THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. f m 1 9 G1E FASTEST lL Marshfield's Victory Over North Bend Not As Easy as 21 to 0 Indicated. ..,.,. i In ono of the fastest nnil most liotly contested football games seen in Marshileld In many years, tho Jlnrshllohl High school Saturday de feated North Bend by n scoro of 21 to 0. Despite the one-sided scoro, tho game, from a spectator's stand point, was one of tho best ever Been hero. Fast, sensntlonnl plays, and iong runs, nuoiiiuiuu wiihu iuu uutuu- jilvo work of both tennis kept tho crowd continually on edge. Mnrshflcld had the visitors on tho uercnstvo most oi uie unit-, irau,- ferent plays wont off the clockwork, nnd the Interference given tho run- ner with the ball was near y perfect. Tlmo and again the halfbacks, behind n solid screen of Interference, mado . gains of from 5 to 15 yards around tho ends, while series of criss-crosses nnd tncklo plays seemed to hnvo North Bend completely bewildered. At no tlmo during tho contest wn3 Marshfield's gonl In danger. Xorth Bend Boomed to have trouble ln get ting their plays started, and when they did get off, tho formations wero generally broken up behind tho lino of scrimmage. Tho only plays that tho visitors seemed nblo to gnln on woro lino bucks, nnd these gains wero not consistent. At tho beginning of tho first quar ter, Mnrshflcld kicked off to Xorth Bend. Xorth Bond got the bnll on lini. linn ntlil Mil It linplf ROV- ernl yards beforo tho runner wan .inwmt Mn...i.nni,i iirfi.i timm tnv downs nnd then by a rapid series of end runBnnd tackle plays, carried tho liall down tho Hold nnd' over tho goal . lino, Stutsmnn flnnlly making tho I touchdown In less thnn llvo mlnu'os cousin oi n. m. aiuco, an ouiuiuju from tho time tho piny stnrted. Xo,' tho machine shops at tho C. A gonl wob kicked. Smith mill, whom he Had not seen ln Mnrshflohl ngnln klckod off to' years until Mb nrrjvaron tho Bay. North Bond. Tho bnll see-snwed I Berry tired of tho east nnd wnnt linck nnd forth between tho two tennis cl to -mo west to tho land of op fnr n fnu, mim.fnu. nn.i Mm,, smi'r. portunlty" nnd somowlioro Icnrnod ...... ... .1.. .. i. ..-..i. i mail, cnpiuriug tnio oi me visum a ' ; - i yuiiiu, mi; biuii wjuuuivi iui uiu nun- forwnrd pnsses, mado n forty-yard decided to como but wns short on)cllSo or tno increased valuo of tho run for tho second touchdown of tho, traveling money. Howoverthlsdllnotil)llult by renBon 0r tno frnnchlso. Mr. game. Stutsman again failed nth'oter him and ho stnrted out nfoot. Nolnn nn8 nn option to purchnso tho gonl. Mnrshflcld klckod off to North I Bond n third time, but time wns call- cd boforo tho qunrtor ended with tl'O . bnll on North Bend's forty-yard lino I Mnrshflcld started off with n rush 1 thf, mi.nn.l mmrlnr .....I l..l,l nt rt low minutes, mndo tholr third touch- rnr rrom n Bnn"- "18 ulll cnB" w"8 at the present time. Tho ono Inter down, Stutsmnn slipping through the j """ Oeploted. At ono town in tho.on j8 ti,0 dcnl wtln tno ,,ro8ent com lino nnd over the gonl on n quarter- "''ddlo west, ho bumped up oga nst,mny nml oxtondlng tho frnnchlso so back piny. Ho then kicked tho only tho nlllcers and becnuso ho lacked ns to Justify tho expenditures. Is tho gonl of tho game. ( money to show that ho wasn t n hobo, jqC8toii not hero nt tho present At thlB jiorlod of tho gnmo North ,wnB thrown Into Jail but ho found nntlmo? Wlicil noi,0(ly t,i80 wanted to Bend Boomed to tnko n brace, and opportunity to mnko his got nwny nnd lliu,.chnge( Mr, Noln nml ,,, n880C. mndo ynrdngo sovornl times by menus continue- his westward hike. Ho nte8 KOt m option nnd then, for tho of lino buckB townrd tho Inst of tho wanted to got through ln tt hurry nnd rat tlmo, It dawned upon tho ngl qunrtor. Tho homo team's doreiuo nt " tlmo not hnvlug tlio norvo to tutors, who lovo aensatlonnllsm, thnt bracod up nnd held the visitor for tr.y for n ' hand-out. ho lived on np- tni wn8 nu opportunity to bo hoard. downs. Tho half ended with tho bnllil"0? n'ono. I0f ,om. ""s: . In North Ilond's torrltory. Second Half. Tho Rccond half stnrted with Mnrshdeld again kicking off to Xorth Bond. Tho latter continued their lino buckliiB tnctlcs but Marshflold ; Beomod to hnvo Holved their offense nnd held then, for downs. Tho bnll then seo-sawed back and forth. Marshileld was within n short ' dlstmiM of tholr mnononf uonl gov i i lit i ; ., , -- - urni iiiiii.'h inn iuu vihiujih mnnnged to hold them for downs nt tho Inst minute nnd punt out to safe ty. Townrd tho last of tho quarter Mnrshflcld worked u triple pass end ing in n punt which night ICnd John son raptured nnd carried tho bnll ncrosB tho gonl lino for tho Inst touchdown. Tho rest of tho qunrtor was n repetition of tho flrst. Marshileld had nil tho uia kiiu in mi' qunniT. iiaKing good gnliis ronentedly nroinid tho end nnd through tackle and guard. Xorth -- - - LOOK Before You Buy A glance nt the Toggery Clothing Will convince you of their superior stylo and tailoring and no .other clothes at tho price, $2U to $25, can surpass them. Wo do not con fuse our buvers bv ad vcrtising suits from $10 to $10. Ouo price, good goods and on tho square is our motto. I The Toggery Bend .however, fought stubbornly and succeeded In keeping Mnrshfletd from scoring ngnln. Tlioro were no lmrtlculnr Btars for Mnrshileld, every man playing a good game. Stutsman nnd Chauncey Clark, however, played an especially bril liant offensive game, while Walters and Larson showed up strong on tho defense. This was Walter's flrst real game, nnd from his showing ho will make n valuable addition to the team. i There was a large aueininnce iroin Xorth 13end as .well as Mnrshflclu. Tho lineups were as follows Mnrshflold Scanm Cnr80n Pos. c. r g 1 g r t 1 t Xo Bend. Davis Wlnsor, Hunt Cllnklnbcnrd Weir Colder Krnso Walters Curtis Johnson, C. Clarke Jensen Stutsmnn o Slmnson Smith o bimpson, smiu r l c Dewey qb r h f b 1 h Shepcrd Vnn 7.110 Welling lInnon iinrrlm'tnn "" S. Clarke Larson i Offlclnls- -Umpire, Pat Flanagan; rcfcrcC( nnrtmnn; field Hiilge. R. O. 'n,. ' , t, flr8t qnnrtori VttU zllo lnJur. '0(1 , B ,nce whch ,1M bec wal .,...,. iniliriM . rovlous years. Alfred Berry, Aged 17, Walks Most of Way From Maine to Coos Bay. Tired nnd weary after n rather strenuous trip from Mnchlns. Mnlno, to Coos-Bay, nnd having walked tho Kicater part or uio iiiBinnce, Aiircii Merry, seventeen yenrs old, reached hero n couple of days ago. Ho Is n tlint fnns Tlnv wim tlin lint of nil. Ho " '-'" "CIB aukusc -t mm wis wci on tho road, continually over bIhco. , On account of his youth mid lack ?f experience In "roughing It," mnk- illg Ills Will' nCrOBS tllO COIltlllCIlt WnB An Indication of whnt ho wont YOUTH'S HMD TRIP TO BAY through Is Blinwn by tho fact thntw,,ch wlll urlnB ron8onnblo returns whon ho loft Mnlno ho weighed ICO. 0 tho investment, they wlll, In nd poundB nnd when ho reached here !(it(m t0 nurchiiBlm: the nlnnt. which footsoro nnd weary his avoirdupois ' uina nnlt 1 O T. Tti itifilrltirv 1 nml I rlntt '" ,.,8 " '-j ' , nrrivnl horo lio i"Jlc" T.')n.,''18 " " . ?.r' ''? ''Tl 7,., Zt a mlr t nm a slm v in or- ,.t. nJl?'r ?.' '"".V " ?'nJ.? T.r l" ' " l0 "'"avi ' "l" " " . " .ir. aiiico. i no iniivr iiiiicki; (Illicitly found him a Job nnd Berry Is now Iirtlcle8i w, carefully consider whnt delighted over tho outcomo of hl3'8 ,,e8t umi0l. 10 clreuiustances; but 'venture. "That's tho kind of fellows wo wnnt." said ono mnn who hoard young Berry's story this morning. "Ho will make good and whllo ho possibly will nlwnys remembor tho evnorlenros ho hnd, they wlll bo mol- llflml lit tint fi'iilru Hint will nnnin in better Ofli.,.,. illn,itnllv It nhniva Mint fnoa y ,8 ,)rotty wc nilvortFO(i nnd '........ .. i.i.. . .. ..,i i. IllKIll lllllllilllll !. Ill III I1ITI 1II1II 11 ,...., , ... ... ...... -- 1 iunn wlu fnrt to walk from Mnlno i to got horo." I.lbby COAL. Tho kind VOU have ALWAYS I'SKI). PIIOXU 712 Pnolflc Llvory & Trnnsfor Co. XOTICK. From this dato on, tho Coos Bay Oil n,wl Rimi.1v nn.m.niiv'a ,mBnll,.n will bo carried In Marshileld nt tho ' garage of John L. Koontz. who has Installed nn up-to-date Bowser gaso-, lino system nnd enn supply customers in u rapid manner. A MAII (.'Alt III Klt'S LOAD Seems heavier when ho hna n weak back and kidney trouble Fred Duoh rou, mull carrier nt AtchUou, Kan sas, says: "I havo boon bothered with klduoy and bladder trouble nud had o severe pain across my back. Whenever I carrlod n heavy load of mall, my kidney troublo Incernsod Some tlmo ngo, I started taking Fo ley's Klduoy Pills nnd slnco tnklng them I hnvo gotten entlroly rid of all my kidney troublo nnd am as sound now ns over." Foloy's Klduoy Pills nro tonic ln action, quick In results. Xo matter nt what stage your kidney troublo tuny be, tnko Foley's Kidney Pills nt onco for quirk nnd permanent rollof. Bed Cross Drug Store. REAL ESTATE City property, Farm, Timber, nnd Coal Land. Low rnto Flro Insurniico, best and strongest company. Renting of Rooms nnd Houses. Soiling ltckots to nny part of Ku rope. AUG. FRIZEJiW 08 CENTRAL AVENUE, Marshflold. WATER MS FLOW Mil J. W. Bennett Issues Another Lengthy Statement on Situation. J. W. Dennett has Issued tho fol lowing Btiuoiueut ln reference to tho water situation: "Whero arc wo? On the li titu int. wo coninlcnucd to "Talk It over' and now that the water committee will be called on to rcport ,n ll allort t,,ne't,, luestlon BCSi whenj nr(j W(J nl? Proposition No. 1 "Tho first proposition was that tho cities of Xorth Bend nnd Marshileld go Into tho public utility business, buy tho plant and bond tho two towns. Has anyone been nblo to dis cover what tho bcutlmont in tho two towns is, as to joining in nn enter prise of this kind If they can do so under tho law? When ono considers that Maruhllold is already bonded for Fifty-four ThoiiBund Dollars, with a city hall yet to build, and streets to pave; that tho .Marshileld school district is bonded to tho extent of nbout Fifty Thousand dollars; that the Port Commission liability is Sev en Hundred nnd Fifty Thousand Dol lars; that there are a large number of outstanding street Improvement bonds; that there Is a proposition on hand to bond tho community for a million dollars for Improvement of roads; that tuxes tiro already over four per cent per annum; tho ques tion Is, what conclusion hnvo tho people- come to ln regard to Incurring further liabilities In the purchase of tho water works? Proposition Xo. 2 "As to the second proposition, Tnnt cn80 tno lwo t0Wll8 llo ot ngrco, then thnt n frnnchlso bo given to some one, who will purchnso tho i1t.ii,- .i.wl in., In Qlvtv riMwiitantf .1 f1nl, ill.ll ltW .11 fc.rt. ..WItJ..l w. lnrs In addition In the Improvement of It, which Is considered desirable, nnd with a clauso In It, thnt tho city bo nuthorlzcd to purchnso tho plant nt nny time nfter n stated period nt the nctunl valuo thereof, without In cluding ln the estimate of tho nctunl ....i i.... ... i... ... plnnt nt the present time, which op tlon mnkes provisions for tho sub mission of this question and is what might be called a sliding scalo op tion, nnd this Is whnt tho commit tee of tho two towns seem to bo tit) to. "1 am sntlBlled that, If .Mr. Xolnn nnd i,i nuu,.,.i,itna ,.,.. .,.-,, i.,,.,i f-,..,i,ic. tll0V ,lnvo n ..,.., , ., ,,.,,.., Illlf . -. nnA . . . ' , na,1,,,onn' u"'u"u "l '"""j1"" .'"'o "I'rovoniontB whlcls, nro said to '?..dc "? tho ,n' ,lll ;,".,,, , , l" ,l "ona. Mnrahllold, being good square busl- men. with lots of good, common si.tiKit. nml Tint ownvml liv unnsntlnmil I don't forget thnt tho three situations referred to In my nrtlclo in Tho Times of Inst Monday, nro tho ones which confront tho people, ns It Is entirely Immaterial to the wntor com pany, whethor they sell to tho cities or to Mr. Xolnn or whethor they ro- luin tno pinnt tllomselves. They nro gnn, to either oio of tho nro ,ol ?.",M lu Ull,ltr u mo proposi not losing n moment's sleep in re- iiuus. iinno Mike's Shoes Won't Fit. "Xowspupcrs In discussing these matters should not bo led away by tholr enthusiasm in the matter, nnd although I admit tho papers seem to bo moro readublo when there Is something spicy on linud, still It Is not fair for n paper like Tho Times, "" l,,u "I" "K "l lU UIU" lO COIlllOIUll .V"?,''!? " nT" ,of 1tho,wa ft J" ", cot , ""' uUf0' ,w,lh eolo hac ' ,",lJ" V f " of. th, Bn," '0BP try to get tho city to buy theso nnstv things, nnd sell them to tho public. It Is truo Tho Times says thnt It pub lished 'tho reports of tho Oregon Stnto Hoard of Health.' In tho spring but if It didn't bollovo in theso ro ports, It should not publish thorn nud glvo tho town n bad nnnio nnd If It did bollovo ln thoni, then It should not nsk tho city of Mnrshllold to pur chnso thoni nnd peddlo thorn around to tno public. Tlioro wns no excusa for publishing tho roports In tho spring nt nil, nfter tho committee wont openly nnd purchased tho bot tles nt a drug storo, wont openly to tho very snmo fnucets from which saiiiplos had been tnkon before, seal ed them openly, nnd put thoni In Wolls Fargo express openly nnd each sample was reported from the Ore gon Stnto Board of Honlth. saying that all three of theso samples did not contain any colon bacilli. 'All theso I would regard as good wator for domestic uses.' Xow Mlko, you must hnvo belloved ono or the othor of theso roports. If you bollfvo tho nhovo roport and Ignored all tho rest which you published, thon yqu havo tho perfect right to say, 'I bollovo tho water,' as Mr. Calvin says, 's good wntor for domostlc uses.' Then you can go, with n smiling; counjeiinnco nnd clean hands and say to the denr public, 'This Is tho rlass of water which I think tho city should pur- chase and distribute for tho health and good of tho community,' but It you believe tho other roports you published last Bprlng, then you cer tainly could not, with n clear con science nnd a sanctimonious twinkle In your eye, say to tho council, 'I think wo should buy nil of thoso nasty bugs and colon bacilli which I tho reports as published show woro In tho water last spring.' No, Mlko, ln tlint j,,nco which' bums with n that would never do. You will land aml brimstone, Just ns sure ns you , do it. Xow, which foot will you stnnd on? It's up to you! Xolnn nml Jackson ITcrc. Messrs. Nolan nnd Jackson, on learning of Mr. Itlclinrdson's report ( of the appointment of tho committee from tho cities of North Bend nnd Marshflold, arrived last evening for the purposo of tnklng tho matter up I with tho commlttco nnd tho city councils. But I hnvo no nuthorlty to spenk for them. Mr. Xolnn, 1 under stand was hero over n yenr ngo. I didn't hnvo tho plonBiiro of meeting hint, nover honrd of him until ho enmo recently after gottlng tho op tion to purchnso, when ho nppcarod boforo tho town board. Upon ob tntnlng tho optloils, ho telegraphed Engineer Cummlnga of Seattle, whom ho hnd nover mot, but whoso rcputn tlon Justified him In paying Mr. Cum mlnga Twonty-FIvo Dollars u day nnd nil expenses froin tho tlmo ho loft Scnttlo until ho returned to his homo, and upon his report, Mr. Xol nn nnd Mr. Jackson enmo from Den ver, Colorndo, nt tholr own cxpenso to look into tho situation. So fnr tiB they nro concerned, I do feel thnt they nro entitled to sonio considera tion, In view of their hnvlug gotio to this cxpenso nnd thnt tho full tlmo of tholr option should bo given them be fore nny stops nro taken In any other direction. They hnvo tho right to purchnso, whothor tho city wants tho Sixty Thousand Dollar Improvements or not, and Just what they wlll do ln tho premises Is a mutter entirely within thomselvcs, but It Is a certain ty that If tho city council hits con cluded that It Is not wise to bond tho towns nnd purchnso the wntor sys- torn thomsolvcs, then It Is n fnct thnt Messrs. Xolnn nnd Jackson nro ready to purchnso tho plant nnd mnko tho sixty thousand dollars worth of Im provements, which nro claimed to bo desirable, upon their being given such n frauchlso as wlll Justify this expenditure and ntlow u reasonable profit on thnt Investment. I nut sat isfied that an nrrnngoment can bo mndo with them by which tho city can purchase tho plant nt nny tlmo for whnt It (s actually worth, with out considering nny other valuo, nny ullownnco whntaoovor for tho frnn chlso or tho liicronscd value thorcof. Such n provision ns thnt Is good lu Inw nnd enn bo mndo lit fnct. Wo hnvo dono enough of 'tnlklug It over.' Xow let's think it over nnd get down to business mid como to somo con clusion, nnd Including tho old-timer nnd Mike's two hundred thousand dollar mnn, I would ngnln repeat, 'God bless us nil, God bless mo, too.' " Bo good to YOl'USKliF nnd buy FLOUKntHAIXICS'. Aftor tho sbow try a Turkish Bntb Phono 214-J. i Public Stenographer All Work Confidential Phone No. 130 177 Front St. DRESSMAKING (iOWXS, SUITS AXI) lti:.MOIKI,M.VC. MRS. E. BANDEL Phono 19-J, Cor. -ith nnd Park Avo. Prof. A. Richards TEACHER. OF PIAXO. And votco culture Appointment hour 1 to U o'clock. Applicants call nt Studio, Songs tnckon Dldg., i:i(I Urondivny. Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wnsh thoso gnrmonts clennor and hotter thnn tho work can bo dono olsowhoro. and thoy nro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink them, ovon woolon gnrmonts nro roturnod the same slzo ns when sent us. Wo Iron tho gnrmonts nicely, make ordlnnry repairs free of charge and you hnvo frosh clean, sweot undor- wear ready for ench week's change Bundle yours up with noxt wcok's laundry bundle Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry I'JIO.N S20-J Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone aiai Unique Pantaterium I1YEINC CLEAXINO, PRESSING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF HAT WORK. ROSS PINEGOR. 256 Contral avenuo Phono 2rn" MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; week J2.00 to ?5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS--E. W. SULLIVAN. Prop U Iff U of Mens, who have some Inventive ability MCHptee write UltKEl.KV X MclNTIUK, 1H1 lBkcat Alluracjrt, WuaUatvu, 1, (. Better Than the Usual Clothes Lower Than the Ordinary Prices WIS H.... rjcnjAmJn OolKcs Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshileld FAST AND Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS . Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay Thursday morn ing, November 9, at 1 1 :30 A. IUI. INTEIl-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. F. McQEOROEJ, Agent. EQUIPPED Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 P. M. ON NOVEMIIER 7, II, 21, AND 2H. KAII.S FROM .MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF Till: TIDE ON NOVEMRIMl 11, 18 AND 25. Ii. II. KEATING, AGENT "THE FRIEND S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Portland Friday, November 10. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE 11 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqutllo Ofike Phono 101 Marshflold Offlco 14-J. Farms Tlmuor Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Qonaral Agents "EASTSIDE" Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIADLO 4ND JOSSON CESIENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands. PUitor, Lima, Erlck and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH nROADWAY. PnONH 201 FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our stages leavo Mnrshflcld for Rosoburg at 7 o'clock overy ovonlng and afford quickest connections with Southern Pacific Railway. Faro fG.OO. COOS RAY ROSEI1URG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV.. MnrshflelO. C. P. RARNAR1), Agent, ROSEllURG, Ore. PHONE. A now stock of tho latest ln tho MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Order Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 287-J Men's Suits Overcoats Raincoats Tho hlghost typo of Clothes arc hero for your Inspection. Largest Assortment In Coos county. Wo wnnt your Clothing Business. rjiir Low Cnsh Prices merit your patronage. "Money Talks" Bandon COMMODIOUS WITH WI UNLESS rnONE MAIN R3-L OF COOS RAY" O. F. McGKORGE, Agent 11 $100 Reward For any sowing machine I can't plaw ln flrst class order. Supplies for all machines furnished. Leavo orders, drop a postal cara or phono Rogers hotel. C. S. Leibendorfer Expert Moclilnlat. Referenco O. O. Lund, leather butcbr h. j2ali. H rwn;j-htefame i& . ..-&Sk mZ-A-&- .SatoJSi " t- "-n v-'-