ITffi fpMtiSTDOESN'T BELIEVE IN PROMISES UNLESS- HE MAKES MM HIMSELF iniTWlX Alio TIMES sP ff 0? . I WANT ADVERTISING In TIkj TIMES - iiiVKHTISlXCJ In Tlio TIM IVTAI''..' .t....l !.'... ( HI.. Will Keep tlio liicomo from Your fflll Put Vol"' "'" " " "!. i.ih lit t e c 1 1 v o 1 y 1 Furnished Rooms from Lapsing: YOU can rcnlly help tlio family rovonucs by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know bow and whon to use the classllled columns, you may keep that llttlo extra lucomo ns "ptcudy as a clock." ,a iii nut tlio facts ubout your i L, rbiforo the eyes ol a pos- 'divers '" '""' """ " ". nno of them who ought to ft you-llsolNtl MEMBER OK ASSOCIATED 1'RKsa uuma ftou (Imot Established In 1878 iw Tlio Const Mall .xxxv If PACIFIC SHEW IR1KES ROCK 10 ASKS FOR AID MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Connolldntlon of Tlniw. Const Mall m iig mid Coos liny Advertiser. Id Badly Damaged In Ac- pt Near uuawiuu Early louay. by VESSELS rush TU Aiu in ntaou mr Northwestern Report- HoHave Tees in low Passengers baie. L ' HAS VESSEL IX TOW. m AMiirlntcd Pross.) SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 20. I... .riviroa received hero aro f,i the Northwestern Iibb the . let In tow and tlio sea la lla. Several otnor vcssoia arc E their way to assist tlio Toes. h Wonder If Andy Carnegie knows tlio present whorenbouta of that pcaco dovo ho admired ho much a short tlmo ngo. if ho does ho might bring It to Marshllold for a fow days enga gement. vv SO. W0L6AST Aiioclatcd Press to Coos Day Times) llCTORIA, II. C, Nov. 20 A lui mfissauo from tlio Bicamor SERIOUSLY ILL Champion Light Weight Pugi list In Critical Condition From Appendicitis. OPERATION IS SUCCESS. (Dy Assoclutud Press.) LOS ANflHMOS. Nov. !n hi mcs"Ho iiuin mu '"" - -, - - : . . .- i.. -... ..nn.. Dfinlfln Tlio nnnrntlnn win riiimilntnil iserTees Btruclf a rook lii.Kyu-, nt 10:50. Manngcr Tom Jonea a 1 . . I.. . A ft nun mill In rv frntu tin nitnin tlntv : Sound cany touny mm jb um-r .....,v........ ....... .. ,... ... (or assistance Sovorat vcasols room to .escort Mrs. Wolgast, ordered to hor nsslstanco. Tlio " mm ucuh Bummuncii in mo nu returning from Quatslno1 hospital, up to eo her husband, U Tim Btoamor Northwestern,' sniii; mu. ih buii unconscious lew at hand and It Is not bolloved riMcnccrs aro In dangor. Tlio i li a very old boat. MPS TO fill 10 CHINA from' the nnnosthctlc, but the doctors Hnv ho Is riiilnt (Inc." (By Associated Press to tlio Coos Hay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 30. Ad. Wolgast, champion lightweight pugilist of tlio world, scheduled to fight Frcddlo Welsh at Vornoa to morrow, was stricken with an acute attack of appondlcltlB today and taken to the hospital. Fears for his llfo wcro expressed by physicians and attendants. Tho Unlit has been declared off. Tho houso was sold out. Tho gross pociliit urn ORtlmntoil nt S35.000 anil will hnvo to bo roturncd to tho scat purchasers. Wolgast was to havo re ceived $13,500 for Ills sharo, and Welch $5,000. A substitute card mny bo arranged. Tho champion showed symptoms Ollt tO 00(1 comfort- ilgost awn- koncd his managor, Tom Jones, with n rf x on 'rno champion showed e , D. a, rsov. -J. !of niiniciit last night nnd wo s formally offorod nt 10.30 ni)parcn,'y n,oro io sorvlcos of 2,500 , nbIo but nt o'clock WolS am... ii.nMnnArl In ' . tnd far thn iirntnntlnn nf far- ;n la China If tho Chlnesp coun- )i ministers desires to accopt their dees. IhOUW.E IN 1IOXG KOXG. iW Law Declared Thoro Owing tO Tlll-llllll'llt Plllnnul. ran Associated Press to tho Coos nay Times) :0.Q KON'P.. Phlnn. Knv. ?o wrernor, Sir Frodorlck Lugurd, pwinimea a modllled martial vernment Offers Force of !,500 to Assist In Keeping Order There. Auocl&tcd Press to Coos Day Times.) MSHINQTON, D. C, Nov. 20. United States Ulna today th ricn troons now stationed In Okl1lHKl... l.l l.n ni ' - .. luiiuni nv " m i Kujib acreams. Physicians woro called, nnu Mlie rnllwny from Pokln to tho ft0 ,.,.. oxtimluntlnu pronounc ed tho ciiBo so serious that an lm- mcdlato operntlon was necessary to savo tho champion's llfo, Wolgast was placed at onco In an nutomohllo nmbiilnnco and rushed to tho hospital. Ho suffered greatly but whllo tho preparations for tho oporatlon was progressing, talked cheerfully and tried to Joko with tho surgeons and attendants. After tho tompornry treatmont was completed, Wolgast at 9:30 was placed under other. ti, nmi'i nf WnlpfiKt's siiddon ill 're In conannnonrn nf Mia nrt-lnnua wna n lininh In snortdom. Yes- 1 Into this city of a turbulent ' terday ho appeared to bo In the "pink ,3ese element nnd frequent as-, of condition" nnd light followers n mo pouco. looked for mm to mano n grout nuuw- lng In tomorrow's contest with RKIIKLS AUE DEFEATED. Welch. They had mndo him a two NUU IfopMlso Assault on Ontes to ono favorite over tho English- of Cltv. I man. Awoclntcd Presa to Coos Bay Welch, who has been training at wwicii i resa to coob uny , shocked at tho news of flVKivn m.i xt ,'lila prospectlvo opponent's Illness AMWNCI, China. Nov. 29. (six "i,,,,' ,Jn ,lIow. t n, sure." ho said. ia concerted attack on tho . nwfulh sorry Wolgast Is so o hocltybythorovolutlonlsts 1)n(1J,mrnnd dSolntea because ' wd they wero driven back ''""'Lht wl havo to bo called off." Welch wont out on tho road this morning and later In tho day will visit Los Angoles to seo If n sub stltuto match cannot bo arranged. Operation Is Success. Dr. J. W. Pollard, who performed tho oporatlon. stated Wolgast's per fect physical condition rendered it inmost cortnln he would recover rnp idly. "Ho will bo out of tho hos pital In ton dnys or two weeks," ho said. , . Mrs. Wolgast was tho first to greet her husband whon he recovered consciousness. Ho smiled feebly at her and murmured ho should soon bo all right. Tho doctors say Wolgast undoubtedly will recover. READY FOR DATTLE. Hout With DELAYS IN CITY 0M1P CANCEROUS' AHO COSTLY John MacVicar, One of Foremost Municipal Officials In Coun- try Tells Why Cities Should Own and Control Their Water, Supply Success In Many Western Cities John MacVicar of Des Moines, Iowa, ono of tho best known municipal olllclnls In tho United States mid considered one of the most practical city olllclnls in tho country, is nn ardent advocate of municipal owner ship, especially of Water systems. Tho Times 1b in receipt of a lottor from Mr. MacVicar outlining his views on municipal waterworks nnd tho necessity of obtaining them ns soon aa possible. Mr. MncVlcar'a letter Is n comploto refutation of tho contention of many of Mayor Strnw's supporters that they favor muni-' clpal ownership but thnt "tho tlmo Is not opportune" for tho city to ac quire it. Mr. MncVlcnr points out tho danger of dolnys in this respect tho big prlco tho city will havo to pay Inter and tho possibility of tho public being monncod by private ownership not giving sufllclont nttentlon to keeping tho supply pure. Mr. MaoVIcar was for n tlmo mnyor of Dob Moines and was ono of the first to espouse the causa of the commission form of municipal gov ernment. Lnrgoly through his offorts, Dob Moines ndoptcd that form and he has been ono of tho members of tho commission over since its ndop tlon despite n florco fight that has been wnged on him by tho corpora tions thoro owing to his inslstonco that they glvo tho pcoplo of Des Moines a "Hntiaro deal." IIo has won out In most of his struggles. Bo- shies being ono of tho bonds of tho Dcb Moines city govornmont, ho is secrctnry of tho American League of municipalities, tho fbromost or ganization of city executives in tho United States. Tho TIiiicb' lottor from Mr. MacVicar giving his views on municipal ownership of. waterworks has a reference to the situation in Dcb Moines nnd Is strnngoly parallel to tho condition on Coos Bay ovon to tho contention over, tho purity of tho water nnd delays In Installing tho mu nicipal .system. MIoro Ib what Mr. MaoVIcar writes: "Concerning municipal ownership of water works, pormit mo to Boy thnt after 20 years observation nnd expe rience In city affairs I have no hesi tancy in advising any community to own nnd control its water works. Thero mny bo boiiio difference of opinion nB to ownership. of electric lighting, street rnllwny, gns, nnd other public sorviccB but thero Is ab solutely no two sides to municipal ownership of wntor works. It will bo difficult for n man to find in tho United States nn oxamplo of whero n munlclpnlly owned wntor works did not glvo cheaper Borvlco, whoro con ditions woro nlmllnr. than a prlvato cnmpnny. In addition to this It is tho duty of n community to own its wntor works for tho reason that then It enn bo directly responsible for tho purity of tho supply. A matter so Important ns pure water should not bo left to prlvato ontorpriso. "Des Molnea has had cxperlonco thnt would bo of Borvlco to nny city considering municipal ownership of water works. Fifteen years ngo tho city refused to purchaso its water works plant for jhgo.uuu. Touny, it Is exceedingly nnxlous to purchnso Mm nlnnt nnd tho owners nsk $2,700.- 000 for it and practically gvoryIol- lnr of extensions mndo to tho plant during tho past fifteen years has como' from tho profits derived from excessive rates which havo ohtalnod. "About a year ago, n .typhoid fovoi epidemic broke out In. Dos Moines. The wntor works company provod by analysis of tho wntor, it was good and typhoid must bo frcm Homo other source. Tho city employed exports; ono from tho covornmont sorvlco nt IWnshington nnd ono from Now York 'city and these exports agreed It was .the city water because of contamina tion which was permitted. Thoy pointed out a way in which it could bo avoided and the wnter company wnB compolled to rovlso its systom of 'purification. This Is but ono oxam plo of many. I "Omaha Is anothor example Sho bought hor plant n fow yenrs ngo nnd wtiH compelled to pay $0,500,- ' 000 for it whon Its engineer said it was worth $3,500,000. Portland, Mnlno, is nnothor examplo whoro a city wan compelled to pny an oxces slvo prlco to obtain municipal own ership. "Los Angeles, Cal., and Knnsns City, Mo., aro examples whore groat bcnofltB wero derived from municipal ownership of wntor works." MEXICO IANTS BOLD BANDIT RECIPROCITY ROBS CASHIER Sfifik More Favorable Trade Relations With United States In Near Future. Oy Associated Pross to tho Coo Haj Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 29. Reciprocity with tho United 8tntes will bo ono of tho tlrst of tho impor tant problems considered by Mexico ns soon ns tho conditions in that country nro moro sottled, according to Crespoy Martinez, the Mexican ambassador to tho United States. DPftW lioana mi. Tmnnflnl ;M nro In full possession of tho IT GUILTY IS JURY VERDICT S. Pnttnrenn Pit,. TnMnn mivioun uivuii iiuiiicii nous Ovation by Denver Crowd When Acquitted f Aoclated Press to Cooa Bay TO RUSH II FI E dpv,,,,.. "es.j ".!(, rVni-lnni1 Favorite In I Murphy Tomorrow. 0lh,n ?" NV" 29, ""Grl(By Associated Press to Coos Bay Gibson Patterson chargod with v ' Times.) --cr oi (jnarles A, Patterson SAN nuwtwtu, w u. . te..! thta city, September vffilKi Lk this aiternon Tho c'aso pletod their preparations for tomor C to tho jurV fe4o w night row' .battle at Jimmy Coffroth's open alV.Ti. ' "H8ned nnd swayed, but mr urc.m, uuV ... ","-", , -f her composure in a moment permit tho contest to , the; ' Ihont u j ..." .'" " """'" ,. . . ,,.,, nt nrenmlnnd Rink at L, .. nanus witn ner attorney uu "" . . ,.t itkea with n, .." " "llU4UOJ .... Both men ar0 down to weight. 1" ," "emopstratlon by tho iu wiuhoi j..., .--- -- J tho court room, and again gast if tho latter recovers from ho 7a "ho maao her way back toi sudden lllnoss which seized him today Southern Pacific Contractors Have Big Force of Men at Work Now. ' EUGENE, Oro., Nov. 29. Tho f!iinri Biivs: "Two steam shovels In '"knocked down" shnpo arrived In Eugene from Portland tws morning for Twohy Bros., tho Southern Facl a .nntrnntora on tho Coos Bay road. 'The fact that they aro "knocked down" would indlcato that tho big J earth excavators will bo hauled over land by team, to a point near mo tuu nol site 23 miles west of, the city. It is possible to do a Jot of grading on the hlghor lnnd in that vicinity, and on thn rlrrht.oNwaV In clear- ed out that way, tho machines will bo taken thero piece by pleco, on heavy wagons and put together ready for operation. Twony uroB. t1.' Y-J nXX?sSZZZrL Unmasked Robber Secures $1,000 In Vancouver, B. C, and Escapes. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 29. A lono unmasked robber entered tho East End branch of tho Royul Bank of Canada this morning and robbed tho cashier of a roll of bills estimated at ono thousand dollars. Tho rob ber escaped, WANGLE SPECIAL JURY Investigation of Bribery In Mc- Namara Case Stirs Up lew Turmoil. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 29. District Attorney John D. Frodorlcks today announced that tho grand Jury would bo called for a fow days to in vestigate tho alleged attempted bribe ry In the McNaraara murder case for which Bert H. Franklin, former de puty United States marshal, is under arrest. This widens tho'scopa. of tho investigation to tho confines of tho Btato, If tho prosecution desires to carry It so far. It is possible to bring about aa extensive a ono ns. those of the! investigation of tho TAnes' ex plosion and tho resultant deaths, for one of which James B. McNainara is now on trial. It is said the cajl for (Continued on, pnse 4.) (Continued on, pnse 4.) r EH 10 HELD OP COOS STAGE BEAR ORAIN ARRESTED THE ONLY WAY TO PUHI- FY POLITICS IS TO PUT A LITTLE PURITY IN. IT ISN'T GOING TO SPRING UP OUT OF THE MUD IN ANY MI- RACLE OF SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. REAL ISSUE! L Voter Says It Is Waterworks and Not PoliticsOpposes Straw's Stand. Editor Times: Although I havo mado It n lulo nevor to mix up In politics, I am deep ly interested in iho campaign now nn 'in Mnrshflold. In fuct, I go not con Bldei that tho campaign now on hero Is n matter of politics kj much as It is u plain biislnovi rropositlon, tho outcome of which will vitally affect ovory man, woman and child In our city. Consequently, I nm going to wrlto you n few lines, hoping thnt I mny influence othora who havo felt about ordinary city politics as I hnvu felt and mny not evou tnko enough Interest In It this tlmo to voto be en u bo thoy do not real'zo the. neces sity of action. To mo, it !b not a matter as to whether Straw, McCrary or Copplo wins; It is whether tho peoplo of Mnrshflold aro going to protect thorn selves, their health and their honiea by arranging for nn adequate supply of pure water. Mayor Straw stands for prlvato ownership nnd n continuation of tho frnnchlso systom under which wo havo boon writhing thoso many yenrs. Mr. Copplo Btands for forcing tho wntor compnny to glvo us tho sorvlco and protection to which wo nro en titled under tho frnnchlso thnt has mado Its owners lots of monoy nnd for tho city (tho pcoplo) owning and controlling tho wntor systom just as soon ns It can bo acquired on n busi ness like bnsls. Thou if thoro la any monoy to bo mndo out of It, tho pco plo will get it instead of somobody nt Omaha. Mayor Straw says in tho platform ho had In Tho Times tho othor night that ho is willing to do what tho pcoplo want htm to do nnd will hnvo thorn voto on ovory question about tho waterworks. What doq that moan? If I romomhor correctly tho account of a recent Mnrshflold Town Board mooting, ho nnd Tom Coke woro In favor of hnvlng us, votors, decldo who'hor wo wore In favor of paying $100,000 for tho old systom from which wo nro now suf fering or In fnvor of granting n fifty- year frnnchlso to tho company and uouuiing our rntcs. Why didn't they include nnother question asking for ub peoplo to voto on whnthor wo wantod to bo robbod or not? It would bo Just ns Bonslblo. Mayor Straw should know and Tom Coke should know that. nny mnn of any sense is opposod to paying $5,000 for a "city beauty" and $10,000 to somo got-rlch-qulck Walllngfords, Wo would Hnvo to voto it down. So would wo havo to vpto down tho flfty-yenr franchise. Then what would Mnyor Straw do? Submit n proposition thnt tho city build a brewery or something olso nnd cut out tho use of wntor? I want to toll you thnt the wntor problem now up Is tho most impor tant thing tho peoplo of Mnrshflold hnve boon called upon to decldo. Be sides our health and tho protection of our homes nnd stores In case of flro. wo hnvo got to havo plenty of wator and that at a rensonnblo rate in order to get fnctorlos nnd grow. Tho only wny to do it Is to hnvo tho city arrange to own It na soon as It can on n business-like basis. I noticed in Tho Times Inst night that Tom Bennett, Claude Nosburg, A. Ralpho O'Brien nnd J. M. Upton wero tho committee- aiding Straw's cnmpalgn. Now if I needed nnything olso to help mo how to decldo to vote, this suro would do Jt. Tom Bennett is Joo Bennett's son nnd Joo Bennett is trying to unload tho wa terworks at a big prlco or got a long term franchise and high wnter rato. Claude Nasburg is trying to got $5, 000 out of tho donl. J. M. Upton haB always been n supporter of what J. W. Bennett wants. I don't know Mr. O'Brien. Do you suppose thoy would bo working for Dr. Straw and against Mr. Copplo unless Straw was going to help them attain their ends? Not by a long ways. I wish I could wrlto bettor so I could tell my views as plainly Ai the matter appeals to me. I have Edward Jurgins and Fred Fos terCaught at Ranch Home ' Near Roseburg. MARKED FIVE-DOLLAR , GOLD PIECE IS EVIDENCE Youths Hid When Officers Ap proached HouseBoth Found Armed. ROSEBURG, Oro., Nov. 28. Found in possession of marked flvo dollar gold picco taken from tho poc kets of C. A. Rlckor, n pnrsongor on tlo stngo conch, which was hold up and robbed near Drain Saturday morning, Edward Jurgins nnd Fred. Foster, wero nrrested by Shorlff Qulno nnd Deputy Sheriff Stownrt lato today at tho homo of Jurgins' mother, nlno miles east of Rosoburg. Keeping n close watch on all strangers, tho sheriff todny loarnodL that two mon nnswerlng tho descrip tions of tho bandits rented a horso- ,and buggy at a locnl llvory barn on 'Sunday night nnd woro drlvon to tho JurglnB ranch. I With this clew nt hand, tho shor lff nnd n deputy weiit to tho Jurgins fnrm Into todny whoro thoy placed' tho young mon under nrrost. As tho' ofllcorB nciircd tho residence Jurgins nnd Foster ran Indoors nnd wcro only found nfter a through search of tho promises. Whon searched, tho 'men hnd about $80 on their porsons Including n dented five-dollar gold ptcco taken from flickers. Jurgins Is about 20 years of ngo nnd loft Roseburg flvo ycnrB ago for Eastern Orogon whoro ho was slnco employed on tho rango. On Friday, ho returned to Douglas county nc compauled by Foster, and loft tho'.) trnln nt Drain. Tho following morn ing, tho stage was held up and bus--plclon pointed to thorn as tho guilty" partlos. Othor than tho toli-talo gold pleco, tho boys woro armed with nuto re volvers almllnr to thoso described by ' passengers on stngo. MEN ARE DESCRIBED. Douglas County AtitliorltloH Given Evidence Against Stnii UnnditH. , ROSEBURG, Ore., Nov. 2 Tho two highwaymen who hold up tho rtngo nonr Drain onrly Saturday morning, hnvo csenpod capture nnd Shorlff Qulno has rntiirnod to this city with hla bloodhounds. A poaso trailed tho bandits six miles n n jouthorly direction, tho plnco whoro darkness compolled them to glvo up tho sonrch being near tho railrpad track nt Yoncnlla. It Is probable that tho men boarded a trijln. A watch Is being kept for tho men nt all polnta nlong tho lino. Following is the description of thorn: No. 1 Height, nbout 5 foot 10 Inches; weight, nbout 150 pounds; ngo nbout 25 years; smooth shavoh, fair complexion, bluo eyes; woro dark gray suit, black hlgh-heol boots and No, 8 cowboy white hnt; had 38 caliber automatic rovolvor. No. 2 Ago, about 23 years; height, 5 foot 7 Inches; weight, about 150 pounds; smooth shnvon, sandy or reddish hair, sandy comploxlon; woro white hnt. with small loathor band (cowboy stylo), hlgh-hcol tan boots (cowboy stylo) ; bIzo of boots, about No. 7; had 38 callbor auto, mntlo revolver. ThcBo mon registered nt a hotol In Drain, Or., November 23, undor tho nnmes of II. Jones nnd R. W. Wil son. Thoy woro Been In Eugono tho morning of Novombor 23, nnd nlso nt Modford nbout tho 20th. Ono man hnd n dark gray overcoat at Drain. Thoy got about $100 in tho hold up. Ono $5 coin wna bonf nnd hnd n black snot on ono aide and was of tho now stylo. LOSES BIG SUIT. Montreal Man Fails to Collect Dnm- nge From Detectives, (By Associated Pros to th Coos Bay TlmoH) MONTREAL. Canada. Nov. 20. Tho suit of David Russoll, a Mont real capitalist, against tho Plnkerton National Dotcctlvo Agency for $350, 000 damages for an nlloged conspi racy to ruin hla reputation, was dis missed by Judgo Archer in tho Su premo Court today nnd tho costs charged to tho plaintiff. tnlked with lots of peoplo nnd thoy slzo It up like I do nnd I think you will seo election day bring out a big majority for Mr. Copplo and munici pal waterworks. Yours for a bettor Marshflold and better wator, A VOTER. FIXE ENttRAVED CALLING CARDS mnko delightful presents..' I RED CROSS DRUG STORE, CTKI 1 i o .- 1 I -, ---. uvi UOIBUUUI eUBUlH. " " (Continued on pg 3.)