THE LONG RUN WE PAY MOST EOR WHAT WE TRY TO GET POR NOTHING - r-rz. "Vilttlo "Campaign ui .hVPlTI8lX In TIo TIMKS utAcl" Kf f o 1 1 v o I y I ni nut tho facta about your i V L the eyes ot all 't)os- (Eons WANT ADVERTISING lu Tho TIMKS Will Keep the Income from Your l'uiiiMu'd ltoomx from Lapsing YOU can rcnlly help tho fninlly rcvonucB by renting n fow furnished rooms timl, If you know how and when to uso tl o classified columns. you may keep that ll'tlo extra Income as "ptendv as a clock." w rs" I" '" Aml ,f bUrL WhO OUgllt to b? of thon. who rt. fu'll sell Ul MKMUKR OF ASSOCIATED l'lli.on 3 I" '' Established In 1878 lis The Const Still! ,xxxv MARSHFIELD. OREGON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 191 1 EVENING EDITION-EIGHT PAGES. A Tim! No' U mm IS BAY STAGE HOLDUP NE Dili EARLY Tl II Passengers Lose About lOO In Cash and Driver Loses watcn. RIFF ON TRAIL IIH BLOODHOUNDS NOW ly Burned Coat In Camp- ire May rurnisn oiuu iu Identify Them. RUSSIA TAKES RAND IH 6AIWE Principles AndJNot Personality ISocclal to Tho Times.) Uoclatcd ircft to thf Coos Hay Times; Liiv. Ore, Nov. -&. this Notifies Powers That She Will Wot Permit Italian Blockade In Dardanelles. By Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Bay lines) .PARIS, Nov. 25 Russia Informed Franco and tho olhor nowors torlnv k at about !: ociock nn i,0 would Insist on neutrality In tho 1ar dally Drain-uooa uay DnrdonollcB hs provided In tho trcnty I... nuliifr n. Dolllt thrco mllos of .London In 1871. Thla nntldnn. I . . A.I lH .1.1.1. II... --..J .. 1 ...... Ktowa wncro mo ruim nmu- nun luiiuwB a report mat Jiaiy, la lift brush, two masked men --..& ur wr wun mrKcy, in D(o tho road and ordered " jjj-j..u,...v..d. lA,,r n throw mn his hands, hoorlihlng an automatic rovol-, IT'S A long cry to hnrk hack from a municipal campaign in Marsh field to the romance and glory of Koine but I am urged to it by tho truth Involved. I find in my old friend Eplctotus so clever and clear an expression of my own Ideas on this campaign that 1 am con strained to use them. Tho Times stntcd at the Inauguration of this cam paign that it was not u qucs Ion ot men but measures; not personality but principles. In this statement, Eplctotus says that a man shall faro good or 111 ns his opinion is good or III. My friend Dr. Straw, and I mn pleased and proud to call him friend nnil I think ho will not dony me, does not express the opinion that stands for tho advancement of this community. Ha states that ho Is 'willing that tho pcoplo shall give ex pression to their opinion and that ho will abide by their decision but he docs not stato that ho is in favor of municipal ownership, nnd that 1b tho necessary opinion at this tlmo, Dut hark to what Eplctctus says: I ESEPE UNSATIS HULWfliLT noni'ii I rnuvi TO BOTH SIDES w Win, C. E. only two passengers, rfl ni acuiiBuuiK mm w. --.., I M . I.. .. .... . a.J.1 tAIIAfl ,F r 01 uanlinur, ora iuhuyvu u. lidr moacy, tho rormor lOBing dollars and tho tailor ion Tho driver 'ojt ins watcn Fid no money wun run, mo tod Mprcss matter was not tbed. I dcicrlntlons woro tecurod oi Ita.ind ns Sheriff Qnlno of Ro- hfounty Is In tho vicinity of tho :p with his blood lioundB, U iceni good for an cany re. isr Blocker, near whoso homo Ndun was committed, dlscov- i omp flro a short dimnnco on lead and pulled from tho em- i partially burned coat, tho of ROCKEFELLER M S Attorney For Oil Magnate De clares Evidence Against Him Malicious Lie. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) DULUTIJ. Minn., Nov. 55. Deny ing ns an "unqualified and malicious falsehood" ilio testimony given ro il deitructlon probibly being eontly by C. II. Marts beforo the con- troy cvldcnco of Idontlflcntlon.' '"'"" u,,,,,m"-u ini,ih In IItIor 1n tho vicinity nino ' " Dl"- oiu v,uuiuuuiu, tbe masks used by mo rob- JoPh D- Cotton of Dulutii, nttor- iiv) lur mi) uifUKUiuiiur iniuiwuo uu tlio Iron Itango and former attorney of tho Unltod States 8toel Corpora tion, today tolcgraphcd a state m en t to Chairman Stanley of tho Investi gation committor. C. II. Marts testified before tho Stanley committee ho hnd bcon or C.USI.S HTIK 1IEHK. of Haliucry CiuiKed UiuminU i In Marshneld Today. t report of tho Drain ntngo Toh- reichfd hero early todax hut ,,.,,, na .,.,.,,,,- ,n ,.p.ji. tim nulte a while boforo It was ogt of ,)r0(icIuB the Duluth MIs- m , . .? """'" 'abo nnd Northern Itallroad, nlleg- I local people loft yesterday lhnt anr wotwoo.1 Murray mi feared they might bo in It. ,.,, i0(llin,, .i, ,. Fniiin.- tr, fiea need, who loft horo for,,, d tho COf)t of tho prot,uc,!on of arwltn qulto n lnrgo amount',,' rnni, M.., .-..m-,, i,t- nnnltlnn 1 1 tucj ami coin, it wnn luurcu, l K In It. ATE IS IKED ALIVE INoland. Friend of Ben fiandler, Meets Awful rate at Eugene. hnd bcon tnken from him within ono year. II LEAVE E B AWATER 1 1 ION' a certain person came to him, who was going up to Homo on account of a salt which had regard to his rank, Eplctctus Inquir ed tho reason of his going to Rome, and tho man then asked what ho thought about the matter. Eplctctus replied: If you nsk mu what .you will do In Rome, whether you will Biiccced or fail, I hnvo no rulo about this. But if you ask me how you will fare, I can toll you: If ynu have right opinions, you -will faro well; If they nrc false, you will fare 111. For to every muii Alio cau'-c of his acting Is opinion. For what is tho reason why you doslrcd to bo elected governor of tho Cnos- slans? Your opinion. What Is tho reason that you aro now going up to Itotno? Your e w Revolutionists Capture Fort Outside City and Imperial ists Desert to Them. (By Manchus and Chinese Leaders Dissatisfied With Yuan Shi Kai's Work. CLAIM HE PLANS TO USE SEVERE MEANS Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NANKING, Chinn, Nov. 25. (Wlrolcss to Shanghai). Tho revo lutionary forces today captured tho Tiger Hill fort outsldo tho walla ot tho city which commands tho city Moderates Claim That 'Wan Would Be Over Orily For His Policies. four opinion. And going In winter, nnd with danger andl1"" " "" ' w expense? I must go. What tlls you thls7 Your opinion. Then If , ""; "' ""7'' "Lb ?""" ,.," nnii . i. .., n ,..i ..i mn i.n i..t ninin. ..., taken. A number of Imperialists UjllUIUlin U.U bllU bUUOVQ Ik Ull IklklWUO, tlllll k lllU.l 1111D Ullll UIUIU1,D( ou.. ns tho cniiBo may bo, such also is tbe effect. Havo wo then all sound opinions, both you nnd your adversary? And how do you differ? But hnvo you sounder opinions tbnn your adversary? Why? You think so. And so .docs ho think that his opinions aro bettor;, nnd so do madmen.. Tills Is n bad criterion. But show to mo that you havo inndo some in quiry into your opinions nnd havo taken some pains about them. And as now you aro sailing to Romo In order to becomo governor of tho Cnotrslnns, nnd you aro not content to May at homo with tho 'honors which you hnd, but you desire something greater and moro conspicuous, so when lld .you over mnko a voyngo for tho purposo of examining your own opinions, nnd casting thorn out, If you havo any that nro bad? Whom hnvo you npproachod for this purpojo? What tlmo havo you fixed for It? What ago? Go over tho tlmcB of your llfo hy yourself, If you nro ashamed of mo (knowing tho fnct) when you wero n boy, did you cx ntnlno your own opinions? and did you not then, ns you do nil things now, do ns you did do? nnd when you woro becomo a youth nnd attend ed tho rhetoricians, nnd yourself practised rhetoric, what did you lma glno that you woro deficient in? And when you wero n young man nnd engaged In liubllc matters, and pleaded catiBcs yourself, and wero gain ing reputation, who then scorned your oqunl? And when would you hnvo submitted to nny man examining nnd showing that your opinions nro bnd? What thon do you wish mo to say to you? Help mo In this mnttcr. I hnvo no theorem (rulo) for this. Nor havo you, If you came to mo for this purposo, como to mo ns n philosopher, but as to n sollor of -vegetables or n shoemaker. For what purposo thon havo philoso phers theorems? For thla purposo, that whntovor may happon, our rul ing faculty may bo nnd contlnuo to bo comfortnblo to nature. Docs this seem to you a-tunnl! thing? No; but tho greatest. What thon? does havo joined tho rebels. RKIIKLS ARE VICTORS. . (By Associated Pross.) SHANGHAI, Nov. 25. Tho rebels captured Tiger Hill just 4 outsldo of Nanking today nftcr a florco nttnek. Tho govern- mont troops rotrontod. Tho 4 hill commands Nanking nnd tho rebel flro may Boriously dnmngo It. 4 . (By Associated Press to Coos Bar TImos) PEKIN, Chlnn, Nov. 25. Promlor ,Yunn Shi Knl'a position is bocomlns moro intolerable dally. Nolthor tho -(ManchuB nor Chlncso trust him and I tho Manchus nro becoming moro sus picious. Tho modorntes do not hcsl tnto to say that If ho had romalnod nt Chang To Fu, tho court would now bo nt Johol nnd tho robollion ended. ' Many Chinese bollovo thnt whllo Yuan Is reassuring tho foreigners J with a vlow to obtaining n loan nnd pincaung mo mouornica witn pro (By Associated Press to Coos Bny tended pnclflc measures, ho Is In rcnl Tlmos.) Ity Intending on Btornly crushing tho CAMBRIDGE, Nov. 25. Harvard robollion with force, brnwn nnd Ynlo bulldojr grit bntylod Continued fighting nt Hankow nnd on tho Soldier's Flold this afternoon nenr Nanking Is tnken ns londlns before 48,000 shrloklng spectators to color to thin belief. Tho Imporlnl n flnnl scoro of nothing to nothing. sts nftor tho attack on. Hankow hnd It was ono of tho hardest contests Insted thlrty-Rlx hourB woro r tho rival teams ever played. Several mused Thursday nnd drlvon back YALE PLAY TIE Old Rivals Unable to Score To dayMinnesota Defeats Illinois 11 toO. nun ovum iu juu ii'miiuii iiiiiik u, uui liiu kuii:isi , iiiii mutt i uuuo . ,- i...i.. i ..i l..i...i '. ., .t ., , .. , L It need only a short tlmo? nnd Is It possible to sclzo It ns you pass by? , ?'?" w"? J?,tlnl ??An ?S?U tho "ankOW HVr "llh n B'at It you can, seize It." Thon you will any, I mot with Eplctctus as I should meet with n stono or n stntuo: for you snw mo nnd nothing moro. But ho moots with n mun ns n mnn. who learns his onlnlons. and In his turn shows his own. Learn my opinions: show mo yours; and thon say that you havo visited ' (ns, C. t Champaign Minnesota, I forced to rotlro during tht tamo. Other ScorcH Today. At Philadelphia Navy, 3; Arm?. 0. At Baltimore Carlisle, 29; Hop- loss. mo. uct us examino ono anomer: ir I havo any unci opinion, inito u nwny; If you hnvo nny, show It. This Is tho moaning of meeting with n philosopher. Not so (you say): but this Is only n passing visit, nnd whllo wo nro hiring the vcbso), wo can also seo Eplctotus. Let us sco whnt ho says. Thon you go nwny nnd say: Eplctotus was nothing; ho ii'od solecisms nnd.spoko lnji bnrbarous way. For of what else do you como as judges? Woll, but o man srvs to me, If I nttend to suoh mat ters (as you do), I shall havo no lnnd ns you hnvo nono; I shall hnvo no silver cups ns yo- jnvo nono, nor lino boasts as you havo nono. In nn swor to this It is 'crimps sufllclont to sny: I hnvo no need of such things; but If yoc possess many things you have need of others: whoth or you rhooso or ', you nro pooror than I am, Whnt then hnvo I need of? Of thnt whlo you hnvo not? of flrmno. of n mind which Is con formnblo to nature, of being frco from porturbntlon." 11, Steamship Sails This Morning For Portland With Large Passenger List. Tho Breakwater sailed at 10 S- Chandlor today received a Irom his son. Ben. who is nt- '1 Hpflnnn Cl I I a A r.vbU ouiio univorsuy ni. ... ... ,nrnlnf? foP portlnnd ' ituintr nr nn n.f,ii i..mH !" -...---o m his roomn,n vi; ko'. with a largo list of passengers ana n U KlamaM, pnii. v.. xr. fair cargo of frolght. IwdowH in an electric bath-!, ,0" & nttU" " ,,Cr Wr Hart, O. Hart, ffdown n an electric bath- , M"0.' ""! m,m"b w '0h0t thnt ll tunu MM..Hv "b0' """ . tarI ".""' U. hot that he was ovldontly ,7m T. .'.. ',..Ta8.ov,ao.niy Ernest Hart. Bertha .u ...8 uoay ournea to R.nnlo ,. stnnloyi Mnx Snilth w I letter xr- r,u j, r, E. Trlbblo, Alex Peterson, Mrs. Ray wier to Mr. Chandler. Bon "hn wh,Btnne. Mrs. E. W. uu,,, w... .,..-. . ------ trdav m . . t . Herman, Mario Herman, Neva iior- a a b7 '?HmraHt0 WOnt t0, man? E lor Herman, ,W. G. Hargls, I . ib' !?. "n.d w.rnpp0( 3.C. Taylor. Mrs. E. W. Flnloy. E k u nil i nprriA ma onn - . - . - W. Fin ev. Geo. King, joo uomor, u. tk !....... u '. " "" "tv rii-i't r null nH - - -- , It u. ..TV."-"' "" lu w """ M. .Tonninus. Mrs. Jennings. J. JJ. I es In tZ LI0"1 f ,? Jennings. Mrs. Nass, Miss Nass, G. nVburnid tnSS-S1 ?u,ft Gre8Z' w- 3' WUson' Tl Drnd,ey' F Jo'clnrl nd V5.""1, 1 lofi W. McClaskoy, M. A. Young. Mrs. d to h ni, , 7 T" 'Vu u Young. Mrs. Frank CooKsie, Mrs. ! tiuCr gl,t' hen,IJ" Anna Asplund. Note Anderson, Alf. 'burned t0 nl;W0 !?U.?d Moo, H. Ilngqulst, John Sntber, Otto on fl, dtRth nnd tno.bod Larsen, John Sommeract. Bort. Knl- R ihock u 5 i vok, A. E. Moo, Martin Knlvek. Jonn L v U0QK It gaVO me. I haVO ' , Tr.... n Tlmmncnn. R. e then t B,t Bt.,U a. m,n"N. Grlgware, C. Brldgoa. Mrs. Brld 1t M. S' , l am B0,ne t0 nc" ces W. J. Slattory, W. T. Hummort. Ri.mdJ. ...K,amati"S R Marsdenrsr:. Mrs. R. Smith, L. J. What constitutes a stato? What constitutes n city? What mndo tho glorv ti'at was Grocco, tho grandour that was Romo, tho power that Is Amorlca? Not money, not flcots, not armies, but men with principles and opi nions. Not mon intont only on tho wealth of field nnd forest, mlno nnd mart nnd fnctory though the development of resources 1b woll worth tho doing nnd woalMi 1h worthv moans to nohlo onds. But mon Intont nlso on the fine wealth of principle nnd character and pure, strong govern ment for tho wholo people. Tho TImos Is advocating tho olectlon of R. A. Copplo because ho stands for tho nrtnciplo of city ownership of tho dty water works nnd E. E. Straw does not. Mnyor Strnw Is will ing thnt tho matter phould bo passed up to the people but personally ho l nnnnl to cltv ownership. Ilnro nro tho two expressions from tho two candidates as taken from their signed platforms ns published in Tho Times: It. A. COUPLE says: . Till. E. E. STRAW says; "1st. I favor tho city owning nnd ' ;'T nvol'J ""V Possible oxcuso ""- rim itnA mleiintlnMorntiillni T will controlling tho water system. Tho nQW Bny tJmt , wI, uM my J)onoBt health of tho community is of too on(ieavor to got this whole matter great lmportanco to bo placed at tho beforo tho people of this community morcy of nny prlvato corporation In ns soon as practical for their voto which tho consideration of cost andlPn tho same: that I will use every ondeavor possible to got something profit must havo so largo a part. Wo ,tnnRMj,0 beforo Ulo votors with Buch have had an example of this within rollnblo information as may bo no tho nnst year. According to tho ro-'cossary In order to nllow thorn to port of our health officers, tho health voto Intelligently upon the wholo ' . i,u,j n,i question, nnd will cheorfully and of our people was jeopardized and ' .., cnrry out to th' beBt yet no move of any consequence was of my abimv whatever decision tho mndo to remedy tho foul condition." people mako." Tho Times Is In favor and thlnkB the peoplo of this community should bo in favor of tho man who bolleves this city. should own nnd operate Its own water system. Tho health and happiness, tho progress and pros perity of this community Is paramount to tho ambitions of any Indi vidual. This being true, mo peopio snouiu support h. a. voppio joe mayor. Illinois, 0. At Providence, R. I. Brown, C; Trinity, C. Wo nro horo with our Christmas goods nt Wnlkor Studio, Good vnluos nt Wnlkor Studio. Artistic picture framing Walkor Studio. Mlssourlans taken enro of at Wnl kor Studio. TO FIGRT WITH 0 DEATH DELAYS Chinese Rebels Engage Ameri can to Make Flying Mach ines For Use In War. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay TImos.) ALBION, Mich., Nov. 25. Roy , Wilcox, with a contract to furnish nnd maintain noroplancs for tho provisional govornmont of Chlnn, la mow on his wny to San Francisco ! from whero he expects to sail In n I fow days. His wlfo accompanloa him. Tho young man, who Uvea nonr Albion, has been building and oxpo- Brother of Juror Sexton Suc-ir,mont,nB w,th noropinnes for tho insi year or more anu some iimo ngo mado acquaintance, with sovoral Ch noso youths, ono of whom Is now I Huiii 10 uo prominent in uio present s . cumbs and Juror Green's Wife Is III. Will RfnV hn.A ..H4l1 .. " ' - A--l- tfth ,"7 r . ,, , ' ,ou Towers, A. J. Lina, u. a. u. oiroi -rr.Jv I,'noral. I will bo back , nnmP. Tnim Eldn. Frank 1 Ua'' ,.. .'... '. i, o..ll K Cnthor CHn UMaruin, a. v. duuu, i.."., w.v- Kotioto hfnrtnncnn. TMrs. F. Whetstone. M. S. O0n hv l.. . '.... ir t. ..!. riVina Cnnillnn. -I , -t mo name or as. it. iiucnor, iira. um-um, ..D. ...wv. . l"iminp in K i. . .ni. t t n.iirs Xfltrn Phnnln. Snm NasS. bni, '" '" "a tuuuuuiua Willi duu ii ino, ..vp w.,...., - - I ,"?Drton Investmnnf nn nt .t. .T. Reynolds. W. A. Davenport, A. ) Umii 'S now ,n tn,s county, i Corland, Mrs. Corland, Miss Corland, Idi.ti " invostment Co. u. uoriana, wnu oiiic" ti jctly understood thnt the Putnam and wife, J. Hendrlxson. S i,..person is In no wav John Brown, Nels Hanlon, A. Smith, b,u them and that they A. Peterson and thtrty-nino China- --- .vaiiuuaiuiu lor lllo UIOU. BRTON INVERTMtnM-n rn I k rinl. 1'OIjARINE Gas Engine Per J. w. FLANAGAN. OIL $3.80 at MILNER'S. LOSE TWO PLAYERS University of Washington Men Sus pended for Poor School Work. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 25 Bo- ably will bo replaced by Hazelett and Husby. JARDINIERS, Casseroles and Fanny POTTERY nt MILXER'S. You will be TRULY THANKFUL. cause of generally defective scholastic Get that Suit, Raincoat, or Overcoat work and numerous absences from nt THE HUH. Because Style, Sav classes, two star players of tho Cham pion University of Washington foot ball team, Left half-back Walter Wand and Right End Wayne Sutton have been forbidden to play In the Thanksgiving day game with Pull man Stato college. The faculty has resisted all pleadings of students. Tho loss of Wnnd and Sutton weak Ing an Satisfaction is in it, 'Mon ey Talks." Wear A. Benjamin. If you want a SANITARY Job of PLUJHJINO go to MILNER'S. ens the team materially. They prob-MJBS it. Big CHICKEN DINNER at Tho BLANCO GRILL Sunday, DON'T (By Associated Press to Coos Bay .robollion. Thoy inspocted his plant Times.) and ono took sovoral aviation lessoiiB. LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Nov. 25. I Wilcox snys ho expects aeroplano.i Death which bus hovered over tho will bo used to drop oxploslvca Into progress of tho McNnmara murder tho cities hold by tho Imporlnllsta, trial struck today Charles Sexton, a ' in addition to performing othor du- brother of Juror J. B. Sexton, who ties. died nftor an extended Illness, and I Judge Bordwoll adjourned court un- THANKSGIVING CLOTHES from til Monday morning. It was stlpu- THE HUH mean Stylo, Saving and lntod that Soxton could ko homo at Satisfaction. ".Money Tnlkn." Wear any tlmo ho wished with normlsslon . A , 9 . t M,..H T. ..AM la T ff.j..,.. . u. itiv kuuii, u ill Ul x-. j-, umvil vi ua Bonjamln. granted tho samo prlvlloge. wlfo Is gravely III. Green's ' Winchester nnd REMINGTON shot uu.vh and Ammunition nt mil.ku' WATER FAMINE NO LONGER FELT ON ROCK IS! 8B0 Seattle Regains Old Supply Without Having Suffering Serious Results.1 (From Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) SEATTLE, Wash,. Nov. 25 Cedar River water probably will bo flowing into Seattle this afternoon. During the six days of water famine there hns bean nn nloknASR nt flro loss nn a result of the deprivation of tho regu-1 thus ending tho talk of a strike iar water supply, ana no unanciai loss except that resulting from tho suspension ot the schools and tho courts. Officials of Union Accept Rail way's Terms on Wages " , and Labor Schedules. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, III., Nov. 25. Tho executives of tho International Unions of Shopmen omployod by tho Rock Island road today, accepted tho' road's wages and labor schedules, which would havo affected six thou sand men. Fancy TEA POTS 50o at MILNER'S 11 i .