WHEN YOU'RE OVERWORKED IT'S A CINCH YOU ARE NOT BEING OVERLOOKED . . 1111- irniYinnlpn" flf (tas WANT ADVERTISING In The TIMES Will Keep tliu Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU enn rcnlly holp tho family rovonuea by renting a fow furnished rooms and, If you kiiuW how nnd when to uso tho classified columns. you mny keep that Httlo extra lucomo as "Ftcady as n clock." .tvr ADVKRTISIXG In Xho TIMES Will l'ut Voiir Ilcnl Estnto "In ho Market" F.f foe lively I it will put the facta about your 1 '. ... l.nfnrn tllO ei'CB of all "l)03- arottw Jibio buyers" in town. And If ft i ono of thorn who ought to K it you'iucniti UEMDEH OP ASSOCIATED PRESS Established In 1878 as Tho Const Malt VOL. XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1911 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times. Const Mail mill Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 103 STMER WASHINGTON D001ED 10 DESTRUCTION OH COLUMBIA Practically No Hope r-or Twenty-Three In Crew and 25 Passengers. DRIFTING IN BREAKERS JUST BELOW ASTORIA MAY Mi: LOCAL. PEOPLE In tho list of passengers on the Washington nro Bovoral names Blmllar to thoso of Coos Hay people. However, there Is no moans of determining now (Too Rough For Life Boats to Reach Her Two of Sailors Already Lost. MAY SAVE ALL. (Dy Associated Press.) ASTOUIA, WnHh., Nov. 13. t The bar tug Tatoosh at 3:10 o'clock succeeded In getting a lino ou tho Washington. There oro good prospects thnt some, nnd perhaps nil will bo rescued. Tho wind has dropped to Icrs than twenty-live miles per hour. ttttitt!tt:mt:mm t PILOT TUG SAVES J THE WASHINGIUN I AI OR RODGERS IS BADLY HURT Machines Crashes to Ground While He Was Trying to Complete Ocean-to-Ocean Flight Sunday. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PASADENA, Cal., Nov. 13. Suff ering from concussion of tho brain, wi.nti.no M.m. .... f-,,.., i,,.-.. .. i and still unconscious. C. P . iivviivi mvj 111 VJ 11 Will I1V1 U Ul W ' WWWVNSV'' not. Jny Doylo, formerly with ! doing & Harvey, but who has , neon In Alaska and recently was at Hood Hlvor and Drnln, might possibly bo tho "J. Doylo of Alaska" whoso namo appears In the list. PASSENGERS DDOMEDVESSEL List of People Who Are on Stranded Vessel In Colum bia River. (Special to Tho Times) PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 13- -Tho nnnmtnr Una nf Hin following Is tho paBscngor list of tho UpeiatOI MOO OI tllO J I steamer Washington, which Is i-.i iaf: i t'i:., ;.. i.....i. ., ......i .... thought doomed Just Inside of Col umbia river bar: COLMAN DUELL J. II. STANNERS M. .T. aitATTINGER J. W. GILLESPIE J United Wireless Station in 1 Marsifiod late this after J noon received a flash stat 1 m that a Pilot tug I at t nncli hnrl nnt n linn in t ia f J. DOYLE of Alnska UUUII 1 1 bill I-.VV M IIIIV fcW fcliw . .. nnmintfAAif : . i i tV 1 i , t A u, ii. J-ai auiiuuu. ; siranaoa vvasiungton ana t was pulling her back to t t deep water and had saved t t her, t ED. NELSON A. L. SMITH CHAS. W. WRIGHT S. E. KENDALL M. D. VAN HORN THEODORE CURD mmmmnmmmw walmcb warren ' Hnw? J-w'l'H's ril'li lil.M'. )M. norr,. j M. McVITTIB h E.ROSS (ny Associated Press.) .L. R. McCOY ASTOHIA. Wnsli.. X'nv. 1.1 ,IJ1J. WAUI'J An eye-witness of tho dlsnster of tho Washington says thoro Is absolutely no hopo for tho vos- sol nnd tho only bopo of snv- lag tho pasuoiigors or crow Ih by moans of tho llfo lne. At 1 o'clock, alio was too fnr out of reach for n lino to bo shot ovor her. em m r KEPT ON JURY was tinablo today to tell anything re garding tho accident at dusk last ev ening whllo ho was trying to com plete his occnn-to-occan Might. He cannot talk concctcdly nnd there Is no satisfactory explanation of the mishap when ho, plunged Into tho Hold hnlf way between Los Angeles and Long Beach. Rodgers is cx-, pected to recover. Disjointed remarks of tho injured ' aviator today lndlcnted that bo tried -to avoid tho high power trolley wires'! when ho lost control nnd tho ma-.T Rodgers chine plunged to earth. "STRONG IAN OF GR HOW AT HELW! OF IB" IS I ' XAXX SMITH SAFE AT SAX FRANCISCO Judge Bordwell Refuses to Re move Talesman from Mc Namara Case. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) LOS ANGELES, Nov. 13. Ovor tho protest of tho defense, Judgo TRIPLE WEB Mother and Daughter and Child Found Slain In Their 1 Home Today. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 13. A trlplo murder was committed today In Bordwcll today ruled that Talesman JBhftrWtta ehTd oCTothom Tho Nnnn Smith readied San Francisco nt 10 o'clock this morning, according to n wlro received at tho Smith Mill of fices hero. Soincono started n report on tho street here this afternoon that the Nanu Smith was In trouble- oft Capo Mondoclnn. Thoro was not tho slightest foundation for It. Reconsiders Refusal to Serve and Reaches Pekin Today to Assume Charge. REBELS OCCUPY CHEE F00 EARLY TODAY l iiu f mn ' PASSES mhtI A. Grlbllng had not Bhown that ho was unfit to sit as a Juror In the Mc- Nnmnru case. CHOLERA ADOS T0MH0RR0RS Dreaded Epidemic Rages In Tripoli Italians Control ' Situation There Now (Dy (By Associated Press to Coop Day Times.) JOHN WEST !MRS. T. H. PANOLE HARRY S. PANOLE MRS. .TANE FULLMORE T. D. PANOLE (Dy Day McCOY on Hoard. Associated Press to Cooa Times.) Farmer from Near Walla Wnlln en Route to San Frnnclsco WALLA WALLA, Nov. 13. Leo T tnPnii rttirt nt l.rt nnnflnnpnrfl nn ASTORIA. Nov. 13 Poiindlnc nnd ' 'it, ...'. ..... i. ... in ii.iu oriiiiiiL' nshoro hoforo n southeast ,..!.... .,.i i ,. rntn r Rnn rn. le and In n furious sen, tho steam C8C0 fchooner Wushlngton, of tho Olsen ' ! apparently doomed to destruction ' "a tho bench botweon Capo Dlsnp Wlntment nnd North Head Just In f!de tho Columbia RIvor linr nnd tho lite of her twontv-ilvo lmRsonuors1 ..j . . r-..- . - , an crew or. twontv.twn l n nrnlilnm Weed. Alrpmlv wn nt tl.n imw he been washed ovorboard and drowned nnd tho llfo saving crows wm Capo Dlssnppoliitmont nnd Vrth Ilend nro not at all sangulno 'Mt any of thoso on board tho vessol l'l lo saved. Tho Washington is alowly butfluro 'J drifting nshoro nt a dangorous W'nt, nnd tho only hopo ontortalnod Mt Bomo of thoso on board can bo d lies with tho llfo saving crows w.aro I,rePnred to make ovory ef I.: rench tho vessel with tho llfo as soon as sho drifts closo ough to pormlt tho lines to bo fired -"..iivr. Tiio iirn linnts nrn in CREW ROSTER OF WASHINGTON wero found dead In n dwelling on Park nvonuo. Tho father of tbo child Is being searched for. NEW YORK IN E 0 Health Department to Over conie Danger From Decay ing Refuse In District. (Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Hay Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 13 If tho gar- Succumhs Sunday at Mercy Hospital to Injuries Sustain ed Saturday. W. E. Gnlvln, tho well known scal er, on account of his Injury which was given In Tho Times Saturday,, died early Sunday morning nt Mercy hospital. Ho never recdvured from tho shock of tho accident. Calvin wnu Injured nt Camp No, S of the Smith-Powers Logging com pany on Isthmus Inlet, being terri bly crushed by a fnllon tree. Cnlvln was about thirty-two years old nnd single. Ho cumo hero from Minnesota. v Relatives nt Scattlo havo been ap praised of his death and a brother-In-law 1b expected hero on tho noxt bont from Portland to tnko tho body to tlio old homo In tho cast for burial. Take Possession of City With out Struggle Revolution ists Gain. (Dy Associated Press,) PEKIN, China, Nov. 13 Yuan Shi Kal accompanied by two thousnud troops triumphantly -entered tho cnpltal today. Ho was driven from tho snmo placo in disgrace thrco years ago. A vast but orderly crowd wolcom- cd "tho strong man of China" who has consented to glvo tbo totertng throne the bonoilt of his counsel. Ho looked halo, hearty, bolylng tho reports of his physical condition. CIIKEFOO TAKEN. lU'bels Occupy Town Without Any Fighting Today. Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times) SIIANOHAI, Nov. 13. Choo Foo . went over to tho revolutionists dt thrco o'clock this morning. Thoro was no lighting. Tho rebolfl took possession of Too- Tals Ynmon, tbo telegraph dikes nnd tho forts. 110X0 KONG TAKEN IS GRANTED DIYORCE. WIfo of Novelist (Dy Day Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) MAnSBll.T.KH. LVniirn .Vnr. 13 Tho oinclals of tho American cruiser' bnf !lth,oro Bttr,,"l8 nl l!!;01"3" Chester, which arrived from Trlpol,ony tho health department will stop Sn..r.lnV. nr nnmn. In M,ft nnh, t0 8aV0 -NW 0ri tr0m tll(J CV" f" ' trtntr nt onA Aa lliminniiil AnMlnAln I Ion that foreigners aro In no danger 0f rofUBO tlmt hB nccumuIlUed alnco J'nH granted to Mrs. Louisa Fletcher thoro. Tho ofllccro think tho Ital- tho men quit work becnuso tboy ol-1 T"1"1.1."10"' ull ( oot' Tarklns- . .... .. ............ . . ... Itntl tlin linvnllaf n.wl ,itn vti'I.Ft.t inns control tuo altuntlon In Tripoli jociou to nignt noura. tiio nonitii " ' "v " ,....,...." nnd nro advancing slowly Into tho In- department haB already procured aov- torior. Tho cholera situation Is bad, oral hundred barrels of disinfectant but apparently tho opldomle Is not to sprlnklo on piles of rottenlng gar- Noted Indlauii Gi'iintrtl Decree. Associated l'res.i to Coos Times) INDIANAPOLIS. Intl.. Nov. 13. V decreo of nbsoluto dlvorco today Itrport to Suit FthiicIhco Paper Snya HoIk'Ih lluvo Taken it, (By Abboclmoa lMOHb- to Coos H.ij Times) SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 13 Hong Kong Is in tbo hands of tho revolu tionists nnd tbo Provlnco of Chi Lo hns proclaimed Its ludopondonco, ac cording to ndvlces from Shanghai to tbo local Clilncso nowspnpers. MOKE TUNE GIVEN sorloiiB nmoug tho Italian forces. TALKS AHOL'T TRUST LAWS. bago in tho poorer nnd moro thickly settled parts of tho districts MRS. COOPER DEAD. MEET IN KANSAS CITY. TraiiK-MlhslsslppI Congivs Will Open There Tomiirrow. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) Woman Succumbs to Injures Imposed lly HitMlmnil. Bay Papers Allowed Ono Year to Collect Hiick NuhNCi'lptioiiN. (Dy Assoclnted Press to tho Coos Day linos) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 13. t Tit nrlni- tn trtt tlin tinanl rnfifln , witivt w .. i..w ,.w """'" KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 13. forlng from a nlghtmnro when ho nt- will bo nccopted at second clnss post Full List of Officers and Men on Vessel Wrecked Near Astoria. By Associated Press to tho Coos Dr.y Times) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13. Tho crow rostor of tho Steamer Washing- ,rdlness and nlthough tho sea Is llt-lton when Bn0 Balled from ,th'8 port era v Imin., ...' . "b" W4U ... ,a . x',..l,o Sr,1 tnr Portland, was ns h.Z v ""K' UU3,r crows win mnico '""""" - operate errnrto -,,,,,. . ..n. follows: ltnsersaud crow through this aEen-' GEORGE KINKEL, Captain. Bl!"ch tho boats at tho present stneo "' HANSEN. Second OlUcer. luid be Bulcl(lnl Jt , Uld jy.E. McEWING. Chief Euglneer. D T n-lli ", i. in emu, iiuu lliejr iiimrnv T?lrof Aaolatnnt V.n. IWresort.'" 'm U' Wntor ns th0 " ' 61 -AWlnBton Is lumber laden' EDWARD ANDERSON SatnMed from Portland to Astoria I W. LAIN several .. .,..., . ... lo Tnnvsnv I Port t .. " "mc went irom tn s X' T,,,r 41 n,?" ." Li -?-i: SaS5N n the wather Is R tiVinirrtn I VICTOR OLLSON viiy nAoni .. - -w , K-VI LIVES TOGETHER. fJM n"a Egress Tuko Gas Koutc By a . . ,n Spattlo. ! A!sClated PreRa m th r...on xto. SEATt.t, T'ra?s Ollrnr n . ' vvnsh., Nov. 13. WM ;j. AMMOS m v. cnlv n . "uuier is b bTS H " X?l f tl' . 1 Kelson i:ii. - HARRY GERMAIN M. NICHOLAS WILLIAM WILSON " J. REED M. S. DARLING W. DROOKS W. E.PFISTER It. DRADY Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.; ASTORIA, Nov. 13 James Leahy of this port sblpped'yesterday as sec ond assistant engineer on tho Washington. r. ne-!r and. Mrs- Gorso Mll- 30 er Cart vj;rnp nn.i . (oinmi.r;; - ." noout "Ulfll Clllfll.l. i "Paaesftimi mo loBettior In a :IIne fhi ls,nB house yesterday by .. b 116 rnnm tii.,i.. . . . '" the e1q nn. "nun- mm lurniug :kractPr " woman was a police years, In The Times "Want Ads brJng results Tnft nnd AVIcUci'shaiii DIkciihh Pro- Iom(1 Legislation 'J'mlny. (Dy A88oclatod Prcsa to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Nov. 13. Ila.mil. In. .A fl 9k lA.ln.i .llnA.innn.1 ...t.t. 1 IL'aiUL'HL 1,111. IUI1 IV UlDLUBBUll W1LI1 ........ v.. , ., ...... w. . . ... .. . ... ... .. Attnrnnv Hnnnrnl Wlnlrnrulin.n l,n o,l- All Drollllll lini'V nrmil ITOIllOll t H for tllO tCKCU 1118 WHO, KIIIOU 1111118011. vlsnbillty of supplomontnl anti-trust ""uai mcoting or tno Trnns-.Mi88is- leglslntlon nt tho coming session of WI uommorciai congress, wnicn rongress. Tho conforonco rolnted meeia noro tomorrow, nro compioto nnrtlculnrlv to tho llkolihood of nnsa- and hundreds of delegntes nro al- ing tho fedornl incorporation act. tlons from tho stringent feature in rogard toiaccond clnBS mnll, Postmas ter General Hitchcock Issued an or- (Dy Associated Press to Coos Tim osV o.iv piiAvnrenn Vm. 1 1 Mr. Annlo Cooper, whoso ' husband ' as- lor toilny granting a full year as tho Bntiltcd her with nn nxo In their bed- I,or ?' wli ch publications entitled rnnm UViliiPUIfiv. illn.l tn.lnv. Pnon-tO tllO Second clnSB prlvlIogO, but Oil er. who Ib bolloved to havo been suf- which subscriptions havo oxplrod, 1.1 INCHES OF SNOW. Tho Rosoburg Rovlow of Saturday Bays: "Mnnngor Charles Darnnrd of tho Marshflold-Rosoburg stngo Hne3, reports a heavy snowfall at tho sum mit of tho coast rango mountains, about 22 miles west of Rosoburg. Mr. Darnnrd says tho snow foil to a depth of 13 Inches, and that conBldernblo troubio was encountered In operat ing Saturday stages. VIth good wenthor prevailing yesterday, how ever, ho anticipates no further dif ficulty as a result of tho recent Btorm." 1 ..sin. ! I.. .1... aI.1 .... n t ,1... I ... icti.t,. ii ii.u uii. jhv ui iiiu im portant questions to bo considered is tho Improvement of Inlnnd waterways of the country. River mon from nil over tho United States will attend. ARK AT SUTHERLIX. win Hun tern lu Trouble. Sneddon, Chns. Tollefson, Fred Bentz nnd Chns. Lomloux had Coos nay nnd Eastern to Penetrate Cusciulo ltnngo Thnt Way. Tho Sutherlln Sun says: "A party of railroad surveyors put in nn ap pearance hero last Saturday, nnd tlio Indications nro thnt thoy havo come with tho intention of doing some ox tensive work In Sutherlln Vnlloy. Headquarters hnvo beon established on property of tho Luso Land & De velopment Co., Just west of town, nnd surveys extending from tho Co les Vnlloy section to tho east ond of Sutherlln Valley nro being mado. In quiry failed to elicit any definite In S AT GODILLE ago rntos. n rathor narrow escapo yesterday formation regarding tho work of tho whllo hunting ducks near Glasgow, surveyors, further than tho fact that Their boat was Hwamped by tho tl,oy wcro ln tno employ of tho Coos rough weather and thoy had to takoBny & Eastern road, nnd that Suth rofugo on a piling whoro a usher-.ornn valley had beon decided upon as tho most feaslulo routo through tho man's boat finally enmo to tho res cue. All got a good soaking. Wns 27 Above. Tho coldest weathsr for this early In November In ton years was re corded by tho local weather ofilco Friday when tho mercury reached 27 above zero. Saturday, tho coldest, was 37. GET MAKItrAGK LICENSES. Marriage licenses (glory tickets) wero Issued lato last week to Chas. W. Cook and Mary E. Wood of Catching creek, nnd to Everett G. Kay and Dora I. Smith. Coquillo Herald. Cascade Rango." KXPECT COXTKACT NEWS. Tho Eugene Guard says: "Whllo tho announcement has not been for mally given out, It Is stated on good nuthorlty that Twohy Brothers havo been awarded tho contract for build ing tho Southern Pacific Co. 'a lino from Eugeno to Coos Bay. It Is be lieved that tho news will be given out about tho 15th Inst." Try The Times' Want Ads. r& No. ii FOR 8ALK No. 11 Itcmlngtoii tyie. writer A bargain. Address P O Box 2,59. HEATTIIj LOSES APPEAL. Virginia WIfo Murderer lo Iks F.Iec- trocutiMl Nov. 21. By Associated Press to tho O-ins Day Tim o RICHMOND, Va., Nov. 13. Tho Supremo Court of Appeals today do nlod tho petition for a writ of o-ror by Henry Clay nonttle, Jr., 'convlctod of murdering hia young wlfo last July. Tho declBlon on tho nnpoal from tho Judgmont of tho Chester flold court, which sentoncod Bonttlo to dto In tho electric chair Novem ber 2-1, Is flnnl4 Clemency by tho governor only can savo tho condemn ed man. FREAK FIELD GOAL. Editor Conner Disposes of Pa per to Mr. Ackerman 'of Sa lem Other County Seat News. Cnnnlnt in Thn Tlmno 'M wwv i -1, ,!,,. .j j1..Id fl'l... TVi..imniitlk COQUILLE, Ore., Nov. 13-Tho Won Saturday's Game. Coquillo Herald was sold to Mr. Ack- (Dy Associated Itchm t ''ooa Ray orman of Salem, Oregon, last wook. Times.) It la understood thnt tho formor ed- PRINCETON, Nov. 13. Tho Dally ltor and publisher, W. C. Conner, prncotonlan refers to Saturday's with hia family, haa already departed pricoton-Dartmouth gnmo as a Dnrt for his old homo at Cottago Grove, math victory ln splto of tho fant n?on' ... , . . n that Princeton was glvon tho decision The now saw mill is working fine. wIll 5POro ,,, fI,rco to noti,ng. Tho owners, most of thorn being locnl, Dartmouth's Biiurtinauoulp tn accept men, aB well as the community, nro , ,Ilg Ul0 ,.,,, of Ul0 omcala ,n Q. pleased with this important addition Bnrrt to tll0 frenil flcld B0!ll tlmt KaVd to the industries of the city. ;th0 Bamo to Princeton Is awardod on- Tho Southern Pacific will soon va-i thnsinRiir nmicn taiU I'llDW DIICC. iuiu it-ill UII IIIUI RAILROADS IN CURRY. tracks, as tho now cut-off along tho river Is already completed. Tho paving of Fifth street has beon stopped on nccount of tho rainy Capt. E. D. Reedor and Q. W. Ponn weatuor, leaving that thoroughfare spent Thursday looking ovor tho In a very bad condition lor tho time being. SHINE SELLS INTEREST. HEAR, ESPEY ORPIIEUM NIGHT. TO- Tho Coquillo Herald snya: "R. E. Shlno of Coquillo, haa sold his Sand Point land holdings to tho Southern Pacific company, along with tho oth er Sand Point land holders. Tho proposed condemnation proceedings will therefore bo dismissed." many striking features of Port Or- ford Harbor, and seemed well pleas ed with tbolr examination, Tho ob ject of their visit was not revonled. Are they Railroad Scouts? la tho suggestlvo question. Port Qrford Tribune. SOME SINGER ORPIIEUM TO Try The Times' Want Ads