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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1911)
fVSWoTft VN& "" ' "'''' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911 EVENING EDITION. E Tlbinrsdla jj Friday Saturday !ae Selected 1 00 Suits V W H Ill ?1 i Me mi's Qothing. The surplus of our stock comprising all odds and ends, for a special three-day sale, marking them out at QNE-HALF OUR REGULAR LUNG PRICE The sizes range from 34 to 42. They are of our regular high class standard makes and offer an attractive clean saving of 50 per cent. Don't fail to come early as they will not last long at such prices. The sale will include 200 pairs of Men's- and Youths' Trousers priced from 33 1-3 to 50 per cent, of regular prices. The store will be open evenings to afford everyone to participate in this offering. MAGNES M ATSO COOS BAYTMES M. O. MALONKY Editor and Pub. DAN !:. MALOXEY News Editor might give both mother and child la ovll than any other." Ono can't hull) ntilllllod hy tliu mother's hoiiho of hor' having a poor opinion ot n pollco Entered at tho poatotlico at Marsu Hold, Oregon, (or transmission through thu malls an socond class mall mattor. forco that permits girls to dress on thu streets. own superiority. IJut tho day will como when par ents will look nullum upon tho Idea Mint tho women and men with wiiom Tho innn who thinks ndvertlsliiB cuiiuren spend so inucu 01 mo lor- a narinless extravagance Is confess nmtlvo period of their youth nioy billing his own montnl weakness. In any point Inforlor. Then the relation' ok parents to teachers. teacher's calling will bo held equal In dignity with that of any worker or Idler anywhere. It Is through tho teai'herH themselves that this ndvnnco must conro. That Is, thoy must bu Htich men uud women as commaud ra sped; nuil they can do thin not alone by bookish attainments and refliio ment but by suclj nobleness of char nctor In themselves as proves their worthiness to be named friend by every child. WITH THE TOAST AND TEA : good evening. Wo should bo afraid of do lug wrong, and of that only. othorwlso If wo only don't do wrong for fenr of being punish ed, wo have dono wrong In our hearts already. JOHN RUSKIN. OF OI.I) tho education of thu child was us much thu parent's con corn as his food and clothes. Now tho state gives thu education, Insists upon It even when tho par ents would demur, and tho result Is in ninnv riiHi'X tlml too inni'li of Mio rnuiwitinllilllt v fur Mm riitirltiir nt Mli child Is left to tho schools. Yet tho fact remains that homo In-Sluoiu-u is still the stronger. Thus if thu homo leaves thu child moru or loss at loose ends, looking to thu nchool to develop him properly, there Is almost Inevitably a luxiioss some where In thu growing character. Thu thing really needed Is coopera tion between parent and teacher. Teachers need to learn lovo and sym pathy of thu mother, mothers moro of tho discipline and responsibility of thu teacher. Tho teacher is a train ed worker In her Held, the mother Is too often without any training for her high task. On tho other hand nature, us we bay, gives tho mother tho advantage of lovo and patience that endure through everything. The teacher uud mother then should ex change Ideas about tho child for his good, In a partnership of duty and interest. Teachers are today often too much burdened to luivu time for conference with parents, yet in tho problem of discipline, which Is one of the impor tant servlcos of tho bcIiooI to the ftlillfl tltrt onniiiiiMitlini it Hi., nwitlt.n. Is of great value. If foolishly lndul-lT,m,,,s coxnt(,a "" ,nt pIPS0 "f (,ay Kont parents undermine the teachers' I ,0 8e0 ,10W much w0 vo (,one- efforts nt training an unruly child to . , . . . , obedience and order. If teachers on jSo when yon vo got somo work to do. tho other hand thwart a wise parental tact that seeks to bring out the good in tho child by emphasizing that rather than Insisting on thu bad, thu wny is hard for the child, walking as It woro botweon two flres. When teachers go Into neighbor hoods where there Is llttlo enlighten- mont It Is ono of tho paramount du-l ties to vlblt the mothers and awaken in them some desire for tho child's progress. This concern of tho teach ers with tho home should obtain In tho moro enlightened circles, hut hero it Is very often shut out by tho ixttltude of tho parents. Tho teacher U too often regarded us a social In ferior and though her wisdom may discern n child's need moro clearly tiii: city of coos hay. DO A RIGHT THING. WJion you'vo got somo work to do, Do tho best you enn; Hut before you start the Job Consider well your plnn. Then mistakes will not bo yours; Sucress your work will crown; Things no'er will bo wrong-sldo-iip; Hut nlways wrong-sldo-down. It Isn't Mint we nlways work, ! Hut how our work Is dono, Do It tho host you can; nut before you start tho Job Consider well your plnn. Cense, wander'or, conso thy quest, Tho choicest city of tho west, Thro' all tho oast Is manifest Far famed Coos Hny. Tho birds among her flr trees slug Tho Dowers that frugrnnt odors bring For thee, kind friend are blossoming In fair Coos Hay. Her youths and maidens Iceep tho paco Along tho Academic rnco; For laurels nlwayH wreatho and grnco High School C003 Hay. Thro' mountain pass, o'or hill and dale, Upon thu burdonod iron-trail Steam cars will tell a wondrous tnlo Anent Coos Hay. What innltes her smilingly content, Of power and prestlgo conflduut? "My gntoway to tho Orlont," Salth Proud Coos Hay. I.uden with commorco bravo ships rldo Thro' storm and stress o'or oceans wldo; Sho marks tho "turning of tho tldo," This wlso Coos Hay. Como Join us hero and holp us grow; Our suro foundation stones you know A ro happy, homes whoso firesides glow Muko bright Coos Hay. Mny all hor rulors vindicate And guard good laws Invlolato; Thou God shnll ovll powors frustrato And bless Coos Hay. N will bo no art In mnsculino fashions until men discard trousers." Oh, very woll. Wo can got along with out art, hut wo must hnvo tho trous ers. At tho Minneapolis breakfast ten dered President Tuft, n live eagle formed pnrt of tho tnblo decoration. Hut to our mind live onglo Isn't In It with fried chlckon as a table decoration. QUESTION FOR Till-: DAY. any, most of us nru looking for mon , ey all thu sumo. Thoro nro somo nion who look up on ndvortlslng as either extravagnnco or a contribution. STORY OF THE DAY. COAL Does a man hnvo hnrso sonso when ho knows when to say "nay"? It was moonlight In tho alloys, It was moonlight In tho streets, Out 'twas dark between thu houses And tho pcoplo woro asleep. Hut tho cnts they woro not sleoplng, Thoy woro gnth'rlng for a mooting, And thoy snug ns thoy woro gath'rlng "K n ten pin had tho jlm-jnms, When would n sugar bowl? Tho Hleochor "Speaking of that gymnasium dis cussion,"' romnrkod Davo Stnfford, "Do you think If thoro was a tight in n gymnasium, would tho Indian club a dumb boll?" LAND OF FIXE COXTKXT I. In tho laud of lino content Novor conies n call for rent; Thoro tho sun shines night and day Novor gas bill Is to pay. Constant blessings, heaven-sent, In tho land of fluo content. II. Thoro, tho harvests spring supremo Instant ns a flashing dream! Not ono tollor's grlof Is known; LIfo Is Lovo, and Lovo nlouo! CTIs my fnlth that Llfo was meant For tho land of flno content.) Frank L. Stanton. Coal Is called coal In England, Iro- lnnd, Wales and tho dominion beyond tho sens. Thorn nrn twn trliiilu nf .mil .... thrnclto and bituminous. Anthracite makes the householder swear because of tho expense and bituminous innkes tho reformer swear becauso of tho smoke Inspector. Coal Increases In price 10 cents pot ton por mouth from April to Janu ary. This Is becauso mining conl Is a provldoutlnl trust. Tho man you hire to tnko enro ot your furnaco ho will same day bo n collcgo presldont or a Chautauqua lecturor enres llttlo or nothing nboiit tho prlco tho conl or tho status of tho thermometor. Thoro Is lust ntin ptinnrlni llil.n. nbout conl: It Is tho only household necosslty which Is not Included in tho list of "Whnt to do with Loft-ovors" by the family mngazlne. Womon bring SO por cont of tho divorce suits. Whon a man proves himself n gontlcninii by proposing mnrrlogo. n wlfo ought to show her appreciation by nllowlng him to sug Kest tho separation. Wonderfully mid Fearfully Made. A good old goutlunmn, with falling eyesight, but mil in pa I red faith, wai In the habit of rending tho Illble to his boys every night heforo retlrlnj. Ono evening, after reading a chapter ho said, "Now, boys, tomorrpw ere ulug I will rend about Noah taking unto hlniHolf a wife." Tho boji thought thoy would play a Joke on him, and they pasted two leaves ot tho Hlblo together. Tho next evening tho old gentle man opened thu Illhlo nt tho proper placo, and rend, "and Noah took un to hlmsolf u wlfo"; then ho turned over tho page and rend, "sho forty cubits long and twenty cubit wldo, tarred Insldo and out." The old gentleman stopped reading scratched his head, turned back to tho first pogo again and read, "and Nonh. took unto himself n wife.' turned over tho pago again and read, "sho was fortv cubits lorn? and twen ty cubits wldo, tnrred hiBldo mid out. Ho closed tho book, looked at im Iiovm nnii mild. "I have read tnli blessed book nigh unto forty yeari. nnd I novor rend that bofore. but It simply Illustrates how wonderfully nnd fearfully wo aro mode." Tho Times' Want Ads bring result! Often the chnn whom tho world calls monn Is only dlfforent. Whon you buy a balky horso may not pay for nny harness. you will bo suro to got n halter. you but Tho wlso mnn doos not let his wife hear him boast that ho Is a good manager; sho knows better. 4 Till) HACHELOR OlItL SAYS: To faclnnto a scholar, pretend to bo n fool; to attract a saint, pretend to ho a slnnor; to win a fool, pro tend to bo wise, nnd to charm tho devil protond to be a saint. A suro wny of rendering tho straight nnd narrow path moro pop ular mako it wldo onough for nuto mobiles, "Mnn nisnpnears with $575; Wife Is Prostrated." announces tho St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Woll. $57." looks llko quite n wad to lots of folks. An Atlnntn woman Interested in rnfnrm wnrW fsnvs? "TIia vn- winner than tho mother sees It, tho holp sho Bria ,j,ess on the streots Is n' grantor J "All Chlnnmen." snys the Los An goles Times, " look nllke." Wo would go a step further and admit that all Chlncso laundry checks look nliko to us. Glancing over our exchanges, wo And that tho usual number of "frlonds of tho worklngmnn" nro running for otllco In various parts of the country. Says an English artist: "Thoro Presont Indications nro that tho president will hnvo everything ox plalned by tho tlmo he ends his tour. After Los Angoles sees tho bill for tho McNnmnrn trial It will agree that even wnr between lawyers is what Sherman said. Tho constantly rolternted maxim that "honesty Is tho best policy" does n't seom to work a reduction In the number of professional safe-crackers. Though wo may nover hnvo lost A SERIES OE SERMONS ON INEIDELITY At the Tabernacle by Dr. Knox 1JEGIXXIXO TONIGHT The Doubter's Doubts, or The Eive IES of Infidelity Subject Tonight, "If There Is a God" TEXT "THE FOOL HATH SAID IN HIS HEART TIIL"E IS NO GOD." PSALMS 11:1. , , .Let everybody como and decide for themselves on which slde they stand. . SERVICES AT 7: .10 SHARP. i -id. MMiUMri .mteji.-.m, -Jt&fbim&uvJs -. if Vii. " ""l'lllTrVa TT"iai