r vr-TigwiM Tf THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSMFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1911 EVENING EDITION. FOB GllSIll PLEAD GUILTY IN POSSIBILITIES FOR COUNCIL TO H MANY H NAMES GIVEN AS ,i t ft!WiVTliTyTv?i3,?i74j St Cf g o M tt ll cl fit C( T tt la nl Id te m nl cl w to o n 3 a 1 l I q C t t r f r C con Viu con Yoi AB8 Bl0 RltV nva, jian mm ti Cl H K fc T tl o T o 1 porl moil in lllllj BtiUl tllO 0(1 V otlic nro on n Business Men There Organize to Convert Old Tabernacle Into Recreation Room. At n mooting of Xorth Bond busi ness men nt tlio Xorth Bond Commer cial club Inst evening, pinna wero completed for converting the Xorth Bend tabernacle building' Into n gym nasium and place of recreation for the young folks of Xorth Bend. Supt. Rnnb, J. W. Grout and P. W. "Wood, tho committee In charge of rnlsing funds for tho purpose, reported that over $100 of the $500 needed for the purpose linil been subscribed nnd that they thought tho bnlanco would be onslly secured. It Is planned to convert the build ing Into a public reading room and gymnasium. It Is planned to Install bowling alleys, equipment for ntlt letlcs and In fact arrange for nil the simpler forms of rccrcntlon for young folks. Lntcr, this may bo utilized as tho foundation for n Y. M. C. A. Lnst evening tho following officers woro elected: President Edgar McDnnlcl. Ylcc-presldcnt A. Q. Rnab. Secrotnry Prof. Ilonskn. Tronsuror Elmer Russell. Executive board .T. P. Grubbs, W. E. Best, L. P. Palkcnsteln, J. W. Grout nnd M. 13. Everltt. Committee on by-laws W. 13. Best, C. II. Broulllnrd nnd Dr. Bartlo. Cnrclnker Goo. W. Artls. A partial list of thoso contributing to tho fund Is ns follows: J. W. Grout, $10 work: R. C. Holmes, $10: Elmer Russell, $fi: T. B. Bnrtlo, $10; Edgar McDanlol, $10; A. O. Rnnb, $G: Roht. Kehoo, $5; C. II. Broulllnrd, $r; J. P. Grubbs, $5; J. O. Mullen. $5; Chns. VnnZllo, $2, work: W. Chnppoll, $10. work; P. W. Wood, I; V. II. Wnttors, $10: Mr. Mnrsdon. $2; Clnronco Klblor, $2; W. A. Davenport, $2; O. J. Honskn, $5; M. IT. ncynolds, $r, work; W. Xellson. $5; A. II. Derby shire, $2; G. J. I.cmnnlcl. $2; Her bert Armstrong. $10; Edw. Hnbson, SB: C. P. McColliim, $2.50; W. II. Painter. $2.50: J. II. Groves. $2. GO; A. VnnZllo. $2.00: Archie Phillips, $ri; P. W. Stcvoni, $2: .Tnv J. Gray, $2.50; Ilnmr & Ron, $5: J. O. Gul Inrd, $2; Mrs. .1. R. Robertson, $5; C. 8. AVInsor. M0: P. X. Roborg, $5; A. J. Davis. $5; M. E. Everltt. $10; Dr. Burmolstpr, $1; J. A. .Tnrolmon, $1; Ed. R. Poroit. $2; L. W. Snn dor. $1: A. H. MoKnv. $1: cash, $2.50; Cltv Mcnt Market. 2.G0: E. Knrdlnnl. $1: II. O. Kern. $10; J. P. fitnndlsh, $10, work: X. C. McT.eod, S2.G0: B. Ropstnd. $5; R. .T. Cnko. $5; Simpson Lumber Co., lumber, $75.00. Quito a few votes came In Tho Tlmus voting contest of mayoralty prerorenccs last night nnd today. Xo new names were submitted for mayor but a number wero suggested for COUtlCllllUMl. Many nro bringing their voteB to The Times nnd ninny others nro mail ing theirs. The final announcement of tho ex pressions will bo printed In Tho Times tomorrow night nnd nil votes to bo counted must rench Tho Times office before noon, tomorrow. I Among tho now names suggested ns possibilities for counc'.lmon today wore C. P. McGeorgo, Guy Chambers, Harry Hoy, J. o. Langworthy, G. W. Trlbbe Alva Doll, P. E. Allen. S. C. Brown nnd U. I'. Smith. Several to day wrote In tho nnme of C. I. Rel gard for city attorney nnd one sug gested him for mnyor. In the balloting yestordny the fol lowing were suggested for council men : 11. Smlthgnll, A. M. Ross, Cnrl Al brccht, Win. Lnwhorne. Tom Coko, .i. Aiuert .Mntson, Jens Hansen, It. C. Cordcs nnd .lack Flnnngan. VOTE TODAY. 1 E. E. STRAW 2 R. A. COPPLE 3 W. U. DOUGLAS 4 ' E. DON McCRARY 5 TOM COKE 41 37 .13 11 Wrlto in nnmo of nny other possibility you hnvo to suggest: Wrlto in names of candidates for councilmcn hero: At tho Mnrshflold city caucus next Monday evening, November 20, tho candidates for niuyur for tho ensuing two years will bo nominated. Sov oral hnvo been mentioned but asldo from E. Don McCraiy, who hae been named by tho Socialists, n.-.no havo openly nnnouncod their candi dacy. Above is a list of theso mentioned nnd blank spaces for now pos sibilities. Mnrk a cross nftcr tho nnmo of tho ono you prefer or if his nnmo Is not printed horo, wrlto It nnd mall It, bring It or Bond it to Tho Times' ofllco. Who Is your cholco? For mayor vote for ono. Mnrk an X between tho number nnd name, nnd mall to "Cholco." enro Times, Mnrslinold. oro. TO TRY L G GASES IMPORTANT NOTICE. Thoro will bo n meeting nt tho Chamber of Cnmmcrco at 7:30 p.m., Friday 17 Instnnt. This meeting Is cnlled for tho purposo of showing our npproolntlon of tho services rondored this community by R. M. Jennings, chairman exocutlvo commlttco of Mnrshflold Chamber of Cnmmcrco, during tho pnst year nnd nil nro In vited to bo prosent. J. T. McCORMAC, Presldont. GIVES QUICK ACTION Locldinrt & Pnrsons Drug Co. re ports tlint A SINGLE DOSE of slmplo buckthorn bark, glyccrlno, etc., ns compounded in Adlor-1-kn, tho now Gormnii nppoudlcltls remedy, rollcvos constipation, sour atomnch or gas on tho stoinnch almost INSTANTLY. Many Mnrshflold peoplo nro being bolpcd. Look Before You Buy A glnnco nt tho Toggery Clothing "Will convinco you of their superior stylo and tailoring and no other clothes at tho price, $2U to $25, can surpass thorn. "We do not con fuse our buyers by ad vertising suits from $10 to $10. One price, good goods and on the square is our motto. The Toggery Evidence to Be Taken Soon In Government Case to Re cover Tracts In Oregon PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 17 Testi mony In tho Southern Pacific land grant suit will probably bo taken in Portlnud beginning next month, and bo completed before May 1. W. D. Fenton, ono of tho attorneys for tho rnllrond in tho big suit, filed notlco In tho United Stntes circuit court Hint ho would nsk to hnvo a dnto sot for taking testimony nnd togothor with tho notice submitted n proposed schedulo for tho presentation of ovl denco Hint will get tho flnnl reply in by April 27, 1912. Owing to tho honrlng of tho mer ger suit before the United Stntes su preme court In January, at which P. P. Dunno of Snn Francisco, chief coiinsol for tho Southern Pacific, will hnvo to bo presont, tho rnllrond ob jects to presenting Its evidence prior to February 5, lit 12. An affidavit prepared by Mr. Dunno recites tlint io Is in full nnd complcto chnrgo of tho dofenso of the railroad com pany. Tho tontntlve schedulo submitted by Mr. Fenton glvos tho tlmo for tho complainant to presont Its testimony between tho prosont and January 4, 1012, for the defendant to submit Its between February 5 and Mnrch 30, nnd for tho complainant's roply evi dence botweon Mnrch 30 nnd April 27. B. D. Townsond, Bpeclnl assistant to the nttorney general, who is in charge of the land frnud oasos for tho government, la still In tho enst, but United StatoB Attorney McCourt will either approve or object to tho sched ule for him. TO GET GOOD CARS Interstate Commerce Commis sion Makes Ruling on Poor Equipment Complaint. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bn Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 15. "Shippers should refuso to nccopt cars that aro In such n stato of disre pair ns to ronder them tin (It for ubc." This ruling wns mndo by tho Intor stnto Commerce Commission todny lit tho enso ngnlnst tho Oregon & Wash ington Railroad nnd Navigation com pany. Tho complnlnnnts demanded tlint tho cnrrlcrs bo required to re imburse shippers for ropnlrs mndo on tho enrs to fit them to hold freight In bulk. Tho commission held tlint such arrangements would bo susccp 'tlblo of tics ns n stibtcrfugo for grant lug rebates. Three Kanass Men Admit Tar ring and Feathering Woman There. (Ey Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Tlmos) LINCOLN CENTER, Knn., Nov. 1(1 Picas of guilty suddenly an nounced In Clicult Court hero today by three of tho most iiromlnent men who wero licensed of connection with ' tho tarring nnd feathering of Miss Mnry Clinmberlaln, the Shady Bund i school tencher, cnrrlcd tho Btnto's at torneys nlmost off tholr foot. Thoso to announce pleas of guil ty wero Everett Cl. Clark, Wntson Scrnnton and ,lny Fltzwuter. Clnrk Is a miller nnd Fltzwater and Scran ton farmers. Judge Grovcr nnnoiinccd ho would reserve sentence. "It Is necessary that I resorvo sen tence," ho snld, "for ns I hnvo henrd no testimony In this ense, virtually I don't know the nnttiro of tho of fense. Accordingly, 1 will wnit until nftor tho other enses hnvo been heard. BISHOP SMITH DEAD. Noted rtiltmlrlpliln Chuicliinnii Sue- ctiiiibs Suddenly. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. 1C Bishop Alexander MnclCny-Smltlt, ono of tho lending churchmen of tho country, died suddenly hero todny. Ho was sixty-one years old. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J Public Stenographer All Work Confidential Phone No. 130 177 Front St. MK7M "' l'l. who hnvo RomolnvcntUonlilllty Fncil r'""' wrlto iui:i.i.i:v ,i vriM mv, """, l'muil Alloriiujr., u.lilliittoii, II. U A .MAIL C.lltltl Elt'S LOAD Seems hehvlor when ho has a weak I back nnd kidney trouble Fred Duoh i ron, mnll carrier nt Atchison, Kan sas, snys: "I havo been bothored with kidney nnd bladder trouble nnd bad n sovcro pnln ncross my back. Whonovor I cnrrlcd n heavy lond of mall, my ktdnoy trouble IncernRcd. Soino tlmo ngo, I stnrtcd tnklng Fo loy's Kidney Pills mid since taking them I hnvo gotten entlroly rid of nil my kidney trouble nnd nm ns sound now ns ovor." Foley's Kldnoy Pills nro tonic in action, quick In rosults. No mnttor at whnt stngo your kidney troublo mny bo, tnko Foley's Kldnoy Pills nt onco for quick and pormanent rellof. Red Cross Drug Store Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hnve ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pnclflc Llvory & Transfer Co. A TURKISH MATH will do you fJOOli. Phono 214-J. coughing at night. Means loss of Bleep, which la hard on everyone Mrs. A. Polzor, 25 W. Jefferson St., Omuhn, Nob., Bays: "I enn recommend Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound ns n suro euro for roughs nnd colds. It cured my dntightor of a bnd cold, and my neighbor, Mrs. IJonson, curod her whole family with Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound. Everyono In our neighborhood speaks most highly of It." For dryness nnd tickling In tho throat, hoarseness, nnd nil coughs ind colds, tnko Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Keep nlwnys In tho house. Contains no opiates. Tho gonulno In n yellow package. Rofuso substitutes - Red Cross Drug Storo A now stock of tho latest in tho MAZDA IAMPS Send In Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone a I ill BEAHVS GUN SHOP Comploto lino of lllcyclo supplies, second-hand bicycles for snlo. Guns, bicycles, etc., repaired. Umbrellas covored nnd ropnlrcd. E. HANDEL, Prop. No. (107 No. Front St. Phono 18Ml DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND REMODELLING. MRS. E. BANDEL Phono 19-J. Cor. 1th nnd Park Avo. ...--. ....-., ..,..-.. ... 1 Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF HAT WORK. ROSS & PINEGOR. 250 Central nvonuo Phono 250N REAL ESTATE City property, Farm, Timber, nnd Conl Laud. Low rato FIro Insurance host nnd strongest company. Renting of Rooms nnd Houses. Selling Itckots to nuy pnrt of Eu rope AVG.FmZEEN (18 CENTRAL AVENUE, Multifield. NOTICE CALLING FOR A NOMI NATING MEETING OR CAUCUS FOR THE NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE OF FICE OF MAYOR, COM MON COUNCILMEN AND OF RECORDER. $ S OO Reward For nny sowing machlno I can't plnco in first class ordor. Supplies for all machines furnished. Leavo ordors, drop a postal card or phono Rogers hotel. C. S. Leibendorfer Expert Machinist. Phono 111-L Reference O. O. Lund, leather butcher ADMINISTER'S AND EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Notlco is horoby given tlint the fin al account of DeForest F. Barnard as administrator of tho estnto of Myr tle B. Barnard, deceased, has been filed In the County Court of Coos County, Stnto of Oregon, nnd that tho 15th day of December, 1911, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock, A. M., has been duly appointed by such Court for tho hearing of objections to such final ac count and the settlement thereof, nt which tlmo nny person Interested In such estnto may appear and file ob jections thereto In writing and con test tho same. DeFOREST F. BARNARD, Administrator of tho Estate. Notice is horoby given that by or der of tho Common Council of tho City of Mnrshflold. Coos Countv. Ore gon, duly mndo nnd ontorcd on tho 17th dny of October, 1011, a nomi nating meeting or caucus will bo hold In Odd Follows hall In said rltv nn Monday, tho 20th day of Novombor, 1911, nt the hour of eight o'clock In tho nftornoon of said day, for the purposo of nominating candidates for tho following offices: n mayor of said city to Berve for tho term nf trim years commencing tho first Mondny In January. 1912: two memhnrs nf Mm common council of snld city to servo lor tno term or mreo years each com mencing tno nrst Mondny in January, 1912; a recorder of said city to servo for tho term of ono year com mencing tho first Monday In January, 1912. Said candidates to bo voted on nt tho regular nnnunl munlnlnni oioo. tlon of said city to bo held Tuesday, mo mui mij- ui wecomuer, mil. Dated this 9th day of Novemoer. 1911. JOHN W. RTTTTrcn Recorder of tho City of Marshfleld, uuub uouuiy, uregon. IF H3K atl.u i r i it . -t .iftlreJBirtf.tVnerWJ.wyorlO MVtr or Those Incomparable Benjamin Clothes F"ROM dny io dny, week in nnd week out, for nny use Hint you enro to put them to for work or piny tho BENJAMIN CLOTHES will more Hum satisfy you. They nro ns sturdy ns a rock, wonderfully artistic in design nnd tailored from fashion able fabrics by men who excel in their craft. Quality is their dominating feature, but their authentic New York Stylo has gained for them tho favor of all men who dress above the average, and at a price that means a big saving because "MONEY TALKS" SIT ITS $20.00 to $1,1.00 OVI3KOOATS l.-).00 to $10.00 GABERDINES $15.00 to $33.00 OTHER SUITS $10.00 to $18.00 "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. BAND'ON MA-RS1IFIELD Buy Your Meal at the UNION MEAT MARKE1 And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. 'Phone FAST AND COSIMODIOUS Steamer Redondi KQUII'I'KI) WITH WIUKIjESS JUW3 X1U1I1 VUU& J-U,V i.Ul OHU X'JIIIU'IBVU a Saturday morning, Nov. 18, at 71 INTIilt-OCKAX 'IKAXSl'OItTATIOX COMl'AM Phono 44 C P. McOEOR0B,iJ KQUIPPED WITH WinfiLKSS Steamer Breakwatei ALWAYS ON T1MI3 .... - 1l.l SAILS FHOM rOUTIiAND AT 8 V. 51. O.V " ''"IT "P ij AND 2K. SAILS FUOM MAIISIIFIKM) AT SKUVICB w I TIIIIJ O.V XOVKMIIKU 11, 18 AM) 25. L. II. KEATING, AGENT rnoNB JW'5' ' 'THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCI EQUIPPED WITn WIHEIiESS bans lor .Eureka irom Coos JSay , j Friday morning, Nov. 17, aU CONNECTING WITH THE NOKT1I DANK 110AD AT 1" NOUTII PA JIFIO STEAMSHIP coMPAr'flr Apt i-JIU.-NK -14 U. . .nt"-" a. Mn. ,. . ncpnllRG Our stages leave MarshHeld for Roseburg at J c ftm evening and afford quickest connections wltn auui- Rnllwnv. Pnrn ft nn COOS DAY ROSEDURO STAGE W OTTO SOnETTER, Agent, 120 Mjftfe V v. i-. uaitnjuw, ;igt;uii .vr- PHONE 11 T.iflCfc JUftC. WU)A taegy ! J!gVi.- L. fHit,W1'i W Uu, -