The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 02, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 4, Image 4

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ftt. 0. MALOXKV Ktllu.r hud Put).
DAN K. MALOXEY .News Editor
Enteied at tbo postofTico at Marsn
Jlold, Oregon, fur transmission
through tho malls as second class
nail matter.
and City Attorney Gos3 was Instruct-1
ed by somo of the members of tho I
Town uonrd to look up t o rrnnchlBO
Your pnper quoted Mr- Qoss ns say
ing first thnt tho original franchise
lind bi on lost. Later It was evidently
found, for The Thries quoted Mr.
Qoss as saying thnt tho only "good
thing about the franchise was that
It on'y had seventeen years yet to
run." and thnt "It was evidently
drawn up by J. w. uonnett ror .Mr. ,R i uinwpe Inrlipntp limnPP
Ilonnett and tho town had practically ;"eceni IVIOVeS lllQICaiC vUmiiei
no rights under It." I hnven't tho
paper at hand and am not sure that
this Is exact quotation but It wns the
That Hill's hand Is seen In the pro
posed line from Eugene to Coos Day
l.i city ofllclnls for action, Mr. CoPI,i and that Engineer Sumner Is working
sees "mw
Is Employed by the Great
Empire Builder.
nriHE splendid social success of tho 80llBe 0f it.
Elks dance recalls the debt thnt ( a few months ngo whon'thc water
wo all owo to tho fraternal so- question was again forced up to the
ntntlna ln roll flnl ,1 la fnrl llllnto 1.1 cltV Ofllclnls for action. Mr. finl)Ilp.
having mnny of these societies. They who Is now n candidate for mayor I for, V10 ,in!, Ju,t0'estf Is stated In an
n .1,, .l.,M 4 mnka llfn tnnru mill nlnitcnil tn olvn im rollnf nnrt tlin UftlClO published ill tllO POrtlUllll
,,1n.,.,t l rntifrti nlil wm-lri. control of nnr wntor BVHtotn na snnli . Journal. It says:
jiiuuauiii. ... ..t.. w. .. - , ,, - w
which Is hard enough at best. What as possible, took tho matter tip. It
would we do without these frater- was again referred to City Attorney
ultles? They keep alive the sontl- Qoss for his legal opinion ns to what
inonto of friendliness, of sympathetic steps the city might tnko to secure
iiuer-uoponuonco. 01 passing b" iuuhhk.. ... uu a lo.uiu u u.uru uotweon Eugono nnd Coos Buy, the
will nnd enjoyable intercourse, and wns a moans under tho frnnchlpe of)flrst j ht ,8 thrown on tho Identity
make for bettor and suror under- possibly accomplishing something, i of tho backers of tho now lino whoso
standing among those who other- Then, according to tho report in your '8urvey parallels that of tho Southern
wise might drift apart and ceaso to paper of tho meeting, Mr. Copplo paclllc. Everything connected with
rcnllze that thero was such thing called tho city attorney's attontlon ; tho now company points to a rolntlon
08 communal comity. They are tho to the now Oregon lnw regulating. ship with James J. Hill that is so
punctuation marks In local history public Borvlce corporations. This close ns to bo almost ilnnl.
which would bo ono long rending law, as I have found by consulting nn "Tho Pndlflc Const Hallway Land
of harsh and hard commerce nnd tho attorney, plainly affords n means of company wns Incorporated by Victor
otornal mutation of the shifting dol- securing early relief from tho trou-'A. Johnson, a Minneapolis mnn, with
iiy the Incorporation of the Paci
fic Coast Hallway Lund company In
Salem nnd Portland two weeks ago,
as the olllclal townslto syntdlcate of
tho Pacific Great Western railroad
lar, without them.
'bloi wo have Buffered nt tho hands I olllcles In the Lumberman's building:
, jof the Coob Bny Water company. I .Fred S. Forrest, who wns Mr. IliU'a
sec .Mr. UOSS sniu lliai HO tnOUKIlt H mm. Kuiiunu uujiuruuuiiuuiii. ui inu
did too but wns dubious nbout what North Bank; Charles Worth, a Min
lay Waterworks.
Editor Times:
If you will kindly permit nn
intcrprotntlon tho courts might place
on it. ' y
1 noticed thnt some dijtho co'iincil-
men, according to tho report In your
10 MrAnPrnnMri PiPcr, raised tho question nbout tho
U Hrll IS i KM lilli "Brent expeuso It might Incur if It
III III H Iff 1 11111111 started n lawsuit to get our rights"
lu HUiiwuMiuiiw nnd roforred t0 tho expense tho city
wont to in fighting tho C. A. Smith
, company to get a public street. Tho
Voter Cites Sandberg I ncident 'SZfTAVS
tO SIlOVV HOW He Miaht De- (of expecting us Mnrshfleld peoplo to
pay j;nuuo isasuurg ?d,uuu anu .no
!lan nnd Jnckson $10,000 inoro In
lordor to buy these waterworks at a
great, big price for tho old wator-
Bldor". who is vitally uffectod by tho works In order to Improve It and
waterworks situation In Marshfleld, Bvo us flro protection und pure
tho same ns evory other man, wo- water which tho company sho.ild
man or child who own property nvo boon giving us fir jenrs und r
horo or who mnko their home hero, the frnnchlso that has enabled tho.n
n Uttlo spneo in your valuable paper, t0 n,nko blB profts.
I will try nnd glvo somo reasons why But to revert to ho rcnl "tiestlon
every voter should be tit tho polls for us to decido ne::t Tuesday, let
next Tuesday and do his duty. While me sny a word about Mayor Straw,
you have made a most excellent fight In somo wnyt, I liko him but It Isn't
for tho people against tho "Bennett u question of personal likes or dls-
mnchino" which Is trying to saddlo likes now. It Is a business proposl-
n flfty-yenr wntor frnnchlso with tlon. I hnvo found Mayor Straw vory
doubled rates that would throttle headstrong In dealing with, city af-
not only Mnrshfleld but tho whole fairs and I think tho peoplo have. In
of Coos Bny, tlioro are n number of his pln'foi'ii, notice he nays now
points In Hid mutter thut you hnvo that "nvpjyono knows that our prn-
not touched on nnd which tho voters sent most crying need Ik nn adequnto
should know. Supply of pure wuto. etc." Why
Tho water question Is not now to dl'ln't ho think of thnt n long timo
mo or nny other, resident of Marsh- KO on somo of tho Innumornblo oc-
flcld. I hnvo seen lire losses I ere roslons that tho fire department, clt-
thnt would have boon provonted If l7-p n'l others told lilm of tho In-
wo had" onlv hod nressuro In tho adequate, prcssuro for fire protection?
mains to enable tho tfromon to do Why didn't ho think of it Inst spring
when tho physicians reported that
tho health of tho community wns ou
dnngorcd by tho contamlnn Ion of tho
supply? Why didn't ho think or it
bofor" II. A. Copplo, Duncan Forgu-
tholr duty. If you or nny other man
docs not bollevo this, just nsk nny
member of tho Mnrshfleld Fire De
pnrtmcuL I rond In Tho Times thnt
FIro Chlof Trnver recently told tho
city council that tho loss nt tho Fom- con, CnrI Albrecht nnd othor nctlvo
dnlo browory would have been proc- ones rorcod it to an lssuo7
tlcnlly nothing If tlioro had been Furthermore Mayor Straw says In
somo pressure lu the water mains. If Ills plntform, "I would cnll nttcntlon
I rcnipmher correctly, ho stated tho to Uip mnnnor In which tho various
wntor barely rnn out of tho end of nnpolnMvo oftlces have been filled by
tho hoso nnd thoy could do nothing my selection nnd confidently nsk tho
until tho tiro onglno wns hauled votors' approval Unroof." This nK"ln
down from town. goo to show tho hendBtrong policy
TIiIb wiih tho latest Instance. Ovor of Mnvnr Strnw which mnkes mo so
n year ago, FIro Chief Travor re- rlously doubt tho mayor's intention
ported to tho city council tho ncces- to. hnndlo tho waterworks situntlou
fllty of getting inoro fire hydrunts and ns nliio-tciiMis of tho peoplo on Coos
oxtonslons of mains to protect nil of nny wnnt It handled. You romomher.
the rosldenco of South Mnrshfleld I 'oniomber nnd so does evorv othor
nnd tho now Mnrstflold High school rltlzon of Coos nny romomher tho
building. Ho made u report show- enso of CUv Engineer Rindlio"'?
lug tho necessity of theso oxtonslons which Is Included In tho list which
nnd pointed out tho groat numbor of Mayor Straw now wants us to nn
homes that wore practically without nrnvo. For two years, tho peoplo
flro protection. hod heo'i trying to got rid of Sand
In your paper nt that timo, you horg. First wo olecced Councllmen
reported Mayor Strnw as stating thnt Cnke and Alhrech to do It. Thov
lio had spokon to tho Coos Buy Wntor '-il'pd T'pi vo oloctod CoiincUmon
company nhout this mnttor vnd said Cnnlo nnd Ferguson to do it. Thon.
thnt tho compnny would ufford rollef with n mnlnrltv of tho ofllclnls who
Just ns soon ns thoy wore granted n hod tho ?nv, trying to nrromnllsh tho
now frnnchlso. Mo also urgod. If I wish of the noop'o wlmt did Mayor
remember tho report of tho Town Srpi" do? n'd ho Ml In lli" nnd
Bonrd mooting correctly, thnt tho ' le pponli hnvo their sny? No.
flro nnd wntor committee Immedta- IVdn'f 1p hold un tho notion of the
toly mt'Pt with tho wnter company ioninpt for n mnnth or two tbroatoi
nhout ho now franchise to firrw tho matter Into th courte
Mnyor Straw did not then tako nny i P'Ml foro thn city to pny SnndborK
stops to compol tho company to fur- for n long tlnio during w'Mch tho
nlsh tho porvlro wo wero entitled to cltv did not get nny sorvlces?
hut his whole nttltudo wns more to, What nssnrnnco hnvo wo thnt
glvo tho wntor compnny nn oxtonslon Mnvnr Strnw would not act tho sniin
of their frnnchlso or n now frnnchlso. nhout tho wntor question ns ho did
Ilns ho really ohnngpil since ho ox- about tho Snndbrg nffnlr? S'rnw,
prossod this nttltudo? nrobnbly thought ho wnR right In thn
I thought then that tho shortngo Snndberu nffnlr nnd probably thinks
of wntor wns tho only thing but In ho Is right In opposing municipal
n short timo enmo tho report of our ownership nnd fnvorlng tho grnntlng
city health nfllcors nnd tho otllcors of a frnnchlso, consequently he would
of tho Orogon State Board of Health ho JustifWl In his oVn mind In stand
that our lipnlth and Uvea wore on- lug out against forwarding mnnlcinni
dnngored hv tho contaminated wntor. ownership tho somo as ho did
What did Mayor Strnw do then? ""winst ousting Sandberg. It wns
I wns piwont nt a council mooting or this snmo headstrong policy thnt lod
two nnd did not hear him sny n word him to lonvo tho oflico of city ongln
nhout taking notion to remedy tho ppi- vncnnt for months rognrdlos of
situation nnd protect our lives and what tho o'tv might hnvo suffered
our nonitli. fro'ii tho nctlon.
Again tho wn'or quostlon enmo up There Is only ono thing for overy
ncsota capitalist, nnd C. M. Hyskoll,
who n year as;o negotiated tho sale
of the United Hallwnys to tho Hill in
terests. The capital was given In
tho incorporation papers as $100,000.
"Tho Bgndlcnto is known to bo In
vesting hunvlly In lands along the
route of tho rival roads. It had pur
chased the townslto of Glcnnila from
tho Florcnco State hank nnd oth6rs
audi has socured sovornl thousand
ncrcs of lnnd botweon that point and
North Bond. Olonnda Is on the
south bank of tho SliiBlnw rlvor near
its mouth und whoro tho channel af
fords excellent nncuornge for ship
ping. Tho compnny's purchnses In
clude n portion of tho towns'to of
Florence, across tho river from Glen-
ndn, tho townslto of Mnpleton, nt tho
head of tidewater, about 20 miles up
tho Sluslnw, a largo tract nt Eugene
and n townslto nt Lnkccrcok, midway
between Eugcno nnd Mnpleton,
whoro tho railroad Is said to have
planned Its pr'netpal Inland point for
development In Lnno county.
"Filings are nlso said to hnvo been
made on Lnko Clowox, a small body
or pure water a fow miles nbovo Olon
ndn. nnd plans have been mndc ror
waterworks to nupply the needs of
tho rnllrond ns well ns or tho town."
Tho nrtlclo goes on to toll of sup
posed connection nt Eugono botweon
tho Oregon Electric nnd Paclllc Great
About Sumner.
"Tho engineering nnd right-of-way
work of tho Pnclflo Groat Western
has boon dono with remnrknblo skill
and dispatch, tinder tho direction of
II. A. Sumner, formorly chlor on
glnoor or tho Donvor, Nnrthwostorn
& Pnclflc known ns tho MofTnt road
In Colorado. Ills son, L. A. Sum
nor, hns b"on pctlvoly In chnrgo of
tho work or securing right or wny
and It is said thnt tho entire right-of-way
from Hnsoburg to Coos Bny is
lu tho hnnds of tho rnllrond.
"Evldontly mnstor or tho Ins nnd
nuts or rnllrond scrlmmnges ror
right or way, Mr. Sumnor bus stolen
n mnrch on tho Hnrrlmnn lines hv
using tholr own methods to contrn
vort them. Tho surveys of tho South
ern Pnclflc nnd tho Pnclflc Grent
Western nro pnrallol for nlmost tho
onMro dlstn,nco from Eugono to Coos
Bny. In anticipation or n right ror
possession or rights or wny ncqulrcd
by his lino between Mnpleton nnd
tho tunnol sPo solectcd by him In
tho Const rnn go summit, Sumnor had
shipped to thnt point sovcrnl week
ngo' n lnrge nmount or bnrhod wlri
njui no is icnring mo rigir or wny
It was by using this sumo unique
method thnt tho O. H. & N. company
n row years ngo put a quietus upon n
proposed olectrlc rnllrond thnt wns
surveyed through tho Wnllawo valloy
to Josoph.
vutor on Coos Buy to da next .Tues
day to got tho wntor question solvod
tho way ho wants to and thnt Is to
voto ror R. A. Copplo.
Mayor Straw bus repeatedly said
that ho didn't want tho nfllco again
and tint ho wns running now n the
request of friends und so 1 is defeat
will not mean nny particular chagrin
to him hut will only monn tho de
nunciation of the "Bonuott Machine"
that hns forced him Into tho race
ngnliibt his will.
I had not Intended to wrlto so
much but tho sltuntlon nppenls so
strongly to mo that I could not stop
Yours for tho bigger, honlthler nnd
bettor MnrsMlold nnd Coos Buy which
municipal control or tho wutorworks
will hasten.
Voter Fears "As Soon As Prac
tical" Phrase In Straw's
i In Dr. Straw's platform, I notice
n statement Hint every voter who Is
lu favor or nu en'ly solution or tho
wnter quostlon should ho fnmlllnr
with. It Is contained In a para
graph near tho end of his plntform
aid lost mnny hnvo overlooked It, I
I wish you would reprint It. The
istntemont which relates to his nttl
tudo on the wnter quostlon is:
v xptical for Tiinm vote up
"As soon ns practical" tho peoplo
will got n chnnco to vote on whnt
to do nhout tho wntor question!
Think It ovor.
How soon w'll It bo prnctlcnl to J.
w. Bennett nnd Clnudp Nniburg to
hnvo tho people of Mnrshfleld pnss on
the wntor question? ,
"As soon nn prnctlcnl" evldontly
iucpub ns soon ns Mayor Straw gets
ready and thnt mnybo n long time.
Fo" ono, I nin not going to tnko any
chances nnd nm going to vote for
R. A. Copplo who Is pledged to got
Immediate nctlon.
Says That Labor Was Greatly
Deceived In Believing Ac
cused Innocent.
(By Assoclnted Press to tho Coos Bny
i'tiues, I
TROY, N. Y., Dec. a. "Labor wns
grossly decolvod," snld Samuel
UOiqpcrS lOllliy WIUI uuimiuumuiu
emotion." Wo hud ovory cnuso to
nccopt their Innoconco nB n rnct.
Think of mon declaring to ho false
ly accused, expressing confidence to
tholr follows they would bo adjudged
Innocent nnd thon plead guilty to u
crlmo of this character. Would it
not unsettle nny mnn Interested In
our cnuso?"
Gompora told of scolng McN'ntnnrn
ln Jnll at Los Angeles, of tholr ns
surnnccs or tholr Innocence, nnd se
verely condemned tho Imposition nnd
moro Bovoroly nrrnlgnod tl o crlmo.
"If this wns n crlmo ngnlnst society"
snld Gompors, "It would ho differ
ent. Then It would he rovolutlon, hut
It is nu nttnek on biislncssnnd nu In
dividual nnd that lends business mon
to think that Inbor unions hnvo dup
ed thorn. No one likes this nnd it
would bo bettor for us if it wore
ngnlnst society.
IM 111;
The Mnrshfleld city ...
conio to ii closo next MondnV. Q
when big rallies w. b fj.
It Is niinoimnnil n.. i.
rorces hnvo leased the ltoini ,?W
ror tholr rally. j,r. r, , nLth.
oral others will address ik."
Special movlm. ,11s " mi,
features of the ca,plll(;'n.
Report That Russians Are
Moving on Capital Makes
a Big Stir.
(From Associated Press to Coos Bay
TEHERAN, Persia, Dec. S.Excl
tament over the nows of n Russlnu
advance on the capital Is Intense. Thu
walls of tho city nnd legations nro
covered today with placards "BeaUi
or lndopcndenco."
Roosevelt W'll Xot. Talk About Mc-
Xnmnru Cunp.
(From Assoclnted Press to Coos Bny
NEW YORK, Dec. 2. "Not n
word," said Roosovelt, when asked
nhout tho statement inthoMcNnmnra
enso. "But." ho nddod quickly, "Just
turn bnck to my editorial in tbo Out
look "Murder Is Murder" nnd com
pnre whnt wob said thon with whnt
Is holng Rnld now."
nrnric iimif i
hold mm
.Quito n boat load of people made
tho trip to North Bond to soo tho
gumo nnd fo root for the homo toaiii.
Among, thoi.0 going wore .Mr. Bnrkor,
Mr. Grnunls, Mr. Dlndlngor, Hnlbort
Cnrlllo, Max Rolgard, Norman John
son, Rov Abbott, John Ferguson, Ma
doc Gulovnen. Ernest Harrington,
Will Horton, Ahner Trlhbey, tho tonm
boyi, C. Cln ko. S. Clnrko, Leo Bvler
lv N'ob'o Pitman Gu" Stu'Hiun.i
M Ion Carlson, Leslie Isnncson, nnd
several of tho High school girls nnd
(From 'Associated Press to tho Coos
Bay Times)
NANKING. China. Dec. 2. Tho
revolutionary rorces took possession
or this city today ntlor a parley with
the Imperial government forces who
wero lu occupation. At mlddny tho
white flag wiih dlsplnyqd, oil 'f Lion
Fort Indicating' the" gii'niioru hud.
Joined tho revolutionists. I
open EVi:XL(!S next week.
HOLIDAY GOODS now being'
shown. Shop eurly. COOS BAY
Thr Timo' V" u iU hln rnnU
P cturcs
nnd rrnmlng -Wnlkor
TOYS now on dlrplny. Shop our-
Wlm Qi.n .
rornbhYVany to he SUff..1
nor or Front nnd Mnrkct VZ
tho weather will perni t n inW "
tmmllnn- If 41... .''!. nn Open .
nblo. the rally will' Zl ?!
Sovornl nroiiiltl....f .'""? bl I
Mayor Straw, Including h mseTf'i
nddress tho rally. ",m!(!.tU
After Illegal v.ilm.
Owing to rumors that Illegal M
lug mny bo nttompted next TiL
stops nro holng taken today toZ''
stop to It early Tuesday tJ$?
It Is understood that both theV
plo and Straw forces lmvo Zm
110 BtS HO tlinl rni-nf,.l ,i....0m.?W
kept on the voters It U under iS
that thoro nro In the nelKliborhooiM
725 votors lu Manhfleld now '
, Tho Copplo forces this afternou
wore planning to rnlso n fund to of
rotvnrds for ovldonco thnt will Z
to the nrrest nnd conviction of nvl
gnl voters noxt Tuesdny. A retul
of K0 for tho conviction of each I
legnl voter participating In thee
tlon will probably bo offered.
To tho Peoplo of Mnrsliflpld!
Since I hnvo been nominated tit
candidate for the MnrahdoM -u.
council, nnd In response to Inqulrla
regnrdlng my iiosltlon on munlrM
nffnln, I will try to stnto my poller
First I nm strongly n favor flnl
Inst nnd nil the timo of a cltvownl.f
nnd controlling Its wntor system ml
fnvorMnrsliHold'ssecurliiii Its itkm
.lust as quickly as It can eronomlallj
nu mi. i wuiiiii not invor paying ig
oxtrn boniiB ror the present lyiten
rot n rout moro than n fair rlni.
tlon. I nm strongly opposed to' it;
oxtonslon or the present franchlw.
In fnct. I nm lu Invor of n cltr o.
Ing nnd controlling all public utlll
ties posHitiic.
Sociind I nm strongly n favor ol
cleaning up tie .Mnrslidi'ld wster
front and converting It Into a place
which will delight tho eyes nf strta
gem who vlow It for the first time,
instead of allowing It to remain ta
eyesore to n progressive people.
Third In regnrd to Improilnn
ntroots nnd tho city generally, I
proudly npprovo what has been it
oompllshed nnd wish to sco the good
work continued as rnnlilly as devel
opment of tho city warrants. In
fnct I would liko tn sco Marshfleld
known nil ovor the Pnclflc coast i
the most progressive nnd up-to date
city In jtho west n city whore tin
Hiivroundliigs will olovnto tho rltlnf
generation nnd innko one proud tu
cnl It "home."
ttNtB9Ka 1
Iff f UlslHMftWMilllWl Jlni J
A Dainty Bathroom
Saltiest Salt oi Earth!
The Salt of tfce Earth
L-ester's Violet Grain Salt
Flows Freely.
Ask Your Grocer About ft
(Hy Associated Press to tho Cooa Ihi'
SAN FItANClSCO, Cnl Doc. 2
Professor Oeorgo Davidson, for thir
ty years head or tho United Stntos
Const nnd Geodotlc Survey ot tho Pa
cific const, died Inst night, aged SC.
Photo supplies
Wnlker Studio.
nnd flnlshlng.-
shown. Shon early.
. now
FIXE I'MIJKELLAS lor presents.
I l
t $VCT!"N
is an absolute necessity to tlie modern home. Porcelain
enameled fixtures form the ideal ware for the up-to-date bathroom.
Their glossy, white surface presents the same attractive appearance as
fine table china, and yet they have the strength and durability of iron.
"totirfntsr porcelain enameled fixtures represent the highest type of
sanitary ware in design,
materials and workman
ship. The guarantee ac
companying this ware is
a protection against faulty
construction or materials
-the buyer runs no risk.
For promptness and
reliability you will find
our plumbing service un
equalled. Why not ask us for
estimates today.
Orders for repairs re
ceive our prompt atten-,
'ZZjLAlSSwmi-L i! L
Arties' materials nnd picture train
ing. Walker Studio.
Co I
1), ORE. AM
ttLjSbh J2S