-iif-i')"fT -nn'ifJi?lW',flPpr "" WW ' r THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 7V . i .-' VW 9fiMtWii rrirvmr 7HEN you come to this store you know at the start that you are getting all-wool Always- "TiTe Busy Yes You may feel perfectly safe In having your Prescriptions filled here, Doing the -Largest Prescription business in the City we are able at all times to keep only the freshest drug and purest chemicals, None but Registered Pharmacists to fill your Doctor's orders, Lpckhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone- Main 298 Us "WANTED Your wtrponter, Job nml furniture work, Phone. Cnrpontor 124L. ,1'Olt SALE flood mvoiu! Iiunil wifo nt n bnrgnln. Call nt Union Miir kot nml sou snfo nod got price. Phono C8. "WANTED (llrl lo lemn millinery. Excollont chunw. A Miosh 0 TIiuph FOR RENT Vlrnt clans rooms, JI8H First St. Hcnr FlnnnBun &' Bon nctt Dniilc. DISAPPEARED Vrom 1M8 Con tral Avo., Friday ovonlng, Mnltoso kitten with wlilto bronBt nnd feet. Liberal reward for roturn. TOR SALIC King lllo trombone In flrst-dnss condition. Address Rax 285, North Bond. TOll SALIC Nearly new loatlier topped buggy. Will soil cheap If taken nt once. T. Mans, Club Cigar Storo. l'OU KALE Or exchange tw real estato a good launch. Apply Room 204 Coko building. , WANTED Girl for general 1ioiim. work. Call Phono North Bond 1024 D LOST Iliown cliespouk dog named "Beans." Any Information 'regard ing him will bo appreciated. Otto Schotter. FOB IIK.NT Small rnucli, stock nnd equipment for salo. Snap for right party. Address "S" caro Times. WANTED Boy t once. Inqulro at Xnsburg's Grocery. JOB RENT Xlct'ly furnished room. Closo In. Phono 292J. WANTED Strong woman or girl to care for elderly Invalid. Apply to Mrs, Sengstuckon. fl'BXISHRl) HOUSEKEEPING apartments, hot water, light and Hneu $10 and up Lloyd hotel. r0 SALE Two American box ball alleys In flno condition. Cash or terms. Address A. B, Campbell. SEWING inarlilue.s. Call on A. Tozlnr. tho RlniTAi. mnn. All who aro paying monthly, please end payments to Lock Box 404, 'ursnneld, Ore. m SALR Three Cornelian In I'nn game hens and ono cock. In quire Bishops' flats. G-J7 Broadway Tho Times' Want Ads bring results rou F. and nothing else in your clothes These Clothcraft Clothes are the kind you want to keep you well dressed and satisfied Mighty few clothes do all of that and do it well. Suits and Overcoats $J0 to $25. The Woolen Mill Store Miil-tc-Man. Clothiers Coos Bay Corner rROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY J It. K. l- WINKLER, - Naturopath und Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation frco. Olllco hours: 0 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 and G to 8 p. m. Naturopath Institute Boom No. 1. No. 13G Broadway, Marshflold, Oro Dtt. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathic Physician Graduate of tho AmerWan school of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. Offlce In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1C1-J; Marshtlold; Orogon J. V. BENNETT, Lawyer. Offlee over Flanagan &. Bonnott Bank larshdeld Orogon DH. J. T. McCOKMAO, Physician and Surgoon Marshflold, Orogon. Jfilco: Lockhart Building, , opposlto Post Oflke. Phone 105-J It. A. J. HENDRY'S Wo are equipped to do high class work on short notice at tho very lowest prices. Examination froo. Lady attendant, Coko building, oppo slto Chandler hotel, phono 112-J. DR. II. 11. MOORE, Chiropractor Chronic Dlsoiis.es n Specialty 203 Coos Uldg Phono 81-L Olllco hours 1 to 5. T. J. SCAIFE E A. IL IIODGINS Marshfield Paint 2b Decorating Co. Estimates MARSHFIELD, Furnished Phono 140L Orogon Business Directory Following Is a list of Reliable Business Firms that It Pay to Patronize. will STADDEN All hinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak finishing. DEARY'S Gl'N SHOP Completo line of Bicycle supplies, second-hand bicycles for Bale. Guns, bicycles, etc., repaired. Umbrellas covered and repaired. E. BAXDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Phone 180-R Coat Sweaters Wo havo nearly anything you want from $1.50 Up to $5 A lino lino of Turtlo Neck Sweaters, Men's $2 and $3 Boys' $1.5Q BOYS' COAT SWEATERS, $1.1:3 and 91.no. 91.00, The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. TiTe Royal TONIGHT Tho Homo of Good Pictures and Good Music. Tonight, ! TONIGHT "THE DEATH OK DON JUAN" (A beautiful Story Beautifully told In Pictures.) "THE VAGABOND" (Don't miss this Interesting Picture) ADMISSION 5 AXI) 10 CENTS Blanchard's Livery Wo havo secured tho livery buul lobs of L. II. Heisnor and are pro pared to render excclont service to tho psoplo of Coos Bay. Circfi.l di Ivors, good rigs &nd everything hat will mean satisfactory service to tho public. Phono us for a driving horse, a rig or anything needed in tho livery lino. Wo also do truck g business of all kinds. IlLANCHARD BROTHERS Phono 138-J Livery, Feed and Snles Service. 141 First and Alder Streots A. Modorn Brick Building, Electric Lights, Steam Heat. Elogantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. II OT Eli .CO OS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: CO cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market Marshfield. Oregon. A TURKISH BATH will do you GOOD. Phono 214-J. Lyons & Rass' IX- STHAWBEHRY, RASPBERRY AXI) GRENADINE FLAVORS. i A delicious fruit for making appetizing and healthful homo be verage. Pints 20 Cents Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones- LOCAL TEMPERATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:06 p. m., Nov. C, by Mrs. E. MlngiiB, special government meteorological observer: Maximum 50 Minimum 44 At "on n 'in' 55 Wind! Southwest: cloudy. New Organist. Fred Powers has been chosen organist of tlio Marsh field Catholic church choir. Meet. Tuesday. Tho local oil com pany, which la to sink a well on a Catching Inlet for oil, will meet at the Chamber of Commerce nt 7:30 tomorrow night to porfect its organ ization. Logger Hurt. Parties from tho Coqulllo report that a logger at tho Conologue camp wns seriously Injur ed by bolng struck by tho limb of a falling tree Friday. Ho was taken to Bnndon. Meet Tuesday, Tho Marshflold city council wl)l moot tomorrow night when various mnttors will bo taken up. It is llkoly thnt tho water fran chise matter will como up In somo form or other. Coming Home. Bobbie Wilson, son of Mrs. Sarah Wilson of South Broadwny, Is expected homo In n day or two. Ho has bpon riding on somo of tho principal wostorn and south ern circuits since lonvlng horo. Many Geese. Tho largest flight of gceso that has bcon notlcod hero In n long tlmo was evident nil day yes terday and last night. Old timers say their flight inland and southward Indicates tho approach of bad weath er. Big Crowd. Over 300 pcoplo at tended tho masquorado ball at tho Finnish hall last Saturday ovonlng. Light refreshments woro sorvod. It wns ono of tho most onjoynblo events or tho kind that has bcon hold horo In a long tlmo. It was glvon by tho Knights of Finland. Improve Garage Geo. Goodrum Is Just completing somo oxtonslvo im provements In his gnrago. An ofTico has boon put In, tho posts removed so that mnchlnea can bo handled onsl or In It, n completo mnchlno shop Is bolng Installed, a now floor put In and special lockers for mnchlno owners. It will mnko it ono of tho finest gar ages in tho county. Tank Evnlndex. I.atO' Saturday nftemoon, n gasoline tank which waif bolng repnlrod at Wllloy & Schron dor's shop on North Front streoc ,x plodod nnd for a moment threatened to cnuso sorlous damage. Jack Stol nor was ropalrjng It nnd tho heat caused n slight accumulation nt gas In the tank to oxplndo. Stolnor wns thrown about ten feet but not seri ously hurt. Parties who hoard tho explosion nnd saw tho flames Bhoot up turned In a flro nlarm but workmen quickly smothorod tho Jinnies. Mr. Wllloy estimates tho damage at about $50. . Parents Aro Angry. Many of tho Bunker Hill parents whoso children woro included in tho numbor chas tlzcil by S. C. Rherrlll. tho teacher thoro. Friday aro highly indlgnnnt ovor it nnd threaton to take stops In tho matter. It Is alleged that ho punished some of tho girls ns well as tho boys rather sovoroly. It scorns that tho trouble was cnused by tho dlfforonco In his time nnd tho Smith mill whlstlo. School wns called Fri day afternoon boforo tho 1 o'clock whlstlo blow nnd a dozen or so of tho children thought ho was cutting down thoir recess time. City Auto Service Oood Cnrs, Careful Drivers and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere nt any tlmo. Stands Blanco Hotel nnd Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 40. Night Phono 40. BARKER GOODALE. Proprietor. Fruit Syrups 85 and 305 RE- bsdb PEOPLE fT&) ESB3EGB35I MATT MATSON of Catching Inlet Is In Marshfield. LOUIS STONE of Catching Inlet is In Mnrshfluld today. J. C. SAVAGE Is hero on business to- day from Coqulllo. J. A. STAUFF expects to leavo thl3 wcok for California. A. S. HAMMOND is horo from Co- quillo on business. MRS. T. J. MACGENN of Empire is a Marshfield shopper today. JOHN SCHETTER. of Ton Milo is in Mnrshfleld on business today ALEX CARLSON of North Lake. Ton . HAUSOH DT Co, live .was n Marshflold business visitor today. : mho. urix mien, 01 V.UDBIUI wu il.. .inA fn Hull llnl.l HlnnilH Unt. r.r. :. M1?f,T!.r r ..... .... mo kiiuoi "i muiDuuu.u mui.u., i- uruay. JOHN BURGER of Ten Mllo is in Marshflold on business and pleas- ure today. FRED KRUSE and wifo of Isthmus Inlet nro down on business nnd pleasure JOHN BEAR and wlfo of Kontuck In- lot aro In Mnrshfleld today on busi ness nnd pleasure. ARCHIE KRUSE and wlfo and baby of Randolph nro visiting friends and relatives here. MISS VIOLET HENDERSON will on tcrtain a few frlonds this ovonlng ing immcdlntoly, ns all tho rlght-of-nt n lmmo of Mrs. F. A. Hnznrd. way out of Eucono ns far ns the As- CAPT. J. A. O'KELLY returned today from n business and pleasure trip to Portlnnd nnd othor northern points. GEORGE TERRY passed through horo today on routo from Loon Lnko to tho Conologuo logging camp on tho Coqulllo. MRS. TOURTELOTT ot California, who has bcon visiting nt tho Gcorgo Gould ranch near Allegany, plans to lenvo on tho next Rcdondo for her home. GEO. P. TOPPING nnd F. J. Fonnoy enmo ovor from Bnndon today to try a caso between tho Coos Bay Liquor Company und a mnn nnmed l Anuorson ovorn lunso. E. A. ANDERSON nnd jnmuy aro to day moving into their now homo in South Marshflold. Thoy havo resld od for moro than thirty years In tho resldonco tl)cy nro. vacating to day. F. A. FRA55IER recently assistant mnnngor of tho Singer Sowing Mn chlno Co. nt Eugcno, hnB nrrlvod on Coos Bay to aqsumo charge of tho Slngor ngency hero for tho prcsont. OH AS. FENSLER hns returned from n business trip to Portlnnd nnd whore ho enjoyed n visit with Mr Fcnslor nnd thoir daughter nnd other frlonds nnd rolntlvos. Ho said that ho hoard lots of railway talk, but did not got anything moro doflnlto than whnt hns al ready boon heard hero. MR8. CLARA MERCER of Euroka, Cal., roturns homo on tho Alliance tomorrow nftor n brief but pleas nnt vlBlt on Coos Bay. Mrs. Mor cor has boiiio proporty lntorosts horo nnd oxpressos horsolf well plenscd with prospects horo, nnd was Burprlfiod to And tho Btreots In ns good n condition ns thoso of nny city of its slzo on the const. North Bend News O. E. Hlnco. of Portlnnd. IB a guest nt tho homo ot his slstor, Mrs. Honry DIora on Union Avenuo. Tho North Bond city council will moot tomorrow night to mnko nrran gomonts for holding tho city caucitB Tho Presbyterian Ladles Aid So ciety will meot Thursday at 2 o'clock nt tho homo of Mrs. A. II. Guornsoy. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Hodson, who havo neon visiting nt tho homo of rv, nnd Mrs. Chns. Gottlns on North In let, havo returned home, Miss Ada Cllnkonbenrd of Dnnlols Creek was tho guest for a few days of MIbsos Frances nnd Ruth Goldon at thoir homo In Forndnlo. Tho W. C. T. U. will hold thoir reg ular mooting at 2:30 Tuesday after noon nt tho homo of Mrs. Josoplilno Jones on Union nnd Virginia avonucs. . IMPORTANT NOTICE. All stockholders In tho Coos Bny Oil & Gas Co, aro requested to nt tond tho first meeting of tho stock holders to bo hold In tho Chnmbor of Commerco nt 7:30 o'clock, Tues day evening, November 7 1911. As this meeting Is for tho purposo of electing directors, adopting by-laws, and othor Important business, every stockholder should bo presont. By order of COMMITTEE ON INCORPORATION. MILLINERY nt REDUCED PRICES at Mrs. A. G. Alkon's. ""' , . FifCf" fmQQ AlirO SprVlfP I 1151 V.IUM rtUlU OCIVIUC When you wnnt to go anywhoro In a hurry Try FOOTE'S AUTOS. liest rates In tho city. BEST CARS. Best drlvors. Phono C6-J until 11 p. m., niter n p.m. pnouo u-j. donco phono 2S-J. Resl- J). L. FOOTE, Proprietor, Petaluma Eggs At this season the best eggs come from there. Ask your grocer for them. Every Egg Guaranteed CONTRACTS W BE SIGNED EUGENE PAPER SAYS SOUTHERN PACIFIC WILL CLOSE CON TRACT'S TODAY AND BEGIN WORK AT ONCE. EUGENE, Oro., Nov. 0. The Guard Friday ovonlng printed tho fol lowing: "Thoro Is a rollnblo roport that all contracts for tho construction 0f tho no, J Southern Pacific company's Eu- Coos Bay rallroaa will be signed Momlnv anti thnt tho work Will j,cgtn immediately aftor that tlmo. Tliln rnnnrt- pnmn from Ji firm wlllcll expects to bo awarded n sub-contract. A mcmu0r of tho firm was hero ono day this weok nnd went out ovor tho lino for a distance of .twenty mllos or bo to Inspect tho right-of-way. Ho told a woll-kuown cltlzon of this city that tho company would sign up with tho successful blddors on tho road on Monday and that on Tuesday tho first actual construction work on tno lino would bo started. This firm is aft or n contract to cloar tho right-of-way, and it Is probablo that work ot this naturo will bo tho first to start, nlthoiigh it is poBslblo to bogln grad- set company's pass flvo miles west of . tho city has boon obtained and a con- tlnuous stretch for many mllos woat of thnt point has bcon deodod to tho company. Whether or not this contracting firm's Up Is strnlght remains to bo scon, hut It is known that tho com pnny intonds to bogln work in a very short tlmo nnd It not on Monday of noxt weok, It is confidently expected to bo within two wcoks nt tho latest. Moro Rlght-of-Way. In Bocurlnc rlght-ot-wny through tho McCjnron tract bordering on Blair stroot In tho northwestern part oe tho city, J. L. Buoll, tho company' right-of-way agent, closed up n gap ot hnlf n mllo or moro that Jt was thought thoro would be conBldornblo difficulty ovor, but ovorythlng was nmlcnbly sottlod nnd the company paid tho prlco naked for by Mrs. An nla McGlaron and husband, tho own ors of tho land. It is said that tho prlco paid for tho right-of-way wa $2,500. Mr. Buoll expected to closo a deal with J. O. Jonson for right-of-way be tween tho main lino nnd Blair stroot. The tract Is small and lies on the oast sldo of Blair street nnd bordors on tho Sladdon addition. Tho new branch will divert from tho main line on this tract. Station Every -t)i MMch. It Ib loarned tho company's inten tion Is to establish stations ovory four nnd n hnlf mllea out of Eugone. In this caso tho first ono will bo a milo nnd a hnlf this sldo ot tho As set company's gnp, tho socond ono nonr Coyote crook, tho third ono op poslto Elmlrn, (tho rond will run thrco-fourths of n mllo south of tho to;vn,) tho fourth ono nonr tho Junc tion of thp mnln stage road nnd tho Notl rond, tho fifth ono Just byond tho summit of tho mountains nnd eo on. At onch of theso stations it Is expoctod thnt qulto n llttlo vlllngo will spring up and In boiiio Instances thoy might dovolop Into bustling towns nnd cities." 15 OF Wm. Rejchert of North Bend Scalded by Kettle Upsetting Other Accidents. Wm. Rolchort wns tho victim of a rnthor unusual nccident at his homo In North Bond last ovonlng. Ho wns Bitting with his feet on tho stovo when his wlfo whllo putting wood In tho stovo upBot n pot of boiling hot water In which somo potatoes woro cooking, In such n way that both of Mr. Rolchort's foot woro badly scalded. A physician wns called and dressed tho Injured mem bers but Mr. Rolchort will bo laid up for somo time. Postmaster Russoll was slightly In jured this morning whllo trying to start n lira In tho furnaco. Tho gas caused tho flames to flaro out In his faco, blistering and singeing him con- sldornbly. Harry Wlnklor came to W "'' nn'1 promptly dressing tho W0IniU mlced tho pain. j. d. Rico, who resides on Dnnlols Creek was In Mnrshfleld today seem K momcni iri ' J' austalnod In nn nccident Saturday. Ho foil about twolvo feot out of an apple treo, striking on his head nnd shouldors. breaking a riu anu sevor- oly bruising hlmsolf. i VICTIM AGCDENT