THE C( FfMES, MAl THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911 EVENING EDITION. WHAT AN OREGON CITY DID WITH A MOUNTAIN STREAM I F YOU Biiouid ovor visit the city control which operates n needle. of Ashland, which cosily nestles in There is hnrdly ti homo in the city 11 i i.iii ,,f Mm aiairivnn Mmm. which does not uso the energy dovel tho foot-hills of the SlsKljou .oun- .. ,., n. ta ns in Soutl "0f . " ,8 'sides, ho city's streets nre lighted at fh,nf in.if .1 . nmintnln brook of I a very small cost. Small factories 1,0 the beautiful n ountnli brook of c(limcr)es, etc., uso a consld- A8h,JinM Jln,,.w .lutnSt tho'c-nblc amount of tho Dower as n day TrnS. sSung'it'iuStsof load so there Is need for continuous Ashland and Wagner FenKs, which" . . .nti Minlr lionitn ninre than 7.000 feet ttbovo sea level. Tallinn C.000 feet in thirteen miles it Is a tumultuous stream or inugn Ing, leaping water, Hashing and Bparkllng In tho sunlight and dark ening In tho shade, tossing its mano of snow, foaming flakes over tho igranlto rockB and lichen boulders in resentment of tho restraint that Jmpedes its progress and Unit oft times holds it back in bubbling, eddy ing bays where lurk the speckled trout over the golden gravel. Tho people of Ashland delight to explain to tho visitor how happily tho town is situated, and point with prldo to Ashland Creek, the finest Btreatu dn tho Siskiyou range; for this llttlo stream not only provides pure, whole somo water to drink, but nlso fur nishes power for street and domestic lighting and such mechanical pur poses as may bo desired. Thoro can be no pollution of tho water since tho timbered canyon through which it flows is included in tho Crater Lako National Forest 'Reserve, as well aB in large tracts of land In Ashland Canyon owned by tho city itself. There is no city in tho West so completely possessed of its water supply and water power as 1b tho city of Ashland. Tho forest reservation and tho lands owned by tho city lnsuro the preservation of tho sylvan beauty and primitive wlltl U0B3 along tho regloiiB of the head waters and along tho courso of Ash land Creek. Although tho city of Ashland has used tho waters of Ashland Creek ns a wator supply for several years, it haB only been threo or, four years filnco tho city decided to own and op erate a hydro-electric plant of its own, using tho falling waters of tho creek as tho source of energy. For many years no one seemed to rcnllzo tho wonderful power that might bo An engineer visiting this very un ique llttlo plnnt would doubtless find fault with the single unit construc tion. As a rule, tho single unit docs not give tho guarantee of continuous service which ono would like to have. However, tho pcoplo of Ashland ex pect to supplement tho present pow er plant with another of about 200 horsepower, making a total of COO horsepower snatched from tho little stream. This is how they expect to do It. When tho water, which rushes down the steel pipe, has spent its en orgy on tho water wheel it drops through n tall raco and a part of it flows into a nearby settling baoln whence it flows to tho city In n twen-ty-'four-lhch steel pipe line, furnish ing the water supply of tho city. Ab only a Binnll part of tho water Is act ually used for tho houses, strcots and lawns, tho rest of the water flows merrily onward down tho canyon. A measuring weir Indicates tho amount of water which actually goes to waste. It Is proposed to carry this excess of water through a wood-stnvo plpo lino along the edge of tho canyon, and droy it through another steel pipe. Here another power house will bo built on similar lines as tho ono al ready described, and 200 horsepower more will bo nt tho city's command. Ilesldcs, Increasing tho total output of the Btream, thoro will bo n guar antee of continuous. sorvlco ovon if ono of tho units should bo compelled to closo down. But to bo sure that power sorvlco will bo continuous, tho city has arranged with tho company that has been supplying tho power, to glvo them continuous sorvlco in case anything should happen to tho municipal plant. It may bo said that Nnturo has placed within enjy reach of Ashland everything that goes to mnko lifo tru ly worth living tho wondorful wood ed mountains abounding In game, II SECTION developed from the llttlo stream with Unci the streams allvo with flah, a n minimum flow of only ten second feet. It was only aftor sonio enthu siastic engineer showed tho possibili ties of tho plan of harnessing tho stream that tho city llnally decided upon taking tho step. Following up Ashland Canyon about six miles, along n beautiful xond that crosses and rccrosscs tho perfect cllmato and a beautiful coun try. "Tho largest and tho richest un developed Bcctlon of tho United Sta tes, outside of Alaska, Is Northern California and Southern Oregon, which includes Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte counties in California, and Curry, Coos, Douglas, Josephine, Jackson and Klamath counties in Oregon." This statement was mado to the Rogue River Courier by John T. Flynn, consulting engineer of tho Pacific Coast Harbor League of Cali fornia, who spent n few days in Grants Pass lately. Speaking of the possibilities of tho Pannma canal, ho says: "Tho completion of tho cnnnl will witness n revolution of tho transportation business of the world, and there will bo no section whero its influonco will bo more mnrked than in the seaboard states of California, Oregon and Washington. "Tho 1,500 miles of const lino, em bracing these states, will bo tho scene of tho grentcst industrial develop ment tho world has ovor Been. All of the great valleys of California, Oregon and Washington, which .Ho pnrallel with tho coast nt a distanco varying from CO to 1C0 miles, will bo tapped by short railroads to the const ports, whoro tho products now cnrrlcd on tho long rnll haul of $20 por ton will bo delivered to tho Pnna CHILD SACRIFICED EVERY 20 MINUTES "Relng Ruby" Is Hazardous Accord Jug to tlu Welfare Exhibit .Mnvlnw KANSAS CITY, Nov. 9. "Every 20 seconds n child dies in tho civil ized world of provontablo dlscnses." "Delng baby Is an extra hazardous occupation." "An open window is cheaper than n closed grave." "If your mllkmnn brings you wnrm milk, make it hot for him. Call the board of health." "Warm rooms have killed moro persons thnn ever frozo to death." "When you seo a child looking like an nngol, don't kiss It, you might make a real angel of it." These maxims havo been ndoptcd by tho city board of health to bo used at tho child welfare exhibit which opened nt Convention hall, No vember 3. Its aim is to set forth In tho most graphic manner possible the ravages wrought nmong children by provontablo diseases and to in struct pnrents in preventives. CONTINUED AS PASTOR. Church Tables For, Time Resignation of Richeson. CAMDRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 0. Whllo women cried and pleaded that nothing bo done that might appear In any wny prejudicial to his Inter ests, members of Immnnucl Daptlst A TURKISH RATH will do you G,00R. Phono 214-J. RRIEKS OF RANDON. News of Clty-by-tlie-Sen ns Told by Tho Recorder. Smith Bros, and Ncuman report sparkling stream, ono comes to tlioi1'10 snw. mill business out their way forks of tho creek. A short distanco ' ns ,novl,y nlo"B nlc,y- . T lcy' h' abovo tho forks, two concrete diver- n ml" wM n capacity of about 20, lon dams nro built so as to catch,000 cot n &' tho cntlro flow. Carl Roy Wlron, six-year-old son Twenty-four Inch wood stavo pipes' of Capt. and Mrs. O. Wlron of tho pass from tho Intakes to tho forks ' Hnndon Light Houso. died yesterday and thoro connect with n "Y" to a at 11:30 o'clock. Death wns tho ulnglo 24-Inch wood.stnvo pipe which lends along tho side of tho canyon In a trench blasted out of tho rock for a distanco of about threo miles. This plpo has a gradient of about 30 feet to tho mllo, so that it Is capablo of carrying tho entire flow of tho two branches of tho stream. In bouio places tho plpo-llno Is carried as an inverted siphon ovor deep gulches on beautiful trestles, but for tho most pari, It Is laid in n trench nnd cov ered ovor. The diversion dnms nro of flow result of diabetes which had been of about two months' duration. As n result of the dispute ovor tho ownership of n calf, which was sold to Geo. Erdmnn last Saturday, Mrs. C. Ledgerwood nnd C. II. Chandler sworo out warrants of nrrcst ngnlnBt J. L. Conger for stealing tho calf nnd ngnlnBt Geo. Erdmnn ns nn accom plice. It seems that tho calf had been nt tho Ledgorwood farm for some time, but Mr. Conger claims tho calf belonged to him nnd that ho turned church socloty voted not to nccopt at ma canal steamer at a cost of less uls time ho resignations of Rov. than $6 dollars per ton. Thld means .Clarence V. T. Richeson, pastor of that both tho Hill and Hnrrlman tho church, now in jnll on a charge lines will seek short down hill lines ' murdering Ays Llnnoll. It was m, n.,f fr !, in, ,.n,i rn. decided to lay tho matter on tho ducts, leaving tho main lines for tho,tttUl until November 24th. transportation of high class freight and passage "With smelters, nnd custom mills established, millions of tons of copper nnd gold ores, now worthless by tho nbsenco of transportation other than wngon haul, would not only ylold ,n hnndsomo return to tho owners, but nffqrd employment to thousands of miners and thus transform Idloncss Into Industrial activity. Add to this, tho lumbor possibilities, as woll as tho cholco fruit land and agricultu ral land, now vacant In tho territory, to say nothing of tho grent cmplro of tho Klamath country, nnd ono enn understand why Hill nnd Hnrrlman railroads now In Southern Oregon, nro Jealously watching each other. Thcso great systems, oporntlng with in 100 miles of tho ports of tho Pa cific, muBt either grnsp tho opportu RAYMOND'S DANCING SCHOOL ODD FELLOWS HALL Opening dnta SATURDAY, NOVUM- HHK Jl, afternoon 2 to C evening 7:30 to 10:30. Introductory Remarks In opening this school for tho coin ing senson wo nssuro you ovory enro will bo taken to mnlntnln n school of tho highest possible stnndnrd. Prices for Term of Eight Lessons: nlty now nfforded, or propnro to seo Juveniles, $4.00; Children. $4.00: othors do so, becnuso tho Pnnnmn .J-nUies, 4.oo; uoutioinen, o.uu. cnnnl ship has como to stay." Private lessons, ono hour. $1.00. waltz, iwo-Biop, wiroo-siep nun one other danco guaranteed in courso. Class instruction by term only. USE OF A DOLLAR. Ten years ngo n Knnsns farmer put lila InlMnla nn n ilnllniv Thn nnvl ITlVaiO CiaBSCS limy 1)0 lOmiCtl. Inv lio wont, tn thn nnnront town mill' NOW DnnCCS for tllO B0UBO11 to 1)0 spent It with n morchnnt. Deforo included In tho courso nro tho Dainty tho yenr wns out ho hnd got tho dol- Stop Cnrylo, tho Imperial nnd MI1I- lar bill back. Four times in six tnry three-step, nnd others. years tho dollnr en mo back to hlinl Lndlos Recreative Classes may bo for produco, and threo times ho formed for n courso In health-giving heard of It In tho pockets of his exorcises, including Aesthetics, Nn- uclghhors. Tho Inst tlmo ho got It tlonnl court nnd Folk dances. back was four years ngo. Ho sonti .A New Feature. It to n mnll ordor houso. ,Ho hnsj Children's Ornnd Mnsk Rnll. All novcr soon Mint dollnr slnco,. nor children clven ono hour freo on Wod- novor will. Tho dollar will novor 0sdny, 4:30, nnd Sntnrduy, 2:30, pny miy moro school or road tax for nftor RCliool hours. This freo hour him. will not build or brighten any to i,0 for children's bonoflt for Chll of tho homes of tho community. Ho (lro,8 Grnn(, MllBk ,, Mnitnry sent t entirely out of tho clrclo of (,r1I to bo ,von by Prof, Ilnymoml typo, nnd nro nlso provided with " om w lon " ",0'u" "V , """ ni "'. Hushing gates so as to carry away nny '"roper "" " imicnureu u mm mm. acdlinoiit which would tend to lodgo!" Mr Erdmnn for his mont mnr bohlnd tho concreto wnlls. The ln-l't. Mr. Chniidlor, seeing tho cnlf tnko is provided with u screen nnd n'lnKins te mnrltot. clnlmed it ns rvnlvo which may be used to cut the wator on when nocosHury to o;npty tho pipe lino. At n distanco of about three miles from tho Intakes, tho wooden plpo Jlno turns abruptly down tho side of canyon for about 100 feet, where It connects with n 21-Inch riveted steel plpo which continues down the sldo of tho canyon to tho power house. At tho point where tho wood plpo curvos downwnrd there Is u "T" con nection and a staiidnlnu Is cni-rliil frnm tlilu imhit mi tin. muivui uMn to a point whose elevation Is that of tho breast or tho diversion dams. Tho purposo of this utuudplpe is to tnko up any shock which would oc cur by the too ddon closing or the valve' nt tho power house. As will bo seen thoro nro no reservoirs, ex cepting tho very small ones nt the Intakes, and the operation or the plant (therefore, depends upon the direct flow, which, at a minimum, provides nbout ten becond feet enough to generate nearly 100 horse power nt tho power house. The total huud is 115 feet aud the effective head 105 feet. This great head Is the reason so much power is obtained from so small a volume of wnter, for tho Impact of tho stream as it comes from the nozzle almost as solid ns Iron, ugalust the blades of cups or tho Poltou waterwheel, is eomethlng terrlllc. Tho power houso Is n beautiful llttlo structure with concrete and Btoiio base mid brick walls. The In- sldo dimensions nro CO foot long nnd' 33 root wicio wltu l u foot celling. hnvlng belonged to Mrs. Ledger wood: henco tho difficulty, and now It will bo necessary to provo to whom the calf really belongs. Ono Now York woman admits that Bho spends $0,000 n yenr on fnclnl massage. The mero thought of that expense would glvo sonio Coos Ray women wrinkles. NOTICE CALLING FOR NATINtt MEETING OR A NOMI-CAUCUS usefulness to himself mid his neigh bors. Ex. If you hnvo anything to sell, trade rent, or wnnt help, try n want ad. After tho sbow try a Turkish Datb Phono 214-J. Try Tho Times' Wnnt Ads. FOR Till: NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE OF FICII OF MAYOR, COM MON COUNCILMEN AND OF RECORDER. Notice Is horeby given Hint by or der of tho Common Council of tho City of Mnrshflold, Coos County, Ore gon, duly made nnd entered on tho 17th day of October, 1911, a nomi nating meeting or cnucus will bo hold In Odd Fellows hall In said city on Monday, tho 20th day of Novomber, 1011. nt tho hour of eight o'clock In the nfternoon of said day, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following ofllces: n mnyor of said city to servo for tho term of two years coniinenrlng tho first Monday In January, 1912: two monibors of tho common council of said city to servo for tho torm of threo years each com mencing tho first Mondny In Jnnunry, 1912; a recorder of said city to j, i servo for tho torm of one year com- YOUR 'DRUGGIST STOPS THAT ITCH If you nro suffering from Eczema, Psoriasis or any other kind of skin trouble, drop into our storo for In stant rollof. Wo will gunranteo you to stop that itch In two .seconds. A 25c trial bottlo will provo it. Wo havo sold other romedles for skin troubles, but nono thnt wo could recommend moro highly than tho woll known compound of Oil of Wlntor greon, Thymol nnd n few other ingre dients that havo wrought such won dorful cures nil ovor tho country. This compound, known ns D.D.D. Prescription, will cool and henl tho itchy, burning skin ns nothing olso cnn. Got n rogulnr bottlo and seo on our no-pay offor. Rod Cross Drug Storo. as soon ns children can learn tho Grnnd March. Mothers aro Invited to como and witness tho Grand-March drill nnd bring their children to ou ter In tho Mask Dnll. Pupils cnn Invite friends up to ove- ing dances nftor clnss on Wednesday and Saturday by written Invitation only. Not public. All Children nnd Juveniles nro re quested to wenr sllppors in classes. It is essential that pupils enter clas ses nt tho beginning of term. FANCY DANCES TAUGHT frco to Children in tho dancing school for n Grnnd Finale at tho Opora Houso at closo of term. Skirt danco. Sword dance, Spanish Wnltz and Butterfly dnnccs nnd ninny other steps. If you wish to learn, como! PROF. C. RAYMOND. DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND REMODELLING. MRS. E. BANDEL Phono 19-J, Cor. 4th nnd Pnrk Ave. Silver Spoon Sweets Arc Delicious Chocolates made of pure Materials iu a Sanitary factory by Clean and HEALTHY workmen. They arc packed iu -pound boxes at 25c aud 1-poiuid boxes at 50c. Each package coiitaius a Coupon which will help you to get one of these beautiful Silver Spoons tw9ita RuBk Nift Send . One Full , Coupon, (or 2 JBA half Coupons) and Salf 10c for One Spoon mS . fl f1iiiirmo olll lQrt Prl. HiR' n j uuiimuho uuu uui xirj. Njvc j. Six Spoons. ' e r y b o d y sells cm. )oons Bradley CandyCo. Marshficld formerly ', ir.i" Company, wm-mm STATESUCNT OF CONDITION Flanagan (Si Bennett Bank of MARSRFIELD, OREGON At tho closo of business September 1st, 1011, Resources. LoaiiB nnd Discounts , J397.393.93 Bnnklng Houso 00,000.00 Cash and Exclinngcs 141,546.63 Total SBWMMO.IO Liabilities Cnpltnl Stock paid In 150,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 54.1C5.72 deposits 484,774.74 Totnl gBBH.P 10. 10 . .rt He Got the Job A young man having nppllcd to n wholcsnlo houso for a position recently found hlmsoir boforo tho ninnnger for oxamlnntlon. "Hnvo you n bnnk nccount?" wns his first question. "I hnvo," was tho roply. "Lot mo bco your bnnk book," wns tho next rcquost. Aftor glnnclng over It nnd noting tho long list of regulnr, though amnll deposits, ho snld: "Young man, you nro engnged, nnd I wnnt to compliment you on your saving ability. I nl ways Insist upon employing only men who hnvo tho good boiibo to snvo their money." Wo Invito every young ninn In this community to open nn nccount nt this bank. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. I. The First National Bank OF COOS RAY CAPITAL 8100,000.00 MARSIIFIELD OREGON WHY NOT NOW ? Yon will use Hie flas Range BECAUSE wwfc l.Vllllbi it II. -,. -r i i w is very well lighted and ventlmtod ' "Il'""n l " "i-' n.iaj r n .in unary, nml tim pmiHtpiioiimt , ,, wi..ii.. iJ I in i -. aaid cnnuiuaies to uo voieu on -,.- ... v.... ..,., H ,. .. .w., M of tho very best. The power ouulp-v mont, wmch is vory Judiciously plu ced, Is iip-to-dntu la every respect. It consists of n single unit, namely, n dynamo, whoso revolving Held Is directly connected to tho wator wheol ehuft, Tho water wheel and there fore tho generator Held has a speed of 300 revolutions per minute. llotli thq wutorwheel and generator sot up ou n single bed plate, making the un it nbsolutely rigid. A belt carried from n pulley on the other end or tho water wheel shurt, connocts with n Pelton oil govornor which actuates a hood, thus cutting off tho wntor from tho nozzlo when tho wheel tends to revolve too rapidly, bringing tho un Jt down to normal speed. Resides the automatic control, thcro Is n huud nt the rogulnr nnnunl municipal elec tion of said city to bo hold Tuesday, tho fifth day of Decombor. 1911. Dated this 9th day of Novomner, 1911. JOHN W. ni'TLER, Rocordor of tho City of Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Orogon. First Class Auto Service When you wnnt to go nnywhoro In n burr) Try FOOTE'S AUTOS. Rost rates in tho city. I1EST CARS. Rest drlvors. Phono CC-J until 11 p. m., nftor 11 p.m. phono 5-J. Resi dence phono 2S-J. City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drlvors and reasonnblo chnrges. Our motto: "Will go nnywhoro nt nny tlmo." Stnnds Blanco Hotel nnd Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 4G. Night Phono 4C. DARKER GOODALE, Proprietors. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J WANTED!!! CARPETS' UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pnouma tlo Cleaning Company. Orders for work tnkon at GOING & HARVEY PHONE 100 A now stock of tho latest in the MAZDA LAMPS Send in Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J n r nimn 71 . . UCU f ,Jeas- fhohvoBome Inventive ability D. L, FOOTE, Proprietor. 1 MCN PSri'cVSt:i1ir.,21Slri,.t& When you hnvo n bnd cold you want tho best medicine obtainable so as to euro It with as llttlo delay as possible. Horo is a druggist's opin ion: "I havo sold Chamberlalu's Cough Remedy for flfteon years," says Enos Lollar of Saratoga, Ind., "nnd consider it the best on tho market." For sale by all dealers. eventually for these reasons: It is economical. It is safe. It is clean. It is convenient. Consumption of gas starts, when yon start cooking and ceases when you aro through. There is no dangerous oil to handle, nor danger of an overheated coal or wood stove. There is no wood or coal to carry in, nor ashes to carry out. By the striking of a match you aro ready to prepare i light repast or the most elaborate dinner. Let our 2sTew Business Representatives tell you of our gas range proposition. Telephone 178 or call. OREGON POWER. CO. --j-waaLTasa