The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 24, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 3, Image 3

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bjJfe '11 j M cyW Js oy -
m jci r ira jcr.. -- awmvmiAj
Tfe i r r-x.a mm n. - '.w .rmjraci.m uru, w mr r v
fHfcvY JwAm-y ili "8BSL'.-4 2 j
for tho truth of tlio report but a card
from Airs. Prcntls to Mrs. Kate Ivaudo
says tho report was utterly without
llonr Case The case of Holsner vs.
Iluclicr Ja scheduled for trial In Jus
tice I'onnoclc's court this afternoon.
It has he mi postponed sovoral times.
Kills UIk llonr Chas. Hlckox ro-
j turned today from Ten MUo with a
(Dy Associated Press.)
OIIKOOX, Nov. 24. Fair to
night niuf Saturday with Bouth- Ceeded In cscapliiB dosplto the numer
three hundred pound black bear
which ho hilled yesterday. Tho bear
had killed thirty-three aheop on tho
I tt in. nuwruH ruucu imiru ami suc
easterly winds.
For twonty-tnur hours ending
at 4:00 p. m., Nov. 23, by Mrs.
ous attempts to kill him. Mr. Hlc
kox took his old varmint dog out and MRS,
with tlio aid of tho other hounds out
thero landed bruin on the first cIuibo.
A. H. Powers, in South Marshflold
last evening.
JOHN F. POLLEY, who has boon III
for several months nt his homo
in Plat D, was n Marshfleld visitor
yesterday. Ho says this is tho
first time he has been confined to
his homo In over thirty years.
CAPT. J. J. REYNOLDS expects t
lcavo tomorrow for Portland
whore ho will spend tho winter.
His cannery hero did a very good
business considering conditions
this year, and ho expects to in
crease it considerably next season.
Trouble Over right As a result
of differences ovor tho choice of a re-.
foreo and ns to weighing in, tho bout
E. Mlngus. special government butwoen noughhouso Charley Burns
meteorological ObfiCrVCr: nml tlnmtnrann fnn Thntikairlv.
and Earl Henderson for Thnnksgiv-
7 y"n"n "" T I Ing may bo caucclled. If Burns
Minimum J1 don't meet Henderson
At 4:00 p. in 48
4 Precipitation nono
Wind, Northwest; cloudy.
OoPTrllM Hut SchaOner k Marx
YOU ought to be thankful fbr a store like this;
where you find the most bountiful provision for
your clothes-needs
Hart Schaf frier & Marx
suits and overcoats; fine hats; fine neckwear, shirts, hosiery, under
wear, gloves. Best qualities, best values, and best service. It's
feally something to be thankful for.
Suits, $ J 8.00 to $35.00. Overcoats, $ 6.50 to $3tC00.
For Supervisor. Petitions asking
tho Coos county commissioners to
appoint E. B. CutJIp road supervisor
in District No. 7, aro being circulated.
Buddy Ander
son of Portland probably will. An
dorson wired that ho would 'bo horo
and ready to ontor tho ling if Bums
doesn't. I
mauy Mcknight, who
been spending several months nt
tho homo of her daughter, Mrs.
Goo. V. Logglc, In Belllngham,
Wash., was expected homo this
week but owing to tho floods
around Bolllnghnm, was unable to
get a train to Portland. Sho
will probably return noxt week.
North Bend News
Hold Meeting Th,Q Swedish Luth
eran church will hold a business
meeting Monday, Dccomber 27, atdioro of school ago, so that tho con
7:30, at tho church parlors. All
members urged to bo prcsont.
Injures Hnnd. Ed. Hendrlr, a
painter, whllo working on Goorg9
Horron's boat tho other day, got his
fingers caught n tho cogs and tho
end of his Jlttlo finger was clipped
Mnnjr Chinamen Marshfleld Is to
day entertaining moro Chinamen
l!!Dn 8h.JT ,i oi transferred to tho Nevada territory,
for n long tlmo. 24 camo 0Tcri,. ,, , ,,,.. ,,.. mm ..,:
v iio ituj tiiviiuo tiutu nm utuiu
ty . J
Woolen Mill Store
This Storo Is tho Coos Bay Home of Hart, Schaffnor & Marx Clothes.
"TiTe Busy Corner"
r '
Another Saturday Special
To Introduce our now line of Brass, we are of
fering for Saturday only a heavy Brass Vase reg
ular $2,00 for $1,25,
See them in our Windows,
Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co.
Phone Main 298 Us
FOP. iikxt Two or tlireo sunny fur
For Men
Wn ciiitv nn lmnniinllv Ann lino
ju ui',,Yl Tivn nr llirpe fillimv lur-I " v...., - --
nlniio.i i,n...i,nin -mn (iso of furn Uh ng goods at nionoy saving
n . ' fa ..- I ln Tnitln.tA!, In tfila atn.tlr firo
veiurai avo.j pliono iso-j.
WAXTKD Man mill wife, or lady,
to board and room. 1031 Central
..Avoj '
LOST Hoy's ,,,lrM, contnliiliiR lUtlo
over a dollar In small change.
Leavo at Times' offlco.
We Elite
Hair Dressing and
Beauty Parlors
Opon for huslnoss, Nov. 25th. La
dles nro cordially Invited to attend
Our Grand
Hair Goods
at which will bo exhibited tho lar
gest display of Hair and New Sholl
Goods to bo scon in nny city of tho
North Pnclflo coast. Now York, and
Paris styles of Hair Dressing dem
onstrated Free All Week
Ladles should not miss this raro
opportunity of learning tho nowest
styles in Hair Goods nnd In fact tho
Art of, Looking your best. Scientific
Fuco and Scalp treatments given by
expert attendants.
A freo hair dress will do glvon
with every furchnso of Hair Goods.
from tho Coqulllo cannory to go
north nnd twolvo camo up from tho
Emplro cannery.
Coqulllo Man. As near ns Marshal
Carter has bcon nblo to ascertain,
tho Jack Johnson, who was stricken
In, Hoquiam, Wash., was a son of
Pcto Johnson of Coqulllo. Ho has
notified Mr. Johnson who Is commu
nicating with tho Hoquiam authorities.
Liimtwrinnii Here. Assistant
Gonernl Manager Lalrd of tho Pot
latch Lumber company, n Pacific
Northwest branch of tho Woyorhau
sor Lumber compnny, Is horo with 8.
If. Dod go, nn electrician of tho com
pany, to investigate tho experiments
wfth electricity In logging by tho
Smlth-Powors Logging company.
Kilo Iteport. D. L. Buckingham,
P. M. Jpnos nnd W. A. Bold, tho ap
praisers of tho S. J. Iimnol Flock nt
North Bond yesterday fl!cd Iholr re
port showing tho stock to bo worth
$4,G47. Mr. Immel roeouUy filed
petition in voluntary bankruptcy giv
ing his liabilities at about $5,000.
P. K. Gcttlns was cliosM trustee.
Miss Elizabeth Donnelly nnd Mrs.
Mary Early of Marshfleld were vis
More School Children Judgo Hall . ,. , . .
haB almost complotcd tho nnnunl Uors nt Morcy hospital yystoi'dny.
school census of Marshnold. South Tho North Bond Episcopal Guild
of Market avonuo ho found C63 of will bo entertained by Miss Pearl
school ago, nnd tip to noon tho total Heath at hor rooms at tho Palaco
number- onumorntcd in tho district hotel tomorrow afternoon at 2
was 759. Ho thinks thero nro forty o'clock,
or fifty to bo enumerated yet. Tho, c, Turnor"j;B8 purchased 40
bciiooi census lam your snowed ma ,, , ,,, Wm Q,B-.,Pf, -, on
t !-. M n AAA Ufa PT
sus this year will show a slight In- wiiinncn in.ei ior '"" "";"
rrpn. tnor was formerly In tho employ or
II, E. Bossoy.
"Weds In Reno Word has been ro- Miss Maud Kcnworthy, ono ot
celved horo today ot tho marrlago Oregon's well-known young womett
of A. II. Watorman nnd Miss Edith Bnd for two years n teacher In Wash-
M. Plummer ot Shobago, Mo., which Ington High school ot Portland,
was solemnized at Bono, Nov., No- Bp0ko Tuesday afternoon ot this
vomtion 20. Al Wntor'mnn was form- wook t0 n group of ladles composed
erly located hero, having mndo his of tho Roman's Foreign Missionary
headquarters In Marshfleld sovorrl B0Cety of tho Methodist Episcopal
years pr or o throo yonra ago when , h d thoIr (rondB at tho homo
tho wholesale house ho presented n" B" B Evorlu MIb8 Kcn.
worthy spent Inst year In educational
work In Baroda. India, and tills tho
story of hor oxporienccs thero In a
most captivating way. Sho will
speak again Sunday evening at tho
Mothodlst church.
A meeting wna hold In tho offlco
of Dr. Bartlo which was attended
by n lnrgo numbor ot tho leading cltl
zons of tho city. Aftor duo discus
sion, tho following mon wore chosen
to como boforo tho caucus, Decom
bor 1st nnd to bo known ns tho Cltl
zons Ticket:
For councllmnn, ono yonr u. F.
For councllmen, two yonrs C. II.
Broulllard, Goo. D. Mandlgo and J.
G. Horn.
For Rocordor A. II. Derbyshire
For troaBiiror C. S. WInsor,
Tho mooting Was a spirited ono
nnd mnny Interesting discussions
woi'o hold. Sovornl candidates for
offlco woro montloned nnd thoso nnm
ed on tlio ticket word chocon by bal
lot. North Bond Hnrb6f.
In extending best wishes.
P. M. HALL-LEWIS Is In today from
his Catching Inlet ranch.
T. C. RUSSELL nnd' w'lfo' of Denvor
Hill woro Mnrshtlold visitors.
JOHN YOAKAM camo ovor yesterday
from his ranch near CoqullU on
II. E. BESSEY of tho Coos River
Creamery is in Marshflold on busi
ness. '
KW Captain. Lnst ovoulng, Guy
Stutsman was elected captain of tho
Mnrshflold High pchool footbnll team
for noxt yonr. Tho manager will ho
choson .next sonson. Tho team yes
terday1 was photographed and tho en
larged picture, together with nn en
larged pIcMiro of last year's team.
wl 1m hung In tho Assembly room ot
tho High school.
Buys Collver Ranch. J. T. Coll
vor has sold his ranch of 40 acres
on Catching Inlet to Max Mooro, un
til recontly editor of n pnpor at
Gront Bond, Kansas, who has come
to Coos rounty to mnko his futuro
homo. Tho ranch consists of 20
acres of tho finest clovor land In tbo
rounty, nnd 20 nnres of sloping hill
land suitable for vegetables and or
chard purposes.
Rumor Nut Trim Tho repo-t that
John Horron of Mnrshflold was to
wed Mrs. A. B. PrenHB nt Portland
wns erroneous. Mr. Horron Is nwny.
I Friends horo of tho couplo vouched
WAXTJ., Roomers 82 per weclcf
326 Market Ave.
LOST Ono Jersey cow, short horns,
white face P. E. Haguo.
nKnj GRADE COAL per ton.
Phono 225J, R. A. Church.
FH Ri:XT Furnished home. Apply
house, Central Ave, Bridge,
across from Mothodlst ohurc'i.
TKI Girl for Kenernl house
work. Apply Mrs. F. E. Haguo.
prices. Included in this stock are
CLUETT SHIRTS . . .Sl.."50 TO S2.00
MEN'S NECKWEAR, tho best
on Coos Bay AM) 2o
best In tho world .83.00
enough for any mnn 82.50
Have That Roof Fixed
first Class Auto Service
When you wnnt to go auywhore
in a hurry Try FOOTE'S AUTOS
Best rates in tho cl'y. BEST CABS
Best drlvors. Phono CC-.I until 11
p. m.. nffer 11 nm. phono 5-J. Real
donco phono 28-J.
J). L FOOTK. Prnnrifor
TiTe Bazar
Phone 32
The TTouse of Quality.
The Old Reliable
If you need any fruit-trees for
planting or wish to .mnko good mon
ey selling tree, wrlto us for parti
culars. No provlous experience
;i?KV" Competent Girl for gen
Horto WOrk by Mr8' M' '
WAXTi.m) rim TT ' needed If you want to msko money.
vSlSSy B.KT0"0r?Tl APn.vB -how "yo... ALRANY NURSE-
"Hi Bunker Hill IHKS. Inc.. Alftnny. uregon.
lv tU8 of ,UH"R done prompt
v J. E. Fitzgerald. Phono 12 9 J
IHave your Job printing done at
Times' omco.
Columbia River Royal Chinook
If you are partial to
Smoked Salmon, it is
the b:st ever.
25c Per Pound
Lockhart's Grocery
Two Private Phones-
85 and 305
A. N, OOULD, county survoyor, was
horo from Coqulllo today on busi
ness. W. E. TRIABLE expects toMonvo to
morrow for Portland on business
nnd pleasure.
A. J. Mendel and Potor Mlrrasoul
icturned today from Florence.
Kt. IiiiiiIh Iiituirance Ciwe Hinges on
MyntcrlmiH Crime on Cmw Ray.
According to nowspapor clippings
from 8t. Louis, n mystorlous murder
was committed somowhero nonr Coos
Bay In 1898. Oeo. A. Klmmol, n
Ibnnker nt Arkansas City, Ark., drop-
MRS. E. F. MOItRISSEV loft today- , t of , ,,t t tho M1(nn(1 holoi
tJJlLl?X nt Kansas City. July 28. 1898. and
South Coos River for a short visit
SAM NA8S, proprietor of tho Co
qulllo cannery, nnd wifo passed
through horo today on route to Astoria.
haB novor boon locntod. His rolatlvos
attomptod to collect his llfo Insu
rance from tho Now York Mfo In
surnnco compnny but tho compnny
refused to pny and tho Biilt will como
up noxt month. It Is now claimed
ti. nt Tnim n nwlnnov nf Mlnosoa.
ROBERT MARSDEN, Sr and his N M nlIoKC8 j,0 billed n mnn named
uuuKiiiur, iu. oiuiiii, win johngon whom ho saw slay Klmmoi
tomorrow for Portland. noar Coos Bay. Swlnnoy clnlms thnt
'ho, Klmmol, R. M. Snyder and u mnn
CAL BRIDOES and wlfo of Coos RIv- mmeA Johnson enmo to Coos Bay
or will leave on tho Broakwator to Bonrch for R 00,000 burled
tomorrow for Portland whero thoy tronJJuro nonr horo which Johnson
will visit for a few months. know nlioiit. Thoy camo via San
'Francisco to Emplro nnd thou took n
PETER CLAUSEN writes his family jiu,ncj, across tho bay, Instead of
thnt ho has gone to Pnsadonn, Cnl., s.joo.000, Swlnnoy clnlms thoy only
whei-e ho will tnko tho "opon nlr" ()l t10oo nnd In a row tl-nt fol
trentmont in hopes of securing re- ,mV0(1( Joi,nson Allied Klmmol nnd
no' ho Bhot Johnson, fenrlng attack on
himself, and then Snydor burled tho
DR. A. L. HOUSEWORTH returned two swlnnoy snyH Snydor died nft
today from Oardlnor. Ho roports orwnrda BO that ho Is tho only mir
nun .urn. Ariinir oiuiwi, wiium no vi..nP. Krminrlnk H. Bacon, n St.
oporated on thoro yeutordny, is get
ting along nicely.
Louis nttornoy, is looking Into tho
C. F. McKNIGHT nna wlfo will movo
soon Into tho former Metlln homo
In South Mnrshflold in a faw days.
JOHN LAMURE and wlfo expect to
It Is all nows to Coos Bay pooplo
nnd not much confidence Is placed
In tho story hero.
BAZA It Baked bonns, Chill Con
ii...v tmu.irrnur fni. T'nrtlnn.l nnil Camo, Sandwiches, Salad, DOUgll-
othor northern points where thoy nuts. Ico Cream and Cako will bo
will visit for n fow weeks. HKIIVKD nt I.UTIIKKAN hall TO.
.MORROW from 11:30 to 5:30 by
tained a fow of hor friends at tho
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
City Auto Service
All men of tho Third nnd Fourth
Divisions, who woro issued guns, will
ploaso deliver snmo to Karl Haines
nt tho Powor Houso on Central avo-
Oood Cars, Careful Drlvors and nuo, on or boforo Tuosday, Novom
roasonab'o charges. Our mot o: her 28th. Theso guns nro Stato pro
WIH go anywhoro at any time." party and aro callod In. Thoy aro
Stands Blanco Hotel and Blnnco to bo exchanged for regular navy
'Hgnr Store Dmy Phones 78 and 4C. guns.
Night Phono 46. JOHN W. MOTLEY,
BARKER Ai OOODALE, Proprietors. Asst. Paymaster.
Ct..iMMir't Drifted Sivow
5perry s fl o u r.
" ' - i i - ' ' " " ii ii i i q
Light, White, Always Right
Once Used, Always Used