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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1911)
MggggggS&r--- "-- im TS5tVJ ' -'J THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911 feVENING EDITION. PAST AND COMMODIOUS teamer Redoido EQUIPPED WITD: WIRELESS rm ofc n TrL i Mefnroan rranuiMJu num uuua Day muisuuy morn- fcoll' ,UI i n 1 1 .On A M ha Novemoer., at 1 1 " INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. S. .i 44 u. '. mcuisuuue, Agent. r M Fi 1 E EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS H Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME I it FIIOM POltTLAND AT 8 P. M. O PL, SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD A iK ON NOVEMBER II, 1M ANU O. H. KEATING, AQKNT ON NOVEMBER 7, II, 21, 'AT (SERVICE OF THE PHONE MAIN BB-L rli r THE FRIEND' OP COOS DAY" S. ALLIANCE KQUIPPEDWITH WIRKLE88 Is from Coos Bayfor "Portland Friday, November 10 at vz o'ciock noon. IXEOTINO WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT POHTLAND, NOKTU PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY.. )j(E 44 O. P. McGKOHQE, A Kent stracts,' Real Estate,' Fire and Marine Insurance Guarantee and Abstract Co.. HENRY BENGSTACKEN. Mot. ,t 0O4e Phone 101 Marahflold Ofllco 14-J. Tlmbor Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. uonarai Aienw "cjaoiuiuh. leaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO &ND JOSSON CEMENT. The beat Domestic and Imported brands. luttr, Lima; Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH NcLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR 1CK, SOUTH BROADWAY, PHONE SOI FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Ujea leave Marahflold (or Rosoburg nt 7 o'clock ovory ud afford quickest connections with Southern Pacific . Fart fG.OO. COOS BAY ROSERURa STAGE LINE. BCHRTTRIt, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., Mnrshflcld. BARNARD, Agcut, K03EI1URG, Ore. PHONE 11 Livery lard's "cured the llvory bual I- ueimer ana nro nrn. U excellent sorvlco to oi coos Day. Ciretul tits tnd nvprvfhlno" m& tatlstactory service to t rugae us for a driving r anything necdod In ' Wo also dn trunk. ill ktmln AIU) imOTHERS ne 138-.I and Bales Service. L"d Alder Streets Irtck Bulldlnc. Eloetrla o Heat. Einpitntiv Rooms with Hot fold Water. EL .anna HETLIN, Prop. way and Upwards. jwy and Market o. Orciron. Public Stenographer All Work Confidential Phone No. 130 177 Front St. Prof. A. Richards TEACHER OP PIANO. And yolco culture. Appointment hour 1 to 2 o'clock. Applicants call at Studio, Songs- tackon Bldg., 130 Broadway. A. II. IIODQINS eld Paint Wing Co. MAuaiiFJELD, 140L Oregon I Phone DPN shop V of Bicycle supplies, r'a tor sale. Guns, llred. and renalrnrt. BEL, Pron. St. Phone 180-R ty RlVPn ! ..- ... wiub IJUI" mos vote of all the W? Prized th.Ji uws or tne 3tfct0 of Ba,d aidR7.",0?ecrey M o."l ""??? rtIeleV"S' "" - w. luturjiora- Bra? 0f Ba,d cor Bri,ey Candy Com- I. vj .TltAVER, fO. BRADLEY, AULEY, Directors. Have Us Lauider Your. Underwear We wash these garments cleaner and better than the work can bo dono elsowhoro, and they aro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink them, oven woolon garments nro returned the same size, as when sent us. Wo Iron the garments nicely, make ordinary repairs freo of charge and you have fresh clean, sweet under wear ready for each week's change. Bundle yours up with next weok'a laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry puon;. 220-j REAL ESTATE City property, Farm, Tlmbor, and Coal Land. Low rato Flro Insurance, best and strongest company. Renting of Rooms and Houses. Selling Itckots to any part of Eu rope. AUG. FRIZEEN 08 CENTRAL AVENUE, Marshfield. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Sec CORTHELL Phono 81JU Unique Pantatorium DYEING, CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OP nAT WORK. ROSS & FINEGOR. 250 Central avenue Phone 2 6 OX A TACOMA EDUCATOR ENGAGES IN THE DAIRY BUSINESS AND P1NDS WEALTH. TACOMA, Wash. ,Nov. 8. How to increase ono's personal financial standing from $00 debt to $50,000 In cash within thrco years is n "back to tho farm" lesson that might bo taught by E. L. Brewer, formerly n school teacher, but now a prosper ous young farmer of Satsop, Chohnl Is county. Jersoy cowb nro tho for mer teacher's Bpcclnlty, and ho Is famud among tho stockmen of this stnto for tho stnto of porfcctlon to which ho has bred his herd of sixty odd head, "Without kiting checks, but with credit that was good," said Mr. Brow or yestordny, "I bought 182 acres upon tho Installment plan although I had $G0 less than nothing, which Is tho amount a school teacher ought to have Jersey cattlo woro my hobby, and upon a scientific baBls I havo managed to breed n herd of Jerseys with 'character.' Thoro Is ono 3 y ear-old In tho herd that brings mo ns high ns $40 a month In pure cream alono. Shu nvcruges $400 a year In profits and I can feed tho herd nt a cost of $37 n year acreage I am now milking thirty hend of theso 3- y ear-old b. I havo about sixty head all told, besides 100 hogs and a dozen or moro horses. "When I Btnrtcd In I realized that It required 'character' In stock to mako It record-breaking, so I began by dovoloplng tho Individual char actor of tho cows. I started by try ing to havo calves as well born as It Is posBlblo to havo thorn, by studying tho needs of tho Individual cow. Ono fcaturo Is In tho fact that I keep closo tab on tho feed, weighing tho cows frequently and keeping them so that tho food olemonts do not fcod on tho bodily wolght of tho nnlmnl. Last year tho school-teacher farm er sold $10,000 worth of produco on his place, and says ho wouldn't even consider nn offer of $4G,000 for what is loft oven though ho hna only ten acres undor cultivation. PANAMA CANAL REPORT IDE Eight Weeks to Christmas Hlg HANI) DANCE at EAGLES hall, Saturday night, NOVEMBER 11. Music by full band. Big REDUCTION Salo of MILLI NERY now on nt Mrs. A. G. AIKHN'S Don't forgot the Turkish Baths PHONE 214-J. A MAIL CARRIER'S LOAD Seems heavier whon ho has n weak back and kjdnoy trouble Krcd Duoh ren, mall carrier at Atchison, Kan bus, says; "I havo been bothered with kidney and blnddor troublo and had n sovoro pain across my back. Whonovor I carrlod n heavy load of mall, my kidney troublo lncerauod. Somo time ago, I sturted taking Fo ley's Klduoy Pills and slnco taking thorn I 'havo gotten ontlroly rid oi nil my kldnoy troublo and am as sound now ns over." Poloy's Kldnoy Pills aro tonic In action, quick In results. No matter nt what stogo your kldnoy troublo may bo, tako Foloy's Kldnoy Pills nt onco for quick and pormnnent rollof. nod Cross Drug Storo. $100 Reward For any sowing machlno I can't place In first class ordor. Supplies for all machines furnished. Leavo ordors, drop a postal card or phono Rogors hotol. C. S. Leibendorfer Expert Machinist, Phono 144-L Roforenco O. O. Lund, leather butchor PROFESSIONAL mnECTORY DR. E. P. WINKLER, Vntiiwinnlli nml PlilrnnMirfni. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation freo. Ofllco hours; 9 to 12 . m.; 2 to 6 and 6 to 8, p. m. Naturopath Institute Room No. 1. No. 13G Broadway, Marshfield, Ore. DR. G. W. LESLIE, ftannathlr! Pliralrlaa Qraduato of the American school of Osteopathy at KlrksvHle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 16 to 12; 1 to 4; Phone ,161-J; Marshfield; Oregon. W. BENNETT, Lawyer. ( Dffleo over Flanagan & Bennett Bank Iarshfleld Oregon DR, J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Surgeon Marshfield, Oregon. Office: Lockhart Building, opposite Foat OfHte. Phone 10 5-J DR. A. J. nENDRY'Si Modem Dental Parlors. We are equipped to do high class work an short notice at the very lowest prices. Examination free. Lady attendant, Coke building, oppo site Chandler hotel, phone 112-J. DR. II. B. MOORE, Clilropractor Chronic Diseases a Specialty 203 Coos Bldg Phone 81-L Office hours 1 to C. Annual Report of Isthmian Commissioner Slnovvs Pro gress on, Great Waterway WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 8 Tho groat mechanical problems connected with tho construction of tho Panama Cnnal, which Is to bo opened to tho govornmout in January, 101G, pass in review In tho annual roport of tho iBthmlan Canal Commission Just mado public. Tho record of tho yoar's achievements In tho gigantic task that' Is being worked out by tho Washington government, undor Con gressional appropriations that so far aggregates $293,CC1,480, Includes: Completion of almost thrco-quart-ors of Culobra Gut. Total excava tion of material from Culobra during tho year, 10,221,480 cubic yards nt avorago cost of 08.8 cents por yard. Big plans laid for canal tormlnals, Including1 storago of fuel, fresh wa ter and other supplies, ropalr facil ities, etc., Pacific tormlnal to have dry-dock, storehouso and coaling Bta tlonB., Practical completion of plans of all locks Elaborate schomo for lighting tho canal. Safciruardlng of the canal against big landslides. Tint rcnort treats tho nh'vslcal as pects of tho big waterway with mln- uto detail. questions ot tons, iorm of government and character and ex tent of population to bo pormlttcd in tho cnnal zono havo boon reported upon in ndvanco sheets of tho roport already mado public Tho locks have been n great prob Inm. nnnlcnn for thu nlinrouch wall nt all lockB,' except ono, hnvo been prepared. uoutracis in iorce nt uiu beginning of tho ilscal year woro practically completed and now con tracts entered Into for a vnst amount nf rnmna vnlvna. pntna mid Other pnraphornnlla' needed to put tho can al Into oporntlon. Moro than 9G4 tons or caBiings wore mnuo oh mu loHnniip ttiilirilnc of tho Krcnt lock gatos each leaf of which Ib D4 feet, 8 Inches high waB expedited. At each lock ontrnnco, Btrong fendor chalnB attached to poworful eprlngB will bo lnstulled to provont ships from battering down tno iockb. A (Inn tint' nnlUBOIl lmto IB bolnit 1 II- iitniimi fnr iiRQ In closing n lock so as to enable workmen to ropalr tho per manent lockB ana tno uouom biuicuh. .Cnnal. Illumination will ho provld- ii' iiv rnnon llclits for establishing tho direction of vessols on tho longer tnngontB, and by siuo ngnia a innu apart marking each sldo of tho chan noi. Buovb and lighted beacons, built ot ro-lnforcod concrete will abound. Famous Culobra Cut Is ton miles Innir nml ilnnn nnouch to rCCCiVO tllO United States capltol, domo and all. From this cut, despite tho enormous excavation during tho year, on July 1. Inst thoro remained 23.929,140 cubic yards to bo removed. Esti mates or excavation necessary in wu cut havo been largoly Increased to niinw for thn ureiit earth slides. Last year theso slides that hud to bo rc- moveu from tno canni cutting nuur It had. boon practically completed, wnm .1 R7D.37S Yards or over thirty por cont of all tho material removod from tho cut. Theso slides havo occurred wlioro Mm mntorlal oxcavnted was loft on a slopo steepor than tho permanent Incllno win uo anu mo trouuio is ux pocted to ccaso whon tho natural slopo of tho canal banks Is restored. Breaks havo occurred on both sides of tho cut whoro tho underlying rock la if nnnr nnnlltv find Is broken tin and squeezed upward by tho pros suro from boneath and from tho sides Interrupting tho drainago anu cover ing up tho railroad track. To moot this condition, lntormodiato benches havo been cut along tho slope to dis tribute the top weight nnd reduco tho amount ot material to bo removed. It fa ilnclnrnrl Hint whon tho bottom grado of tho canal is reached no fur- thor troublo need bo anticipated as greater stability will bo glvon by the water. "With both slldos and bronks," tho Commission says, "tho question Is ono of ultimate amount of excavation, and whatever tho feol Ing olsewhoro, thero Is no approhon slon on tho Isthmus as to the final outcomo among those acquainted with tho facts." The commission thim nnnwern nrndlctlons that tho canal would be overwhelmed with gi gantic lanasuacs, preventing tno ul timate execution ot tho project. Tho Commission contends that It would be uneconomical to terrace the bankB everywhere In advance of tho cutting oflhe cnnal becauso a largo part of that expensive work v x: -v mi a ( start VnowJJ First Class Auto Service When you want to go nnywhoro In a hurry Try FOOTE'S AUTOS. Best rates in tho city. BEST OARS, Best drivers. Phone CO-J until 11 p. in., after 11 p.m. phone 0-J. Resi dence phono 28-J. .P. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. But NotOnc .Minute Too Ear ly to Begin Your Christ mas Shopping. might provo wholly unnecessary. Dcoponlng of cut and widening of tho lower reaches has progressed satis factorily with less Interruption or Interference on account ot slides than nt any tlmo slnco troublo with thorn began. Tho slides havo caiiB ed no IncrertBa In tho totnl estimated cost of Culobra cut. Tho Cucaracha slldo coverod 47.1 acres and tho Cul obra slldo 4 CO acres. A special board has recommended and planned facilities for tho stor ago and furnishing ot coal and othor fuel for uso both afloat and ashore; tho furnishing of fresh water to ship ping; tho furnishing of adoquato and convenient facilities for tho repair of all vessels, as well ns ot all rolling stock, cqulpmont and machinery ashore; nnd of storo Iiousch for ma terials and supplies othor than fuel, after tho completion of llio canal. Tho tonnlnal docks will bo so ar ranged an to admit of easy enlarge ment to moot development!) In busi ness and slzo ot ships. To begin with tho dry docks will conform to tho dimensions of tho canal and thu whnrvcB will bo 1,000 feot long. Tho totnl appropriations mado by Congress leavo $81,039,031 of tho oatlmntcd cost of tho canal yot to bo appropriated. Kor tho first tlmo no contract la borers woro brought to tho Isthmus during tho year. Thoro wns a de cided falling off In Immigration, wnllo ninny west Indian InbororB havo gono back to tho bush and enn no longer bo rolled upon for stondy work. CROPS OP THU WEST. Eighty-eight million, ono hundred nnd twcnty-ulno thousand bushels of wheat wns produced In Washington, Orogou, Idaho, and Montana this year, according to estimates compiled by victor II. Olmstend, chief statis tician of tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture, from tho grow ers' reports. Tho farm valuo Is pla ced at $01, COO. 000 on a basis of 70 cents por bushel. The yield In 1910 was 00,180,000 bushels nnd 77.38G, 000 bushols In 1909. Tho production of wheat this year was ns follows: Washington, 30,- 239,000; Oregon, 17,010,000; Idaho, 17.9C5.000; Montana, 10,919,000; tho flguros for 1910 aro: Washing ton, 20,003,00; Oregon, 10,414, 000; Idaho, 12,003,000; Montaua- 10,000,000. Tho oat crop for 1910 Is estimated at 48,930,000 bushels, ns follows: Montana', 19,090,000; Washington, 10,807.000! Oregon, 10,081,000; Idaho, 8,404,000. Tho 1910 crop was: Montana, 13,300,000; Orogou, 10,419,000; Washington, 8,817,000; Idaho, 1,084,000. Tho hay crop this year nmounted to moro than 4,200,000 tons, as against 4,000,000 tons last year, as follows: Idaho, 1,473,000; Montana, 840.000; Oregon, 923,000; Wash ington, 810,000. Other largo cropB aro: Potatoos, corn, clovor seed, cabbago, hops, sug ar beets, beans, peas, grapes, penrs, plums, prunos, borrles, and melons. MILLINERY nt REDUCED PRICES at Mrs. A. G. Alkon's. Big BAND DANCE at EAGLES hall, Saturday night, NOVEMI1KR 41. Muslo by full band. NOTICE. All C003 comity warrants drawn on the Gqnoral Fund and endorsed prior to July 1, 1910, will bo paid on presentation at my ofllco In Coquillo. No Interest will bo allowed on any of thoso warrants after Nov. 3, 1911. Dated nt Coquillo, Ore, this 2nd day of Novomber, 1911. T. M. DIMMICK, County Treasurer, LIVE STOCK IS RIG ASSET Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality UNCLE SAM'S PARMS 1IAVB NEARLY PI V BILLIONS DDL-. LARS WORTH OP DOMK3TIO ANIMALS. Poultry Shows Grenlcr Rclutlvo iii- -c raise Than All Other Classen Combined WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 8. Statistics relative to tho livestock (domestic nnlmals, poultry nnd bees) reported on farms nnd rangos for contcnentnl United Stntcs, April 10, 1910, aro contained In an ofllclnl statement Issued today by Census Di rector Durand. Tho aggregato valuo ot nil live stock, Including domestic animals, poultry and bees, as reported In 1910, wns, In round numbors, $4, 890,000,000, ns compared with $3, 070,000,000 In 1900. This Is an In crcaso ot nearly $1,820,000,000, or 09. 2 por cent. Tho aggregato valuo of principal classes of domestic animals on farms In 1910 woro as follows: Horses nnd colts $2,070,000,000; cattlo, $1,480, 000,000; mules nnd mulo colts, $522,000,000; swine, $398,000,000; sheep nnd Iambs, $231,000,000; poultry, $103,000,000. Poultry shows a grcnter rolatlvo Incrcnso In valuo during tho decado than tho combined valuo ot all live stock, tho Incrcnso amounting to nearly $70,000,000. Poultry now nro valued at moro thnn $150,000, 000 for tho United Stntcs whllo tho Investment In bees Is $10,000,000. Tho totnl munbor or fnrmB In tho United States tu 1910 wns 0,340,307. Of theso, 04.0 por cont or 0,017,142 reported domestic animals; 83 por cont, or 0,200,772, reported cattlo; 73.7 por cont, or 4,071,441, reported horses or colts; 08.0 por cont, or 3, 340,092, reported swine; 29.4 por cont, or 1 , 8 G 1 , 1 7 1 , reported mules or mulo colts; nnd only 9.0 por cont, or 009,323, reported Bhcop or lnmbs. ICIImlnntlon of Crops Would Wreck Count ry'n Commerce "Tho nvorngo Ainorlcnn who talks In Biiperlntlvo tonus of his country seldom stops to ronllzo Hint tho bul wark of all Its bigness Is agricul ture, writes lsnnc F. Marcosson In "Why tho American Farmer Is Rich." "Without this thero would bo no 'tulloBt buildings,' no 'queen cltles,'-'-!'-no 'fastest trains In tho world.' Kllmlnnto tho crops nnd our railroad. Incoino would dwindle, our com merco would be parnllzed, nnd ono--third of our outlro population would bo Idle. In Hhort, our real progress Is irooted In the ground. "Such a revelation Is mndo this year In tho census roport showing tho extraordinary Incrcnso In tho valuo of tho American farm. Eleven years ago tho agricultural laud of tho country wns valued at thirteen billions of dollars, In round numbors Lnst yenr It wns appraised at twenty eight billions nn Increaso of ono huudrod and eighty por cent. In cluding tho buildings nnd agricultur al equipment, tho totnl value ot our farms aggregated tho Immonso sum of thirty-six billions of dollars, or nluo times tho money In nil our savings-banks." CHINAMAN WAHIILEH. In Member of Gleo Club of Oregon Sfnto University. EUGKNI3, Ore, Nov. 8. Harry Ding, a Chlueso student nt tho Uni versity, will be tho star porformor on tho fourteenth annual stnto tour of thu Unlvorslty ot Oregon Gleo club, which Is to tn Uo place during thu holidays. Ding will appear in lils native costume and sing a fow solos, both in Chinese and In Eng lish. Ho has an excellent second bass volco, which Is surprising for a Chi naman. This Is Ding's second Benson on tho Gleo club. Last year ho and his partner, William Lai, made such a hit In tho concert at Portland, that a representative of tho Orphoum of fered tho two of them tho salary ot $200 a week, If thoy would go on tho Orphoum circuit. Tho two Chl noso students, however took llfo too sorlously to accept a position In vau dovlllo. Harry Ding Is ono of four or flvo hundred Chlnoso studonts In Ameri can colleges, who nro studying on glnooiing, with a vlow toward aiding In tho development or China. Ding's ctrcumstnncos nro somewhat different from his fellow Chlueso students, as ho was born and raised In Portland, Ore In fact, ho has novor sot foot In tho Flowery Kingdom. However, ho has nn Intonso loyalty to China, and expects to go thoro as soon as ho finishes hlscolloglnto course. Although brought up In Orogon, Mr. Ding never spoke tho English language un til ho was 14 years old, as his fam ily used tho Chinese ontlroly at homo, and all his playmates woro of his race On account of this lack of early training, ho ilnds English his hardest course ROCK ISLAND SHOP MEN AGAINST STRIKE (Yly Associated Press.) CHICAGO. 111.. Nov. 8. A poll of tho vote of tho shop om- ployes or tno kock tsianu snowa v It to bo bolow tho necessary three-fourths majority required to logallzo a strike. After the show try a Turkish Bath Phone 214-J. Havo your Job printing done at Tho Times' ofllco. u )- .8 a- ir k 1b it 10 in