I IS ALWAYS BfTTjRJO RESIGN IN A HUiT THAN TO LAY DOWN AND SULK " Al.lttlo "Campaign" Of r"'V7.. ..... V..111. Itinl Kstnln "In ,l,cMml.et" Effectively I it win i'ut tl10 fncta ul)0llt y"r "n(iriy bcforo tno eyes 01 an -pos-Pihta biijcrs" in town. And if 8 ' nun of tlicm who ought to Kit, "' scU "' (Slum Sfatwa MEMBER OK ASSOCIATED nu.rto OL XXXV Established In 187H us Tlio Const .Mall WANT ADVERTISING III Tlio TIMES Will Kii'p tlio Income from Your Furnished Itooms from Lapsing! YOU cnn really holp tlio family rovcnucs by renting n few furnished rooms nml, If you know how and when to use tho classified columns, you mny keep thnt llttlo extra lucoino ns "steady ns n clock." MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1 911 EVENING! EDITION. .'..it! SOUND SECTION IS SCENE OF TERRIFIC FLOODS M YORK IS PDUII A Consolidation of Times. Const .Mail nml Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 109 CAL SCAMOAL 1 hiirnnfl Service to Various Cities Badly Demoralized Loss neavy. LIGHT RESPITE IN ; TWO WtbKS blUttlVI IVUW Renton and many jmaner Towns Nooueci seauie Also Suiters iviucn. ir Associated Press to tho Coos Buy f Times.) j SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 20 Donu- Rfal warm wouuior mm uiuur TWO SCHOONERS ESCAPE ST0R1 Prominent Democratic Leaders 1)rol" C0lirt' ordered tho issunnco of nf OllPPn'! fnnnh Aivneforl "ammts f0" tlio arrest of Joseph Cas- 01 Ulieen S UOUnty AlieStetl sidy, democratic leader In Queens 11 Cnnnnntinn With Rrihnrv county, William Wllletto.' Jr.. cnndl- Phai-fioc J date for Supremo Court Justlco on Olldiytb. the demncratle ticket In tho Second ,n ,, , . Judicial Dlctrlct and Louis T. Walter, (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay .,,.., following an Investigation as to Times) ' whether certnln nnlltlrlnna -.nnivmi NEW YOltIC, Nov. 20. Justlco large huiiib of money for Wlllotto's acuuuuer ot tno wueens county hii- nomination. S AND IPS REPORTED TO ME LANDED IN IN CHINA Sausalito Works Out to Sea and May Be Towed Into Bandon Today. m Special to Tho Times.) UANDOX, Ore, Nov. 20 Mem- . flnn.i situation Is not bo encour- fglng ns tho clear weather today fclght lnuicaie. Tho city ngui "" wi uHtii- r . ... ......l. ... I.... -... Irteted tlio poopiu ' Bl'""'u "'" " hers of tho Bandon life saving crow, (tern two weeks' storm, llio; who wow nt Sncchl'a covo wntchlng ...iiior llureau. nowover, bujb uiu lno snusnllto wltlrh wn nnMmnwi Uh tcniiicrnturo Is melting tho snow JttBt outside tho breakers, reported . ,t,n mmintalns and bringing rocks yesterday that tho vorho! mi nwnv td earth down upon tho railroad about 2 o'clock in tho morning and ...i,. further, tho rain in tho Pu- nut to son. a fnvnm'ni ,vi.m ct Sound country will bo resumed wns taken advantngo of. It Is ox- Icss tlinn twemy-ioni iiuum. poctca Hint alio will work In off tho uniiuon uar todny and bo towed in. Tho schooner Queen remained safely at anchor outsldo nml will probably b towcil '. tminv. t.v. pnt nromlses to repair tho Hood steamers ran In close to tho Ouoon imago In two days. In tho inter- yesterday but bIio did dcslro to tako tl tho highest buildings in tho city a tow. ,iii tin' nltnoiit water aim users oi llcctrlclty from tho municipal plnntl kill bo obliged to get ngm ami power, rom tlio Scnttlo ami i ucoinu rower i kmnany or uso com or gas. uihk Eo dcforcBtratlon of tho hills of v-Miprn Washington, tho run off of he rain has been moro rapid than former joars nnu tno uoous uiu Iuddea mid aovero. tho rniiroaus re clearing away tho obstructions cd reimlrlng twisted bridges. BclllnKlinni, wnsn., nnu vnncuu r, I). C.i nro entirely cut from con- icctlon with this city. Tho ruii- flads hope to get tho linos north oi Itttllo open tonight or tomorrow horning. All dopends on weather londltlons. Thoro Is no serious im- lodlment between Sealtlo nnu Tnco- ri and l'ortlnnd, and tho enstom nil oniliprn trains nrrlvo nnu dc- lirt on nil rnllronds. Tho Croat ISLAND RULER IS TRIED OUT President Caceres of Santo Domingo Killed by Political Opponents. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SANTO DOMINGO, Nov. 20. President of tho Republic, General Ilnmon Caceres was assassinated. orpat Mnicc mirmj WM T BAnLE WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 20. Ramon Cacorcs, president of Santo Domingo, wns nssasslnntcd by poll- tical malcontontfl nt Santo Domingo City Into yesterday afternoon. No uprising has yet followed. Cable grams conveying tho nowo of tho ns snsslnntlon, filed Inst night, were de layed in transmission. Celebration at Juarez Mistaken For Real Engagement Fear Reyes Revolt. ' (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) EL PASO, Tex., Nov. 20. What I at first wns believed to bo an nt- konhern. Northern Pncillc and Mil-.;1" on Juarez by tho Royostas, prov-L-.Mi, imvn niiniuinnoil their llnos.O'l to bo a cclobrntlon by tho Mode- IrouRh tho cascades and nro routing '''"l" of )p anniversary of tho bo- Mr transcontinental trains via van- kiuiuiik i uiu .uhuuiu luvoumon. ourer. Wnsh., nnd tho SonttIO, "' pnncipni leniuro oi tno uem- fortland nnd Spoknno rnllronds. it.onstrntion wns tno dlsciinrgo of flro going to bo n week boforo tlio i"i which kh" nu m rujiori uiai tounlaln lines will bo opon. On loiiowers oi v.onerni jieycs wcro nt- lone of the rnllronds havo any of inc"iuB junrez. be big bridges or trestles gono out Residents of this city wero nrous- lad (he roads will ho spcodlly placed ' '"' i"r Hiuiuucrs nnu iiockou tto commission when tho floods wio iiruigrs nnu river unnu to wu- tate. mess want tncy icit suro wns a unt- Pconlo of Western Washington to- no. hr aro anxiously wntchlng tho tur-i i'" impression wns doo.iuned by iJlent streaniH for signs of subsl- " hiiuh-iihu inm uiu .inures gnr- ce. Tlio flood has rnged for """ """ ,",, "" uiw muri ior siunu tore tlinn two dnys. Of tho smnllor . suiiuon uovoiopmont in connection pn rn light by tho flood, Ronton, "" i" reinirm i ruviuuuannry nlvo miles up tho Cednr river from ncuviues m which uio immo oi uen- kitllo mifYirp.i tim moat. Tho lniH-' "rnl Reyes, now under nrrest by tho N part ot Renton Is entirely iin-inld States government, hns been 'r water nnd twlco yestordny rosl.l,n,ii,ii"ny connected witn. Tlio ko's. hrnrlng rumors thnt tho big fiin "'"" WIIS lenrneu wnen uny- rdar river dam had gono ont,,K,t permuted roponors to cross tho iJihed lo tho surrounding hills. 'river. Tho Moxicnn government una My small towns In beautiful farm-Brongtlioned tlio forco or soldiers nt knnllrx nrn im.in wnr nn,i ntiillJnnros In anticipation of posslblo do- lore aro cndnncoroil bv tlio flood, vuiopmcnis in wio iieyes movement. I - -- -- --IT -.. The town of McMillan, fourtoon pes west of Tacomn Is threntoncd if the Pujallup rlvor which has been F'"Ilng tlio adlncent lnml nt. tho rnto ' ten feet an hour. STEEL TRUST REARING TODAY HAM CASE DRAGS ALONG Several Veniremen Are Excus ed Today For Various Rea sons at Los Angeles. 'By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) LOS ANGELES, Oil , Nov. 20. T. O. Sandorson, n venlromnn, wi,s excused In tho McXninnra caso todny on account of tho Illness ot his wife, and J. R. Jackson wnB let off for tho snmo reason. Fred. D. Moyor wns excused on account of bins, and F. A. McBurncy, n contractor, wn challenged on samo ground. Each sold he believed McNamnra was guilty. Tho Btato roasted both challenges. OIL ILL TD BE TRIED OUT Water to Be Taken Out of Bear Creek Well Today to See What Is In It. Mikado .Sends Force Ashore at Foo Chow to Protect Foreign Consulates REBELS SEND BIG' FORCE AGAINST NANKING United States State Depart ment Denies Rumor of Big Massacre of Missionaries (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) PEKIN, Nov. 20 It Is understood nt tho Jnpnucso legation that a Jap anese forco wns'lnnded at Foo Chow Company Objects to Investiga tion While Government Suit Is Pending. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay KEF TRUST TRIAL DELAY (Special to Tho Tliuns.) BANDON. Ore.. Nov. 20 Bv to night, It Is expected that tho ofllclals to protect tho consulates. of the MIoceno Oil and Gbb company win Know whether they hnvo nny oil In their Bcnr Creek well. Socrot nry Spencer of tho company an nounced that tho Inst plcco ot casing wnB being put down, tho woll being n llttlo over 1,700 foot. Tho wntcr with which tho well hns been filled DENY MANY RUMORS. United HtnU'H Hinto DcpiiitiucnC Makes Statement Today. (By ABsoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 20 to kcop down tho gns nrcssuro will Jnpnneso troops havo not boon sont bo taken out todny nnd Just what Is to Tien Tsln, Russtnn military for In tho well will bo determined. All cos on tho Mnnchurlnn bordor hnvo Hearing of Indicted Packers In Chicago Postponed Until ' Wednesday. ' aro hopeful that thoro will bo oil In pumping qunntlty If not a gusher. FILE APPEAL ON ASSESSMENT Menasha Woodenware Com pany and Fields Timber Company Serve Notice not been reinforced, tho situation nt Canton Is peaceful nnd no report oC mnssnero of mlsslonnrlcs reached tho American legation nt Pckln, accord ing to Stato Dcpartmont ofllclals todny. MARINES AT CHI VV. American ami Jaimueo Vessels Snldh to Have Lauded Marines. By Assoclnted Pross to tho Coas Bny Times, i BERLIN, Germany, Nov. 20. A dlspntcli to tho Gorman Cnblo com pany from Tslng Tno assorts that American nnd Jnpnucso wnrshlpa have landed a forco ot eighty men nt Chi Fu. The Gormnn cruiser Em. don hns arrived at Chi Fu. MORE REBEL RECRUITS. Associated Press Times.) Judgo John F. Hall hns been no- tilled by County Clerk Wnlson thnt I tho Monnshn Woodonwnro comnnny Inil.l tim TtMnlda Tl.lll.nM tn... ..n . I.-... ' Tl 1.... . - - . .. . fBv Assoelntcil Press tn Pons rtnv '"; .""muiij vu ncvuiiiiiomsiN m noun H.OIMI Jloro I y Associated rresa to coos Bay appealed from tho findings of tho, .Men to ReMogo Nanking. ..... ' .' . . , Coos County Bonrd of Equalization! By Assoclnted Press to t If, f..oa Bny CHICAGO. NflV. 20 Jlldco A. Cnr- nn tlloll- nimiamnnli nn l.l.. ... rn, , ' WASHINGTON, Nov. 20 Richard 'l,c"tor ,f tl10 Unitod States district Tho apponl will probnbly bo cnrrlod' CANTON, Chlnn, Nov. 20. Rovo- nmonnry recruitH, totalling eight usand, nro massed hero nronnrn- lory to their desnntch to Nnnklni? MMnHl I ...l.n Al .111 . .. -- Liinjiiiiii'jii. . v i iirii ri it v iir smnttsMn . ai.a. (-. i,.n.tuniin nn..in ,.i. . tim Shominn nnll-trimt net. Tim. ....'..' "." . ...... i ". " !".V ."' -"i'ui"" in mu ;'"'??.: r"""r ' :"-..1""'.-'. nostnouomont wn in rnY.Vnn ; .. w"10. " ,a not nonnltoly known Biogo of thnt city. :.V:A :;.""""i""r -."....: nrtlnn nf .Tn,..n K-nl.l.nn. " iriTl. Ul"t l"'S ni'I'Oal Includes tllO wuv n uiu hj Mi uiiiujii o on ik iihuiiiob " -- - ---..-.,., w. ww - V. Vandabury, couhboI for tho United dZrboriiri0nf,0T, nJr'rn,',1 V(!J!"!,I).thro"Bh tho court8' " 1,ns opo"'1''1'1 Stntes Stool Comorntlon mn.ln nb. i .i "' '' sr?n "lioiir. 'intlmntod that Bomo of tho other thou btntes bteel corporation, nmdo ob-'nnd nlno other pnekers charged with nrK0 timber owners will nlsn iniiV in torv Jectlon boforo tho Standard Steel violating the criminal provisions of tho nnncnl ' w hoi ex- i, ..;;vi.rn; V.iT :;:.""; ted Stntes Circuit Conrt. Vhn r. i're"", aoiornimntion or c. it. ' ... '" . '.. i" .i"i " .i. :"''.;" ...7' nunsl.lmr tliA u-rlt of l.nlmna ..., smith to rofuso to Included In his purchnso of Congress authorizing tho Inquiry Into nunshlng tho writ of habeas corpus cm. n-v Wn nS!!5. TnXnB, n "V nrH m im.iot. invomintinn ' ti, previously granted, w thhold tbo on-i008 IJny .Wagon Rond Lnnd Grant, Government. Tho commltteo nt oncoM.ry of tho ordor until Wednesdny. . Lnc,!'"ei1 '" ",B "urchnso of tho went Into oxecutlvo Boaslon. Armour is tho only defendant not dl After lengthy dollborntlon It wns ecuy concerned in tlio Habeas cor bouthcrn Oregon company, It Is thought pnrhnps It doos. Mr. Smith decided to postpono further consider- ,)UB Proceedings nnd might hnvo beon I'leclnred that ho would not pay tnxes, ntlon of 'tho Steol trust, pending tho n,ncel ' trlnl but Judgo Carpenter I it Is said, on this proporty until tho nssombllng of tho full committee. i announced ho was not disposed to try suit of tho government attncklng its validity is determined. Judgo Hall has not yet heard from tho C. A. Smith comnnny as to LIKELY SCRAP his enso separately. eO.VMTIOX AT 1IELTJXGHAM pers Aro Ilervdlutr Rut Train Scr- 1 fr la linf B7 Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BELLIXGIIAM. Wnqli Wn nn PillnRhnni Is still without trnln sor- l ana nnno Is promised boforo to- FWOW nlL'llt n- Tfn.l..no.ln.. rpi.n Kil,vpleco of trncc onon ' tl10 Great -....el,, nn jvortliorn Pnclflo lines P OelWonn 11. I ,.. . .. . kvi.v , ' """ u,l "u xiinino on Pilch l n c),..m ' .,. ,., j .nj V """ll,u bui vico is iiiuininiit II.;",4 beL,y?on Anacortes and Sadro .."' lllfl TlVnra nrn fnlllni mnA ONE IS KILLED IN AUTO RACE 0 U Sumner Forces Said to, Have Men Working Near Eugene Ahead of So. Pacific. CITY CAUCUS IS T0NI6RT I I r r-AiM i ... UtGISlUN !N SEVERAL CASES boin.!YlVto?o0,rfo",inctraycrruin Jl,d0? Coke Holds Special Ses sion or uircuu uourt at Coquille Today. Judge John S. Coko nt a apodal Another Driver Seriously In jured In Smashup on Savan nah Course Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) Diirtvvtii rn Mm. on - 111 a nvurs aro railing nnu w4-w, uu., .wu - wuu ljt BPr of destructlvo floods Is automobllo drlvor killed and another I". Thn tnn.t...n it.. ...llirna RAlniiHli' lnfiirn1 fnilnv In n .. ,...., ...J...W,. .w..y smashup over tho grand prize courso hero. Joo Dawson, tho Mnrmon drl vor, wns hurt, and McNny, a Cnso pi lot wnB killed. Efforts to Have Straw and Copple Retire For Douglas Futile So Far. the orai) PROSPECT. ff" Tho railways woro tho only tt"er8 from Mm nrnal,n.,f w iu4UI4 Vt 'AAAAAAAA "CK TO THE LAND MOVEMENT DISCUSSED (Bv Assoclnted Press.) TVnV .? II1" Nov' 20- 1 lrn y thousand apples wero SIJ? aw:ay t0(,ny at tho lnnd "vi n& nw k.ii . 1 dav h "OKl Hero. TllO ofV;'a,s,set n8,tIe ns the Stato 1 aannnn ,gton Day' and t was. ne?lLthnt evoryono ap- S H1 ho Washington booth DeaW a? appl- Anong tho 1 w? t Echeaul"l r today f ?.J.arae3 J. Hill, chairman Great v a of Sectors of tho . '.5at lNOrthnrn -noli- j .u . J'scuss tho "utement." a RUJIOU BIG 3IASSACRE. (By Associated Press.) LONDON, England, Nov. 20. A news dispatch to tho ex change tolegrnph company from Tien Tsln states that tho report of a massacre of foreigners 'at Slan Fu, capital of Shan SI pro vince, Is confirmed. Confirma tion from other sources is lack ing. vill rfi;::.V"5" nnroaa, wbo '1im .. " ino "nek to tho ! Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PnOXE 73 Pacific LIvory & Transfer Co. I. EUGENE, Oro., Nov. 20. Tho Guard prints tho following: "Tho Pnclflo Grent Western Railway com pany has a good sized forco of men 'Taln't no cauao to worry, at tho slto of tho westorn mouth of Taln't no causo to plno, the proposed tunnol through tho 'Look at all dom canordates summit of tho coast mountains clear- A-stan'ln up in lino. Ing tho right-of-way preparatory to 'Taln't no cauao fob weopln', begin boring through tho mountain 'Taln't no cauao to sigh; from tho west. Tho surveys of both Dey's got do good times ready tho Pacific Great Westorn and tho I To deliver by an' by. Southern Pacific conflict at this point, and tho westorn mouth ot each Is lo- Somo Is talkin' sunshlno, cated thoro. Tho Pacific Great West-1 Somo Is talkin storm; orn has a deed to tho proporty at But every ono of 'em Is out thnt point, but tho Southern Pnclflc A-boostln' foh reform! company has lot tho contract for tho Dar Isn't any limit to construction of tho road over tbo Do glory wo shall 300, other's proporty. Tho 23d mllo post Wif all dem ennordates In lino Is a short distance beyond tho wast- Upliftln' you an' mo. ern ond of tho proposed tunnol. In vlow of tho fact that both surveys Tho Marshfleld city caucus will bo conflict at that point, it looks like a hold at tho Odd Follows hall this ovo blg logal struggle In prospect bo- nlng and promises to bo a decidedly tweon tho two companies." Interesting ono. To Condemn Asset Line. This afternoon, It looked as though Tho Eugono Guard says: "Suit threo candidates would bo nomlnal- was Instituted In tho Circuit court ed for tho mayoralty race, that Is E. by tho WIHamotto Pacific railroad E. Straw, R. A. Copple and E. Don company, under which namo tho McCrary, Southern Pacific Is building from A meeting wns hold this afternoon Eugeno to Coos Bay, to condemn at tho Marshflold Chamhor ot Com. right-of-way through tho Lano Coun- morco by supporters of Straw and ty Asset company's land at tho pass Copplo with a view to warding oft over tho small range of hills flvo tho bitter campaign that is likely to miles west of Eugeno. Ncah Carlo- develop from their rival candidacies, toner, from whom tho Asset com-, It resulted in naught. Among thoso pany secured 35 acres of land thero, present woro A. J. Mendel, Ivy Con George O, Yoran, F. J. Borger, M. dron, A. II. Powers, Dr, McCerraac, Svarvorud. Jack Rodman, E. M.iW. S. Chandler, M. O. Ilorton. Col. In Coquillo LUMBER T S DEEDS tho argument ngainat tho lncronso In tno assessments, tho company's at torney stated that a lot of tho land tho company owned thoy would bo willing to boII for $!i per ncro. Judgo' ,,, . .,.!, , Hnll nfllfo.l Minn, t f...nD. ., 808SIOII Of Circuit COtirt scrlptlon of tho lands thoy would bo toany hnndod down decisions In 3ov- wllllng to sell at $5 por ncro, and ral Important onws that hnvo been believes that ho would bo ablo to' ponding. got ninny ready buyers of nny Coos , Ono In which thoro was consldor county lnnd nt thnt figure. Tho com- ablo public Intorost echood tho nllo pany has not yet furnlshod him tho nation of affections cnso from Ban description of any land thoy would don. Jns. Tlornoy of Bandon so bo willing to soil nt that price cured a vordlct of $500 acnlnst Po- tor Snyder for nllonntlng Mrs. Tier noy's nffoctlons, Whllo tin cnso was bolng tried, Snyder transferred his proporty to his sister, Margaiot Roohl and then Tlornoy suad hor to recovor. Judgo Coko found In favor of Tlornoy. In tho caso of Sampson vs. tho CRy ,of Coquillo, Involving an attorney's lion, led by J. J. Htnnloy nnd O. R. Barrow, Judgo Coko found ngnlnst tho ntlornoys. It seoms thn Samp son had tho attorneys suo tho city ,or coquillo for dnmagos for porson- ni injuries nnd whllo tho caso was ponding, Ignored his attorneys nnd Fottlod for $300. Tho nt'ornoys then tried to nttnch this nmount for tliolr fcos but lost out. In tho caso of Gllmnro vs. Porklns, n domurror to tho comnlnlnt was 'overruled by Judgo Coko. Mrs. Gil- ?;?SB iaEiS ffins ffffi t. thoVecernu.ctmo;7Vargy.g n" the sale of tho hotel violation of tho Shorman anti-trust p1",rn "l CoaulIJo and her daugh law. Tho answer admitted tho col- torJ Jr1r,s- Porklns- onnosod hor. lection and dissemination of tho In-1 In tno cnF0 of Wnrnor vs Adams formation concerning manufacturers, from 3Iyrtlo Point, n motion to strlko Jobbors nnd wholesnlors dealing dl- out no amended nnswor wns allowed recny witn tno consumors. but denies ' """ nnu uenicu in part. Michigan Retail Dealers Asso ciation Answers Indictments 1 Charging Conspiracy. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) DETROIT, Nov. 20. Tho .Michi gan Retail Lumber Doalors Assocln (Continued on page 4.) (Continued on page 4.) any conspiracy for Intimidation and blacklist methods. W. AIILSKOG of North Inlet was a Marshflold business visitor. WM. PUGII of North Inlet was a Marshfleld business visitor Satur day, Judgo Coko had somo oMior deci sions ready to hand down bu owing to tho attorneys not bolng nrosont, tho announcement of tlio decisions was postponed. Tho Alert will bo laid off Wodnes- Jday and Thursday to lmv ir t-i',ra MISS LULU HODSON of Coos River! washed and tho AHco II will lake her nuo u iiiuiouuum Buuynur. i run on thoso days. mi ' i