Hmwwn J"1 1 m nwi P)m$m'J 'H wiw i)"-' HE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OfiEGOM f RIQAY, DECEMBER 1, 1911 'EVENING EDITION, COOS BAYTIMES I - I G 5 HEWS l I I i, .1. C. MA LONE V DAN E. MALOXKY Editor und Pub. News IvillKir Entered nt tlie poatolTice hi Marsn fleld, Oregou, for transmission through the mails as second class "inll matter. "DIVISIVE STRIKE." 01 ELECTION IT ;S well In these dnys of strenu ous discussion to recognize how easy It Is to rail Into "divisive strife." Thero Is wldo difference between criticism which looks to Improvement nnd mere detraction. No mnn can object to tho severest criticism when tho facts show that it Is warranted, or oven whon a rea sonable difference of opinion exists ns to the situation. Tho Times has determinedly kept out of personalities In this campaign. It Is fighting for a principle and not for nn Individual. It Is not opposing Dr. Straw on any grounds other than his favoring private ownership of the city waterworks. It is not opposing any dcnls In high finance by J. W. Bennett and Claude Nasburg except on the broad basis of goneral com munal good. I think tho pcopto of Marsh fiold havo been tho goat long enough. If Mr. Dennett nnd Mr. Nasburg can go to Omaha and get a mnn or a cor Torntlon to pny them $150,000 or $250,000 for tho Coos Day Water Company, well and good. In fact thero Is so much local prldo In me thnt I would rojolco in their good fortune. In fnct I am not such n high moralist that I would take my friend Joo to task for -having un loaded a whlto clophnnt or should I eay a whlto microbe on tho unsus pecting. Dut when J. W. Donnott through Mnyor Straw seeks to make tho pcoplo of Marshlleld stand good for tho dcnl to the tuna of a fifty years franchise nt double rates, then I rebel. Lot' tho things bo criticised thnt doBorvo crltlstng, but let nobody load n blundorbtiss nnd go to shooting In discriminately into tho ranks of his fellow citizens Just because ho has a different pinion. Ah I said in tho beginning, there Is u dlfforonco between criticism that Is constructive nnd mero detraction. "Where the Locality IVk's Not Count. Whorover thero nro pcoplo suffer ing from kidney nnd bladder ail ments, from backuchc, rheumatism nnd urlnnry irrogularltios. Foley Ktdnoy Pills will help them. Dolvl dero, 111., 12. A. Kolly, nn ox-unglncor, HnyB: "Thrco years ago my kidneys became so bad that I was compolled to glvo up my engine nnd quit. There was n severe aching pain over tho hips, followed by nn luflnmmntlon of tho bladder, nnd always a thick sed iment. Foloy Kidney Pills made mo n sound nnd well man. I can not say too much In their praise." RED cross imuo co. Editor Luso of the Sun writes of the Murshtlold political situation is follows in this week's Issue of his paper: "Distinguished for his firmness on Issues beforo the pcoplo nnd nn un Ilnchlng stand-patter for his own Idens, tho record for once In Mayor Straw's political career will shovf thnt ho "backed up." Mnyor Straw Is opposed to municipal ownership, but when It. A. Copplo grabbed tho thundering lssuo tho municipal ownership of a water system our nstuto mnyor had to "back up." Mayor Straw is now In favor of sub mitting tho question to tho people. This was what Bomo tax-payers wero Klvon to understand on tho street railway franchise. Tho tax-payers got it where tho chicken got tho axe. Mnyor Straw also mukos tho In teresting oxplnnation In his letters to the voters thnt his activities on tho fifty-year water franchlso wns only to secure data on tho avallablo water supplies. Now, wo arc freo to con fess, thnt the lotter Is a revelation, as overything indicated that Mayor Straw was getting ready to start his steam roller on tho water franchlso, and tho belief wns formed on Infor mation from closo to tho throne. 'Copplo has scored on tho water question. "John C. Morchant should bo n favorlto In tho going for councilman. Ho Is In tho prlmo of life, nctlvo, vigorous, progressive, and endowed with tho sagacity of his father that built up tho Merchant estate which ho has so ably managed. John C. Merchant Is ready to glvo tho city of his birth tho best services thnt Is in him. Tho Sun Is for H .A. Copplo for mayor. In him wo nnd tno best ma terial for tho offlco; a man who Is eminently qualified for tho position, nnd ono whb will glvo us all n nqunro deal nnd sco thnt tho taxpayers got n run for their monoy. A voto V r Copplo will bo a voto for tho right man. "Mayor Straw has invar'nbly ran for ofllco nt tho "urgon request of his friends." Ills friends aro tho Dig Interests. Thomas Coke, who desires to suc ceed htmsolf ns councilman, Is cor 'nlnly tho political monstrosity of tho ago. Ho went into ofllco cussing Mnyor Straw's policies up ono sldo nnd down tho other. Today ho Is hand nnd glove with tho Straw mach ine, to whom ho is Indebted for his nomination. Coko should bo retired to prlvnto life and allowed to glvo his ontlro services to tho Terminal Railroad Company, for whom ho Is now working nt fancy wnges." A If you havo anything to soil, tru.lo, rent, or wnnt holp. try u want nd. A Stage for All The Markets of the World The show window of tho modern merchnnt is a stage for the thousand and one products of the arts and crafts. When the concealed elect rie lights are turned on, tho focusing power of the theatrical stage is reproduced almost exactly. ThcTshow window illuminated mscinbles nothing so much as the stage of tho theatre and tho charm and attraction for tho pub lic is nearly as great. Phiciny (foods in a scientifically electric lighted window is placing them before the footlights with the trading public for an aud ience. Yr merchants who need assistance in their show window lighting installations we offer a special and valuable service. Telephone ITS. Oregon Power Co. Cornor Central and Second WMHMNMnMWMMWMnMaMMNM w iwwiiii'iMwww..lwii)iimi lniilininiiinnnirii Tin- jji ". " i y ;5iufandSLuUW Olympic Flour Highest Quality This Week We Open Our Semi Annual Clearance Sale Of Women's and Misses' .Jrtn, fi.' 3 Suits, Skirts and Coats This Semi-Annual Event Will Commence Saturday, Dec. 2nd, and Continue Until the Stock Is Closed Out " !"; ' ' As it is tbis.storc's fixed policy to dispose- of all garments within tho season for which they are purcks- ., ', ''" ' ' ed, ve 'especially, emphasize our desire f bran immediate clearance. The comments of customers on our past sales warrant the statement that ' Our Semi Annual Suit Sales . mil- J T A- HI J A re ine oesi in iuarsniieiu for this sale the values are unquestionably stronger than ever. Values so extraordinary that women who have no idea of buying will do so when they see the reductions made upon such stylish garments. ALL 35.00 SUITS ON SALE. AT .$23.50 ALL $20.00 SUITS ON SALE AT $13.75 ALL $30.00 SUITS ON SALE AT $.19.75 ALL $25.00 SUITS ON SALE AT-. ...... .$1G.50 ALL $18.00 SUITS ON SALE AT. ALL $16.00 SUITS ON SALE AT. .$11.75 .$10.75 Our entire stock of Silk rubberized rain coats will bo on sale at OneHalf Regular Prices A saving of onc-fqiirth to one-third of regular price of Ladies' and Misses' Coats and wraps of every description. Ladies ' over-Skirts priced to sell regularly from $1.00 to $12.00 will be. on sale at one-half regular prices. -yLJJ Magnes Matson Our Most Enthusiastic Admirers nro tlioso who emtio to tills market doubting that our meats could bo , cholco nt tho prices wo obk for thorn. Or thoy suspected that wo mado up tho dlfforonco soma way or wolgh. They know now that our meats nro tho finest to bo had and that ovory pound weighs 10 ounces. Why don't you know It too? MARS1IF1ELD CASK MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Two Markets North Ilcml Mnrshfleld Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT IMAIJLO ND JOSSON CEMENT. The best Domettlc and Imported brands. PUiter, Llm( Brick aud all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH HROADWAr. PHONE 201 The Wisdom of Age A poor old man In tolling of his' life's experience snld, "I can seo whoro I havo mado many rolta In my Ufo, tait I think my grontos't was In uot s'artlDg bank account whon n young man. If I had iou? : nnd stnyod with my banker, I would not have oeen working by tho dny In my old ago. I can Pl8""J seo now, whon It Is too lato, thnt I havo all the U neodod tho bank's nsslstnnco. My ndvlco to nil vows men Is to opon n bnnk nccount nnd form a COI1"e"'e with tho bank. Thon if hard luck conies you will n" n friend undor aomo obllgntlons to holp you." The ' hns our hearty endorsement. Wo mnke an earnest fort to holp our patrons. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSIT The First National Bank OF coos n.w CAPITAL $100,000.00 MA1ISIIFIELD ORKGOJf DRESSMAKING CJOWNS, SUITS AND REMODELLING, MRS. . BANDEL llniniic Pantator ?:?.?sws m J 1 The Times Does Job Printing IJAT WORK. ,p30B- ross & rnJHW f - frr,ylf pko Phono 19-J, Cor, 4th nnd Park Ave 256 Central avenue J 1 . v feSSaaL ,' U'"Mj"JWMt' )i' i m ' .taii