r m$$fy9fmtm6f&G'" ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MOVEMBER 24, 1911-EVENING EDITIOM. .. trfrp &- "1 KSgfBIIiWWHf'fSlfe rlr-rri A i 1 mMfiMsmU Iter. -. hmII a TSe Day of Fashion ami Feasting J f you're going to dross well on Turkey Day you've got to won Benjamin Clothes. Not because we say so, but for the reason that authoritative New York style, known to all WP11. dressed men and young men as the ofnly true stylo, can be lmd only in Benjamin Clothes made in New-York. Benjamin suits and overcoats ard made only from fabrics of the utmost quality. The tailoring is of the unerring sort that can be accomplished only by the most skilled hand workers. Every Benjamin garment is distinctive, both as regards to quality and style, and there's not a deceptive stitch or uiidc sirable feature to be found in auy garment. ' Granting that it costs you no morc-to wear clothes having the grace and durability that mark" our Benjamin Clothes direct from New York why do", you consider any other? If you can afford to pay $20 for a business suit or overcoat, you will practice false economy to pay, less. "MONEY TALKS" Mnrshfio'd Hub Clothing Shoe Co. "MONEY TALKS" Bandon LOCAL OVERFLOW. J5tnrt Tunnel Near Here. C. Plnkorton of North Inlet was Marsh Held today on business. Btntcil tlmt nnrtles from near Mllo had Informed him Hint II. In Ho Ton tho CONFESSES r t EST Southern Pacific or tho Sumner poo plo woro )lnunlng to stnrt work on ono of tho tunnels between Coos Day . and tho Umpqun this fnll nnd prose- cuto It throughout tho winter. Ho said thnt his Informnnt claimed that difficulties In securing tho rlght-of- was given so mo dogrco of credenco, way near tho tunnoi slto hnd delayed but within n day or two, suspicion i (Continued from pago 1.) mutters. Lenses llrlclcyni-il. Taylor Slglln began to point to him nnd ho was LI IS 1 I Taxpayer Says It Is Matter of Measures, and Not Men. Lenses iiricicyni-u. Taylor aigun , - , .. . . .. t inn, i,ia i.rinbvnr.i nn Tnhmn kept under the closest Burvelllnnco. Editor TlmcB: ti -- n..nni,i. nnriinn,i fnr Bloodhounds, taken to tho scono of u .,c n tnxnarcr to Bomo extent flvo years 'and ho Is arranging to tno crlmo, refused to loavo tho place, your cuy, i wm tako tho llbort start it soon. Ho expects to. uso elec trlcnl powor In tho work, tho Oregon Fower company which Is stringing a lino to Denver Hill, prnmMiu' to put In a branch to tho brick yard. llnlltl House. Mrs. Rebecca Lubo- clrcling around tho bloodspot on th.u to glvo my opinion on tho present road. condition of affnlrs effecting our nenttle, It evcntunlly trnnsplrcd c ty'u wclfnro. Can It bo posslblo hnd thrown tho shotgun Into tho ton- that wo as taxpayers should glvo any ncau of his automobllo nftor tho consideration to tho particular man shooting but In passing over Bomo or sot of men at tho coming election rnilronil trnokn not fnr from tho as distinct from any otlior sot 01 tnnnwnrtYliFZo$B' ,l hnd been jolted out nnd was men, regardless of tho principle rep taco nn r propom in uomenta -ator uy n nouress. This resented? No doubt nil tho parties plat. North Mnrshflold. It Is to bo lc. ,', il.."?, l8:.,1 i8 nnnm.i for Mivam cno.l cltl-ons. stnr'od at onco. Cost of Rond. County survoyor Gould yoBtordny Informed tho North Bend Commercial club thai tho now road from Allegany to Terminal Point, connecting up tho Inlets on tho onHt sldo of tho bay north of Coos rlvor, will cost about $3S,700. The rond will bo nearly fourteon miles long. Tho county commission ers havo npprovr-l of tho report of tho vlowcrs on tho rond and now tho North Horn! Commercial club Is ar ranging to goo that funds for Its construction nro raised so thnt It can bo built noxt year. CHILI CON OAHXE SERVED nt tho LUTIIERAX hall TOMORROW by HA1TIST ladles. HAVE YOU READ IT? Tho Adlor-I-kn book tolling how you can EASILY guard ngnlnst np pondlcltls, nnd got Inetnnt relict from stomach nnd bowel traublo, Is being rond with much Interest by Marsh flold people It Is given nwny freo by Lockhart & Parsons Drug Co. In This !) Sr in Every Pair This Clove is Guaranteed All Right for SO Days' Wear. You are abtolutcly pro- Irctrd by the manufac turerif the glove un'l right it will be made figlit to your latufuction. That really u the Dion conciuuve way 01 proving 10 you trial iheae clove aro mado from only bett ikim. carefully cut, tewed and fashioned lo a per- I feet fit. Nona but a good glove could be to 1 unconditionally guaranteed. Ask for IRELAND'S GUARANTEED GLOVES I hey ar nude In Cape. Moctta, Utamou and CUce (for nun, women and cnudiea), V recommend ihcw (lavrt tweauw they ate tooa aul )ou ai iue to te wturJ. Let u a hou thm to you. gun, which uenttlo niioged nnd uo- -" m)ui..hu ,V" ," longed to tho mysterious highway- ' they roprcsont widely differ Inis ,.,nn ,.rnv,t ),n ,,,ont,H nf Hnn.tln.. WcaS of gOVOmment. TIlO Socialist rl.LM: " TTour'bo s es s pon V. .Zu S? Sll lleattto SSS.T'JhSV.Sffi1 Tthiroa tf second cousin of young Henry. lK Sffis SaVed ho weapon ho had purchased for h thla ' , 0 bo of rnctlcnl u6o Henry with inonoy furnlshod by tho nt thl8 tlmo nnrt bo.on(l (loubt tll0 Inttor. Iluattlo was arrested Inimo- ro,u lB8UQ 1Io uotween tho other .two dlntoly nftor tho Inquest. This was candidates. Of thCBo ono rep'roSonts on July 21, and on August 19, ono that faction which fnvors tho grant month nnd a day aftor tho day of jnj- 0f further franchises to tho pres tho murder, the trlnl was bogun be- ont wnter compa,uy( and Is opposed foro Judge, Walter A. Watson, In tho to munlclpni ownership of city wnter, picturesque llttlo Chestorfleld county whllo on tho other hnnd, Mr. Copplo courthouse sixteen miles from here. Btnnds firmly for municipal ownor Tho Jury was mado up nlmost on- ship nnd fon compelling tho present tlrely of fnrmers, nnd on this fact water company to furnish wntor un-l lleattlo based his claim thnt ho hnd dor Its presont frnnchlso In proper- Imnn nnnvtnln.1 unf fnr ihn ninrilnr OUnntlty mid aUnlltV. FrOIll tlllS of his wife, but becnuso of his rein- standpoint Ifls perfectly plain to tho, tions witii Heuinit uinroru, a noto- " ', ,.7, " "r "" 1 rlous young woman. Ho Insisted to "J0""8 ft v"' BoddlhB a private frnn- tho last that a jury composed of city fHBOnr" nJnn",', LLl fftV,r ?f men would havo freed him. neat- "..RtW'S nn," it.. ....... .i ii 1... 11 0...111. ennblo J. v. Ilonnett to bo nblo to il T,. rl, t',,' B0" tho. rights of tho people of this Jr., and Hill Carter. Tho prosecu- c,t to outl(lor8 for i,0 ,mndBon,0 tlon was conducted by L. O. Wen- Bum of ono Junarcd nnd fifty thous- donberg mid L. M. Gregory. nm, dollars. On tho othop hnnd a Tho trlnl moved swiftly, though Voto for Mr. Connlo a voto favnr- mnny witnesses testified, nnd on Sop- ing tho peopled kooplngthlsvnluoblo tomber 8, after 58 minutes of con- frnnchlso for themselves. It seoms slderntlon nnd prnyor tho Jury, lit Jto thq wrltor that tho question Is. chorus Instead of through Its foro- shall wo elect a mayor and council man, declared Benttlo to bo guilty of who will grant the .rights of tho peo tho murdor of his to. Motion for Din to Mr, Pennott for his personal n new trial wns denied and Novem- benefit, or shall wo oloct such por ber 24 set ns tho day for tho execu- son who favors tho rovorso, thnt Is, tlon. that all theso valuable franchises On November 13 tho Virginia Su- Bnll bo retained by tho pooplo fo. nromo Court of Annenls rnfiiRoii tn their own bonoflt? If this frnnchlso grant nn appeal on n writ of error, ,s 8uch n valuablo thing for nonnett, nnd two dnys later, Governor Mann, then It s Jut as valuabto for tho pec- iuu. .in. iuiiiiu BiiiiuiB ior ciio pan plo'H Interest, Dr. Strnw stnnds for ho bonoflf of J. W. Ponnott, Mr. No- Inn nnd other outside parties. Out tho people of this city nro wldo nwako mnd will not be fooled; thov will pro who had been appealed to for com mutation or roprlevo, Issued a state- intent declaring thnt tho interests of ' tho pooplo of Virginia demanded thnt Ponttlo should dlo In tho olectrlc chnlr. m I) THE TOGGERY CAHI) OF THANKS. To tho nolghbors nnd friends nt Mllllngton, who by kindly acts of ns slsnnco and words of sympathy lightened tho bunion during tho months of Illness nnd tho sad death of our boloved wlfo and mother, wo extend our slncoro thnnks. Mr. Potor Robor.tson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Robortson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robt. Robertson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edd Robertson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo. Robortson, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. McDougal, Mr. and Mrs. Iko Preolund, Mr. and Mrs. August Lakensen. tect tholr Interest; thoy will voto for Mr. Copnlo and such persona fir councilmon as stand for municipal ownership of city wati' works. A TAXPAYWK Don't forgot MIOXK 21 1-.T. the Turkish Dathr Save money by rimos advortlsors. patronizing Tho COUOHIXO AT XIGIIT. Means loss of sleep, which Is hnrd on overyono. Mrs. A. Polzer, 25 W. Jefferson St., Omaha. Nobi, gnys; "I can recommond Foley's Honoy nnd Tar Compound ns a sure euro for roughs nnd colds. It cured my daughter of n bad cold, nnd my nolghbor, Mrs. Hanson, cutod her whole family with Foloy's Honoy nnd Tar Compound. Everyone In our neighborhood speaks most highly of It." For dryness and tickling In tho throat, hoarseness, nnd nil coughs nnd colds, tnko Foley's Honoy nnd Tnr Compound. Keep always In tho house. Contains no opiates. Tho gonulno In a yellow package. Refuso substitutes. Red Cross Drug Store. ulmjii w 1 TJIKSU MTTLI2 PIGS OAMU TO MAltKICT but they won't Btny horo long 'after good Judges nnd lovers of pork get n sight of them. Their meat Is as whlto and tender ns young chicken nnd sweet ns tho beech nnd hickory nuts on which they woro fed. Try n loin, n hnm, n shoulder or some chops. If you llko ordinary pork you'll simply ndoro this. MAHKIII'IKI.l) CASH MAHKKT. FOURIER BROS. Tuo Market North Ilentl Mru-Hliflold 'THE FItlKXI) OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHELESS Sails for Coos Bay from Portland Friday, Nov. 2-J, G P. ilJT. COXXKCTINO WITH THE NOKTII HANK HOAD AT POHTLAXI) NOHTH PaJIKIO sTEAMHKIP COMPANY. PHONE U O. P. McGICOHGE, Agent FARMLANDS FOR SALE nest for tho Money From 5 ncrcs up. Flro Injurant nt low rnto. Agent for American, Mfo nnd Accident Co. AUG. riti,i:i:x, Heal Estate, lutuniuro anil Rcnlalv Murshtlelil, Oregon, Public Stenographer All Work Confidential Phone No. 130 177 Front SL nEAHY'S GfX SHOP Compluto lino of lilcyclo euppllei, sccoud-hnnd bicycles for tale. Gum, bicycles, etc., repaired. Umbrnllns covered nnd repaired. E. HAXDKIi, Prop. No. 007 No. From St. Plump lBMt NOTICE OF ANNPAIj MUXIOIMI.. ei.ectiox of Tin: cm OF MAHSIIFIi:i,l. EQUIPPED WITII WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT H P. M. OX XOVEMHEK 7, 11, 21, AXD 28. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX NOVEMHER 11, JH AND 23. h. II. KEATING. AGENT PnONE MAIN BB-L FAST AXD COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco Wednesday, November 29. 1XTEH-OCEAX TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 o. F. McGEORGE, Agoni. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Offl.'a Phone 191 Marshfleld Office H-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gonaral Agents "EASTSIDE" Pursunnt to tho direction of th finramnn Council of tho City Of Mnrshllold, Coos County, OrcRonfcno tlco Is horeby given thnt on Tucsdir, ,tho nth day of December, 1911. ' will bo 'hold In'tho Council Chamber In tho City Hall of tho snld City of 'Mnrshflold, n rogulnr general el I tlon, for tho purposo of electing a Mayor to sorvo tor tuo term ui . years, commonclng tho first Monw In Jnnunry, 1912, and ot electing two mombors of tho Common Coun cil to eorvo for tho term of tires years each, commencing tho nrj Mondny In Jnnunry, 1912, nnd electing n Recorder to ecrvo for w term of ono yenr, commonclng tw first Mondny In Jnnunry, 191-i for tho purposo of submitting to w lognl voters for their approval , w rojectlon "An Amendment to the c r Pi.nt.u- nf thn pitv of Marsotieia- chnnglng tho nnmo of said City tm City of MnrBhiionr io .m u' v-r n l i. .. .1 - tl.n .i.rnnRA Of lilD liny, miiu iui nm i'"..' - - . . mlttlng to tho lognl voters for J ineir npprovnl or rojectlon n a mnnt tn tho Clinrtor of the City oi Mnrshflold, Coos County. Ore? o. changing tho nnmo of salt! City irw yny or iunrsnueiu iu "", .. - . -. ...in ho held Pc- . " ." U'Utl"V, ' " VolnVk A.M. twoon mo nours oi nmu " mil and bIx o'clock P. M. Provided. TJ" tho JudgeB of election Brmll have power to adjourn ono hour st mod. duo proclhmntlon of such adjouru mont being mado. ,, .nd J. R, Llghtnor, A. D. Woleol gj F. A. Goldon havo boea heretoton by tho Common Council o f said l J appointed as Judges of Bald elect w and Roy Lnwhorn, J. C. SIen,i,r and C. A. Pennock as clerks of ' ?BSSa this 2Hh day of November, 1 ' niiTr.Kn. Recorder of tho City of Marshfleld Coos County, ureguu... FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our stages leavo Marshffold for Rosoburg at 7 o'clock every evening and afford quickest connections with Southern Pacific Railway. Faro $G.OO. COOS RAY ROSERURO STAGE LINE. T"p Sn JiS' At?Cnt' ,2 MA,lKKT AV. Marshfleld. O. P. UARXARI, Agent, ROSEIIURG, Ore. PHONE 11 The TimesDoes JobPrinting nA'isffiWgg; ACCOUNT. . . Notice Is hereby given that ; we 1 al account of Dororesi r. .- r. admltflstrator of tho estate ot y tie n.' Barnard, 'deceased, w , filed In the County Court oi County. Stnto of Oregon, and ta ICth day of December. ""beea hour of 10 o'clock, A. ; ?"for tbr duly appointed by such Cow , hearing of objections to su ch jn t count nnd tho settlement herg which tlmo any p.on 'jtwew such estato may nPPeaf. " aand cos Jectlons thereto In writing ano test tho same. nWARD, DeFOREST F. -;5,ut. Administrator of the B- , viv,?; Mmrwttil tf$"Hthtmt,immmi -iVt fA . , L.