THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1911 EVENING EDITION. m i . COOS BAYTIMES M. O. MALONEY DAN' E. MALONEY Entered at tho postomco at Marsh Hold, Oregon, (or transmission through tho malls as second class mail mattar. A WOMAN CHEMIST. rHE consideration of Mmo. Curio I for tho plnco in tho French Ac ndomy of Science left avcant by tho death of tho eminent chemist, Louis Joseph Troost, calls attention to tho fact that womon aro achieving notable prominence In tho ftolds for merly considered qulto alien to their Intellectual qualifications. Mine. Curio's probable cholco for this distinctive honor will bo a de cided advance and a material trl aimph for thoso vfeminino lntullec- tuals who contend that brains aro not a mascttllno monopoly and that n woman may succeed In tho realm of science as woll as that of art, whero slio has long demonstrated a consplclous ability. I HE PEOPLE'S fORUM 1 Iih Times will be plonsed to pub- Editor mid Pub. ilsh letters from Its readers on all News Editor, iiuestlons of public Interest. Each I (etter must bo signed by tho writer, Hid so far as posslblo bo limited to iUO words. In publishing thesolet cers It must bo understood that The Times does not Indurso tho views ex pressed therein; It Is simply affording a means for the voicing of different opinions on all questions affecting tho public welfare. MAHSHFIELH PURLIO LIRHAHY'S GROWTH M E ESTATE SOLO Big Curry County Property Again Said to Have Chang ed Hands For $250,000 PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 7. Tho Journal prints tho following: "Tho Humo estnto of 15,000 acres at tho m'outll of tho Rogue river was sold for 250,000 to tho Macleay cBtnto, of'vhlch It. L. Maclony of Portland Is president. Tho deal has been pending, It Is said, for tho past six months. Tho unwillingness of tho Humo estate ownerB, most of whom aro resident In California, Is understood to have been n retarding factor In completing tho sale. Overhung with tho romnnco of .-gold-hunting days, rich In timber, with n control over tho river mouth and Its banks on both sides for 15 miles back, and including n five mile const lino whore centers tho famous black, godbenrlng sand, tho transfer of tho grcnt estato Is accounted one of tho most Important und Hlgnlllcnut Jn tho history of Oregon. Hundreds of minors and gold Book ers catno In tho early days from Cali fornia to try for fortune In tho blnck Bands of tho const. Gradually tho slow panning processos wero supplo monted by gold mining plants. Al though tho contor of tho gold produc ing roglnn, mndorn mining plants liavo been Installed on the Humo ostnto, but now Mint It Is Mncleny property, said Mr. Mncleny, tho rich possibilities will be developed to tho maximum. Recently tho governmont has sent Kb experts to look Into tho region and It Is said reports were highly fnvornblo provided tho mothod of mining Is right. Without tho gold tho estnto has a valuo thought by thoso familiar with tho property, much In excess of Its qunrter-mllllon purehnso price. Four thousand ncres are heavily timbered: 7,000 arros aro open grnzlng land nnd tho remainder Is brush and sec ond growth. On tho property now aro 1,500 sheep, with qulto a numbor of horses, cnttlo and Angora gouts. "Wo Hhall stock tho plnco to Its ra pacity Immediately," said Mr. Mac leay. "TIiIh does not necessarily menu that wo will transform It Into n stock rnnch, for wo do not want to hnvo so exteiiHlvo an arrangement Intorforo with n llbornl policy of set tlement and devolopmont." Editor Times: Just at this tltno when so much Is being said and done to boost Coos Day, It scorns to mo that no bettor In ducement lias boon offored than tho report of tho Librarian In Saturday ovonlng's Times. Tho Mnrshflold Public Library lias been In existence Just 1G months nnd by comparison of tho reports fur nished by Miss Jnmlcson, tho Lib rarian, tho result speaks for itself. Month of July, 11)10. Circulation 45G Adults 134 Estimated attendance 900 Now Registrations ill Total registration 212 New Dooks 472 Total number of books, ,, 1112 Month of November, 1011. Circulation, adults COG Circulation, children 804 Totnl 1,500 Estlmatod attendance ...1,755 Now registrations 92 Totrtl Ireslstrntlons '989 Now books 21 " PRESIDENT TAFT'S THANKSGIYINfJ PROCLAMATION. SKIPPER COPIHS AT "EXAM." Inspector Snpe"il Johnson's Li cense for Thirty Days. On n charge of misbehavior, In that lio Is nlleged to have copied from a Blip of paper while taking examina tion nt tho olllco of Local Inspectors Edwnrds nnd Fuller for a license to pilot vessels Into Coos Hoy, Tilla mook, mill Columbia river and from Astoria to Portland, Captain John A. Johnson wns found guilty by the In spectors mid his license as master nnd pilot suspended for 30 days. Portland Oregonlan. If you hnvo anything to sell, trade rout, or wuut help, try a wnnt ad. t"Mir"m-rrmir'. n l imrr-r,ir fm ruiaini I" Btatkoi- Ohio. CiTrurTiHCiMi. ),, Mm wl'm ntn I" l'rtink .1 Clicncv nmkcxoutli tli.u li. U Mnor )irlocr of thi llrm o( )' J i'Iiimu-i ,l Co itoiiu: liilm In tlu ellv of I'. ilclo I'muity mul Id mul llmt itlil Urn, xtlll iuiv tlit mint n ('! Iirvilltri) DOLLARS for.-.!, nml ru-rv rti'iof Cumuli Unit riiimot I'o i urcl liy the iiH'uf I titir C'Hlit rh I'nti' HUNK I riil'SKV Huorn to ln'fort' im itiul milw ti"l In my l'U's'in,i', IliN'Kli ilu of llmvniU-r V l 11 (Sku ) A W i.l .i:xnv NoTUlV I'l'lllll. Hull' Catarrh ''uriM iiiVin inierimllv n'i nrl illriN tly mi the lo n n-l ni'i.'Oii xirfiii v of tho liiu i-t'iul fur ii'iilliiiniiliiU fri'O Total numbor volumes 1,894 Thc8o figures will show that tho money expended by tho town board has boon of grcnt benefit to both adults and children, nnd tho officials of tho town aro to bo commended for tho Interest they hnvo taken In tho supporting tho Library. According to tho last census, giv ing n population of 3.00Q. tho circul ation would mean one book to every two persons In the town, and while as boforo stated, It Is of great bene fit to tho whole community, It Is moro especially so to tho children of the public schools. Tho writer Is of tho belief Hint It Is tho duty of every cltlzon to help this library work and loud nil nss'st nnco posslblo to tho ladles of tho library board. MARSHFIELD ROOSTER. HL'OY INSTEAD OF SHIP Port Orfnrd Reef May Get Mark He fore Congress Act. PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. 0. Even though Congress makes an appropria tion nt tho next session for a modern llghtvcsscl to bo stationed off Capo Ulanco, to mark Port Orford Reef, she could not bo constructed In tlmo for sorvlco next season nnd Inspector Reck, of tho 17th lighthouse district, has taken up with J. S. Conway, chlof constructing cnglncor of tho Riircau of Lighthouses, tho subject of mark ing tho rcot with a mammoth buoy. Hesldcs serving as a day nnd night mark one typo of tho buoy Is equipped with asubinarlno boll signal, so In fog thoso vessels having receiving appar atus aboard can got their bearings tho samo as from tho llghtvcssols along tho Coast. Tho Rear, Heaver and Roso City, hnvo tho apparatus. Vessels of tho Pacific Coast Stoam slilp Company also curry It, and other pnssonger rnrrlors nro to bo glvon tho samo protection. President Tnft has Issued his nnnual Thanksgiving proclnmntlon, cnlllhg on citizens of tho United States to celobrato Thursday, No vember 30 next, n a day of thanksgiving and prayer. Tho proclama tion says: "Tho people of this land having by long snnctlon nnd practice set apart toward tho close of each passing yenr a day on which to conso , from thgjr Inbora and assemble for tho purpose of giving prnlso to him who Is tho author of tho blessings they have enjoyed, It Is my duty ns chief cxecutjvo to designate nt this tlmo tho day for tho fulfillment of this devout purpose. "Our coimtry has been signally favored in many ways. Tho round of tho seasons has brought rich harvests. Our Industries hnvo thriven far beyond our domestic needs, tho products of our labor aro daily finding enlarged markots abroad. Wo have boon freo from tho curse8 of pestilence, of famine and of war. Our Natlonnl councils hnvo furthered vtho cause of peace In other lands, and tho Bplrlt of benovolenco has brought us Into closer touch with other peoples, to tho strengthening of tho bonds of fellowship nnd good will that link us to our comrades In tho unlvorsnl brotherhood of nntlons. "Strong in tho sense of our own right nnd Inspired by ns strong a sense of tho rights of others, wo Mvo In pcaco and harmony with tho world. Rich In priceless possession nnd nbundnnt In resources whorowlth tho unstinted bounty of God has endowed us, wo arc tin- selfishly glad when othor peoples pnss onward to prosperity and pence. That tho great privileges wo enjoy may continue and that each coming year may seo our country moro firmly established In tho regard and esteem of our follow nntlonB Is tho prayer that , should arlso In every thankful heart. i( "Whoroforo, I, William Howard Taft, President of tho United 8tatcs of Amorlca, designate Thursday, tho 30th of Novombor next, ns n dny of Thanksgiving and prnycr, nnd I earnestly call on my , countrymen nnd on nil thnt dw'oll under the flng of our beloved country then to meet In their accustomed places of worship to Join In offering prnlso to Almighty God nnd dovouto. tlinnka for tho lov- ing mercies He has given us. "In witness thereof, I have hereunto sot my hand nnd caused tho ! V seal or tho united States to bo nfflxod. "Dono nt tho city of Chlcngo. this 30th dny of October In tho year of our Lord, ono thousand nine, hundred nnd olevon, nnd of tho Independence of tho United States of America tho ono hundred and thirty-sixth. By tho PRESIDENT." "P. C. KNOX, Socretnry of State." STORY .MAY HE FAKE. Alleged Confession of Spokane Sus pect Not Relieved. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) M KANSAS CITY, Nov. 7. -No ac tion has been tnkon by tho pollco hero rcgnrdlng tho nlleged confession of Henry Rnrr at Spokano yestorday, In which ho Is declared to have at tempted to Implicate Dnrnoy Stovons, n realty agent of this city, ns nn nc compllco In n scries of burglaries In Spoknnc, Helena, Salt Lako and oth or cities. Rarr Is said to havo na med Stovons ns the man who had dis posed of tho loot ho (Rarr had so cured, receiving thorofor a share of tho proceeds. Tho chief of pollco said today that no evidence bearing out tho stntements nscrlbcd to Rarr with regard to Stovons hnd boon se cured and thnt there aro no llkllhood of any arrests u tho caso being made In this city. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. PHONE 71! Paplflc Livery & Trnnsfor Co. Tho Times Wnnt Ads bring results GOOD HOUSEKEEPING NEWS Vol. 1 TUESDAY, Nov. 7 No. 4 NOTE. Wo will glvo In this col- Tho most extreme enro Is oxorcls iimn, from tlmo to time, hints on tho C(1 n tll0 selection of tho sides nnd preparation nnd use of meat food t, d nfl b dcscrIbo(, , products thnt mny bo used for tho ; ... ... . .. ; ,.. rfrv. MiMir. pnnlinrv iioyor. nrv ctir- ueiicrmoui oi nun economy in your " -"-- lng adds to tho firmness of tho meat mid tho method employed Insures tho conking. Union Meat Co. REGARDING RACON. nnrnn. wlmn enrnfullv selected. OSt delicious, uniform ftnvor. cured and propnred for tho tablo, Is I Owing to tho llrm dry euro, Colum ono of tho most delicious breakfast via Bacon should bo put on a cold dishes that ono can ent. sklllot nnd nllowed to fry very slow- Thoro nro many ways to euro bn- ly. A slice or two used In garnlsh- con, but tho best bacon Is cured dry lng fish, fowl nnd oven ronsts will bo Bns with nuro sugar nnd Bait. It Is In found to ndd richness to their flavor. this mannor that wo euro Coliimbln All of our products nro Government Rncon. Inspected. Union Meat Co. SOMETHING DOING SOON. (From I'ugono Register.) Yet n few dnys and tho railroad news promises to bo bettor and moro Interesting than ever. Announce ment of letting of contracts cannot ho put off moio than n fow days long If reports nro to bo rolled upon. MILLINHRYnt REDUCED PRICES at Mrs. A. G. Aiken's. Rig HANI) DANCE nt " EAGLES hnll, Saturday night, XOVEMHF.R 11. Muslo by full band. STAFFORD'S STANDS FOR THE STAND AIM) IX SWRETS. THE TASTE TKLLS THE REASON. TRY A HON TODAY. $0&dk TWO STORES DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND KEMORHLLING. MRS. E. BANDEL Phono 19-J, Cor. 4th nnd Park Avo. For the Man Who Knows thero'a nothing like n rich, Juicy beofstenk no bird's nests for his. If thoro's ono thing wo'ro pnrtlcular about (wo hnvo n enro for every ounce of moat leaving these prem ises), It's our boofstonkB porter house, sirloins, tenderloin nnd nil. Wo keep a keen oyo on tho mnrkoc and glvo you every boneflt of n shade In pricing. Marshfield Cash Market Phono 221.7 Pioneer Hullilliig Front St. 11. FOl'RXIER. PROP. A now stock of tho latest In tho MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J K - rjrjifluca u&s&ks- m fMllR -.: W tlMJP-V Snow Drift Hour Highest Quality Hello! Hello! Housewives of Marshfield use Marshfield Creamery Butter It your grocer dooa not keep It call up PHONE 73-J. Freo dollvory S a.m. to 2 p.m. also STERILIZED CREA.M & MILK ICE, BUTTERMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE Union Oils JASOLINE DISTILLATE BENZINE KEROSENU SAMSON GAS ENGINES anC CEXTIMFUtlAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Mnrshflehl, Ore. PHONE 302-J Mull Orders Solicited. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN JJ7-J WANTED!!! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneuma tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work tnkon st 1; GOING HARVEY PHONE 100 Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers aro now nt ttho dis posal of tho Coos Ray public at REASONARLE RATES Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhoro nn tlmo. Horse boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special ncommo dntlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STARLFis PHONE 27JI-J An article that has real merit should In tlmo becomo popular. That such Is tho caso with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been attested by many dealers. Hero is one of them. II. W. Hendrlckson, Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Romo dy Is the best for coughs, colds and croup, and Is my best seller." For sale by all dealers. Silver Spoon Sweets Are Delicious Chocolates made o Pure Materials in a Sanitary factory by Cleau and HEALTHY workmen. They aro packed in 3)-pouii(l boxes at 25c and 1-poumi boxes at 50c. Each package contains a Coupon which to get one these beautiful Silver Spoons everybody sells 'em. Bradley CandyCo. Mnrshficid former! v ... ir "v moaern Company, ftK&k ' will hlp ' fk " 0f .v'lL wV Send . One Full Coupon, (or 2 k half Coupons) and ilPp 10c for One Spoon fel G Counons and 48c for Ktmf '1 Six Spoons. ' . "" 'f t V STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (2b Bennett Bank of r j MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho close of business September 1st, 1011, Ilesourccs, Loans and Discounts $397,393.93 Ranking Houso GO.000.00 Cash nnd Exchanges 141,540.53 Ttnl 9388,040.10 Liabilities Capital Stock paid In $50,000.00 Surplus aud Undivided Profits 54,165.72 Deposits 434,774.74 Total 9588,010.40 He Got the Job A young mnn having applied to n wholesale houso for n position recently found hlmsolf boforo tho mnnnger for oxatnlnntlon. "Havo you n bank account?" was his llrst question. "I hnvo," was tho roply. "Lot mo bco your linnk book," wns tho next roquost. After glnnclng ovor It nnd noting tho long list of regular, though Biuall deposits, ho Bald: "Young man, you nro ongnged, nnd I want to compliment you on your Having ability. I al ways Insist upon employing only mon who hnvo tho good sonso to Bavo their money." Wo Invito overy young mnn In this community to opon nn nccount nt this bnnk. INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SA VINOS DEPOSITS. The First National Bank OF COOS RAY CAPITAL $100,000.00 .MARSHFIELD OREGON' Twenty-Five Years Ago, Bill, when I was married, wo went to a hardware store and .picked out a coal range cost ing $45, and dirty all the time. "The other day our daughter was married and her husband had to spend less than half as much for a modern gas range, with no coal or ashes to bother about. "Times change, Bill, and somehow women seem to stay younger, lots longer than they used to," Whv not eat YOUR sas range Know? Telephone 178, Oregon rower uo, n v t ,Jsytix.-mxiivyL&tm. (? A kWA'. iW .u-