.HO per ton. Phone 225J, R. A. Church. ALL KINDS of hauling done prompt ly J E Fitzgerald. Phono 12UJ. WUUMIHKtj4 The Old Reliable If you need any fruit-trees for planting or wish to make good mon ey soiling treea, write us for parti culars. No previous oxperlonco needed If you want to mpke money. Wo show you. ALBANV NURSE RIES, Inc., Albany, Oregon, Useful Gifts for Every Woman There are no doubts, regrets or causes for exchanging your present when it Is a manicure set. Every woman appreciates one7 We offer you manicure sets in Sterling Silver, Cel luloid,, Ebony, Rosewood and Pearl. These sets are attractive in silk Ijjied boxes, Prices range from $2.00 to $12,00 BROWN DRUG CO. GRADUATE CHEMISTS PHONE 141, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. i a I