jffiwH" w-rJ "T- Tpl wBTFSCW" i THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1911 EVENING EDITION. ''fiWf I A IWi Vi "The Busy Corner" Of First Importance Is tho Compounding or Proscriptions. Skill nnd caution nllko outer into It. Thoy nro worthless unless tilled ns or dered with Furo Fresh Drugs nnd Chemicals. Our It busi ness has been built up on these principles. Wo may add Hint our prices aro uniform, not way up on sonio things and down on others. see OUIt WINDOWS Lockhart-Pai sons Drug Co. Phone Main 298' Us Silver Spoon Sweets "Are Delicious Chocolates made of Pure Materials, in a Sanitary factory by Clean and HEALTHY workmen. They aro packed in 3-pouud boxes at 2uc and 1-pound boxes at 50c. Each package contains a Coupon which will help you to get one these beautiful Silver Spoons everybody sells 'cm. Bradley Candy Co, Marshficld formerly 'ho Modem Company. " $L of y$& Send lk Que Full Coupon, (or 2 half Coupons) and 'uKjw 10c for One Spoon K)Im ( Coupons and 48c for r V Six Spoons. A Wise Old Owl Snld Shiftless Snm: "It Is easy enough to mako inonoy If you hnvo money to mako It with. I see chnnces overy day to mako money If I only had a little stnku to start w(th, but a follow that has no capital doesn't hnvo a fair shako In this world." Said tho Wise Old Owl: "You novor will hnvo n stake until you start. Stop your spending and try sav ing. Pinch out a llttlo of your earning nnd start a hnnk account no matter how small. Add to It. Tho longer you put It off tho longor opportunity will glvo you tho cold shoulder." Which ono was right, Sam or tho Owl? The First National Bank OK COOS HAY CAPITAL 9100,000.00 .MARSHFIELD OREGON STATEMENT OF CONDITION' Flanagan Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREGON' At tho closo of business September 1st, 1011. Resources. wans and Discounts $397,393.93 Banking Houso 50,000.00 Cash and Exchanges 141,640.53 Total $388,010.10 Liabilities Capital Stock paid In 550,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits .' 54,105.72 DePlts 484,774.74 Ttnl 588,01Q,10 Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected oum ao Well t0 ca,j at tho paciflo Monumental WorKs, South roadway and mako selection from tho largo stock now on hand. ' Wlson has In hta employ tho only practical marble and gra- " cutter In Coos county. And none but tho best worK Is turned PL KINS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE WANTED Strong woman or Kill to care for elderly Invalid. Apply to Mrs. Sengstnckcn. WANTED Contract for clearing land. Will tnko land In pnyment. Address "A. J. S." care Times. BARTENDER with many years of experience wants position. Can glvo local reference ns to char actor. Phono 209, Lloyd hotel. WANTED Information as to n fe mule collie dog answering to name ot "Chloe" lost on Eastsldo Isth mus Slough. Address, Edw. A. Hams, Mnrshllcd, Ore. WANTED Good, strong, steady boy for permnnont position. Inquire at Lockhnrt's Grocery. FOR RENT Furnished Housekeep ing rooms, u. n. annul, ana nnu Highland. WANTED AVonuui or gM over 18 Apply Lewis' Confectionery store. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING npartments, hot wntor, light and linen ?10 and up Lloyd hotel. FOR RENT 5-rooni house 911, with water, on Dunkorhlll. Apply airs. Knud Erlcltson. FOR RENT Small rnncli, stock nnd equipment for sale. Snap for right party. Address "8" caro Times. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply 188 Second and Park St., or P. O. Box 389, Mnrshflold. WANTED Ten or twelve gentlemen uonnlors. uonru ?io !' mo. uoohib nenrby If proforred. Phono 53X. FOR the latest styles in dressmaking FOR SALE Cheap if taken soon, n good piano. Apply at F. Timmor mnn's restdenco, North Front St. FOR RENT A small Iiouhj closo in corner Second nnd, Hall. $10 with wntof. Enqulro of F. K. Allen. FOR BALI': Two American bo hall alloys In flno condition. Cash or tonus. Address A. D. Campbell. WANTED Prom 25 to 00 loath of good manure Freo from shav ings. L. J. Simpson. North Bond. The Royal TOMORROW NIGHT and THURSDAY NIGHT FIRST OP THE SEASON! NAKHVI LLK STUDENTS and .U'lULEE SINGERS 22 PEOPLE 22 C Dig Vnudovlllo Acts C Comedians, Singers, Dancers Concert Hand and Orchestra Two Hours of Jully Fun. An En- tertnlnmont for Ladles and Children. Wnlt for tho Hand Concert Star Theater NORTH BEND TONIGHT R.AL ESTATE City property. Farm, Tlmbor, and Coal Land. Low rato Flro Insurance best and strongest company. Routing ot Rooms nnd Houses. Selling itckots to any pnrt of Eu rope AUG. FHIZEEN 08 CENTRAL AVENUE, Murslifleld. J. W. Copeland, of Dayton, Ohio, purchased a bottlo of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had n cold, and beforo tho bottlo was nil used tho boy'8 cold was gono. Is that not hotter than to pny a Ave dol lar doctor's bill? For salo by nil dealors. JWJF THE WEATHER. (By Associated PrcpB.) OREGON, Oct. .11 Fair to- night nnd Wednesdny; prob- ably cooler. HORN. , KING To Mr. and Mrs. R. C. King at tho B. E. Hampton homo in West Mnrshflold, a six-pound daughter, Sunday, October 29. Mother and child nro getting along nicely. NELSON To Mr. nnd Mrs. David N. Nelson at their homo In South Marshflold today, October 31, a daughter. Mother and child arc gottlng along nicely nnd Mr. Nel son Is about tho happiest man you over saw over the advent of tho second daughter. Name TJcket. Marshllold Social ists will meet next Sunday afternoon nt their hall to nominate a full tick et for tho Mnrshflold city election. .Meet Wednesday Tho Ladles' Aid society of the Marshflold Lutheran church will meet tomorrow, Novem ber 1, nt 2 o'clock nt tho church parlors. New Deputy. Itvls reported hero that Chas. F. Thomas will' bo np; pnintcd n now deputy gnmo wnrdon for this section by Stnto Gamo War den Flnloy. Ih Trustee. L. W. Trnvor was ap pointed trustco In tho 13. E. Hormnn bankruptcy enso yesterday, tho bond being flxed at 1,000. In tho bank ruptcy ensq of tho Popple's Coopera tive company, tho hnlanco of tho stock wub ordered sold. Tho real property In tho bankruptcy of Win. Dlngmnn of North Bend wnB also or dered sold. Killed Fine Ruck R. A. Landrlth was down from tholr Coos Rlvor ranch today nnd brought with him ono of tho flnost deer henda thnt has boon on tho Day In n long time. It was a flvo point buck nnd ho is go ing to hnvo it mounted. Mo killed tho buck tho other dny on their ranch, tho first shot nt u dlstnnco of about n quarter of n mllo. PlnUH Logging. Solon & Stora hnvo completed logging tho Selnndor timber nenr Sumner nnd hnvo shut down. Thoy nro negotiating, through tho Simpson Lumbar com pnny, for other tlmbor uncle of tho Solandor plnco and If It rnn bo ob- City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers and roasonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go onywhoro at any time." Stands Dlnnco Hotel and Blanco Cigar Storo. Day Phones 78 and 40. Night Phono IC. DARKER tt GOODALE. Proprietor. A FULL LINE OF Men's Work ss Dress Shoes Just recolved. Arrived on Inst bout. Call and Inspect thorn, Prices $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 Fixup MAHSHPIELD OREGON FREE! ALL THIS WEEK To Introduce tho E. A. Wright lino of Preserves nnd also to remind you thnt Elrmanu's Ollvo 0)1 is tho best on tho market wo will glvo away reo with each $1.00 nottlo of Ehmann's Ollvo Oil ono 25c jar of Wright's Preserves. This offer holds good for tho balance of this weok. Place your order at once. ' Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones - 85 and 305 tallied will extend their logging road and tnko it out now. If it Is not ob tained, tho logging rond will bo torn out. H Plan Dig .Meet Tug Tho Coos Dny Grange Is planning for n big meet ing to bo held In the Finnish hnll Saturday, November 11. Ono of tho stnto olllccrs of tho grango Is ex pected hero to nddress tho gathering. .Meet Wednesday The C. W. D. M. of the Marshllold Christian church will hold a monthly mooting nt tho homo of Mrs. 11. A. Copplo Wednes day at 2 p. in. All members nro urged to attend, nnd visitors nro Invited. Buys L( It. J. Montgomery hns Just closed n denl through I. S. Kauf man nnd company for tho purchaso of a houso nnd flvo. lots nt Eastsldo from Holllln Woolojt Tho property Is now occupied by W. L. LnPalmc. It Is understood tho price wns about $2,000. Meet Tomorrow Tho regular ses sion of tho Coos county commission ers will bo convened at Coqulllo to morrow, Ono of tho principal mat ters to como up, aside from tho rou tlno business, will bo tho establish ment ot voting precincts for tho on Btilng yenr. Tho next session ot tho commissioners will bo hold In Jnnu nry. Plank For Rond Another ship ment of 30,000 feet of plnnklng to bo laid on tho old Coos Day wagon road hoypnd Sumner hns been tnkon thcro nnd Is being put down. Another shipment or nbout 30,000 feet will complete tho present project nnd It Is snld will put tho rond In good condition for tho winter, or rather this ond ot it. Team Stuck In Dredglngs A team nnd light wagon bolng driven over from North Bond by Geo. W. King, wns stuck nenr tho Cons Day Ico and Cold Storngo houso this morning In tho drcdglngs of tho Qrogon. Tho horses wore thrown In tholr strug gles to got through nnd It was found necessary to unhitch thorn to got them out. Tho wagon wns un loaded and pullod out without any damngo bolng sustained. Mako Plans. At n mooting of somq of tho members of tho Coos liny Divisions of tho Orogon Naval Mili tia last ovonlng, preliminary arrange ments woro mndo for tho olcctlon next Mondny ovonlng when tho men will choose successors to Lloutonnnts Strnw, Graves and Grimes. Thoro hnvo boon no meetings since tho Bos ton wns hero and an ondonvor Is go ing to he mndo to got out nil tho men who enlisted In It. wm Wu E0PLE MILO PIERSON of Ton Mllo is it Murshflcld business visitor. MRS. DYER of Daniels Crook Is n Mnrshflold shopper today. CAPT. JAS MAGEE of Emplro was a Marshllold vIsKor yeatorday. L. A. L1LJEQVIST of Coqulllo camo over Inst ovonlng on business. PETER JORDON of Ton Mllo Is a Marshflold business visitor todny. E. A. DECKET of Coqulllo was In Marshflold yesterday on business. MR. AND MRS. MOORE of Smlth Powors' Camp No. 2 on Isthmus first Class Auto Service Two flno Cadillac cars ready for sorvlco at all hours anywhoro nt roa sonnblo ratos. Phono CC-J until 11 p. m. nftor 11 p, m., Phono 5-J. Rcsi donco Phono 28-J. D. L. FOOTE, Proprietor. Inlet were Mnrshfleld shoppers to day. FRED HOLLISTER of North Bond was a Marshflcld business visitor today. SUPT A. G. RAAB of North Bend was a .Marshflold business visitor yesterdny. REV. FATHER SPRINGER of North Bond spent the day with frlonds In Marshfteld. FRED KRUSE and wifo of Isthmus Inlet aro visiting relatives lu Marshflold for a fow days. MISS SIGNA MATSON of Coos River waB lu Marshflold today on routo to visit friends on Cntchlng Inlet. MISSES MAMIE MAHONEY nnd Gor trudo Wilcox spent Sunday at tho Frank Rogers' irnnclt on South Coos River. JOHN WASSON'S llttlo child under went a minor operation at Morcy hospital yesterday and Is gottlng along nicely. JOSEPH STEINAN ot Catching Inlot 1b reported very ill ut his homo thoro. Ho hns been Suffering from dropsy for somo time. MRS. JEFF OWNBEY of Prosper underwent nn operation at Morcy hospital this morning and 1b re ported gottlng nlong nicely. T. N. WILLIAMS, F. Wallnco, E. Wallace, O. Wallace E. E. Steel well and C. Van Broyor loft on last ovonlng's stngo for Rosoburg. W. B. CURTIS, who has boon spend ing his vncatlon from his duties as postmnBter cruising on his broth er's steamer between Portland and Snu Diego, Is expected homo on tho Breakwater. E. A. WILLIAMS and wife of Cntch lng Inlot nro Marshllold shoppers today. Mrs. WlUlnms plans to leave in a dny or two for Port land nnd othor northern points, going out overlnnd. MISS GRACE KRUSE who has been , nctlng as cashier nt tho MngncB & Matson storo whllo Miss Clara My ron wbb enjoying hor vacation Soft today for tho Kruno ranch on Isth mus Inlot. DR. GEO DIN, Dr. E. E. Straw and wifo and G. A. Brown constituted nn nuto pnrty who visited nt tho Dr. Johnson homo In Myrtlo Point Sunday. Thoy report tho roads woro In good condition. MISS ETHEL CLARKE who hns been spending a fow months on the Day leaves today for Knnsns City. From thoro, sho oxpcctH to go to Mlnmn, Fin., nenr which city sho haB purchased a ranch. W. C. SCOTT, who was formorly a resident of Mnrshflold and who lost his household offects In tho Czarina wreck Is back on tho Bay for n fow dnys. Ho Is now travel ing for n San Francisco rubber company. FRED MOORE nnd wifo nnd children pnssod through hero yesterday on routo from Groat Bond, Knn., to North Bond, whoro thoy will lo- cnto. Mr. Mooro Is n brother of Owen Mooro ot North Bund and has been publishing a pnpor at. Groat Bond. FRED SELANDER. who is now lo cntcd on tho Solnndur ranch near Sumiior wns n Mnrshflold business visitor today. Ho reports thnt country lifu Is tho only thing. Ho hns gained six pounds In weight In tho Inst fow wpoka. MRS, I). II. FAIRES of Wost Marsh flold, Is expecting hor slBtor, Mrs. Paxton of Spokane, Wash., horo on, tho next Breakwater for it short visit. Another slstor, Mrs. Hulett of Fortworth, Tex., Is'now lioronud this will bo tho first time In twelve years that tho slstora have been togethor. .MOTHER M. AGNES of Morcy Iiob pltnl wns a Marshflold visitor yoa terday. No doflnlto notion bus yet been tnkon rolatlvo to tho estab lishment of n nuw hospital horo and the converting of tho present quarters at North Bond into n school. You Can Depend on Brown's That's what a lady said tha othor day. "You can de pend on Brown's'' We want you feel this way about it too, We want you to realize that you can always depend upon us, Reliability in all things is what counts, When you get medicine here it counts for more than you think, The speedy recovery of the sick one, or those near and dear to you depend on tho quality of drugs you give them, Co-operate with your physician give him all the advantage you can get your drugs and geit your pres criptions filled at BROWN DRUG COMPANY GRADUATE CHEMISTS PHONE 141 ,;iiiB4S uccjDOUkV. s-?rr-sa5 SSSP iHOMR Snow Drift Flour Highest Quality A