THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 1 I I. I BAKfNPOWDEJ Absolutely Pure MAKES HOME BAKING EASY Light Biscuit Delicious Cake Dainty Pastries Fine Puddings Flaky Crusts The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream ol Tartar s FEW CHANGES SITS (Continued from pngo 1.) enwnro company will bring the litiga tion by the government attacking Mb title of tlio land grants of the South ern Orojon company. Mr. Smith ac quired thcHo in taking over tho Southern Oregon company last summer. A largo shnro of tho 10G, 000 acres of tho holdings In Coos county, besides some In Douglas, nro In what Is known as tho old Coos Hay Wagon Iloail Land grant. Tho Southern Oregon compnny lifts been paying taxes yearly on these lands despite tho cloud on tho tltlo and now, according to tho report, C. It. Smith will ccuko paying taxes until tho caso Is decided. Juut how much this will affect tho Incomo of Coos county for tho tlmo being and what stops tho county will possibly tako to enforce tho collection nro legnl ques tions that will probably bo brought up noxt year. New TOW 11V ELECTRICITY Device for Hauling Ships through lNiiuiiiiu (.mini NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Tho sys tem for towing at Panama has been porfectod. Tho government has In vited bids for tho electric towing locomotives. A single machine for experimental purposes will be built at once to bo followed by 39 other locomotives. Tho electric motors must bo sulllclontly powerful to move tho largest vessel nt tho rate of ten iullos an hour. Tho towing is to bo dono by four hawsers, two forward and two nft, attachod to tho wind lasses of tho towing locomotives. To prevent damage to tho gates, tho ship must bo under control nt nil times. Tho electric mules will run on n level except In pnsslng from one level to another, whon they will climb hoavy grades. CAPT. MIEN IS 0 Tells Portland Paper That Coos Bay Will Have Largest Ships Running Here. A Portland paper says: "With nn appropriation which tho people of Coos Day will seek to get from tho next congress, that placo can bo mnde one of tho finest deep wuter harbors on the const, says Captain Macgonu, master of tho steamer Urcakwater. In ordor to show Con gressman W. C. Hnwloy tho condi tion of tho hnrbor and bnr and Im press on him tho need of nn appro priation tho Urcakwater mndo n trip out last Friday with tho congress man, tho port commission nnd mem bers of tho Chnmber of Commorco ubonrd. "Captain Macgcnn says that 18 years ago an appropriation of $2,- 500,000 was made by congress to Im prove Coos liny nnd get n depth of 20 foot on tho bar nt high water. Of this sum only $750,000 wns expend ed, ho says, this Including locomo tives nnd other paraphernalia for tho work. Tho remainder of tho appro priation reverted to congress. "They havo over IS foot at low wator now, sayH Captain Macgenn, nnd If they could got tho remainder of tho appropriation they could hnvo 35 feot of water on tho bnr. "Tho dredge Oregon hns doopcnc tho channel to between IS nnd 10 feot from tho bnr to Marshflold and In iniiny places there nro 40 nnd 50 feet of wnter. "In flvo yenrs," says Captain Mnc genn. "they expect to tnko tho lar gest steamors in tho harbor. "Ho says thnt botweon Novombor 15 nnd 20 tho Simpson Lumber com pany's new steam schoonor A. M. Simpson will bo launched from tho 01 HALLOWE'Ei Event Passes Over Without Any Damage Being Done Hoax In Worth Bend. Hnllowo'cn Is over and gone nnd tho aftermath of It is not nearly so bad as some feared It would bo. Tho pranks jilnycd wero mostly minor ones nnd no serious dnmago was done. Tho greatest prnnk of all on tho Boy, so far as reported today, was perpetrated Iti North Demi. About 2 o'clock this morning, soino ono gained access to tho Porter Mill cn glno room nnd tied down tho whistle. On honrlng tho whistle, employees of tho Not th Bond box factory thought thoro must bo a flro nnd turned in tho nlarm. Tho firemen of North Bend responded but wore not nblo to discover tho flro. Tho pro longed blowing of tho whlstlo nt Por ter dually convinced them of tho hoax. It was upwards of fifteen min utes before tho whlstlo could bo shut off, so cffcctlvo wns tho tying of tho Hallowe'en tricksters. In Marslilleld, Marshal Carter has only heard of ono deed thnt has wrought up anyone's ire. Sonio ono stolo tho front gnto off tho fenco of E. .M. Erlckson, on Donnelly avenuo nnd It cannot bo located. However, Marshal Carter says ho hns practical ly established tho Idontlty of tho par ties taking it nnd unless they return It tonight or enrly tomorrow, ho ex pects to havo warrants Issued for them. During tho enrly hours of tho ovon Ing, tho younger folks had lots of fun with Jnck-o'-lnntorns, stalking ghosts nnd fnlso fnces nnd grotcsquo costumes. Sovornl Hnllowo'cn parties wero given, tho largest In Marshflold prob ably being thnt enjoyed nt tho High School building by High School stu dents nnd tenchcrs. Signs, tnblcs nnd other looso fix tures wore piled up on J. W. Den nott's lnwn this morning but nono wero broken. In other pnrts of town thoro woro nlso ovldonco of mlschlof mnkors having been nbrond. TIM BROS. (Continued from pngo 1.) er tho Inst two named havo any con nection with the compnny or the contracting firm. "Hlght-of-wny Agent .T. L. Duell nnd one or two others nro with tho party nnd they havo two automobiles from tho Moon garage. "Twohy Drothers built tho South ern Pacific company's Deschutes rnll road, which parallels tho Hill road which Portor Drothers built. Tho Twohys aro among tho country's lar gest railroad contractors nnd have had many lnrge contracts in tho northwest during the pnst few years." (SET ItlOIIT OP WAY Del Ciitlirnrt Assisting Southern l'n cltlo Near Ton Mllo Del Cathcart loft this morning for Ten Mllo whoro ho will nsslst tho Southern Pacific right of wny men in getting right of wny between thoro nnd Onrdlnor. Owing to his knowl edge of tho country nnd extensive nc qunlntnnce, It is expected thnt ho will bo nblo to securo directly consider able right of way that otherwise might havo to bo condemned, thus causing delay. EXPECT SUMXER HERB GUS BENNETT'S VIEW Sny Xnnn Smith Is Carrying Most TjIiiiiIh!' Possible Qua Bennett hns figured it out that Congressman Ilawley Is away off In his estlmnta thnt tho Xnnn Smith Isi not onrnlnc within nbout $100,000 .homo of Jnmes Drndy started hit per year oftheamountshomlght earn ting up tho gnsolluo In Mr. Brady's carrying lumber from C003 Bny If enr, and when they flow bnck Into Vice-president nnd Engineer of the I'noltlc Const Lino Coming Soon Vice-president Sumner of tho Pn- clflc Const Lino Is expected hero shortly with his son who is In chnrgo of tho survey work, tho latter now being nt tho wlntor enmp nt Winches ter Bay. Just what tho develop ments with tho company nro could not be nscortnlned todny. TnkcH Horse Awny. F. P. Norton will lenvo tomorrow with Headlight, tho fast innro which ho sold to F. E Alloy Inst summer, for lloscburg. Headlight Is to bo used n prompter nt Alley's stock farm near Itoscburg. MOSQUITO OX CUSOIilXE JAG. And the Poor Thing Explode An It Approaches Kite. TABBYTOWN, N. Y., Nov. 1. Mosquitoes in Cortlnnd St., North Tnrrytown, havo become gnBolhio drunkards nnd nro terrorizing the town. A family of mosquitoes In the tho harbor and bnr permitted her to enrry cnpaclty cargoes. Mr. Bennett states thnt ho has looked tho matter up and finds thnt tho Nnnn Smith Is cnrrylng nil sho enn enrry to tho best advantage. "Such reports ns Mr . Hnwley stnted nt the Chamber of Commorco nro detrimental to this hnrbor," snld Mr. Bennett. "I do not know who gnvo him his Information hut ho Is nwny off. Tho Nnnn Smith is carry ing nbout 1,750,000 feet per cargo nt tho prosont tlmo. While her ca pacity Is supposed to bo 2,500,000 feet, this Is evidently estimated from tho light eastern plno nnd not from tho henvy Oregon fir or pine. An other thing Is thnt If sho took on n load of two million and ,n qunrtorj tho houso they wero in an nwful con ditlon. One tried to alight on Mr. Brndy's noso ns he wns lighting his plpo nnd exploded with n loud report, setting flro to n mattress. Mrs. Drndy wns badly burned trying to put It out nnd Mr. Brndy wns burned on tho fnco Neighbors nro nfrnld thnt tho gns ollno hnblt will spread nnd tho town will hnvo to remain In darkness. Tho question now is, mow long does n gnsolluo Jag last? A MAIL CARRIER'S LOAD Seems heavier whon ho hns u wenk bnck and kidney trouble. Fred Duoh- rou, mall carrier nt Atchison, Kan- bub, snys: "I havo been bothered feet. It would hnvo to be stowed nnd ". , V, " ,vn "" .. .. this process Is slow, requiring about .'J.h '?"? ?n'LWn,Wor tmnhl. "' ,l eight or lq days. This would re- h" " Bevo,r m " nc,,,)8S '' ""; in i.n- mi,in n.,n t-in in ,, Whonover I cnrrlod n heavy load of weeks nnd carrying nbout 2,250,000 "'"" ' kl(,ll0' troublo ineernsed. I feet. If sho enn tnko thnt amount of , ponio tlmo ngo, I started taking Fo-1 Oregon timber. Now sho londs nil Io" Mdnoy Pills and slnoo taking' Snvo monoy by patronizing Tho Times ndvortlsors. Look Before You Buy A glanco at the Toggery Clothing Will convince- you of tlioir superior stylo nnd tailoring and no other clothes at tho price, $120 to $25, can surpass them. Wo do not con fuse our buyers by ad vertising suits from $10 to $10. Ono price, good goods and on the square is our motto. The Toggery wnys nt the shipyards of Kruso & Bunks. It will be christened by Cnp-i tnln Mncgunn s 11-yenr-ohl daughter Isabel." ('IIAMREH OF COMMERCE NOTICE i tho roguinr mooting or tlio lixecu- tlvo committee of tho Marshflold Chamber of Commerce will be hold Friday nftemoon. Novembor .1. nt -I o'clock. Full attendance Is doslred. DH. J. T. McCOHMAC, Pros. AT THE THEATRE. Tho Nnshvlllo Students oponed their first night's porfonnunco In North Bond last night to n packed houso. Every ono went nwny moro than pleased with tho show, claim ing that It was tho best thnt had over vlsltod tho city. Thos Harris, principal comedian nnd mnnologlst, was a scronm throughout tho ovonlng. Coy Hemdon, tho Wizard of Hoop villo, and his educated hoops filled tho nudleneo with woudor nt tho marvelous feats ho performed with his hoops. Every font was llbornlly npplnudod. The Nay Bros., singing nnd danc ing comedians, wero called back so often thnt tlioy wero compelled to rofuso to come out ngnln. J. W. Jordan, tho swootost trom- she can tnko with tho slings, nbout 1,700,000, makes a round trip In flvo dnys or In ton dnys would cnrrylng nbout 3,100,000 feot of lumbor again U 2,2(JO,000 thnt tho would enrry In two weeks If It wns stowod and sho wns londed to capacity. I havo examined Cnpt. Olson's report to tho government nnd find that ho has not reported less than 25 feet on the bnr In months nnd 27 feot nt high tide." them I hnvo gotten entirely rid of nil my kidney troublo nnd nm ns sound now ns ovor." Foley's Kidney Pills nro tonic in action, quick In results. No matter nt whut stngo your kidney troublo may bo, tako Foley's Kidney Pills nt onco for quick nnd permanent rellof. Bed Cross DriiK Store. EDITOR PULITZER DEAD. CHARLESTON, S. C, Nov. 1. Josoph Pulitzer, proprietor of tho Now York World nnd tho St. Louis Post-DIspntch, died here of heart failure. For more than a quarter of u century Josoph Pulitzer hail beon ono of tho loading figures In Amorl- Jcau Journalism. Although Mr. Pullt- zor nnd been blind Tor n number of yenrs, ho, nnd with tho possible ex ception of W. R. Henrst, did moro than nny other man In modernizing tho nowspnpor. HAD CORSET OX TRIAL SAN FRANCISCO, Nov, 1. Mrs. M. Orr took out n wnrrnnt for Mrs. Carrie Wnrnor's nrrest bepnuso Mrs. Warner secured n $5 corset on trial a year ngo nnd nfter wearing It contln unlly now wants to rotuni It on tho claim that It docs not fit. A new stock of tho latest In tho MAZDA LAMPS Send in Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHOXE 237-J Wc Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits; NOTICE. Aoiico is iiercuy iiivon tnnt nur- sunut to n unanimous vote of nil tho stock subscribed in tho "Modern Company," n corporation organized nnd existing under tho laws of tho Stntn nf Orncrnn. tlio dlrrx'tnrs nt snlil bono solo artist of his race, mndo n company duly filed with the Secretary derided hit with his solos. Peoploiof state of the said State of Oregon, wero surprised nt tho music ho got ion tho 2Gth day of October. 1911. out of ' l Mrumont Tho closing net entitled "Tho Duol Ist." wns very laughablo. Tho show lasted nlmost two hours nnd there Is something doing ovory minute. They will open a two nights' engngomont nt tho Royal tonight. Snvo money by patronizing Tho Times advortlsers. Supplementary Articles of Incorporn tlon, changing tho nnme of said cor poration to tho "Bradley Candy Com pany," ' J. W. VOOAN. L. W. TRAVER, E. E. TRAVER, W. C. BRADLEY, M. T. BRADLEY. Directors. Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PIIOXK MAIN JJ7-J Good Liven Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers aro now at ,ttho dis posal of tho Coos Bay public at KEASOXABLE KATES Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywnere any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special acommo- datlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES FHONE 273-J TSie Suit Question Can be settled easily here for the Man that desires Suit "Smartness." Our swell Fall Suits show all the little "kinks" that give individuality to Men's Clothes without being freak ish. The new features in Cut and Tailoring have all been honored by the best Tailors, who made these suits to our order, The new colorings In fabrics . are handsome, and we're- snowing a mug puce range .01 unusual values, $10.00, $15.00 Upto $45.00 Mr, Smart Dresser, we're at your service for a hand some, clean-cut, Fall Suit as well as Rain Coats Overcoats or Gabardine. "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshficld Bandon PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay Saturday, Nov, 4, at 3 o'clock P, M, IXTEB-OCEAX TRAXSPORTATIOX COMPAXY. Phono 44 C. P. McQEORGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAXI) AT H P. SI. OX OCTOBER 3, 10, 17, 21 AXD 31. SAILS FROM MAHSHPIELD AT SERVICE OF THE TIDE OX OCTOBER 7, II, 21 AXD 28. L. II. KEATIXG, AGEXT PHONE MAIN 8&L "THE FRIEXD OP COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Will Sail from Portland for Marshficld Saturday, Nov. 4, 6 P.M. COXXECTIXG WITH THE NORTH I1AXK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIPIO STEAMSHIP COMPAXY. PHOXE U o. P. McQEOROE, A Rent Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAI1LO 4XD JOSSON CESIENT. The best Domtitlc and Imported brands, FUiter, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH I1ROADWAY. PHOXE 201 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SEXGSTACKEX, Mgr. Coqulllo OffUe Phone 191 Marsbfleld Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a speclaltr. Qonaral Agents "EASTSIDE" every Pacific FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our stages lenvo Marshflold for Roseburg at 7 o'clock ovonlng and nfford quickest connections with Southern Railway. Faro IG.00. COOS RAY ROSERURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCIIETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV.. MnrshAeld. C. P. HARXARD, Agent, ROSEIIURG, Ore. PHOXE 11 Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3131 A Modern Brick Building, Electrlo Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. n O T E Ii ,C O OS O. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 60 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market Marshflold, Oregon. MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD . Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 7" ?1.00; week 12.00 to 15.00. IK keeping npartments with gas us $10.00 to 118.00 per month. t BATHS E. W. "" ";-- WANTED!!! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING A , PIAXOS TO OLEAX, by the Pneu tic Cleaning Company. Orders work taken at .GOIXG & nARVEY PHONE IM vWili-iurJ -.-, -r J '4M$d l?j Js.k C - iAs(.j.