a mr'' THERf ARE SQ MANY MEN WHO HAVE NOTHINGTO SAY AND INSIST ON SAYING IT .... iin...nlnll rt A LIUIO --viuuu"'B" " MT A )VKKTISINO In Tho TIMES " u-lll Put Vour Ileal Eslnlo "In SoMurkcfMCfectivolyl l,w i il. rnnln nlmllf ifnlll Cons aftm? WANT ADVERTISING in Tlio TIMES Will Keep tho Incomo from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU enn really help tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you know how nnd when to uso the classified columns, you may keep that llttlo extra Incomo ns "pt,cndy ns a clock." It Will l,llt l " "V',0 "v JUU. I " rly boforo tho eyes of nil "pos p5?i iiSycrB" la town. And It fflj;i!! MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED Pitted Established In 1878 ns Tho Const Mali ! VOL XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mall r nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 110 Slatt BAY NORTHWESTERN I JUI1t III IrkLv 0 TRANSCONTIHENTAL HAW IS HASTENING TO REACH HERE English Sydicate Reported to Be Hcqui iiiu i i - Now For It. IS IN CONNECTION i wiln hill oioiciyio southern Pacific Reputed to Be Trying to ljiock u mov ing With Haste. SUMMMt LINK MAY 1113 raw... .., rai'i.'m'llV a J.UL'ilU wwv.aii -v irl utnrv Hint COOS Day IB to bo tho Pacific Const tormlnnl of tho Northwestern Hallway , received h7 Tho Times today 1 tends to confirm rumors to tbo effect tliot tho Sumner lines, tho Pacific Great Western nnd . vn.iii rnnst. nro ronlly tho pro , Jcct of tho 1UI1 and other Bys- 1 terns. w Anniiior lntorcRtlnc report In connection with It, Is that tho 1 Coos liny and Eastern may uo part of tho system. VIco-Prcsldont Sumner !s now understood to bo at dardlnor with his son nnd both nro ex- pected hero In a day or two. (By Associated Press to Coos Daj Times.) rOHTIiAND. Ore, Nov. 21. Tho Krenlng Telegram prints tho follow ing today: "Furthor unmnsklng of the plans of tho Chicago and North- aeitcrn In 1(8 Invasion of tho Pacific Coast country has como through tho discovery of tho fact that tho con struction crews which nro rushing (the grado of tho Pittsburg nnd Gil- more lino down tho Salmon rivor, ere being paid with Northwestern aoncr. Ostensibly, tho Pncino nnu Gllmoro lint Is n IIIU property, but Rbe connection Is closo botweon tbo pillls and tho Northwestern ihlch also hnd established iWr personnel survoylng. par lies which novo been "running lines through Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington nnd across Oro- kon In nn effort to bring another Irans-contlnontnl lino to tho const. "From reliable sources It has boon revealed that tho Chlcngo nnd North estern will drop down tho Salmon ind Snako rlvors to Tcxns City, Vish., whero It will hook up with ie Hill roads nnd from that point im reach Portland vln Pnsco nnd 3 North Bnnk. nnd Pugot Sound " rasco nnd tho Northern Pnclflc. 'That tho ultimate gonl for tho ln- lependont Pacific const terminals on b part of tho C. & N. W. Is to bo n Coos Day g nnothor recent dovol ipment revealed throimh tho onern- 'ons of n syndicate of English cnpl- 'Jis who hnvo been oulotly buy 's up valunblo terminal property 'n securing othor concessions In Marshtlold torrltory, Four of tho rectors of this syndlcnto nro mom- e" of tho Northwostorn board. mo next straw which shows tho tV tho wind Is bio win tr la tho ro lled nctlvlty of tho Hnrrlmnn for- m pushing tho Orocon Short lino preys westward Into Oregon ns n i't of tho cast and westMIno ncrosa refpn. as woll as tho hnsto -which -oyumern pacific (Hnrrlman) lino 8 SuOWlnC In riinhlni onnutriipMnn t0'k On tho projected lino from En- ; to Coos Bay. Tho Ilarrlman ie nnvo discovered that tho , ' ls, bonding overy onergy toward 'early Invnslon of Orogon nnd is -"us rapidly for Coos liny via tho 1, ' . n8 Poetically tnat which 49 Harrlmnn linn nvnoAl. in Minn Etwss the stato and tho Harrlman's trying their notorious chock, mat 's jiQiicy. If Ynn 1.....1 n... . . P-tMnixa go to miivxeu's. See nn Tn-n lllTrwV.ViOL'' ot QW tHHiii ana ImM'1"1'1" irjnmELias for -ni.il t'HOSS. 'AuDIVipne 1 a ratiA- WA ' junaoroiea nuu r"ey POTTERV at MILNEn'S. WO Ijvp tt . .. er Bill . "" ""''U jwus, Bll- KnSSi'ESTnY nn.l SE,L vuss DRUG STORE. Inchestor and REMINGTON shot ia and Ammunition at JIILNEIt'S ig11) HANT)-PA1NTET) Cni- v-.nos VXlUKx SlVJKbi UNWRITTEN LAW SIN UP Rights of Father to Take Jus tice Into His Own Hands Up In Philadelphia. . (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. 21. Whether a father Is justified In talc ing tho llfd of man who botrayB his daughter and refuses to mnrry her ls tho question that comes up In tho enso of Frank W. McMnhon, who wns plnccd on trial horo today charged with tho murder ot Gcorgo A. Lcary. McMnhon Is n saloon keeper nnd Loary wns a well-to-do dealer In real estate. Justlflablo homlcldo wns tho coro ner's ruling, but McMnhon wns re arrested on a warrant sworn out by Lcnry's rclntlvo charging him with murder. E Documents Calling on Mexi cans to Start Revolution Are Brought to Texas. lly Associated Press to Coos Day Tlrcos.y SAN ANTONIO. Mox.. Nov. 21. ' Copies of thrco manifestos calling on tho Mexican army ami Mcxicnn poo nln to revolt ncnlnst tho Mndoro gov ernment nnd signed In print with tho nnmo of General Ilornnrdo Hoyes aro In tho hands or local secret servico mon todny nnd will bo lnld by them lmforo tho United Stntes District At torney hero. Reyes Is under nrrcst accused of violating tho neutrality laws. WILh KNKOKCH LAWS (Dy Associated Presi to Coos Day Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 20. notnfmiiiiii tn fifninn nut tho filibust ering expeditions against Moxlco, Sec retary of War Stlnon nuthorlsod to day Gonornl Duncan, commnnuing ino tho Department in Tcxns, to enforce Mm iiAntrni lnws with vlEor and movo tho troops under his command with in tho jllvlBlonnl limits wunoui wan ing from ordors from tho Department. If necessary, additional troops will bo sent to Texas. BUILD Li AS FAR AS BOISE VICE-PRESIDENT OATTELL OV COOS RAY AMI H.lbXiSii. n TURNS HERE WITH E. W. SE VERS TO INSPECT ROUTE. W. A. Cattell, vice-president nnd nnnl mnnnirnr nf tho COOS Day and Enstorn Electrlo, arrived hero Into Saturday witn w. w. iuv;rs ut tho company from San Francisco. ia vnvnm rntiirnod hero with Mr. Novers and ho and sho will soon leavo on nn eastern trip. rm, ia i PnftAll's first trln hero and ho will mako a trip of Inspection over the survey. Jio is desirous ui getting work started on tho first but vow nf 120 mllos from hero to tho l Sf w .-- summit of tho Cascades as soon as possible It Is announced that tho road will bo continued on through to Dolso, Idaho. Mr. Cattell will leavo Wednesday on a trip over the route. It was announced today that B, w, Novers Is no longer connected with tho Coos Day and Eastern, his visit bore now bolng to closo up his affairs with that company. Ho has mado no announcement of his future plans. II ST FLOOD GQNDITIQNS Seattle Without Water Supply or Electric Lights Fair Weather Promises Relief Soon. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) , SEATTLE, Wnsli., Nov. 21. Aft er fifteen days of almost continuous storm, beautiful weather is prevail ing in Western Washington with no rnln In Immediate prospect. In n. financial wny, tho damage done by the wind nnd flood is small. Tho rnllronds expect to havo all tholr lines In operation tonight or tomor row morning. Tho greater part of the city of Scattlo will bo without water until Snturdny night, owing to tho brenklng of tho plpo tjint car ries tho city water supply ncross tno DIVINE SARAH TO WEO T Mme. Bernhardt, Aged 66, An nounces Engagement to Ac tor Who Is Only 26. 'Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 21. Tho en gagement of Sarah Dcrnhnrdt, tho nctrcss to Lou Tollcgnn, tho Flomlsh nctor, who played minor parts in her company, Is announced from Paris. Mine. Dcrnhardt Is sixty-six yonrs old whllo Tollogaii ls only twenty-Blx. Tho famous actress is a great grand mother. EXPERTS SAY Edward Hines and Edward Tildep Exonerated In Lori- mer Brhibery Case. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Dny Times. CHICAGO, III.. Nov. 21. Noithor Edward Hlnos, tho lumberman, nor Edward Tlldon, tho packer, was cus todian of a 1100,000 fund or any other fund which wns to bo used to pay tho oxponsos ot tho election ot William Lorlmor to tho United Sta tes Senate, according to exports' re ports siibmlttod to tho Senatorial In vestigating commltteo today. TAFT STILL AILING, (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C Nov. 20. Although Presldont Tnft's condition Is better today, ho was unablo to go to Richmond to address tho good roads convontlon. Ho will bo con fined to tho executive 'mansion for a fow days, but will put In his time working on his message, and will ro colve calls of officers and other offi cials In his library. THREE DIE IN HOTEL FIRE Fourth Victim of Disaster at Nashua, N. H., In Critical Condition In Hospital. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NASHUA, N. II., Nov. 21. Threo aro dead and a fourth ls In the hos pital in a serlouB condition as a re sult of Inhaling Bmoko from the flro that today burned out tho Interior of tho Denton hotel. 5 Gal. rOLARINE Gas Engine OIL 92.50 at MILNER'S. LIbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONE 73 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co. Fancy TEXpOTSOOc at MLNEIVS I II I III S OFPUGETSOUND Cednr river. Tho schools nro clos ed, bnth tubs aro used only for tho Btorngo ot n water supply and tho streets nro dark nt night, becnuso tho municipal power nnd light plants are temporarily out of commission. RAD AT HELUXGHAM Wnshlngton Town Is Still AVlthout. Trnl 11 Servico (Dy Associated Press to Coos Duy Times.) -DELLINOHAM, Wnsh., Nov. 21 Dolllnglinm nnd Northwest Wnshlng ton nro still without train servico nnd with llttlo prospect ot resump tion of It beforo tomorrow. This city has' mall onco n dny by bont from Seattle nnd tho local train running botwecn Dolllnghnm nnd Dlaluo, on the Great Northern. Tho dnmago ot tho flood ls smnll save to tho rail ways European Specialist Wants Prize of $20,000 Offered by Italians For Discovery. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) COLOGNE, Nov. 21. Dr. Otto Schmidt, a cancer specialist expert ot this city, has applied .(or tho Ita lian Mnrlnnt prlzo ot twenty thou sand dollars offered to tho discov erer of n cancer serum who has been successful In healing ftvo enscs by moans of his remedy. Schmidt as sorts ho Is nblo to provo forty casos. LIVELY SESSION American Federation Declares For Initiative and Referen dumScore Hearst. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 20. Tho Amerlcnn Federation of Labor, In convontlon, v today declared In favor ot the Initiative nnd referendum In tho election ot Its olllcers In tho event it wns found fcnslulo and do slrablo. Tho matter wns roforred to an exeoutlvo council. Tho conven tion's notion wns ngaln3t a rocom mendntlon of tho lnw commltteo to which tho matter hnd been referred. William Randolph Hearst was branded ns an enemy ot tho organi zed labor. Hearst's namo was brought boforo tho convention In con nection with n lockout ot union mon at Load. South Dakota, by tho Home stead Mining company, In which tho Hearst estate is Interested. James M. Lynch, presldont of tho Interna tional Typhogrnphlcal Union, defend ed Hearst, declaring tho publisher should not bo condemned without an Investigation of tho charges. Tho matter was roferrod to tho cxccutlvo council fornn Investigation. HETTY GREEN STILL YOUNG JLT SEVENTY-SIX (Dy Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Nov. 21. To- day ls Mrs. Hottlo Greon's bov- enty-slxth birthday. Sho do- 4 clarcd herself too busy to cole- brato, and Bald a birthday was as good as any other day for 4 hard work. Sho said she was 4 "still young nnd stllf happy." Mrs. Green has for years been rated as ono of tho wealth- lost women In tho world, hor 4 fortune reaching far into tho 4 4 millions. 4 RATS, PUFFS AND ' FALSE HAIR NO MORE (Dy Associated Press.) CHICAGO, 111., Xov. 21. Pro- pare to seo women with their 4 hair parted modestly In the 4 mlddlo without any frills. Rats and puts nnd other "fixtures" In tbiS way of falso hair must go. rhlB was, the edict ot the Chicago Ladles' Hair Dressers 4 and. Wig Makers Association at its -second annual meeting here. 4 '" CLAIMS CURE for mm 0 THREE TICKETS MARSHFIELD CITY ELECTION RATE CASE IS Injunction In Trans-Continental Cases Taken to United States Supreme Court. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 21. Tho appeal from tho tompornry ln- InnntlnnH I'rnnlnrl liv tho CommorCO ! court III tho Spoknno other trnns contlnontnl freight rnto cases, ls ex pected to bo taken today. Tho gov ernment's counsel will filo n motion for appeal to tho United States Su premo court nnd It will bo granted. It nlso is said that tho Coimnorco court will ontor n final docrco mak ing tho Injunctions permanent bo thnt tho Issue may go to tho supremo court In a definite form. Alleged Slayer of Roy Perkins Taken to Coquille to Await . Second Trial. Shoriff W. W. Gngo and J. A. Nos ier passed through hero today with Frank Onrrlson en route from tho stnto penitentiary to Coiulllo whoro Garrison Is to bo placed on trlnl ngaln noxt month for tho murder ot Roy Perkins. Garrison was convicted on tho first trial and sentenced to bo exe cuted but wnB granted n now trial on an appeal to tho Orogon supremo court. As tho alleged confession of Gar rison, It Is claimed, cannot be Intro duced na ovldonco In tho next trlnl, i tho stnto's caso against htm will bo wenkonod considerably. Garrison did not cnuso any trou blo on tho wny back. Ho wns brought in vln Gardiner and during tho wnlt for tho train hero was confined In tho city Jail. Ho appeared woll. WILSON IS CHOSEN. Illinois Mnn Now Master of Nntfonnl Grange. (Dy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day Times)' COLUMDUS, Ohio, Nov. 21. Oli ver II. Wilson, mnstor of tho Illinois Stnto Grnngo, wns elected today Nn tionnl Master of tho National Grnn go, In sesslonjieroj ALLIANCE IN Steamship Arrives From Eu reka and Sails For Portland at Noon. Tho Alllanco nrrlved In early this morning from Eureka with ono of tho largest passenger lists she has had from thoro for Coos Day In a long tlmo. Sho sailed a few hours later for Portland. Among those arriving on tho Al liance wero: R. R. DInnlgan, W. J. Slattery, S. I. Towers, R. G. Armstead, F. D. Layton, T. T. Golden, Mrs. Lnmbort, J. E. Teormnn, L. A. Pippin, T. Chrlstlo, E. P. Rogers, P. Stanley, Dan Murray, Mike WIeland, O. D. Van Dennis, T, Balton, K. Jensens, E. Sporoo, Geo, Engolman, John Pan cuer, V, Busklnk, T. Torto, Carl Je rome Among thoso sailing from horo for Portland on tho Alllanco wore tho following: W. J. Morrison, J. A. Muloro, II. JuntUi I. II. Rundlln, Goo Gow, Sop How, Woo Soo, Sop How, Sing How, Loop Lop, Sip Sovey, Lip NU, Sqp Qow, Oow Oow, Sling Shlthi. W GARRISON IS BROUGHT BACK III FIELD FOR E. E. Straw, R. A. Copple and E. Don McCrary Head Nomi nees in Caucus. ' LARGEST CROWD OUT IN HISTORY OF CITY Nominations Made Without Semblance of Disturbance Details of Meeting. HOW VOTE STOOD. For mayor E. E. Btraw 110 R. A. Cnpplo 101 E. Don McCrary. ... 02 , For coiincllmon , Tom Coko 110 . Carl W. Evortson,.. OG ) W. W. Holland .... 72 , F. E. Allen 81 ,4 J. C. Morchnnt 91 ! John Holm 87 E. D. McArthur .... 28 C. F. McGeorgo .... 17 For recorder John W. Dutlor....201 4 A. J. Stcphnn. r. . . . 84 M. A. Swcotmnii.. .. J,i Scattering voto for couwdl- mon O. V. McKnlght, 1; Ivy ' Cnndron, 1; Jons Hanson, 1; Chns. Powers, 1; J. O. Lnng- worthy, 2; John F. Hall, 1; Po- tor Scott, 1; Carl Albrocht, ; A. J. Stophon, 2; Duncan For 4 guson, 1; G. A. Johnson, 1; C. C. Going, 1; Mr. Evnns, 1; Dr. McCormnc, 1; W. T. Morchnnt, 1. Tho nbovo summnrlzcs tho result of"tho Mnrshflold city caucus last night and nil tho cnudldntos receiv ing twonty-flvo votes or moro will hnvo tholr unities printed on tho tick et If they qunllfy. Tho caucus wns tho largest ovor hold In Mnrshflold. In nil, 312 votes wero cast but thoro wore probably moro than 350 pcoplo In tho hall, soino not bolng qualified to voto and sonio not going to tho bother ot standing in lino to cast tholr voto. J. M. Upton wns tho unanimous cholco for chairman, and G. W. Kaufman was unanimously olectod secrotnry. Thero was not tho slight est indication ot a clash during tho ovonlng. Tho flnnl mode of procoduro was similar to that ot a regular primary election, tho only dlfferonco bolng that the votors had to wrlto In tho names ot tho candidates on bin ballots instead ot marking prlntod ballots. Thrco Cornered Itnce. As a result of tho caucus, tho raco for mayor becomes a thrco-cornorod ono. Up until Into yostorday, It was thought by some that both Copplo and Straw would withdraw and lot W. U. Douglas mako tho raco against E. Don McCrary, tho socialist cholco. Mr. Copplo ngroed to this program but Straw's friends would not con sent to It. Soma stated yesterday that Mr. Straw had wired frlonds horo to with draw his name but Ivy Condron re ceived n telegrnpi from him last ovonlng- stating that ho would run if Mr. Condron would gnln Mrs. Straw's consent. Mrs. Straw finally consent ed to It. Mr. Condron nnd othor supporlors of Mayor Straw express confldonco that he will bo an onsy victor. , R, A. Copplo's frlonds dcclaro that tho outcome ot tho caucus last night Indicates that Copplo will win oaslly. Thoy claim that Straw should havo recolvod two votes to Copplo's ono In tho cnucus. Furthermore, thoy claim that much of Straw's strength was represented thoro through tho offorts of tho Straw meeting In tho Rodmon's hall last Friday evening and point out that tho fact that the voto of Straw and Coko. t'to two candidates declnred for at that meeting, wns tho same, substantiates their claim that much work wns done boforo tho ciu cus to got out tho Straw voto. Thoy claim that llttlo or no work 1 dono In Mr. Copplo's behalf owing (to tho expectancy that n rnninro 'mlso would bo effected whorobv W !U, Douglas would ho tho harmony candidate. Tho Socialist also aro oxprcsslng elation today over tho showing f'ev mado and their loaders c'nlm ''it only a small portion of their strength was voted at tho ennr-M" As near as could bo determined to- (Contlnued on nne J a' 4' i - "J"QI Utftl JfV J.