UftsHFlELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1911 EVENING EDITION. if ff it 1 m It W COOS BAYTIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor mid Pub. DAN K. MALONEY News Editor Entored at tho postomco at Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls as second class mall matter. An Independent Republican news paper published every ovonlng oxcopt Sunday, and Weekly by Tho Coos Hay Tlmeg Publishing Co. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF MAHSIIFIELD. Odlclnl Paper of Coos County Address all communications to COOS MAI' DAILY TIMES. Mnraliflcltl :: :: :t t: Oregon SUIISCRIPTION HATES. DAILY. One yenr $6.00 Per month .60 WEEKLY. One year f l.bu When paid strictly In advance tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 rnr year or $2,60 for lx months. to mamma not to marry for 20 years ofter ho caniu of ago, are the Impor tant matters. The future Mrs. Edw. Orcon must not "mnrry for a homo to live out of; to be away from n hiiBbnnd; to be divorced and obtain u new husband or live on alimony from tho flrst." She must bo ablo to bear children, cook mid do the washing. An ancient hymn said: "Hark! from tho tombs a doleful sound." Dut this sound from tho neighbor hood of the Now York "Tombs" Is a cheerful noise. A TRUE HEIR. A' .Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho peoplo, that no good causo shall lack champion, and that ovl' shall not thrivo unopposed. THE WOMEN OF TOMORROW AND THE MOTH KltS OF THE FUTURE WOMAN Is a human being first nnd a woman secondarily. As tho first she Is rightfully entit led to whatever place and sharo she wnnts In tho work of tho world. If somo women hnvc boon oudowed with such natures that tho home und mothorerhood fall to satisfy the whole of their bolng, It does not fol low that they nro unwomanly and tlint"womnn's placo Is the home." Woman's placo Is whornver sho best f til (Ills the purpose of lior existence nnd realizes hcrsolt nnd serves tho GENERATION ago Charles Dick ons, the renowned novelist, In curred tho everlasting 111 will of many loyal Americans by his un complimentary notes on American llfo und manners. Whon It was an nounced thnt Alfred Tennyson Dick ens was about to honor this country with n visit, It was fondly hoped that ho would retrieve the unfavorable ro putatiou of his famous slro and say something pleasant about us all. Dut these fond hopes wero doomed to disappointment. Alfred Tenny son's godson and the descendeut of tho Inconsiderate novelist, has thrown away tho chance to become famous for the tact for which Eng lishmen are not noted. Ho lias shown lilmsolf llablo to that weakness for puugont criticism which bin fath er could not resist. Looking out of a Doston window on a rainy DoBton day, tho younger Dickens remarked ungallantly and quite needlessly, It would seem, upon tho Doston ankles which were a part of tho misty land scape view. "Better llfty yenrs of Europe than an ankle of Dack Bay," remarked tho facetious observer, and ho 1b oven roported to have added, referring complncontly to his father's writings, "Boefy, beefy, as Mrs. Mlcawber'B own." With this piquant beginning wo may expect a wholo Becond Install ment of tho Dickens' disparaging notes which the Immortal Charles started. her husband returned and talked to her. Perhaps ho figured that by starting whllo sho was rattled ho would have a chnnco to llnlsh what ho had to say. TODAY'S DAFFVD1 LI.H. If Nolnn works the council for n franchlso, who would tho city wnter works? If it breaks Mnrshfleld to buy tho wnter system, would It mnke North Bend? THE MAN WHO WINS FORTY FEET OF WATERJN BAR (Continued from page 1.) 1)0 NOT HE A. LEANER Powor 1b tho goal of every worthy ambition, and only weakness comes from Imitation or dopondenco on oth ers, says Orison Swett Mnrdcn In "Success Magazine." Power Is solf gonernted. Wo cannot Increase tho afi-Atirrtli nt mil mtianlnn liv alHInc- 111 welfare of socloty and tho progress u Bytn,m8ium nm, ,otMng othur exer cise lor ub. of humanity. Mental mossbacks may as well roc ognlzo now as later thut these prob lomB nro settled in woman's favor. Sho bus won her place among the workers outside of tho home. Dy tireless toll nnd splendid successes In her new place rIio has vindicated her Nothing elso so destroys tho powor to stand alono as tho habit of leaning upon others. If you lean, you will never he strong or orlglnnl. Stand alono or bury your ambition to bo somebody In tho world. Tho mnn who tries to glvo his chll natural and lllimail right" tl) CllOOSO .Iron n nnr In hn u-nrlil in thnt Mmv hor career. will not have bo hard a time as ho Many women win tholr greatest i,mi, Is unknowingly bringing dlsnster happiness nnd unofujness In thu home ,,,, thorn. What ho wills giving hut thlH Ib no nn vorsnl and compoll- them n Btnrt will prohnbly glvo them Ing cnuso for all .women tnklng up n F0hnck In tho world. Young pcoplo domestic lives. Somo lack tho aptl- nn,l nil Mm mntlvn iinwor tlmv onn tudo for domesticity. OthdrH mnrry uiiHucceHHfully Still others wisely nnd cnurngcnuBly wait for tho man who, thoy Judgo, gives somu evidence of capacity for doing his Hhnro to innko mnrrlago n buccosh. Among tho lust there Is a constant ly growing iiumbor who respect tlipniHelvoH too highly to ont tho bread of IdleneHB nnd look for "Prlnco Chnrmlng." They have been equip- $ VVI T H Jiuil III 111! IlilUKH IIIKI KIH1W Illlll HIP rnn. They nro Interested in tho work of tho world. Thoy wnnt n huiid In It. To deprive such women of freedom nnd opportunity would ho to rob Boclety of prlcolosH reinforce inonts. ., Few of thoHo now women toko nd vnntnge of tho mnvomout for woiuou'b emancipation to ndvortlso thoniHolves. Tho new woiiimi In tho mass mnko tho host wltfis nnd mothers as well nB tho hoot cIIIzoiih. They would bo tho laHt to deny thnt thev have rnults. Rut they nro tho women of tomor row nnd tliom others of the future get. Thoy nro nnturnlly leancrs, Im Itntorfl, copiers, nnd It Is easy for them to develop into eches, Imita tions. Thoy will not walk alono while you furnish crutches; thoy will lonn upon you Just as long ns you will lot them. Tho mnn who wins Is nn avcrago man, Not built on any particular plan, Not blest with any particular luck; Just stead and earnest nnd full of pluck. When asked a question ho docs' not "guess"' Ho knows nnd nnswers "no"' or "yeB". When sot a task that tho rest can't do Ho buckles down and puts It through. Thrco things ho learned; that tho man who tries FlndB favor In employer's oyes; Thnt it pays to know more than ono thing well; That it doesn't pay all ho knows to toll. So ho workB nnd waits till ono flno day There's n better Job with hlggor pay, And tho man who shirked when over thoy could Arc bossed by tho mnn whoso work mado good. For tho man who wins is .tho man who works, Who neither labor nor trouble shirks; Who uses his hands, his head, his oyes, Tho man who wins Is tho man who tries. Selected. LONGEVITY. Somo of tho men who favor tho water franchlso flay they bollove In municipal ownership but not until tho city Is In n bettor position than nt present. I would not live nlwoy I'll bo content If I nm not compelled to cross tho bnr Till all tho cycles of Time nro spent Ilofore theso franchise grabbers will bo willing to lot go tho least llttlo bit of nny chnnco to squeeze tho pcoplo out of eve ry cent nnd accopt public own ership nt pnr. wns taken to tho Mllllcomu club whero an hour or so was pleasantly spont. Mr. Ilawley was tho only speaker of tho evening nnd dovotod hU le mnrks largely to tho bar and hnrbor work. Relative to tho bar dredgo, he said that he thought that tho engi neers had mado a mistake In recom mending tho bnr dredge ns tho llr.it step In the bnr Improvement. Ho thought thnt tho Jetty should come first nnd thou tho bar dredge as an auxiliary to tho Jetty. Ho Intimated this chango might hnvo been mado as a result of tho bonrd applying tho pruning knife to demands for money for river nnd, harbor projects. How- over, no said that it was practically MI PORT ml Al mm. M. . . . . V"AAAi. NOKTltlXJiinilTnia w - , Mr. and Mib. W. II. Mclnt. have lived on their liiii,,,.,..1? lost 10 to 5 mmmm North Bend High School Foot- 1 ball Team Victors In Yes terday's Game. $ FOOTBALL DAFFY DILL ally employed In tho Custom n"" mont. Wo need Just 9 " Mclntyre herons he ImibeS,. or for Coos Bny nnd lm .i... a bost- what can bo done on the hill! country In tho way of (.rclmrdng,ll, the If North Bond High school can point tho way to football victory which way does Myrtle Point? Jack Nyo Is nbont Though ho Is able to , ""1 condition Ih qnlto narluii. m hI Tom Mlram, who hag been In vicinity for tho past year. oni. "" go to Dandon to wokoa?ff Tho Lndlos Sowing clrclo m.. , Mrs. J. il Plnkorto'n 0 T l thero being about twenty prSft' HLACK CATS and yellow Pnr,, KINS for Hnllowo'on parties at HAY CASH STORK. UUatC03 Beforo a largo crowd, tho North Bend High school football team de feated tho Myrtlo Point tonm thoro yesterday afternoon by a scoro of FOR ONCE, THE literal ti..,. 10 to 5. Myrtlo Point out weighed (Sncrcd Henrt m..i, tl11 lmposslblo to ovorrldo tho recommen-1 tho North Bend team considerably. A KnnsnB editor nnnounrLi 1 dntloti of tho "engineers nnd oven It Neither team wns nt Its best however, would try for ono week tn ,.;. . ' the commltteo nnd congress should pwlng to somo of tho regular man ue- truth, nnd ho Is still In tho hoiZ npprovo nn appropriation for a pro- "B "",b!V V? i!,ny; Vn" f". ft"d Ho ,,ldn,t ct y tho Urst day n loct not reco .mended bv the e.igl- a r "end wore out on nc- lowing Item nnnour,,! .T' neers, ho felt Buro tho president out or injures am 1 no rtn uoi tuaiso ,BBU0 d ,, would veto It. Consequently ho said ' 'J Po ft 1 J out tho "a'K V!"' lA "1 "?. " J"?" lS inZ'e game' hi'IaSVwsVtUl'oS Vl0" do was to accept tho bar dredge and let tho engineers experiment, nnd If It did not do tho work, then tho nr of isorn uonawoo out on nc- flowing lttM appeared In M0,' Injurlea nnd North Bend also lmua ,.,, , ,', , "'" "; paper. TIiIh Is wlmt h.t.i? Miss Sylvia ltl,n,i .: Thih.ih .. . .. l. .. . . 10 Tho two teams will IT'"-" J""m. inst Sunday tn. iiiiiir. ill. 1 nil ifiiiiriur- Iiii..l ... the game piny nt Myrtlo Point Novombor 11 isorui church. Tt iilng, nt tho Bantlst llntwl lrlnW.,t ntt'tn Mvrltn ,,rlll W Ortlllinry toVIl L'lrl V. gumont In behalf of tho Jetty would p0t. On tho line-up, Brouor work- ,,on l know anv """0 than n fabbtt bo that much stronger. 0j tho forownrd pnBS to Reed for llU0Ut cooklng, and never helped her Ho snld that It was uncertain thlrty-flvo yards. Lino plays railed mother throo dnyn In her life, sht whether thoro would bo n rlvor nnd to carry tho ball beyond tho -15-yard ' t a beauty, by any moam, atj hnrbor bill nt tho next session of nno nnd tho ball wont to North Bond has a gait llko a duck. The brldf congress. Howovor, ho Bald ho hoped on downs. North Bend not milking groonr Is nn up-to-date, hai-betj to bo nblo to 'nrrango with tho ongl- any gulnB, tho ball went to Myrtlo loafer, living off tho old folks all hlj ncors to hnvo an examination of tho Point on downs ad again tho line life, nnd don't nniount to shucks no old Jotty mndo and nlao recommondn-1 plnys wero used by tho Pointers, how. Thoy will have a hard 'lib tlons for its restoration nnd extcn- North Bend Btood llko a stono wall whllo thoy Ilvo toirnthnr " slon. Howovor, ho strongly Intimated nnd on tho kick returned It promptly, thnt nothing could bo done oxcopt on nnu inoir mnn neing on mo spoi rn n a444 a favorable report from tho ongl- Mho ball down the field for a touch CITIIV unim, ! .,- down but fnlled to kick goal. T ''" ' V 'V'1 OIITH Bend 10 nnd Myrtlo Rcoro North Point 0. Tho gnmo then Bee-unwed up and down the field, uolther sldo making nny gains until on nn Intercepted forcward pass, North Bend got tho hall and ran It around tho far left field far n short run to tho extreme left cud of tho Hold nnd a touch down. neers, Mr. Ilnwloy stated that ho was prompted to urgo tho establishment of n great deep wntor harbor at Coos Bay bccatiKO ho considered it a menus of developing Central Oregon. Ho snld thnt tho short and direct route to tho gront undovolopcd portion of tho stnto was from Coos Bay, nnd pointed out that tho long haul north, 0n tno )imt 01ltt tii0 piny failed and thonco west nnd south to got a mar- the Bcoro stood North Bend 1 0, Myr kot for tho products of Central Oro- tlo Point 0 . gon wns n great drawback. No galim wero mado through tho Ho said that the Nairn Smith alono Pointer's lino thereafter to amount showed tho necessity of hnrbor nnd to anything except by what looked Tho word obituary reminds ub thnt bar Improvements hero. He snld thnt like mass formations or old style wo nro now prepared to furnish corrc- taking her mnxlmum capacity at 2,- playH and then not enough to bo dnn spondenco school instruction In obit- 000,000 feet to tho cargo and tlgur- gcroiiB. unry poetry writing nnd will guar- imr tho ninount bIio was now carry-' In tho last half tho Myrtlo Point .nnteo any pupil enough In thrco les- nK becnuso tho Imr would not per- l"ys Boomed to bu getting Into tholr sons to socuro n good position with ,it lor to carry tho full cargo, meant "triile nnu to piny a raster gnmo. ono 01 1110 uuuH nu)' juuuih or Hiiiiiu i ,, ..imr Hint SI 00.000 WI18 lost lllu mny " "", .uyiuu nlluii. ttintiiMiinnt nniirnrn vn nirrnn . " .. .. . .,... Pilllit u-flt-l.'ml fnr tlw uvi.u, ...i....,.....v -..j ... . ..n.wv. . ,, nminnf nrtit it rniiiitr iiinT hmit '... ..w...fc. 0 tench you to rhymo "heaven" with , t cnr Un, 100,000 of the h Inf ", "w B n, dBn0nrhvmodforyTaR n'nt af fr0,Kht t,lnt 8" W,,B U""1"- 1 "' "' nvn.mJ mTn ll lCd to IllUldlO. Tills .llollO llO Hllld and Shcrmnn. roun mnn, thoro In ,. lllnr ,llnll ,1V ,n.oroH. ,... .. money in poetry. Tiioro must no ,.,. . .T T. '....". i.. i.i... for tho first time tho crlHB-cross nnd Dnvenport got awny with tho ball for a touch down. Tho kick for gonl failed, leaving tho scoro North Bond 10, Myrtlo Point r. tt tliik tinvt (iiiHliiiiiinirft tfiuttitkt(t money In It. becnupo nobody over got ml"""" dollar investment, in linruor of Myrtlo ,,oIllt BMHtnneij ft lWHted any out of It. Iloro nro snmnloB ii"iiuuiu"" unklo, und was taken out, Rohh Duv-, sent In by BCholnrB. With a llttlp; Ho Htated that Captains Olson, 0,,rt KOhu? f t1iIh uiu1o(j t)l0 prnctlro you enn do nn bndly: Mncgenn nnd Bondorgnn had bIiowu cmCCB ot t10 vIbIIoib but'tho gnmo Old Uncle Poto hnB caBhed In IiIb him by maps nnd conditions that by WUH KOj,lK 8t0adlly tholr way when chocks. ;robulldlng tho present Jotty and ox- tho whlHtlo put un ond to tho gnmo HIb whlakorB frozo to n Bhnrno npox. tonding it 1,000 feet further und by with tho ball In tho pohhoshIoii of Ho Bllpnod nnd ho foil , building tho south Jotty, ar feet or North Bond on Myrtlo Point's 36- Wlth n terrified yell, I more could bo secured on tho bar. North Itt'iitl Pos Myrtle Point Will 1,1'.." f Tho man who Is "too buy" 4 to lend a llttlo help In tho com- mutiny's common cause Is too busy to measure high In the 4 community stature. t Tho man who Is ro poor he "can't afford" to support a well- founded, successful, result-pro- duclng community movement, Is Indeed so poor thnt he Is on tio debit sldo of tho comrou- nlty ledger. 4 Tho mnn who counts for something in tho community f Is tho man who does something 4 for tho community, nnd ho Is tho same man who gets hack from tho community tho fullest measure of return. If you nro not yet "n real citizen worth while," Join the Chamber of Commcrco at once, nnd thus assist tho other lire wlro citizens of Coos Day In carrying on thu public work ot i our city. THE t :T O A O T M l" T f? A A " ,l" ' i"iiiui-ii J'" ' Ilium ennui uv ncuu lUAol AIMU I t A J And stabbed himself in tho solarplcx. Ho said Capt. Olson ' .. . hl that owing to tho (JOOD EVENINfJ. ONE .MAN'S I DUAL OF A WIFE COLONEL Edward fireen, son of tho redoubtable Mrs. Hotty, seems to bo n worthy child of his mother. If Mtntomonts credited to him nro actually his ho him Inherited till of hor hard-headed horseseutie. Ho ap pears to hnvo nothing In common with tho millionaire of the Kort that bolmiKH to the so-culled smart set of Now York and othor purlieus ot wealth, frivolity und fashion. "Coolebs In Senreh of n Wife" had untiling 011 this colonel as respects old-fiishlonod Ideas nnd requlronuntn about tho right qunllllcntlnus for n wife. Ills vIowb tuul Inngungo ore ns rofroHhliiKly homely uh thoso of n liorny-hiinded fnnner In the back woods of Mtilno. "When 1 mnrry." this youngstor of 40 nnd more Is quoted as saying, "I'll not mnrry n clotlumhor. I'll mnrry n woiuun." Bruvo. colonel! You prove tho truth of Tliuekora' hhko saying, "Oh! you will know the worth of u InBB oneo you rotuo to -10 year." Mr. (ii-oimi !a debited nnd discred ited with various unlhittorlng uttor uiiees nnent tho New York women. They need not be repeated. Tho pos itive nnlriuutlons of the mnn who consider hlmsolf now qimlllled for An Indlnunpolls womnn assorts matrimony, having kept his promlno that within threo hours of his donth SENTENCE 8ERM0N8. Cood maxims are germs ot nil good: llrmly Impressed on thu memory, they nourish the will. Joubert. To nppreheud contempt Is to have deserved it ulretuly. Plerro Lot I. In this world one must be n little too kind to bo liluil enough. .Mnrlvuiix. In reality history Is or no avail. Humanity Ih (-might every day with traps that liuve xerveil lie fore. Jules Simon. To be without enemies Is to be unworthy of huvlng friends. Joubert. There Is n sort of hatred which never Is extinguished. It N the hatred that superiority Inspires In mediocrity. Paul Bourget. Virtue glories In perHeeutlon ns n Hag glories lu nigs. I'redorle Mistral. When a fool wants to become wicked be must meet 11 wicked man who Is looking for a fool. BeaumurchaU. had nlao shown Clydo Smith d uncertainty of Thoro wns nn old mnld who wnB nov- the bnr many vessels, that would coino Lou Weir or nfrnld noro fc. cargoes did not como now. Wlnsor nnd Hunt To knock nil hor frlondB with n will Mr. Hnwloy expressed pleiiHiiro Dnvla Tho goBBlp Bho mado was her wholo 0V0. Ul0 work tno ,iroiiKO Oregon Is Cllnkonbenrd MIOL-K 111 l mill'. .Il nn.l 111,, nffnpllvn il 1-entlllll of liOIUOr I- ... m 1 . ..a 1. .... Piiiii-ri nnl Qlmiianii isiigineor i.eoio 111 ciuirgu in 11. no - nlso prnlscd tho development thnt Ih n'PPnrd ....1.1..... .. tl.n Ur. .. .,.,.1 until tlmt In) llIlHIiell otiuuui. t i.i ....; ...... ...... ,,. ro mill "0,l Engineer Leofo In chnrgo of It. Sho caught cold ono day and contract Thnt stooped her from knocking on W'ctod to seo the tl.110 when the thlH world ngaln. o'X'r" PonliiBiila will bo covorod by n OIIloVnlH: Sho knocked nt tho gnto of St. Peter Knmi ciiy rt rg c IB It In l lh rb fh Hoforoo. Will Lohniau- owskt Bobbins Wilson Bnrgolt Wylnnd Bartlctt Rood Adams Davenport Dement Brouor. Pliniiilliir ' REWARD FOR CAPTl'lin OF PAPKIt TIIII'.T.S Tho CooHBny Times will pay $15.00 reward to any party fur- nishing evidence thnt will con- vlct men or hoys who steal co- pies of Tho Times from ub Bcrlbnrs nftor Tho Times' dellv- ory boys hnvo delivered It. Dig -MASK DANO at SUMSKIt. SATURDAY ovonlng. OCfOHlIK ! iimplro, Jcsso Hnrtmiin; Held Judge, In vnln. Ho iiIho spolto or n ennngo tnnt no Inv n i,11i,111.a. n,.nr r.i-ni.im And Rhn'8 probably knocking thoro nnd other western congressmen nro ,, ,,rori i,nr)8 still. ; going to urgo In tho homestead Inws. I Mni-hlillolil Plans HoBpoko of tho Injustice done by In-1 Tho Mnrshlleld boyH wore ropre- Thoro wob n young womnn named olllclont Inspectors of tho Land Olllco BOnted nt tho gnmo nnd notes woro Lou. and roquosted that If nnyono know tnkn that they might hnvo somo Idon Who woro hor BhlrtwnlBtH neen-n-boo of nny homoatender or minor having wlmt to expect next Snturday when Sho went down to Bnndon trouble In gottlng his patents, to no- thoy will piny North Bond. Al But found no plnco to Btnnd on tlfy him of tho enso nnd ho would though tho Mnrflhllold llnoup Is much Vm 1 V '" tho ocenn K,vo t i,8 pmsonnl nttontion. Ho lighter than that of North Bend the o 1 1 cn1,",0',.n, Pnmmotlon. njs0 8tated that ho would nppreclnto former tonms expects to wfti tho I-unornl ednesdny nt two. mmuostlon thnt could bo mado championship of Coob County for thnt would ennblo hi in to presont n 1911 It being taken for grnnted thnt Or the Other Place. stronger clnlm for harbor and bnr H10 citizens of Mnrfiliflold will turn They burled him dnrkly In tho dend npproprlntloim for Coos Bay nnd de- "' nnd oncourngo tho team. Tho of night, rinrmi thnt ho would coonernto to Unoup of tho North Bond team nvor- Tho sodH qulto hnnplly turning: No longer he'll Bqunll In tho moon's misty light, Ih cat henvon ho's Bojonrnlng. "Tho IntoBt nllltorntlon," says tho Chlcugo Tribune, "Is Harmony. Roll nnu lien possible got toge tho full oxtont of his ability. Mr. Hnwloy will lenvo Monday morning for tho Coqulllo valloy whoro ho will Hpond thrco dnys. Hail Fine Trip Yeatordny Congressman Hnwloy ngos about lBC pounds and tho back field nbout 1 17 pounds, whllo tho Mnrshllpld tonm does not nvorngo moro thnn 113 pounds. Tho Mnrsh flold llnoup will bo tho snmo In tho noxt gnmo that It was In tho Mnrsh- Ilold Myrtlo Point gamo with tho ox- " w "O ...... .... "' iniWinil ff "DiiolVi" Tn1i..n, ...t.A i-8t." nut why mnko It Im- ncconinaiiled by n party of Mnrshlleld ',"'..::. ..'' . ' '.".' ..""" ?"" w"" for Harmony nnd Hearst to and North Bond business men nnd V0J'"" ",.' ', '" , '"" T K.nmo' thor? , Knlneor Leofo had a lino trip to tho J!",8," ,.8 J1"" 1)p0" tnlnK lower bny. Tho weather was ideal fon.f ,t'r "V f rft", l""twook and Suiting the Action. and tho tug Colun.bln took thorn '" V "" , J'?A " mnUo n nlm.. o ill. rtiil- mri 1ia lrti ni4 OV"' hmmimwh III IMU IWtlJIl. I Light Drifted Snow Flour White Always Right. I low tlrosoino Is tho mnn Who nlwnys Is oxclnlmlng "Can You bent It?" I hato that phrnso. It makes mo swoar; I duck nnd dodgo, but cvorywhoro I moot It. "Beat It. bent It. if you can!" It's awful; but I hnvo n plan To meet It. 1 no iiiouieni someone nsKS mo tnnt, ioy promised to tnko the mnttor up . .,1 .IBni 1 iui un .Hj Jim I with tno onglncers ana tno Wnr De I nlmiii n nilli i"lit rrt li f ltrti n i il "'.;.' 1" .' . .1... 7'.... ...1. ' .. Since tho cvmnnslnm for tho Hlcb UlllllU 111 UIWBU HI IHU JV'Vl IIUU .HI. n 1 . . ,,,, , Hnwloy could Inspect It nt closo rnngo f.0'1,0"' '" lsB " "i'10' coiiBtruc and have tho action of th tides, cur- '"" "?1P."'" w'k '" Bkot ball has rents nnd sands oxnlnineil to lilm . I '"' """" iiionujs win nomn Somo to hav th the bar dredgo changed so thnt tho money could bo utilized In tho res toration of the Jetty nnd mndo tho nuclous for extending it. Mr. Hnw- urged that an effort bo mado "'""? ",,Pr, ,ho neonPn'"? r Mr h $350,000 appropriated for V? A n,,0",t ?"' "" of Member.1 dredKo chn'nKed so thnt tho L ror' 0rn"'VB. in nlnyed In somo And bent It. FRANK HAGUE. pnrtment. Messrs. Mncgonn, Olson and Bend- ergard unltod In urging the Jetty as tho best nnd most certain means ot Improving tho hnrbor. VCrV SUCCeSBflll bnsl.-nt linll Innmo n,,.l if ia nvnn.n.i .i.. . . , . ...,.; 1 .. .0 .-a,i-i:iuii I Hill .MIllHIIIIOIIl mnke n much bettor showing year than sho has heretofore. will this To An Aviator. Fly, nnd tho world will cheer you, Fall, nnd you'ro down nnd out. if .ou have APPENDICITIS. A trip to tho sky sends your spirits ) dk. WINKLER. UIK", But n dip may mnko you doubt. See Soar, nnd tho winds uphold you, Sink, nnd you'ro lost In tho nlr. And with nil your pains to control your planes, They may land you anywhere! RAND DANCE at EAOLES HALL Saturday evening, OCTOBER 2H. MU SIC by FULL band. If you hnvo anything to sell, trade, rent, or want help, try a want nd. IIFT.IMTL HINT for DREAD MAKIXfi: use HAINES' FLOUR. DON'T FORfJET the Seventh An mini lUtj,. NORTH DEVI) FIDE DKIujTMFT. Timff IInlli SXT. URDU' night, OCTOBER 28. Tick ets $1.00. MUSTO nt tho CHANDLER nn SUNDAY evening. Arrnngo to tnko YOUR Sunday DINNER thoro. DR. AVIXKLERnses- NO DRUGS or knife. Better Than Ever At the Same Price Suits From $1.50 to $25 A complete line for men at the lowest prices. Fixup Public Stenographer All Work Confidential Phone No 156 No. BroM PVT" VWili pi 1 TT ' r. -.-t.lij&sBmmmtk dBS?" W 'ft.i,iW. irtiCwL