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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1911)
'iprjfl- OFTEN AS NOT THE CHAP THE WORLD CALLS MEAN IS ONLY DIFFERENT a T.min "CamnnlKti" Of 000 Stag taws WANT ADVERTISING In The TIMES Will Kwp the Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lnpsiugt YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting a few furnished rooms nntl, If you knew how nnd when to use tho classified columns, you may keep that Httlo extra incomo as "steady as n clock." ,rT ADVERTISING in The TIMES Will IMit Your Ileal Estate "In Uio Market" Ef f e c 1 1 v o 1 y l it will put tho facts about your .Jnorty before tho eyes of all "pos S buyers" In town. And If faro's ono of thorn who ought to tIlC- .? vmiMl floll ltl own in J"" MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED I'Ucsa vol: XXXV Established In 1878 tin Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1911 EVENING EDITION, SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Time. Const Mall nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 99 UFW YORK REPUBLICANS WIN SOCIAL CONTROL OF LOWER ROUSE Elected Big Majority of State Representatives There ' Yesterday. NEBRASKA ALSO GOES STRONGLY REPUBLICAN Democrats Elect Third District Congressman There Other Elections. (By Associated Prosu to Coos Bay Tlmos.) NEW YOIUC, Nov. 8. Tho next New York stnto assembly will bo overwhelmingly republican. Tho re publicans number 101, democrats 48, and socialists 1. Tho stnto Sonato holds over from last year nnd thoro foro continues to bo democratic. In New York City, republicans gen erally speaking, hnd tho best of It. Tftmmnnv retained Mnnhattan and tho Ilronx, but It lost Brooklyn and control of tho hoard of nldermou. NKW JERSEY REPUBLICAN Democrats Lose Control of Slntc Lt'K- Mature There. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) TIIENTON, N.' J., Nov. 8. Elcc ion returns today mako certain tho republicans will havo control of both houses of tho next legislature. In a statement, Governor Woodrow Wil ton expressed regret ovor tho loss of the House to his party but said If tho republicans lived up to their platform pledges the next scflslon will bo pro ductive of reformatory legislation of consldcrablo Importance KENTUCKY IS DEMOCRATIC. Itcpiilillrnn Hulo of Four Yours Ends In Hluo CI ni us State. (Dy Atboclatea I'resu to Coos Baj Times) LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Nov. 8. After four yenrs of republican rulo, Ken tucky nwoko today to n comploto realization of tho majorities hor vo ters gftvo yesterdny to practlcnlly nil democratic candidates In tho stnto. James n. McCrcary, governor of Ken tucky thirty-two yenrs ngo, has been again elected nt tho ago of 73 years or n mnjoruy or moro uinn miny thousand. PHILADELPHIA CITY ELECTION. Elected ! ImleiKMident ItnttiWIc-nn Mnynr Over Great Odds. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 8. Ru dolph niankcnhurg, Independent rc- publican, wns elected mayor ovor GeorKO H. Enrlo. Jr.. liv n nlnrnlltv of U6L lllankonburg mndo n remark-1 sblo fight, facing n normnl republican majority of between 75,000 nnd 100, - 000. NEBRASKA IS REPUBLICAN. Only Democratic Ylctory "Win EIcc- tloa of .Ird Dlstrirt Congressman By Associated Press to tho Coas Bay Times.; OMAHA, Nov. 8. Lato rotums Indicate the republicans captured eve ry Stnto nfllm In vpHlnnlnv'u olortlnn. toe only democratic victory of conse- QUenco was In tho Hilnl rnnirrnRslnnnl hero Daniel V. Stephens wns olected jo succeed tho lato Congressman Lat hi, a democrat. MARYLAND ItEPUHLIOANS By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 8. . Tho indications todny are that Phillip L. oidsboroiigh, republican, will bo fleeted governor. Plan For Dissolution of Big Company Approved With Certain Modifications. J Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) 8uEWyRK' Nov- 8- Th0 Un,tetl deJ,? Clcuit court handed down a plan n J10 today approving the TotT,.- solution of tho American acco company with raodIflcatlon3. t,Y'lr l WANT is 100 people a 0l?t buy flour HAINES. TOBACCO CASE IS DECIDED NEW MEXICO IS DEMOCRATIC State Ticket Carries But Re publicans Hope to Control Legislature. By Associated Press to tho Coos Uny Times) SANTA FE, N. M., Nov. 8 Incom plete returns point strongly to tho election of tho entire democratic state ticket headed by W. C. McDon nld for governor. Tho progressive republicans gave their support to tho domocrnts to a great extent. Tho renubllcnns hone to control tho legislature nnd olect two United Stn- tea senators. T T Joint Committee to Discuss Question Nolan Fixes High Price For Plant. At n meeting of tho Mnrshflcld city council InBt evening, arrangements wcro mado for holding n meeting of tho Joint wntor commlttco of Mnrsh flcld nnd North Bend tonight nnd for a special session of tho Mnrshflcld city council Friday evening to tnko action on tho report of tho Joint com mittee. TJ!!!!.Mn!n!!iWn'..!!?SJl,'.J!il; HE W or considerable discussion during i ',- if .,, u ,.,na ,ii,i ..1.1.1. m ,.,. ot-n,u ,i.i,i,i ,i",Commerco last evening, it wns deciu io , i ?P.h mi.I n J '. to postpone tho permanent orgnn. council nnd tho members of tho spo- . ,. ' , ' ,, , ',, . ,, " clal water commltteo for not getting action moro quickly. Mayor Strnw, for tll0 nr8t tliuo in a long while, as- IBn,Cd his old fnshlonod attltudo in tho council nnd gavo tho council n talking to such as ho lias not attempt ed In many months. He declnred thnt they had been fooling around for months on tho wntor proposition nnd accomplished nothing and during Ms tnlk intimated that ho might chnnga his mind and be n cnudldnto for mayor again. Ho snld that tho coun cil ought to cither decldo to buy tho plant nnd Improvo it. or quit talking about it Ho wanted to Know wimt tho speclnl commlttco doing nnd In Mb own vermicular handed tho .members of tho council srmo cholca packagos. Couucllmnu Ferguson re torted a fow times nnd Intimated that tho mnyor didn't know wlnt ho wns talking nbout. During tho nourso pf hN romnrks, Mnyor Strnw nlao toolt a whack at North Don J, nyliK that he hnd long ngo decided that It was futllo to try to got North Bend to do nnythlng. Consequently, ho snld, tho council should cut out North Bend nnd Mnrshflold should hnndlo its affairs indonendently. However, tho council did not ngreo with him nnd decided not to attempt to do anything until tho Joint com mltteo took action on tho mnttor nnd roported back. Councilman Copplo roported that ho hnd secured somo of tho desired dnta from tho Wntor company for tho committee nnd of fered to turn It over to councilman Powers, chairman of tho Joint com mltteo, but this wns doforred until tho commltteo meets. Councilman Powers nsked that all of tho mora bors of tho Marshflold council bo pre sent nt tho Joint commltteo meeting. While Mr. Copplo did not intlmnto tho ehnrnctor of tho Information se cured from tho Wntor compnny, it is undorstobd that Messrs. Nolan and Jackson havo stipulated a prlco at which they would bo willing to turn tho proporty ovor to tho city. Tho prlco. it Is understood by somo of tho city officials, Is considerably greater than was anticipated. LOUD BALFOUR RESIGNS. Retires ns Txwler of OjosUlon In British Parliament. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.' LONDON, England. Nov. 8. A. J. Bnlfour has resigned tho leadership of tho opposition. ARE YOU trading with HAINES? A TURTCIBIT BATn will do you GOOD. Phone 214-J. ISTS WIN Elect Mayors In Canton and Lima and Eight Smaller Ci ties of State Yesterday Show Big Increase. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CLEVELAND, Ohio, Nov. 8. Un official returns show tho Socialists IM OF San Francisco Man Kills Wife and Commits Suicide Mo tive For Deed Shrouded In Mystery. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Nov. 8. John Ward Cooper, n lathing con tractor, murdorcd his wife In his sleep In their homo enrly todny nnd then Itllled himself with a razor. Mrs. Cooper was slain with a lathing hatchet. Miss Anna Hughes, n boarder, heard tho woman pleading with hor husband "wnko tip" not to kill her. Miss Hughes attempted to enter but tho door was locked. Sho stood outsldo nnd heard tho blows when Mrs. Coopor was struck. Hysterical from fright nnd horror, Miss Hughes called tho Central OIL MEETING IS RELD HERE Organization of Company Post poned Two Weeks to Get Balance of Stock Sold At n meeting of tho stockholders l'ny nt the Marshflold Chamber of . of tho Coos Bay Oil and Gns com Izntion for two weeks In ordor to plnce tho balanco of nbout $-1,500 worth of stock and allow tho pur chasers of It to partlclpato In select ing tho officers, etc. About $15,500 has boon subscribed nnd It Is desired to havo $20,000 In ordor to carry tho project through tho completion. Mr. Mnupln, who Is to hnvo chnrgo of tho drilling, was prcsont and stat ed that ho would bo ready to start work v:lthln n short tlmo nftor tho or ganization la perfectly. Ho Is enthu siastic over It nnd Is confldont thnt oil will bo found nt considerably less tlinn the depth of about 1,800 feet which tho surfaces Indication show. D. J. Roes recently send somo of the oil stono found by them on Catching Inlet to oil exports nt Con llngn, Cal and thoy hnvo Informed him that tho oil stono Is genuine nnd n suro Indication of oil. Tho next mooting, when the or ganization la to bo porfected will bo held two weoks from this ovonlng. Somo of thoso present last ovo nlng favored having tho Mnrahflold Chnmber of Commerco subscrlbo for pnrt of tho balanco of tho stock that remains unsold. GIVEN $3,000 Dozen Marshfield Men Dispose of Relinquishments In Fall Creek Section. After having concluded negotia tions with F. E. Alloy of Rosoburg, supposedly acting in behalf of tho C. A. Smith Timber compnny, for tho snlo of relinquishments on their Fall Creek homesteads, a dozon Marsh flold mon arrived homo today. Tho rollnnulshmonts were sold for about $3,000 each, It Is stated. Tho claims Involved nro thoso that wero recent- j ly contested. Alton Soncstacken. Tin Cordes. FOR CLAIMS Watt Short and J. E. Wynne werolng died hero. They aro burled in tho first to return, coming via Drain i nnd Gardiner. I F. E. Haguo. Jack Farley nnd i Hugh Sneddon returned via Myrtlo Point, D. L. Footo bringing tnem through In nn nuto from Bridge. Among tho others who aro said to have sold their claims nro Addison Cook, John Horron, Earl Winner and George Shapers. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. IN ORIO CITIES elected mayors In two Inrgo cities, Canton nnd Limn, and won tho may oralty elections In eight smaller ci ties, Lorain, St. Mnrys Unrborton, Cuyahoga Kails, Mount Vernon, To ronto, Fosterln nnd Martin's Forry. The socialist vote Increased heavily all over tho state. The cities It won In yesterday have largo mining populations Emergency hospital, and an nmbu lanco was rushed to tho houso. Tho police had already reached the placo and found Mrs. Coopor nnd Cooper dying. Seven gnshos wcro cut In tho woman's skull, her arm broken, tho lingers of ono linnd cut off niul tlic. body wns a beaten mass of bruises. Tho family hnd lived happily. Coop er was quiet and orderly In his habits and never hnd shown signs of mental unbnlanco. Tho enso of Bomnnmbu Usm, or insanity, mado moro extra ordinary n crlmo thnt apparently had been planned with great deliberation, nB Cooper aroused their Bovon-yonr-old daughter and carried her out of tho room before ho nttnckod Mrs. Cooper, telling the child to romnln quiet. Two other dnughtors nged 23 nnd 1(5 yenrs old heard their mother's plea for mercy, but tho door was closed so they wcro unable to en ter. y One of Oldest Pioneers of Southwestern Oregon Died Last Night at Millicoma. Chnrles S. llllborn. ono of tho old- est pioneers of 'Southwestern Oregon nnd Coos county nnd ono of tho most highly respected men In this section, died nt his ranch homo nt MUllconm nt 11 o'clock last ovenlng nftor n lin gering Illness of a complication of diseases incident to his advanced years. He was almost ninety-two yenrs old. Tho news of his death today brought forth expressions of deep re gret from nil of tho older residents of tho community who hnd known, loved nnd ndmlrod tho vonornblo pion eer. Tho expressions of regrot woro coupled with thoso of sympathy for tho vencrablo wlfo who Is held in llko esteem. Tho shock Is keenly felt by Mrs. llllborn but she Is bearing up woll under tho ordeal. They had been ! married over fifty-one years and tho devotion of tho couple to ench othor and tho happiness thnt Ins always boon theirs together has always ro- suited In tholr being hold up ns tho "model man and wife" by tholr frlonds. Sketch of Ills Life. Charles S. llllborn, wns born In Oxford county, Mnlne, January 10, 1820. Mr. llllborn recolvod his edu cation In tho district schools thoro, and nt olghteon years of ago, left his father's homo nnd beenmo n snllor. Sailing around Cnpo Horn to San Francisco In 1852, ho engaged In mining in California for four yenrs. In I860 ho went to Curry county, Orogon, nnd followed lightering nnd teaming at Port Orford for threo years. February 19, 1SC0, Mr. llll born wns mnrrled to Emmn A. Dyer, jwho was born October 15, 1S3G, nt UIIIUIIUIUU, UIIIU. Ill lOUil BIIU BUIIIU to Oregon with hor parents by way of tho Isthmus of Panama and sot tied in Curry county. Mr. and Mrs. llllborn bogan houso-keoplng In Cur ry county, whoro thoy lived four years, and In 18G4 removed to Ca nyon City, residing thero for ono year, then moved to Tho Dalles, and finally camo to Coos county. No children woro over born to Mr. and Mrs, Hllboru and asldo from threo nephews and tho widow, no near rolntlves survlvo him on this coast. Mr. and Mrs. llllborn first enmo to Coos county in 18CG and homestead ou tno rancn wnero tney navo uvea continuously slnco entry in 18C7. Mr. llllborn wns ono of n family ot nine children, two other brothers hnv- io ynrsniiom i. u. u. . cemciory """ air' ,u,uo"i "in oe jam 10 rest """ i" Funeral Friday. Tho funeral will bo hold Friday at 2 o'clock at thq Masonio Templo and will bo conducted by Blanco Lodge No. 48, A. F. & A. M which Mr. Hllborn Joined goon after the lodgo was instituted. He was also a mem ber of Doric Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. SOMNM 1 M iARCRUS CALLED UPON FOR LIFE AND DEATR STRUGGLE TRIES AGAIN TO BID LIFE Chicago Woman Accused of 1 Many Murders Attempts Suicide In Jail. (By Associated Press to tln Coos Hay Times) CHICAGO, III., Nov. 8. Mrs. Vor- mllya, accused of poisoning Pollcc- rann Blssonetto became seriously ill j in Jntl this afternoon. Sho was strlckon with sovoro nnnsca nnd It wns found thnt In splto of tho nu merous gunrdB Bho again hnd at tempted to end her llfo by poison ing. PAY TRiTE TDA. Henry Watterson, Confederate Veteran, Presents Heroic Statue to Kentucky. Dy Associated Press to tho Cuo Bay Times) FRANKFORT, Ky., Nov. S Whllo President .Tnft of tho United Stntcs and a largo assembly, Including many of thosn who wor.i tlm ernv In tlin LINCOLN conflict between tho north and Uio!"KtlnK In Nanking this morning. south, looked 1 on todny, nn horolc brouzo stntuo of Abraham Lincoln wns unveiled In tho capltol building hero. "Proof of a reunited country," snld Govornor Wlllson of Kentucky, in accepting tho stntuo on bchulf of tho stnto, "Is mado evident In the se lection of Henry Wnttorson, u con fedornto soldier, to formally proscnt this Imago of tho great president to tho pooplo of his nntlvo state. Tho greatness nnd goodness, tho nobility nnd sweetness that became Lincoln nro recognized ns earnestly by thoso who woro tho grny ns by thoso who woro tho blue." Tho unveiling of tho Lincoln stntuo In tho rotunda of tho now Kentucky cnpltnl preceded tho dedication of tho Lincoln momorlnl nt Hodgon vlllo, Ky., by a day. Noar Hodgon- vtllo Is tho Lincoln fnrm, where tho n in which Lincoln wo. born h now iiresorved In n monumental structure recently completed. It Is tho dedication of this memorial which will attract Tnft and others to Hodgcnvlllo tomorrow. Prnddcnt Tnft Speaks. In his nddreBB, Prosldont Tnft re ferred to Lincoln as having possessed an Idenl Judicial mind. "Tho South knows nnd tho North knows, now, thoro is no soul," said tho president, "thnt united them in perfect amity llko thnt of Abraham Lincoln. Tho South knows that ev ery administration thnt romoves nn othor cause of misunderstanding be tween tho sections or thnt brings thorn closor togothor in any way, is acting under tho inspiration of him who could lovo his country with un diminished ardor, when nearly one half wns Booking to destroy Its in tegrity." TELEGRAPHERS WIN. Mediators Award Eastern Hallway Employes Part of Demands. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Nov. 8, An Incronso In wages approximating six consideration lntor, and ordered tho por cent, reduced working hours nnd mon sworn. Immediately aftor tho tho shnrlng of a lump sum of $75,000 talesmen woro sworn, tho court, by hnvo beon granted to Bnltlmoro and ngreomont of tho counsol took tnlos Ohlo, and Baltlmoro nnd Southwest-J mer Into his chnmbors ono nt n tlmo orn rnllwny telegraphers. Tho ngreo-1 and honrd tho oxcuses. Clark clalin ment wns reachod with tho mon ed physical disability. Ho was ro- through mediation, undor tho Erd- man net of Judgo Knnpp of tho Com morco court, and Labor Commission er Noll. CIDER WAS TOO POPULAR , TEXARKANA, Ark., Nov. S -An jrcxamnra's lawyers nrmnco to up. Injunction has been obtained against, , in,llim,K)iH CftS0, tho Stark Grocery company restrain- INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov, 8. Ing tho sale of elder. Tho cldar sold Twonty tlnys woro granted today by by this company was vory popular tho mainnnpolls Supromo court for and was said to bo moro Intoxicating flllng brIofa ln tno appea, of tlie in. than whiskey. Closing of tho sn- tornntional Association of Brldgo and loons hero a year ago mado business structural Iron Workers from tho or for tho elder mill very profitable der ot Jmjg0 MarJ0y of tho criminal , court In this county, turning ovor to Havo your calling cards printed at tho fedoral grand Jury certain books Tho Times' office. of tho association. Military Government Issues Proclamation Demanding Aid For Emperor. URGES PROTECTION OF FOREIGNERS IN CHINA' Imperialists Losing Heart at Hankow Promises Aboli tion of Many Taxes. (By Associated Press to Coos BnJJ Times.) SHANGHAI, Chlnn, Nov. 8 Tho mllltnry government Issued proclam ation today calling on nil to Join in n llfo nnd death struggle nnd exhort ing tho population of tho lowor pro vinces to refrain from dlsordora nnd guard tho rights of foreigners. Tho proclamation promises tho abolition of many taxes. Chcfu has requested tho prosenco of nn American warship. It prob ably will bo granted. A wireless from Gorman vcbsoIb at Hankow ro port tho Imperialists nro loBlng heart. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay, Times.) PEKIN. Chlnn, Nov. 8 (9:Ga p.m.). Tho situation In tho cnpltnlt Is practically unaltered tonight. No, overt revolutionary movement Is .yot vlstblo. Tho emperor, downgor om prcBS nnd others of tho court, accord ing to tho foreign board, aro still nt tho wlntor palaco, and do not intend to depart. ' FIGHTING IN NANKING. Mnuclnm Believed to Hold Impre gnable Position There. By Associated PrcsB to tho Coos Btvf Times.) SHANGHAI, Nov. 8. Thoro wort T,1 Mancnus nro strongly ontroncuca on Purplo hill, which commnnda tho city, nnd unless they voluntarily sur render, their position Is believed to bo Impregnable. Progress In McNamara Murder Trial at Los Angeles Is ''Rather Slow. THREE FINAL JURORS. I - (By Associated Prosss.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Nov. 8. Flvo flnal Jurors in tho Mc- Nnmnrn caso were sworn today, but two woro soon oxeusod. Tho threo remaining woro Robort Bnln, enrponter; Byron Lisle, mill owner; F. D. Greon, orango grower. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Nov. 8. Threo out of flvo talesmen balked at bolng sworn ns Jurymen In tho Mc Nnmarn murder trial at tho opening of court todny. Byron Llsk, William F. Clark and Snin Mendonhnll object ed to being part of tho Jury. Whon tho court nsked tho flvo men In tho box to stand up nnd bo sworn, Mon donhnll sat muto in his seat. Judgo Bordwell ropeatcd tho request and Mendonhnll muttorcd that ho thought ho ought not to bo compel led to servo. Judgo Bordwoll rulod ho would tnko tho oxcuses undor turned to tho box. MendonhnU plendod tho probable fatal Illness of his mother. Both Clark and Men donhnll woro excused, but Llsk was rotalned. TIME FOR APPEAL. TWO TALESMEN ARE EXCUSED I