- W "- n4 iflilMWMnMllvn "iFIWfg ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1911 EVENING EDITION. v7he?f-5-W'"'-nWV(--W""n'- r'vi"Vir jJ.B Tl -it'WTri) Position of nny kind Vl'thcr city or country by bright .Mllllf 111 lU. i' num. iKOioroncos, nuurcss, '""".....! llima' ntllnn "COIllllUl"1- "' ,,.Vr'l An Investor to buy 108 lots In H"lso Addition nt ?40 each. Hood tov few duys only. Sco Tltlo Guarantee and Abstract Co., II. gengstneken, Mgr. .jcT-Cdiiibliuitlon K. P. Masonic n,i.i Follows watch charm. Mark ed with initials "J. W. from J. P. P, Howard for return to Tlmea'. I yriOI) Viimp cnrjK','r J"" aml furniture worn, -mi. vyuijioniui ..-." AVAVrKD Dishwasher. Apply Hotel Oregon, iNorni uuuu. I TOU ItKNT Furnished rooms, also hOUBOKeopil'B iuuiudi ... u. hi Smith, cor. 2nd nnd IIlBhland Sta. ffANTKB ComiK-tent girl. Apply In morning niter v uciuuk, n, . a. Kaufmnn, 3GG No. Broadway. FURNISHER ROOMS UstnlrH, rear Flanngnn t uonnou uuuk, ooo First St., formerly Pino St. AMj KINDS of hauling dono prompt ly J. E. l-iugormu. riiuno i.j. lOIt HUNT Newly funilslictl rooms with hent, aa bo. uruauwny. FOR BALK Or exchango for real Mtato a goon inuiicu. Appiy uuuiu 204 Coko building. I WANTED HtroiiK woman or girl to caro for oldorly invniui. Apply to Mrs. Scng8tackon. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING apartments, not waior, ugm nnu linen $10 and up Lloyd hotol. We Clean and Press ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Galled for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7-J Business Directory Following la a list of Reliable Dullness Firms that It will Pay to Patronize STADDEN All Minis of photograph work, tiromldo enlarging and kodak nnlshlng. ' illli IiliHS ADVERTISING A business max does TIlC MOHK HU.SIXKSS 111.' nnrcsv'T. ! It 70(1 hnvo nnvHiliif In nnll. Ir.irin. jfflt. or want hop, try a wnnt ad. Always- "TiTe Busy Pottery "Wc have .-just opened up our lino of! Austrian Pottery. Some beautiful pieces of this ware can be seen in our windows. Prices surprising considering tho Pottery , Too to $5.00. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Mam 298 Us Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SEXGSTACKEN, Mgr. CoqulUe Offl:e Phono 191 Marshflold Office 14-J. rms ' Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents 11 R A nvta ......... ' n. ii M1IU1 i Oplete lino nf nii no. riband bicycles for sale. Guns, If It Fits and hooks Right HPHAT'SaUyouneed lu V.U11DIU&1 iix uuy- ing Clothcraft Clothes. Every other quality point is covered' by the guarantee found in the pocket of every Cloth craft coat. This guaranty, signed by the makers, binds them to give you all-wool, lasting shape and satisfactory wear and service. Unless your clothcraft Clothes measure up to this guaranty, you have a claim that must and will b'j satisfied. We are proud to handle clothes like these and wo are glad to add our own guar anty to them. "Wo are safe in recommending them to you you are sal'o in buying them. Price need not worry you cither -$10 to $25, with spe cial values at $15, $18 and $20. Ask to see them. Woolen Mill Store 'Mill-to-Man Clothiers GOOS BAY Corner 99 "EASTSIDE" Have That Roof Fixed THE WHAT II Kit. (By AB8ocIatod Press.) OREGON, Nov. 13 Rain In west nnd rnln or 9now In vist tonight and Tuesday. Southerly winds, high along coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE ItE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:00 p. m., Nov. 12, by Mrs. 15. Mlugus, apcclnl government mctoorologlcnl observer: Maximum CO Minimum 3.7 ; At 4:00 p. m 48 ', Precipitation' 20 Wind, Southwest J . cloudy, " Is Improving Mrs. II. B. Granby, meetings wore a docldcd success and who underwent an oporatlon nt Mercy tho attendanco yesterday was largo hospital a fow days ago, Is gottlng Tho commltteo Iri charge of them along nicely. iwlll moot today or tomorrow to closo up affaire. Is Bettor O. P. Noah of Milling-1 ton who underwent an operation at' f Wheel. Tho Buffalo Bill Mercy hospital last week Is recupor- Bfnr,,, fnp HftllMl Tn,n. vr..nr,lnv atlng rapidly and will soon bo nblo to roturu to his homo. New Boat Capt. Ross of tho Ban- shoo has now a now gnsollno launch, the Standard, nearly completed. Sho will bo ono of tho trlmmoBt crnfts on tho Bay. Sho Is about tho samo slzo ns tho Ranger. I I nii ...1.... ti, trmn- m sail at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for San Frnnclsco, her doparturo frmil linro hnvlnfr boon iinnfiinno.1 a dny on account of tho rough wenthor. Mill ItomimcH Tho C. A. Smith mill resumed operations this morning i i - -i i " A MAIL CAIUUKU'S LOAD Sooms hcnvlor when ho has n weak back and kidney trouble Fred Duoh rou, mull carrier nt Atchison, Kan sas, says: "I have been bothorod with kidney nnd blnddor troublo and had a novcro pain across my bnck. Whonovor I cnrrlod a hoavy load of mall, my kldnoy troublo lncornaod. Some tlmo ago, I started taking Fo ley's Kldnoy Pills nnd slnco taking them I liavo gotten entirely rid of' nil my kldnoy troublo nnd am ns sound now ns over." Fdloy's Kldnoy Pills nro tonlo In action, quick In results. No mnttor nt what stngo your kldnoy troublo may ho, tnko Foley's Kldnoy Pills nt onco for quick nnd permanent rollof. Red Cross Drug Store. i Mince Meat For That Thanksgiving Pie Wo liavo tho Ingredients If you wish to mnko your own SKKDKI) HAISIXR CURRANTS CITROX LKMOX AXI) OHAXGK PKKL BOILED CIDKIt SWKKT CIDKIt PURE SPICKS OF ALL KINDS. XKW NUTS tll CROP. Also Tho FnnioiiB None-Such MIXCK MRAT In Packages nnd tho Llbby, McNeil & Llbby Mlnco Mont In bulk. Apples $1 Per Box nnd upwards The Bazar Phone 32 Tho Jlouse of Quality. NEW SUPPLY OF THE FAMOUS Educator Crackers Just Received Many Coos Bay people have already tried tho Edu cator wafers, and know what a delicious cracker they are. We have added to our line EDUCATOR WAFERS small tin 35c EDUCATOR WAFERS largo tin 65c EDUCATOR TOASTERETTES per tin 35c EDUCATOR CHOCOLATE CRACKERS. ,, ,30c EDUCATOR CRACKERS FOR BABY 25c Lockhart's Grocery after having been closed down for a few days on account of tho big re fuse burner having sprung n leak. Wed Thursday Will Chandler and Miss .losslo Bacon, formerly of Grants Pass, were- married at San Frnnclsco Thursday ovonlng. They will mnko the.r homo In San Francisco for the next few months nnd will come to Coos Bny In the spring. , Xew Attraction. B. It. Kollcr of tho Orpheum has engngod Harry M Espoy, a clover singer and entertain er, as one of the nttrnctlons at the moving picture house. Ho m rule his flist appearance Sunday night and scored a decided hit. Daughter Ih Bbrii. Cards have been received hero announcing tho birth of Both Browne Bay to Mr. and Mrs. Chan L. Ray ut their homo nt Tncomn, Wash. Mr. Ray Is woll overy fow months ns reprosontatlvo of a largo wholesalo f urnlturo house. Revival CIosoh. The revival moet- Intra which have boon In nronross at IkllWII II Jlt LI1U M..JU V k liniLlllll Hill II tho Marshflold Tabernnclo for five weeks, wore closed Inst night. Tho aftornoon but struck a partly sub I merged log and lost Its whcol and llinil tn lin tnwnrl linplr. .T. n. Rnnildnn who wn8 on routo bnck to hB BChool, WM unabJ dow , contf0, nuontly thoro wl uo Bchool t0. dn v y n L ,. , McCollum Purwr. Burt McCoI- In for sovornl years purser on tho Breakwater running to Coos Bay. la n,,w "uor l" u'"or wb u- tWOon COOS Bay Olid Ban I rnnclBCO. wn8 warmly welcomed horo by 'his many frlenda on tho Bny. Ho snya tlio company la figuring on put- ting a much lnrgor vessel on tho run ,it tno trniuc warrants it. lllir Siicccrsoh Tho dnnco given by tho Cooh Bny Concort Band Saturday night nt tho Englcs hall was a decid ed social success. Thoro wna a good nttondnnco nnd tho mua'c was espec ially plcaBlng. Yesterday afternoon tho special band concort nt tho Ma sonic Opora Houso wna woll attended despite tho unfnvorablo wenthor and tho program was moro than pleasing. Changf In Schedule. A alight chnngo has boon mndo In tho locnl train schedule. Tho morning trnln now runs Into Beaver Hill. Tho on ly offect on tho tlmo of nrrlvnl or do parturo In Mnrshdold of otthor tho nftornoon or morning trains la Hint tho morning trnln la scheduled to nr rlvo horo nt 11:59 Instead of 11:40 ns horotofore. Margeiiu Named. It la reported today tl-at tho Third nnd Fourth Di vIhIoiib of tho Oregon Naval Militia olectod Capt. Macgonn of tho Break water, commnndor of tho local divi sions by n good mnjorlty. This will not bar Capt. Macgonn from bolng elected cnptaln of tho Oregon Naval MUltln Docombor 9 whon tho officers of 'tho organization snloct tho suc cessor to Cnpt. J. J. Reynolds.' Family CVIcbrntoH. Yesterday mnrkod tho forty-sixth annlvorsnvy of tho marriage of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Sneddon nnd also tho Hlxty eighth birthday of Mra. Sneddon. Membora of tho family gathorcd at tho Sneddon homo In South Mnrsh flold nnd nlded tho venornblo couplo In mnklng tho dny a most happy one. Tholr many friends on th9 Bny unit ed In oxtondlng congratulations. Raise Buildings. Tho Mnrshdold lodgo of Elks which bought tho Ayro proporty at tho cornor of Third nnd Cnmmorclnl, Is having tho houso raised so that tho lot can bo filled whon tho dredge Oregon begins tho fill of thnt section In tho early spring. Many of tho property owners nro planning on hnvlng tholr lots filled ut tho snmo tlmo as tho street and will liavo to have tho buildings rais ed considerably. First' Class Auto Service When you wnnt to go anywhere In a hurry Try FOOTE'S AUTOS. Best rates In tho el'y. BEST CARS. Best drlvors. Phono CC-J until 11 p. m., nftor 11 p.m. phono 5-J. Resi dence phone 28-J, 7;. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. ($2333 VB&3BBBSS1 Kjww- MRS. D. L. WATSON of Coos City Is a Marshflcld shopper. DON GARDINER of North Bend Is .1 Mnrshlleld visitor today. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM of Coos River Is a Mnrshdold visitor todny. MRS. LESTER SMITH of Coos River Is a Mnrshlleld shopper today. MRS. WM. ROSS of Catching Inlot Is n Marshflcld shopper today. MRS. FRED HANSON of Sumner la visiting friends In Marshflold to day. B. L. PIERCE, the North Coos Rlvor logger, Is In Marshflold on business today. J. P. MORRIS will lenvo tomorrow to Join his family for tho wlntor In California. MRS. CLAUDE PIPER of Coos River la In Marshflold today on business and pleasure. HARRY BRADFIELD expects to lcavo on tho stage tomorrow on a business trip to Wlltamotto valloy oplnts. DR. nnd MRS. JOHNSON of Myr- tlo Point spent Sunday horo as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Straw and othor friends. MRS. M. A. GILLMOUR, on routo to Coos Bay from Rldgeflold, Wash., la tho guest of Mrs. A. T. Thompson. RoBcburg Rovlow. PEnnv CLARKE, tho youngest son ot Mrs. Francis II. Clarko, Is quite sick of tho grip, Mrs. Clnrko who Is In Portland la cxpoctod homo soon. D. CAFFERY, a capitalist nnd prom Inent citizen of Lowlston, Idaho, Is in tho city Investigating tho prospects of Coob Bny nnd may lo cate hero. R. T. STREET nnd wlfo nnd dnugh- tor expect to lenvo In a fow days for an oxtondod visit nt tholr old homes In Ohio nnd nt othor east ern points. WALKKIt AUKKSTKD AGAIN. D. 8. R. Wnlkor of nils' city, facos still anothor chargo ns tho rosult of his agency for n loan nnd trust com pany of Jnckson, Miss. Ho furnish ed n bond of $5,000 horo yestordny to insnro his npponranco for nrralgn mout In Pnrtlnnd, whoro tho Intoxt rhargo agnlnst him hns beon filed. Ho Is accused of soliciting tho snlo of stock In n compnny having no II- renso to do business In this stnto. Rosohurg Rovlow. BROTH KR'S HARD LUCK. IVtorMin FhiiiMv of Arngo A'lctlnis of Ul-Fnto. Tho Coqulllo Hornld snys: "Bad luck seems to bo pursuing tho Po tnrpon family of Arago. Last week, Davo Peterson sustnlnod n broken loir while working nbout n stump nullor nnd wns taken to tho Myrtlo ''oint hosnltnl for treatment. On Sundnv, Plorco Po'orson stnrted for A'vrt'n Point In n buggy to seo how, his hrothor wns gottlng nlong whon ho mot John Wnlllng In his nuto which frightened tho horso, rnuslng It to overturn tho buggy. In tho nilxun young Poterson was olthor kicked or struck hohlnd hla enr by tn lmrso nnd rondored unconscious for moro thnn twonty-four hours." GRAND OPENING B. J. Pnlnior factory reprosonta tlvo of tho Adam Schnaf Piano Co., Chicago, will glvo to tho peoplo of Coos county nn opening salo for fif teen dnys nt which tlmo special pri ces will bo made. You nro invited to como onrly to Palmers Piano plnco whllo tho stock of plnnos nro com plete nnd seo nnd henr tho up-to-dato innor Plnyor Piano In Mntchless Mp dols of Mahogany, Walnut and 0"5k. Storp opon evenings. T 170 So. Broadway, next to Union Meat Market. MnS. RKBIXOA STUMP will glvo Instruction In ELOCUTION, both prl vato and clnss. Cornor BROADWAY and CO.MMKRCIAL. ' Try Tho Times' Want Ads. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and reasonable chnrges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhore at any tlmo." Stands Blanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 nnd 4C. Night Phono 4C. BARKER H GOOD.tLK, Proprietor-. High Cost of Living Reduced Premium Butter Pound and a Half Squares 50c Each AUT0M0BILE STRIKES A. H. POWER'S RIG TODAY ED LINDBERG'S MACHINE DAM AGES BUGGY AND SLIGHTLY 1N.IURKS HORSE AT BROAD WAY AND HALL AVENUE. Early this morning, nn nuto drlvon by Ed. LIndborg celllded with A. H. Powors' rig nt tho corner of Broad way nnd Hnll avenuo. The rig was protty badly damnged nnd tho horso slightly hurt. Mr. Powors wns driving tho rig and was turning from Hnll avenuo north on Broadway whon LIndborg enmo down at a protty rapid clip go ing to tho dopot. Mr. Powors' horso did not mnko a sharp turn nnd tho nuto caught the sldo of hla buggy. Horso, buggy and nil woro pushed nbout twenty feot, tho nuto turn" cd elenr nround nnd tho horso was thrown ngaliiBt tho railing. Luckily tho carriage waB not upsot nnd Mr. Powers csenped without a. scratch. DKRXKLLS AUK DIVORCED. Wife of Former MarshAcM, 'TlieatrC cnl Mn linger Secures Decree. Mrs. W. F. Borncll, wlfo of tho theatrical manager who mado n brlof splurgo In Marshflold a little over a year ago, hns Bccurcd a dlvorco front him. Bornoll first loft, leaving nu merous creditors to mourn his de parture. I,n ordor to raise ready money for him to get away and to sccuro transportation to hor old homo at Medford, Mrs. Bornoll had to pawn Jowolry hero. Tho Bornolls camo hero from Rosohurg and tho Rovlow has tho following ltom: "Mrs. Florence Bornoll wna grant ed a dlvorco nt Modford last Tues day from Wllllnm F. Bornoll, n for mer bnnd director nnd thontro oper ator ot Rosohurg, who Is now located at Pannmn." RANDOLPH IN TROUBLE. Launch Strikes Hard on Rogtio River Bar. Tho Gold Bonch Qlobo says: "Last Wednesday morning whllo tho Ran dolph was attomptlng to cross In over tho bar alio struck on a mlddlo ground thnt had formed. A lino wna soon run to shore nnd alio wns pulled off, but owing to tho narrow channol sho could not got stoorngo way nnd wont nahoro on tho north spit, whoro alio lay until tho fol lowing day, whon sho wns pttllod oft and docked nt Weddorburn. The boat sustnlned no dnmago oxcopt got tlng Bomo annd In hor pumps. Sho brought In nbout fifty tone ot frolght nono of which wns dnmngod by tho nccldont." WAITK'S NEW PLAN. Frnnk B. Wnlto, of Suthorlln. Hpent tho dny In Rosohurg nttond lug to business mnttors. Ltko many othor Suthorlln citizens. Mr. Wnlto bollnvca thoro la a possibility of tho Southorn Pacific shops bolng moved to thnt city. Tho residents of Suth orlln hnvo offered tho Southorn Pn clflc Company substantial Induce ments, so It Is snld, with tho result that tho compnny hns ngrcod to glvo tho proposition thorough considera tion. Rosohurg Rovlow. BIG BARN BURNED. Four Horses Crvnmted on Curry County Itniich. Lnst Snturdny night tho lnrgo Ann bnrn bolonglng to Alf. Mlllor to gether with n lnrgo nmount of hay and snmo funning Implements, nnd four head of horses wero consumod by flro. Tho origin of tho blnzo Ih not satisfactorily known, but In thought to hnvo boon of Incendlnry origin. Gen. B. Miliar suffered tho loss of ono of tho horses In tho flro. nnd ono of tho other threo wns n flno throo-yonr-old Ally which was given to Mra. Mlllor by hor father just before ho dlod. Everything wn a total loss as thoro was no Insurnnco rnrrlod on nnythlng. Gold Bench Globo. KLK IN CURRY COUNTY With E. J. Baker nnd E. R. Mlllor ns deputy gnmo wnrdons, tho gnmo of Currv will got bottor protection thnn It hns had In tho past. It Is reported that thoro aro still 25 or 30 elk In tho Myers creok country south of Roguo river, while four cows woro soon recontly nenr tho mouth of Lob ster creok at tho samo tlmo thnt ft bnnd of C or 8 wns discovered fnrth- or no tho crook nnd theso oik added to those that rnngo In tho country nround tho head of Elk rlvor mako a goodly number of these nnblo nnl mals that roam In the woods patrol led by Messro. Baker nnd Miller. With tho protection thoy will now get It would 8oem thnt thoro la yot hopo thnt tho elk of this country will bo snvod from extinction. Port Orford Tribune. SOME SINGKR OHPIIKUM TO NIGHT. Tho Times' Want Ads bring results ', etc, repaired. NOW i I fella8 COVflrnrt nnil rnnnlril See CORTHELL . Pboac 8121 E. lUviiHr,. .. Two Private Phones- 85 and 305 , OA- ., '' "l" "" Ao. Front St, Phono 180-n