ULES OF ALL OTHER GAMES LEST YOU BESMIRCH YOUR OWN WANT ADVERTISING In Tlio TIMES Will Kwi Hits liicoino from Your Fiirnl.shed ItooniH from Lapsing! VOU can really help th family rovenucs by renting a fow furnlsho.l rooms and, If you knew how und when to uso tho clnsslflod columns. you may keep tlint llttlo.oxtra Incomo ns "steady ns n clock." WWM& MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRUSM Established In 1878 iih Tlio CoriNt Moll OL. XXXV MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, V911 EVENING EDITION, SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mail and Coos Day Advertiser. , No. 112 ESPKT THE R '-T7''Cnll)IlBll,, Of .vlVKItt,IHI.V In The TIMES - Put Voiif lUal KHtiUo " i . Market" l f i? c 1 1 v e 1 y t ..till nut tlio fnctB about your 'Ltv bcforo tlio eyes or nil 'pos- ono of them who ought to mm 'M1 M MM MWWWWWM1WWIW fcWI ILEGES THREATS iKE 10 KILL WITNESSES AGIST I PASSEflGERTMIS FALLS 10 RIDER WIS I) Burns Charges That mJTot""1 USea III mnM UHS(" Luges attempts to BRIbt Intivi Hnc iyihuu Iiarence Darrow Declares IBe5 - U .Pin me ll'Ulll III WIHIIII"' h, Associated Press o Coos Day Times.; .-, aiii.ivixr. T.n.. Nov. 23. kl tho witnesses for tho prosecu- I' . I....AlAri ultima 1tf- ... ... in.i iiiuiti tlirnntoned B death after having withstood r . . ..--i. .. nitnttld nf flirt ,in- ,iteu cuurib oi (4vi..m .. -ie to brlbo them, was declared by Imiim J. Burns, tho dotectlvo In i.nfnrn Mm ntnta Ri'rrntll- tt section of tho Amorlcnn DnnkcrB nclatlon noro luuny. . ...nlifitnil lrnalilonr tlnm (1 of tho Amorlcnn Federation of '... i..... v. linliu nnil other Uld bo lenders" of organized 1ft- Of, DUt OCCinreil Willi uimrwiiiu. i.. i inlint. la nntinRiiit til vlo- Mt and not In sympathy with tho gill SOCjailSllC Cieinuiii mui nuiiio ........ Mnilni1 anplntv nnil lnfi OOCSWUJ uih"'""" ..-...., ,t respect for tho laWH of tho cotin-7- DAIIUOW M.KK3 DENIAL. ONE KILLED l 110 WRECK Two Other San Francisco Peo ple When Car Crashes Into Lumber Pile. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) OAKLAND. Cal.. Nov. 23. P. Sa vlllo Smith, cnahlor of tho Security Building company, was instantly killed nt nn enrly hour today In nn nutomobllo wreck In tho cenjor of tho city. A. F. Wnlthcr, a biiElncss man, wnn seriously Injured and Miss Anna Carlson waB Rllghtly hurt. Smith wns at tho wheel and failed to sco tho timbers lying In tho street ; nnd crashed Into tho pile. Sixty Believed to Have Lost Their Lives In Unusual Dis aster In France Today. (From Associated Press to Coos Day Times) SAMrrt. Frnnco, Nov. 23 Sixty passengers It Is estimated lost tholr lives through tho plunging of a. train Into tho river Thouct today owing to n breakdown of the brldgo on tho Stnto railway at Montroult Delay de partment of tho Maine Et Loire Tho train carried about one hundred pas sengers. Tho brldgo had boon weakened by rccont Hoods, and tho rushing waters carried to denth many of thoso who succeeded in escaping from tho submerged cars IEEF TRUST LOSES APPEAL retail For Mr-Nniniirii'H Charges biM-Urn Willi Tollliiir Untrtitlw. IS; Amounted PrcHo to Coos Bay Times.) tW AN'ORLES. Cal.. Nov. 23. Wbt Hums Is reported to havo s!d It In keeping with whnt ho has M nrevlouslv." said Clnronco Dar ter, referring to tho address of iini bcforo tho Ainerlcnn Dankcra iioclstlon In Now Orleans. "Thoro not a word nf truth in it." OOcIala In tho district attorney's iEn did not discuss tho nffnlr. oil company is ES DENVER GA?E SENSATIONAL XO All) FOIt McNAMARAS. tarrlran Federation of Labor Re- hn to I'uniMi Funds for- Defense Kj Aiboclated I'rtisb to Coos Bay T'mesi ATLANTA, Nov. 23. The Amorl- u Fedcrntlon of Labor will mnko ippronrlntlon for tho dofonso of i JlcXamnrns. Opportunity to do ;red today when tho convention ioptcd a recommendation of n com- clttce thnt tho labor organizations irouchout tho country bo applied to jf that fund. Tl'o report madq no tlon of n direct appropriation, Hi It was "put" boforo thoso who 'ore! tho proposed fifty thousand uin donation had nn opportunity naggcst an amendment. RANCHER IS ACCEPTED. fwher Juror For MeN'anmm Trial Secured Today. Br Atsoclnted Press to Coos Bny Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Nov. 23. S. Dltbeo, a ranehor. was accepted 'loth sides In tho McNamnra caso M7. Elect Directors and Arrange to Drill on Catching Inlet Soon. At n largely attended meeting of tho Cons Bny Oil and Ons company nt tho Marshllold Chamber of Com incrco Inst evening, tho organization was perfected and arrnngomonts made for starting drilling for oil on Catching Inlet In tho nenr future. Most of tho stockholders in tho company wcro present and C. M. Mnpllu, who Is tho promoter of tho compnny, expects to havo over $2t, 000 worth of tho nuthorlzed capital of J2n,000 paid up within a fow dnys. With this nmount, tho well cnn bo sunk to a depth thnt will reach oil If there Is nny to bo found nnd Mr. Mnupln nnd othor experts who havo looked tlio field over uro confldont It will bo secured. Last evening, tlio following direc tors woro olected: Judge John F. Ilnll, Dr. B. Mln gus, W. W. Oago, E. A. Anderson nnd Rny Kaufman. Tho directors will solect tho oth er ofllcers In a day or two. Mr. Mnupln I- now arranging for tho machinery nnd equipment nnd hopes to got tho work underwny soon. United States Supreme Court Refuses to Grant Packers Stay In Trial. (From Associated Press to Coos Dayi Times) I 'WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 Chief Justlco White rofuBcd today to grant n stay In tho trial of tho Chicago bcof packers but roforred tho rittornoys making tho application to tho bench with tho statement thnt tho matter was of too much lmportnnco for him to pnss upon Individually. At torney Miller announced thnt such an application to tho entire court would be mndo nt tho first sitting of tho court Dccombor fourth. Tho attorneys for tho pnekors will scok to hnvu Judgo Carpontor of tho Un ited States District court In Chicago, before whom tho Indicted packers have been summoned for trial Mon- dny .grant furthor postponement un til tho Supremo court passes ontuo application for n stny. " Fl GLUE III 1 SETTLE FACTIONAL KOW. K JOHNSON Nne Rebels nt Ainoy Adjust I)lf- iiTvncrs III. IMHU 7 Associated Press to Cooa Bay fnl..... v iiuiuo.; AMrtV ii.nn y.. oo n.i.ilini. clonal Jealousies among tho re- crip. h.u i .. . i. ... wo nun uauiuiisueu ino rupuu-i 33 IflVflmmnnl Im.n a VniinmltAi. lave been provonted by tho np-, 'Wment of an executlvo council i lll(ln . ....! . . , "h ui oiKni memuors, ioir Wttn hv rnJIn.ln .. 1... ,r. QliVt. ' ,D, lU"1 "'. '"U 'TEns OF LAKE SCALD WORKMAN WHO TUMT1LF.S HOT LAKE. Oro Nov. 23. Terrl- ' Dttrnpll llV fnlllnr. Inln TTrtt T.oIta Sullivan Is In n hospital with .7 "ances of recovery. Sullivan ; crew of men wero constructing 'a in the pond near where the er hnhkio. .- it. . hv. - u.i.-o trum mo earin, au "wnt nrnlr, cm .., , --... otiuiYUii iva iiiiuiv.4 Z,. ,nto tho water which reg- vs degrees. pASSEXGRns ARE RESCUED. ! M illi Teoplo Off Bryan's Ship IB.... ,',,'8 Xew York. AssocIatAi Prt.B8 t0 tho Cooa Bay Times.) "ASSAU, Nov. 23. rho Ward tsene ca brln5lng eighty-four pi ' ",a11 rm tno sirana "DI Joachim has been sighted. PASSES iW Logger From Coos Bay Dies at Hoqtiiam, Wash. Rela tives Being Sought.1 jrar'shnl J. W. Carter Is today en deavoring to locnto rolatlves hero of Jack Johnson, a logger who formerly resided In this section and who suc cumbed to heart falluro nt Hoqulam, Wash. , , Today ho received tho following tologram from L. McTaggnrt of Ho qulam: "Jack Johnson, a logger former ly of your city, died of heart failure. Parents llvo In your vicinity. Can you notify thorn? Hnvo them wire what disposition with remains. John don aged twenty-eight. Dark com plexion, height six feot one inch." WELCO.MED TO ROME. Now American Cnrdlnnls Given AVarin Reception Thero Today. (Dy Associated Press in Cons Baj Times) ROME. Italy, Nov. 23. The car dinals recently designated, John M. Farley and DIomedo Falconlo, arriv ed horo today and were given a warm reception by tho ecclesiastics and others who awaited their coming at the dopot. The secret consistory will be held next Monday and a pub lic consistory at which the cardinals will receive their red hats from tho pope will bo hold next Thursday. L?WXrcns. CflBSero,e and if you want a SANITARY Job or l' LOTTERY at MILNER'S. i PLUMBING go to MILNER'S. John S. Rogers Arrested For Killing and Robbing San Francisco Man. (From Associated Press to Coos Bay TImos.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 23. Evidence that convinces tho pollco and dotcctlvcB that John S. Rogers, nno of tho men nrrestcd Inst night In connection with tho murder of BonJ. A. Goodmnn, tho Jowolry sn lesmnn, whoso body wns found In a guttor Tuesday morning, knows much concerning tho crlmo, was found to day In tho bnsomont of n commission hotiso where Rogors Is omploycd. A pnlr of blood sonkod overalls that wero found were admitted by Rogors to bo his, but said tho blood was thnt of wild gamo ho hnd handled. In contradiction his employers said thoy never handled wild game. Also In tho basement, tho detectives found n gold watch to which was attached u prlco tag of tho Brilliant Jewelry compnny by whom Goodman was em ployed. Soveral tags of a Blinllar nnturo wero scattered In ono cornor of the baroment. Rogors admitted knowing Goodman well. Witnesses Says Mrs. Patterson Claimed Husband Com--' mitted Suicide. (From Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) DENVER CASE vornmont otgo DENVER, Nov. 23 In tho trial of Gertrude Gibson-Patterson for tho al leged murder of her husband today, Di'. W. G. Munn, who rodo In tho nmbulnnco with Mrs. Patterson when sho was taken to Jail attor tho shoot ing, testified thnt sho said thnt Pat terson had struck her and exhibited n blulflh spot on her chock whoro sho sa'd tho blow had landod. Mrs. Pat terson first told Dr. Munn that sho did not know who fired tho shot that after her husband hnd knocked her down, ho handed her tho pistol say ing "Now damn you, kill yourself." Dr. Munn's testimony wns n com plete surprise to Prosecuting Attor ney Benson, Tho stnto rested In tho Patterson trial this afternoon. Mrs. Patterson probably will bo tho first witness for (ho defense BEAT! SHOWS SO SIGN OF WEAKENING AS EXECUTION NEARS SEC. FISHER'S NEW POLICIES Is Not Opposed to Combina tions For Developing Water Power. (From Associated Press to Coos Bay TImos) WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 Waltor L. Fisher, Socrotary of tho Interior, stntod boforo tho National Water ways Commission today that tho gov ernment should tnke no steps to pre vent combinations or monopolies In tho development of electricity from wnter powor. Instend, he aid, tho federal regulations should - bo mndo strong enough to protect public Inter est. Investors should bo nssurod n largo enough return to nttrnct cap ital Into tho development of wator power, said Fishor. Expect Virginia Wife Murderer to Expiate Crime Without Confession. SEALS LIPS TO SPARE HIS AGED FATHER SEATTLE STILL i m Polluted Supply Being Pumped From Lake Washington In 1 to City Reservoir There. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times) SEATTLE, Waeh., Nov. 23. Pol luted water is bolng pumped Into tho city reservoirs from Lnko Washing ton nnd nil tho wator used In cook ing or drinking Is bolng boiled, for physicians nssort It contains typhoid germs. In spite of tho assistance from tho Lnko Washington pumps, tho level of tho rcsorvolrs Is lowor thnn yesterday. Soino tlino today pure mountain wator from Swan Lnko will bo running Into tho city pipes. Day and night crows nro working diligently to restoro tho Co dar river wator supply to tho city. It is expected tho plpo broken by tho recont flood will bo mended by to morrow night. "DRY" LOSE IN IDAHO. In days ngono when a woman was Jilted she took It to heart, but with tho coming of suffrago and other ad vanced Ideas of thought she now takes It to court. SHOW 210,000 FINE APPLES Two Counties There Return to "Wot" Column. 'Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BOISE, Ida., Nov. 23. Related roturns from yestorday's local option election In Idaho nnd Kootcnny counties show prohibition was de feated by a small majority. Both counties voted dry two years ago. CAPTAIN W A Fourth Annual National Show Master of Schooner Washing Opens at Spokane Today ton Found Not Guilty of With Big Exhibit. Taking Chances. (From Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) SPOKANE, Nov. 23 The Fourth National Apple Show with nearly two million choice apples on display op ened today with appropriate exercises and a street paradp led by King Ap ple ,The Country Life Congress also commenced Its session hero today and will continue its session until next Wednesday, discussing pratlcal farm topics by experts. Winchester and REMINGTON shot GUNS nnd Ammunition at MILNER'S Have your Job printing done at Tha Times' office. (From Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 23 United States Inspector Edwards and Fuller todnv took testimony in tho caso of Capt. George Winkle, maston of tho Schooner Washington, to dctermino If ho had taken undue chnnces In go ing to sea during tho storm at tho mouth of the Columbia, Nov. 12. Nothing ndverse developed Jn the caso to Capt. Winkle and It was dis missed. The Washington narrowly escaped going on tho rocks at North Head with her crow and passengers, num bering fifty persons, and was res cued by thejug Tatoosh Fancy TEA POTS BOc at MILNER'S CASE NOW I TRIAL Pitiful Tale of San B3rnardino Girl Brings Murmurs of Sympathy. (From Associated Press to Coos Day Times) -SAtf BERNARDINO. Nov. 23 With n pitiless directness thnt search ed her lnnormost soul nnd brought murmurs of sympathy from tho largo throng of women who mndo up tho majority of tho trial audlonco, At torney John Campbell cross exnmln cd todny Miss Jcsslo McDonald, tho nllcgcd "hypnotic slnvo" of Dr. Arth ur W. McDavlt, n dentist, who Is bo lng tried on n chnrgo resulting In the girl's conflnmont for sixteen months In a room adjoining his office. Going back to tho beginning of her acqualntnnco with McDavlt flvo years ngo, Cnmpboll forcod Miss McDonnld to admit that after tho dontlst, who wns treating her tdoth, threatened to kiss ho If sho b't him, her teeth closod on his Angora, "But I did not mean to blto him," sho crlod. Tho girl told, sobblngly, of tho bnt tlo sho alloged alio had with the don tlst and of having been ovcrcomo by ills strength nnd then soothed by tho "lovo light In his eyes nnd the tenderness In his volco." "I wns a good girl," sho. added weeping. "If you wero In thnt room for six teen ynonths," wont Jon pnmpboll4 "an unwilling prisoner, why did you not try to cscnps?" "I was afraid of him," tho girl re plied. "I thought If I appoalod for help ho would tako mo away and I would novor bo henrd of again. Ho was going to tnko mo nway tho week In which papa found and rescued mo." , Miss McDonnld vehemently donled Hint shn hnil Kniicht tlio ilnntlnf. "But ho made mo lovo him," sho declared. Tho girl testified sho was 'afraid to I uso tho tolophono In McDavIs's ofllco? to summon holp and "besides I de pended on his promise to dlvorcq his wlfo nnd mnrry mo," sho snld. Fatal Current to Be Switched on at Day-Break Friday Visited by Relatives. (By Associated Press to Coos Da Tlrcos.; RICHMOND. Vn., Nov. 23. Honry Clay Dcattlc, Jr., nwoko nt tho UBual 'tlmo todny which by law Is tho last day of hla llfo. Tomorrow, shortly; after day break ho will oxplato In tho electric chair tho murder of hla young wife. No signs of breakdown woro shown, tho prlsonor dressing 'with tho snmo fastidious caro ho has taken over sinco ho entered tho peni tentiary and tho death cell. Rov. John J. Fix arrived early nnd aoon waa followed by tho fathor nnd brother, 'of tho condemned man, nnd tho at torneys who defended him at thi trial. Nclthor Bcnttle's attornoysi jnor relatives bollovo ho will confess. Ills splrltunl advisers, however, ex press tho opinion thnt If Dcattlo real ly Is guilty of tho murdor of his wlfo ho will acknowlcdgo It boforo tho fatal current In switched on. Tho older Dcattlo said ho still bollovod his son Innocent and It la a question, whether tho young man docs not con sider he owos It to hla father, to whom ho has brought so much pain, troublo and 'dlsgraco, to go to hla death with sealed lips. FEAR IUNFORD GIRL. Ilenttle'H Family AfrnM Sho Will Make u Scone. (By Associated Press to the Cooa Bay Tim us.) RICHMOND, Va Nov. 23. Bou lah Blnford, tho sovontooii-yonr-old girl for tho lovo of whonA Henry jClny Beattle, Jr., is dllogod lo havo killed his wife, was said to have boon I seen on tho street horo todny. It I Is reported the Bonttlo family nro ftfrnld tho girl will mako a scene nt tho Blmplo funeral. A search for her Is bolng made. Tho pollco dented tho story of Doulnh's pretences hero, nnd lator word wns received from Now York thnt tho girl was thero nnd would mako no attempt to como to Richmond. W IN EARL? TOif STEAMER HOMER IN. Vessel Arrives Today From San Fran- efceo Runs on Mud. i The Homor nrrlved In this morn ing from San Francisco, In swinging nround tho drodgo Oregon, sho got too fnr out of tho channel nnd stuck on tho mud for a couplo of hours. Sho Is scheduled to sail from horo at ono o'clock Saturday for Snn Fran cisco. Among tho Incoming pas sengers on hor woro tho following: J. O. Stommlor, J. King, S. Grnnn teau, Chns. Ross, Mrs. Ross, M. Tep per nnd wife, A. Albright, L. Thom ntz, T. Pappus, T. Moach and E. Bacon. i GOES TO JURY. Kansas "Tar Party" Caso Will Soon Bo Decided. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay TImos. ' LINCOLN CENTER, Kan., Nov. 23 After two and n half hours of ar gument by tho attorneys today, tho "Tar Party" caso went to tho Jury. 5 Gal. POLARI.NE Gas OIL $2.B0 at MILNER'S. Engine Steamship Arrives From Port land With Capacity Passen ger List. Tho Breakwater arrived In early today from Portland after n lino trip down tho coast. She had a capacity passenger list and n good cargo of .miscellaneous freight. Sho will sail nt 10 o'clock' Satur day morning for Portland. Among tho Incoming passengers wero tho following: C. C. Hughes, Mrs. Hughes, Dor ton Hughes, II. Russoll, C. T. Rus soil. Grnco Gardner, Miss S. Wood, Mrs. Christonson, Mrs. S. E. Painter, S. V. Epperson, Mrs. Epperson, Miss M. Wood, Mrs. J. A. Boono, A. Soa ton, Goo. Simpson, J. E. Kelly, Mrs. Kelly, J. A. Weoks, F. P. Dunkln, J. P. Grnnt, W. Semlor, E. A. Han ley, J. D. Nnvo, JnH. Husnor, Mrs. TTusner, Margaret Sullivan, Bernard Sullivan, Jeanctto Sullivan, Marie Sullivan, Noll Sullivan, T. J. Lowls, Mrs. W. C. Brown, Allco Brown, R. E. Perkins, W. C. Brown, Maudo Brown, Nora Brown, C. Glnloy, D. McCurdy, Dr. E. E. Straw, O. F, Mc Knlght, C. AdnTr, Hattlo Adair, Jeanotto TolHnger, W, O. Hargls, Jr., L. J. Wheoler, J. A. Bowe, J. A. Spangler, A. E. Whlto, Goldlo Child, Mrs. C. O. Gosnoy, II, L, Stephens, W. H. Sturtwnrt, Mrs. I. Varnoy, Mrs, C. H. Wilson, L. F. Rowell, Mrs, Rowel!, G. CUnkonbenrd, D. R. Burn sldo, W. Sylvostor, Mrs. S. Bantor, Mrs. J. D. Mallory, Mrs. C. Dlckman, Miss M. Harvey, Anna Cllnkonboard, Mrs. II. RobblnB, Hattlo Bnrbor, Mrs. J. L. Crano, Herbert Barbor, Ilelon Barber, J. Varnoy, J, L. Crnno, W. J. Barber, A. W. Gregg, L. O. Laird, D. D. Danson, L. Petti. J. Carlson, R. Byerly, J. Duhl, P, Sola, O. J. Malono, W. Koontz, J. Johnson, J. II. Nepp, C. Bloythlng, M. Butts, J, Ryan, II. Happy, N. Crojol, C, Grono, Jpo. Kaskela, J, Treowater, C. Cuoon, and C. Han. I