' r GULARITY IN ONE MAY BE USJ) AS APPLYING REFLECTIVELY TO ALL " iutl i t lttlo "Campnigu -" LnVEHTISlNG In The TIMES it .. w Itcnl Estate "In (Ham WANT ADVERTISING In Tlw TIMES Will Keep (ha Income from Your Furnished Itooms from Lapsing! YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting n fow furnlshod rooms and, If you knsw how and whon to use tho classified columns, you may keep thnt llttlo extra lncomo as "steady as n clock." mmtB : i iiil put tho facts about your 1 !. before tlio oyca of nil 'pos- HtflJ uv .. i- l,tun. Ami If lnnTof them who ought to !' ""..I -nil in I it, to"'""- MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED rilEStf Established In 1878 M Tho Const Mall ,xxxv MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation or Times. Const Mall mul Cooh liny Advertiser. No. 118 T M M I 1-MB T TT" EAD GUILTY TO LOS ANGELES CRIME NAMARAS PL E5 B. GUILTY OF MURDER; HER GUILTCf DYNA1ITING MM WILL RECEIVE LIFE SENTENCE FOR mriNG up los angeles times' build- SG-JOJLV McNAMARA GOES TO PENI TENTIARY POU FJFTJ'JUN YEARS (By Associated Press to Coos Buy Times) OS ANulfiijius, uee. J.. dailies McjSnnmra picuds y tO lilt riuufcu w-l iiiiuiiui. in J. McNamara nlso appeared and pleaded guilty e destruction oi the Jjicwcllyns Iron Works. i r at .'... ...1.... .1 1 sii... l ...i... Dies Jj Jifi'saiiiiii-u jnuuuuu guilty 10 murder ana his brother John, to the destruction of tho Llewcl Iron "Works. 'tor conferring together in their offices, Attorneys row nna uavis went into me oinec ot .l-rodcricKs ana closeted for some time. They declined to discuss nation after the conference. is said that the sentence will be life for James B. amnra, and that the state had agreed that if John J. amarn would plead guilty a fifteen years' sentence be given him. f I'd have seen my way out of it, wo would not have it," said Barrow, after the court adjourned. "We it under consideration since a week aj;o Mon- A LITTLE LECTURE ON LOYALTY Yhilc the dispatch does not so state, it is under- llliat Jas. B. McNamara's plea' or guilty Is to the Angeles Times' dynamiting outrage hi which twenty- 1 lives were lost. No lives were lost m the Llcwclhm Works. In tho indictment of murder for whioli a was being secured to try Jas. B. McNamara, the i of oiyl one of the twenty-three persons killed in x)s Angeles Times' outrage was specifically charged. Times' dynamiting was one of the most atrocious iges in modern history. Por years, the publishers be Times had been fighting the labor union organiza- iamlit was charged that this policy was the inccn- for dynamiting the plant. Job ITarriinan, one of the -. i j i - f T i 1 J 1 1 1 ncvsior rue iMCjNamanis ,is inc socialise candidate iiayor of Los Angeles in the election which will be next Tuesday and it is presumed that tho unex- (1 finale of the McNamara case will have a big influ- on the result of that election.') LOYALTY! It is a strong and beautiful word. Lbynlty.und courago and honor nro things thnt nro precious to honorable men. If n man Is not loyal ho Is not true to tho thing ho undertakes, if you nro not loyul you nro going to fall. Don't cheati Don't pretend you ' nro loyal. Don't niako n' bluff. Do -loyal, feel loyal, then you wont hnvo to net loynl. You must hnve tho fabric of loyalty woven Into i'Ollr VfrV linlllir. lnf it llltnrtilltlf.li, ulMi vnllf vnrv lilnrwl Tr lin Invnl I- -. "CI. -at tu. n. ...v.. Ulll A-.J M.WWA.. KJJ aw.a to ono It Is not nccessnry to bo disloyal to another. Loyalty should aiso carry wltn it a spirit of fairness and Justness that strengthens and fortifies tho orlglnnl virtue. A vast amount, of trouble In tho mnnlqpr.l Hfo of this country comes from n mlstakon Idea and a falso Ideal of loyalty by public olllclals. In their loyalty to tholr friends thoy forget tho loynlty that Is duo their community and tho peoplo who elect thom. City otllclnla am public ser vants nnd It Is their function to uphold tho. Interests of tho peoplo not to roprcsont tho special Intorosts thnt make mono? oft tho public. If Dr. Straw lind always been ns loynl Ho tho community that hns hon ored him thrco tlmpB by election to Its highest offlco, as ho has been to his friends, thcro would ho no causo for complaint. If Mayor Straw hnd been ns loynl nt nil times to Mnrshflcld nnd Its Interests as ho hns hecn to J. W. Dennett nnd his Interests, tho wntor question would not do tne i88uo In tho present campaign. , If tho people of Mnrshflcld deslro city wntorworks and nro opposod to a fifty yenrfl frnnchtso then tho mayor and councllmcn should strive to gratify their wishes ovon If Nolan nnd Bennett nnd Clnudo NnB burg do not llko It. Tho ranyor nnd councllmcn aro not working for tho Coos Hay Water Co. Thoy nro employed by tho people nnd should do tho will of tho people. No man can becomo greater than his crea tor; no stream can rlso higher than ltd Bource. Mayor Straw nnd tho council hnvo, repeatedly granted franchises without referring thom to tho people Thoy would havo granted tho wnter frnnchlso to Nolan nnd Dennett If It hnd not been for tho fight mndo against such nctlon by Tho Times. It Is hnrdly fair for Dr. Straw to claim n vlrtuo of being willing to rofor tho mnttcr to tho peoplo whon that nctlon has boon forced upon him. pr. Straw nnd Council mnn Coko both expressed themselves fnvorablo to tho wntor frnnchlso. j Doth hnvo expressed themselves ns opposed to municipal ownership. wny elect tnem to oluco If you bcllcvo In tho municipal ownership of tho wnterworks? , This not u mnttor of persons but principles. Do loynl to your honest bollof nnd your friend should not nsk you to bo disloyal. Novor woro peoplo given n moro splondld opportunity of being loynl to thomsolvcs, loyal to their own best interests, and loynl to their city than tho peoplo of Marshflold now hnvo. lie loynl to your honest convictions, bo loynl lo your town nnd cast your voto next Tuesday for II. A.'Copplo lor mayor nnd city ownor- unii in nnitTwurun. FEARED THAT VESSEL IEES HAS SUNK WITH ALL ON BOARD ORDER TROOPS 10 TEHERAN I Nothing Heard From Three Boats That Went to Her Assistance. ANXIETY FOR SAFETY OF PASSENGERS UNITED STATES TO III. PEACE MAKER i i (Dy Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Doc. 1 Presldont Tnft was appealed to by tho Perslnn Amorlcnn Society I to uso tho good oincos of tho ' United States to provent war bo- , tweon Russia nnd Porsln. Tho I society nlso addressed letters of nppcnl to tho United Stntes Sennto, tho Houbo ot Repro- . Bentntlves and to Andrew Car- ! negie, asking' tho lnttcr's help ' ' A no n frlntwl rt wnrltl .tli1r. unitrtt A. Lives of Over Fifty Persons Endangered In North Pacific Witters. (Dy Associated Press.) SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 1. Alarm for tho safoty of tho Tees Is growing this aftornoou. Fear Is expressed that sho might have gono down with all on board. , VU) Aesuclalud Proaa to Coon Dc. Times) SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 1 Tho wireless stations In British Colum-. bin havo hoard nothing today from . tho thrco Btcniners waiting nt tho ontrnnco ot Kyuuuot Sound for tho fog curtain to lift nnd pormlt thom . to ontor tho Sound to search for tho Steamship TeeB which struck a rock: In tho Sound two days ago and which, sent out wireless nnpcnls for nld. It (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ST. PETERSBURG. Russia. Dec. 1 In cpnsequonco of tho rejection by tho Perslnn National Council of tho , BUI)p0BC(, tno TccB hao gunk or tho TfimalnTi ilntnnnila llttanln linn ak.Iak. .. . . ........... ,.v....w.m, . ..un u.uui- commun.cntlon woum not nnvo uoou od Russian troops now concentrated i suspended. It Is generally uollovod au iiunui, uiu uuimm oi mo 1-orHinii i tho pnBsengo.'H and crow, uumuonnK nrovlnco of Ghllnn, Blxteon mllo3 nftv or more, nro enmpod on tho ill CASE 10RS MAI poclated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ANGELAS, Cnl., Dec. 1. f're flylnn thick nnd fast that 'Wet attorney's ofllco was to we a report charging that toe iworn Jurors wns tampor Meforo entering tho box In ttamara enso. It was said re-examlnatlon of tho mon In 'might be asked by tho pro-"- This theory cnincd wido nd Chlof Dotectlvo Samuol a admitted such n thing was WIS I blft nt tills tlmn l opening of court In tho Mc- ra'e, District Attornoy Frod- ud for n enntlniinnrn until "ck this afternoon. Tho ro- " granted. Fredericks did ' 10 the court tho rnnsnn for I'ttt, nor Would hn toll tho fWr men triminl. I.n l.,tln.,l tin t HUUBH IIV IlilllllUiUll ;'g Important might occur In ""Ight mon In !! .mnlM ' fifty moro worn rnnnhnri 'omons and of tho numbor flf- ;"oea after Judgo Dordwoll'a wry examination. eloped that Larry Sullivan, L 'V nUO Wflfl nprinslnnnttv nm. 1 1 ,,ho 5IcNamara dofonso In 'work, woo n...ii -, ...i Hitrirt AVr. "..'. "BU,'Jl Buiita,;-": ir i"CK" .lo: "lanlgal when sho was In ted4t by the Pfoseeutlpn ' nnd ,'0 a l0ni IntnrrAxntlnn , hat it was all about could arnert t i- tJ n.x n.... iiiiui u ,a BU,ti uiai aui- r "t to Prn,loll.. m ... Irfril. '""'Utui, Ullliu HUD oWr of h,s appearance be- ' ugrawoil later In the day. 1 CRAXllW xin.T. related Press to Coos Bay AX.n3'L . . tl ,i""' u'o.i uoc. i. . Tno we Gmndo Round Lumber kr -ru y waB destroyed by u V,?8 ,08a '"three hundred . ""liarS. TJttln Inaurnnra The cause Is unknown. SULLIVAN IS 1 Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 1 Lnrry Sullivnu, who has sprun into prom lnenco In tho McN'amnra caso, wii3 for nearly twenty years connected with tho snllor boarding house hoio, and his operations wero such, it Js nl ledged, ttiat tho British and Fronch and German ahlpownors wero roluc. taut In sending vessels here. Ho wub a power In politics nnd Bcomed able to control heavy polltfcal powors when tho primary system wns luag guratod horo. Later ho engaged in mining and wont to Goldtlold where ho wna associated with Charles Gra ham Rico In tho exploitation of mines there. Tho company's operations attracted tho attention of the govern ment and It ceased business. OREGON LOSES TO MULTNOMAH By Associated Press to tho Coos Daj Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 1, Tho Multnomah Athletic club eleven yesterday defeated Oregon Univer sity horo by a score of 17 to C. WASHINGTON WINS GA.ME. (By Associated Press to Coob Day Times) SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 1. Tho University of Washington .yesterday defeated tho Pullman Agricultural Collcgo hero by a score of 30 to C. WILIiAMETTI' IS VICTORIOUS Eric Holt of Mai-bhflcld Member of Non-Confcrenco Clwmplou Team (Special to Tho Times.) SALEM, Ore., Dec. 1, Willamette irnivoraitv fififentod the Unlvorslty of Pugot Sound hero yesterday by a score of 38 to 0. 'mis gives wma motta Tintveraltv tho non-conferonco t.mD ohnmnlnnshln for 1911. Eric fcot of Marshfleld has played on tho WHIamotto eleven au buhbuu. BUILD JETTY AT SIUSLW (Special to Tho Times.) PORTLAND, Ore, Dec. 1. Tho government today nwnrded to John son & Anderson, contractors of this JURY DISAGREE T 0 R from Enzoll, on tho Caspian son, to nd.vnuco on Tohcran. Russln haB, It Is bollovod four Htnlloflnft mnn .AnAAni.AiAil n. tlnnltA . W.WI.O....I. Al.Ult kUllbVllltULCIl Ilk ilVDIH, 'nnd thoy will bo 'despatched to Per Isla In consoquonco of tho dolny of I tho Persian govornmont In comply 1 ing with tho Russian domnnd for nn apology to tho Russinn vice-consul nt Tohoran nnd tho dismissal of W. . Morgan SluiBtor, tho Amorlcnn Troas i urer Genornl of Persia, nnd a do- '"ntid for a cash Indomnlty to cover shoro waiting for rescuors to corao, VESSEIJ IUJ8U TO AID. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Times.) SEATTLE, Wna.li., Dec. 1. Tho Cnnndlnn fisheries Btonmor William Jollff, tho salvngo tug Salvor, and tho United States rovonuo cuttor Ta homn, arrived off Entranco Kyuquot Sound yesterdny mornhig Booking to tho distressed Cnnndlan Paciiio t.i tho cost of tho desnatch of RiiBsInn ""... m ...... .. ,. .. t.. I, steamer jcuh which airucx u ruun tho Sound nnd sent out distress slg troops. RUSSIA IS TURNED DOWN. Ultimatum nnls, but tho rcscuo vesBol dared not enter the Sound yesterdny becnuso of tho donso fog that provatlod. Tho steamship Northwestern, which was supposed-to havo gono (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Kay Tlrnos) KALAMA, Wash., Dec. 1. Tho Jury in tho enso of II. C. Phillips, ,ivrlnn Counrll tolrr(n ilv. Pnntrnrt for thn rnniitriirtinn 'omior president of the dofunct Com- From Cznr. of th North Jettv on tho Sluslnw morclal Dank of Vnncouvor. Wnsli..Un Associated Press to tho Coos Day to tho assistance of tho TeeB, report river. Tho work must bo complotod I chnrgod with accoptlng deposits aft- TlmcBl ed to tho owners yostordny that sho In thlrly-flvo monthr. Tho contract I or ho wns awaro tho banks was in TEHERAN, Doc. 1. Tho nntlonnl would nrrlvo in Sonttlo today. Tho prlco Is $200, C83 nnd tho work will nn Insolvent condition, was dlscharg- rounHI has rojectod tho Russian til- messago did nbt montion tho Toes, rcqiilro 150,000 tons of rock which od today whon tho foromnn reported tlmatum by n big mnjorlty. Tho nnd It Is supposed tho Northwostom will bo qunrrlod on tho Sluelnw rlv- a dlBngrcoment. Tho Jury wont out foreign minister has reslgnod. nlso wns unablo to ontor Kyuquot or nnd flontod down on barges. About at 9:10 Wcdnesdny ovonlng. A now I " """ --v sound. Tho cesBntlon of distress 125 men will bo employed, trial probably will bo ordered. (Contlntiod on pace 4.) icnlls from tho Tecs Is accounted for I uy inu iioouing ui uur uugiuu ruuiu nnd tho stopping of tho dynamo. If tho pnBBengerH nnd crow of tho Toos wdro obliged to tnko to tho boats thoy easily could havo reached shoro. Probably tho striking of tho Teos was duo to tho fog. Fogs along Van couver Islnnd nro now nt their worst and tho rellof veBsoIs may bo hold up many hours. Tho density of tho I fog shows tho nlr and son aro calm. HERE'S ANOTHER REASON WHY MAYOR STRAW SHOULD NOT BE REELECTED NEXT TUESDAY i li.i, C TWO rRSMORF, SOfl J , , i ;.kH ,mm i -scJ ImM L aR vim iwziryvri ,i. n.i. sc s&'jv v sai Aflsr i " zzmmb wni rm Bm&8&zteam&Mmti& , js phi E&mbsdsmm&pwsmm $mm LLr m TillPFifflEsw IFARLANO IS GIVE" FIGHT Whh-W0 (By Associated Prcsa to Coos Bay Tlrnos.) HAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. DOC. 1. At tho end of tho twontloth round hero yesterday, Packoy MeFarland of Chlcngn was given tho decision ovor 'Hnrlnm" Toinmv MumllV. Tho bOllt wns fast and furious and MeFarland hnd decidedly tho boat of It. MeFar land now claims tho light-weight chnmnlon8hln of tho world and ho will probably meot Tommy McCnroy, who wns to hnvo fought AU. woignBt yesterday, WOrXJAHT IS HKTTER PiigllUt Huh Past Danger Point after Ills Oporntfon. (From Associated Press to Coos Bay Times') LOS ANGELES, Dec 1 Al Wolgast, champion light-weight pugilist, is past tho danger point this nftornoon und is bright nnd cheerful. HOLY JOE: "THAT'S ALL 1UPHT, SON, I KNOfy THE FRANCHISES ARE NEARLY ALL GONE RUT I WILL TRY AND GET A FEW MORE IN. THEWEXOR TWO YEAI18. THE WATER FRANCHISE WILL OCCUPY YOU FdR A WHILE, ANYWAY. DON'T7 WORRY, SON, YOUR UNCLE JOE WILL TAKE OARE OF THAT." ' HASKEfHALL NOTICE. A spec'lnl boat leavos O'KoIloy's dock at 7:30 this even'ng to accom odate thoso wishing to attend tho basketball gamo at North Bond. 'fry The Times' w- A ji 4 r-".l I .'J