fiEB' .-auMua IF?stl9ijWA:B,9iBVrtf ii4PT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. :J a; FINE TIME Al ANNIVERSARY GET READY Pacific Commandery, Knights Templar, Celebration Last Night Largely Attended A Large Attendance is Expect ed at Tabernacle Next Sun day. Meetings Interesting. Tho celebration of the fourth an niversary of Pacific Commandery No. 10, Knights Templar, nt tho Masonic hall last evening proved one of the most enjoyable and most largely at tended functions that tho .Masonic bodies of Coos Day have held In a long time. Besides tho large attend ance of members of tho locnl Masonic bodies, many were In attendance from other parts of the county. The address of welcome was deliv ered by Sir Knight, Rev. J. T. M. Knox, and was followed by dancing nnd cards and refreshments. Tho hnll was handsomely decornt-1 B00(i 0lTect. cd for tho occasion and with members of Knights Templar pre sent In full regalia made the sccno nn unusually brilliant one. Capt. T. J. Mncgcun also added to tho pleasure of tho evening by re citing an original poem. Further details of tho affair will bo given In The Times' Social De partment tomorrow. North Bend News SUNDAY TOPICS: 11 o'clock "Croun or Cru- clfy." 7:30 o'clock "A Fatal Nog- lect." A largo attendance will doubtless fill the tabernacle next Sunday morn ing nnd evening. The meetings nro well attended nt the present and tho Interest is splendid. Last night, Hev. H. I. Hutlodgo spoke on tho theme: "Ho went a little farther," and handled It with Not many wno were tno, present will forget tho sermon There will bo no meeting on Sat urday evening. Tonight tho commit teo of 30 from tho Sundny schools are requested to meet at the close of the service. Dr. 11. E. Burmls.ter nnd wlfo wero Marshflold visitors yesterday. Mayor L. J. Simpson went to Mnrshflcld yesterday on business. 0. A. arlmmctt of Welser, Ida., is visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. V. Wood In North Dend. D. F. Wyntt nnd family aro ex pected to return hero In few days to mako their home. Tho North Dend Knights of Py thias aro planning for n big Initiation nnd social next Monday evening. Mrs. C. II. Droulllnrd will entertain tho Altar Guild of St. Mary's Episco pal church at her home in North Bend Snturdny afternoon. W. II. Chappell is Inld up with threo fractured ribs as u result of n fall from a new brldgo on which ho was working on tho Shoro Acres rond. Glen Grout, cnptnln of tho North Dend high school football team, sus tained a fracture of tho shoulder bono whllo practicing tho other night. Mrs. C. M. Dyler, Mrs. It. J. Coke, Mrs. Irn Dartlo and MIsb Lena Kruso of North Dend iittonded tho social of tho Marshllcld Episcopal Indies Wednesday nftorunon. Mnx Mooro, who hns boon engaged In tho nowspapcr business at Great Dend, Kns., Is expected here with IiIh family soon to locate. Ho is a brother of Owen Monro and .Too Mooro nnd visited hero a tdiort tlmo ngo. HH. C. S. Wlnsor yostordny re ceived word of tho denti of her seven year old nephew. Evorott Anthony which occurred nt tho homo of his pnronts nt Smith Rlvor. Cnllf., Inst Saturday. Donth wnH attributed to was Injured In nn accident. IrllOne 4fi1 Mrs. C. S. Wlnsnr returned yestor-1 nyd from n week's stay at Myrtlo Point. Her ninthor, Mrs. E. C. An thony, who hns been visiting hero for, mrru Hi'i'Mi win iniimiui ii'inu in- morrow for her homo nt Smith River, Cnllf., owing to tho donth of her lit tlo grand-son. Mrs. JimhiIo H. Stownrt will leavo tomorrow for Poitlnnd nnd Tho Dal les whero hI'o will visit nt tho homes of lior children for n fow weeks. A Hon, who Is now making n tour with "Tho Spring Maid company" whom Bho has not soon In four years, Is now on tho roast nnd slut will hno n visit with him nlsn. WARRANT IS ISSUED Frank New kirk Sought In Connection Willi .North Bond Affair Justice Sinister of North Dend yes tordny issued a warrant for Frank Xewklrk In connection with a caso there thnt Deputy Prosecuting Attor ney Llljeavlst Is investigating. New- kirk ennnot bo located now. Another youth who is snld to bo connected with tho affair is also missing. CARVING Sots nt MILNER'S. GIVES QUICK ACTION Lockhnrt & Pnrsons Drug Co. re ports thnt A SINGLE DOSE of slmplo buckthorn bark, glycerlno, etc., as compounded in Adlcr-l-ka, tho now Gorman nppendlcltls remedy, relieves constipation, sour stomach or gns on tho Btomnch almost INSTANTLY. Many Marshflold pcoplo nro bolng helped. MARSIIFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1.00; week J2.00 to $5.00. House keeping npnrtmonts with gas ranges $10.00 to $18.00 por month. FREE BATHS--E. W. SULLIVAN. Prop Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono ftiai i PROP. C DAVIDSON PIANO AND VOICE North Bend LAMPS nt MILNER'S. A TURKISH RATH will do you fJOOD. Phono 214-J. Prof. A. Richards A GRADUATINO TEACHER Pupil of Carl Chrlstonson, tho well known Now York Swedish concert pianist, will tnko n limited number of students for prlvnto Iossoub. Applicants cnll nt Studio, Songs tnckon Dldg., UNI Broadway. A Modorn Brick Building, Electrlo Lights, Steam Heat. Elognntly Furulshed Roonib with Hot and Cold Wntor. II () T EL .C O OS C. A. METLIN, Prop. Rates: 50 cents n Day and Upwards, Cor. Drondwny nnd Market Marshflold. Oregon. Look Before You Buy A glance at the Toggery Clothing Will convinco you of their superior slylo aucl tailoring and no other clothes at the price, $2U to $25, can surpass lliGin. "Wo do not con fuse our buyers by ad vertising suits from $10 to $10. One price, good goods and on tho square is our motto. Tnorcrerv I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY T"U. E. F. WINKLER, Naturopath and Chiropractor. All chronic diseases treated. Consul tation free. Olllco hours: 0 to 11 n. in.; 2 to C nnd C to S p. m. Naturopath lustltuto Room No. 1. (No. 130 Broadway, Marshflold, Oro jI-vR. W. LESLIE, -' Osteopathic Phyolclun Qraduato of the American school of Osteopathy at Ktrksvllle, Mo. Office In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1C1-J; Mnrshtlold; Oregon. J. V. BENNETT, Lawyer. Offlee ovor Flanagan & Bennett Bank Inrshtlold Oregon jSWm JSnV t.,.xri v Hlllllu Bui tMcf T3y !Awt"j"-'(kN?cti, J. IIIM OMj Wfi fSfcl MrtiM "cU iwl ?B K:BcnJamjn 00h.cs jfenjamin Clothes "Wear a Benjamin" Whether it be an Overcoat Suit or Raincoat, the name symbolizes the highest grade clothes (SEE THIS WEEK'S SATURDAY EVENING POST) We are able to give you this kind of clothing at fair prices By buying and selling for cash. Benjamin Suits, . $2000 to $45.00 Benjamin Overcoats, . $18.00 to $45.00 Benjamin Rain Coats, $15.00 to $35.00 "Money Talks" We Are After Your Business Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. IVJarshlicld Bandon Every Woman on Coos Bay Should Have the Best Sewing Machine on the Market ; "Wc sell the Famous White Rotary Sewing Machine AVe sell them on terms within the reach of all, $3.00 down, $5.00 pcii m mth. Our prices are the lowest in the world qu ility considered. Come in and let us talk it over. GOING & HARVEY C0MNPAY COMPLETE IIO USE FURNISHERS. FAST SERVICE TO ROSEBURG Onr BtnKea leavo Mnrshflold for Rosohnrg at 7 o'clock overy evening and nfford quickest connections with Southern Pacific Railway. Faro fG.OO. COOS RAY ROSERURO STAGE LINK. OTTO SCHI7TTEK, Agent, 120 MARKET AV., Mnrsliflcltl. C. P. UARNARI), Agent, KOSERURG, Ore. PRONE 11 PAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Marsh field for San Francisco Monday afternoon, Oct. 30, at 3:30 o'clock. intee-ocean transportation company. Phono 44 C. F, AIcQEORQB, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamer Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 8 IN M. ON OCTOHER .1, 10, 17, 21 AND :tl. SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD AT SERVICE OF TRK TIDE ON OOTORER 7, II, 21 AND 28. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN 3MJ "THE FRIEND OF COOS RAY" S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Sails from Coos Bay for Eureka, Saturday, Oct. 28, at 10 A. M. CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH RANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH P.iJIFIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PRONE 11 C. F. McGEORGE, Agent A now stock of tho latest in tho MAZDA LAMPS Send In Your Ordor Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-JT We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits yH. J. T. McCOKMAU, Physician nnd Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon, Jfllco: Lockkart nuildlng, opposite Post 0.1! to. Phono 105-J D"' A. J. HENDRY'S Modern Dental Parlors. Wo nro equip do high class work on short u. , at tho very lowest prices. Examination free. Lndy nttoudant, Coke building, oppo slto Chnndlor hotel. DR. II. 11. .MOORE, Chiropractor Chronic Diseases a Specialty Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses and careful drivers nro now at'ttho dis posal of tho Coos Day public at REASONARLH RATES Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhore any time. Horses bonrded and rigs cared for. Now hearso and special acomino datlons provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STARLE3 PHONE 27.1-J GoodsCalled for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J WANTED!!! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS 'TO CLEAN, by tho Pnouma tie Cleanlntr Comnanv. Orders for I work taken at GOING & HARVEY BlancharcPs Livery Wo have secured the llvory busl lobs of L. II. Helsner and nro pro pared to render excodont service to tho psoplo of Coos Bay. Cirefnl di Ivors, gooa rigs and everything hat will mean bntlsfnctory service to tho public. Phono us for n driving horso, a rig or nuythlng ncoded In tho llvory line. Wo also do truck . g business of nil kinds. ilLANCHARD RROTHERS Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service, 141 First and Alder Streets Phono 138-J Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIA1ILO 1ND JOSSON CEMENT. ' Tho best Domestic and Imported brands. Plaster, Lima, Brick and all kinds of builders materia! HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR OFFICE, SOUTH BROADWAY. PHONE 201 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqullle Office Phone 191 Marshfleld Offlca H-J. Farms Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gensral Agents "EASTSIDE" T. J. SCAIFE 9 A. H. IIODGINS Marshfield Paint, (8b Decorating Co. Buy Your Meats Estimates MARSHFIELD. at the UNION MEAT MARKET 'Phone 58 And You Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. IM If ",u,","?SS5i"'WI- g9tjorpUTuSF