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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1911)
t.''" ,' (S " ' T''iy'tfvR(rt(? ww w '' "" NOW LOOKS AS THOUGH ITALY WOULD NOT ENJOY HER THANKSGIVING TURKEY . mi. tlnnttinnlifn" Ctt (Hxxm Smj ufatra WANT ADVERTISING in Tho TIMES Will Keep the Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU can really help tho family revenues by renting a fow furnished rooms anil, If you know how and when to uso tho classified columns, you may keep that Httlo extra lncomo as "steady ns a clock." mVTADVKRTISING Jn Tho TIMES Will I't Vour Real Kslnto "In dio MnrKci" mi""'"" ,1 will put tio facts tibout your .nnnrti' boforo tho eyes of all "poB- PiMo buyers" In town. And If & ono of thorn who ought to u. you'll ion U MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED VliKtiH Established In 1878 ns Tho Const Mall A Consolidation of Time. Const Mail Mq no nnd Coos liny Advertiser. VOL. XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1 911 EVENING EDITION. ELECTJONS BEING MANY CITIES AND STATES Interest Centers In New York Legislative Contests as Na tional Indicator TAMMANY HALL VERSUS HEARST AND REPUBLICANS Large Vote Expected New Mexico Voting on New Con stitution Also. TAFT CASTS BALLOT. , (Dy Associated Press.) CINCINNATI, Nov. 7. Pros- Idcnt Taft voted at 2008 Mndl- son road, ward 3, precinct M, two blocks from whoro ho UBcd to live. Ho camo to tho polling 4 plnco In nn automobllo nccom- panled by a detnehmont of po- 4 lice. Ho was In tho booth sov- 4 en minutes nnd supposedly marked all nlno blocks offered 4 to tho voter In city election. - About ono hundred persons gathered wlillo tho President was In tho polling plnco and nu- morons cameras cnught IiIb pic- 4 turo In tho various, stages of his visit. " By Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, Nov. 7. A million and n half ballots that bognn raining Into the boxes, nnd clicking through tho voting machines today will dem onstrate tonight whether tho Emplro Stnto will remnln truo to Its demo cratic preferences expressed n yenr 8R0, or go hack to tho party of Taft. The only olllcors to ho elected aro members of tho lower houso of tho legislature. To maintain supremacy In tho assembly, tho democrats will havo to re-elect membcrH In slxty-flvo of tho ono hundred nnd fifty districts. New York City will elect n now board of nldormon, nnd supremo court Justices will bo elected In tho first and second Judlclnl districts. Thirty-four up-stato cities will chooso new mayors, other municipal officers nnd county olllcors will bo elected genornlly throughout tho state. Haln In many parts of tho state hist night left tho roads badly aired. Slnco it is conceded that Now York city domocrnt lenders control the dominating political mnchlncry In tho stnto and county, tonight's re turns will ludlcato in a mensuro who lll rulo next yenr tho dologntlon to the democratic national convention. In New York City, Tnmmnny Hnll faces u fusion of tho ropubllcans nnd tho element controlled by Wllllnm It. Hearst togethor with sovcrnl so-cnll; ed independent organizations. GUARD CHICAGO l'OI,T.S I'renintloim Taken Against Fraud In Choosing Judges. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) C!IICr.O. III., Nov. 7. Extraor dinary precautions hnvo been tnkon to proent fraudulent voting nt tho Judiciary election in Chicago nnd Cook county. Tho polls nro guarded heavily. Ten suporlor court Judges nd ono circuit Judge aro to bo cho sen. ELECTION' IN' BOSTON. BOSTON, Nov. 7 Tho early vot ing In Boston wns light. Tho demo crats nro not using conveyances to t out tho vote, whllo on tho other hand tho ropubllcans have well Quipped conveyances. ELECTION' IN' 1CANSAS. "aco In Second District For Congress Principal Contest. "7 Associated Pros3 to tho C003 Bny Times) KANSAS CITY, Nov. 7. Ideal "11 weather Insures a heavy vote in "e second Kansas district whoro a congressman is to bo elected to suc wd the lato A. C. Mitchell. Intor t centers in tho race between Jos epn Taggart. domocrat. and U. S. vuyer, progresslvo-ropubllcan. VOTE IN' NEW MEXICO. About 1,000 Candidates In Contest ,n There Today. tuy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SANTA PR, n. m Nov. 7. With "eay a thousand candidates of all ym . ,,c 0l(,cted today, tho early ,0 In New Mexico's first full elec- ,.n, .w,as heavy. State, county and is tlclot8 nro to bo olected. It .? rac,e Issue and numorous stato "' 'national tickets are Involved to J'lner with a decision of tho voters ? l whether tho constitution is to 09 more easily amended. HELD IN ELECTION IN SAN FRANCISCO Mayoralty Contest There Was Settled In Primaries But Others Still Up. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7. Tho Indications aro for an unusually heavy vote In tho municipal election hero today though tho voting In tho worklngmcn's districts was so light as, to cause uneasiness among tho supporters of tho union labor candi dates. Tho mayoralty contest wns settled In tho primary election by tho selection of James Holp'n, Jr., for that office ELECTION' IN' SACRAMENTO I Unusually Heavy Voting Marks Con tests There Today. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Uny Times) SACRAMENTO, Cal., Nov. 7 Un- usually heavy voting mnrked tho opening municipal olectlon tochoosc a board of nlno trustees, school direc tors, and to dccldo tho fate of tho pro posed now charter. Tho muyornlty contest is expected to ho closed. v REFORMS IN OniO. (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 7. Muni cipal elections nro being held throughout tho state and early indi cations nro for n heavy voto. Reform measures in n majority of tho cities aro the principal Issues. ELECTION' IN MARYLAND. BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 7. A full ticket, one-hnlf tho Sennto member ship nnd nil members of tho lowor hrnnch loglslnturo aro being voted for In Maryland today. ELECTIONJN NEBRASKA. Interest Centers In Congressional Contest In Third District. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmos.) OMAHA, Neb.. Nov. 7. With clear skies, tho Indications nro for n heavy voto throughout tho state. Tho principal Interest is in tho congres sional olectlon in tho third district to fill tho vnenncy caused by the death of Congressman Lattn. Dnnlol Stevens, well-known In stato politics, Is tho democratic no minee and Is opposed by James C. El liott, a veteran Nebraska editor. ALLOW TAFT TO VOTE. Error In President's Registration at Cincinnati Corrected. By Associated Press to tho Coo Hay Times) CINCINNATI. Nov. 7. Presidont Taft took tho llrst stop horo yestor day toward regaining his right to voto today In tho Cincinnati munici pal election. President Taft appear ed personally before tho olectlon bonrd and obtained n cortlflcnto nl lowlng him to register In ward three, precinct M. Ho will appear boforo tho propor authorities In that pre cinct nnd will thon bo rendy to enst his voto. Tho confusion wns duo to Improper -preparation of his regis tration pnpers whllo tho President wns nhsont from Clnclnnntl during his "touring about tho country." Boston Democratic Newspaper Concedes Election of Repub lican Governor Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BOSTON, Mnss., Nov. 7. Tho American which supported Govornor Foss for govornor, concedes tho olec tlon of Frothlngham, tho republican candidate. BOSTON. Mass., Nov. 7. Roturns on governor from twolvo out of 1,000 election districts In Massachusetts representing ten small towns In tho eastern part of tho stato, give Foss, domocrat, 1,310, and Frothlngham, republican, 1,940. The same towns last yoar gave Foss 1,499, and Dra per, republican, 1,695. HEATING STOVES for WOOD or COAL $2.00 to S20.00 at MILKER'S. FOSS BEATEN IN MASSACHUSETTS A FEW FACTS ABOUT THE WATER SITUATION IF the Coos Bny water system Is a good Investment for private par ties It is a good investment for tho city. The statement that It will mean nn ndded burden for taxpayers is fnlso and foolish. Tho history of a thousand cities proves that tho municipal ownership nnd operation of n water system is profitable. It Is perfectly plain to any man who thinks for himself that this com munity must support tho water company. Why not own It Instead of paying tho profits to Joo Bennett and his friends. Even If It wero true tho Biiinll Indirect tax would bo much less than tho direct tax which Is levied on every resident by tho higher rates for water. - i If they say that Marshilold Is too small to own a water system nt the present time, ask them about Coqulllo and Myrtle Point, both of which cities own nnd successfully operato municipal wntcr systems. Senttlc, Portland, Astoria, Eugono, Los Angoles, Mcdford, all Pacific coast cities own their own water systems and somo nro getting wnter at one-third to one-hnlf tho present rntcs In Mnrshflcld nnd also have n much superior service. No city that has owned Rb wnter system has returned to private ownership whllo scores of cities nro ncqulrlng their own plants bb rapid ly nn franchises expire. Coos Bay cities aro progressive Ono of tho llrst questions a prospec tive rcsldont will ask Is about wator. Docs Mnrshflold dcslro to stnto that a now twenty or twenty-flvo or fifty years franchise bus Just been granted to prlvnto parties? If tho Coos Bay cities dovolop In tho next fow years thoro Is nothing that will grow as rapidly In sorvlco nnd vnluo ns tho water system. Wnter Is ns vital aB air. Now Industries will require an additional imp ply -of wator, now residents must hnvo wntcr. Tho city should bo In n position to furnish pure water at tho least possible cost. A franchlso for nny length of tlino means Just that much of a mort gage on our futuro nnd n heavy handicap In tho rnco for progress nnd development. There nro only two snno nnd sensible methods of dealing with this sit uation nt this time. First Tho city should tnkp prompt steps looking to municipal owner ship for tho protection of tho lives nnd property of Its citizens, or Second Rofuso to grnnt nny extension of frnnchlso nnd compel tho water compnny to furnish propor service under Its present frnnchlso. The -city should then ncquiro ndequnto water rights for futuro ubo to prevent a hold up when It desires to Install Its own system. THE BUSINESS SIDE OF A MUNICIPAL WATER FRANCHISE Mnrshflold and North llcntl hnvo a combined population nccordlng to last census of 5,000, nnd tho approximate cost for wator per capita In cluding domestic and Industrial uso is nbout CO cents n month or $30,000 a yenr. Estlmntcd cost of Clear Lake system nccordlng to tho report of En gineer Rlchnrdson $371,"371. Granting tho cities bonded themselves for that timount to run 35 years nt 5 per cent nnd nllow n malntennnco ex pense of $000 per month tho totnl cost of Interest, maintenance nnd yearly redemption of tho bonds would amount to approximately $950, 000. $30,000 a year for 35 years would ho $1,050,000 or n gain to con sumer of $100,000 nnd a wntcr system out of .debt. LITTLE WATER RIPPLES THIS 1s n funny old world. A fow weeks ngo whon Tho Times op posed tho 50 yenrs wntcr frnnchlso grnb somo interested parties said this paper was frightening capital nwny. It was such a shame, too, when Mr. Nolan wanted to do so much for this community In the way of water works Improvements. Really, I think myself that ho didn't wnnt to do so much for tho community ns ho wnntcd so much to do tho community. Anyway, ho took his dolls nnd returned to Omaha but left his franchlso hero. Ho snld ho wanted only a 50 years fran chlso nt doublo rates and would not purchnso tho plant unless ho could got It. Now ho comes hurrying back nnd talks about a 20 or 25 years franchise. Ho also says ho Is in so deep that ho may bo compolled to buy tho plant to protect hlmsolf. It Is too laugh. How did ho got In so deop. Has my friend, Joo, beon passing tho collection plato whllo Nolan wns In a temporary tranco? Tho oxponses Incurred should not bo considered formidable In n $150,000 deal. But probnbly, Nolan feels somewhat llko tho disappointed swain who sang: " 'TIs sweet to lovo, but oh! how bitter! To lovo n girl nnd thon not git her." My friend Joo, nlso pays a compllmont to tho public spirit of Nolan and Jackson who enmo all tho way "FROM DENVER AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE TO LOOK INTO THE SITUATION'. So far ns they nro con corned I do feol thnt thoy aro entitled to somo consideration In view of their hnvlng gone to this expense" says Joo. Joo does not suggest whoth or It should bo n public subscription to reimburse, thorn or n bonus to ac company tho 50 yenrs franchise. Joe's plea romlnds mo of n story thoy tell bnck In Minnesota of a smart railway claim agent who adjusted all claims for damages against the compnny. Mr. Olson had a cow killed by a railroad train. In duo season tho clnlm ngont for tho railroad called. "Wo understand, of course thnt tho deceased was n vory docllo nnd vnlunblo nnlmnl," snld tho clnlm ngont In his most persuaslvo clalm-agontlomnnly mnnnor, "nnd wo sympathize with you and your family In your loss. But, Mr. Olsert, you must romomber this: Your cow hnd no business bolng upon our trncks. Those tracks aro our Prlvato proporty and when sho Invaded them sho becamo a trespasser. Technically speaking, you, ns her owner, beenmo a trespasser also. But wo hnvo no doslro to enrry tho Issue Into court nnd possibly glvo you trouble. Now thon, what would you regard as a fair settlement between you and tho rnllrond company?" "Vail," said Mr. Olsen slowly, "Ay bano poor Swede farmer, but Ay shall glvo you two dollars." Now, thon, Mnrshflold Is not In tbo millionaire class and as .Too has explained thoro nro somo big obligations already resting on us, but tho people of Coos Bny nre genorous ns woll ns hospltnblo nnd porhnps If Joo would pass tho collection plato nnd glvo us another of his blosslngs we might contributo two dollnrs to help pny tho expenses of Nolan and Jackson. I NEST-EGG KILLS SNAKE. CANAL DOVER. Ohio, Nov. 7. A china nest-ogg, which It hnd swallowed, proved tho un- doing of n six-foot black-Biiako, preventing It from mnklng Its escape through tho crack by which It had entered tho chick- en coop of Mrs. Charles More- land at Leosvlllo, recently. Mrs. Moreland klllod the reptile. which was unable to crush tho ogg that was too big to go through tho crack. Coffoo PERCOLATORS nnd TEA BALL, Tea Pots at MILKER'S. Big ItEDUOTIOK Sale of MILLT KERY now on at Mrs. A. G. AIKEN'S .MOUNTAIN LAUREL NATIONAL FLOWER (By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, Nov. 7. Tho National federation of Women's Clubs has called upon club wo- inon In all parts of tho country to sign a potltlon to Congress to pnss an act mnklng tho Maun- tnln Laurel tho national flower. Tho mountain laurol is n small flower containing red and white the colors of tho United States' flag and unfolds in almost a por- feet star. It can bo grown In $ all states. , MILLINERY at; REDUCED TRICES at Mrs. A. G. Aiken's. PEKIN IS HOT CAPTURED BY INSURGENTS AS REBEL LEADER Noted Chinaman Announces That He Has Joined Revolu tionistsBig Surprise. WU TING FANG REBEL. (By Associated Press.) SHANGHAI, Chinn, Nov. 7. Dr. Wu Ting Fang, nt ono tlmo Chinese, minister to tho United States in n statement mndo to tho Associated Press today, nt noon, announces ho hns Joined tho movoment to establish a ro- hellion government In China. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SHANGHAI, Nov. 7. Dr. Fang hns been chosen director of Foreign Affairs In tho roform gov ernment established by tho revolu tionists in tho province of Klang Su. Ills Ideas hnvo not always harmoniz ed with tho Imperial policy, and It hns been no secret recently thnt ho hns not wholly sympathized with tho throno. Ho Is tho most Important figure thnt hns nppenred on tho rovo lutlonnry stngo during tho last fow days. Rumors that Wu Ting Fnng had espoused tho rebel cnuso wero received with Incredulity. Dr. Wu Bald that whllo ho was loath to ac cept tho olllco nnd hesitated becauso of his former closo connection with tho Mnuchu government, ho was now practically forced to aid tho causo of Chlnn. Ho nnnounced thnt Cheng To Chunn, tho governor nt Soo Chow nnd formorly govornor at Mukden, was tho first governor to como over to tho reformors, and had been elect ed govornor of tho entire provlnco of Klnn Su. Cheng Te Chunn, ho snld, Is n strong man nblo to control tho rebels nnd gunranteo order nnd snfety to foreigners. Ninety por cent of tho population, ho said, aro supporting tho present robollion. Dr. Wu snys tho republic will live up to tho existing trcntles and open up Chinese ports to tho trndo of tho world. ENDS OWN LIFE. Viceroy nt Nanking Commits Suicide Situation Serious. By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny Times) NANKING, China, Nov. 7. Tho viceroy nt Nnnklng commlttod sulcldo tonight. Tho situation Is serious. Tho viceroy's instructions from Pckln wero not to resist revolutionists by force but to surrondor peacefully. Tho Tartar gonornl commanding Mnnchu troops refused to obey thoso orders. SICES LABOR REVOLUTION. Congressman Buchanan of Illinois Makes Gloomy Prediction. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO. 111., Nov. 7. Speaking boforo tho Chicago Federation of La bor, Congressman Frank Buchnnan, Illinois, predicted a revolution with in twenty yenrs If congress does not onnct romedlnl legislation. Ho do clared labor members of congress hnvo nn uphill fight to bring nbout leglslntlon bonoflclnl to Inbor. IS IN COUNTY HOSPITAL. Chicago Woman Clinrged AVltli Many Cilmes In Custody. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times) CHICAGO, 111., Nov. 7. Mrs. Louis E. Vormllyn, charged with tho murder of Policeman Arthur Dlson nctto and suspected of having caused tho deaths of at least half a dozon others, settled down today to stay In the county hospital until her noxt hearing November 28. OLD AGE PENSIONS. Sec. McVengh Will Recommend It In Annual Report. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 7. Secretary of tho Treasury Mac Voagh como out in favor of pension ing superannuated government clerks and will make It a feature of his annual report to congress. Tho secretary favors a contributory sys tem of pensions. WU TING FANG WAS DEPORTED Capital of China Not In Any Immediate Danger From Revolutionists. TROUBLE IS SPREADING IN CELESTIAL EMPIRE Wu Ting Fang Causes Sensa tion by Joining In Rebel Movement Today. PEKIN STILL SAFE. (Dy Associated Prcsss.) PEKIN, Chlnn, Nov. 7. Tho reports that this city has fallen Into tho hands of tho rovolu- tlonlsts nro without foundation. No fighting whntsoovor has oc- currcd and thoro Is no ovldenco thnt tho Emporor or rogont hns . fled, nor Is thoro any Indication thnt Pckln Is ondnngorcd. Foreigners In tho various log- ntlons think it will bo tho last of tho Imperial cities to go. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times)' PEKIN, Chlnn, Nov. 7. Tho Na tional Assombly today, by vlrtuo oC tho powers bestowed on It by tho ro cent edict, formally appointed yuan Shi Kal premier. Tho question of. his pcrmanoicy In olllco wns discuss ed, but It was decldod that tho As sombly has no authority to gunrnu tco this beyond tho election of n par liament. It wnB, howovor, resolved to assuro Yuan of tho Assombly'n continued support. KILL OWN LEADER. Chinese Soldiers Suspected Him of Betraying Mauclius. PEKIN, Chlnn, Nov. 7. Gonornl Wu, a brilliant young military olllcor, who wns recently govornor of Shan SI provlnco, wns assassinated early today by his own soldlors who Inter stated Wu was botraylng tho Mau chus. FIGHTING IN HANKOW. (By Associated Press to tho Corm Hay Tlmos.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Nov. 7. Fighting has broken out again In Hnnknw, according to u dispatch ro corded hero today. U. S. CRUISER TO AMOY. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SHANGHAI, Chlen, Nov. 7.--Tho American cruiser Albany wilt lenvo nt onco for Amoy. CHEROKEE INDIANS AVIN. U. S. District Court of ApKals Do cldes In Favor of Panoses. By Associated Press Hay Tlmos) WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. 7 Tho United States District Court of Appeals hns affirmed tho right of 5,000 Cherokee Indian children, born slnco 1902, to share In tho undistri buted nllotmont of $5,500,000 by tho government to tho Chorokco nation. Judge Bordwell Holds That It and Like Matters Have No Place In McNamara Case. (By Associated Pross to tho Coos Ray "'lines) LOS ANOELES, Cal., Nov. 7. So cialism, conflicts with cnpltnl nnd Inbor. nnd llko mattors woio pushed out of tho McNnmara murdor enso by Judge Bordwell today, In so far bb tho court's position Is concerned, and Talesman Gcorgo W. Mor'on, 75 years old, went along with thorn, bo lng excused by tho court ovor tho protest of tho defense w'-o nBsorted Morton's only disqualification was roadlng cerlnln copien of tho "Op poal to Roason," a soe'nMst pnnor. Morton wns chnllonged bv Assistant District Attorney G. Rnv ITorton be causo of his ago and nJ'ogQd "faulty mind," Tho court uphold tho stnto niont. G. S. Caso was drawn to fill Mor ton's place in tho box. After the show f Phono 214-J. m i - --Till iJ I-' SOCIALISM K NOTCONSIOFM!