I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. m a i 8' i 1 Iff m w. It COOS BAYTMES M. O. MALONEY Editor and Pub. DAN E. .MALONEY News Editor Entered nt the postoOice at Marsh flold, Oregon, (or transmission through tho malls ob second class tnall matter. JJEQUEATHINO A CALLINd. IT IS AN Interesting paragraph In the will of William 13. Curtis, tho nowspaper correspondent, In which ho speaks of his ambitions for his grandson: I lenvo my watch, my portrait by Hubert Vos, the scrapbook . containing my nowspaper let ters, and n complete list of my published bookB to William Ele roy Curtis 2d, my grandson, with tho hope that lie may share tho ability and ambition to fol low In my footstops, to adopt my profession, and to contlnuo tho service which I have boon trying to do by giving tho world trtio and usoful Informa tion and publishing tho good that men do rather thun the ovll. So much Is said of tho unrelia bility of newspaper men of even high talent, and of tho general purpoao of tho nowspaper to exploit ovll and magnify tho misfortunes of life that It Is Interesting to get Mr. Curtis' own estimate of his work, and to look back and seo how, in a long and successful career, he cxempltlled his view. It should not need to bo said that tho men who hold tho responsible nowspaper positions are llrst of all men of tho utmost reliability. Neither brilliancy, nor energy, nor a noso for news havo long kopt any mnn In a post of power If ho was wanting Jn tho primary virtue of being sure ho wnn right before ho went ahead. Neither should it need to be Huid that tho newspaper Is tho most op timistic bollovor In tho essential goodness of the world and tho per fectibility of human nature. Tho youngor Curtis Is bequeathed n great name nnd a grout and bonefl cont calling. It Is permitted to hopo that ho will provo equal to both. FULLER TRIES 10 Ei LIFE Aged Insurance Agent Ex presses Regret That At tempt Was Failure. THE DALLES, Ore., Nov. C. "I'll do bettor noxt time," was tho remark made at Tho Dalles hospital by A. A. Fuller, who attempted to commit sui cide hero last week, but failed. Fuller camo to this city a week ago from Ito seburg, whoro he resided during tho past few years, and engaged a room at tho Umatilla House. Whllo sitting In tho lobby of tho hostlory, Fuller quietly removed his hat, drew n re volver, placed It against his right temple nnd Hred. Tho bullet, how over, did not follow tho course ho In tended it to take, merely tenring away his right eye. Ho will recover. Despondency Is supposed to havo been tho causo'of his attempt to tako his own life. Fuller, who Is an Elk, Is 80 years old. Ho was in the Insu rnnco business hero nbout 15 years ago. WEI) EMPIRE WOMAN. A. A. Fuller, Who Attempted Suicide, Woll-Known on Coos Hay. A. A. Fuller, whoso attempt at sui cide at Tho Dalles Is told above, Is well-known on Coos Bay. Ho lived horo a number of years ngo and mar ried n Mrs. John Norton of Empire who secured a dlvorco from him at Rosoburg within tho laBt year. Fuller also spent several months hero a year or so ngo working insurance. On account of his evident ago nnd his hobby of playing billiards, ho attract ed some attention horo. Ho bns been in rather straightened financial cir cumstances for some time, it Is under stood. 1UH&CUII BIG VICTORY Allege They Have Recaptured Strategic Point Italians Lost Heavily. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) LONDON, England, Nov. 6. A news agency dispatch from Constan tinople says it Is officially announced at tho Turkish capital thnt tho Turks havo recaptured Dorna In Tripoli, thnt five hundred Italians woro' kill ed nnd the remnlndor of tho defend ing forco wcro tnken prisoners. HEPORT IS CONFIRMED. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, England, Nov. C An American diplomat from Constanti nople confirms tho report of tho re cent Improvement of tho Turkish po sition In Tripoli, duo to the nrrlvul there of n largo number of Turkey's best nrmy oulcors. They renched tho front by passing through Egypt. I IN llOOSTKItVILLE. "I hnvo a kick coming." tho chron ic grouch said; then brickbats wero humming n round his soro head. Tho JO l'OJJ OJO.Yl 8Jt))8UO( pilU HJOtRlld Ills gamo, and nil those lUho roostors jumped onto IiIh frnmo. They rolled hi m and churned him until full of ncho, nnd then nt last they burned lilm nllvo nt tho stnko. Perhaps thoy woro hasty some crltloa may tay tholr course wasn't tasty or qtttto rcshershay. But what makes men nicker, whon starting a boom, than Hooing boiiio kicker como reeking with gloom, to (Ho his objections nn it utter his roar, and spring recollec tions of bonuiH gone before. And what can bo rougher on tompor mid Houl, than hearing smuo duffer, who worships his roll, object to all meas ures, to cruklugH give vent, and balk nt nil pleasures that cost him n cent? To you who nro Hpunlng tho Boostor vlllo sportB, because of their burning n grouch, ouo retorts: Soma method of (daughter Is needed for JnyB who ro throwing cold water on things all their dnyB. WALT MASON Local Overflow IIOKN. CODDING. To Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Codding at their homo In Mllllng- tou n daughter. Mother nnd child nro doing nlcoly nnd Mr. Codding Is happier than If ho had tho hon or of building tho first railroad to Coos Bay. Kill Many Ruclcs Many big bates of ducks woro secured yesterday. 11. K. Booth, J. D. Goss, It. A. Wornlch and Buss Towor secured nlnoty-slx nt Bcnlo Lake. Unity Dli'H. Ilw throe montlm old daughter of Mr. nnd Mr. Anton Jon sen of North Bond, dle.l yemforony nftor n brief Illness. Tho ."mural was hold today. advertisicr lktter list Try Case. Tho :nso of F. J. Feng hani vh. Hermnn Bunk, Involving bont hlro, Is bolnp trld boforo Jur tlco Pennock today. Tho Juiy con BlstH of Alox Johnmn. S. C. Brown, John Bnckmnn. Mllo Sumner, Wultor Itlchardson and Alva Doll. List of unclaimed letters remain ing lu tho Mnrahllold, Oregon, jiost olllco November 1, 11)11. Pomona railing for the tmmo will plenso nay ndvortlBod nnd pay ono cent for each Jottor called for. Bluo, John; Becker, Mrs. M. J.; llolllou, James L.: Holster, Mrs. Geo.; Chrlstenson, Mrs. Mario; Evoret,, Wesley; Elwood, Mrs. Georgo; Evens,. Robert; Fltzliiigh, Lester, 2; Graver, Mrs. Eva; Oaffney. Willie; Nichols,' Harry; Olandor. Theodor; Prlro. Dal-' las; Radford, O.; Steward. W. 10.;! Swoopo. Frank; Smith, O. C; Smith. ' C. 10.; Smith. D. W.: Turner, B.; Kel ly, Manna; Hall, Miss Marries Hnld on, Charles; Hughes, C. 1).: Johnson, I Mrs. Sadlo; Kelso, E. J.; Mcintosh, Goo. ; McCIInton, Allen. I A woman of fifty who ninrrlod on IS-yonr-old youth admits that hIio mailo n mistake. Tho real mistake probably consisted In bur bollef thnt lie would novor discover her ronl ago. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN. Wo want frosh salmon nnd ar prepared to pay tho hlghost cah price for thorn. For further parti culars seo C. G. HOCKETT, Emplro City, or GEO. F. SMITH. Coos River NOTICE. All Coon county warrants drawn )n tho General Fund ami endornod prior to July 1. I'.UO, will bo paid on presontutlon at my olllco lu Coqullle. No Interost will be allowed on any of thote warrants after Nov. .1, 1 1 1 1 . Datnd nt Coqullle. Ore., this 2nd duy of Novomber, It'll. T. M. DIM.MIOK. County Treasurer Take Evidence. Tho ovldonco of L. J. Simpson on n proiinunnry pnnso of tho $21,000 da in a go suit of Jor dan Sehnpors vs. tho Simpson Luni- bor compnny, was taken boforo n no tary today. Html Auto TrlH I). L. Footo and Tom Goodnlo left yostonlny via Myr tle Point with two nutns rontnlnlng Tin Cord.es. Hugh Snoddin, Ad Cook, Watt Short. F. E. Hague, John Hor ron, Ed Fnrrln nnd Enr Wlnnor for Rosoburg where tho lnttor have to Hie again on tholr Fall Creek home steads under tho recont decisions on tho contests. Tho ninehlnes Intend ed to tako them only as far as Bridge but as word was received this morn ing thnt they had reached RoKoburg and neither machine hns returned, it Is presumed that tho autos wont nn through. Rudolph Lackstrom re turned Saturdny night with h's nuto from Rosoburg. Tho present rnln will mnko tho autolng difficult. AMONG THE SICK O. O. Gosney has recolved word from his wife who recontly took tholr little son to Portland to undergo nn operation, thnt he Is getting along line, news thnt will bo very gratifying tit tho mnny friends of tho fnmlly on the Bay. Henry Holme' littls baby, who has been qulto ill, is Improving. Mrs. Joff Ownbey of Prospor. who underwent nn operation at Mercy hospital, Is improving nlcoly. Mir, F. J, LnPnlmo Is roported qulto III at their homo nt Enstslde. Mrs. John LaChnpcllo of South Broadway is very 111 of bronchitis. Big RKIU'CTIO.V Salo of MILLI NEHY now on nt Mrs. A. G. AIKEN'S Don't forgot the Turkish Baths PHONE 21 t-J. ALLIANCE III STEAMSHIPS ARRIVE FROM SAN FRANCISCO AND PORTLAND TODAY ALLIANCE SAILS SOUTH TUESDAY. Tho Rodondo nrrlvcd in this after noon from San Francisco but will not reach Mnrsbflold until nbout K o'clock. Slio is scheduled to snll at 9:30 Thursday for San Francisco. Tho Alllnnco arrived in this morn ing from Portlnnd nnd will sail at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning for Eu roka. She had a good Incoming list, among whom woro tho following: 10. Schlllorstrom, Q. W. Edwards, Elmor Grnth, Gust Bodmnn, Wm, Egnn, C. A. Stephens, J. C. Savage, Mr. J. Cochrane, Mrn. J. Cochrane C. E. Klddor, J. Boyd, A. J. Jackson, Lllltnn Mornn, .Ins. Kelly. S. Straus, II. B. Ferguson, Dnn Coffory, Frnnlc Lang, Clnronco Lundborg, C. C. Tip swood, J. C. Butts, Sarah Butts, J. Harry. H. Stolmon. A. E. Applognto, Olo. K. Olson nnd E. L. Patterson. IS WTNESS Booker T. Washington Testi fies In New York Assault Case This Afternoon. NEW CHARGE FILED (By ABsoclntod Prcssa.) NEW YORK, Nov. C Henry A. Uhlrlcb, tho white man chnrged with nssault on Booker Washington, tho nogro educa- tor, was ncquittod in court nt n Bpcclnl bcbsIou. After Uhlrlch wiib ncquittod ho was rearralgn- ed In court on a ohargo of do- Bortlon. tiiy Associated Press o Coos uay Times) NEW YORK, Nov. C Booker T. Washington nppourcd In court today as tho principal witness In the trial of Henry A. Uhlrlch, a whlto mnn who gnvo tho negro educntor a beat ing ono night in March, when ho found him in tho vcsllbulo of tho npnrtmont house whoro Uhlrlch re sided, on West C3rd street. .Uhlrlch was charged with assault by Wash ington nt tho time, who dcclnrcd ho wns reading tho tenement's direc tory In nn effort to Iqcato a nogro who wns ono of tho officers of Tus kogco Institute. Tho nnturo of Uhl rlch's dofoiiBO was foreshadowed In his previous usBertlon that ho found Washington pooping through tho keyhole nnd thnt n woman told him alio hnd boon nnnoyed by tho nogro whllo passing through tho corridor. After tho nllcgcd nisault, Uhlrlch se cured Washington's arrest but ho was released. . Big RANI) DANCE at EAGLES hall, Saturday night, NOVEMBER 1 1. MubIc by full band. Big REDUCTION Salo of MILLI NERY now on at Mrs. A. . AIKEN'S ' ROASTS BRAVERY AND HAS IT TRIED OUT (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, Nov. 0 .Charles Schultz Inst night bonstod to friends lu n saloon thnt ho was not nfrnld to tackle an armed robber nnd hnrdly hnd ho uttor- od tho words whon two high- wnymon nrmed with rovolvera entered. Truo to his work, Schultz sprang upon ouo of tho O thugs nnd In tho strugglo wns Bhot twice. Tho robbers escap- cd. Schultz Is In tho hospital porhaps fatally wounded. LIFE TERM EUR LIABLE. Dentil Penalty Out Re uiH)crt on Them For ODViisos. (By Assoclnted Press to tho Cons Bay TimoB.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. fi. A "Hfo termor" in prison who ns snults unnthor porson with a deadly weapon Is punlshnblo to death under n decision of tho Supremo Court of tho 1'nlted States upholding tho con- Htltutlonnllty of tho California stat ute Havo your railing cards printed nt Tho Times oluco. VICTIM OF COLLISION. Dr. WnKlrll of Scuttle Killed lit Auto by Train. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SEATTLE, Wnsh.. Nov. (5 Dr. Clnronco E. Wnrdell, who tried to cross tho railroad track In nn nuto Just nhead of a locomotlvo yestordny, nnd whoso enr was hurled down tho embankment, di ed In n hospital late Inst night. Ho w ns 2 9 years of ngo. If you havo anything to soil, trnde rent, or want help, try a wnnt ad. ST"7"""! laJfrtLS Iloor Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality COUGHING AT NIGHT. Means loss of sloop, which Is hard on everyone. Mrs. A. Polzer, 25 W. Jefferson St., Oinnhn, Neb., says: "1 can recommend Foley's Honoy nnd Tnr Compound as u suro euro for coughs and colds. It cured my daughter of n hnd cold, and my neighbor, Mrs. Donson, cured her whole family with Foley's Honoy and Tar Compound. Evoryono in our neighborhood speaks most highly of It." For dryness and tickling In tho thront. hoarseness, nnd nil coughs and colds, tnko Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound. Keep nlwnys In tho house. Contains no opiates. The genulno In n yollow pnekngo. Rofuso substitutes. "Red Cross Drug Store. WANTED!!! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pneuraa tic Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken 'at GOING TIARVEY PHONE 100 RAYMOND'S DANCING SCHOOL ODD FELLOWS HALL Opening dnto SATURDAY, NOVEM BER II, afternoon 2 to 5 evening 7:30 to 10:30. Introductory Romnrks In opening this school for tho com ing Benson wo nssuro you ovory enro will bo tnkon to maintain n school of tho highest posslblo standard. Prices for Term of Eight Lessons: Juveniles, $1.00; Children, VI. 00: Ladles, $4.00; Gentlemen. $0.00. Prlvnto lessons, ouo hour, $1.00. Waltz, two'Btop, three-step nnd ono other dnnco guaranteed in course Clnss Instruction by torni only. Prlvnto classes may bo formed. Now Dances for tho senBon to bo Included In tho courso nro tho Dainty Step Cnrylo. tho Imperial nnd Mili tary throe-stop, nnd others. Ladles Rocreatlvo Classes mny bo formed for n courso In henlth-glvlng oxorrlscB, Including AoBthotlcs, Nn tlonnl court nnd Folk dances. A New Feature. Children's Grand Mask Ball. All ohtldron glvon ono hour freo on Wed nesday, -1:30, and Saturday, 2:30, nfter school hours. This freo hour to bo for Children's bonoflt for Chil dren's Grand Mask Ball and Military drill to bo glvon by Prof. Raymond as soon ns children can learn tho Grnnd Mnrcb. Mothers nro Invited to como nnd wltnoss tho Grnnd March drill nnd bring their children to en ter in tho Mnsk Ball. Pupils enn Invito frlonds up to eye ing dnncoB nftor class on Wednosdny and Saturday by written Invitation only. Not public. All Chlldron nnd Juveniles nro ro quested to wear slippers In clnsses. It is essential thnt pupils enter clas ses at tho beginning of term. FANCY DANCES TAUGHT freo to Chlldron In tho dancing school for n Grand Flnnlo nt tho Oporn IIouso at closo of term. Skirt dnnco. Sword dnnco, Spanish Wnltz nnd Butterfly dances nnd mnny other steps. If you wish to learn, como! PROF. C. RAYMOND. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suils Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN B7T Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivora aro now at tthe dis posal of tho Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horse bonrded and rigs cared for. Now hoarso and special ncommo datlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J Silver Spoon Sweets Arc Delicious Chocolates niado of Pure Mater' in a Sanitary factory by Cleau aiul HEAIpL workmen. They are packed in 1 . boxes at 25c and lVm boxes at 50c. Knoii -.i.. v" fu-'Kaw contains a Coupon which will help you to get one of these beautiful Silver Spoons- everybody Will wH Send One Full Coupon, (or 2 half Coupons) and 10c for One Spoon 6 Coupons and 48c for Six Spoons. sells cm BraW wndyCo, nrshfield forinnrlt. 'Mo Modtn vompani STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (Sh Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho closo of business September 1st) 1011, Resource. Loans nnd Discounts (397,39) Banking Houso 6oWoi Cash and Exchanges Hl,6t.5J Total $388,010.19 Liabilities Capital Stock pnld in $50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 64,165.11 DopoBlts 484.77UI Total 9388,010.44 He Got the Job A youtiR man havlnj? nppllod ton wholesale houso for a position recontly found hlmsolf boforo tho miimiKcr for oxamlnntlon. "Hnvo you a bank account?" was lili first question. "I havo," was tho roply. "Let mo see your bank book," wns tho next request. After glancing over It nnd noting tho Iour list of rcj;ulnr, though small deposits, ho said: "Young mnn, you nro enRagcd, and I wnnt to compllmont you on your snvliiK ability. I nl wayB Insist upon employing only jnon who have the good sonso to savo tholr money." Wo invito every young mnn In this community to open nn account nt this bank. INTEREST PAID ON TlSlE AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. The First National Bank OF COOS RAY CAPITAL 9100.000.00 MARSHFIELD OREGON Twenty-Five Years Ago, Bill, when I was married, we wont to a hardware store ana picked out a coal range cos iiig$45, and dirty all the time. T "The other day our daughter was married and her liusba had to spend less than half as much for a modern gas rag ,with no coal or ashes to botner about. ."Times change, Bill, and ,"1111105 Ullctllgo, ""',- OUIIIUIIUVY YYUIIIUI. vw... , younger, lots longer than tney used to," :Why not get YOUR gas Jg now? Telephone 178, Oregon Power Co, i.'S,!,,, nWKiMC-: -"wa--xiM: ix.- i lS-...w.. .--sn