i.uniw WnTimwrt)ii mnmimyiiiiiiinii THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1 9l1 EVENING EDITJON. TO USEGRUSHEB. damago nnd to keep tho roads woll drained. I Tho court nlso ordored n Bpcclal election December 19 when tho vo ters of fho upper Coqulllo will pass on tho proposition to organize a now , port district, enibrnclng tho head-, i DiSCUSSE! waters of the Coqulllo river to a point about a mile nbovo Johnson's mill. G - W INHER IS MISTAKEN ROCK 01 Project For Closing It to Be Taken Up In January Three Mill Port Levy. .The Port of Coos Dny Commission nfter nn extended discussion of tho proposed closing of the Coos Klvcr cut-off decided to mnko tho mnttcr n special order of business at tho Jnn unry meeting and to givo notice to thoso favoring and opposing It to be present and present their reasons why. This morning only thoso opposed to It wero represented. C. F. Mc Knlght nppenrod for them and there were a dozen or more ranchers from Coob River and Catching Inlet pres ent. L. J. Simpson suggested that tho objection of tho ranchers to tho clos ing of tho cut-off bo laid beforo Capt. PolhcnniB who had urged the closing In his special report and got his opin ion. C. F. McKnlght said that tho ranchors wero not willing to accept tho report of an engineer on a prop osition which long years of familiari ty had made them good judges of. Tho commission voted to lovy a thrco mill tax for the coming year to rnlse rovenuo for general Improve ments In the harbor and Inlets. This will ralso between $20,000 and $2G, 000. Tho commission nlso ngrccd to go ahead nnd build tho dock for tho Standard Oil company Just as soon ns tho contract Is Ilxcd up. Tho company Is paying twelve cents per ton docknge. The compnny wanted to lonso tho ground nnd build Us own docks but tho commission would not consider this. Tho dock will cost about $100 and the rcvonuo from this one contract alono will pay for It In n fow years. Then It can also bo used In connection with tho lnrgo dock which tho commission plans ev entually to build thoro. FRANK MONROE INJURED. F. J. Monroe camo near loHlng tho middle finger of his left hnnd Inst Wednesday. Ho wbb out hunting nnd whllo climbing over n log ho slipped and fell. Ills whole weight was thrown on his gun whllo that flngor was caught botween tho gun nnd log In such n way that tho finger wns nonrly sovorod. Ho returned to Floronco nnd tho Injury was dressed by a surgeon who hopes to savo tho flngor. Floronco West. SIMPSON HEADS RESERVE. Oflloers "Will Xnnip Xow Captain for llostou Next Month. Lloutonnnt - Commnnder Edgar Simpson of Marshflold. who Is navi gating omcor of tho cruiser rioston, of tho Oregon Xnvnl Mllltla, Is In lull command of tho organization ns n result of tho resignation Inst month of Captain J. J. Reynolds, Adjutnnt Gonornl Flnzor has ordored that of ficers nbovo tho rank of nontenant, Junior grndo, hold nn election for cnptnln nnd bnllots are to ho In his ofllco at 3 o'clock p. in., December 0. Portland Oregonlnn. TURKEYS AUK 1IKJII. PORTLAND. Oro.. Nov. 13 Tho highest prlco over known nt this time of tho year was Inst week ob tained for dressed turkeys. Snles wore nittdo of ordlnnry quality nt 28 cents por pound, which mcnnB 30 cents por pound for solecicd stock. Dressod ttirkoyfy nro still going for wnrd to tho north. Llvo birds nro still Rolling nt 2! cents a pound, tho highest prlco ovor reached horo for similar goods. ESPEY SINGER OIIIMIKl'M NIGHT. Heart-Broken Eugene Woman Hears Highly Educated Son Deny His True Identity. EUGENE, Ore., Nov. 13. "Some dny, the real Bernard Marvin will hear of this fuss that Is being stir red up hero nbotit dual personalities nnd lost memories and come bnck to this town, and thoro will bo an nw ful row," was tho statement mndo Thursday by a man who In tho face of his almost heart-broken mother, maintains that he Is George A. Lewis, a working man, and not Bornnrd Marvin, tho son of Mrs. Lelbcrg, nnd a Berkeley graduate. "Ho will bo one of tho mnddest men In the United States," he con tinued. "I nm mighty glad that i have kept clear In the matter, all tho way through. Ho can't havo any thing on mo when he docs como back." Mother Positive of Son. His case Is a complete puzzle to nil who havo spoken to hlni. It Isl beyond belief that a mother could bo mistaken In her own child, when she hnd booh him less than two months ngo. Mrs. Lelbcrg Is a prac ticing physlclnn, and a woman of brilliant education and wide knowl edge of tho world. Sho does not ovon attempt to verify her knowledge, be- causo sho Is positive. On tho other hand, Marvin, who persists that his name Is Lewis, Is equally positive that ho Is a strango victim of n caso of mistaken Idoii- tlty. Ho tnlks rationally and clearly, and when listened to It Is nlmost Im possible not to bollcvo him, for ho Isl so unmistakably sincere. His hnzt-j ncss as to his past previous to two , months ngo Is tho only Irrational , mark about hlni. j "If there Is n mnn In tho world whom I would like to meet m oro than any other," said he, "It Is this Bernard Marvin. Imnglno yourself being taken for hor son by a woman you never saw before. I read a story not long ngo whero n woman mistook n mnn for hor husband, and was posltlvo for a tlmo that sho couldn't bo mistaken, but I novcr supposed that I would find myself In nbnut tho same position. It Is unheard of. I sometimes get to won dering myself If It could bo true, but I know who I nm." ' Notwithstanding that ho mnlntnlns ho Is a plain logger, ho talks enter tnlnlngly, and at considerable length of tho classic wrltors. Ho knows Virgil woll, nnd Is fnmlllnr with tho philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. He Is a closo student of Homer, nnd tho wanderings of Ulysses through strnngo lands nnd amid strnngo ad ventures hold a peculiar fascination for him. ho snys. ( Dr. W. Kuykcndnll, who has mndo a caroful examination of young Mnr vln, snys that thoro Is no doubt what ever that It is n strnngo caso of dual personality. Thoro Is not tho remo test possibility, snys Dr. Kuykcndnll, that Mrs. Lelbcrg could bo mistaken, nnd, In nddltlon, young Mnrvln's mind Is n blank beyond six months ngo. "Tho cnuso might hnvo been n blow on tho skull and It might hnvo been overwork nnd ovo strain," said tho doctor. "Ho Is likely lo rhangn bnck to his former solf nt nny tlmo without specific cause." CULLINGS OF COQl'ILLE. j Coos Side-Track to Be Constructed There Report on Allegany- Cooston Road. The Coos County Commissioners havo arranged with tho local railroad compnny to construct n sidetrack to tho county stono quarry near Coqull lo and next year will ship crushed DRAFT .MAGNA C11AHTA Chinese Scholars Complete Constllu-! Hon for China. (By Associated Press to tin C009 liny Times) LOS ANGELES, Nov. 13 Eigh teen Chinese scholars engaged at tho task for thirty years have complet ed tho Mngna Chnrta of Chlnn, nc 1 cording to Ho Leo, president of tho i Young China Society's Lodge In Los Angeles. It will bo promulgated as the constitution of tho United Re- rock to n number of points nlong tho public of Chlnn, ho said, as soon as ., . ' . .. ' , ,, the fall of Pekln Is announced. Whllo line iu uu ubuu in iiuiiiiuuuui. imra building. Tho commissioners now flguro on taking out about 16,000 yards of crushed rock next season, considerable of which will probably bo used on tho Coos Bay side. Tho commissioners nlso approved of the report of the viewers on tho proposed now highway from Allogn ny to Cooston. County Surveyor Gould did not hnvo his survey com pleted suniclently to furnish nn esti mate of the cost but It Is expected thnt It will bo In tho neighborhood of $30,000. No work cnu bo dono beforo spring nt tho earliest. Tho Biirvey for tho balance of tho road from Cooston westerly hns not been completed. Tho commissioners Instructed nil tho road supervisors to keep men out all winter to promptly repair any I republican In form, tho government prescribed by the savants will bo far In ndvanco of thnt In voguo In tho United StateB or elsewhere, Ho Leo declared. Economics nnd welfare of tho pro letariat wero tho chief concerns of tho constitution makers. Limiting tho opointlons of corporations and providing wngo scale for labor nro two other features. Advertlsera should bear In mlnn that Tho Coos Bay Times will cover Coos county for you. Tho cheapest and best medium for reaching the entire purchasing public. If you havo anything to sell, trndo, rent, or wnnt holp, try a want ad. Try Tho Times' Wnnt Ads. Look Before You Buy A glance at tho Toggery Clothing Will convince you of their superior stylo and tailoring and no other clothes at tho price, $20 to $25, can surpass them. "Wo do not con i'uso our buyers by ad vertising suits from $10 to $10. Ono price, good goods and on the square is our motto. The Toggery County Sent News ns Told by Tho Sentinel. Mrs. Crocker, of Ashlnnd, Oregon, Stnto Inspector of tho W. It. C, met with tho local Relief Corps Thursday afternoon for Inspection. In the ev ening u reception was held In hor honor nt tho homo of Mrs. D. P. Strnng. Announcement wns received nt this TO. ofllro yesterday of tho innrrlngo nt Holtvllle, California, of Jamos Porcy Wells nnd Miss Mluulo Mnyo Brady. Oetobor 31, 1911. Mr. Wells and his bride will mnko their homo nt Jack sonville, California. Tho rogulnr meeting of tho school board was hold Wednesday evening. Hills wero ordered pnld nnd n now teacher. Chnrles Wallace, appointed to (HI tho plnco of Miss Hettlo linker, rrslgnod. A speclnl election wns or dored to bo hold at the school houso November 24 for tho purposo of vot ing n special tax for tho school ex penses. Married At tho Advent church In Redding, Cnllfornln, Oct. 2.7. 1911, It. E. Boyd and Miss Blnncho Wright. Tho brldo Is a daughter of Mrs. W. II. Thomna of this city. Tho nowly wedded pnlr will reside In Rod'dlng. J. A. Gardner, n former resident of Coqulllo, hns sold his black sand mining clnlm nt Whiskey Run to a Cnllfornln corporation for ? 10,000. A. Dunhnm, genornl manager of tho Coqulllo Rlvor Transportation Company, roturned from n business trip to Portland on the Alllnnco Mon day. Whllo In Portland. .Mr. Dun ham mndo tho necessary arrange nionts with tho head of tho North Pa cific Steamship "Compnny whoroby tho Stenmor Coqulllo will got now boilers nnd bo otherwlBo romodolod. ; This will mnko tho Coqulllo not only tho fastest boat on this rlvor but ono or tno inmost pnssongor bonts on tho inland waters of the Northwest. Tho railroad compnny hns finished lny'ng Its now track nlong tho water front and Is now ready for travel, Tho old track on Front street will bo orn up as soon ns tho weather per mits. J. W. Tnwso has sold his saloon business In Rnudon to Jos. Conch. Mr. Tnwso will contlnuo ns mixer of I drinks at tho Club saloon and will movo his family from Coqulllo to Bnndon tho first of next wock. of Factory from the There was pressing need of a good reliable home piano that could be sold at a price within the reach of the common people. Adam Solum originated and produced that piano in the manufacture of the unsurpassed instrument bearing his name, but the price would still be too high for the average piano buyer unless a way be found to distribute the pianos direct from Factory to Home, and thereby save each customer the jobbers' and agents' big profit. This marketing i i Problem Palmer Plainly solved by accepting the appointment distributor for the Western Territory Adam Schaaf Factory. Palmer's Piano Purchasing Plan enables you to receive your Piano direct from Fac tory as one of a carload lot, thus giving,you tho lo cal' freight, which is much higher on a single Piano than in carload shipments. Palmer Provides Part time payments, so you may have the use of the in trument while you are paying for it. Palmer's Plan Pleases People who demand a dollar's worth of Piano for a dollar because he saves them the San Francisco .-jobbers' profit, the Portland dealers' profit and the agents' big commission. The supreme efforts of Adam Schaaf to make tho piano bearing his namo a piano that would Please Practical People is the main reason that the Adam Schaaf is today tho most talked of Piano being sold on tho Pacific coast. And people are sayiug good things about it, too, but please, don't expect to hear of the good qual ities of tho Adam Schaaf from people who are inter ested in having you buy pianos of another make. iWq, are factory distributors from maker to user at Palmer's Piano Place 170 So. Broadway, and we invite you to call and in vestigate our PIANO PURCHASING PLAN. Grand opening special price sale for tho next 15 days. WE APE OPEN EVENINGS. Bearer Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO ND JOSSON CESIENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Llrne Erlck and all kinds of builders inatorlal HUGH GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PIIONB 201 McLAIN I Wet, Weather Goods Buy them at Tho Hub where "MONEY TALKS" Notice The Saving. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MARSHFIELD BANDON PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay Tuesday, NTnvmnlwi' 14. nf. H 'P. "AT November 14, at 3 P. M. .INTKH-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. P. McQEORQE, Agent EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME! SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON NOVEMBER 7, II, 21, AND OH. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF THE TIRE ON NOVEMBER 11, 18 AM) !KJ. L. II. KEATING. AGENT PHONE MAIN 8M, THE FRIEND OP COOS BAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHELKSS Sails for Coos Rnv from Portland Tuesday, Nov. 14, at 6 o'clock, P. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK KOAI) AT PORTLAND NOItTH PaJIPIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 44 C. P. McGEORGE, Agent OTerjr Pacific FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Onr stages lenvo Mnrshflohl for Rosoburg nt 7 o'clock evening nnd afford quickest connections with Southern Hallway. Faro COO. COOS HAY HOSEIIURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCHETTEH, Agent, I'M MARKET AV., Mnrshflcld. C. P. RAHNAUD, Agent, HOSEDUHG, Ore. PHONE 11 , WANTED!!! CAKPETS UPHOLSTKIUNG AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pnouraa tic Clcnnlng Company. Ordora for work tnkon at GOING & HARVEY, PHONE 11)0 DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND REMODELLING. MRS. E. BANDEL Phono 19-J, Cor. 4th nnd Park Avo. $100 Reward For nny Bowing machlno I can't place In first class order. Supplies for all machines furnished. Leavo orders, drop a postal card or phono Rogers hotol. C. S. Leibendorfer Expert Machinist. Phono lli.L Roferenco O. O. Lund, lonther butcher Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PKESS1X0 AND HEPAIHING ALL KINDS OP HAT WORK. ROSS PINEGOR. 25G Contral nvonuo Phono 2S0X Have Us Launder Your UndewMf Wo wash theso garments cleaner nnd hotter thnn tho work can be dons olsowhoro, nnd thoy nro not worn much. Wo do not shrink them, erea wpolon gnrmonts nro returned tb enmo bIzo ns when sent us. Wo Iron tho garmonts nicely, make ordlnnry ropnlrs freo of charge and you havo fresh cloan, sweet under wear ready for each week's change. Dundlo yours up with next weok'i laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry PHON. 220-3 Prof. A. Richards TEACHER OF PIANO. And volco culture. Appointment hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants call at Studio, Songs tnckon Dldg., 180 Broadway. A new stock of the the latest In MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J A TURKISH RATH will do you GOOD. Phone 214-J. A Modern Drlck Building. Electric Lights, Stonm Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL .CO03 O. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 conta a Dny and Upward Cor. Broadway nnd Marwi Marshflold, Oregon. T. J. SOAIFE 3 ti& A. II. HOD0INS5 Marshfield Paint Decorating Co. MAnSIlf'JW"" Phnnn 140L Oregon Estimates Furnished Blanchard's Livery Wo haYo seeured the livery W less of L. II. Helsner and are P" pared to render excellent eTu tho people of Coos Bay. Jgfat dilvers, good rigs und eTeri hat will mean satisfactory wrv tho public. Phone us for -a .an horse, a rig or anything Jf0dati. tho livery lino. We also do w i.g business of all k'nds. p RLANCHARD HROTHE"3 Phone 138-J , Jl I 1 M' tifrrrr--aia TWXm--