0Trrr 'tV " --"Tii"l'Wr- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911 EVENING EDITION. v-jcnci-iw- "v "tfm Furnish Your Home for 10 Cents a Day at the GOING & HARVEY STORE We have now made it possible by modern methods of business for each and all of you to make your home comfortable, beautiful and artistic, at moderate prices, and enjoy home comfort while you are paying ,f or them Pay part down, balance easy terms Look at the articles below that you can get for Part Down Balance 10 Cents to 50 Cents Per Day Bed Department Metal, Wood and Brass Beds. fjlinirM mmff- HM LIB ti ws&Mhni.?.. l In Mil! fin Dresser Department Oak, Maple, Ash, "Walnut, etc. Strong, neat Metal Beds, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $-1.50, $5.00, $5.50, $6.00 and $8.50 TERMS 10c PER DAT. Chair Department Oak, Elm and Maple. Modern Styles of Dressers in the Fir, Ash and Pacific Oak Fir. TERMS 10c PER DAY. I W i w WEI H '111 !. hi LSSZlLi?? 'miJi Set of six Chairs from 75c to $1.50 each. Terms 10c per day. RockerDepartment A 0 w AbW" .l V cJ c3 wow We take pride in our Rocker De partment as we have more than a hun dred styles on hand at nearly all times. Prices at from $1.75 to $35.00. Strong -well made Rockers $1.75 to $10.00 for 10c PER DAY Curtain and Drapery Department Lace Curtains, Scrim Porticrres, Couch Covers, Burlap, etc. Windows well draped are half the beauty of the room. TERMS 10c PER DAY. . Floor Covering Department Rugs Carpets Linoleums Matting, etc. IrmpBffiirifwnWril Dcntitirul rich Orlontnl nnd floral Rugs In Axmlnlstor, Body Drus soIb, Wilton nnd nil othor fabrics. You should boo tho latest thing out In Inoxponslvo Bungalow Rugs. Small Rugs ? 1 . 2 r to $10.00 Room Slzo Rugs J3. CO to JG0.00 TERMS 10c TO dOc PER DAY. Kitchen Furniture and Furnishing Dept Crockery, Enamel ware, Tin -ware, Galvanized ware, Wooden and Willow ware, Silver ware, Table ware, Brass goods, Lamps, etc. Kitchen Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Cup boards, Kitchen Treas ures, Meat Safes, Ironing Boards, Kitchen Chairs, etc., etc. Make your kitchen a joy to work in, not drudgery. mfmoKmmm liXl"" V "" fil Dining Room Furniture Dept, -I X--L-i. - M ' strf&l J--!' !'A1U.PS Dining Tables, Buffets, China Clo sets, Serving Tables, Breakfast Tables finished in Early English, Ferned Oak, Dull Waxed Golden, High Polish Golden. TERMS 10c TO 50c PER DAY. Parlor and Library Department BOOK CASES, LADIES' DESKS, LIBRARY TABLES, COUCHES, PIC TURES, STANDS and everything to make a home beautiful. Piano Department RpSSSS&i Elington, II a m i 1 1 o n, Howard at reasonable prices and terms wilhin the reach of home lovers. Try your piano right hero where you can hear tho tone and get what you like. Stove and Range Department bbSST cJb 4 Wo aro agents for Tho World's Fair Winning Monarch Malleable. Tho Colo's Original Hot Blast Heaters. Tho Charter Oak, and Other Lines. Office Furniture Department BwBQIHBtfHJHlSHk Quality office furniture is our motto, hence our success. Sewing Machine Department I kB " mf-TH I i ft iji fiSJH wvM I WH1TE Lp WmWn JBIflt ill The Easiest, Smoothest, Fastest Running Sewing Machine, on earth is the White. $5.00 down, balance- 17c per day. We Save You Money GOING & HARVEY COMPANY Complete House Furnishers