fMpi f '" ' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. "v vffi1 "tm Wi t Hi T '""'' v' LOCAL isiKa f w smtwmm&t : i r rto me? wry i xws&xm JZjJUm ?-. fsa 1got& ? JL IS &3jm r.$m I thi: what 11 1:11. (By Associated Press.) OREGON. Oct. 2 7 Fnlr tn- night nud wnrmer In east and Interior southwest. Saturday, fair except rnln In northwest. Easterly winds. stated that both ho and Alec Wilson might huvo drowned had not Dill Smith of Coos lllvcr happened along and uldcd tho Java Co (Too IIouso night cook In removing them from tho Bay. Likes Coos Bay. 55. T. Thomas, the well-known Allegany citizen, nr- t(inrt 1. 11.1.1 imnttficl r . khiii n vtlnlr- Il.fl. UUIIIU JVOIUI UUJ 11UI1I 11 VlOtlf at his old homo near Kansas City. Ho was accompanied by his wife and daughter, Mrs. Dave Cowan and tho Cowan children. It has been twenty one years bIiico they loft thero and not until hn liml snnn It ncnln ilM Mr. Thomas realize how fond ho hnd grown of Coos Day. Ho has resolv- ed novcr to leave hero again. They i vlRltml nt tiinnv nnltitn fif Intnpnar l UK. TEM IMMATURE PORT. For twenty-four hours ending at 1:00 p. in., Oct. 2G, by Mrs. 12. Mingus, Bpeclal government meteorological observer: Maximum 73 Minimum 42 At 4:00 p. in 03 Precipitation nono Wind, Northeast; clear. during their trip. An Old Offender Frank Move Onieo. F. S. Dow will movo his ofllco from tho present qunrtors Smith, who was sentenced to a term of ono year in tho stato penitentiary from Douglas about threo years ago, Is again In trouble. Ho languishes in n Jail In Coos County nt nrnnpnt. iAt tho tlmo of Smith's nrrcst and .nonvlnllnti In DonirlnH pmintv hn wnt accused of assaulting a Camas valley resident by tho nnmc of Martlndale. Ho alleged that ho was Intoxicated, but notwithstanding, ho wob convict ed by a jury and later sont to tho penitentiary. Rosoburg News. Who Ih Watts? A check on tho on Front streot to a now ofneo 8uIto,FrBt Natlonai bank for ,80 by Wntta that ho 1ms Just complotcd nt Ocean, Engineer In Charge-," has gono to Luuit m ixuiiii 1'iuiiL airuuL uuuuk Novombor 1. JiHeH Might. C. O. Qosnoy has rC' protest becauso no such man has an nccount tnoro ami no railroad sur- voy company can ho found who will cc.vcd word from Mrs. CJosnoy thntftdmlt ,t boIonB8 to them. Tho check ffin"pJ cn8hed y J- C' I,,r' of Camas tXVX IXJllt CnnLtr" Yaltar and was forwarded heroby Ooruai Hurt bciiuOuer & Marx YOUR best teacher in the matter of clothes is experience; your experience and others' Men who have learned most on the subject know that Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are best to wear and to see. All-wool fabrics; fine tailoring latest and best styles. See these clothes before you buy Suits $J8 and up Overcoats $16.50 and up The Woolen Mill Store COOS BAY This storo Is tho homo of Iliirt-Sclinftnor & Mnrx clothes Always- "TiTe Busy Corner" It's a Fact- Wo are truly tho "busiest corner In town" nnd rightly named. Why well, you nro always ulilo to obtain anything hero that Is to bo found In tho best stores of tho larger cities. Wo havo tho most comploto stock on tho Hay and nro constant ly catering to tho pooplo. Plenty of thoso Handy Kubbor Aprons wo'ro Still Giving Away. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. Phoae Mam 298 Us Public Stenographer I All Work Confidential Phone No. 156 No. Brodaway Ho will bo operated on thero next Wednesday. Decisive Fight. Earl Hcndorson has roturne'd from Dandon whoro ha was arranging for a twenty round or a fight to a finish or a decision with Koughthouso Chnrloy Burns. It probably will bo pullod off about No vombor 25 If Hcndorson Is nn easy victor over Danny O'Brlon hero No vember 11. Ships SiHiclmeiiN. Dr. Hnydon, who has been collecting specimens of Coos Hay flora for tho Flolel Musoum, will ship about 210 flno o'ics tomor row. Ho has gathered soma excol lnnt sncclmons In compllnnco with tho wishes of Mr. Smith, tho Flold Museum roprcsontnttvo who wnB horo n fow months ago getting specimens of the wooils of this section. ' Tk Mnrrlcri. Mrs. T. Moon of West Mnrshflcld has received word that hor brothor-ln-law, Newman Moon, was rocontly marrlod In Southorn Oregon nud will shortly return hero with hlfljbrldo. No other particulars has boon given. Nowmnn Moon tins boon foreman of construction for Con tractor Perham. Ho plnns'to erect a flno homo on his property In South Marshflold soon after his return. Log Broken. Frnnk Dowron bub Hustnlned U broken Hog 'night bo foro last night when ho foil off tho wharf and nearly drowned. This wns (lotoniilned by physlclniis yestordny. no ib Doing cared ror at his town homo In South Marshflold. It Ib now tho Douglas County National of Ito Boburg. It may bo that another rnll road that no ono horo has heard about Is being stirvoyed through Camas valley. EQTSXX U E0PLE K3zntTnsa Have Us Launder Your Underwear I Wo wash thoso garmonts clcanor 'and better than tho work can bo done jolsowhoro, and they aro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink thorn, oven 'woolon garmonts aro returned the snma slzons when sent us. Wo Iron tho garmonts nlcoly, make ordlnnry ropolra freo of charge nnd you havo fresh clean, sweot undor woar roady for each weok's chango. Dundlo yours up with noxt weok's laundry bundle Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry IMIOIf 220-J i'V-01''1 f01, Kencrnl Iiouso .,' Appiy lss Second and Pnrk 0MO.Box 389, Marshflold. W8"1"11 ,m' 1)0 Owner can same by calling at this ofllco 1 navlnif f.. i,i i. - .--o ."l lino IHIIIUU. I U S;I',''"',I IJend pool room. I t "v uo o'u on account of other vv.ii. 7; iio oiur ineairo, I -wth Dend. "MSIl-:i llOI'SKlfURKIVn CIS1"1 ll0t wtr. light and -. l."" aim nn T.inv.i hntAi Aftor tho show try a Turkish Batt Phone 214-J. Men's Shoes Do not ovorlook our lino of Men's Shoes. Wo carry a comploto lino in nil kinds of leathers and tho vory latest shnpes. PilocN, $:t.0(), !S:t.5(), and ijtn.oo. .Men's KMuch Il.'U'i-top Tim SIMM'S $7.00 .Men's llMncli Tlghtip Tan kikk-s $ Boys' llMn'ch IliglLtop Tan Sliocs )?:i.."5() Voutlis' lllgh-toji Tan HIkk's, sl.cs 1U to '2 !?:l.'-'5 Little ficnts' Hlgli-top Tan SIiims nIch 10 to 1 1 H f:t.oo MRS. A. M. MEYER loft on tho stago last ovonlng for Rosoburg. CAPT. HARRIS of Sumner Is a Marshflold hiiBlncsa visitor todny. MRS. A. R. SEARS returned today from a fow weokB' visit in Califor nia. , MRS. NELS OSMUNDSON of Co qulllo is visiting friends In Marshflold. I u. Ki. uuuiiwjiuu huh ruuiiuuu iu . tho Bay aftor a trip through California. JACK McDONALD camo in today from Loon Lnko on business nnd plcasuro. FRED BAKER of Portland Ib n guest at tho Frank RogorB homo on' South Coos Illvor. I MRS. FRANK ROGERS of South! Coos Rivor Ib tho guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams. MISS CLARA MYREN returned to dny from a two weoka' vacation spent In San Francisco. MRS. E. J. COFFELT of Coos Rivor Is visiting rolatlves nnd friends in Mnrshflold. PROF. D. B. HILL, who has been on gaged in orchestra work horo. will lenv,e Saturday for Tacomti to lo cate. F. W. WOOD of North Bend was Marshflold business visitor today. II. J. McDIarmld of Bandon who has been spending a fow days hero left this morning for Florcunce. "ED. ROSE, who was located hero about thirty years ago, has re turned to tho Bay. ELI FOOTE, the Coqullio moving plcturo man, was In Mnrshfleld yes terday on business and plcasuro. MRS. GEORGE ROURKU of Bunker Hill roturncd yesterday from a trip to Portland nnd other north ern points. E. AHLQU1ST of Bunkor Hill roturn cd yesterday from a four months' stay at Portland and Columbia river points. HERMAN EDWARDS, who has boon hunting with a party of friends above Allegany, has roturncd and roports they got flvo nice bucks. MISS GERTRUDE WILCOX of Port land nrrlved horo yesterday for nn extended visit with Mrs. Elizabeth Adams and Miss Mnmto Mnhoney. F. It. HUNT of Eugeno Is in Marsh flold on business. It waB first re ported that ho was Ralph Hunt, tho promotor of tho Pacific Great West orn. J. B. MORRIS has sold his Plat D rcsldonco property to L. W. Tra vor nnd plans to lcavo In n fow days to join his family at San Joso, Cal. B. VALINO was ongnged In tho fruit business horo a number of years ngo nnd wtfo havo roturncd from Fruitvnlo, Cal., nnd expect to mnko their homo horo. ROCCO BIASCA, who was down from his Coos Rivor ranch this wcok, roports that ho is making good progress with tho flno new bnrn on his place. JOHN LOWREY and wlfo arrived hero yesterday from Klnmnth Falls whoro thoy hnvo rocontly been mnklng their homo nnd plan to lo cato horo. Thoy formorly lived in Oklnhoma nnd ,nro old friends of Col. Grimes nnd other mombors of tho Oklnhoma colony on tho Bay. MRS. I. S. KAUFMAN arrived homo yestordny via Drain from a month's visit nt tho homo of hor son, Ralph, in Holcnn, Mont., and with rola tlves nnd frlondB in Spoknno ami othor northorn points. Sho was accompanied . by Miss Blanche Fortmnn, n nlcco of Mrs. Ralph Knufmnn, who will visit for a month or bo on tho Bay. ALOXO THE WATERFRONT Tho Breakwater will sail nt 1 o'clock Saturday for Portland. Tho Btcnmor Rotn will mnko tho run to Emplro Sunday, loaving Marshflold nt 8 n. m. nnd returning from Emplro nt 4 p. m. Cnpt. M. P. Pondergnst Is now inns tor of tho Liberty which Is towing log rnftB for tho Smith-Powers Log glnb company. Tho gasoline schoonor Trnmp yea tordoy brought in qulto u big ship ment of Chinook salmon from Tho Sixes river for tho Emplro cannery BEAR, Mink nnd OTTER TRAPS at MILXKR'H. Ihe Bazar Phone 32 The JJouse of Quality. toNwl,1!;s, ,a,,Ke ganntlett nil- bt u ' ; "wnur can nave samo V "J'lni! it at Times' ofllco plBjnK for this ml. nnlai,TWcl,"li,,own 'rntcnml oi- Mrt 'leslres tno services of ern,raa.". or wwn of char Is j ar1Uty t0 Present thorn Ofcomm."ed aml Vanity. Salary ChandT !i5ln: Seo R. A. Wilder, " uiei. X0TlCn TO T,MKIIT.'impxt ' ant fu .... ' ' '. tepared 7 amon nnu are lce fai. 1 Pay tno hl8hest cash Vitt.L m' For further parti- v. u. nuuiun, Emplro City, or GEO. F. SMITH, Coos Rivor FOR tho latest styles iu dressmaking nnd ladles' tailoring aeo Mrs. It. Stnrr, back of Tho Times' printing olllco, Mnrahflold. FOR SALE Cheap If taken soon, n good piano. Apply nt F. Timmor mnn's resldonco, North Front St. FOR ItEXT A Miinll housj closo in corner Second nnd Hall. $10 with water, Enqulro of F. E. Allan. FOR SALE Two American bov ball alloys in flno condition. Cash or tonus. Address A. B. Campbell. WAXTEI) From 25 to 50 loads of good manure. Freo from Bhav Ings. L. J. Simpson, North Rend. FOR SALE My farm flOO acres in ono lot or will cut up in parcels to suit. C. W. Santord, Mnrshfleld. BAXI) DAXCE at EAGLES HALL Saturday ovonlng, OCTOBER 28. MU SIC by FULL bantL WILL EXCHAXflE My ?2,100, equity In a G-room bungalow, lot 80x92, Woodstock Add., Portland, Ore. Valued at ?3,000 for acreago property near or In Marshflold, Or. I am tho owner of this bungalow, nnd shall only deal direct with owner of property. Inquire of L. J. Justen. Lloyd hotel. Marshflold. UEARY'S GUN SHOP Complete lino of Blcyclo supplies, second-hand bicycles for sale.- Guns, bicycles, etc., repaired. UmbrellaB covered and repaired. E. BANDEL, Prop. No. 007 No. Front St. Thono 180-It FRIDAY On Steamer Redondo wo will receive our first Shipment of Delicatessen Goods Wo havo Inaugurated this department to meet tho local demand of Marshflold housewives who deslro to securo this class of goods which cannot bo secured at present. It will bo established on tho samo standard of excellence as tho rest of our business and will bo enlarged as tho demnnd warrants. Wo feol cortaln that our customers will appreciate our efforts to pleaso thorn with a largo variety of pure foods from which to, nuiko selections nud will do tholr part in tho way of patronago to mako tho now de partment a splendid success. As rapidly as tho demand Increases wq will enlarge tho department by tho addition of now goods. Our first shipment will consist of Veal Loaf, bllccd f per 'pound 23c Liver liOaf, sliced xv pound 23c Delicious Chicken Loaf , .pur pound (10c Head Cliecso per pound 25c Mayonnaise Dressing per hot do 23o Remember nil these articles aro strictly homo mado nnd tho finest we can buy. Thero will be a largo amount of other now goods in which you will bo Interested that will arrive on this steamer. Don't forgot theso goods arrive Friday on tho Redondo. Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones- 85 and 805 SPECIAL JEWELRY SALE AVc have inaugurated our annual clearance sale in the Jewelry Department at a time that is opportune for shoppers. It is only nbout eight weeks until Christinas and in this list you will find many articles that will make attractive Christmas presents at a sav ing of one-half. These are all articles from our reg ular stock and the prices have not been marked up. Every article sold carries our usual guarantee as to reliability and satisfaction. Read This List and See Our Windows Jjlil.OO TO $7.00 BRACELiri'S, XOAV $1.30 TO $!J.30 3()e to IjSll.OO CUFF LIXKS NOW 23o TO $1.30 $1.50 STERLIXfi SILVER SET R1XGS XOW 75o $2.00 TO $1.00 BELT PINS XOW $1.00 TO $2.00 $it.00 TO $1)5.00 GOLD CLOCKS XOW $1.50 TO $0.50 $1.30 TO $5.00 WATCH FOBS NOW 75c TO $2.50 $0.00 TO $15.00 WATCHES XOW $1.50 TO $7.50 AND AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF OTHER THINGS, SUCH AS GOLD CROSSES, LOCKETS STICK PINS NECKLACES BROOCH PINS HAT PINS SILVER NAPKIN RINGS BUFFERS PURSES MATCH BOXES VANITY BOXES ALL (JO AT HALF PRICE. Red Cross Jewelry Department in . Ik, '."UimdSLjuuiVl UtU f Olympic Flour Highest Quality '.xA-wcauijJ