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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1911)
THE REPUTATION OF BEING UNLUCKY IS THE SUREST PATENT Of FAILURf . t.min "CnmnnliSn" Of (Ham WS AIVJ3"T1SIXG In Tho l'IMKS ill Keep tlio Income f nun Your I'lirnMied Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really help tho fnmily rovonuos by renting a few furnished rooms and, If you know how and when to ubo the classified columns, you may keep thnt llttlo extra lncomo as "ftently ns a clock." m"T ADVERTISING in The TIMES iv II Put Your Ileal K1I1U0 "In .... xl...lrnl. Ef fCCtlVuljl mmt& ,! w'm put tho fnctB about your nnorty beforo tho eyes or nil "pos- property Kmo buyers" . In town. Aim u om who ought to hero's ouo of tnoi Kit, you'll sell Itl member of associated i-ma Established in 1878 nn'Tlio Const Mall VOL XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1911 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Time. Const Mail and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 100 fflVMER CD1ITTEE 1 FAVOR OF BIITIK OLD' PUNT Want to Secure It Lowest Possible Figure But Shy at $160,000 Offer. NOLAN ASKS FOB $10,000 ON DEAL Claude Nasburg Reputed to Be Getting $5,000 Commis sionLong Discussion. After considering vnrloiiB phnsos of the waterworks situation, the Joint water commltteo of tho MnrshlleM and North llond city councils Inat' night decided to report hack to tho respective bodies Hint tho cities ac quire the present wnter system nt tho lowest possible cost. This action was taken following u consideration of tho offer made by Mews. Nolan nnd .Inckson to turn over tho property for $100,000. Tho councllmon present shied at this, u number of them declaring thnt It was too much. They figured out a rough estimate on tho property nnd could not see how tho vnluo could exceed about $1 10,000, oven ut tho iiiobI lib eral terms any of tho councllmon stig Kcstcd on any parts of tho property Included In tho offer. I lmns further ngreed that tho boat lMn for handling a municipal wntor system for tho two cltlcfl would bo for North Head to own and mnnago the distribution system In North llond and buy tho water supply from Mara " field at a motor rate, Mnrshllold to handle Its own distributing system and own and mnnago tho source of supply. This wns ngrccd to nftur the council had rccolved a written opinion by City Attorney Goss on tho proposition of having tho two cities unite In n Joint bond Ishuo for tho municipal system. Mr. Goss snld that tho present chnrtors of tho two cities would not permit either to own or operate a system In tho other, that n Joint bond Issuo by tho two cit ies for It would bo looked upon with askance by bond housos. Even if tho charters woro amended to over eomo this dlfllculty, Mr. Goss thought that bond buyers would opposo this class of bonds. Ho snld thnt to nr ranjo for any Joint ownership would be extienielv dllllcult nnd even then It It might bo cnrrled through, tho bond houses would probably domnnd a higher rnto of Interest on tho boiV's than usual. After henrlng this, L. J. Simpson lURRCsted thnt It seemed to him tho practical wny would bo for North Itend to buy and own Its distributing system, Improve nnd mnnngo It, nnd for Marshfleld to hnndlo Its own dis tributing system, ncqulro tho sourco or supply nnd sell wntor to North Bend at tho city limits. Mr. Goss said thnt this plnn could bo worked cat all rlslit, ' Dr. Ilartlo snld thnt City Attorney Mullen of North llond who lind look ed up tho question of a Joint bond Is-' sue had reported similarly to tho op inion rendered by Mr. Goss. Clear UUv Too Costly Now Counellmnn Copplo. Mayor Stmp on and others figured thnt probably be Clear I.nko systom would bo too ttpenslvn for tho cities to undortnko to hamllo Just now. Thoy regnrdod that as feaslblo for tho futuro when too growth of tho cities and demand 'arrant It. Mr. Copplo snld In his opinion there woro only two things for tho "ties to consldor now. Ono, ho said, Ts to buy tho present system If It wuld bo acquired at n rensonnblo Price ami imnrnvn t. Thn other was to refuse to grant any further frnn- thlses or extension to nnyono but to, "wuieuca ieKni ncnon to rorco wiu company to furnish sumciont wntor d pure wnter under Its presont ranchlse. Further, ho thought that. Je Oregon Rnllrond Commission I noma be appealed to nnd should e action against the company un r the recontly enacted law requlr- '"S Water cnmn.inlna ntwl nMmr nnlilln unities to furnish ndequnto service t l y Attrney Goss said thnt owing iuo mw m question having been re r,,. i ennctfl. It had not been tried ' In courts and thnt consequently " as i not cortaln whether It would upheld. Ho said that It appnr n.,savo tho commission full auth "ty to hnndlo tho situation. .Uncllman AlbrecUf called ntton tw. tho fnct that u Present fran .' !? calls for seventy-flvo pounds ti,I,.re "n Front streot, Ho said cord ,,?ro 'lepartment had kept re-j ;."' u,e pressure for two montiis 'aid if Vi ' '""' pounas. tie to . ;!10 Pressure had been any lree7 l2e Umo ' tho Ferndalo hxl I flre' thoso buildings could ot thinVave(1- Ho mM ''0 did bond Im, !"e peop, wou,d ba,k on a '"ate w . KUl "l,re water ana au- that rj. '. i""ieciion. tie said Bedford when It had only 5,000 HEY EASIER: 10 W. D. Fenton Says Southern Pacific Will Rush Coos Bay and Other Extensions. The Salem Journnl hns tho follow ing intorvlow with W. D. Fonton, chief counsol for tho Southern Pnclflc compnny In Oregon: Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. D. Fenton of I'ortlnnd, were on the train returning from an extend ed visit to tho old homo scones In Kentucky, Virginia and Missouri. In cidentally Mr. Fenton, ns chief coun sel on tho Pnclflc const, under Wm. F. Hcrrln of tho Southern Pacific properties, appeared in tho U. S. su premo court, nnd mndo nn nrgument. "Ho says tho flnnnclnl conditions In the east are growing bettor. Mon ey Is easier to got for railroad work, and ho lins orders to piiBh tho con struction of tho Eugene fc Klnmnth Falls and Coos liny lines. Thnt work will all bo under contrnct early next year." Mr. Fenton says tho presidency of tho United Stntes lies between Har mon nnd Tnft. The Southern Pnclflc properties will bo developed to meet tho needs of tho pcoplo under tho enroful hnndllng of iuqii llko President Sproulo, Vice-president McCormlrk nnd Genornl Mnnnger Calvin. Wo nro ready to expand nnd occupy ter ritory nnd develop our system, nnd will do our part In building up any community or Industry. Thnt Is tho now spirit, nnd I am suro It animates tho heads of tho corporation I repre sent. Wo will try to mnko our poli cies tho policies of tho pooplo, If wo find 'nut whnt tho pcoplo wnnt nnd out of thnt will come tho maximum of prosperity for both. I am de lighted to he back In Oregon, and so Is Mrs. Fenton." populntlnn hnd bonded itself for $500,000 to securo wnter. Edgnr MeDnnlels snld thnt Engi neer Itichnrdson hnd informed him thnt tho present plumbing on Coos liny would not stand soventy-flvo pounds pressure. Offer from Nolan. Tho following Is tho text of T. J. Nolan's offor to sell tho present plant to the two cities: "Pursuant to your request, I here with submit n summary of tho prop erty connected with tho plnnt of tho Coos nny Water compnny. mention ed In our conversation this morning. "1. Tho entlro pumping plnnt, reservoirs, nnd distribution system, located In "Marshfleld nnd Nor).h llond; "2. Sovonty-ono ncrcs of lnnd on ivtiioii nm nltunted tho nresent re servoirs nnd pumping plant of tho company, an arcurnto description of which will bo furnished: "3. All mineral rights connected with tho nbovo promises Inclndlng tho coal mlno which hns long boon successfully operated by tho com pany; "4. All of tho timber standing on said acreage; "5. All tho wnter rights of tho compnny on Pony Creek which cover tho ontlro wntor shed to tldo water; "C. Lots 1, 2 and 3 In Block 45, North llond; "7. Lots 1 nnd 4, Block 43, uen nott'a Addition .to Mnrshflold: "R AH tlin rlehts under the pro- sent Mnrshflold frnnchlso, tho unex pired term of which Is' seventeen yonrs; "0. A porpotual wnter frnnchlso In North Bend. This Includes nil of tho property, and every right which I ncqulro from tho C003 Bay Water comnnnv. Speaking for myself and my asso ciates, as I Jtated to you, It is not my dosiro to purchase una operate this plant In opposition to n determi nation on the part of tho people of Mnrshflold. that it Is best for them to own and ojnrote tholr wnter plant and it is because of this that I am willing to put the cltv in possession nt nil nf mv rlchts. In this event, I should receive, of course, tho consi deration which I am to pay tho pre sent owners, to-wit: Ono hundred nnd fifty thousand dollars and ton thousand dollars to cover tho cost of expertlng nnd financing my deal with tho owners, nnd In case tho city de cides not to incur so lnrgo nn indeb tedness ns is required for this pur chnso nnd to mnko tho Improvements (Continued on page 8.) W LORD SHALTD DEIS HE IS DEAD Seattle Man Says That New York Suicide Was An Im postor But Gotham Coroner Doubts It. (By Associated Press to the C003 Hay Times) SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 9. Lord Sholto Douglas Is In Scnttlo perfect ly well. Ho read in the papers that a body of n Now York sulcldo was Identified as his, but decided not to contradict tho report. Sholto is con ducting a small cigar business in Scnttlo under his own nnmc, but BpjB- 1. iiyoAd,.iqtorloty. PORTLAND HAS Rose City Experiences First of "The Beautiful" This Year Weather Cold. SNOWING AT MAUD'S. Advises received hero this 4 4 nftcrnoon from Llnrd's about 4 mid-way botweon Hoscbitrg nnd Mnrshflold on tho old Coos Bny 4 wngon road, aro that It has been 4 4 snowing hnrd all day there and 4 4 In tho mountains beyond. 4 4 North Coos Illvor ranchers 4 4 today woro expressing fenrs of 4 4 n sovoro frcshot, owing to tho 4 4 continuous heavy rain. 4 4 .4 44444444444444 (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bny Times.) i PORTLAND, Ore, Nov. 9. Tho first snow of tho season foil hero last evening following n cold wnvo. It was tho earliest snow In years. Owing to tho continued cold, more Is expected. Passengers on Breakwater 1 Suffer Seasickness on Account of Storm. After n rather rough trip down tho coast which caused practically nil of tho pnssengors to suffer from sen slcknoss, tho Breakwntor nrrlvod In enrly today. Tho weather wns stormy whon they loft Portlnnd nnd wns rnther so'voro off tho const. Tho Bronkwntor will snll nt 1 o'clock Snturdny afternoon for Port lnnd. Among thoso arriving on tho Breakwater today wero tho follow ing: E. W Tnrnow, Mrs. Tarnow, Su slo Tnrnow, J. M. Doughcr, E. D. Clark, C. II. Roberts, A. J. Drows, Mrs. Drows, Mrs. G. Stownrt, Miss II. Stownrt, S. Bohon, Lizzie Bohen, K. Z Colo, Mrs. Colo, Mrs. G. Mnndl go, Mrs. B. M. Bnrrow, J. II. Chand ler, F. W. Paris, Wm. Tnrnow, S. J. Bauer, E. Tuning, R. J. Peterson, C. V Honry, Lillian Leach, Mrs. J. Machot, Lena Llllobo, C. W, Boyer, Miss Rao Earl, Mrs. May Paxton, Mrs. E. C. Richmond, G. E. Snnborg, A. L. Cornoll, J. M. Bnrry, Mrs. C. T. Lockwood, Chas Jonsen, T. Howe, Roslo Fleetwood, Miss C. Mcintosh, Mrs. Davis. Bert Holland, Mrs. T. D. Hollnnd, Mrs. Thos. Curtis, Mrs. Hugh McLaln, J. Gullono, W. S. Tur pon, II. M. Espy, F. II Storoy, Thos. Curtis. Chas. Wallace, John Miller, J. J. McCamon, W. J. Anderson. J. Hathaway. J. Macklo, R. W. Wall, E. II. Jefforson, A. McCulloch, C Marsh, Sirs. J. Hathaway, W. Mea lier, F. Morroll, Jos. Damour, A. Glt hlns, Chas. Johnson, M. Stnmcovlch, Isaac Forsman, G. Toolemor, Mrs. E. A. Beyer and II J. Miller. II. T. McKENZIK, representing tho REMINGTON TYPEWRITER Co., arrived Wednesday to mako a TWO WEEKS' STAY horo nnd will havo headquarters at Tho CHANDLER. Mr. McKonzio is an old timo TYPE WRITER MAN and has been making this section for sometime and says ho believes It i'ns a great future. w 1 H G DOUBTS SEATTLE STORY Now York Coroner TIiIiiIch Suicide Brother of Marquis of Quconsberry (By A8soclnted Press to Coos Bny Times.) NEW YOUIC, Nov. 0 Coroner Fclubcrg Is still unconvinced thnt the man who committed sulcldo In tho hotel Astor Monday Is not Lord Shol to Douglas, a brother of tho Marquis of Queonsberry. Ho notified tho British Consulate today that tho evi dence shows "Douglns" nnd "Maur ice Stunrt" woro tho snmo. A largo dragon tattooed on tho sulcldo's left nrm Is expected to help salvo tho mys tery. The assistant mnnnger of tho hotel today said ho had rccolved In formation thnt the sulcldo was a brother of an English nobleman oth er tbnn tho Mnrquls of Quccnsberry. INDIANS GET Northern Pacific Loses Noted Yakima Reservation Case Mt. Adams Included. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 9. Pat ents for 295,000 ncrcs Ynkimn ln dlnn reserve land valued nt approxi mately three million dollars, not in cluded In tho present boundary of reserve, which wero erroneously granted to tho Northorn Pacific have been cancelled by tho United States circuit court of appcalB. All fit this land will go to tho Indians. As en larged by tho decision, tho now boundaries of tho Yaklmn Indlnn ro servo will Include Mount Adams. California Promoter Who Was Caught In Oregon After Sen sational Escape Is For mally Accused. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Nov 9. Dr. 'John Grnnt Lyman, a promoter, now I in prison nt San Francisco, nttor a I spectacular escape and flight from ! Alameda and enpturo In Klamath Falls, Oregon, was Indicted by tho federal grand Jury hero todny on tho chnrgo of using tho mnlls to dofmud. His ball was fixed nt twenty-flvo thousnnd dollnrs. RATE CASE IS I Interstate Commerce Commis i sion Order In Spokane Ac tion Suspended by Com merce Court. By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny Times) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 9. Tho Commorco Court today granted a temporary injunction suspending tho orders of the Intorstato Com morco Commission in tho Sppknno rate cases until tho court can roview the decision on its merits. 4 4 4 4 4 4.4 444444444 4 NO KISSES; SEEKS DIVORCE 4 4 4 Indiana WIfo Declares Husband 4 4 Has Not Shown Affection In 4 4 Thirteen Years. 4 4 EVANSVILLE, Ind., Nov. 7. 4 4 Alleging that ho had not kiss- 4 4 ed her for thirteen years, Mrs. 4 4 Andrew Kouber sued hor hus- 4 4 band for divorce. Sho stated 4 4 that a husband who does not 4 4 kiss his wlfo in thirteen years 4 4 deserves to havo none. 4 4444444444444444 DR. J. G. LYMAN IS INDICTED ALL HOPE FOR 1NCH0 DYNASTY GIVEN UP BY LEGATIONS NOW CHINA REBELS LOSE HEAVILY Over 1,000 Killed and Wound ed In Futile Effort to Capture Nanking Stronghold. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) NANKING, Nov. 0 Mnnchus nnd revolutionists rested tholr arms today The Loyal troops still hold Ptirplo motintnln, tho city's stronghold. Tho bcsclgors nro awaiting ammunition from Shanghai. In yesterday's fighting, tho rebels lost ono thous nnd killed nnd youndod. The Mnn chus aro Btrongly entrenched. To- ward night tho invaders ran short of nininiinltlon. The revolutionists far outnumber tho Imperialists and nro bolng rapidly reinforced. To dny they totnllcd approximately 25,- 000. Tho opposition to them con sists of about six thousand MnncliUB. All foreigners nro safe. THREE FATALLY SHOT Twelve-Year-Old Oklahoma Boy Playing With Gun Causes Awful Tragedy. By Associated Press (o tho Cuo Day Times) NOWATA, Okla., Nov. 9. Frod. Stannnrd, twolvo years old, was piny-, Ing with n shot gun In tho presence of three llttlo grll companions yes terday nenr hero whon suddenly It wns discharged. Borglo Nicholas nnd Mndgo Stovons woro killed nnd Edith Fisher fatally Injured. Additional Talesmen Secured For Noted Los Angeles Trial Today. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Nov. 9 Two more talesmen woro nccopted ns to cause In tho McNnmnra enso todny. Thoy aro K. B. Sexton, a renl estnto deal er, nnd Clnrk McLaln, a banker. Howard E. Sweeting, n hotel mana ger, was excused because oT his op position to convict In capital cases on circumstantial evidence ADD READ REPOR Lord Sholto Is said to havo said: "I havo not tho slightest idea who tho Now York sulcldo is, but undoubt edly ono ot tho numerous men who havo Impersonated mo nnd causod mo ondlcss worry. Onco I wasnrrestcd in Portland, Malno, and held In Jail four days for n crime committed by ono of my impersonators, beforo I could provo my identity. A swind ler was married under my namo nnd title. I havo always shrunk from notorloty, nnd havo not had my phot ograph taken In 10 years." Shol to was greatly distressed by tho Now York accident, and hoped his mother in England had not heard of It, nnd ho vowed ho would closo his llttlo cigar storo and grocery nt onco and bo In Chlcngo in ten days. 444444444444444 4 BIDS ALL IN FOR 4 4 EUGENE-COOS II Y. 4 4 4 4 SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 4 4 9 Today was tho last day for 4 4 tho submission of bids for tho 4 4 contract for building tho propos- 4 4 ed now branch of tho Southorn 4 4 Pnclflc rnllrond from tho main 4 4 lino nt Eugono, Oregon, to Coos 4 4 Bny. Offlclnls of tho company 4 4 horo said that probably sovoral 4 weeks would elapso before tho 4 4 awarding of tho contract. 4 4444444444444444 TWO HE IN J lliRA CASE Foreign Representatives In Pekin Believe That Revolu tion Is Success. EXCITEMENT IS GROWING IN CHINESE CAPITAL Canton Renounces Manchu Rule and Flies Rebel Flag Today Much Fighting. By Assoclntod Press to tho Coos nv Times.) HONGKONG, Chlnn, Nov. 9 Can ton, tho cnpltnl of Kwnng Tung pro- JaS if ml tlM !nrBOflt clt' ,n China, formally proclaimed its Indopondoiico today whon tho dragon flag lowered, nnd n snluto of honor to tho now gov ernment wns fired. (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) ' PEKIN, Nov. 9 (8:45 P. M.) Excitement Is growing tonight nmt residents of tho forbidden city aro Ship8.'." BroBl ""nntltlcB ot r' nod. n ! hTY1 cnv.n,ry of tho Manchu first d vision who also fled from Shi General Wu Hi Chang, nrrlvod horo today nnd entered tho city. Tho tZC ?,n '?Bnt'0"8, consider all hopo for tho Manchu dynasty has vnnish- KIMi REBEL LEADERS Jealousy nnd Rivalry ids to Don- n . . "l0 Awlnntloii. (By Associated Proas to tho Coos Bar Times) Nov n GS"A, I'rovlnco of Hunnn, v',.? Tho two '"oat promlnont 28" GenoVn0.11""'"8' G0n0rnl Ohta hi fill m Tso."K' woro '"tmlorod 0 tho soIdlorH todny. Thoy havo been very Jcnlous of onch other nniT tho quarrel wns tnkon up by their followors. A condition bordorins " ; " i iiero owing to the) rivalry of tho revolutionary loaders. REBELS TAKE VU CHOW IiuperlnlhistH LoM hnpnrfniit Polnft In Southern China (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) AMOY, Nov. 9 Tho city of Fit Chow Is today in tho hands of tho revolutionists, who hnvo wipod out tho ontlro Manchu district. Tho for eign sottlomontB woro not disturbed. Fu Chow Is ono of tho "most Import ant cities in South China. ALBANY AT AMOY lT. S. Cruiser Benches Siemfof Latest Trouble in China. By Assoclatod Press to tnu Coos Jlay Tim os.) AMOY, China, Nov. 9 Atnorlcan cruiser Albnny arrived horo today with tho Japanoso destroyer . .MAY TAKE TIEN TSI.V Report That ReheN May Seizo Largo City Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times. LONDON, Nov. 9 A dispatch from Tlon Tsln says that revolution ary manifestos nnuounco Tlon Tain will bo solzod todny. QUIT IN PEKIN. LONDON. Nov. 9 Tho latest ad vices from Pokln says that tho situa tion thoro Is qulot. WANT SAME PRIVILEGE Norway and Sweden Protest Against) Pulp and Paper Tarllf (By Assoclntod Piohh to 1'oos Hay Times 1 WASHINGTON, D. C. Nov. 9 Norway nnd Sweden, through tholr diplomatic representatives horo, havo requested tho United Stntes to grnnt to thorn, under tho favored nations' clauso of their treaties, tho samo priv ileges that nro given to Canndn by section two of tho reciprocity ngreo niont, by which wood pulp nnd print papor aro admitted freo of duty into the United States. Sovoral othor countries, Including Gormnny, It is bollovod. hnvo asked for tho samo privileges from tho Uni ted States 4 ABSOLUTE LIFE MAN 4 IS SENT TO PRISON 4 4 (ny Assoclnted Press,) 4 4 CHICAGO, 111.. Nov 9. 4 Evolyn Arthur Seo. founder of 4 4 tho "Absoluto Life" cult, who 4 4 was convicted of contributing to 4 tho delinquency of Mildred 4 4 Bridges, in Juvonllo court, to- 4 4 day was sentenced to prison for 4 4 ono to five yonrs, 4 ' ' - vTifffhiinAirsWi m iiHiiil -..u..u.