The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, November 08, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 4, Image 4

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-""'WJrji-!i ptmmm?l
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Few Noted Lecturers to Dis
cuss Courtship and Mar
riage In New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. That tho
baby crop has fallen far short of
what It ought to bo In tho matter of
quality nnd quantity, and that some
thing must be done to bring about
an Improvement in the annual yield
linn been decided upon by the West
Side Young Men's Christian associa
tion, and to that end a scries of
lectures will be given soon, to be
known as a courso In etigonlcs.
Ten learned professors will discuss
this subject on ns ninny different eve
nings In the building in West Fifty
seventh street. Tho whole series will
be under the direction of Dr. Woods
Hutchison, the man of medicine who
tells so many things about tho hu
man system and tells them as though
ho were writing a novel.
All these professors with Dr. Hut
chinson leading tho grand mnrch, arc
going to step right up to the situa
tion nnd look It squarely In the
countenance. They are going to dis
cuss how the baby crop Is affected In
quality and quantity by marriages re
sulting from n desire for money on
one flldo or tho other of the compact.
They will talk about unions which
nre the outgrowth of revcronco for
beauty, for soclnl position nnd for
tho plain, pure, unadulterated, stone
blind lovo which mnkes it impoBslblo
for tho woman to sco the wart on
the nose of her ftnncee and whose
total capital of $1-1.72 looks as If It
had thrco ciphers added to It when
he calls her his peerless pippin.
They will ndvance cortnln estab
lished principles In favor of some
marriages, favoring, for instance, the
wedding of a gentleman with a lum
ber limb but hnvlng plonty of honlthy
corpusclcs to the union of n woman
with n man who linn nil limbs intact
but with both lungs tilled with soot
from clgnrettos. It will be advocated
that such young men be required to
furnish n clean bill of health from
n chimney sweeper before getting a
marrlago license.
Dr. 0. Stanley Hall, president of
Clark university, will dollvor the
opening lecturo on Nov. C. His sub
ject will bo "Breeding Men." A bet
ter liumnn strain and how to obtain
It will bo tho Keynote of tho courso
In eugenics.
Tho physlcnl nnd menlnl effects of
tho following things will bo discussed
enso, mixture of races, Influence of
difference of ngo, Into mnrrlagcs, tils
cllmnto and food, poverty, famine,
monogamy, polygamy, human mlsllts,
heredity, environment nnd cousin
mnrrlage. Tho advantages and dis
advantages of largo families and
whether high birth rnto is necessary
for national prosperity will also bo
taken up.
Points to Peril of Nation In the Decline of Ideals
That Should Be Preached, Practiced and Pro
moted by the Instructors In Our
Public Schools.
norwegians have
NEW YORK', Nov. S Ono of tho
most remurknblo features of present
day shipping and ono which Is not
very generally recognized Is tho en
terprise of Norwegians In southern
ocean whaling. The first trial, which
met with Immedlnto success, wns
mndo In 1903 by a Snndefjord firm
on tho ndvlco of Captain Carl A.
Larson, who was In com run ml of the
Antarctic, at the time of Otto Nor
denskJold'H south polnr expedition
nnd who reported that tho sea liter
ally swarmed with whales.
From 1904 to the end of Inst Juno
no fower than DO companies, repre
senting nn aggregate capital of near
ly two millions sterling, have been
formed to prosecute tho Industry,
nnd according to tho latest nvallablo
information most of thorn havo pnld
largo dividends ranging between 30
nnd 100 por cent, says tho Pall Mall
A good deal of Norwegian success
Is admittedly duo to tho foct thnt
they have bought up n largo number
or second hand llrltlsh stenmers and
adapted thorn for tho purpose. And
In this connection it Is of Interest to
noto thnt two of tho latest purchnscs
havo been the Dundee stenmer Loch
Tny, acquired for 20,000 pounds nnd
tho well-known nrocklobnnk liner
Cnrnnrvonshlro. for which 1-1,000
pounds was paid. Another contrib
utory cnuso Is that old mothods hnvo
been dlscnrded nnd tho tnsk of locat
ing nnd rapturing whales In tho vi
cinity of Korguolcn lslnnd, tho South
Shotlnnds, Southeast Africa and tho
west const of South America Is al
lotted to specially fitted vessels, somo
for wlinlo catching nnd others for
storing nnd carrying the oil to Euro
pean ports.
Stimulated to emulation, a firm on
tho Tyuo Is to dispatch an expedition
consisting of threo whalers, a fac
tory ship and nn oil cnrrlor at tho
end of this month for operation near
Korguolcn Island and tho South Shotlnnds.
We wnnt fresh salmon and nre
proparod to pay tho highest cash
price for thorn. For further parti
culars Bee C. Q. HOCKETT,
Empire City, or
Coos River
Llbby COAIi. The kind YOU have
Llvory & Transfer Co.
NE OF the strongest and most
significant of tho many ad
dresses dollvored beforo tho
National Educntlonnl Association in
San Francisco wns that of Mrs. Em
mons Dlnine.
Mrs. Dlnlno struck boldly nt pre
sent educational evils, including tho
"bread and butter" attltudo with
which, she declared, too many teach
ers viewed their profession. Sho al
bo urged the community to give to
tho great army of teachers compen
sation commensurnto with tho valuo
of their services In training tho fu
ture citizenship of tho country.
Points to Political Abuse
Not only did Mrs. Dlalno plead for
the Inception of higher Ideals In ed
ucation, but to their decline Bhe at
tributed much of the growing nbuso
of political power and the falling off
from the accepted ideals oi political
liberty and cqunllty.
"The opportunity of tho tencher
Is tho greatest opportunity In the
world, or over," continued tho Bpeak
or. "In the United States todny t
might bo called tho opportunity to
savo the country. Our nation was
not begun ns other nations.
"Wo stand among all the nations
nB tho grcnt experiment, of n wholly
representative government. The na
tions of tho earth turn to us nnd wo
havo their questions to answer: Is
our representative government a
homo of religious feeling? Is our
reprcsontatlvo government nn nvonuo
for tho true freedom or n comnium
ty's government of Itself? Is our
demand for the prlvllcgo of having
Its fruition in our being a nation or
Triumph of Commercial Greed
"Wo must rnoro freely nnd surely
sny, If wo sco at nil, that our prln
clplo of self government docs not al
ways work. It does not always havo
much relation to tho will of tho com
munity. Furthermore, tho commun
ity halt the tlnio Is more concerned
thnt tho government docs not Inter
fere with Its projects to get ahead of
Its neighbor or to gain tho nlmlgnty
dollar than to know that freedom is
preserved, thnt truo representation Is
mnlntnlncd nnd that honor and Jus
tice aro upheld.
"We sco pictures on ovary hand of
tho subordinating of our institu
tions to commercial gain. Wo see
tho supplanting of tho dcslro for frco
reprcsentntlvo goocrnmont by tno ie
slro for tho frco, undisturbed chanco
for tho getting of money, bo tho gov
ernment freo or fettered, reprcsentn
tlvo or boss ridden, owned as a sac
red right or bartered.
"Havo wo, In tho phraso of our
beloved vernacular, 'mndo good' to
our forefathers, to tho world, to our
solves? Wo cannot sny yes. Wo
may not with truth to tho best that Is
In us, say a final no. Wo must say,
not yet.
"Does all this seem to bo a far cry
from the opportunity of tho tencher?
It Is not it Is tho heart of the whole
Future Cltbruslilp nt Stake
"Tho citizens of tomorrow aro all
In your hnnds. You hnvo your wholo
body politic of tho future America In
your hnnds. You hnvo It beforo solf
Ish commercialism has more thnn
reached Us enrs beforo tho grip of
mntorlnllsm has It by tho throat.
"What possession havo wo othor
than our children that wo treat so
carelessly? You havo them. They
aro yours to redeem, nnd they nro tho
only hopo for tho redeeming of our
Id-n That Starts Revolutions
"The Idcn of a dlvlno work dealt
with as n money valuo Is tho Idea,
thank God, thnt starts revolutions.
When American schools regard the
chnnco to perform this high sorvlce
ns a commercial Job there will bo a
"Rut they will not, Ihey cannot.
I would like to havo teachers wrlto
Into their contracts a clnuso to tho
effect that when nnyono can bo found
to do tho work better thnt ono should
bo placed In charge
"Thoro aro two sides to the money
question In teaching. Ono cannot
servo God nnd mammon. If tho up
lifting of tho child Is tho aim of tho
teacher, money cannot bo. Thore-
foro, monoy must not bo ennnot bo
tho nltn of teaching.
"On tho othor hand, tho commun
ity will come, not to concede, but to
demnnd money pnymont for tho work
of teaching commensurato with tho
payment of tho highest experts In nny
Held. It needs but tho conception of
tho community of what It must havo
for Its children, of what It must give
to Its children, nnd to thoso who nro
making their lives. To reach this
conception, It Is you who nuiBt help
to show tho truth. That truth can
never como out of tho spirit of ex-
action. it must come out of the
spirit of dovotlon.
km! CitUrnshlp Firxt Aim
"It hardly ever is asked of tho
schools whether they aro proparlng
clearer, keener, nnd moro efficient
votors nnd workers for tho state. This
Is the first business of tho schools of
tho country nnd It receives hut llttlo
attention from tho public who cons
titute themsolves tho schools' critics.
"Wo say wo havo not yet 'mndo
good' as Amorlcans. The mind's oyo
runs ovor tho high points of our na
tional shortcomings. We find threo
great avenues of weakness. First is
tho inadequacy of our government.
Tho best peoplo aro not sought to fl)l
our offices. Tho current ' mothods
nro bungling In many directions.
"Tho right compensation for ser
vice to tho community Is little
thought of. Tho subjects needing
government caro nro many of them
inoglectod. The govornment machin
ery Is left to bo used by any who
will. Under these conditions our
leading citizens aro pursuing their
wny with few thoughts given to their
duties ns citizens nnd thoso few weak
enough to be stifled In hopelessness.
Tho lack of responsibility of our most
responsible peoplo on this subject is
an amazing fact today.
Appalled by Thoughtlessness.
"Next, wo nro appalled by tho ut
ter thoughtlessness and carelessness
townrd others by so many of our mon
ey makersln tholr mad rush for wealth.
This means n .deop lnck of any true
seiiBO of tho meaning of citizenship
It bodes ill for tho hnrmonlous and
real Bolutlon of tho question appear
ing with such vnBt moment In our
country between so-called capital and
so-called labor. It bodes ill for that
real democrncy which In its greater,
deeper unity of man working for
mnn, makes null nnd void any such
paltry division of people.
"And ngnln, wo nre confronted by
tho general lnck of discipline nnd
regard for law. Out of this there
stand two monsters thnt glare
through It all so fiercely that wo arc
driven to call them tho leading spir
its in our weakness materialism
and selfish ambition.
"It is probable tho unwonted suc
cess of Amcrlcnn Industry, of Ameri
can enterprises, has gone to tho Am
crlcnn head nnd that in the condi
tions confronting ndults como tho
causes of tho shortcomings.
Home nnd School Must Co-ojcrntc.
"Homo nnd school must Join hnnds
In tho search for tho responsibility
of nu unsatisfactory national atti
"There is lack of responsibility In
the government nnd for the govern
ment, la our school system likely
to fortify Kb growing citizens against
this deadly ovll which must bo strik
ing nt tho root of our nationnl life?
"Responsibility Is tho first qunllty
tho right school llfo must dovclop.
Yet I cannot see, ns I think over
schools In general with their red tape
methods of discipline, thnt responsi
bility hns much chance for considera
tion or for growth.
"Thcro Is thoughtlessness and
carelessness for others In nil tho re
lations of life. How can wo even
talk of supposing thnt we nro arous
ing by our cducntlon' n civic senso of
caring for tho wholo when tho fun
damental basis of the plan for school
achievement Is for each pupil to get
out all ho can for himself regardless
of, or oven cssontlally ngalnst, nil
comers. This Is Ingrained In the
wholo system. "
Somo ono should sing n song
nbout' tho demands of society. Tho
first verso could tell about how much
It costs nnd tho second nbout how
much It Is worth. Hero Is n man In
Butte whoso social demands were so
high thnt ho nnd to embczzlo $0,000
and will now spend two years In
tho penitentiary. Of courso, every
ono needs socloty of somo sort, but
tho so-called demands of It nre
UBtinlly self-imposed. Tho best so
ciety is usually bnscd upon friend
ship mutual tastes, Interests nnd
ideas and tno only uemnnus nro
thnt a person should bo him or her
Present Holdings In New York of
Tluve, Totals About 9150,000,000
NEW YORK, Nov. 8. For tho first
time In history figures have Just been
mndo public hero covering tho valuo
and extent of tho real cstato holdings
In this city of the country's greatest
family of land-owners the Astors,
tho Astors, descendants of the ori
ginal John Jacob Astor, who nrrlved
in this country from Germany In
1784 without n cent nnd Immediately
began tho accumulation of the enor
mous present day property. While
many guesses hnvo been mado con
cerning Its size, there has never bo
fore been any authentic compilation.
Tho now figures show thnt tho
present land holdings In this city of
the thrco Astors William Waldorf,
John Jacob and William total al
most 700 soparato parcels nnd nro
taxed on n valuntlon of $107,000,
000. As this valuation Is probably
no more than CO per cent of the
price which tho properties would
bring nt public or prlvato sale, tho
total value of these enormous hold
ings would doubtless reach $1G0,
000,000. ' '
Almost as surprising nB the mag
nitude nnd value of the properties
Is their wldo distribution. Every
section of the city Is represented nnd
In nenrly every enso by the choicest
properties. Indeed in mnny sections
n Btono thrown nt random would al
most certainly lnnd on a piece of As
tor real estate. The manner In which
this great fortune hns been built up
Is shown by the fact thnt one of the
properties known ns tho old Samlor
farm, which was purchased for about
$20,000 soon after 1800, Is now
worth about $8,000,000. Incldcntnl
ly tho Astor holdings Include nbout
$30,000,000 worth of hotels, nmong
which nro five of the lnrgest In the
From this dnto on, tho Coos Day
Oil and Supply company's gnsollno
will bo cnrrled In Marshflcld at tho
garago of John L. Koontz, who has
Installed nn up-to-dato Dowser gnso
llno system and can supply customers
In n rnpld manner.
Mcnns loss of sleep, which Is hnrd on
everyone. Mrs. A. Polzer, 2G W.
Jefferson St., Omnha, Neb., says: "1
can recommend Foley's Honey and
Tnr Compound ns n sure euro for
coughs and colds. It cured my
dnughter of n bad cold, nnd my
neighbor, Mrs. Densnn, cured her
wholo family with Foley's Honey nnd
Tnr Compound. Everyono In our
neighborhood speaks most highly of
It." For dryness nnd tickling In tho
thront, hoarseness, and all cougliB
and colds, tnko Foley's Honey and
Tar Compound. Keep alwnys In the
houso. ContnlnB no opiates. Tho
gonulno in a yellow pnekngo. Reftiso
substitutes. Red Cross Drug Store.
i r
Pojks Plus Order Revision of Church
Laws Now.
Plus X has Issued Instructions for
tho speedy completion of tho now
codo of laws by which tho Catholic
church throughout tho world Is to be
governed for tho future Forty of
tho church's most learned Canonists,
besides a commission of cardinals,
have been working on this colossal
task for tho last eight years. They
have already occupied threo years
beyond tho tlmo originally nllotted to
them, but owing to tho stimulus now
given by Plus X who looks upon this
ns tho great work of his pontlflcato,
tho codo will bo nt lenst ready for
production during the courso of the
coming year. It Is tho first time in
tho history of tho papney that a unl
vorsal codification has beon attempt
ed. Tho result will be to eliminate
an Immense numbor of local or ob
solete laws and to establish now leg
Islntlon applicnblo everywhere and
suited to modern times. One of the
Important features of tho new codi
fication, which concerns the United
Stntes as woll as other countries, Is
tho abolition of somo of the Impedi
ments which nt present make mar
rlago Invalid between Catholics.
Thus, according to tho new law, mar
rlago between third cousins will be
allowed, and no obstacle to marriage
will bo created by sponsorship at
baptism. Tho American bishops will
also bo granted extended powers of
Jurisdiction in matters which they
aro at present obliged to refer to
Phone 19-J, Cor. 4th nnd Park Avo.
PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneuma
tic Cleaning Company. Orders for
work taken at
A new stock of the latest In
Send In Your Order
Coos Bay Wiring Co.
We Clean and Press
Ladies' and Gent's Suits
Goods Called for
and Delivered
Coos Bay Steam Laundry
NERY now on at Mrs. A. G. AIKEN'S
hall, Saturday night, NOVEMBER 11.
Music by full band.
City Auto Service
Good Cars, Careful Drivers and
reasonable charges. Our motto:
"Will go anywhere at any time."
Stands Dlanco Hotel and Blanco
Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 nnd 46.
Night Phone 46.
BARKER & GOODALE, Proprietors.
Good Livery Service
Fancy new rigs, good horses and
careful drivers aro now at tthe dis
posal of the Coos Bay public at
Rigs or rigs with drivers ready tor
any trip anywhere any time. Horses
boarded and rigs cared for.
New hearse and BDeclal acommn.
datlons provided for funeral parties.
Rates reduced to: Day 50c. 76c and
$1.00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House
keeping apartments with gas ranges
$10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE
of Ideas, who Kara ioma Inventive ability
Re i write UKKKLKY a M.INTUtZ
Silver Spoon Sweei
Are Delicious Chocolates mado nf "Pn,, i.
r - - au materj
m a Sanitary factory by. Glenn nnd HEAto
workmen. They are packed in 1
boxes at 25c and d
boxes at 50c. Each :
contains a Coupon,
Wil1 help you to$
f f these beat
k Silver Spe
sk everyli
dfB "
SpoonXH to"4
bjbjW I0(
s and 48c for W fhe y.
Spoons. (fo
One Full
Coupon, (0;
half Coupons)
10c for One
Flanagan (2b Bennett Bant
At tho close of business September 1st, 1011,
Banking Houbo , "' j,1
casn and Exchanges j
iUMU fJJil
iwpuai u;ock paia in ,, ji
surplus and Undivided Profits ui
He Got the Job
A young man having applied to a wholcaal booh
a position recently found himself before the nn
ior examination. "Hnvo you a bank account!" '
first question. "I havo," was the reply. "Ut
your bank book," was tho next reeucst. Alter
over It and noting tho long list of rcgulnr, tbomhi
uoposits, no said: "Young man, you are engajed, i
want to compllmont you on your savin abllltr.
ways Insist upon employing only men who bavethtf
senso to save tholr money." Wo Invite ertrr it;
man In this community to open an account at tblil
The First National ft
log. I
Mh It
CAPITAL f 100,000.00
'01t S
at a
ket i
Twenty-Five Years
Ago, Bai,
vuhon I WAS
went to a hardware 1
picked out a ww im
Ing $45, and dirty al
HTUa nlhor HaV OUf
was married and m
had to spend less u
rviiinh for fl mflfle II rl
with no coal or ashes
"TimRs change(
cnmflhnw women sfl
younger, lots longer
used to,"
Why not get YOUR
nowY leiepnuiw
Power Co,
ion 111
nett )
285, .
fOU 8.1
taken .
fOll SA1
estate .
201 Co
ork. (
'S him
F0 ma
wose in
wre ror
". Sen
ilnen $i(
r S.U.F
"'" Bam
Ha .
"VJJ !