ftpr V"M1N V w"r 7f&,ii?JrUA?4- r yiywyi "t -t pfriw " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1911 EVENING EDITION. w Copyright nan Sobffoer & Muz NE pleasant thing about our business is the satisfaction we get from the satisfaction we give Our customers go away satisfied; if the satisfaction doesn't last we want them to come back and tell us so Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes satisfy; in style, in all-wool fabrics, in fine tailoring, in fit and in price Suits $.18 and up Overcoats $1(5.00 and up The Woolen Mill Store COOS HAY This Btoro Is tlio homo of Hart Schnffner & Mnrx clothes. Always- "!5e Busy Corner Special 9 liW Sniiirdnv Onlv. "We offer each customer an opportunity to purchase a handsome Brass Vase at the Special Price of $1.25. They are of Heavy Brass, nine inches high and sell regularly for $2.00. To introduce our now line of Brass we will sell them SATURDAY PXIY AT $1.25. lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone , Main 298 Us Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coquuia Office Phone 191 Marahfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and flatting Lands a specialty. Genaral Agents "EASTSIDE" MEN North Bend News The Episcopal Guild will meet Wltll Mm flnn I?vn..ll nl Dint 11 n. i hivii i.u. v..u. uiviHb Ub A. .lib J IU- , morrow nftornoon. I Mrs. M. E. Illldrcth Is expected ihero next week from Lowoli, Mass., 'to visit her daughter, Mrs. Chns. Murr, wlio has been very 111 for somo days. Si?ea' !ho havo sm Inventive ability ! Alloruejr., Wiuhlustwu, il. After the sbow try a Turkish Bath Phone 2 14-J. Geo. Holster of Klamath Falls icamo In by way of Sumnor to North Bond. Ho will spend tho winter hero. Mrs. Geo. D. Mandigo, who has boon spending several weoks with her 'sister, Mrs. Krlbs in Portlnnd, rc- 1 turned on tho Brcnkwntor. A. II. Derbyshire and family havo moved Into tho resldonco recently vacated by II, C. DIers. Mrs. P. W. Stovens was called to tho Coos Hlvor homo of their Bon this week, hor daughtor-In-law 'bolng qulto 111. Prof. J. F, Grubbs is nrrnnglng to erect n flno cottngo on his proporty near tho North Bend High school P. L. Swcnrlngon has bought tho B. P. Dllley property at Porter from K. J. Coko for $1,400. O. J. Lomnnskl Ib arranging to buy tho Orphcum thcatro at Bandon and will then have a circuit of thrco : moving plctura houses In Coos coun- I, 1IUV IIUV1IIK " IIUJUI III illlllDli- flold nnd tho Star In North Bond. C. G. Ilockot Is nrrnnglng to movo to Empire, whero ho will occupy ono of tho Southern Orogon company's rosldoncoH which thoy havo rccontly remodelled. S. J. Immnl this week rloscd his shoo nnd clothing storo in the Pnlnco building and has filed a potltlon In voluntary bankruptcy Ho ostlmntCB thnt his credits nnd liabilities nro each about $5,000. Tho North Bend High school foot- ball tonm will play Myrtle Point at IMyrtlo Point Satuulay. Tho wook J following they will play MMshflold In North Bond. Tho Guild of St. Mary's Episcopal church of North Bend Is mooting SaU urdny nftornoon with Mrs. Everett In Pint B. Tho Guild Is planning to glvo n dinner and hold a bazar about tho middlo of December. THE WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) 0IIEG0N, Nov. 10. Snow tonight nnd Saturday fair In west, nnd snow enst. Colder l!i east. West to Northwest winds LOCAL TEMPERATURE ItE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:00 p. in., Nov. 0, by Mrs. E. Mingus, special government metcorologlcnl obsorvor: Maximum 43 Minimum 40 At 4:00 p. m 42 Precipitation 97 Wind, Southwest; cloudy. Buys Lnml Louis Hagstrom yes terday through August Frizeon pur chased ten acres of land near Coos City from Dick Noble. Ho bought It ns an Investment. Go to Portlnnd. Instead of return ing direct to Coos Bay from San Francisco, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Jen nings wont to Portland for a brief stay. They nro expected homo this week. Alliance In. Tho Alllnnco arrived in Into this nftornoon from Eurokn, having been dolaycd by tho rough weather off tho coast. It Is expected that sho will sail this oyoulng for Portland. Enjoy Smoker. Tho mombors of tho .Mnrshflold fire department hold an enjoyable smoker nt tholr hall last ovenlng. It wnB puroly a so cial meeting, no business of any kind being taken up. Stories nnd Impromptu talks wdro followed by refreshments. Trlbbey, Albert Seellg, Frank Par sons, Hoy Lawhorne, Fred. Weaver, and Tom Hnrvoy. QiiII.m School. As a result of tho troubles In tho Emplra school, Mr. Thompson, the teachor, has resign ed. Ho wanted to quit today but tho substitute ho secured was not satis factory to tho board and ho may hnvo to contlnuo for a few days. Nothing new has dovolopcd in tho troubles of 1'rlncliml Sherrlll of tho Bunker Hill school who imposed corporal punish ment on somo of tho students and raised tho Iro of somo of the parents. ssaaaa tss&stsrassi PEOPLE rr youjww GEORGE TERRY is down from Dan lels Creek on business. Funeral Today. Tho funeral of Chns. S. Hllbom was hold this nft ornoon nnd owing to tho lnclemont wenthor, tho attendnnco was not as large as It would otherwise havo beon. Besides this, owing to tho early arrival of tho boat, tho ser vices wcro held soon nftor 1 o'clock lnstcnd of at 2 as was oxpectcd, and ninny did not nrrlvo In tlnio. Tho sorvlccs were ontlrcly Masonic, bo lng In chnrgo of Blanco Lodgo, No. 48, A. F. & A. M. A. J. Snvago as worshipful mastor, had chargo of tho rltunllstlc coremony. Tho pnll bear ers wcro: Mr. Mahaffy, J. J. Cllnkln beard, Robt. Rooko, E. L. Bossoy, E. L. RoblnBon and W. B. Piper. CHAS. RODJNE of Allegany Is Marahfleld business visitor. MRS. WILL SMITH of Coos River is a Marahfleld shoppor today. NEIL WATSON of Coos City is In Marshflold today on business. MRS. FRANK RAY of Cooston Is vis iting Marshflold friends today. ROBERT ROOKE of Coos Rivor is a Marshflold buslneBJ visitor today. E. A. WILLIAMS of Catching Inlet is n Marshflold business visitor to day, t FRED LILLENTHAL of Coos Rivor Is a Marshflold business visitor today. MRS. REBECCA LUSE-STUMP of South Coos River is a Marshflold visitor today. Hn7 Local Boys. Two Marshflold boys havo "got theirs" from tho haz ors at Orogon Agricultural college ac cording to ndvlscs rcnchlng friends nnd relatives hero indirectly. Gcorgo Murch was tho first. Bocauso ho was too actlvo nt n students' dnnco to MRS. JENNIE STEWART, who has MRS. ED. RICHMOND and baby re turned yesterday from an extended visit nt northern nnd eastern Oro gon points. . suit tho upper classmen, thoy caught Murch nnd his flno pompadour was a thing of tho pnst, his head being shnvon clenn. Fred McCormno was tho noxt. He arrayed hlmsolf in his glnd togs for a class danco and when ho started, ho found thnt ho was locked in his room. Cnlls for holp woro in vnln nnd nil ho could do wna to rotlro and dream of tho Joys that his follow students woro hnvlng nt tho party. Bar 1h Rough Tho Coos Bay bar In showing tho effects now of tho so voro storm thnt has been raging oft the coast tho last couplo of dav About noon ycstonlny It got very rough nnd tho Nnnn Smith hns boon tinnliln tn en nut nnil Is now wnltlnir In tho lower bay for tho storm to sub- addressed plainly SANTA CLAUS MAIL WILL Illl DELIVERED r Postmaster Curtis hns receiv ed tho following ofllclnl order, which Is olf-ixilnnntory: "Ordor No. ,5874 Postmns tors nro authorized to deliver nil lottors nrrlvlng nt tho re spective poBtofTlccB botweon Do rombor in, 1011, nnd Jnnuary 1, 1012, Inclusive, which nro nnd unmls- FURNISHED ROOMS Upstairs, rear Flnungnu & Bennett Bank, 388 First St., formerly Pino St. WANTED Girl for restaurant work. Apply Times office FOR SALE A line liml M-ino. heifer Mother n noted thoroughbred Hols teln. W. L. Wllmot, N. Monroo St., nonr City Pnrk, North Bond WANTED Day work, cleaning, wash lug, Ironing, 2Gc hour, 185J. Woman ALL KINDS of hauling tlono prompt ly J. E. Fitzgerald. Phono 129 J. sldo. Finds Dog. Otto Schotter hns fln nlly recovered his dog "Bonus." Tho canine hnd wandorod over to EaBt sldo and forgot to como back, somo ono thoro picking "Bonim" up ns n stray nnd giving him n now homo. IlQwovor whon tho dog heard Mr, tnknbly to 'Santa Clnus,' without nny other terma or expressions Identifying tho porson for whom such lottors nro intended, to ro- sponslblo Institutions or itidlvl- duals In tho lown or city of nd- dress, who may dcslro to uso thorn exclusively for phllnuthro- nlc purposes. In tho ovont thnt !,h0 ,n,,,cntcd ft BtronBit tKirXtZKr 5. l.vn.tu HJ tvbuiin Tikn Kvltlpncp.-- Evldonco In tho enso of E. W. Bornttt nnd E. Wit-1 tig vs. tho Smith-Powers Logging : company, involving tho ownership of i tho booms on Iowor Coob River, la! bolng taken in Judgo Hall's olllco to day. W. T. Merchant was ono of tho wltnossos called. Tho caso Ib ponding in circuit court. dividual, tho postmaster shall dlstrlbuto them in such propor- tlon ns ho mny doom proper. FRANK II. HITCHCOCK, "Postmnstor-Gonornl. boon visiting relatives nt "rtlnnd and n son nt Tho Dalles, returned on tho Broakwator. TOM HARVEY and J. W. Mltckoll, who Joined tho duck hunters yes tordny, brought bnck twenty-fiver birds ns ovidonco of their ability. WILL STAUFF pinns to loavo 'short ly for a visit In California. His brother, Jas. Stauff, loft for thoro yesterday after nn extended visit h'oro. W. S. HUNSACKER, a brothor of Mrs. Stowart, will como down from Portland nnd expects to remain for somo tlmo it tho location Is satisfactory. J. ALBERT MATSON, Frank Lnlso and Dr. Dlx returned homo today from a thrco day's duck shooting expedition In tho sand hills. Thoy brought back a nlco bunuch of fenthorod beauties. Closed Till Monday Owing to tho wnsto humor nt tho Smith mill hnv lng sprung n bad leak, tho mill hns been closed down until Monday. It wn expectod yesterday tho repairs could bo effected today to start FOR SALE Good mvou-I luuul fo I operations tomorrow urn mo ro- nt a bargain. Call nt Union Mnr- P"1 wo,ro. mor, """"lit innn woro Icot nnd sou 3a fo and get Phono 58. price. FOR SALE King slide tromboiio In llrst-clnBa condition. Address Box 28C, North Bond. FOR SALE Three Coriiellnii In dlan gamo lions nnd ono cock. In- qulro Bishops' tints, 547 Broadway first anticipated and so tho longor dolny. Would you havo tho public know you; Would you HUo to havo us show you; Would you havo a motor tow you To Success? Speak nnd wo'U go you, But you'll hnvo to ADVERTISE. Mirk what other morchnntB sny; Coto tholr doings dny by day; Whllo tho sun shines mnko your hay If ynu want to mnko It pay, But you'll havo to ADVERTISE. 81: Flguro up tho cost to you; Arm against nil loss to ynu; Start In now nnd seo it through; Fearlessly say wnnt is truo Of nil you hnvo to ADVERTISE. .MR. nnd MRS. JAMES DYER of Douglns City, Cnl., nro in tho city ns tho guests of tholr nophew, B W. Bates and family. Thoy nro on routo to Mnrshflold to visit Mrs. O, S. Illlborn. Rosoburg Nows. MRS. ANNA KNIGHT of Sonttlo is enjoying n visit In Portlnnd with hor daughter, Mrs. C. O. Gosnoy, whom sho hns not soon for nearly eight years and with tho Httlo sou of Mrs. Gosnoy whom sho hnd nut seen before. EDITOR BATES of Rosoburg is In Mnrshflold today to attend tho fun eral of his uncle. Chns. S. Hilborn. Mr. Bates spont his early youth on tho Bay, loarnlng tho printing busi ness on tho Coob Bay Nows undor Editor Bonnott. MR. nnd MRS. J. II. Mllnor consti tuted n private family duck hunt ing pnrty that wont out nftor game nnd thoy got tho ducks, too, oven If. tho first ono Mrs. Mllner shot foil In tho bay and owing to rough sons floated away beforo lb could bo secured. FOR SALE Or exchange for real estnto n good lnunch. Apply Room 204 Coko building. WANTED Strong woman or girl to enro for elderly Invalid. Apply to Mrs. Songstacken. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING apartments, hot water, light and linen $10 nnd up Lloyd hotel, taken at once. T. Maas, Club Cigar Storo. WIiih Claim. Advises havo boon recolved by John D. Goss thnt John Ncglthon of Kentuck Inlot hns won lila linmnatnml Mi nro. Kneltlinn liml lived on tho rnnch for many years, WB HAND DANCE nt KVflHJS but through error had failed to prove 'ml'' Saturday night. NOVEMBER 11. up on it. Geo. Fnrrln noticed It nnd music uy mil unnu filed on it nnd inter Fnrrln sold his relinquishment to Mr. Horn of North Bond. Ncglthon Instituted a contost nnd hns won out. Tiles Case. Boforo Justlco Pen nock this nftornoon, tho caso of B. F. Rahsknpf vs. A. M. Ross for ono half of a $175 real estate commis sion Is bolng tried. Ross maintains thnt tho sale was niado nftor ho nnd Rnhskopf dissolved, partnership and that consequently tho lntter is not entitled to nny commission on It. Rnhskopf says tho salo was made on an option secured whllo ho was n Job nnd momber of tho firm. Tho Jury hoar- W. Wet Weather Goods. WANTED Your carpenter furniture, work. Tel. Carpenter 124L Ing tho enso Is composed of Geo, Something New All the Time Kelly's Pure Tropical Guava Jelly THE FINEST HAWAIIAN FRUIT PRODUCT ON THE MAR KET. THE FRUIT IS PICKED FRESH EACH .MORNING AND BOILED THE SAME DAY. In Glasses, Each 25c Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones- -1 85 and 305 MEN'S SLICKERS from $5.00 to BOY'S SLICKERS from $2.25 to LADIES' SLICKER CAPES $3.25 nnd MISSES' SLICKER CAPES $2.75 nnd CHILDREN'S CAPES Wo nlso carry a full lino of tho famous AQUAPELLE CLOTHING. RUBIIER FOOTWEAR of all kinds Ladles' nnd Men's I'M BRELLAS from 50c to .$3.00 .$2.00 .$3.00 .$2.50 ,$1.75 GEORGE DEUBNER, only son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Doubnor, is critic ally 111 with typhoid fovor In San Francisco. Mrs. Doubnor returned rocontly from nn oxtondod vlsltat his homo thoro nnd whllo ho was sick" thon tho physicians thought it was only n slight attack of malaria lover but It lator dovelopod Into a severe enso of typhoid. JOHN HERRON, Addison Cook and Ed Fnrrln roturnod from Rosoburg last night via Myrtlo Point. Thoy report thnt It was ono of tho worst trips they havo niado in yenrs. A peculiar thing about tho wenthor yeatorday was that thoy did not en counter any snow nlong tho road although It snowed most of tho day along tho old Coos Bay wagon road routo. .$7.00 TiTe Bazar Phone 32 The Jlouse of Quality. DR. nnd MRS. ALDEN, who havo been spondlug tho summor with tholr dnughtor, Mrs. C. F. Mp Georgo, loft yestordny for tholr homo nonr Grand Rnplds, Mich. Thoy may dccldo to return horo nnd locnto and may bring a num bor of othors with thorn as Mr. Mc Georgo showed Dr. Aldon that hlu boosting of this section was not ovordono ono lotn. MISSES' $4.50 nnd $5.00 BAIN CAPES for !?:M)0 Friday nnd Sntur day only. LADIES' EMPORIUM. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have-' ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pacini Llvnry & Transfer Co. High Cost of Living Reduced Premium Butter Pound and a Half Squares 50c Each