The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 08, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 6, Image 6

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Absolutely Puro
Economizes Butter, Flour,
Egas; makes the tood more
appetizing and wholesome
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream oi Tartar
Man From Coos Bay Does Not J. W. Bennett's Clients to De-
Remember Mother Whom
He Meets at Eugene.
EUGENE, Ore, Nov. S In the ap-
Marsh South of Knob Hill and
West to Sixth Street to Be
Improved Next Spring.
when alio told him that he was her
own child.
"I nm n logger," ho said. "My
name Is George Lewis and I am going
to n sawmill where I can work."
Mrs. Lelberg Is a practicing physi
cian, living 50 miles up the McKcnzlo
Itlvor from this city. She and' her
son are stntylng at n Eugene hotel.
Tho young man was brought hero af
ter ho had lied from the home of his
mother when sho questioned him nnd
vainly tried to impress upon him that
hn wns Ilcrnnril Mnrvln. hop nnn liv .i
crty owners get the fill nt absoluto former marriage,
cost. This was finally agreed to. I Dual personality Is tho only ex
In order to make tho fill and ar-' planatlon tho unhappy mother can
range for draining it, City Engineer give for the strango lapse of her sou.
GUI ley was Instructed to ask pcrmls- Since his graduation from collnjo sho
slon of the United States War De- has seen him but llttlo, but sho bo
partment to use Mill Slough as n lleved that ho was employed In Port
spillway. Ho will tako tho matter land until ho camo to her door and
through Engineer Lcefo. Tho work , ui"wiuu luiupurury wore,
ilCMUIIS l'U7.ZIO .iiouier.
Tho case Is a strange parallel to
riniiv fur It I uuu ol ' unnnuior uogors, wno nas
This followed a rather lengthy dlB- b"n '" " re,n" Io. h8 P""1 for !ovcral
cusslon of the fill projects during' wrk9 Tf ini& TJSu t"10"
which Mayor Straw expressed Irrltn- " ,."" ,b"? '" ??"? . ;
t,?.10rr(i!l0 Clt"? ,,mVlnB V0tMr accident thnimay hnvo happened to
with tho nil now bolng mndo In tho hlm ln mhch ,l8 mind wng '
t,.ii...i .. ..i- ,., ..t I... iuri riuui ouuui owuuii, jiu im "Ynn nrn Ilornnril Mni-v n mv hnv"
the Mnrshfleld city council last eve-, j'nt ptb lJlZlZfit 5?.,d Mrs LolbcrB wIien. 8ho Bnw hln'
nine for considerably enlarging tho lno P.ort Cominl88,on nnd said that Tho young man remained obdurato
d strict .In the "saw dust Sat" to bo nf,cr " wnB um,or wn tho Port Com" nnd declared that ho was not an en-
fl led by tho drSIe Oregon who! m'B8lon KOt ml?C(1 ,n U nnd bu,,t nn ,glncor but n Ioser and that ho did
Market aven o and I Intersect ng n,,,,ltlonI bulkhead. I not remember back many months,
s ?cets are mod City Engineer aid- 0w,n t0 pr,vat0 Property having but that ho thought that his mother
lvf.nrmK bCCn flllCU" tll0r aB WCl1 "B th WOttd.
ley reported that there was about 80,- ,,.. ,. ,,, f,ftfrnvnt, Mrs. Lolhnrir nriMimi with tt.n ,,,
vnnia rt tlt fi lS tnunti niif In -" - jn-w ua.o ... T. " "" v. !
jitiuo ui " w "v v . Yn nvttnnon tnmn nt Mnvnt QtriM
fray Costs Myrtle Point
Port Causes Stir.
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney L. A. i
pennuice 01 ner boh, uimempi aim LUjeqvlst 0f Coaulllo announces that
unshaven nnd with the cool gaze of ., , .. . . . ,. ., .. i
a stranger ns ho knocked at her door tho cnso of tho stflto r 0ros" xs,i
and nsker for work a few days ago, 'the members of tho Coos Day Port,
.Mrs. C. E. Lelberg Is convinced that nommlssinn. which wns decided ln '
tho young man who graduated ns a ,,. , , ,,. .. tnw
civil engineer nt tho University of fnvor of tho l ort Commission n few
California n few years ago, has lo&t ' months ago, has been appealed to tho
his Identity. No : gn of recollection Oregon Supremo court. Tho cnso nt
could tho mother draw from hor sou tncks tho validity of the Port of Coos
through Engineer Lcefo. Tho work,
cannot bo done beforo next March,
but It Is desired to havo everything'
fill it . . .... .. rit li lit liA fltin flu It nsn ttin n n.l .
&1!,! IIS said llint ho thought tho property way. Sho Is cpsltlvo that sho is
kct avenue nnd tho intersecting ... . '..' not m stn ion in tho i.inmitv nt i.m
A a . mv iii-i h iii i in; i l i.iiiuiii inn i ii ii
streets win require only nuout ik.uuu -,:;--,. ... son. with imp hiishnnii. hn iu mp.
7f.rdi.nd tho abutting property B"0Vtho same land w hit vln's 8tepfathe7, sho attempted to Vol-
about tho same amount, there would nn in'us I had aRrced I to .tako It tin ,ow tho man nn(I ,n(,uco h,m re-
bo 40.000 or G0.000 yards that could "r-. lnJ"B .""' ', Km, p, nL L !. turn.
be used to nil additional area. Ho lnhnc 'Himlnv Commie- e WM B(jcn R Umo or tWQ n
recommended that tho area aouth of " "r" ."" " , , ,,. ,., Springfield but disappeared beforo ho
Knob Hill bo Included ns far west as
Sixth street and south to Mill Slough
.! LJ ....I";' .". i " .V t".;'"" .'.. could be found. After somo tlmo of-
..v.11.- i'ivdviiivii iiu wiwiiiiiu uu flPnrB pn. wnr,i !. i, ... i ir,.
It will bo filled llvo or six feet higher J;""'" lnJ',,tl1,?1mI" '""u'.! ,.tb?,,I ". nd ero they found him, buck-
thnn tho marsh now Is. This wm "'"'"- a""v mh -n '7 Ing lumber In tho yards of tho Booth
agreed to and Messrs. Latt.n and Z f Z, Z Kolljr ml I.
: , , .---.----, -. ,,,,-. v,u v.if(in liny.
port commission to rolmburso tho n0 nmount of questioning enn
city- nrotiso a spnrk of recollection In his
councilman rowers snui tnnt act- mind. Ho donles thnt ho has over
Lawhorno wcro selected to mnka ar-
rongomontB with tho proporty own
ers to dofrny tho nctunl cost of tho
lni,itrit!itiintit ii'lilnli 11.III nfilv linn four
cfliits nor vnrrt Owlnc to tho nron- ,nB " '""ructions from the council been tp college denies that he Is n
ort! bolnir nllcd as well as tho BtreetB ,10 hntI n'""orlzcJ tho work and stood 'civil engineer nnd maintains firmly
fwitvrnrn Ho declared that that he Is a logger. Ho said ho
tho city cannot do it through regular ,, ,,, .... . . ,.,.. .,,., .ri,i f- ..mi. . ... ....
I IIIU VIIJ UI IU i VIJIIIIlllDdlUII llltl iw.iv4 IUI II nilliuiiv LUU9 IJIiy. IIIUII
Day commission nnd was Instituted
by tho state In order to settle a ques
tion ns to the meaning of tho Port
Lnw, raised by the Oregon Supremo
Court when thnt body passed on nn
othor port cnso a year ago.
Gov. West announced thnt tho cnso
would not bo appealed unless somo
one besides tho stnto boro the expense
of tho appeal, It Is said. Then J. W.
Bennett came ln nnd agreed that his
clients would bear the expense of tho
nppcnl of the case and acting on this,
Prosecuting Attorney Brown, nnd De
puty Prosecuting Attorney Llljeqvlstj
arranged to nppcnl It and hnvo tho i
supreme court pnss on the question.
Mr. Llljeqvlst stntod yesterday that
he would endeavor to secure action
In tho supremo court nt tho earliest
possible time. Until tho case Is de
cided In tho supremo court, It Is like
ly thnt It will holdup tho proposed
salo of bonds by tho Port Commis
sion to raise funds for tho Improve
ment of tho harbor nnd Inlets.
Coqiilllc Port Ciim.
Mr. Llljeqvlst also has another
port cnso on his hands now, tho ap
plication of tho Myrtlo Point resi
dents for a special election to organ
ize n port there having been roforrcd
to him. Tho proposed Myrtlo Point
port takes In a Inrgo section of tho
county, practically nil tho southeast
ern corner, extending north to tho
boundary of tho Port of Coos Bay nnd
west to within n short distance of tho
city of Coqulllc.
Residents of Coqulllo nnd Bnndon
declare that tho action of Myrtlo
Point Is to thwart tho proposed plan
to form n port embracing the cntlro
Coqulllo vnlloy to lmprovo tho river
nnd hnrhor. If the proposed Myrtlo
Point port Is organized, It will hnvo
n comparatively small section of tho
waterway to lmprovo nnd will pre
vent tho proporty ln thnt vicinity be
ing tnxed for the Improvement of tho
lower Coqulllo river. Feeling Is snld
to bo running high In the valley over
Better Than the Usual Clothes
Lower Than the Ordinary Prices
Men's Suite
Tho highest type of clothes
are hero for your Inspection.
Largest Assortment In
Coos county. We want your
Clothing Business. Our
Low Cash Prices merit your
BenJmJn Othes.
"Money Talks"
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co,
Southern Pacific Spends Over
$200,000 Yearly In Sierra
Nevada Mountains.
nBscRsmcntR nnd henco prlvato con
tracts will hnvo to bo mndo for It
Dr. MlngiiH suggested thnt tho
not pay tho bill, amounting to nbout hnl come across to Iloseburg, thon
$191 up to the first of Octobor, ho rto Eugene, nnd had gono up the
, .ui.'M.'iiiu river, luumiig lur wont ni
.. ......h..n nhhv... I. i.. pcr80nny W0Hl(1 ,mv Ut ..Mczonzlo river, lo
!k J .7:. '' lJ i"!?!1. Flnallar It was agreed that tho city , the logging camps.
nnd allow him to tako tho contract
okmii.i ...... i. i.i.n. i. in,, n .i o-.n Hovoil(l h fftv iiinnMia linrlr. hn
ir J1"' n.'Rl"JL "'", 'lr,!!f.r'.y Commissioner Lawhorno and Engln- man', memory Is n blank. When
eer Gldloy wore Instructed to collect i"--"y i wuqui ovenis occurring uo-
it bnck from tho proporty owners. fro hnt tlnl0f' ho ?" ho c,nnt re-
Arthur McKeown stntod that from ,cn bor- ?lr.B' I;?,b.0K hns .c..,no
ii-iiinu riiuii .1 i.wi .....o i ....... ... .. ,, ,nVn ,.,. nf ,,. i iiiu vuiiL-iuBiuii una inn conuuion
pay moro than tho nbsoluto cost of .,,,. nn(1 .lurinu Mm niiim" nf rton ls Ul re8llIt of n b,ow " tno ,10n(1i
making tho nil. Mayor Straw want- 'c' ndd t o i f thov would i?ov tho w,lJl?h .,,U8 CBU,ed n ln,,so of ,nemor'-ed-to
turn it over to Lnttln or somo- l?, ? i,L "l..' . "i"L n.L !..? Piecing togethor scrnps of knowl-
.T'.im .1 . ' " 0,1K tno ,10I' or IlBcovorlug tho
nL'mV1? fl,cnM n ,0 ' cause, sho has recalled a newspaper
for benefits to their property from tho story several month's ago, tolling of
i c-.-.,.-.. -.., ... .. Jn" n"nu" u',0 . y"B engineer
nut hlniBolf out to nld tho "saw-dust ,":..'. .,"?"" . nv" -"' near iiiusuoro uy two men. Sho docs
flat" peoplo as they had nlways "" '. , .. ;vm"" nn "t romember the story distinctly,
charged hlm double prlco for any- tr?"bl ,n co lcc,," fro,n tho ,rP- b,,t Bl, "linkn it possible that It may
fhlnc o secure from them I o ,rly ?wno,B ,ft,onB orth Front ircet bo a clow- s" thinks thnt the man
&, l. wo " .V l r !?,i t in? for as nil realized that It ho struck hor son wns named Geo.
iftitin op Roiiieono nlso mnito n nrn. wnB n U1K "0I10llt "" thnt they wero A. i.owis. nnd thnt tho namo hns rc
m on Mm nil n KttlnK ll cbcn', " 8nl'1 that ho nmlnod with hlm.
iinwnvnp riiiii'iPiimoii Powora Pf.n. ll,,,,,,t th,nk u wns n oxpenso thnt' Both Marvin nnd his mother are at
nlo a d ho o 1 eVr o .Id ot sm O,tl,or tbo c,ty or tbo "ort co"'8" ? h!eI l tn,f C,ty' U ls Mr8' l1'
Pi0 "J" 1.,, ,.,'"f L'l ".?' VttI ' slon should boar but thnt tho neonlo bers Intention to consult n brain
who received tho bonoflts should pay Pocliuist nbout hor son's condition,
for It. . hoping thnt his caso is similnr to that
owners ton conts per yard or what
over ho could got. Councilman Pow
ers objected to this ns ho declared
that tho peoplo should not hnvo to
ono clso so thnt tho city would not
bo bothered with It. Ho snld that ho
was tlrod of working for nothing nnd
nnywny ho didn't seo why ho should
The Itouinutlc ltomiiiicc of
the ItnvWilugly llcniitlful
Indian .Maiden With u
.'nm Thnt Lilts IJko
Ijiiiglilng Wiitei"!.
Thlrty-fivo miles of biiow bIiciIs over
the summit of tho Slcrrn Nevada
mountains costing an average of
$203, C15 each year to malntnln nnd
to protect from fires, Is tho record
shown from n recent compilation of
tho operating expenses of this Im
portant part of tho Southern Pacific
lines. Tho average of $203,G1D wns
reached by tho usu of tho operating
expenses for tho years 1907, 190S,
1!)0 and 1910.
On account of fires ln tho snow
sheds tho annual oxpenBo Is placed
nt $10,505. Renewals on nccouut of
wenr nro placed nt n llttlo moro thnn
$07,000. Tho rcpnlrs to tho snow
sheds cost nn nvcrngo of moro thnn
$40,000 annually. They will bo
much heavier this year on account of
the heavy storms of last winter. Pn
trollng nnd watching tho sheds cost
$25,000 annually, nnd $2-1,000 is sot
ngnlnst tho Item of firo trnlus.
Tho Southern Pnclflc mnlntnlns
one of tho most comploto firo organ-
Kdltor Times' 'iznuons in existence- ior tno proiec-
What! Don't know who Mllllcoinn ltl0" of theso sheds. Throughout tho
wns? Well, as I was there I'll tell c1ntlro, thlrtyflvo miles the Gnmowell
you., Mllllcoinn was a "b'autiful In-l"1'0 n,,nm systom has boon Installed,
dlan maiden." dnughtor of a hyns'"" "n box bolng placed at dls
tyeo. bosom friend of Pocnhontns nnd nuv0B n "ttlo moro than a mllo apart
a first cousin of Ho Ho Chuck. Her tvm 0" "1 ,ot the sheds to tho
friends cnlled her "Mllly". Just why C)tlu,r: ,,,t class lire stations with
thoy called her "Mllly" I don't know.!00'"1'10'0 ,,ro "Klitlng nppnratus nro
but I suspect it wns hecaiiFO of tho '"" ""'"", " u," wi irucKeo
everlasting grind In tho pusrult of""'1 Summit, nnd at tho first lntlmn
cnnins. tlon f u firo theso stations nro no-
When the n erlm intlinra '"" i"iouKii uiu uiiirin Byaioni. a
for this nnd Insisted thnt tho prop-
on tho mud flat In front of Pony
Slough, tho very first person to ox
tond them tho right hand of fellow
ship wns "Mllly." tho beautiful.
"Mllly" wns gorgeously nrrnyod In n
saudio mniiKet and coos Hay sun
firo trnln Is also malntnlncd nt Cisco,
within tho sheds, nnd although Cisco
Is not nn alarm station tho cnglno
from thnt point ls usually first nt tho
sceno of n hllzo, notlflcntlon bolng
sent by telephono from tho lookout
Before You
A glance nt tho
Will convince- you of
their superior stylo nnd
tailoring and no othoi
clothes at tho price, $2U
to $25, can surpass
thoin. Wo do not con
fuse our buyers by ad
vertising suits from $10
.v $10. Ono price, good
goods and on tho squaro
is our motto.
TEe Toggery
causo mny bo removed nt onco.
rosTCMtns Aim cuxsoiti:i.
Trouble Owr Autos-.
A lengthy petition from business
men asking for tho ennctmont of nn
nrdliianco providing that autos. deli
very wngons or other vohlcles cannot
remain on tho streot In front of a Love .Scenes, Short Skirts and Anl
biiBlnoss house without permission of, mill Pictures Oillclnlly Dunned,
tho UuHlnoas ninn wns read. Mayor CHICAGO, III., Nov. 4. Censors
Straw said thnt tho petition was duo will bo appointed In every Chlcngo
to a petty quarrel among tho nutolsts Biibpostnl station, the superintendents
ovor stands nnd thnt ho thought such of which Postmaster Daniel A. Camp
an ordlnanco would bo n holdup. Ho boll hns given 30 dnys In which to
Bald that tho owners of a couplo of stnmp out tho distribution of objec
nutos wero now paying ono firm tlonnblo postcards. Postmaster
$20.50 por month for tho privilege Cnmpboll announced thnt tho Biiper
of having their nutos stnnd In tho , Intendont's salaries will bo reduced
streot In front of tho business house, i nnd they will ultlmntoly bo dlschnrg
, He said thnt he didn't think It wns 'ed If objectionable cards pass through
right to let nnyone lenso tho street. I their offices.
Ho nsked thnt It be referred to him Tho chief nietnros nriinnni
to dlsposo of and tho council, nftor from distribution are those of men
somo discussion, agreed to turn it, nnd women fondling each other, wo- i. ii... i .. , . I station on Itcd moiintnin which rnm.
ff?ss&s8ri&'& rOTW!---.
tho tondor feet. What! Don't know
ovor to him.
Other Dullness.
City Engineer Gldloy wns authorlz-
mon In abbreviated costumes nnd
nnlmal pictures.
When nsked why ho had plnced
otl to havo tho Coos Day Paving nnd tho last named varloty on tho list
Construction ropalr tho Fourth streot Postmaster Cnmpboll said: "Not ono
paving, whero It was cut to ropalr I Postal card In 100 bearing tho plc
n sowor. nt $1 por yard. Tho work ture of nn nnlmal is fit to bo exhibited
will probably bo dono ln n few weeks In public."
when tho company starts rolnylng tho "vvsv'.
paving on tho section of Hnll avonuo Eighth street from Donnolly to Gol
over which thero has beon moro or don.
i less trouble. A warrant for $75 wns ordored
Upon petition of property owners drawn for tho monthly maintenance
at Johnson nnd Fourth, In South of tho Mnrshfleld public library.
Mnrshfield. an arc light wns ordered , Councilman Albrecht said that ho
placed thoro. Mrs. E. L. Plorco start- understood that somo ono In n corn
ed the petition for It. munlcntlon said something derogn-
Eugeno O'Connoll was present and tory to tho library but ho was inform
sald that nil ho wanted to do was to ed that ho waB ln error, the commu
congrntulato tho council and property nlcatlon having shown that in tho last
owners on tho fino Improvement mndo year tho patronago and attendance at
in filling North Front streot. tho library had Increased about five
A robato of $2GL5S was ordered i hundred per cent.
paid tho proporty owners who had
been assessod for tho Improvement of J Try Tho Times' "Yant Ads.
whnt n i' vn .,r. if! l no lookout station Is cnulnped
your wlfo takes In washing and you w,,tu n Powerful spy-glnss and n char
hlow in Mm nrnxnoiin fn lw,,, i,a ted map of tho sheds and nt tho first
n potlntch n cultus potlntch. A Blgn ,f flr0 tbo lool0t Is ablo to dl
notintph ronniaia in ,nUOn.,ini i.,,. rect the Cisco station to tho imme-
that which tho women accumulate. llato loc"tlon. During tho four
Tho function ls strictly buck. I'0"1,8 mentioned nbovo fires within
"Mllly" had a lover, as nil beau-."10 Bnow 8nct,s nnvo C0Bt ll'o South
tlful and woll regulated maldons oril rnclflc company $1SC,2C2.17. Tho
hnvo, n certain Johnnygotyourgun,'omcInl8, timnto thnt It would cost
celebrated In poetry nnd song for his ' mo,ro thn" two nnd n ."nrter million
Chostorfloldlan manners also for tho ,0,,nr8 t0 roplnco theso sheds, should
lovely embossed breech clout thnt I M'' bor(1stoyc'1by nr0 at nnytlme.
hung In graceful folds about his' ""r"""r" '-'"'-"-"'Jt.nnrwuuouuuL.
manly form, his appetite and a per-,t,own nn(l 0,,t- "Mllly," drawing
mentlng smell. Now, my friends, herself to her full height nnd extend
who malntnln that the latch string ilnK henvonward hor shapely nrms
hunc out nro In error, for if u-nij'nnil hands, soiuowlmt begrimed with
Johnny thnt hung out nnd not tho,c,lun J",c0' c''e(l In agony, "Nlkn
Intch string. Johnny had that tired cI"tawa copa Inltl chuck." which bo-
feollng nnd so ho hung out nny plnco '"B mierpreieu means, nero goes
iioiiiur. inns poised between hea
ven and earth for ono brief moment
kerplug! and tho bluo limpid
wnters of Pony Slough closed over
hor, and her puro sweot soul went
out on tho wings of tho night, and
mo paio wan moon winced, and tho
stnrs twinkled, and the gentlo
zepnyrs signed, nnd tho tadpoles, and
tho pelicans, and tho Jack snlpo, and
tho mud hens caroled her requiem.
And this is tho true history of tho
tragedy of Mllllcomn, alias "Mllly",
a "beautiful Indian maldon" ns set
down nnd recorded by tho under
signed, nn eyo witness.
or nnywhoro thero was any pros
pect of coming In contact with a big
feed. It was quite natural that
Johnny should nttend tho potlntch
nnd ho did, not ns donor but ns do
nee. Johnny also brought his ap
potlto. After placing largo quan
tities of dried salmon and choke
cherries alongside his liver, nnd a
considerable amount of "mountain
dew" of ancient vintage, Imported by
the fathers, Johnny felt In prlmo
condition nnd publicly announced
that he was born ln a riot and peace
disturbed his soul. At this point
Johnny discovered "Mllly" on the
arm of Captain John Smith, where
upon ho struck hor a stinging blow,
struck Mllllcoma, alias "Mllly," tho
"beautiful Indian maiden," a sting
ing blow.
, Instantly Captain John resented
this foul Indignity by landing a short
nrm wallop on Johnny's aforesaid
'wad of choko cherries that sont htm
Don't wait for success to como ln
your yard. Grab it by tho collar nnd
yank It inside tho gate.
Save money by
Times advertisers.
patronizing Tho
Structure at Sacramento Will
Have Heaviest Swing
Span In World
SACItAMENTO, Nov. S. On th
outskirts of tho city of Sacramento,
tho Southern . Pacific company U.
erecting u steel brldgo acrois tho
Sacramento river thnt contains tht
heaviest swing spnu of any bridge la
tho world. This plan Is 400 feet la
length nnd Its weight Is 6,300,000
pounds. Tho cntlro bridge, however,
will weigh moro thnn 10,000,000
poundo when It has all been placed
In position upon tho heavy concrete
Thero nro only two steel bridges
in tho world that have swing spans
that exceed tho now Sacramento rlr
or brldgo In length. Ono Is acroM
tho Wlllnmetto river and ls a part
of tho Spokane, Portland and Seat
tlo railway system. Its weight, how
ever, Is only C.-l 00,000 pounds, 900,
000 pounds less thnn that of tht
Sacramento river bridge. Tho Orna
hn Termlnnl company operates a
largo stool brldgo across tho Missouri
river that has n swing span 520 feet
In length, but tho steel Is of much
lighter construction, tho weight being
only 5,1 00,000 pounds.
Tho now Sacramento river brldg
of tho Southern Pacific Is a part of
tho double tracking of the Horrlman
lines. It will contnln not only two
tracks for tho trains but a concrete
wagon nnd nutomobllo road.
Tho nlnra for this structure r
Riniif hv thn nnniimntlc nrocess under
tho direction of tho Southern raclfle
engineers, nnd tho construction of
tho nbutments, ns well as tbo crectlos
of nil of tho Bteel superstructure.
bolng dono by tho company's cngla
coring forces.
Story of Former Coos Day Hall I'liJ
cr's Cognomen.
Tho following story from the dia
Francisco Chronicle will be of inier-
est to those who romember Heltmm-
ler's days In tho coos louihj "
"Probably n good ninny chaps w
nttend hnll games of the Pacino
Coast League know that Mle"
Holtmullor's real name "I1";;
but how many of them bare er
henrd tho story of how there can'
this switch so thot tho ou Welder
tho Los Angeles club Is enjoying iw
monnker thnt rightfully belongs w
his brother of tho Ulympic uB;
"Woll, horo it Is. and the story
comes from Honry D., tho 01ymP
club mannger, and not from the nan
"You seo," ho said, "when Dill
William started In nt California as i
freshman nobody particulars -
rled ovor his first name. It
enough that his namo was Heiwnu
ler. Very shortly after he a t
tho University ho had a " 'Wi
Into tho Northwest with the hueM"
tenm. A dress suit case was nw
of n luxury then than it Is now, w
bo I let brother William have
It was so now It startieu o. ,,..
had big Initials on one end, H. w.
""As it happened, that suitcase a
ended up with tho Initials In view
tho car and ono of the men n l0
team who passed by was attract
" 'Hello,' ho remarked, j
freshman's name Isn't Henry
mullor. It's William.' " , tblJ
"And so It has been Heine to
very day."
Tho contribution man should I gj
that newspapers have no rert0d5
of contributions than dry s f
stores. Aavertlslng will nelt ner
your name Into the society t
nor keep It out of the police
notes. Save your money.
feafcti.a JUyuJj'