'frn THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1911 EVENING EDITION. 1 S. P. 15 BUS! NEAR EUGENE (Continued from page 1.) the beginning of nctunl construction work and suy they hope It will start nt once. "Several Southern Pacific rlght-of-wny deeds were fllcd for record this afternoon. One was from John E, Gardner, for right-of-way through Innd near the city HlnltB also an ngreoruent for the sale of two acres ndjolnlng the company's right-of-way nnd adjoining the right-of-way re cently secured by the Oregon Elec tric. The other deeds were from the following: Albert E. Mills and wife, section 32, township 17-5 west; L. W. Elliott and wife; Phlllas Dials nnd wife, section 20, township 17-1 west. The Inst named Is located near the Gardner tract." "It develops thnt the Southern Pa cific company has made a contract for meat In largo quantities from Broders Brothers meat market with out specifying the amount to bo taken or the time of delivery. This indi cates that there Is liable to be some thing of Importance transpiring In road building boforo long. The con tract was mado about two weeks ngo." The Pacific Great Western has also filed many right-of-way deeds nt Eu geno recently. CLEAR RIGHT Or WAY. GREAT NAVAL UD E Buildings Must Ho Hcnovitl From It Within Stv Mouths. Tho right-of-way agents working on tho route between Eugene and I Coos Dny hnvo been Instructed to ncrvo notice on nil property owners from whom they acquire property that' all buildings must bo removed from tho rlght-of-wny within six months. This orders covers tho en tlro dtstnnco from Eugcno to Coos Day. Thcro was llttlo railroad news afloat hero today. Tho statement of C. K. Smith thnt Coos Bay would not havo a railroad within threo years caused somo comment. W. P. Mur phy Bnld that "Smith was a knock er." Others claimed that Smith's posslmlsm wns possibly due to a do slro on his pnrt to buy timber In this soctlon moro chenply for a few yenrs. It was stated by North Ilend par tlea today thnt C. It. Smith and Her bert Armstrong, his locnl maungcr. carefully went over tho North Hentl waterfront tho other day making maps of It and Indicating plans af fecting .It. WANT GOVERNMENT TO PUBLISH United States Assembles 126 War Vessels at New York and Los Angeles. (By Associated PreBs to Coos Bay Times., NEW YORK, Oct. 31 New York hns prepared to entertain for threo days this week 20,000 blue Jackets on 102 war vessels of the Altantlc licet ordered hither for participation In the most ambitious mobilization of fighting craft ever undertaken In this country. In command of Itenr Ad miral Hugo Ostcrhnus, all the avail able ships of the Atlantic squadron began steaming toward New York harbor last week, and twenty-four vessols of tho Pnclllc squadron nro due at Loj Angeles for the west coost naval demonstration there. Ono hundred nnd twenty-six In nil, they will remain at anchor until Thurs day; there will bo two nights of Il lumination, nnd Jack ashore will havo perhaps the grcntest land feto of his career. Tho number of men duo nt New York alone surpasses tho strength of Shatter's army In Cuba. Arrangements hero call for live, nnd perhaps bovcii miles of ships, great and smnlt, forming four lines In tho Hudson River from West Fifty-seventh street to Fort Wash ington, or above. Tho battlcshlpB will bo 400 yards apart, destroyers 300, smaller torpedo boats and other crnft 200. In order thnt thoy may bo displayed to tho best advautago It was arranged to havo tho sub marines nnchorcd nearest tho Now York shore. Next In lino como tho bnttlcshlps and, In the third nnd fourth columns, nenrest Now Jersey, tho destroyers and torpedo boats. This long lino of 102 vessels, twenty-four of thorn battleships com prising tho tlowor of tho Atlantic licet, will havo an aggrcgato tonnage of 577,285 and off Los Angeles to twenty-four warships Will havo a ton nngo of 110,215, making a grand to tal of 003,530. Thus, as a national naval display, tho mobilization will surpass tho German rovlow at Kiel In September ;wlll outweigh tho French display nt Toulon last month nnd will rank second only to tho great array of lighting ships which assembled In tho Solont on Juno 24 during tho ceremonies of Gcorgo V of England. On that occasion there wnB a display of 107 British warships and eighteen foreign vessels, and tho nggregnto tonungo of British vessols alone wns moro than n million. Tho entlro fleet which will swing nt anchor In tho Hudson river until Thursdny comprises twenty-four bat 10 GET H1UM .tleshlps, two armored cruisers, two protected cruisers,', twenty-two do Coniiiiorrlnl Bodies nnd Fruit Men Rt,.oyor8, sixteen torpedo bonts, eight oVlc,,,JV,l, :fo,'NoMI.",,:",lJlu . iBubmarlnes, threo torpedo fleet ten COUAU.IS, Ore., Oct. .1. Prof. ,,orH( four B,,nuoatH( ,,0 miscoun ts m .fL8' in n 1Vl8lil ,f nooiw vessols. such ns hospital, sup t,?rn rnnlnt i L & ) i ' " miiiniinltloii ships; olght col letter ?r, ,BC A Alnboouf of thof'k,,H' " 0,( tnkop " tl,rco tHK8' v,m.. n, ,.v,., W."f "f "iXovor In tho history of tho American Ing for the assistance of tho college ! livy hnvo s ninny 1wrB,,, )eon' in n movement which tho commercial . l""" ihw . " clubs, chnmberH of commerco nnd requires nearly half tho enlisted fruit growers of tho northwest nro1Ht"-,"Kt" ,)f ,ho olUlro ,mvy backing. Tho plan Is to secure from The flagship Connecticut, which tho government un appropriation fori'1'' '" Atlantic fleet on its nround tho publlcutlnn In ono volume of tho t he-world cruise, will Bwlng nt tho thousands of fttio color plates of var-houd of the column not fur from tho lottos of fruits grown throughout tho, giant Florida, which makes hor np- Unlted States. Tho work would, of course, bo ex pensive. Tho Geneva. N. Y., Experi ment Stntlon spent $50,000 on tho publlcntlon of "Tho Apples of Now York;" nnd "Tho Grapes 'of Now York" cost $3.-i.000 for n slni-ln n.ll- tlon, so It would bo nocossnry for tho pcarnnco In public for tho tlrst time. Sho was only recently put In commis sion, has not yet had her speed trials, and in participating in tho display she lonves the Brooklyn Navy Yard, whero sho was built, for hor first turn around tho harbor. Ah an experiment of nssombllng on Marshfield School Board May Take Over Local Tabernacle For Use of Students. The Marshflold school bonrd Is planning to securo the Tabernacle building and convert It Into n gymna sium for tho pupils of the public schools. Tho plan Is now underway and It Is hoped to consummate it shortly. The board has taken the mntter up with the commltteo which built tho Tnbcrnncle for revival purposes. It Is understood thnt it can bo ob tained for $000. It originally cost about $1,400 and It Is further stated that the committee will turn It over to the schools for tho bnlanco still owlngs that Is about $000. As tho school board has not tho fundB on hand now, It may bo necessary to raise part of the money nt least by subscriptions. C. A. Smith dwns tho site on which the building Is erected and It Is un derstood that he will permit a con tinuation of the use of tho ground for little or nothing. Tho school bonrd Iiub been desirous of some dny erecting n flno gymna sium for tho public Bchools on the High school grounds but the erection of n suitable building and the equip ping of It will mean a considerable outlay. It Is believed that tho Tn bornnclc building will bo adequate until means nro nvallnblo for the erection of tho permanent gymna sium. Besides affording n place for basket ball and Indoor games, It Is planned to put In somo equipment such ns horizontal bnrs, punching bag, Indian clubs, weights, etc. Tho location of tho Tabcrnnclo building will make It, available for the students of both buildings If It Is so desired. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Cnpt. Johnson, who is hero on tho Daisy Freeman which Is loading lum ber nt the C. A. Smith mill, is an old time Coos Bny mariner, having run In hero ns captain of the Breakwater for a time. Tho Breakwator will sail tonight from Portland for Coos Bay and should reach hero early Thursday morning. REAR, Mink nnd OTTKK THAI'S nt MILXKH'S. Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hnvo ALWAYS USED. PHONE 72 Pacific Llvory & Trnnsfor Co. HAWLEY HAS j AUTO ESCORT' I CONGRESSMAN KN.IOYS TRIP FHOM COQl'ILLE TO MYRTLE POINT WITH LAHGE DELEGA-, TIOX OF CITIZENS. ( Special to Tho Tlmds.) COQUILLE, Or., Oct. 31. A del egation of citizens in cars driven by J. W. Leneve, H. II. Most, J. A. Lamb, Al Hlto, T. A. Walker, and G. A. Itoblnson mnde tho run over to Myrtle Point Monday afternoon to escort Congressman W. C. Hawlcy to this city. Among those making tho trip to. Myrtle Point wero Stnto Sonntor W. i C. Chnso, Republican County Central Committeeman P. M. Hall-Lowls, J. i J. Stanley, Ned Kolloy, Geo. E. Peo ples, It. S. Knowlton, Fred LInognr nnd eighteen others. Tho ronds wore excellent, nnd tho; weather as flno ns could havo beenj dcslrod and all enjoyed tho trip. He-1 turning, with Mr. Ilawley, tho party dined nt Tho Baxter, and then pro ceeded to tho rooniB of tfio Kokeol Klub whore nn Impromptu recep- Ho goes to Bnndon tomorrow. ECZEMA REMEDY ALSO WASHESiPIMPLES AWAY No remedy thnt wo hnvo ever sold for Eczemn, Psoriasis, and nil other dlscnscs of tho skin has given moro thorough satisfaction than the D.D.D. Prescription for Eczema. A 25c trial bottlo can be secured At onco. Our pntrons And that D. D. D. not only gives Instant relief to tho itch ing, burning skin, quickly driving out nil tho dlscnso germs, but It Is also tho most delightful wash for tho complexion they over used. Ab solutely harmless and pleasant to use, D. D. D. cleanses tho skin of nil minor impurities, such ns rashes nnd pimples, over night, nnd lenves tho skin clear and smooth as that of n child. It Is now genornlly known thnt thcro Is nothing thnt can equal D.D.D. as n household remedy for nil skin troubles, no matter what they arc. We, ourselvcB, nro so fully convinc ed of tho merits of this wonderful romeUy thnt wo will chnrgo you noth ing if tho first full bIzo bottlo of D.D.D. docs not .mnko good ovory claim. Better drop In and talk It over with iiB anyhow. Hod Cross Drug Store. The Suit Question Can be settled' easily here for the Man that desires Suit "Smartness." Our swell Fall Suits show all the little "kinks" that give individuality to Men's Clothes without being freak ish. The new features in Cut and Tailoring have all been honored by the best Tailors, who mado those suits to our order. The new colorings in fabrics are handsome, and we're showing a long price range of unusual values, $10.00, $15.00 Up to $45.00 Mr. Smart Dresser, we're at your service for a hand some, clean-cut, Fall Suit as well as Rain Coats - Overcoats or Gabardine. "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. Marshiicld Bandon FAST AND COSLMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIHELES8 Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay Saturday, Nov. 4, at 3 o'clock P, M, INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. Phono 44 C. F. McGEORGB, Agent. WOHTII nil you pay. for it HAINES' FEED nnd FLOUR. LAMPS nt MILNHR'S. ........... . . i . ' M Ml t'.MIl'nillUlll Ul IIBSUIIIIIIIIIK 'l HnMo hn , . m n "i ,l,rK!',r, ln,,,,-,hort notice a groat number of ships prlatlon thnn would be within tho, ...,,....., .,.,." 8 liolnir wntched reach of any ono stnto for tho nur- ... . h . . . ,i i.Y p080 ' l,lu ' "r with Interost by nnvnl nuthorlties, Look Before You Buy A glanco at the Toggery Clothing Will convince- you of their superior stylo nnd tailoring and no other clothes at tho price, $2U to $25, can surpass them. "Wo do not con i'uso our buyers by ad vertising suits from $10 to $-10. Ono price, good goods and on tho square is our motto. The Toggery nnd may be compared from n naval viewpoint, to the mobilization of troops nt San Antonio .during tho Mexican Insurrection. Tho problem of moving twenty thousand snllurs Is vastly easier than moving troops over laud, howovor, for tho formor re quires but a shifting of u floating structure with crow, arms and provi sions complete, while transporting an army by train Is n problem of hercu lean proportions nnd porploxltlcs. CARELESS ABOUT APPEN DICITIS IN MARSHFIELD Many Marshflold pcoplo havo stom nch or bowel troublo which Is llkoly to turn Into nppcndlcltls. If you hnvo constipation, sour stomach, or gns on tho stomach, try slmplo buck thorn bark, glycorlno, etc., ns com pounded In Adlor-I-kn, tho now Gor mnn appendicitis remedy. Lockhnrt & Parsons states thnt A SINGLE DOSE of this slmplo remedy will ro llevo bowol or stomach troublo al most INSTANTLY. i Union Oils JASOLINE DISTILLATE BENZINE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES unci CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Mnndifleld, Oro. PHONE U02-J .Mull Orders Solicited. EQUIPPED WITH WI HE LESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS THOM POHTLANI) AT H P. M. ON OCTOHEH , 10, 17, 21 AND 1. SAILS THOM MARSHFIELD AT SEHVICE 01.' THE TIDE ON OCTOHEH 7, II, 21 AND 28. L. II. KEATING. AGENT PHONE MAIN 8Mi CLEMENCY FOR XEGHESS. Over .10,000 Petition Tuft to Prevent Execution In Washington. (Hy Associated Press to Coos nny Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C Oct. 31. Unless Presldont Tuft or death Inter venes, Mnttlo Loninx, n nogress, will bo hnugod in tho national capital No vember 20. Tho prisoner Is crltlcnl- ly 111 and may not llvo till tho day bot for hor execution. A petition of fifty thousand names has been pre sented to tho President for clomency Shu Killed her husband. CARVING Sets at MILNEH'S. Don't forget tho Turkish Baths PHONE 21 l-J. NOTICE TO riSHEHMEN. Wo want fresh salmon nnd nre proparod to pay tho hlghost cash prlco for thorn. For further parti culars soo C. G. IIOCKETT, Empire. City, or GEO. F. SMITH, Coos Rlvor. Hello! Hello! Housowlvos of Marshfield use Marshfield Creamery Butter It your grocer does not keep It call up rilONE 73-J. Froo dollvery 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. also STEHIL1ZED CREAM & SnLK ICE, HUTTERMILK, COTTAGE CHEESE Public Stenographcrj All Work Confidential Phone No. 156 No. Broilaway "THE FRIEND OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Will Sail from Portland for Marshfield Saturday, Nov. 4, 6 P.M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PaJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE U O. V. McGKOROE, Agent A new stock of tho latest In the MAZDA LAMPS Sond In Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAHLO ND JOSSON GEJnSNT. The best Domestic and Imported brands, Plftitor, Lime, Brick and ail kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH HHOADWAY. PHONE 201 We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits After the abow try a Turkish Batb Phono 2 14-J. For the Man Who Knows thoro's nothing Hl;o n rich, Juicy beefstenk no bird's nests for Ills. If thero's ono thing wo'ro particular obout (wo hnvo a enro for every ounco of ment lenvlng theso prem ises), It's our beefsteaks porter house, sirloins, tonderloln nud all. Wo keep a keen eyo on tho mnrket nnd give you ovory benoflt of a shado In pricing. Marshfield Cash Market Phono 221J Pioneer llulldlng Front St. II. FOURNIEH, PROP. Goods'Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE .MAIN 57-J Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. CoQulllo Offlje Phone 191 Marshflold Office 14-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands 'a specialty. Gonaral Agents "EASTSIDE" Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses nnd careful drlvors nro now nt ttho dis posal of tho Coos Day public at HEASONARLE RATES Rigs or rigs with drlvors ready for nny trip nnywhore nny time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. Now hcarso and special acomrao dntlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J Hero la a woman who speaks from personal knowlodgo and long exper ience, viz., Mrs. P. II. Drogan, of Wil son, Pa., who says, "I know from ex perience that Chamtorlaln's Cough Romedy Is far superior to any other. For croup thoro la nothing that excels It." For sale by all dealers. FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBUR.G Our stages lenvo Marshflold for Rosoburg at 7 o'clock every evonlng and nfford quickest connections with Southern Pacific Rnllway. Faro JG.00. COOS HAY ROSEnURG STAGE LINE. OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., MnrshfleW. C. P. RARNARD, Agent, ROSEHURG, Ore. X'JUJ.M'J 11 Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 8131 A. Modorn Drlck Building, Electrio Lights, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Wator. nOTEL .com O. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 60 cents a Day and Upwards. Cor. Broadway and Market Marshfield, Oregon. MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYI 4 Rates reduced to: DayBOc. 7do fl.00; week J2.00 to ?5.00. How keeping apartments with gas rau $10.00 to $18.00 per moaft." BATHS E. W. "'"'Itt"1 WANTPT)!!! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AT PIANOS TO CLEAN, by the W tic Cleaning Company. Orders work taken at GOING & HARVEY PHONE 1M JJL 'IP'i1 M'lW 'il 1 ' n ' iaJA -M. . S klTjLi1' Bava'mwi" EKJSK2EXE WHb-tn-' ' lti'gg.jS.sa