WhffftHW MSS ' BE ELEMENT OF SPORT ENTERS INTO IT WHEN HAS TO GUESS AT IT A Utile "Campaign" Of .i-r VI':itT',AU l J "0 TI.UKS A.n.i i put Vonr Itcnl Kslnto "In WANT ADVERTISING In The TIMES Will Keep Hie Income from Your I'lit-nlslicd Rooms from liiipsliiKl YOU enn really holp tho family revenues by ranting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how nnd when to uso the classified columns, you mny keep that HUlo oxtra incoino aa "steady us n clock." '" . . nt I t it n I I t II I V I the MiirKCi- - .- '.. ' i iii p' th0 fnctB-,lbout your ," "... ,..fnro the eyes of nil pos- '"ThMew" In town. And if i1". ; nf Utem 'who oilKlit to Kuuinti MEM.JKU OP ASSOCIATED 1'UbSd Established In 187H as Tho Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1 911 EVENING EDITION, SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mnll nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 116 ONE Qfttttra fJ HTEEN INJURED II WRECK NEAR NORTH Hi TODAY -r- THREE ARRESTED FDR TRW . Tfi nninr i.iViiAi&fliini. nunr innv !U DIIIUC h1 HMflHuH UHOLUUn xThniind Train Is Ditched at Wapato, Wash., by Broken Kail I mo muuiiiiy. koNE KILLED IN SliiANuc auuucni pern Paciric tastuourm passenger wrecKea run List or victims. KILLED HU8BV ID SAVE SOUL SUPPORTERS of Mayor Straw seek to show that there Is llttlo or no dlfforenco between their cnndldnto nnd It. A. Copplo on tho water works question. Trey say Mayor Straw has expressed himself that It should be passed up to tho people to bo voted upon. That this lakes the Issue out of the campaign. j Let us cxnmlno these, statements for a inlmtto and sco what merits they possess. i First Dr. Straw has been mayor of thla city for six years, nnd as was ftUggvB ed In n communlcntlonto Tho Times yesterday, during nil thai time ho has not mado n single move to compel tho wntcr company to live up to Its franchise, nltho there hnvo been constnut violations of their contract with tho city. He has not said ho would do bo if elected ngnln. Ho has expressed hlniBolf against city ownership of tho (Valor system. Ho stated lrt open council meeting that If tho council did Inot hurry nnd aottlo tho wntor question ho might bo compelled to run NfrU YKrl him; "Cnn !,. ' for mayor ngftln to got It settled. It. A.-Copplo hns mado public stato ivlvv ictK Jury frees WOman unent over his Blgnnturo that ho Is In favor of municipal .ownership, on Insanity and '-'Unwritten Law" -Defense. ifAisoclatod Press to tho Dons Hay " Tlmnal ttinTHYhKIMA. Wash, -Nov. 28 ne Northern Pacific cant bound . rlly Associated Press to Coos liny uneer trnln Numbop'C Avont Into Mitch tit Wnpnto this morning. urteen wcro reporica maurcu.nono illr. Ue Injured wcro: ED. PRIEST, D.F.D, ., Spokane; iAinirt. MRS. M. M. SLOAN, Spokane; i cat. MS. A. P. BAULTOSR, WcstniliiB- t Junction, D. a: Bilgntiy injured. fVRS. II. II. BOLTv310 Tumor St, sohnc: sldo bruised. JACK HILL, 2GI ''Commercial St, imo: kneo bruised. J.D. McKENZ'E, brakeman, 1807 j rth avenue, Enit Spokano slight- lalurod. TONY MARK, Blight Injuries. If. W. FEKLfcMAN, Blight Inju- ' Tro Italians, slightly Injured. k CURIIY, iFtfllmnn porter; lilp Jored. Rillroad ofllcmls hero stato a ten rail enuved tho derailment. ttnglno and Ibaggago car did xol Itte the track. 'Times.) kew york, kov. as. sirs. FmtfrtB O'SlinuglnicBsy, who shot hfcr,Ausbnnd "to avc IiIb soiil," to day;, was acquitted from the chnrgo olittrurder by thfe Jury. 'IIcrfiofonso wis a combination of ilmuaHy and lajiwrlttoi. law. - eJilflMPIPf" 1Q immiiiL .u P.arody un .Noted .Poem Used Effective In Patterson Murder Case at Denver. Uy WES TO- ; mm iuuaii AffiOdotM Prcsa to Coos Times.) nrVTTTJ inln 'XT, OO ?'W Ml Vt"l 4VW U "A ! iflmwA iifnn n twl li. ttinrln tito & tUU4 i4tUI V T tlJ3 141114 41 V .A111IUU 11 1 .rffsiyot; (Evon as yna nnd I.) To n rag. a bono nnd a niu3c Wo called her n woman n etirfi- Uiitthe ffool, Ih's called liar his lady taSr, And sho shut him In the Hack," was tho way Pros. Attorney Douson began hla nrgtnnont to tho Jury In 'tho en bo oi Qcrhrudo Qlbson Patter- won, chnrr.nl with murder In connec- W'OIl tlon w't'1 tl ''w'1 ot her .huubnnd, .luiiuj, mil jui,ofi:iuui luun u iiiu thnt If elected ho will tako action to compel tho water company to obey the speculations of Rb franchise. , That would seem to mako tho waterworks question something of an Isauo with two such candidates running pn two such platforms. Now, "kt UB got down to brass tacks on 'this proposition. Dr. Straw says ho Is willing thlB waterworks question bo put tip to thn urnnlo In lm vndxl unnn. That seems fair. That Is fair. That Is I what The Times hns been lighting for for four yenrB. For a fair, squaro deal ror tho pcoplo or MarBhnold In tuo matter ot irancnises. l am glad "I Tinvo mado a convert of Dr. Straw. But I hnvo boon odltor of Tho Times for four of tho six yenrs that Dr. Straw lias been mayor. I have scon franchise after franchise', tele phone frnnchlso, Btreot railway frnnshlBO, and boforo I enmo, gas and electric light franchises given away by tho mayor and city council without being BUbmlttod to a vote of tho people. Dr. Straw hns never. ltitticiln.l fin. HM..nM Mnt.t .! HHnt1 .. 1. . . 1 .1 .i,a m , 1. n nwminaUlni. tttl t ii tit van-lit iiiia iiuvur Diim iiiu iiuujiiu atiutiiu tuiu utt wttu ituj.vD.wtuit tt..- Ull tho Ibsuo lms been fenced by tho light Tho Times hns tnudo on this fifty cars franchlso nt double tho water rates. Thero Is a limit to nil thirds. Tho Times thinks tho limit hns been renched by tho franchlao grntJbers when they wnnt to run nwny with n fifty yoars water fran rlili,u at doublo rates. I hnvo benn denounced as n mischief maker and (lhmirbanra creator because 1 havo protested with such effect as to Tmrront this public outrage. I would, hnvo been fnlso to my promise to the pcoplo of thlB community If I )md acted otherwise. At the hond ol Hit editorial columnn or Tho Tlmo nppcnrs tho following pnragraph: "I)KI)1CATEJ TO THR SERVICE OF THE PEOPLE, THAI: NO !OOJ CAUSE SHALli LACK A CHAMPION, AND THAT EVIL SHALL NOT THRIVE UNOPPOSED." So- long ns I romnln editor of Tho Times that promlso shall ho faith fuTly observed. That's wliy I am making this fjght. It In a fight for n priticlplo. it la n light for tho nconlo of Mnrnhflnl.1. A nr.h r i... Tirtttectlon of tholr property and tholr homoB. A llcht for thn hnniMi n,i ihnTijilneBB of erory homo In this city. I nm not lighting Dr. E. E. Strnw perBbiinily, nor J. W. Donnott. Thoy nro both cood fnllnwa. u.. !,.- is stmiothlng more In this campaign thnn singing "For Ho'a n Jolly Good "FuThxv, which Nobody Can Deny." r ni L f n. nlco t,llnB t0 b0 ,oyal t0 ",B fr'onds but It's a good thlnr to 'i "X; T1wl to one'i! community also. J. W. Dennett hns dona much for WhO dld(tVtK ratntiiiinKv hut M unntmnnllv l,. -i .1 J . . u' ",r . ,... v... ,,w ,llou uulm in uc 11 lor joo uon- iittt, It hns done . togjmmjh to havo him bring In two strangers from Omrtlm to hold up tho community for $10,000. This community hns Jso (louo too much for Dr. Straw to havo him stand for that sort of a jiiiijiiTBiuuii. Day REIOX TROOPS SENT '3D ;CIH XESK CAPITAL LOOK MM. (1V Vivinvn t aw M051KXT. 'ttnny Iiio or tno -woman in an ni- ff t4f444 (U-mpt to coavlnco rUio Jury that sho MRIM SENT TO PEIU3J. ., yrIenvl Wo.,lta. who won .tho DEATH WILL R06 JUSTICE Chicago Woman "Bluebeard" Thought Fatally III From Attempted Suicide. ' (Dy Sensational Developments In Noted Los Angeles Labor Trial Today. FORMER U. S. MARSHAL ONE OF THREE HELD Detective Declares He Saw $500 Passed to Venireman By Albert Franklin. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Associated Press Times.) T no AVnWf.WH fnl Wnir 9Q. - Associated Press to Coos Day I ... , ,, , , . . Times 1 1 1J-ll;utlv-H ui l"u biuiu b uuurnoy a CIIICAao, 111., Nov. 28. It is onico today nrrcsted threo men char unllkoly thnt Mrs. Loulso Vermllyn, glng attempted bnlhory In tho Mc chnfged with poisoning Policeman jjnmara murder trial. Tho raon an Dlssonnotto and Buspectcil of other. tod. Albort FrnnUll, tomM dcatliB, will ever faco trial. Tho '... , , Jail physician, Dr. Hogan, snld her United Stntcs marshal, now omploy condltion is moro serious than was cd by tho McNamnra dofonso In look supposed nnd thnt an obeess of tho. lng up antecedents of prospcctlvo Ju eplno cniiBcd by nr80nlcnl poisoning rors, Qcorgo II. Lockwood, n vonlro- mny provo fatal. FOURJEPT TO IIEK8 Si int Dr. Straw has been honored by tho nconlo of thtq rUv i,w ni,n . three terms as mnyor. Another term can add nothing to tho lustre of his lorn! fnmo. Ho did not want to bo n cnniiMntn. u .. -' " prmofl himself. Dut his frlond J. W. Dennett wanted him for n can- d dxtO. TIB fr end nintirfo Nntiiiri n,.nt.,i i.i .' " .....r " c.an ... ......, ... u iu, ,or n cnnuiunio. Other friends -wlio nro against city ownorshlp of wator works nnd favor n long fnmchlso, wnnlod him and ho agreed to run. That's why tho waterworks question Is an Issuo In this campaign nnd that's why ovory business- man nnd citizen who wants to seo this nuestlon snmmi ,iLm idototlon of Rmll W. Strouss In Chi-,""' wj ?s JKJ-"" nl "?" Prosperity of cago. Jienaon Bam ino ovinofien n - mAr r V.-iw-"" v Aj"'iXuL man, summoned to appear boforo Judgo Dordwoll today for his prolt mlnnry examination, nnd "Cap" White, n character about whom not much Is known. Tho men woro taken Ta 9i tna oflleo of tho dlrJct fcttomes nnd. tllen V' mil. Counsol for tho do' feneo cald tlioy know nothing of tho enso. Detcctlvo Drown declared ho Baw Franklin giVO Lockwood $500 nnd ho knew, It to bo In connection, with the McNamnra caso. Lockwood nnd Whlto woro lntor released. DlBtrlct Attornoy Frede ricks nnnoirjicod tho thcoryotthosta to to bo that Franklin gavo Lockwooa $G00 ns an ndvanco pnyvToat for hnnirlnc tho inrv on'! i. ... '"" 1 t0 S?vc2Si?S!?' wC i'iii ui mo v, -. ,v ""' ouwn Four Others Injured on Atlan tic Liner by Tremendous Sea. (Dy Associated Press to Cooi Br i wirn .- - - i i ;. . ...... d ot the- telai. BV YORK. Nov. 28. Four sen- after bV. tnu lo tl Franklin woro drowned and four -were In-rjivo on a S,?, Vtof? th"? od by a tremendous. scU- which 'wh thint- i5!.i, nt " "lilT nt tho ,ioM,a t , t.." 'i'o things looked flomowi.A?'1 t. Anna November 23. The now Hn iS'i-IL "SbJ"", hoon maov. TI . 11... . . "". "v" was brought horo when thn lino- n " . """" 8.n 8I'cotiy roloaso as soon rlvod today. "" l0 "'""ct attorney makes nn In- . I 'VWlUjtuiUJI, HAD 1'IRE IN JAMESTOWN. (Dy AFBOclntcd Press.) B1IAM1HAI, China. NOV. . shows nertrudo nilisnn ivas 21 or 22! I -Admiral Murdock ia seurtlnc years old when uhe mt Strouss. company of niarlllCB f rom hor Sknrtlv after thn eourt onnnod this w Pckln oa bonrd the cnujecr morning, tho taking of ovldonco was "'"'S3- concluded, and Judgo Allen dollvered tl,0 instructions to tho Jury. These ! consisted of a simple statement of J Associated Press to Coos Day 'what constitutes murder In tho vnrl- L , Times.) ouu dogree. Whllo Benson was talk- M.VKING, China. Nov. 5 finmoHnc. Mrs. Patterson's faco was waxen Nog occured nnrth nt it. .iv In a nftllor thnt became even dee'ner lmbardment Is Imminent nud nH tho prosecutor enlarged on overy "'"reason to believe that Gen-1 bit of testimony which ho boileved "B Kwo Chang, tho Imperlnlitold against tho defendant. ffl'ndCr. hns dtsrnvornd n nlnt n I l the city gates. Much shoot-1 fw neard outBldo tho city, nnd m tno forelgnors have departed. IS1C FOR CESSATION. al Forces Tulro Action to Pi-c. vent Fall of Jfnnklujf. 'Atsoclated PresR tn thn r.nn. now "'Impiil 1", Phlnfl Vrtir OO Z1nnA.nl PKwo Chnng, commander of tho rV "oops nt Hankow, tolo wa today and npoimin.i unn IWerdav. Thn ravnmmmit la "Orlnc tn Dnn . ,1.1. ""('n Of linRtlMHoa n H.Tol,l P tte fall of tho city Is iraml- CIRCUIT COURT JURORS OWN TOUR DIE IN G 1 E Number of Marshfield and North Bend on List For ' December Term. Sheriff W. IV, Gngo was horo to day serving subpoonnB on tho Jurors for tho Docombor torm of Circuit Court. Tho Jurors nro summoned to appear nt Coqullle December 11 when the regular Decombor term of court will bo convened. CITY POLITICS Locompto Davis of Mm ..i - McNnmnrn, snld ho had known l' rnnklln for vnnm ., .i.t. ... KnnsaH Town Suffers $300,000 FJro nbsoluto Ho tho statomont thnt ho Loss Today. i would do nnytUImr llko thnt. n,. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times) JAMESTOWN, Kan., Nov. 28. FIro today destroyed most of tho bus iness Bectlon of Jnmeatown. Tho loss is ostimntcd at $300,000. nnytKlnc llko thnt. row refused to discuss tho cnBO. j'ranKiin is neid in Jail. GETTING WARM I Straw Forces Hold Meeting ana Arrange i-or strong Campaign Here. At a meeting last ovenlng of tho supporters of Dr. E. E. Straw for mayor, nrrangoments wo'ro perfected for. ono of I'll most strenuous cam paigns lit his bohnlf that money and workers can mako. Onlv Rimnnrt. ers of tho mayor woro Invited to the Dut lmmil7r71IT lllll'll III Ml 11 I raon ntDt11. SLUR l' PL'f MS OVER BLOODY DEEO Lamp Explosion Blamed For Tragio Death of Canadian Family. (By Associated Press to Coos Daj Times! NEW WESTMINSTER, D. C, Nov. 28. A flro last night on the farm of Lieutenant Governor T. W. Patter- eon near Liverpool, a station on tho Great Northern railroad, south of Frazler river, caused tho death of Thomas Moore, caretaker of the farm, and three of his children. Five other children, all boys, escaped. The mothor nnd slater, aged 18, woro In Seattle. Tho mother and daughter how kiuuu jury win oo ciioson tPA,int, .,, .",.., "' then. Next week, tho old grand Jury fffco'n?,?,? EE' Pr" will be In session. Tho two principal cases to come boforo It will bo that of Jess Day, tho former pugilist who has been confined In tho county Jail at Coqulllo for soverol weeks on a charge of creating a disturbance In a resort there, and a calf killing caso from Random Tho Jury list for tho December term of court Is as follows: Wm. Grimes, Marshflold: Wm. Vaughan, North Dond; Thomas Han- loy, Coqullle; Jas. T. Evordon, Brid ge; A. E. Adelsporger, Marshfield; Leonnrd Hartley, Rural; Frank Smith, Marshfield; Geo. Branson, Bridge; Abrnm Van Zllo, North Dead; A. J. Radabaugh, Norway; Wm. Stephen, Marshflold; Chas. S. woro expected homo last night andlWnrnr- Bancroft; L, A. Braden, the father sat up. It Is supposed ho Myrtle Po nt; R. J. Montgomery, fell off asleep nnd the lnmP exploded. nr,Bflo'd: na8 Heller, McKlnley; Tho survivors wore aroused by tho J5 llw,jI8t''rd,1n CTor(lu,"0!T noch crackling of tho flames and ran out "ol'n.nd' Mn"h"0,$ " A' JhrBn. of tho back door. They went around My't,0p0'ntLY: NB"k?r' Marsh' to the front of tho bouso, which was Hine Barnabel, Negress, "- nenuisn uiee over fcix Murders. Tim- i gS DayH in flames, and mado a frenzied pAYETTF T a attempt to rescue tho other children " rrr,o.j -, nu, o, who were asieup in um truui. iuuiuil .. .. j . i , lS nnd nccU8ed of tho' but could not nrouso them and the : Je. North Bend; , C. C. Johnson. Coos-obIm-V . per80ns. a" nogroes. . heat was bo Intense it was Impossible U?nV,Prcd'. B"chm,nn' l,tah,fl,?wi 3 tliino Vr, wun nr blood-soak- to effect entry. iiec. . ,enuno "arnabel, a hress, laughed nt. thn nnllnn field: M, C. Miller, McKlnley; C. T. Robinson, Coqulllo; W. H. Hervey, Lee; A. II. imhofr, North Bend; Ja cob Strong. Myrtlo Point; Geo. WU P refUBne tn Va,. Ule po"? CAP VINO s( fcV"SI M"1' "I Lart4 i! MILNEITS. ' 9ttrn . " "- uu kYU Ulh..." wero arrested as ma ta -OOt?H. 'Ph. ..- t?a CAPVINO sets from i?2.30 to $5.00 The family of Nor- haVv U th3 bodIfl beng A cked, were found dead in1 ?ra BTAUFF Grocery closed THUIt8- J)AY all day. Open Wednesday night. W1HAFING dishes. Casseroles, Per- coArs. Ball Tea Pots at MJLNER'S II. Dement, Myrtle Point; W. Phil pott, Prosper; Frank Marhoffer. Marshfield; Geo. W. Dalcom, North Bend. ELECTRK5 portnblos at prices at MILNER'S. reduced Thanksgiving TURKEYS, Chickens, WILD DUCKS STAUFF Grocery, Ivy COlldrOn. Who hns nn.tn.dntn been tho nctlvo mannger of Mr. Straw's campaign, stated this after noon that thero was little to glvo out about tho meeting. He said that Tom Bennett. A. Ralnho wnmnn Claudo Nnsburg nnd J, M. Upton were appointed a committed tn tnim chargo of tho publicity campaign. it wns learned today from some of those present that Mayor E. E. Straw mado quite a talk on his pol Iclcs at the meeting. J. W. Dennett was present nnd In tho course of his remnrks, Dr. Straw Is said to havo turned toward Mr. Bennett nnd stnt- ed that he wanted tp notify him thnt ho (Dennett) would hnvo no strings on him (Strnw) In dealing with tho wator question If ho (Straw) Is re elected. Mr, Strnw also talked about his opponent Mr. Copplo nnd wanted to know why Mr. Copple had not accomplished more In dealing with tho water question tho year ho has boon on tho council. It Is nlso understood that consld ablo funds have already been raised for Mayor Straw's campaign and that there will be no shortage of the mon ey that the campaign committee thinks necessary to secure his election. A. H. Powers, a member of tho city council and head of tho Smith Powers Logging company, was also renorted today to bo throwlnir hts best effort Into tho campaign to se cure Mr. Straw's re-election. Aside from the personal campaigning QUAKE SHAKES CU11A. Troinblor Cnuses Much Alann Dili no Damage. 'By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SANTIAGO, Cuba, Nov. 28. An enrthquako was folt horo at slxlpntt...i Mw, v i i-i. , o'clock today, it caused much mam, u on vert New York Theatre n- but did no damage. tfl Rnnillnr "nnnnnvhmnl Fair." (By Associated Pross to Coon 'lay TfmoH NEW YORK, Nov. 28 Tho Am orlcnn manngorH of "Tho Piny Boy of tho Western World" announced to day thnt tho play which was lutor ruptod last night because sonwi nt tiu. audlonco thought It libelled tho Ir sh raco, win uo repentod tonight nnd ovory night for which It Is schedul ed. Another special pollco guard TEST ENGLISH CLAIMS SOON German Offinink 9av inrprifv wU1 "i? nBkC(1 tor- A rPrt ' b'ns uuuidll Ulllbldlo day dinceniy invostlgatod today of tho attempt to Of British Leaders' State- mob u' Pyboing pronrrangod nnd ments Will Be Put to Test. (By Associated PreBs to Coos Day Times.) DERLIN, Gormnny, Nov. 28, Tho conciliatory speoches of tho British forolgn socloty, Sir Edward Grey and Premier Asffplth, and the expressed uesiro for improved rolatlons bo tween Germany nnd England wero cordially re-echoed In government circles horo. It was significantly added that tho British government will soon havo opportunity to dem onstrate the sincerity of Its disclaim er of Its ministers of tho theory that ono of tho alms of British policy Is to stand In tho way of German ex pansion and to block its ovory pro ject. No Indication is given In whlph this opportunity Is to occur, JEALOUSY CAUSES MURDER. tno authorities aro trvmr to find If any of tho Irish societies whoso mom bors wero ejected from tho thontro wero officially responsible. (Continued! on page 4.) Son of Wealthy Tennessee PInnter Kills Neighbor. By Associated Pross to tho Cooa Bay Times) NASHVILLE, Tonn., Nov. 28. Borrowing a shot gun today from n kinsman, James Horrltt, son of a wealthy planter, killed Adolph Lnyno, near Walter Hill at his homo today. Tho alleged nttontjons to Mrs, Mer rltt by Layne was tho orlglu of tho quarrel which resulted In tho shoot ing. Morrltt surrendered to the au thorities. ALCOHOL LAMPS at MILNER'S. LO FATAL Tl New York Girl Dies From' Drinking Poison La ellecj . Vermouth. , (By Associated Press to Coos Bay. Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 28.rIIow a' bottle labelled "Vorinouth" but con taining lysol and carbolic acid camo to bo placed beforo Allco Trletam an Irish singer, was a puzz'o f'o coroner Is trying to boIvo in tho lnqoit of Miss Trlstam's death today Tho wo man drank out of a bo't'o B'Tdiy at tho golf Iioubo nt Vnncornndl and died soon after. F've business mon who wore drinking w'i Mi kIu gor, a waiter and -a physician have been subpoenaed as witnesses. WINE, - -a