'TB&.flr.iPTif; THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 2225" Guaranteed Shoes With every pair of Selz Royal Blue Shoes there' is a guaran tee which insures absolute satis faction to the wearer It is Shoe insurance ; and you don't get anything like it with any other shoe Mill-to-Man Clothiers Selz Shoes $3.00 to $5.00 Woolen Mill Store Coos Bay Ore. Always- "The Busy Corner" CORNS? Very troublesome aren't they? Nyal's Corn Remover will guarantee, to remove that corn. It's just another of the famous Nyal's line of Family Remedies for which we are Exclusive Agents. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phone Main 298 Us Silver Spoon Sweets Are Delicious Chocolates made of Pure Materials, in a Sanitary factory by Clean and HEALTHY workmen. They are packed in -poimd boxes at 25c and 1-pound boxes at 50c. Bach package .contains a Coupon which will help you to get one beautiful or Spoons e r y b o d y sells 'cm. Bradley I Candy Co. Marshfield formerly ho Modem Company. m of these V SUv 54. cv Send One Full k Coupon, (or 2 iflBkA half Coupons) and BSp 10c for One SpoonBB -G Coupons anfl 48c i'oi' r y Six Spoons. ttAL ESTATE 1 Property, Fnrm, Timber, unci ww rato Firo Insurance, boat and ra8est company. "VUUI1C Of llnnnii nml TTrncna -- " . ..,,1. .WUW. Belli, Ne. nS Itckots to any part of Eu- ATlft VT77:T?.T?r Ithal avenue, Marsbneid. Unique Pantatorium tin ?.' "WANING, PRESSING fi"S'oi""xa ALL KIXUS 0F J5ren(U0SS&VIXEG0n. 0 !tiii"al avenue Phnno 2Knv nchard's Livery ieMof bave secured the livery busl tared ' " ,iIe'snor and are pre lh onien r oxce,lent service to Alters - 'oos uay. uaren.l iiig0Q r,sa ana everything " Dnh i?wS satisfactory service to . vuuuc. Phono 1IB fnr - J.lvlnir lh HtM8, or anythnB needed In WiSLi10 .Xe. a'so.do truck- 0I,AXCHARR imOTIIERS I iei?Vh-cta nna Snles eici. Public Stenographer All Work Confidential Phone No. 156 No. Brodaway Have Us Launder Your Underwear We waon tbeso garments cleaner and better than tho work can bo done elsewhere, and they are not worn so much. Wo do not shrink them, oven woolen garments are returned the same size as when sent us. We Iron the garments nicely, make ordlnnry repairs free of charge and you havo fresh clean, sweet under wear ready for each week's change. Bundlo yours up with next week's laundry bundle. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry PIIOK. 20-7 beauy's gun shop Complete lino of Bicycle supplies, second-hand bicycles for sale. Guns, bicycles, etc., repaired. Umbrellas covered and repaired. E. BANDEL, Trop. No. 007 No. Front St, Phone 180-H Tonight! Stop! Look! Listen! THE FAMOUS Nashville Students nnd Jubllco Minstrels THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON, Nov. 1 Fair to- night nnd cooler. LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- POUT. For twenty-four hours ondlng nt -1:00 p. m Oct. 31, by Mrs. IS, Mlngus, special government moteorologlcal observer: Mnxlmum C3 Minimum 42 At -1:00 p. in 64 Precipitation none , Wind, Northwest; clear. Mwt Tonight. Tho Mnrshflold Lodgo of Elks will moot tonight to Initiate candidates and enjoy a lit tle Boclal session later. at The Royal TONIGHT Slngors, Dancers, Musicians, G big vaudovlllo acts. 4 funny Comcdlnns. CONCERT BAND AND ORCHESTRA Walt for the Bnnd concert DON'T MISS IT. Name Daughter Cards hnvo boen received hore announcing tho birth of Florence Juanita Lafon nt Har rodBburg, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. John Lafon and bnby nro oxpectod to re turn hore about Christmas. A. X. W. Trip Tho A. N. W. club will enjoy a trip to tho ranch of MrB. Chas Dungan on Coos River tomorrow when thoy will hold tholr regular weekly meeting at hor homo. Annual Meeting Tho annual business nnd Boclal meeting of tho First Baptist church will bo hold next Monday evening, Nov.- Cth, nt 7:30. All DnptlBta aro Invited. Election of ofllcors nnd a social ttmo will bo enjoyed by all. having homcstonils thore nro confident of winning out. now Deposits Grow. Tho deposits In the Mnrshflold Postal Savings bank nre steadily Increasing. Tho depo sits now total about $7,400. Train Lute. Tho noon trnln from Coqulllo today was about an hour late, owing to being delayed by an unusual amount of switching between here nnd Coqulllo. Considerable bnllnstlug Is bolng dono on tho lino to got tho roadbed In tho best possi ble condition for the rainy senson. here. Ho camo via tho Anvil to Bandon. MISS MONSON of Ten MUo Is Or Marshfield shopper. L. D. JUDY of Coos River Is a Marsh field business visitor today. .May Lcnvo Earlier. Tho report that tho limit would leave hero at G o'clock Instead of 7 o'clock in tho evening for Roaoburg was current ngaln today. Deputy Postmaster Sumnor said that ho had no knowl edge of It beyond tho report thnt was brought to him by somo of tho drivers. Wedding Soon. Friends of Owen Mooro of North Bond nnd Miss Laura Collvor of Catching Inlot havo been appraised that their wedding will tnko place In tho near future. Tho young folks nro woll known on tho Bay nnd havo a host of friends who will unite In extending felicitations. Pioneers HI. Mrs. Chas. Hllborn, whoso vonornblo husband has bcon quite ill recently, wns taken quite sick yesterday and was unconscious for a whllo as a result of n fainting spell. Tho strain nnd worry occa sioned by tho critical illness of her husband are belloved to' havo caused tho temporary breakdown. MISS LAURA COLLVER of Catching Inlet is a Marshfield shoppor. F. B. ROOD was down from his Cooa River ranch today on business . DAVE ROBERTS of Ton Mllo Is look lng after business In Mnrshffold today. JOHN HENDRICKSON and wife of near Allegany aro in Marshfield to day. TAYLOR SIGLIN wns down from hi Isthmus Inlet ranch today oa business. MRS. TORTELOT of San Joso, Cal., Is a guest at tho homo of her son, Gcorgo Gould. JOHN COLLVER of Catching Inlet was looking after business matter in Mnrshflold today. Ih Honored J. B. Whlto, a big lumberman of KnnsnB City, who spont a fow wcokB horo n yenr or bo ago with Ills old frlond, M. C. Hor ton, wns elected president of tho Na tional Conservation Cojigrcsa nt Kun BaB City last week. Had Runaway. ChaB Balloy, por ter of Tho Chandlor Hotel, and two young ladies had a nnrrow cacapo from serious Injury in a runnway on South Broadway yeBtorday afternoon. Tho trouble was started by tljo rig caicmng on a loiopuono post, mo rig wns damagod. m PEOPLE E&ZRIDZZR3 'OU KNOW K i LOUIS GORR loft yestorday for Gar dlnor on business. FOR RAr.lv Thoroughbred bull dog year old. If taken immediately will soil for $10. Apply "O" Times Crib Tourney Billy Smith, Honry Hugglns, Jns Davis, Jas Cowan Jr., Tip Conies, Iris Elrod, Peter Dun- goy, J. E. Claroy, Rnlph Mntson, Frank Mnrhoffor, Hugh Sneddon and T. R.. Mynntt hnvo organized a crib tournament, tho first games of which woro played last evening. Each mem ber Is scheduled for cloven games. WANTED Dried fruit packers See F. S. Dow. WANTED Strong woman or girl to caro for oldorly Invalid. Apply to Mrs. Songstackon. WANTED Contract for clearing laud. Will tnko land In payment. Address "A. J. 8." caro Times. BARTENDER with ninny years of experlonco wants position. Can glvo local reference ns to char acter. Phono 200, Lloyd hotel. WANTED Good, strong, steady lxy for permanent position. Inqulro nt Lockhart's Grocory. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING npartments, hot water, light and linen $10 and up Lloyd hotel. FOR "RENT Broom house $11, with water, on Bunkorhlll. Apply Mrs. Knud Erlckson. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply 188 Second nnd Park St., or P. O. Box 389, Marshfield. WANTED Ton or twelve gentlemen boardors. Board $18 p. mo. Rooms nearby If preferred. Phono B3X. FOR RALE Cheap If taken soon, n good piano. Apply at F. Tlmmor man's resldonco, North Front St. FOR SALE Two American box ball alloys In fine condition. Cash or terms. Address A. B. Campboll. Wed In Portland. Word has boon rocolved horo thnt Mrs. Allco Short dnn, widow of Edwnrd Sheridan, n brothor of T. R. Shorldan of Roso burg, and Jns B. Kennedy of Pen dleton wero married at Portland n fow days ago. Mrs. Shorldan lived nt Rosehurg for many years and Ih quite well-known on tho Bay, bolng an aunt of Ooo Sheridan of tho North Bond CondoiiBnry. Won Game. Geo N. Bolt Is In ro colpt of n letter from his spn, Eric, who is attending Wlllamotto Univer sity nt Salom, saying thnt ho had played with Wlllamotto against tho Vnncouvor Bnrracka team Inst Frl day, Wlllametto winning by n scoro of 11 to G. Eric says ho Is now kicking tho pigskin over olghty-flvo yards, within twenty-flvo ynrds of tho world's record kick. Receives Notice. Watt Short has recolved notlco thnt ho hns been sus tained In tho contest that partlos with Northern Pacific scrip Instituted against homestead In tho Fall Creek section. His contest was similar to that of John Horron which was de rided In Herron's favor last weok and a dozon othor Mnrshfleld men City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers nnd rensonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhero at any time." Stnnds Blanco Hotel and Blanco Clgnr Storo. Day Phones 78 and 40. Night Phono 46. DARKER & GOODALE, Proprietors. FREE! ALL THIS WEEK To Introduco tho E. A Wright line of Presorves nnd nlso to remind you that Ehmnnn's OUvo Oil Is tho best on tho markot wo will glvo away freo with each $1.00 Bottlo of Ehmnnn's Ollvo Oil ono 2 Co jar of Wright's Presorves. This offer holds good for tho balanco of this weok. Placo your order nt once. Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones - 85 and 305 CHAS NORRIS of Ton Mllo Is n MnrBhileld business visitor. MRS. DEL SAUNDERS nnd daughter of South Inlot wero Mnrshflold shoppers yesterday. WILL STAUFF, who has boon laid up with nn nttack of tho grip, Is now nhlo to bo up and around. MISS DLATT Is assisting In J. W. Bonnott'B olflco during tho nbsonco of MIbs Roso Myron, who has bcon HI. MRS RHODES of South Inlot, who recently undorwont nn oporntlon at Morcy hospital, Is reported Rot ting along nlcoly. GEO GOODRUM nnd Dr. McCormnc enjoyed nn auto trip to tho light houso yesterday nnd report tho ronds nro in flno condition. MRS. EMIL OGREN or Coqulllo, who recently undorwont nn operation nt Morcy hospital, was ablo to return to her homo In Coqulllo yesterday. II. E. JAHN and wlfo nnd George Stead woro passengers on Inst ev ening's atngo for Roaoburg. A. W. MYERS nrrlvcd In Into this afternoon vln Gardiner from his extended eastern buying trip nnd visit with relatives In Pennsylvania. F. E. ALLEN returned today from a business trip to Bandon. Ho re ports thnt tho Boar Creek oil well is now down about 1,500 feet and tho indications of oil, judging from tho gnB pressure, aro stronger than over. F. M. MARHOFFER has taken n pos ition nt tho Hub Clothing and Shoo company's Mtoro Idurlngjtho ab sonco of Chas. Fonslor, who is In Portland meeting castorn sales men nnd visiting his wlfo and daughter. North Bend News Mrs. J, C. Doano of Catching in let, spent Monday with friends In Mnrshflold. Mrs. A. J. Snvago of Mnrshflold was tho guest of her Blstor, Mrs.. M. E. Evorltt of Shormnn avenue, Monday. Goo. Bolstor of Klamath Falls, wilt loavo this wook for. Coos Bay where ho expects to remain during tho wlntor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. Cnvanngh on tortatnod at n Hullowo'on party for tho young folks of tho Christian En deavor of tho United Brothrou church. S. D. PULFORD of Myrtle Point was a Marshfield business visitor there. Ho reports thnt grcnt onthuslnsm Is mnnlfost In tho horticultural so cieties which P. M. Hall-Lowls has rocontly orgnnlzed In tho valley. PROF. C. RAYMOND, who formorly conducted a dancing school horo, but who hns been locnted In Port land for tho past threo years, re turned horo yesterday to remain nnd rcopon his dnnclng school first Class Auto Service Two flno Cadillac cars ready for sorvlco at nil hours anywhoro at rea sonnblo ratos, Phono GG-J until 11 p. m. nftor 11 p. m., Phono 5-J. Rosl donco Phono 28-J. J). L. FOOTE, Proprietor. FOR MEN ONLY Wo'ro giving hat values such as ennuot bo duplicated on Coos Bay and which nro not excelled anywhoro. Our Thoroughbred Hat Is Equal to any hat made. You might pay $5 for a hat and not got a bettor one. SB:u.u.r..r. $3ioo Our Stntesman Is good enough for any man. Most Btoros soil tho samo quality hat for $3.00 nnd $3.50. Wo sell tho Statosman CO Ch for only p3. JU Men coma horo for your next lint nnd snvo monoy. Fall and wlntor styles now In. The Bazar Phone 32 The House of Quality. Mrs. A. Johnson of Shormnn nvo nuo Is hostess this afternoon nt hor homo ontortniulng tho Forolgn Mls slonnry socloty of tho Mothodlst-Epls-copal church. Tho M. W. of A. hold n chlldron'u Hallowe'en party nt Loggto hall last evening, whllo tho Roynl Neighbors ontortnlnod nt Taylor's hall. A flno tlmo was enjoyed by nil. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Cant. Cornwall camo down on tho tug Glonnor yestordny from Gardiner to tow out somo sailing vessels thnt nro londlni: with lumbor hero. ono of them bolonglng to tho Gnrdl- nor Mill company. Ho will also tano n cargo of gonornl merchandise Tlin Rtonmnr Homor hns bcon sold by J. Homor Frltch to Scnmmoll & Jeromo of Snn Francisco nnd San Francisco papors state that sho Is to lm nut on tho Coos Bav-San Frnn- cIbco run ngaln In tho frolght and passougor business. Cnpt. Noron, formorly master of tho Btoamor Eurokn, Is now mastor of tho old Areata running botweou Snn Francisco nnd Euroka. CURRY COUNTY NEWS. Brief Hems of That Section Taken From Gold Reach (Unix. After tho 2Cth day of Octobor. 1011, tho prlco of menlB nt tho Gaunt lott houso and Gold Bench hotol was ralsod to 30 cts. Thn roftlilmirn of Clnud Walker of PIhKiI rlvor wna consumed bv ttro oarly Sunday evening. Tho loss ninmiiitn In nlinnt flftnnn hundred dollars. Arthur Wnlkor, brothor to Clnud, lost $140 In curroncy In tho blazo. It is thought tho blazo started from Incondlary origin. Llbhy COAL. Tho kind YOU have - ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pacific Livery & Transfer Co. Petaluma Eggs At this season the best eggs come from there. Ask your grocer for them. Every Egg Guaranteed -- u Amur Bireois