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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1911)
vt c . vsgvff)T THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911 EVENING EDITION. Guaranteed Shoes With every pair of Selz Royal Blue Shoes there is a guaran tee which insures absolute satis faction to the wearer It is Selz Shoes $3.00 to $5.00 Shoe insurance ; and you don't get anything like it with any other shoe WH3 Mill-to-Man Clothiers Woolen Mill Store Coos Bay Ore. TIIK WEATHER. (By Associated Press.) OREGON', Nov. 8. Occasion- nl rain tonight and Thursday; coolor In oast. Westerly winds, high along const. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- PORT. Tor twenty-four hours ending at 4:00 p. m., Nov. 7, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, spoclal government moteorologlcal observer: Maximum GC Minimum 51 At 4:00 p. m G4 Precipitation 41 Wind, Southwest; cloudy. EaS-ZCcD CAL BRIDGES of Coos River spent the day In Marshflcld. R. M. WEIDER Is In from Ten Mllo today on business. Always "TiTe Busy Corner" For the Teeth Peroxide Dental Oream. The value of Peroxide is well known, The paste comes out like a tape and lies flat on the brush, No waste, 25c THE TUBE Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Main 298 Us CULLINGS OP COQUIIiLE. Coos County Sent News ns Told IJj" the Sentinel. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Glen Col lier, Sunday, October 22, a girl. Horn To Mr. and Mra. L. A. Langlcy, Tues., Oct. 31, a girl. Died In this city Friday, Octobor 27, 1011, Q. Donaldson, aged 03 years. Funeral services wero hold at the Christian Church and intor ment nt the Masonic cemetory. Do ceased was survived by a wlfo and four sons. MRS. H. W. PAINTER Is visiting frlonds in North Rend today. ROBERT ROOKE of North Coos Rlv or spent the day In Marshflcld. ORVIL WILSON of Sumner was a Marshflcld business visitor today. J. W. RUSSELL of Coos River was a Marshflcld business visitor today. CHAS. E. NABB of North Dond Is a Marshflcld business visitor today. MRS. P. II. DREIER of North Cooa River was a Marshflold shopper today. HORN. LEE To Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lee at their homo In West Marshflold a son. Mother nnd child aro doing nicely. Give Smoker Tho Marshflold Flro Departmont will glvo a smoker at tholr hall tomorrow. It will bo re stricted to members. Kill Jay Tower, It. C. Cor des and Warner Ogren returned this afternoon from tho Sand Hills with seven big wild gecao and twenty ducks. Frank Morse Is contemplating tho moving of tho electric light plant from Its prcsont location north of tho city to a point on tho rlvor botweon tho new crcamory nnd tho now mill. Tho plan Is got cheap fuel from tho sawmill, which would bo n great con venience to tho electric light plant. F0II SALE Sly new H-room lniiign- low, big lire plnco, two acres on car line. (Meadow) 3 chicken holl ies. All chicken furniture. Prlco 12,600. Terms. Owner Dox 1C0, Eu gene, Oregon. hVANTKI) Dnyworlr, cleaning, wiwli- 1ns, Ironing, 2Gc hour, 18GJ. Woman AM KINDS of hauling done prompt ly J. E. Fltzgornld. Phono 12UJ. hVANTKI) Your carpenter, Job null lurnitiiro work. Tel. Carpontor 124 L jl'OIt SALE Good mvou-1 luuid wifo at a bargain. Call nt Union Mar ket and soo 3afo and get prlte. Phono G8. hVAXTlID Girl lo Iemn millinery. fcxcollent clmiiw. Aldross (J Times H)H RIIXT First class rooms, .1HH rlrst St. Roar Flanagan & Bon nett Ilanlc. The Royal Tonight.! "A CHILD'S HEROISM. A Very Interesting Molodrnmn. "RLACKSNAKE'S THEACH EllY. Thrilling Indian Picture "WHEN A MAN TEARS" Comedy. PRICE 10 CENTS foil SALE King slide trombone In nrst-clnss condition. Address Box 285, North Bond. fH SALE Nearly new leather- oppea buggy. Will soil cheap If taken at once. T. Maas, Club Cigar Store. FOIt SALE Or exchaiigo for real "wo n good launch. Apply Room 201 Coko building. lAXTi:i) Girl for genem! house- """. uau Phono North Bond 1021 ITUnm-,, clifSK.iilc dog named va. rtny iniornintion regnru- ing him will bo appreciated Otto Schetter. ,AXTi:iu0y at onco. Inqiilra ' .Nasburg's Grocery. foil Ki:.T Xlcc-Iy furnished room. v ,. i-aono -U2J. I'XT,'I) Strong woman or girl to care fnt fvi.i Hi .... . ,. x xi r. i'iuuiij- iiivuuu. Appiy 10 M- Sengstacken. I 'ISIIL'n HOUSEKEEPING iinl .ntH hot wntor- He1'1 and o HO and up Lloyd hotol. The Dalles Diamond Flour Tho flour that gives satisfaction is tho flour thnt tho housowiro is look ing for. Wo aro pleased to any that we have sold a largo quantity of Tho Dalles Diamond Flour nnd It hns stood every test. If you nro particu lar tho woy you spend your money nnd tho kind of brend you ont, you will certainly uso Tho Dalles Dia mond Flour. $ 1 .45 Per Sack POTATOES 81.23 AND 81.30 PER 100 POUNDS. The Bazar Phone 32 Tho TJouae of Oualiti. Tho now sawmill of tho Coqulllo Lumber company Btnrtcd up with a full force of mon Wodncsdny morn ing November 1. All tho now mach inery has been Installed and tho mill Is one of tho most up-to-dnto plants in tho Coqulllo Valley. Tho capacity will bo about 7G.O0O feet per day. Tho stock Is mostly owned by local pooplo most of whom nro experienced In tho lumbor business nnd nro much Interested In tho success of tho plant. , BRIEFS OF J1ANDOX. NeWH of the Clly-by-the-Sou As told by (lie Recorder. At a meeting of tho school board last night MIsh Vivian Hutchlns who has tho eight hgrado at present was olectcd to a position In tho high school, to begin her work after tho mldyenr. Thoro nro now about 7G pupils in tho high school, which Is n larger uumbor than throo Instruc tors can handle Mr. nnd Mrs. Konnoth Perkins of Two Stilo nro proud parents of a Im pound boy, born Wednesday morn ing. Tho high school studonts havo ngrced to ralso $500.00 towards n gymnasium to put ngalnst any sum that might bo forthcoming from oth or sources, nnd at a meeting of tho school board last night, it was decid ed to call n meeting of cltlzons on Nov. 23rd, at 7:30 p. m. which will bo tho annual meeting for tho voting of a tax far tho maintenance of tho schools and thon to havo tho prop osition of tho gymnasium brought up nnd discussed. Uncle from Survey. Ono of Tng gart Anton's surveying crows thnt has beon working on tho survoy botweon hero and Roseburg roturnod lost ev ening, having completed its section of tho vork. Slay ContliuHV flt WaB reported that tho revivals nt tho Tabornaclo would bo terminated next Sunday but this Is not cortnln. Tho ministers and commlttco In chnrgo nro now contomplnting continuing tho meet ings Indefinitely. Plan New School. A special elec tion will bo held In Enstsldo Docom bor 2 to voto on tho lssuanco of $9, COO bonds to erect and equip a now school building. Thoro Is great ncod for tho now school thoro nnd it Is believed thnt tho bond Ibbuo will car ry by a big majority. Many Hunting Parties. Among tho many hunters going to tho Sand Hill Lakes woro Jay Towor, Wnmor Ogi n and It. C. Cordcs. J. A. Mnt son nnd Frank Lnlso loft last night for tho Huntor'H Cabin nnd woro Jolnod today by Dr. Dlx. TcHilnionv Taken. Tho taking of testimony In tho enpo of Mrs. OJcda vs. tho Chambors Estnto, involving 1,400 ncrea of property nonr Coalodo, wim comnlotcd vostorday boforo Judgo Coko nnd tlmo wns given tho attornoys on both Bides to wo unois. JOE MAOEE, postmaster at Lake side, Is In Marshflold on business today. J. W. RUSSELL of Coos Rlvor was in Marshflold today on n short bus iness visit. MR. and MRS. CHAS. Solandor camo in from their ranch, near Sumnor this morning. A. S. MENZIN, a woll-known San Francisco traveling man, Is spend ing a fow dnys horo. BIKE OF IS. HE Daughter of Woman Who Died Suddenly In North Bend Is ' In Sacramento. Mrs. T. A. Reynolds, tho daughter of Mrs. Magglo Fryo, who died sud donly in North Bond early In October a fow days aftor her arrlvnl from Portland, hns been locntod. This morning lottors woro received by the local authorities from Mrs. Roynoldit asking for details ot hor mother's . death. Mrs. Reynolds resides nt 626 Rue strcot, Sacramento, Cal., and says that alio had hor mothor, Mrs , Fryo, beenmo ostrnnged Inst summon I Hor mothor wont north to Portland and while thoro saw tho nd of A North Dond man for a hoUBokeopor nnd enmo to Coos Bay in rcsponso to it. Mrs. Fryo'B death wnB duo to na tural causes, following a sovoro at tack of seasickness. Mrs. Fryo's effects aro still la North Bend and will bo sont to tho Idnughtor ns soon nil tho latter send tho monoy to cover tho expenses of hor illness nnd death. Tho effort to locato Mrs. Reynolds nt tho tlmo of hor mother's death failed becauso sho had moved to a dlfforont section of Sacramento from thnt In which sho resided when 8U0 last wroto to hor mother. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. MR. nnd MRS. II. E. BESSEY nnd family of tho Coos Bny Crcamory aro Marshflold visitors today. J. C. DOANE of Catching Inlet Is planning to returi to Marshflold to reside. Tho family will occu py tholr formor rcsldonco on Fifth street. S. B. CATHCART has returned from Ten Mllo whoro ho hns boon assist ing tho Southern Pacific agents bc curo right of way for tho Coos" Bny Eugono line. SIESSRS. Dnloy aro horo from Ireland to visit tholr aunt, Mrs. Goo. Vor non of Davit.' Inlet. They expect to lenvo tomorrow for Snn Frnn cIbco whoro thoy may locato.' TURKEY GROWS FOR TAFT. Chestnut Diet KviK'clcd to Produce WhUo House Gobbler do Luxe. NEWPORT, R. I., Nov. 8. Hornco Vose, tho Westerly turkey fanclor, is preparing his nnnual Thanksgiving gift for President Tnft's tablo. Tho Taft turkoy this year Is a flno bronzo gobbler, which Is gaining weight eve ry minute on a diet of chestnuts, which produces a flno quality of whlto meat. "I Bhall send President Tnft tho finest turkoy I over gavo to nny President since tho ono I sent to Presldont Grant." said Voso. ITYn . I n.xi.h Tiiipo rn.iw.n,.,. in. i o ni" J110 liens nml " cock- In' "-ilLi" flats. 547 Broadway! ThpW "R T'ESS ADVERTISING TriP AJIl'S,XKSS MAN DOES TE SIOUE BUSINESS . W UUKUX'T. - '''' I The TiJro.up lob Panting done at, " Times' office. Fresh Oysters Eagles in Quart Cans 75c All the Time Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones- 85 and 305 For All. Tho nnnunl mooting of tho Marshflold Chambor of Commorco which will bo hold Friday, N'ovombor 24. will .bo open to nil mombors or thnt organization, Including tho mom bors who havo sinned up for tho on Biilngj'.enr and who huvo not hlthorto uoiongcu. New HcNtuiimntK C. A. Soymour or Bnmlon hns leased tho building on Front street formerly occupied by I. S. Kaufman nnd compnny nnd will stnrt a restaurant thoro. Mr. Smith nn oxporlonced restaurant man from Portland, today openod his now cafo on Commorclnl, near Front street. Sumner Horo. Englneor Sumnor, In chnrgo of tho survoy for tho Pa cific Coast lino, camo down today from his camp at Winchester Bny. His father, Vice-president Sumnor of tho lino, who was expected horo boforo this, was called east and Is now In Now York. Mr. Sumnor snvs. good progress is bolng mado on tho sur voy. Discover Fire. Timely dlscovory of a flro yostorday In tho Quatermass' studio in tho Montgomery building nn Front stroot wns all thnt DrOVO'lt- ed a serious conflngratlon. Tho chimney had becomo defective and tho partition ngalnst It cnugnt nro and wns burning rapidly when dls- rnvnrnd. A fow buckets Of Wlltor Pitt It out. Tho dnmago was Blight. c.MKi- ATnv Dun. Tt wns renortcd around town that Mayor Straw had ennngeu uis mina nuoui noi uuiuk . nnrwliflntn fnr ronlnotlnn find hnd Stat ed that ho was going Into tho raco. Mayor Straw when seen auoui it this nftornoon, said thnt no ono could toll what ho Is going to do. Somo of hla most Intlmnto frlonds say that ho Is certain to bo a candldato despite his -positive unnouncoment tho other dny thnt ho would not. It. A. Copplo and W. U. Douglas aro tho principal other ones who nre now be ing talked of as posslblo candidates. PAY INSURANCE POLICIES. Mrs. Catherine Clarke has receiv ed ?3,000 from D. A. Jones, clerk of Coos Bay Camp. No. 8408, M. W. A., certificate held by her lato husband, Francis II. Clarke. Mrs. Peter Brier received $1,000 of Coos River. Mr. Brier was a mem ber of Camp No. 2G, Rock Island, 111. He died at their homo on South Coos TUver, September 13. MR. nnd MR8. J. II. FLANAGAN and son Proctor nro expected homo this ovenlng from San FrnnclBco. Thoy nro coming In from Roseburg by tho Coos Bny Wngon rond aftor visiting relatives nt that plnco. MISS MARIE WALLER of Bolso, Idnho, is visiting airs. i--. . rnr- sons of West Mnrshflold. Miss Wnllor hna boon spending tho sum mer In Cnllfornla and will spend somo tlmo with Mrs. Parsons bo foro returning to hor homo. Tho Anvil Is bolng overhauled on dry dock at Portland. ho Broakwator 1b duo In oarly to morrow from Portland. Tho Nnnn Smith arrived In morning from Bay Point. this Tho Redondo will snll at 11:30 to morrow for San Francisco. The Homer which Is to ply In thc Coos Bny-San Francisco trndo, l scheduled to lenvo San Frnnclsco for Coos Bny todny on hor flrst trip horo In n long time. Tho Hunter, formorly a tug for tho Gardlnor Mill compnny but which wbb tnkon to Pugot Sound and re built, hns boon llontcd aftor having boached thoro. Tho damago Is said to bo Blight. Sho has boon llboled for $27,000 by tho owners of tho Mona ghan which plckod up tho Hunter In a nlnklng condition off Whldby Ib- Innd. OREGON WINS PRIZES North Bend News Miss Thon Ktiibo returned Mon day on tho Rodondo from nn extend ed visit In Cnllfornln. Tho Mlzpnh Blblo class Is planning nn oxcurBlon on noxt Friday ovonlng to tho Frank Rood homo on Coos Rlvor. Dr. Holllstor nnd Dr. Watson re- Sharon In HonorM of W. C. T. U. Na tional Content. Mra. Maud B. Wntklns hns rocolv od word from Mra. Mno Whitman, National Suporlntonuont oi toiii pornnco nnd Labor thnt Orogon hud won tho cash prize for most thorough and comprohonslvo plans for ByBtoma of work in tho Labor department. Mrs. Watklns Is superintendent of thnt dopnrtmont of tho W. C. T. U. Also tho Bolltl allvor souvenir Bpoon was won by Mrs. Addlton of Mult nomah County for greatest amount of work accomplished.. Th080 prizes woro awardod to Mra. ITm-nli Rin, Prnnlllnnt nt tllO W. C. T.U. National Convention hold at Mil waukee, Wis., Octobor 28 to Novom bor 2. PROGRESS ON SURVEY. wr. iiuiiibiui mm in. iruinuu u-i turned this nftornoon from n short 'coo Hay and Eastern Electric Crew outing trip nt Ton Mllo. Thoy jj,.r Hosoburg. brought bnclc forty nico fish. TjI0 nosoburg Rovlow aays: "John ., . .. - .! ...l. ....... I.. - llllBonunrK oi .uuiiubu, wnu d Mrs. F. W. Stovons, who spent tho , town, Bnya tho Cooa Bay & Eaatorn 1 ... 1 In f limitn T1T.I M lintl TT- . 11 1 l VI t I ,. .1 mi uilf noa tt WI A4T paBt week In Myrtlo Point, hns ro turned to hor nomo. Mrs. Jncobs la visiting In Myrtlo Point. Tho North Bond council did not moot lust night, na somo hnd expect ed. Tho council meets tho Bocond Tuesday of each month nnd conso nuontlv tho roKiilnr mooting will come noxt Tuesday ovonlng. Electric Railroad survoyora aro ox poctlng to cross tho rlvor near his placo and nro heading townrd Win chester. S. D. EvnnB, who wns In from Umpqua yeatordny Bays ho mot somo of tho Biirvoyors nnd learned thnt thoy will probably crosB Just bo low tho forks of tho rlvor, go down through Gardon Valloy nnd up tho Cnlapooln via Sutherlln nnd thonco onstwnrd, swinging back to tho North Umpnun Rlvor. Just who Is back ing this aurvoy remains ns much a Locally ovoryono Mii.! Imn luaf linnn rnrnlvml liprn .. ....... i t i iiivnlnrv I1H over or mo mrin oi n niiiu-puuiui nun iu ''-;,., -- r ..i,i i,iif Mr. nnd Mrs. Duncan Hendry nt tholr , would Uko to soo n railroad built homo In Shnnglinl, uninn, ucionor io. "" '""., ": JJ finani.iiH. ni. This la tholr flrst child. Tho dny ! whothor It cornea via Roseburg or previous to tho nrrlval of his Bon, Mr. , ot- .1 ..... .1... ........ nlln ....klnatll. . .. iieuiiry wnu inu lunuin uiiiiiiiiiiwuaiiii' In llin itlnclnn In n tnurnov nt tllO Khnnehnl Golf club. Mr. Hondry rosld- od nt No. Bond fornlongtlmonndMrs. TIIORNLESS HLACKUERRY VINE IS NEW PRODUCT SANTA ROSA. Cal.. Nov. 8 Luth- Ilondry wns formorly Miss Pearror jj-jmnij iin8 dovolopod a black Shenror of Spokane, n cousin of Mrs. . y tint Js mjnu8 tho thorns. Bur A XV Mvnrfl. . . . . i i. in .,, , .. l , . rf w. w. MASONS ATTENTION ! hank has boon nt work 10 yours on this plant, nnd as a result ho has so cured n bush which hns branches na smooth nnd free from thorns ns a- Tlinro will bo n Blieclal COinmiinl- ntmrrv tree. rntlon of Blnnco Lodgo A. F. & A. M Sovornl Boml-thornless blnckbor Frlday, November 10th at 1:30 P. M. rea havo beon brought out by othor to nttond tho funernl of Bro. Chns. S. oxporlmentors, hut this Burbank Hllborn. By order of .berry Ib Bald to bo tho first that la W. M. roally free from thorns. Tho plant 'wizard has many apeclmons of tho If you have anything to boII, trado, new plnnt growing In his big garden rent, or want help, try a want nd. hero. High Cost of Living Reduced Premium Butter Pound and a Half Squares 50c Each j i r