THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1911 -EVENING EDITION meS&Ij VHATEVER you do, business or pleasure, we'll dress you right for it Kight means here every- ought to We can mean put it in in Cvfrfjkt Htn UUfatt te Mum thing it clothes, one line: Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. AVc want you to see the suits. and overcoats. Suits $18 and up Overcoats $16.50 and up Have you a good sweater; close-knit, pure wool? We'll show you some beauties at $3.00 and up. How are you fixed for shirts? We've got a lot of very handsome patterns and colors for you. Best shirts $1.00 and up. It's time for underwear, too ; winter calls for it $1.00 . the garment, and from that price as high as you care to go. WGm. $ TIII3 WEATHER. The Woolen Mill Store Coos Bay's home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes (Dy Associated Press. ) OREGON, Nov. 17 Fair In cast tonight and Saturday; southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. RE- For twenty-four hours ondlng nt 1:00 p. :n., Nov. 10, by Mrs. 13. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 53 Minimum 40 At 4:00 p. m D2 Precipitation 1.03 Wind, Southwost; cloudy. Breakwater Sails Early. The Breakwater will sail nt eight o'clock tomorrow morning for Porttnrid. It was erroneously announced yesterday that the Breakwater wouhi sail at nlno o'clock. Iways- f The Busy Corner" SHOP EAllLY- Don't wait too long 'till things are pretty well picked over. I3ogin early to do your Xmas Shopping, then you're not rushed at the last minute and you've had the advantage of first selection. Let us show you our splendid Line of Manning, Bowman's Coffee Percolators, Chafing Dishes, etc. SEE OUR "WINDOWS. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. heme' Main 298 Us Heavy Rains. Tho rainfall tho past two days has been greater than was supposed. In tho twbnty-four hours ending1 nt 5 o'clock yesterday, tho total precipitation was 1.03 Inches. All tho streams aro showing tho effects of tho heavy rains but It will require much mora precipitation boforo thoro will bo any particular danger from freshets. lllclinnlMon'H lllll. Engineer Rlch- nrdson of Portland, who was engaged by tho North nend and Mnrshflold city couiicIIb to Investigate tho water situation, has sent In his bill. Ho nsks $(139.75 for his work and tho North nend city council hns agreed to pay two-fifths or $245.90 of tho sum. Tho Mnrshflold city council will net on tho bill at tho noxt meeting. fall, until n llttlo over a year ago, was In chargo of all tho Episcopal churches on Coos Day and nlso of tho Episcopal church nt Gardiner. Ho now gives his entlro time to tho work of tho churches nt Bnndon and nt Coqulllo, bdth of which hnvo show ed much progress through moro fre quent services. Archdeacon Horsfnll will prench nt both services In Em manuel church here on Sunday. Hero After Body. I. L. Blair of Seattle, a brothor-In-lnw of W. E. Calvin, who was killed In nn accident nt tno amiin-i'owcrs logging camp on Isthmus Inlet, nrrlvcd hero yesterday to take tho body to tho old bomo at St. Joseph, Mo., for burlnl. Tho body will bo taken out on tho Brcnkwater tomorrow. Meet Tonight. A meeting will bo hold nt tho Mnrshflold Chamber of Commerco at 7:30 this evening for tho purposo of expressing a gonornl appreciation of tho efforts that It. M. .Tonnlngs, who will lonvo shortly for Eugeno to rcBldo, hns put forth In bohnlf of this community. It is ex pected that thero will bo a good at tondnnco although sovornl other meetings and functions Hint nro ar ranged for thU evening mny dotrnct from tho turnout. North Bend News Floyd Rnnb, a son of Supt. Rnab, Bllpped nnd fell on tho sldownlk tho other night and broko his arm. ' Dan McDonnld ha3 returned from Bnndon to tnko a position as foreman of tho North Bend Iron Works. Mrs. Andrew llobon nnd son arriv ed hero yesterday to visit nt tho homo of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. M. Rezln. Postmaster Russell announces that tho deposits In tho Postal Savings De partment which was started horo ft couplo of weeks ago now total about $800. Jas. Allen, mnnngcr of tho slilnglo mill announces that tho reconstruct tlon of tho plnnt hns been comploted nnd tho mill will bo started Just as soon as tho markot will cnablo him to dlsposo of tho output and tho shingles ho has on hand. VSSStSX EOPLE E&ZntOZSEJ OU KNOW. R. Try Case Soon. It Is expected that WANTED A night nu nt Java Coffee V.10 cnB? J Christian "" w, House. Must bo oxporlenccd. .disposed of tho former Chandler Our Dressed Beef shows Its lino breeding In tho doll caey of Its llbro In the rich color of Mm Mnuli mill In tlin nltnrnnttnir HtrenkH of snowy fat. A good Judgo WANTED Girl for knows It's cholco beef Just by looking nt It. But you should judgo by Its taste nnd tenderness ns well. Try a roast for Sunday dinner. If It Is bo FOR SAL1 WANTED Doom unil board in pri vate family In Mnrshflold by young lady. Rcforoncos uxchnnged. Ad dress, Box 403, North Bond, Ore. n,.w. ........ . . . Tl... IS iiuiuii mm Hiiiuuiui, iiKiiiiini .111 nil r. Hall, Henry Songstnckon, L. D. Smith nnd a number of others, will como up for trlnl In tho federal court at Portland soon. Hermann married tho widow of tho lato John " ; " " Norman of Marsh.loNI ir.d nt thit lOU.ND Tliurmlny morning In front tlmo of her dcatli Inherited much of tho llnsnr. a brown and wlilto ,,r()porty on Coos liny. He alleges fur. Soo Times ofllco. j,m tho nroporty was ho)(, ,)y ,,, Coos Bny representatives for much WANTED Competent Olrl for gen Iphr thnn Its value. Do Is a Oormnn. ernl houso Ilorton. work by .Mrs. M. C. hnvlng mnrrlod Mrs. Norman in Gor many and resided thoro with her un til hor dentil. Ho murrlp.l ngnln. Ho and his present wlfo nro now resi dents of Portland. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply Mrs. Jns. II. O'Don noil, Bunker Hill. roil RENT Nlco keeping rooms. furnished house Phono -10-L. I Cas Over Stallion. A suit to bo tried nt tho coming torm of circuit court nt Coqulllo In December Is at tracting somo nttoutlon hero now. It IO EXCHANGE Modern cottage Krmvg out of tll0 trouhlo Inst spring nnd lots In Cnllfornla In llvo city ovor th0 rofusnl of local parties to ovor 7,000 Inhabitants, railroads tnl0 n Btnnion which was shipped nnd electric IIhob. Plnco rents for non, hy nl)V nI, COmpany of Port- $20. Will tnko property of llko ,antl on nn niiPK0,i contrnct. tho Coos voluo In Marahnold. Address P.O. county ,,ion nlloglng Hint tho nnlmnl Box G23 Mnrshllold, Oregon. wna not n8 ,,,,, Krni,0 nn nn!mnI n8 they contracted for. Ruby nnd enm- pnny havo sold tho contrnct or notos ork. Mrs. Phono 113-L. tender It molts In your mouth do not bo surprised. .MARSH FIELD CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Two Markets orlli Rend Marsh flolil P Launder Your Undeiwear Jh these gnrmonts cleaner Rr than tho work can bo done '. and thoy nro not worn so We dO not Rlirlnlr ttmm nvnn Wrments aro returned the ! a when sent us. f0 tho garmonts nlcoly, make repairs free of chnrgo nnd ? 'resh clean, swcot under- 1 for each week's chnngo. yours up with noxt week's bundle. M Hand & Steam Laundry v.i, JO.J fchard's Liverv fi1, tho 1,vory u't. He snnr nn.l ,. ..o- cni! ndrexco'lont service tn "W Of Cooa rinv fnf.1 ! Sood rl?a tr..i .,.i.. n mP!in ;;i..r"u u,u,'.iui"'' in. -" uiuciory service to 1 ri. . ne "8 for a driving 1 " Or anvtlllnr. nnn.l.l l Uto ,. ft,so d0 truclc I !$.? 1 kinds. . r-'wi inn llltOTIIERS ruone 138-J Lli" aod Aldor Streets A'FE O A TT XTO.Tc Afield Paint, fecoratingCo. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T-VR. E. K. WINKIiER, Naturopatli and Chiropractor. All chronic dlBonsos trontod. Consul tation freo. Olllco hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to G and C to 8 p. m. Naturopath lnstltuto Room No. 1. No. 130 Brondway, Marshflold, Oro. D It. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduate of the American school of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to i ; Phono 1C1-J; Mnrshtloldj Oregon. J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Offlee over Flanagan & Bennett Bans larshfleld Oregon DR. J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon. 3fllco; Lockbart Building, opposite Post O.TJto. Phono 105-J DH- A. J. HENDRY'S Ished MARSHFIELD. POne 14 0L Orotrnn I Ubow iry a Turkish Bath Wo are equipped to do high class work on short notice at the "very lowost prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phono 112-J. DR. 11. B. MOORE, Chiropractor Chronic Diseases a Specialty 203 Coos BIdg Phone 81-L Ofllco hours 1 to 5. 'S OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE writer. A Box 2 CD. -No. bargain. Kt'iicrnl lioue' Eugono O'Connoll, of tMo lopni ,mrt0 to Loiter & Comn- boll of Portland who nro suing tho 'lornl men to onforco pnymont. Tho 11 Renilngton tyiK- ,opnl .. wno nro mn,,0 .tofn.wia.its Address P O nro w P uowron, William BenMlo, Allan Roborts, Paul Rohaugh, Geo. ' " - IDIvllbllss, Blanchnrd Brothers nnd ALL KINDS of ImiilliiR doiio piHmipt- noy Rezln. Last summer whon tho ly J. E. Fitzgerald. Phono 12UJ. representative- of Ruby nnd rompnny -1 wns horo and trlod to onforco pay FOIt SALE Or exchange for real ,' mont of tho notes, n hand to hand estnto a good launch. Apply Room ; conflict nenrly ensued. 204 Coko building. . ' Pioneer Minister Hero. Rev. Wll- WANTED Strong woman or girl to Hnm Horsfnll, archdeacon of Coos euro for oldorly Invalid. Apply to .and Curry counties, nnd Mrs. Mrs. Songstnckon. Horsfnll. arrlvod from Bnndon - 'today, nnd will bo guests for a FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING fow days nt tho homo of their boh nnd dnughtor-ln-lnw, Dr. nnd Mrs. Win. Horsfnll. Jr. Archdeacon Hors- E. SHINE is hero from Coqulllo on business todny. E. J. COFFELT of Coos River Is In Mnrshflold on business. C. MARTINI of Norwny Is in Marsh field today on business. GEO. A. GAGE of Riverton Is a Mnrshflold business visitor. MRS. R. II. OLSON of Emplro wns n Mnrshflold shoppor todny. C. E. JORDAN of Eastsldo Is a Mnrshflold business visitor todny. PETER LUNDGREN of Ton Mllo Is looking nftcr business on tho Bny today. MRS. E. L. CHURCH of Isthmus In let Is reported qulto III nt hor homo. J. C. SAVAGE, odltor of tho Coqulllo Scntlnol, wns In Mnrshflold yester day on business. E. K. JONES hns returned from n business trip to Myrtlo Point nnd other Coqulllo Vnlloy points. F. A. MILLER of North Bend, whoso slBtor, Miss Vera Miller died yes- tcrday, was In Marshfleld today on business. MRS. F. J. LAPALME of Eastsldo. who undorwont nn onorntlon nt Mercy hospital recently, Is reported gottlng nlong nlcoly. W. F. MILLER nnd wlfo will ontor tnln n number of young folks nt n dancing pnrty at their homo this ovonlng. C. F. McGEOROE yesterday purchas ed ono of tho sweet toned Adnm Rehnof Player Pianos from Palmer Piano Plnco. MRS. L. M. T055IER. who rccontly underwent nn oporntlon at Mercy hospital, Is getting nlong ns well ns could bo expected. MRS. A. D. WOLCOTT nnd brother, F. L. Lowe, loft on this morning's trnln for Bnndon to attend tho fun ornl thero of tholr aunt, Mrs. Pnto Lowe. E. E. STRAW will lonvo tomorrow for Portland to attend n mooting of tho nowlv nppnlntod board of tho Oregon Naval Militia of which bo Is n member. E. C. DREWS, mnnncer of tho Coos Bny Homo Tolophnno company, wont to Bnndon yesterday to In spect tho reconstruction of tho ex ehnngo thoro. About $3, COO Is be ing expended for now switch board nnd other Improvements there. Hnrry Wnlkor nnd Vlc. Llndstrom whllo hunting nenr Cooston tho other day nearly had a bad accident. Thoy had Boparatcd nnd Wnlkor scolnff Bomo object stirring tho brush took n shot at It. Tho object proved to bo Llndstrom nnd tho ballot hnd passed through tho crown of his hat. Tho North Bond council has decid ed to hold up tho bill of tho Coos Bay Wator company for $12G for In stalling flro hydrants until a now contrnct for water is mndo. The council alleges that tho company Is now charging $3,60 per month rental for each hydrant, which thoy claim Is too much. Tho council nlso de cided to purchnso somo moro flro hoso to bo kept nt Porter, tho pcoplo thoro having agreed to purchnso n hoso enrt If tho city would supply tho hoso. At a mooting In tho ofllco of Dr. Bnrtlo tho other ovonlng, candidates for tho various North Bond city of fices to bo tilled nt tho coming elec tion woro discussed. Among thoso mentioned for councllmon woro L. F. Fnlkonsteln, C. II. Broulllnrd, Goo. D. Mnndlgo, M. E. Evorltt, W. II. Chnppoll, nnd J. F. Grubbs. A. II. Dorbyshlro will bo n cnndldnto for reelection as recorder, nnd C. S. Wlnsor for tronsuror. Peter Logglo, Sovor Bnckoy nnd August Hoolllng mny also get Into tho raco. NORTH REND GIRL DEAD. npnrtments, hot wntor, light and llnon $10 nnd up Lloyd hotel. & Modern Brick Building, Electrlo Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished RoomE with Hot and Cold Water. II O T E L .CO OS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: GO cents a Day and Upwnrds. Cor. Broadway and Markot Marshfleld. Oregon. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers nnd rensnnnblo charges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt any tlmo." Stnnds Blanco Hotel and Blnnco Clgnr Storo. Day Phones 78 nnd 40. Night Phono 4 0. IJARKEIt GOODALE. lronrlomJ. Sealshipt Oysters Our first shipment just arrived. Solid Meats No Waste The kind with the sea-tang. Fresh from the shore. Pints 55c Quarts 90 Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones - 85 nnd 305 The Royal SATURDAY AND SUNDAY November 1H and 10 Murphy & Simpson Dog and Pony Show GREATEST OF ALL ANIMAL ACTS. All now dogs nnd now tricks. Altogether d Iff or out from tho Inst show. Many romombor seolng Mur- phy's Dog Show, nnd thoso that did wont miss tins net. Ten nogs, goats, pony nnd mulo. MAUD, THE ORI GINAL MULE, will positively nppoar hororo the foot lights at ovory per formance Wo nlso offer $5.00 n mlnuto for" nny lady to nttompt to rldo Maud, $1.00 a mlnuto for nnyono wolghlng liiulor 120 lbs, to rldo her. THIS IS THE GREATEST AND HIGHEST-PRICED ANIMAL ACT EVER HOOKED IN MARSHFIELD Two Reds of Now Pictures with Above make ono of Best Shows Ever Scon in this city ADMISSION 2.-0 G. J. Lemiuiski. Miss Vera Miller Succumbs to Heart Failure There. Miss Vorn Miller dlod at tho homo of hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. A. Miller, In North Bond yostordny aft ernoon of henrt dlsoaso aftor a thrco montliB Illness. Vorn Miller was born In Sponrflsh, S. I)., nnd came to North Bond with hor parents six years ago. Bosldes hor pnronts, n slstor, Mrs. Holnold nt Grant, Mich., nnd n brother, F. A. Miller of North Bond Biirvlvo. Tho funeral will bo held from tho WIIboii Chupol In Mnrshflold Satur day aftornoon nt 2 o'clock, lutorinont bolng In tho I. O. O. F. comotory in Mnrshflold. first Class Auto Service When you want to go nnywhoro In n hurry Try FOOTE'S AUTOS. Best rates In tho city. BEST CARS. Best drlvoro. Phono C0-J until 11 p. in., aftor 11 p.m. phono 5-J. Resi dence phono 28-J. J). L. FOOTE, Proprietor. WET WEATHER GOODS Mnko n rainy dny seem sunny by tho cheerful feeling thnt comes from sav ing mnnoy by buying theso goods at tho Bazar. Here They Arc: .MEN'S SLICKERS from f O O C $5.00 to $&,GtJ HOYS' SLICKERS $2.25 ft ff and 4w SLICKERS CAPES for Lndlos, Mis ses and children $3.25 fl JL AQUIPELLE COATS AND PANTS for men. RUBBER GOODS for ovorybody. The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. High Cost of Living Reduced Premium Butter Pound and a Half Squares 50c Each 1