vjrtmmw"' ' THE END OF THE EASIEST WAY OUT IS LIKELY TO BE A THICKET OE THORNS A Llttlo "Campaign" Of WANT ADVERTISING in Tho TIMES Will rut Vur Real Estate "In tho Market" Ef f o c 1 1 v c 1 y I U will put tho fucta nliout your property bcforo tho oyca of till "pos sible buyers" In town. And It there's ono of thorn who ought to own It, you'll sell ltl CflflS WANT ADVERTISING hi Tho TIMES Will Keep the Income from Voui l'liinlslivd Rooms from LnpslngI YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms and, If yon kiiuw how and when to uso the classified columns, you may keep that Httlo extra Income as "steady as a clock." umtra MEMBER OF ASSOCIATE!) PRhsa VOL XXXV Established hi 1878 as Tho Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mail and Coos Itay Advertiser. No. 107 nrrrn Tf) CCI ! PI DID I Air - iirrrn in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i m n i h i r WATER BIGHTS AT MERE COST I - -w w w w irr0-v LOGGER LOST IK GOOS RIVER Tim Boyle of Clarence Gould's Camp Drowned While Run 1 nlng Logs. Tim Doylo, a logger employed at Gould's camp ahovo Allegany, was Marshfield and North Bend Men Offer In Answer to Request. NO CHARGE MADE FOR' INTEREST OR PROFIT Consider Plan of Aiding Cities In Installing Own Water works System. Tho syndlcato of Mnrshllold and North Bond pnrtlos holding tho Clear Lake water rights In rcsponso to a rcqueHt of Councllmnn Duncan For niiRnn. chairman of tho special com mittee appointed by tho Marshflold flroviicd yesterday while running city council to tnko steps to ncqulro logs In tho river. Ills body had not tho Clear Lnko -water rights for tho been recovered yet todny and owing city, hnvo informed Mr. Ferguson to tho big freshet, It is now doubtful they will transfer It to tho city for when It will bo. $4,050. This to tho exact amount u0yj0 with Clnrenco Gould and thnt tho men hnvo oxpondod on tho others wcro running logs In tho river project and docs not lncludo a cent nnfl tryJnB to ,,rotecl tllcm nKnn8t for Interest or profit. Work Is be- tll0 freshet. Doylo slipped off n Ing constant ydono on the waer,, ,, t , , r,Kht'?l.l,lnmn.m? I L n .tnv" BCOn "K1"' WllCtllOP 1.0 Sustained crcaso tho amount In nctual outlay nillt.p. ...i1AI1 i. ,. ...iln,i, on It. Besides tho wnter rights to "J"c1!nnw ?" J1"' " , or, ' Ptnor n the inko, a tunno! necessary for ntll-",I0vsr1cf?t V T1.1'.1' colth,n"re" .h-.u ,,. i,no i,S ,irivn vented htm from holplng hlmsolf nro nenrly to completion and most of tho Q"CHtlons thnt may never bo answer Tight of way Mr n plpo lino to Coos e(1; , Doylo wna n good awlmmcr. nnv hns boon secured bv tho com- r,1 foroninn, Clnroneo Gould, was pni,y standing close by and grabbed tho The members or tho company nro shoulders of IJoylo Just ns ho was fall- V V Cnnlro 1. Alliorl Atntnnii. tlio "'R. tllllS IlllllPOlf bclllg Pllllod Into Pr'pims estate. L. .7. Simpson. .T. S.jtn wn,7" nll(l ,inJ Uniculty In swlm- Cokc, nnd W. S. Chandler. They nc- "'"' """"- ,l """iiucu 01 niium m quired tho right sovornl yenrs ngo foot- tho stream at this point being with a view to holding It for futuro V017 rn,VJ uso of tho city. Tho only stlpula- , A search was mndo of thn vicinity tlon nttnehed to tho ofTor Is thnt tho '', tho crow who witnessed tho nc wnlcr right bo utilized for tho bene- fldeiit, but no trace vena found of tho Jit of the cities body. It is probnblo that tho rnpld It Is likely tlint a meeting of tho nw of wnt" carried tho hody down rpcclnl commltteo consisting of nun-'strcnm, and In thnt enso It mny not bo A SOLUTION OF THE WATER PROBLEM r can Ferguson. Carl Albrfcht nnd It A. Copplo will ho held so thnt they enn report to them nftor tlio reg ular meeting of tho council noxt Tues day ovonlng. Another Project In Mind. It Is understood that tho parties found for some weeks. Doylo Is known to havo been born In Irolnnd about 30 years ngo, and to hnvo a brother living in Dutto, Mont. llo has been employed In this enmp off nnd on for ono year. Tho nccldont cast a gloom over tho FIDE JURORS EOR HEARING now holding tho Clenr Lnko wnter cn nn )rit wn discontinued ior right will go furthor if necessnry to ino . aid In securing an ndcqiinto water I Korvlco for Coos nay. In enso tho. city or cities should desire to Insta!. non n municipal system nnd owing I to the dinicultv In floating n Joint bond Issuo or In floating so Inrge a bond Issue, tho cnmpanv will assist It In this wny: Ihey will allow each city to put In Its own distributing sys tem nnd onornto It nnd then under contract will themselves flont a bond Issue sulllelent to put In tho nlpe-lluo to bring tho water from Clenr I.ako to the cities. Tho only stipulation will be that tho cities uso enough wn ter to pay tho Intorest on tho bonds nnd for tho ninlntnlnenco of tho pipes. Oonnled with this agreement will bo n provision thnt tlio city or cities enn tnko over this pipe-lino nnd supply nt nrtunl cost nt any tlmo they so de sire. This would, it Is bellved. overcome nny difficulties In tho way of hand ling tlio mntter. 1'lnn New I'roiwiKlnii. It was stated todnv that n now pro State Uses Four Peremptory Challenges and Defense But Two Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES, Nov. 17 In the McNnmnra trlnl tho itato challenged peremptorily two men nnd tho de fenso four, leaving six In tho box. Tho counsol for tho dofonso then ro tlrod to consldor further challenges. The defense nt tho tlmo went Into consultation nnd hnd cloven poromp- VcuTI LP' y. :M."1'! "iS'torr chnllongos left nnd tho state but the Coos nay Wntor comnany rolotlvoi to tho franchlso nronosltlon. It Is Two moro Jurors, making flvo In I . il ...AMn niitAKu I Hia !rtVnntn!i understood that It will bo to nsk a IVlnl todny. They are . I. D. Sexton, ive years extension of their franchisor rMr,..i tnrmnr. n,,,i Win. Andre, a t -- (f ....- ,.... .-.....-, .- to enable them to flont bonds nnd nl- non-iinton enrpenter. Tho stnte ex- ?i?,-..,Ir?vWo.t,,.nt.,hoic,ty JncrPn" cusod TalesmeiiArthur Grlbllng, Wm chnVinVo .7"r"l81"" i" ' nrunnor and Clark Gelnln. lllgner rnto for thorn nnil nlsn nllowi ...- j ..o.i nnn.. n llo . V i. 1 HO UU1WHBO WAWIIBKU KIUHOIK, u. E0,'oy t0 Increase tho regular Konyon, A. C. Heath, T. II. Elliott, "Her rates nnmnwlint. Tlin InnronRn .-..'.. r , in thn hydrntits rontnl, It Is said, would nlono amount to about $3,000 per year in Marahuold. Just whon tho now proposition will bo mndo is not known, Deforo going away , Mr. Jackson jaw f.omo of tho councllmon nnd said that ho hoped they would reconsider tnclr action of his proposition. Tnko Kvnins. Tho Civil Sorvlco examination wns conductod horo to day by Z. A. Leach of tho United States Civil Sorvlco Department to select carriers for tho Marshflold free wall dollvery which will bo Instituted K'brunry 1. Three took tho exami nation nnd thoy woro WJU Elckworth, J- D. Sneddon nnd P. O. Drooks. Mr. "rooks formerly was In tho Civil service, and Mr. Elckworth Is a kpanlsh-Amorlcan War votoran, nnd as such thoy nro entitled to prefer ence in the appointment. THIRTEEN AltR INDICTED. Associated Pres3 to the Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 1C Thirteen ndlctments were returned this morn ng by the federal grand Jury against railway freight ofllclals and mem bers of flrras Jloro and ln Chicago. xne Inquiry was conducted with un usual secrecy. inh? lMiU of IluptlsTciiurcli will win hold a llazaar ln the Lutheran i'a"!jov. 23.., A light lunch will and Jacob Lauslg. PRETTY W011 HORSE THIEF Marion Kirkpatrick, Aged 22, Under Arrest at Boise on Charge. (Dy Associated Press to Coos' Day Times.) BOISE, Ida., Nov. 17 Marlon Kirkpatrick, a handsomo woman of twenty-two, Is under arrest on the charge of being n darJng and success ful horsethlef. It is alleged that un nlded sho rounded up a largo band in a lonely part of Owheo county, sel ected tho best horso ln the band, rop ed, threw, snddled and rode hlra Into Dolso and sold the steed for $45. Sails Tomorrow. Tho steamer Al liance owing to tho delay by the storm In reaching hero from Port land, will not sail from hero for Eu reka until 7 o'clock tomorrow morn ing. Most of her passengers are bounded for Eureka. Have your calling cards printed at Iho Times' offlco. HE DAY has certainty coino when tho intelligence nnd progressive spirit of Coos Day should organize for the benefit of tho commu nity's future. Coos Dny has had a peculiar history, lying dor mant for ninny years and then suddenly arousing from her lcthnrgy and plunging forward nt a paco that pluccB her niiiong the biggest little cities In tho country. Her progress In recent years has been rcninrk abto. This development has not been done by concerted nctlon or pub lic spirit. Tho building of Coos Bay hns been tho result of Individual endenvor. It Is doubtful If n hundred people lu tills community rcnllzo tho nmotiut of work thnt has been dono by a score of men to mako this community whnt It Is; men hnvo thought, dnred, plnnued, tolled nnd sonio havo almost literally "sweat blood" In building up their enterprises, and these enterprises have made this community what It Is today. Public spirit has hnd Httlo or nothing to do with It. Coos Dny has grown to Its present grentness In splto of tho lack of a united public sentiment nnd In splto nlso of tho want of efficient co-oporatlon on tho pnrt of Its citizens. Still this community hns not been devoid of public spirit, but it hns Incited cohesion. Individuals havo possessed It and loynlly kept It allvo under whnt at times havo been adverse conditions. Ono of tho splendid examples of public spirit was tho action of some hnlf-dozen prominent citizens of Coos Dny who n few yenrs ago ncqulred tho wntor rights of Clenr Lnko with tho solo object of holding It In trust for tho pcoplo of this community. With commendabto foresight thoy rontlzed that tho day was approaching when ono of tho pressing ncods of this community would ho an adequnto Btipply of puro wntor. Acting on this knowlcdgo they ncqulred what engineers haTO stated Is tho best source of supply for n grnvlty wator system ln tho wholo Coos Day country. A mountnln lako fed by mountain streams nnd lying only n mllo from tho ocean, with snnd hills on ono sldo and a rugged forest shed on tho other sldo, thcro Is no posslblo present or futuro contnmlnntlon. Tills superb supply of wntor Is not to bo sold to tho city but given to It. Tho story or this splendid exhibition of civic prldo Is worthy of being preserved. Tho proposition originated ln a Httlo meeting nbout flvo years ngo. Tho suggestion enmo from L. J. Simpson, Judge Coko nnd Dr. E. Mlngiis. In n discussion of tho needs of a growing community tho wnter problem wns mentioned. Tho necessity of nn ndcqiinto supply nt a rca sounblo cost wns acknowledged. The poFslblllty of speculators acquiring nil tho wntor sites nnd water rights and then using them to hold up tho communltv for n largo sum was considered. Theso men then began an Investigation of tho various sources of supply. Lator, J. Albert Mat son, John Preuss, YV. V. Squlro and W. S. Chnudlcr Joined tho orlglnnl trio. After exhaustive rcsenrch nnd Investigation the Clenr Lako supply was sottled upon and secured. Strangoly onough tho recent Investigation hy the Joint wntor cammUtco of Marshflold and North Dead sottled upon this samo sourco as tho most nvallablo supply. Tho water commltteo of tlio Marshflold city council nppronched tho men holding this valuable concession nnd then for tho first tlmo tlio wholo story enmo out. Theso men hnd ncqulred this wnter right not for private gain or greed but for public sorvlco. Theso men hnvo mndo n proposition In rcsponso to tho re quest of tho city council to turn tho wholo project over to tho city absolutely free asking only tho actual ensh outlay that they havo Invested In improvements without oxnctlng a ponny for Interest or property rights or tho tlmo or personal exponso entailed In acquiring and holding theso rights. It Is a splendid exnnipto of civic prldo and public spirit. A community possessing men of such character nnd caliber cannot bo suppressed. It Is tho proper spirit of communal loyalty that supplies polso, piirposo, power and ballast and makes for progress. Tho amount expended Is less than $5,000 whllo tho wator rights involved nro worth from $25,000 to $100,000. In addition to this splendid contribution to tlio community theso men havo also applied themselves to a solution of tho present water pro blem. Tlio suggestion has been mndo that If Mnrshflcld nnd North Dead do not deslro to nssumo tho ontlro cost of niunlclpnl ownership nt this tlmo that theso cities Install tholr own distributing system nnd mnko n contrnct with n company to purchnso the wntor nt a prlco to bo based on Fi or C por cent of tho nctual cost of Installation. In addition this contrnct could nlso provide thnt tho city tnko over the ontlro plant nnd wnter Biipply nt nny tlmo nt tlio nctual cost without a penny of prollt. This nfrords nn easy solution of tho water problem without permitting tin) taxpayers to bo held up for high prices either for wnter or plant. Such action resolved on Is n key to tho futuro and nn oloquont omen of n greator city and a more splendid community. . SEVERE QUAKE SHAKES EOROPE ANOTHER MEXICAN REVOLUTION IS REPORTED TO RE IMMINENT FIFTEEN LOST IM LIJIIIIfllULI'U m oiiirmiLui Only Three Out of Crew of Eighteen Escape In Disaster Near Quebec. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Dny Tlmos) QUEDEC, Nov. 17 Fifteen of tho Advices Received In Washing ton Indicate Serious Situa 1 tion Is Developing. 'AMERICAN TROOPS 0RDEREDJT0JHE BORDER Precaution Being Taken to In sure Strictest Neutrality of American Government. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Bo Times) WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 It Is re ported hero that a serious situation is undoubtedly developing in Moxlco. I no recent roport of disturbances hi crow of eighteen lost their lives last .'Various partB of tho ropubllc Indicato night whon tho Norwegian bark An-jtuo anger of another revolution which tlgua went ashore at Martin River whero she was loading. Many Cities In Germany Suffer Damage, Including Hohen zollern Castle Felt In Switzerland. 'Dy Associated Press Times.) to Coos Day DERLIN, Germany, Nov. 17. An earthqunko thnt wns felt last night over a wldo area of Central Europo soverely damaged tho castto of Hohenzollorn. Statues were disfigured and great FOREST FIRE LOSS LIGHT Director Graves of U. S. Forest Service Congratulates Men On Excellent Work. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 17. Henry S. Graves at tho head of tho U. S. Forest Servlco has written to tho dis trict foresters throughout tho country commending thorn and their men for their success during the season just closed In keeping tho forest fires dovr to a minimum destruction. wnuo roports showing tho exact loss during season havo not yet an coma in, wiu loss is known to havo been many times than last year's. Excellent results this year. In tho opinion of Mr. WANTED Night Man at Java Coffee lessons learned tho last year. ROAST WILD DUCK ' served at JAVA COFFEE HOUSE every day. crncks nppenred In tho towors. At Cnnstnnco tho splro nnd cross of tho cnthedrnl, tho most Imposing building In tho city fell nnd tho co lossnl Btnttio of Germanln which crowned tho postofllco building, tum bled into tho street. Tho kingdom of Wiirtomburg was shnkon hard. In Eblngen, flvo hun dred persons spent tho night around fires in nn open Hold. Da in ngo Is reported nt Frankfurt, Stuttgnrt, Munich, Strnssburg, May enco nnd other locnl cities. In sonio places, considerable dnmngo was done. BABY'S LIFE IS NOW DISCUSSED Allege That Deaths of Many Infants Are Due to Incom petent People. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Da Tlmos.) CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 17. Physi cians, scientists, educators, econo mists and philanthropists from nil over tho United States Joined hands horo todny for tho benefit of tho babies. All phnses of American so cial Industrial life and their effects on futuro generations wero discussed at tho second annual mooting of tho American Association for tho study nnd prevention of Infant mortality. Statements were mado ln tho sec tion of mld-wlfery that "tho untrain ed midwife and physician, lacking spuciui uuiiuiiK witu jircaiuu ui uiu births of more than fifty per cent of tho babies are responsible, for tho deaths of many infants. SAVING FREE Tug Will Not Claim Salvage For Rescuing Steamer Washington. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 17. Own ers of tho tug Tntoosh which rescued tho Bteamor Washington Just boforo she wns expected to go on tho rocks of North Head nt tho mouth of tho Columbia river Monday afternoon, will claim no salvage. This announ cement wnB mndo In n lottor recolvod hy Captain "Duck" Dalley of tho Tntoosh today from tho owners. Tho tug owners complimented Cnpt. Dal ley and his crow highly for tho work porformed In tho rescuo of tho Wash ington, her passongers nnd crew. mny absorb within It tho lessor and sporadic attempts at robolllon In var ious partB of tlio republic. TROUBLE FEARED. American Troops nro to ho Kept Near Scene of Prospective HostllltlcH (By Associated Press to Coos Bajj Times)" WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 Tho dan ger of another woll organized nnd for-, mldnblo revolutionary movomont Ini Mexico hns caused a suspension of tho. return to their homo stntlons of Am erican troops sont to tho border coun try during tho Madero revolution. Tho nttltudo of tho United States la ono of apprehension of furthor trou ble, ngalnst which every precaution In being tnken to Insuro tho strictest neutrality. TUNNEL WORK STARTS FIRST Twohy Brothers Announce Be tween 100 and 200 Men Will Start Road. (Special to Tho Times.) EUGENE, Ore., Nov. 17. Jnmea H. nnd John D. Twhoy of tho firm of Twohy Bros., of Portland, who hnvo boon nwnrded tho contract to build tho first 23 miles of tho South ern Pncllc's Coos Bay railroad, out of Eugene, arrived hero from Portlnnd yesterday nnd went to tho slto ot tho tunnel nt tho summit of tho mountains, 23 miles from horo. They announced thnt construction work on tunnel will boglu nt onco nnd botween ono hundred to two hundred mon, nnd n number of tenuis will nrrlvo this week. Somo grading will ho dono yet this winter, It tho weathor Is nt all fnvorablo. TEXAS RANGERS ORDERED OUH Governor Order Troops to Bonier to Pii'vent Activity of KevoliitloulitH (By Associated Prcsn to Coos Bay Tlmos.) AUSTIN. Tex., Nov. 17 Two com panies of Texas rangers woro todny ordered to tho border with Instruc tions to provont nny activity lu Toxn toward stirring up a revolution ln Mexico, Theso movements woro mndo nftor a conforonco betweon Gov ernor Colquitt nnd Rnngor Captain Hughes, who clnlmh to hnvo ovldonco thnt pnrt of tho preparations for Mox Icnn revolutions nro under way In Toxns. SAUSALITO IS NEAR BREAKERS RIDES AT CONSIDERED PLACE AD. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. MUCH TALK OF W POLITICS Mass Meeting at Odd Fellows Hall Tonight Arouses Con siderable Interest. City politics is now a much dis cussed quostlon about town, In fact It is even moro talked ot than tho railroad situation, Tho mass meeting called at tho Odd Fellows hall for this evening attracted much attention today and surmising as to what would bo dono, Somo thought it was for tho purpose of launching R. A. Copplo's candlcacy for mayor, but tills remains to bo seen. A num ber ot local men, it Is understood, will address tho meeting. No now candidates havo beon brought out for Mayor or aldorman. Tho city caucus Is noxt Monday even ing. Mnyon Straw will leavo tomorrow for Portland to attend a meeting ot the Oregon Naval Militia Board. TblB will result In his being absent from tho caucus, So far ho has SCHOONER STILL ANCHOR BUT IS IN PERILOUS VANCE ALSO IN NEAR SHORE. Dragging her nnchor to within nbout ono hundred yards from tho breakers, as near as can bo discern ed from tho shore, tho schooner Snu sallto Is considered to bo ovon In a moro perilous predicament today than sho wns yestordny. Should n strong westerly or southwest wind spring up, It Is not bollovod that sho could escape going nshoro. Ah long ns tlio weather continues modernto, It Is believed thnt sho mny rldo safely nt nnchor. Mnnnger Scholtor of tho Bnndan warohoiiBo tolophonod Into this nftor noon to notify tho captains of vessoi going nut from hero ot tho Snusnllto'fl porll nnd for thorn to try and succor tho vcssol. Ho said that tho Bandon bar was so rough that tho tug did not daro to venttiro to cross out todny. Cnpt. Johnson of tho Bandon Llfo Saving Stntlon hns arranged so that tho llfo saving crew. can reach thn sceno overland In caso that tho worst occurs. Tho Sausallto lies directly west of tho Saccht ranch, considerably farth er north than sho was roportod yes terday. Tho schooner Advnnco, San Fran elsco for Coqullle, Is nlso ln dnngor of getting ln a similar porllous pro- dlcamont. Sho Is at anchor nbout a linlf-mllo out from tho breakers about two miles north of Bandon. Sho Is In no Immediate porll other than tho danger sho runs In caso a strong west or southwesterly wind should drive her shorownrd. mado no nubile announcement that ho would bo n candldato for reelec- tlon. Ilowevor, his frlonds continue v to tako it for granted that ho will run and aro boosting him as much as pos sible "Of all tho Flno Arts, Music 13 tho most exalted. It la a modlum of human emotional expression, deoper and stronger than any art or lan guage." PARTICULAR PIANO PUR CHASERS PATRONIZE PALMER'S PIANO TLAOE. The Tlme' Want Ada bring results ! II I V