" "Aft.- i W IT IS THE THOUGHTS OF YOUTH THAT SHALL MAKE THE OLD WORLD YOUNG "Campaign" Of (Dim WANT ADVERTISING In Tho TIMES Will Keep tho Income from Your Furnished Rooms from Lapsing! YOU enn really help tho family revenues by renting n few furnished rooms amli If you know how mid when to use tho classified columns. you may keep that Httlo extra Income as "pteady ns n clock." .J VKUTIS!N in TIio TIMES XrUc.."Kffcct I vol :yl tm?0 .in nut tho ructs nuoui your U .! ! before the eyes of all "pos- prorcf'J' In town. And It F'V nro1 ,,b . ono "f thorn who ought to MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED 1'ltfc.aa . i - .. ..rttiMi nii ili uu - Established In 1878 ns The Coast Mali VOL XXXV MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28f1911 EVENING EDITION EIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Time. Const Ala II and Coos Day Advertiser. No. 90 r.vrjf8,"i"-vj Saw .. ir. i Z-zrzZZ ills c NOW FACE NEW EAT 1 POLIS Government Alleges Conspi racy For Illegal Traffic In Dynamite. FEDERAL GRAND JURY TO INVESTIGATE MATTER Sensational Petition Filed To day Part of Evidence In Custody of Judge. TWO DIE IN ML J I W Twelve Others Injured on Union Pacific at Rock River, Wyo., Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) CHEYENNE, Wyo., Oct. 28. A Union Pacific passenger train collided head-on with a frcleht train on tho In siding nt Hock River today. Engl- LEAVE TODAY W Steamship Sails This Afternoon For Portland With Many Passengers. b; Associated Press to Coos Dny Times.) IVDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 2S. Int. according to Information iMlon of the United States dls-,ncer uangs nnu Fireman spencer ktittornoy. a conspiracy to unlaw-; "" , "?- Wj transport dynnmlto from stnto the BWltch whch caugC(, Ul0 ,m8gon. itato has existeu, wim ncaciqiinr-.Bcr t0 run jn on ti,0 B,ung 1b tho al- n In tho odlces of John J. McNu- leged causo of tho disaster, ira here, Is the statement of a po- .tlon filed In tho county criminal art today, praying for possession evidence for nn Investigation. "John J McNamara. James D. Mc- imsra, Ortlo E. Mc.Mnnlgnl and tbers working In concert with them" tho persons alleged by United kites Attorney of this district, Chnr M W.-Mlllcr, to hare engaged In tho bniplracy. The dynnmlto ond nltro-glyccrlno e unlawfully transported on pns- ager trains In Intcr-stnto commorco rough Indlnnn, Illluols, Ponnsylvn 1, Missouri and California, nccord- t to the petition. Admissions In In- Tho Drcnkwntor sailed this after Inlnatlng letters nnd other ovl-jnnon for Portland with a largo list tee, the petition recites, aro con- of passengers. In her freight cargo, lied In books, papers nnd boxes of slio carried largo consignments of plosives mid wenpons seized by tliOBnjmnil nn(l n j,jb shipment from tho hot in 1110 ram 01 1110 oinccrs 111 ' ., ,, ,,. ,, li city of tho International Asso-I808 n,,d (,or fact0.r- itlon of Ilrlilgo and Structural Iron . Among moso sawing on ner wuro orkers of which .1. J. McNamnra "". following: secretary and woro found In a I Amnnan Kromiing w. . irosi. isttho homo of D. Jones, nn Iron ' wuiyor, ui as uriunwuuu, .irr. irker at tlio lodgings of J. J. Mc- Greenwood, W. 11. .Mciniyro, Jiri,ac- inira. All this evldonco Is in Intyro, Miss Mclntyre, John Delfol, ujeof Judgo Josoph Mnrkoy of V- LnRocho. M. D. Dolnnoy, Stovo criminal court, and It Is doslred Vestlnn, Miss Etta James, D. An- f tie In n federal grand Jury in- "rows, Mrs. D. Androws, M. Grecn- rr to bo opened Novombor 7. Tho """ V , , T'. t A. ' :imllA mill nvnlmllmr nminrntnn U. J. Wills, M. J. DllbllOy, L. J. Gil- ien In tlio raids nnd now in chargo 'I'10' A- "ruco. A. Knutson. II. S. the police dopartinont, aro not Adams, E. C. Herald, A. M. Rhodes, tft to bo produced In tho grand M. A. M. Rhodes, Miss Rhodes. Mrs. 7 room. It wns partly on tho ovl- P. . Brooks. Viola Brooks, Theo :c deslrc.1 that tho grand Jury In Bradley, Mrs. B. Edwards, Mrs. Stow t county returned nn Indlctmoiit rt. Miss Stewart, Fred Holllster, W. tot John J. McNamnra charging V. McDnnlols, Mother Therosn, Miss SDlraev in ilnalrnv nrnnnrlv liv O. HnilCOCk, Hei'llMH CirlstCIl, Ellz- 'imlte. Judgo Mnrkoy denied a n1'0'11 Unrtkopf, W. II. Hunt, Geo A. Won that tlio evldonco bo tnkon to Perkins, Mrs. Perkins, E. P. O'Con- nornla for use In tho trials of tho ,lor' u iccoib, mto. 11. .nci-mii, UnVKI Hill, J. i. iioyies, )ur. J. n. Vnrd, Aliens Gar, J. C. Marshall, "W. K. Xolson, Robort Borge, A. L. Cllst, Win. Steonson, It. Mnrsden, Jr., W. II. Mnrtln, E. W. Wright, L. Y. Wng nor, Mrs. L. Larson, Ralph McDuffy, J. W. Casteol, A. Dunham, Loyd De mos, J. D.. Andorson, Geo Holetus, nnd J. A. O'Kolly. Decides That Juror Who Has Opinion as to Guilt or Inno cence of McNamaras May Try Case. By Associated Press to the Coos Buy Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Oct. 28. Judgo Walter Bordwcll today decided Tlio ruling on Winter brought Dnrrow to his feet with n request for live minutes In which to demonstrate to tho court thnt Winter wns unfair. It was refused and Dnrrow noted nn exception. Tho court also ruled that Talesman Frnmpton was not disqual ified 011 tho ground that the law docs not stnto n Juror should bo disqual ified If ho hns opinions based solely on public Journals, public rumors or common notoriety. It wns discovered thnt neither tho four-day controversy over Tales-, Frnmpton nor Winter had been asked man A. C. Winter In tho McNamara . what they thought of clrcumstnntlnl IllUrdnr trial llV rofllHlllir to nmilHO nvlilnmui nml AMnvnnv tlnvlu nllnltoil Jury sorvlco. The defenso statements from each that ho would not convict In capital enso on such murdor trial him from challenged Winter nftcr he had said that ho had n fixed opinion ns to tho guilt or Innoccnco of tho defendant, hut told tho attorneys for the stnto that ho thought ho could glvo a fair trlnl. Whoro further examined by the dofonse, ho Bald It would take bad !not ruled when tho court evidence to rcmovo his opinion. 'jonrncd until Monday. ww evldonco and challenged them on this ground. The chnllengo wns opposed by tho statd on tho ground that at tho tlmo such, chnllengo had passed, tho court ad- PUGET SOUND VESSEL SUNK Iroquois Sinks Multnomah But All on Board Are Saved Iroquois Not Damaged (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmoa.; SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 28 In n dense fog nt midnight tho steamship Iroquois, outbound from Scattlo to Victoria, struck tho freight steamer Multnomnh, Tacoma for Seattle, nnd cut her In two. Tho Multnomah sank In very doop water. All on bonrd woro saved. Tho Iroquois proceeded and apparently was undamaged. LIFE TERM IS T ftnaras there. Iff FEEI OF fflffi ON DAD Mra. W. T. Mordant gave n small informal ovonlng Tuesday nt which brldgo wns played. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. nogorB woro guests of honor. COQUILIiE OWNS WATER SYSTEM. fcressman Hawley Says He 'ill Try and Secure Coos Bay Jetty Construction. rclrlng that im wnn in t, nr 'Kbulldini? nn, w 1 .. .. ik ),ll BAIBUWUII Ul UIU I "jetty and nlnn nt ii.n 1.,. il.ii.,.. ' ""South Jettv. not nniv itni 85. lenvIiiK a not cash profit 1 . feet of WQter on tho bar bu: ! ?987.C2. Tho total receipts for all "'Sin 35 nt in tr,nt i n.i 'wntnr rnntn for one vear totalled $5.- f'Jst he hoped to havo deflnlto 1 499.32. Coqulllo has a population of "WlUat illroHn nl, 1... 1Hm E l0rtlv' Congressman W. tl xil aLtl,e '"formal reception J arshfleld Chamber of Com VV USt OVAn..- .11. JOHN D. ALSO IN ON STEEL Rockefeller Served With Com plaint In Steel Trust Dis solution Case. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NEW YORK, Oct. 28. A copy of tho complaint In tho government's suit far a dissolution of tho steol trust wns sorved today on John D. Rockefeller at Pocnntlco Hills. Sentence Passed on Confessed Slayer of Chicago Union Leader Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 28. Maurlco Enrlght, a labor union organlzor who shot Vincent Altmnn, nlso a union organizer, was sentenced to llfo Im prisonment. In confession shortly after his ar rest, Enrlght ndmlttcd ho killed nn other Inbor union dolcgato but donlcd thnt he killed Altmnn. Altmnn re fused to reveal tho Identity of tho as sailant nlthough ho know ho was fatally wounded. BILL LANG IS 0 AUTOS COLLIDE GOUILLE Coqulllo owns Its water system. During tho past yenr ?2,0SS.75 has been expended for Improvements In tho system. Four bonds of $G00 each woro redeemed and tho inter est paid, nmountlng In nil to $2,923.- 01 1,398, or almost exactly two-thirds tho numbor of North Bend . Norm Bend Harbor. START WEDDED LIFE OX $3 1)1. ., - O V.IV.IIUU "ill 111 11- ui... Stored that his trip An ir?terdajr had removed any W. ?.,lbt ,n h,s mind ns ;o P Macwnn ' e,sn:cla,1y er Cap- t -. -- iii iifAnitrrnian I CrniN.as"h,capt; ' Uefo m? n(h. . T, ana found asleep In a freight car by tho thestuiih,r,l,hnd ox- police told Sunday of their start in ' Jlcrnrn,.- " """ . .. mntrlmonv on a capital ot Vi. ueorgo Mta .,.-""" President Of tRe n,, ,,,' ,lfliinn,i Js 30 vears old. (glueing M?WHnwl.v8,,e(l and,Hte wife, Mabel, is 28. Burch said !o!'toein?o;J,;,"a.w'oy' .to.ok oc: that ho and his bride had not tasted Brido nnd Groom Asleep In Freight Car Held For Hearing. CHICAGO, III., Oct. 27. Held In tho detention homo for examination as to their sanity a brldo and groom newspaper According to tho pollco, "Uani f n-". pnr.ec,a"ou ot food for more than two days, his only atW ."s ua' r UlO nt- ,.noc,in i,ln on nlil nnWananer N ri..r- HiwAy aa congress- nnlnB. hero. ' b,ven any request !, bia hn nnd his wife escaned "Vine )ha . .. from tho homo for feeble minded at BlMl CobbZm. Vl0..nrtland, Mich., several days ago. ..w, ., 11H H Q(V I ' (Cent! n"od on pago .) 'I Vvorv mnn In n hrpfld winner, but some men get old bread. W. U. DOUGLAS OF MARSHFIELD AND FRED SLAGLE'S CARS SOMEWHAT DAMAGED IX A HEAD-OX COLLTSIOX. Had It not boon that W. U. Douglas Sam McVey Wins From Aus tralian Champion In Sec ond Round Today. (By Assoclatea Press to Coos D.ij Times) SYDNEY, N. S. W., Oct. 28. Sam McVey, tho American pugilist knock ed out "Bill" Lang In tho second round today. ) RECAPTURE RANK FRIDAY E CITY OF SEEK WOULD-BE Tl W Imperialists Victorious In Two Sanguinary Engagements Yesterday. Effort to Locate Santa Barbara Dynamite Fiends Futile Up to Date. Bay CAPTURE LARGE AMOUNT OF GUNS AND AMMUNITION No Definite Estimates of Loss of Life'by Either Side Obtainable. ' (By Associated Pross to Coos Times.) SANTA BARBARA, Cal... Oct. 28. Search Is being mado today to lo- cato tho men who early yesterday morning plnccd dynamite on tho Southern Pnclflo trncks nt Elwood, Urom tho rcbols yesterday after uui bo iur nu irnca 01 1110 miBcreniuH 1 linn boon fnnnil. Thnt tlin nlnrlnir nf tho dynnmlto was with crlmlnnl In-1 Ms captured largo quautltlos of guns tent Is demonstrated by tho fact that .and ammunition. Two engagements (By Associated Press to C.oos Bay, Times.) PEKIN, China, Oct. 28. Tho nn- tlvo city of Hankow was rocapturcd a sanguinary fighting. Tho Imporlal- tho men knocked tho lock switch tnrgot and threw It nearby canyon. off Into a J woro fought. But meager dotalla a have been obtained with no doflnltd RAILWAY WS cstlmntcs of the loss ot llfo. OF COOS BAY Another Project Said to. Be Under Way Aston Leaves For San Francisco. Thoro wns llttlo railway news In circulation hero today. Ono of tho now stories was con- launch Bonltn saved n llttlo clrl. sun corning n now project In which W.'l'080,,.,t,,uo t,ic (laughter of Mr. and' EARLY TODAY M. D. Delaney and Capt. Miller Prevent North Bend Child Drowning. M. D. Dolnnoy, n Portland travel ing man, nnd. Capt. Miller of tho P. Murphy Is In closo touch. No par ticulars havo been given out other than Mr. Murphy says that the par ties Interested nro nblo to go ahead with It. W. K. Wlso of Gnldflold, Nov., -who spent somo tlmo on tho Bay a fow months ngo, hns returned nnd It Is understood that ho Is nlso Identified with tho now company. Ho could not bo soon this nftornoon. Loaves For San Francisco. 1 Mrs. KJolland ot Kontuck Inlot, from drowning In tho Bny nt North Bond this morning. Tho llttlo girl, who nppcarod to bo about eight years old, wns playing along tho wnterfront with a numbor of othor children. Thoy woro down on tho O'KolJy landing nnd In n fran tic endeavor to capturo a Jolly fish, tho llttlo girl fell. Sho had gono twice when Mr. Dolnnoy nnd Cant. Miller nearod the sccno nnd respond- JACKSON 1 G SAY THEY WILL HE WILLING TO SELL TO CITY AT REASON ABLE PROFIT XO STATEMENT UNTIL J. H. FLANAGAN HE TURNS. 1 Owing to tho absenco of J. II. Fla- hnd his machine on slow speed a col-nngan in San Francisco, Councilman llslon between his machine and ono Copplo ot Marshflold has boon unnblo drlvon by Fred Slaglo, about two' to obtain tho statomont from tho miles this sldo of Coqulllo, last oven-Co,08 Ba' Water company of tho 1 11 1 .. ..iLi uon.,w,.,i.. Price at which thoy hold their plant Ing would havo resulted disastrous. nm, wJmt proporty 'wouId bo inciuUod As It was tho occupants of tho two Jn lt, Mn copplo took tho matter up enrs were pretty badly Jolted up and with J. W. Bennett and ho referred both machines moro or less damaged, him to Mr. Flanagan who nsked by The collision occurred on a Bharp , toleRranh that tho matter bo deforred curvo on a rather heavy grado. Mr. ;untn no roturna to Coos Bay noxtJ suigiu wiiu u wujr luiBBuufcui wuu week returning to Coqulllo nnd was coming I MeSsrs. Jackson nnd Nolan, who down hill at a protty rap d clip. W. ,mvo been neBOtlnUnK for tho nron. U. Douglas with Jay Wilcox, n.tj'erty and seeking a Hfty-year fran Graves and E. W. Wright of Portlnnd .. . . teincrnm t Mr ron. ta. nenUhenBCradlIarNofltef IS ?&$Pw vartirtmS'io'l&l S? Wtbto tnntrtot S to tho city of Marslineld at a rea othor did either Slaglo or Douglas' 80nab Prflt' This information was seo tho other machine. l volunteered and indicates that thoy Both put on emergency brakes and hnvo bought or decided to buy tho reduced tho force of tho collision con-. property, Messrs. Jackson and Nolan slderably. 'n tholr telegram also stated they Had Mr. Douglas heavy machlno would start at onco from Omaha for been running at full speed, it un- Coos Bay. doubtedly have forced tho Slaglo! J. W. Bennett stated to Mr. Copplo I .t A !. 1- - il.. -.. ... m 1 ..-.. ,.. .1 ...-fii 111 uiu umiuiiiH ui 10 oinnr fiin- iiiKKiiri jisinii, 111 cuargo 01 1110 1 , , ,- , .. , ... - - survey for tho Coos Bay and Eastern :'rn0" fo;a'', !" "I?,r. ' lt, ? 'Z Electric, leaves today for Bnndonl,a,- Thoy succeeded In Bottln. from whoro ho expects to sail tomor-1 ,., ,,,., , row for San Francisco. Ho will spond ' Bll, 8Ji 'V ,n, i ,wn,or wn9 nbout a week thoro consulting officers nbout ,on orJwolvoJeoUleop. of tho compnny. Ho says that good progress is bolng mado on tho stir- Professor ZUbolln of Chicago do voy. E. W. Novors of tho company r,nros M,nt millions of women mnrry was horo for awhllo, Is now In Los men whom thoy do not lovo. But Angoles and ho may not got nn op- surely thoro aren't that many rich nortunltv to meat him. men In tho world. Nonrs End of Lino. Chief Engineer P. A. Snndborg of tho Tormlnnl Rnllwny camo up today from Shore Acros whoro ho Is finish ing tho preliminary snrvoy for thut road. Ho hns nbout a mllo to survoy yet. Ho has had consldornblo dllll culty In gottlng around or across tho big gulch nt BaBtondorf's beach. This gulch Is about 100 foot deep and about 1,000 feot, wldo. Htwly For Work. Tho Railway ago contains tho fol lowing: "An ofllcor writes thnt tho Wlllnmotto Pnclflc, which Is nn auxi liary corporation of tho Southern Pa cific, will build a lino from Eugono, Ore, via Sluslaw rlvor west to tho Pnclflo ocean, thence south to Marsh flold, 123 miles. Englnoors nro nowl . ,..., .,..,. , ,,, , nnd It Is oxpectod '"n"' "1"4 '"" u'0,iH'K ' 'k 'AILS TODAY FOR EUREKA Alliance Leaves This Afternoon Will Sail Tuesday for Portland. Tho Alllnnco sallod today for Eu Sho Is duo to roturn locntlnir tho lino. that construction work will bo start-, c,lrB nere- ed as soon ns tho right-of-way Is so-.horo lato Monday or early Tuosday cured and contracts aro lot. Tho nnd sail Tuesday for Portland. Among company expects to find a traffic lnthoso sailing from horo for Euroka timber, farming and dairy products. ion hor woro tho following: C. R. Breck Is chlof onglneor of tho Wlllamotto Pnclflc, Eugono, Oro." ALONG THE WATERFRONT machlno over tho twenty-five foot em bankment. There'll bo a glorious monument And a generous Income, too, For tho man who'll only Invent Some kind of a plnchless shoe. that they would rathor Bell tho plant to city but that thoy were tied up with Messrs. Jackson and Nolan. In consequence of these develop ments, tho joint water commltteo of Marshflold and North Bend will not meet next Monday night. Tho Ferry Boat Transit Is now running to nnd from hor slip on North Front street which sho hnd to give up for a short tlmo owing to tho operations of tho Drodgo Oregon. Geo Doll, W. P. Young, Mrs. C. W. Meyers. Mrs. Geo Weeks, Graco Mey ers, Phillip Moyors, Mrs. E. Wood cock, Mrs. E. McCloskoy, I. Stouch, Mrs. P. Stouch, J. D. Parr and P. I. Condon. KINDNESS WON FORTUNE. NEW YORK. Oct. 28. Tho sur render 20 vcni's ana nf n berth In n. Tho tug. Roscoo brought In a load pniimnn sleopor by Ernest W. Mnr of miscellaneous freight from) tho !.. inwvnr nt xron, Vm-v omv wna Sluslaw and will tako back n cargo rowarded Tuesday whon tho wljl of of general merchandise. Tho Tramp this trip loaded a con siderable quantity of coal at tho Mc Lain bunkers for Curry county people. Mnny of those who object to hav ing their pictures In tho nowspapors simply haven't tho face. Tho Times' Want Ads bring results Mrs. Helen Amelia Marsh, of Ham- don. Conn., wns filed In tho pro bato court thore nnd It was found that Mrs. Marsh had left $110,000 to tho chivalrous attornoy, Tho train bolng crowded, Mrs. Marsh was un able to au euro a berth In tho Pullman. Marlowe was a youngstor n hlr way to Washington In search of a Job, and, loarning, ot tho predlcnmont of tho woman, who was then wo'l n'mg in years, offered her his berth i ' 4 I