The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 28, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 2, Image 2

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M. O. MALONEV Editor nnd Tub.
DAN 13. MALONE1' Nona Editor
Watkins' Pcny
Slough Reflections
Entered at the postofnco at Marsh- Edtor T,c3.
Hold, Oregon, for transmission j Th(J other d'ny j noticed In tho fnm
throuKh tho malls as second claBS jiy journal presided over by yourself,
mail matter. Issued seml-oecaslonnlly, five plunks
,. beforo taking, six after taking, por
Dedicated to tho sorvico cf tho annum, a loticr signed, "Progressiva
, .i . i .., .n lonv No. 2." Now, I bolicvo tho name Is
people, that no good cause shall lack r manomel.( 'nu,thmk8 x cnn dctect
champion, and that evil shall not tho Bpoor of a co(1 Btorngo repub-
tbrlvo unopposed. llcnn. "Tho voice Is the voice of
'Jacob, but tho hands nro the hands
of Esau." However, It always ar
fords mo pleasure to observo signs
of life, howovcr slight, In any ntro-
- phled member of my party. Progres
sive sings of one w. C. Hawioy.
hence I sing with him. Hawioy?
Why tho samo Hawley whoso pic-
Address all communications to
Mnrslilleld :: :: a '- Oregon
lx montlia.
Olllclnl Paper of Coos County
Ono year $6.00 tures with tho motto, "Only tho poo
Por month 60 pie's interests," done In tar under-
WKEKLY ncath, peer at you from every pa-
t1.nlpor, from every street, from every
Qne year i.ou ali0J.t from ovory cubby holo and
When paid strictly In advance the froin overywherc llko cuts of a prlzo
...t ,...1 -!.. 9 t.A Hnn. TlAV 'nlnlllnn nt n nniltltPV f II I IV flf Iflflftt
Times is JG.00 im year or J3.BQ for ovory two years, until you reach n
isiage wnuro mi uu uuu ouu, hib"-i
, 'or day sleeping or waking is visions
of Hawley.
,1 "Progressive," says Hawioy is of,
a.. i,inn,in nmthiinn nnwi. the Roosevelt type. There is cer-
, ... . i talnly a striking rcsomblance, tho
paper published tvery evening except. samo re8Cmblanc0 thero ,8 between
Sunday, and Weekly by 'a monkey wrench nnd nn alllgntor,
Tim Coos lluy Times Publishing Co. you can hardly toll one from tho
. ' ' - - -- other.
OFFICIAL PAPEH OF THE CITY i ''Progressive" also says the aforc
OF MAHSHFIELD. said Is a hard worker. Yes, indeed.
'observo how ho has worked tho peo-
i -;- plo of this congressional district,
GOOD MORNING. (progressives nnd all, at threo elcc-
'lions, with prospects.
A CHEERY "Good morning" often Noto too how ho has worked tho
sends a ray of stream- Woodmen of the ; World for a hun-
ing through tho Innermost ro- jotormned opposition for services
cesses of a household, resting thero rendered In performing Y X Z,
nil tho livelong day, and again fol- whllo In tho. employ of your Undo
lown hastening footsteps Into tho Samuel-sort of n leg pull job.
mart of business, lighting up and ."I'rogresslvo" nnd I. nlso point
brightening "tho way of tho world" with prldo to tho labors of tho honor
as It kocm. A hearty "Good night" nblo In congress. Tho ver.- flivt torm
often soothes many a troubled mind ho did all this 000.000.UO. Tl.o
to rest, and heals tho wounds which second torm ho did oven ii.oro ..f tho
have either como anow to a strus-.snmo thing nnd this term lo Is ;u
gllng soul, or boon reopened by tho dustrlously stacking u whnt re did
harsh words or deeds that arc spoken tho previous ten. i. A u w- .er lie
or dono In sonson or out of season, J Is sure a lnllypolot a.
as tho dally bnttlo of our llfo pro- I prayerfully nnd that part
cresses r Progressive's lof.vr tho oth-
"Good mornrng," with a henrtfull ,r day, wherein ho states that
wish for blessings In tho tone of Its Tnft, etc.. etc.. recognize Mr. Ilnw
iTtlornnco. cheers tie heart of folnt ley ns a great man,. to a . oBonerato
nnd fearful ones, and softens many friend of mine, and his follow
n hard spot that has place by lnho- aulotly grinned and hummed:
rltnnco or cultivation, in tho brensls ntj i polished up tho hnndlo of tho
of humnnlty. Tho lovollght, thnt big front door,
lienmB from tho oyo when ono is j polished up tho handle so cnrofully
greeted by such words nB "Good. That now I'm tho rulor of tho
night" lights many n weary spirit to Queen's nnvy,
n chamber of rest nnd neaco nnd to a j polished up tho hnndlo bo cnrofully.
land of plensnnt dreams. That now I'm ruler of tho Queon'H
Tho homo where "Good morning'? navy."
and "Good night" are carefully mW
generated, where good deeds have rjo to that pa t ' J " ,
plaro, and from whonco go out good ' . .. . . d f0 Co08,
lives. !),.
Then don't forget to Bny "Good n fntuoriy Wny this man laid1
morning:" snv It to parents, to ,l(( ,mml on my hcn(J whoro Ul0 i,r
chlldron, broMiors. slptors, sclioo - Ia not nR ,onR nB ,t onco wnB( looked
mates. tencho, friends nnd to nil BtrnKllt nt0 my wonther eyo, not the'
you moot, nnd say it cl-corfully nnd 0))0 j ,00p ou Pn8CO nnd 8aj(1: Myi
with n smile. It will do you good (,oar J nufiiB Yon nro as good n
nnd do your friends good. It will JJlnn nfl , ovep 8nw whon you nr0
cneer mi (HFconrnw.i. r.-Hl ...o m. hb1oo ,,ut bIuco you hnvo ceased to
Douglas County Slips About 10,000
The Uoscburg Review says:
Shipments of tin 'keys from Doug
las County for tho ThnnkBglvIrg
trade will not aggregate over i .1,000
hoad, tho lowest number for twin,'
yenrB. Roseburg will send nbout
3,000 head, while thoso from other
pnrts of tho county, approximately
about 7,000 head, will be shipped
either from Oakland or from other
Of the out put from Rosoburg,
twothlrds left the city Saturday mi
don consignment of Young & Com
pany, which invnded tho local ninr
,kct with nn offer of 2 1 cents a pound
for dressed birds, or ono cent higher
than any other buyer would pay.
Most of tho turkeys wero sent to tho
Snn Frnncisco markets, tho strength
of the markets In Po 'tlnnd nnd Seat
tle having dotorloratcd from an nflux
of turkeys for the Christmas trade
which were laid down In those cities
nt 20 cents n pound , clipping flvo
points oft of the quotation thnt pre
vnlled early In the buying seaBon.
pounds, the 10,000 turkeys shipped
out of Douglas county for Thanks
giving would average 100,000 lbs.
In weight, nott'ng tho owners n lit
tles more than $2 0,000. To ths am
ount must bo added, however, tho
money to be received for turkoyB for
homo consumption, which will num
ber not less than 2,000. Shipments
of turkeys for tho ChrlBtmns trade
promises to bo very light."
Sho worked so hard, tho long, long
day, nt put. Ing mlBlnld things awny,
nt sweeping nil tho floors and stairs,
and Blinking rugs and dusting chairs,
and cleaning grenso marks from tho
doora nnd forty thousand other
chores. And whon her husband camo
nt night hla cottngo was n encoring
sight. Rut ho, llko many of his
kind, though having two good eyes,
was blind; nover gnvo a glanco or
thought to nil tho things lila wlfo
had wrought. Ho strotched himself
upon two chairs, nnd talked about
his selfish enrcs. Sho wanted just n
word of praise, and ho discussed ills
ovll dnyBj sho wanted Just a llttlo
smllo. and ho observed that times
wero vile. Sho wnnted bread, nnd
got n stone, nnd bowed her head to
weep alone. A man mny lug n lot of
gems, nnd velvet gowns with silver
lieiiiB, nnd nil such doodads, to his
wlfo, nnd then not brighten tip hor
llfo onc-hnlf as much as ho might
do If ho would glvo at times n fow
kind words thnt do not cost n yen,
but make her heart grow young
(Dy Associated Press.)
SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 28.
Tho wooden stem wheel
4 steamer VubIiIii cnught flro at
tho dock nt Anncortca early to-
day. Sho was cut adrift nnd
practically burnoil to tho wn-
tor's edge. She wns built at
Aberdeen In 1891 nnd valued nt
ASTORIA, Ore, Nov. 27.
Wnlter L. Pullmnn of Clatska-
nlo, lias been charged with ns-
snult and buttery in tho county 4
court by District Attorney Hnr-
ris. It Is allogcd that Pullmnn
entered tho chnmbcr of tho city
council In Cla'skanlo whllo that
body wns In sosslon and literally
"cleaned out" tho house
Coos County Srnt Events ns Told by
The Sentinel
Mrs, John Mo chant of Marshuoid
spent Wednesday In CVqulllc, visiting
with friends.
MiiiU'luiH Forced Plgtnll on Chliioso
Jteiiro They Discard It Now
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Nov. 28.
Tho real rcuson for tho unpopularity
of "pigtails," among the Chinese re
volutionists wna disclosed by Tong
King Chong, secretary of tho Chl-
uoso Nntlounl association, nnd edi
tor of n Chinatown dally pnpor, In an
nddress on tho present wnr glvon nt
tho Press club.
"The very quouo which haB here
tofore been tho bndgo of tho rnco,"
said Mr. Tong, "wns put upon tho
Chlucso so thnt the Mnnchu might
tho cnsler hold his head and pull
out his neck to receive thoTT
cr'a sword." excWlc
SPECIAL xni-m..
After December 1st, is,,
oument Co. Wn t i ' ,',IC0m Dei.
iLocnl neonlo nm i.i.. . per .rtir
portunltv to unf ii. 'i.Vpccllo
;I0c before 5 o'clock 79
bor 1st. Room 1 i.-i. v'.?'' De
bulldlnL'. Phmin on,, ,.. ?na'Ba
volonmont C.n. ' w,,"n
When a nmn fniio i. .
much nnnimlnMn 7. "" "0C81't t
thnt hn wna """,',."? tt"Ur.
- """ v" u'uuiiioui.
f Miss Anna M'ller left for Mnm
flold today, where aha viu visit with
friends for n fow days.
Last Saturday evening several
young lady friends gnvo a linen
shower to Miss Anna Child who is
soon to bo married to Mr. E. II. Em-tucrson.
ones, nnd somehow mnko tho whcol ,.nl,e ,,,,. nn ,,,, tl,nk box of yours,
of life move moro amoothlr A Good u ,8 of nQ mQ to y0 on onrtll, fB
moriilni?" henrtlly snokon mnkos wor)C(1 01t tll0 BOn 8 exhausted.
noT-n iresner nnu urimnur un "' n yo not know thnt tho chnnces
really to mnko tho morning good. tbouaand to ono that tho Bamo
Arcldentully KIIIh Whllo Trying to
Keep Drunken Father Hark.
WATSONVILLE. Cnl., Nov. 28.
Mrs. Goo, Rail of Vogn, n stutlon live
miles from hero, wns accidentally
shot and Instantly killed last week
by hor B9von-yenr-old daughter, who
wns trying to shield hor from attack
by tho girl's father, nail nnd tho
girl, who nro wild with grlof today
aro being held hero to nwnlt tho coro
ner's verdict. According to local ofll
clnls, Rail returned home In n drunk
en condition Inst night nnd wns abus
ing his wlfo when the llttlo girl In
terfered. Tlio pistol tho child hold
wns discharged twlco, ono of tho lml
Ints striking tho mothor nbovo tho
Marriage licenses wcio Issued dur
ing tho past weok to: Charles L. Cox
and Eta llillo McLcod, Novom'jcr
seventeenth: Robert A. Wilder itiiri
Vera J. Fobs, November twenty-flrBt.
Last ovculng n surprlso miscellan
eous shower wns given MIbb Emmn
Mnury nt tho home of D. II. Johnson
by a number of Cnqulllo's young peo
ple. MIbb Mau:y Is to marry Hal
Pierce 'n the nenr future and sho wns
tho recipient of many dnlnty gifts.
County Assessor Thrift Is having
maps d flwn nf all the townships of
tho county nnd maps of tho additions
of nil the towns. Deputy Hnwklns
Is doing tho map work. He has fin
ished tho township plats and expects
to finish tho add Hon tnnps beforo
spring. Tho mnps will bo a groat
holp in tho work of tho ofllce.
County School Superintendent W.
II. Hunch received tho library books,
he first of the week, which arc to bo
distributed among tho different
schools of tho county, according to
tho number of pupils In each school.
Tho County buys tho books, giving
on ontB to oaeli school for each pup
il enrolled. Tho amount glvon fo
books amounted to $509.08, which
bought 021 books.
Whon n mnn la accused of a crlmo
ho Is nlflo sure to bo accused of hnv-
Ing n "guilty look."
nnd to ho n prophesy of n good dny
to como after It.
ninirnprlutlon would hnvo boon
mado In tho gonornl rlvor and har
bor bl'l for Coos liny ns wns mndo
If Mr. Hawioy hnd novor been on
earth? Your simplicity mukes mo
MHS. IDA RUSTED HARPER. tlrtn,, Wotl. thnt follow had n
author and lecturer, la out with winked eye, so I gonorously pnssort
a broadside acnlnst women's him up.
cccontrlcltlea In dross nnd nbsurdl- "Progressive" clnlniB that Mr.
ties In fashion. Tho suffrngotto Hawley Is n grent orator. Yes, in-
londor lilnmes them for dofeat of tho ded. Ho Vas DomosthoneB nnd CI-
causo. Sho snys: com Bklnned to a frazzlo. Progres-
"NothliiK baa done so much harm slvo and I will back him ngalnBt
to suffrage In 'the last fifty years as inv artist In 070110 in this or nnyj
tho wnv womon hnvo dressed thorn- othor B'nto. wo dory competition.
solves In tho Inst year or two. Thoy Whoopla for Hawley!
hnvo arousod genoral contempt nnd
criticism nnd hnvo mndo men say
everywhere that they hnvo nolthor
souse nor Judgment, mid so are not
lit to bo trusted with tho lmllot.
Ills Hnlilt For Srong Drink Got
11 1 in.
TRENTON, X. .!., Nov. 28. non
Franklin, n vnliinblo English grey
hound owned by Edwnrd Tschoop, U
dead, and tho cause of his domlso,
voterlnnry surgeons agree, waB
nrlght'H dlsoaso superinduced by al
cohollflin. Don could drink moro beor In n '
day than any two men, nnd for tho
past two yoara ho earroly drew n
sober breath. Thoso who know nen's
mother Bnya thnt alio wns oven n
worso tippler than hor offspring. IIo
hnd n regular round of saloons to
covor almost dally.
Tho mnn whoso appotlto Is lino,
i neir rms nave uii u . , , , , a , B.
tho nugh ng stock of tho country. ' , , ' ,
There rl.llfnlous objocta are without l"58" of '""lry cl'8 n(1
oxnuso In either shnim or trimming, Btoaks, and finish up on pies and
nnd thoy nro miulo worso by tho enkos, who goes clonn through tho
wonting of long hatpins, which liava bill of faro boforo ho rjsea from hla
boon sueli a monneo to othors that chair that man should onvy nouo
logal rollof hns boon Bought nil over on enrth the gods wore smiling nt
tho Innd. M i'" h! Ho may ho doomed to
"Tho most Influential women hn'0 luimblo to'l to pushing plowshnres
worn dressos on the street nnd In through tho soil, to sawing horns
public plncos In which n woman of f-om muley cows, to digging gumbo
tho doml-mondo would not huvo ap- in n ditch but ho can vlow tho Idle
pen rod a few vonrs ago. Thoy hnvo rich, nnd ho cnn look on sceptored
exnoHod flguroii, arms, bosoms, nnd '"K8. and say: "I'm hotter off, by
ankles In so whnmolosH n wnv that "Ks! I'r what avails all wealth
ono Is forcHd to suspeet that If thoy or pomp If ono Is not insp red to romn
hnvo nnnonred modest In tho past It ?v",' '""' " K"iuu" munui
wns onlv because custom demanded !,0,ril? I il -nther chew nn ear of
It nnd from no Innnto refinement. '1",i1,b1! "fi'Tn,?,!!
"it In Imnosslblo to co on tho ' invse,f wlth Prunes nnd Jam, and
street wIPo'iTt "JSSn? .K cont,S 5." .L" ? T'.
mnol ! ii'nnlMi ni1 vjII l fn rt it
mnn fnol for thesn women and hoar- Th,R W0P,(1 .,, BOrrow ,a ,oto
Ing tho snoni-B and obsce.e remarks for U(0go wm wnco w,Cn tl0v m,18,
directed toward them. And ns a ro- pnn ,vll0 nvo to onoi-cIbo tho Jaw on
Piilt mon sav women huvo shown pr0dlgested chop and straw, who look
thor'eo've.j miflt for suffrago or any- wth horror on a roast, as though It
thiii'r ! i'ss and lirhnre nnd tno wns tho'r fntl't's gl'ost! Rut llfo laj
...& . lolan notiinntilnllta M ..11 9 ...1. 1 1 I
nit hi."" nun iiiiiii.-iuuuin. inn in wiioK'Hwme gieo lor mm wiiow
Mro. Harper makes It pretty stomach, bold and free, la nlwas'fc
Btmng. but It Is certainly tlmo that rendv for n chore, tnkes what It getw
lasiunnnmo women usou n nuio simxo mm inns mr niun.-.
In dross. . WAT MASON
i H'
Did you over know n mnn who Seagoing freight stonuT&rs of n now
would wait for dinner nt home as tvne nnd with light onough draft to
cheerfully ns ho wnlts for a bum freo .r,jt thom to nscond tho rlvor
Iudci to be nerved' ,-lno to Paris aro being built In
r-nuoe foi" trnito with ports on tho
The Times' Wnnt Ads bring results west const of Europe.
Ho In Reoldne. ever nnnldncr. tnr
Bomo doctrine thnt Is now, ho Is strlv-'
Ing. always striving, nil tho old things
to undo: ho hns risen from tho level
of tho piano wlie-o fnther stood, and
has solved the greatest problems that
porploxo.d tho Anc'cnt Good.
Ho disputes the proofs of science,
holds himself nloof from thoso who
hnvo sought and found In Nnture, all
tho things thnt thero dlscloso ngon
clea fo human healing, proven in tho
light of dny; finds Instead, that this Is
orror, leading mortals far estrny.
Ho hns gone Into tho tench'nga of
Mnhnmnied, Eddy, Pa'no; finds In
theso tho grontest moiit, nnd for
them ho now would dolgn to o'er
throw nil othor doctrines, bnnlsh
them, nnd lond alono, all tho poor,
misguided mortnls o'er h's pathway
to tho th-ono.
He has found thoro Is no reason In
the things h!s mother tnught, and her
good, old Christ Inn spirit wns In or
or whon It wrought out tho teach
ings of tho Master, ns IIo stood by
GnlUeo, wjien He told them of tho
Father, as Ho walked beside tho sea.
Now. I used to sit and listen whllo
ho told n wondrous tnlo, of tho pow
or of absent treatment, when no oth
er could provnll; nnd ho told mo of
tho dnngers of mnllclouB human m'nd
but the moro his thoughts wore stud
led, less tho comfort I could find.
nut, maybe there's a reason for
not grasping his Great Truth, thero
wna a Christian mother n tho happy
days of youth, and mnybe 'twas hor
teachings thnt dim my ppwo n to seo,
for hor noble honest efforts, still, nro
good onough for me.
Nov. 27. 1911. R. O. GRAVES.
i rr:
fwE jfl v Tl
la to ho kno.Mi
ns tl'o moBt roll
nblo plnco In
town whoro both
tho exporlonced
nnd tho Inexperi
enced buyer cnn
Bafely buy
So It Is n rigid
rule hero thnt nu
exaggerated or
fnlso representa
tions aro permit
ted under any
Whnt you think
you nro Rotting
hero Is exactly
what you do got.
A child can buy
hero ns safoly as
tho most export
Thankful For
If You Order the Materials for
at the
Cash Grocery
Tho Times' Wnnt Ads bring results
For Thanksgiving
Wo hnvo selected tho boat of Pure Foods to mnko yourTiiivtl
Flrat MRS. RORER'S own blond COFFEE. Let MRS itnnJ
select your COFFEE. ' llunEI'j
Second H. .1. HEINZE'H PURE MINCE MEAT mado In a .J
less kitchen, thn linnt tbaf In mmln U ln a W
Also a big supply of fresh FRUITS of nil kinds:
.w.j .... unu uuu wLiiviio awr UJUKR on !irJ
nnd DILL'S PICKLES. ' '' 80URI
All Fresh Fruits and Vegetables the
Market Embraces
uuAwimiiuitia inavwli uiiAIMUHii FRESH PINEAPPLES
APPLES Also n fresh shipment of NATIONAL IHSCUIT CO.'S
uuuuo. i.oi us supply you ror your TiiniiKBglving Dlancr.
l?lionc us your order.
The Pure Food Orocermen.
A Good Place to Truth'.
Phone 275-.T Corner 3rd and Central
Store Closed All Day Thanksgiving Day
You can buy "Royal Tailored Suits made to your
' $38 to $25
Every Garment Pure "Wool and Guaranteed in ev
ery detail
iwhPmmK .K1 I
lo Plli;il.ll If J
Your Kitchen
is worthv of as much care and
attention as your bathroom. It should
be equipped with the best sanitary de
vices in order to make it as clean,
healthful and comfortable as possible.
Porcelain enameled plumbing .fix
tures make the kitchen as dainty and
neat as a modern bathroom. You
can secure a
taitdattf" enam
eled sink from us,
in a size and style
to suit your kitchen
exactly, and the
price will suit you :?
Pioneer Hardware Company
r " j ' t ' --H-T1 'V ' f
-!- '
- -i; Hi ''-t'ltOil ni,-.-J-
.."--- s. . -..!. (
i-...i -y. .--