Wv5fl' FIX A DATE AND STICK TO IT. "SOMf DAY" NEVER SAW A TASK COMPLETED a t.ittln "CnmnnlKn" Of (Hum WANT ADVERTISING in Tho TIMES Will Kwp (he Income from Your Furnished Itooms front Lnpstug! YOU cnn really help tho family revenues by renting n fow furnlahcd rooms nml, If you know how and when to use the classified columns, you mny keep that llttlo extra income as "steady n8 a clock." .... VT ADVERTISING in Tho times I win rt mlv Hoal Ks,a,c ",u (irtmra llio MarKd" iiLiucuitiji It will put tho fncts nbout your nrnnerty bcforo tho oycs of nil "pos B buyers" In town. Ami If S it, you'll .ciiiu MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PlU.bo VOL. XXXV Established in 187H mi Tho Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1911 -EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of TIiiwa. Const Mnll nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 89 mun MOVING PICTURE SHOW MAGNATE S THOUGHT FATALLY WOUNDED Japanese Gardener Runs Amuck In Los Angeles With Fatal Results. WOUNDS WM. SELIG AND KILLS FRANCIS BOGGS No Apparent Reason For Crime Other Than That Jap Went Crazy. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 27. W. M. Sellg of Chlcngo, head of tho Scllg Motion Picture company, wna prob ably fatally wounded, Francis Boggs, manager of tho Pacific Const depart ment of tho picture concern, wns kill ed, nnd n Japanese garuoncr is in jail chnrged with tho crlmo which, It E BY CHINESE Negotiations to Be Opened by imperial Leader and Rebels Soon. By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times) PEKIN, Oct. 27 It is nuthorltn tlvely announced horo thnt nt tho in vestlcntlon of Yunn Shi Kni. ncKotln tlons between tho Imperialistic forces nnd revolutionaries In tho Yang Tso 111 unnri'iiii wiiii iiiii iniiiiu 1111,111 il 1 ... !"., " ' .t ... nm.iitn.i wiMmnf K""B region nrc nbout to begin. proToentlon when tho Jnpnncso sud- L u ,8nl80 announced thnt Yuan Shi day ran amuck. vnl w, Proceetl to Sin Van Chow The tragedy occurred nt the studio, tomorrow nnd take up ho supremo oi the Sellg compnny nt Edendnlo, n commnnd of the Imperlnl nrmy nnd luburhof 1.08 Angeles. Tho two men iavy t"10 ront were In conference when tho Jnpnn- c, .Vnrlj Ass.lss hiufcd. no, Frank MlnnlmntBU, employed In' ,shcnR ". w wns remov tho studio as n gnrdonor, suddenly 0(1 rom tho ofllco of minister of entered. Without .i word of wnrnlng I,0Ht.8 nMd communications as a con he opened flro on tho two men. Ho cession National Assembly, had fired five shots, two talcing effect in ? nr,row Mcn ro" assassination DogRS body and two nt Sollg'B nnd cro ,t0(,n; " too,c. r,of."go ln tho thenfftli went wild. Hoggs was dead American legation nnd inter wns cs hcn they reached tho hospital. Sellg "J"01'" n 8f,un(1 of ton B()Iaic" t0 V.. n tiiillnl lii ma linnil ntwl firm. I am una . uiiiiv. ... .1.0 .v..i. .. ., and wns taken to a hotel. Tho alleged murderer wnB captur ed niter n struggle. Ho refused to discuss the shooting. Sellg was taken to tho hospltnl tbls afternoon. Business nssoclntcs denied that ho wns seriously injured. ANOTHER HAHD BATTLE IN TRIPOLI Turks Reputed to Have Lost Over 1,000 and Italians 100 Mussulmans Threaten Tripoli. Uy Associated Press to tho Coos Bnj i Times) TRIPOLI, Oct. 27 Reports from nn Italian source recounting tho bat tle of yesterday, plnccs tho Turkish nnd Aral) losses nt moro than one thousnnd killed nnd it largo number wounded and tho Italian loss nt one hundred dend nnd wounded. AUK THREATENING TRIPOLI PRESIDENT OP CHINA. DE OF HIS MISSION Forolgn Bay Lender of JtelMds Informs Consuls of Job. (By Assoclntod Presi to Coos Times) PEKIN, China, Oct. 27. General LI Yuen Hong, lender of tho rebel forces tins informed tho foreign con suls nt Hankow thnt ho has been pro claimed "President of tho Republic of China." MliRA CASE IS SLOW TODAY Mexican Leader Says That He Was Not Sent Here by President Madero. (By Associated Press to Coos -Bay Times) LITTLE ROCK, Ark.. Oct. 27. Denying his trip from Mexico City has political or diplomatic nspects, and declnrlng thnt if ho sees Presi dent Tnft it will bo merely n personal call at St. Louis, Bo Ln Bnrra, pass ed through Llttlo Rock today. Ho denied any knowledgo of reports of in visit to this country to mnko over- ed out of tho second venlro summon- turcs to President Taft in behnlf of ed in tho MeNnmnrn murder trial. Hanclsco I. .Madero. Elovon othors wero excused nt tho preliminary henrlng today boforo Judgo Bord well nnd ton wero not sorved with summons because they nro out of tho county. Souator Goro, of Oklahoma, who Is on n tour of tho const, visited court todny to seo Attorney Barrow who is an old tlmo acquaintance oil announced he wns rule on tho challenge gnlnst A. O. Winter. Nineteen New Veniremen Se cured Nothing of In terest Transpires. By Associated Press to tho Coos Bf.y Times) LOS ANGELES. Cnl.. Oct. 27. Nlnoteon now vonlroiuen wore secur HURTS TRADE Report Thnt Large Force of Mussul mans lire Threatening City. (By ABsoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Tlrae3., MALTA, Oct. 27. Uncensored In formation from Tripoli snys some thing In tho nnturo,of n panic has seized tho city since it wns known thnt a MtiBSulmnn forco of sixty thousand Turks nnd ArnbB nro thrcnt cnliiK Tripoli. Tho forco Is well led niidwclj .provisioned. VESSEL LOST Order For Lumber Cargo From Smith Mill For Hankow Is Cancelled. Owing io tho revolution ln China, tho Dollar Steamship compnny has unfavorable wcathor conditions and canceled ono of tho thrco enrgo ordors aUo by assisting tho Yollowstono, n Nann Smith Secures Tug For Steam Freighter Yel-' lowstone. Tho Nnnu Smith arrived in Into Inst evening, having been delayed by with tho Smith mill horo for lumber, Tho enrgo wnB destined for Hnnkow but owing to tho rovolt, tho lumber market thcro lias boon temporarily spoiled nnd nono will bo shipped un til it is ndjustcd. Tho enrgo order cancelled wnB ono of three. It In expected that vessels of the Dollar lino will bo ln hero be tween now nnd tho first of tho yenr for tho othor two cargoes. This wcok, tho Besslo Dollar which was to have taken n cargo of lumber to China sailed from San Francisco 'with a cargo of provisions nnd mis cellaneous freight lor Manila nnd other ports In tho Orient . TO AID LAN TO GET JETTY SAME LAW FOR ALL. 4 (By Assoclntod Press.) MILWAUKEE. Wis., Oct. 27. Speaklmi horn tnilnv. T'iftst. J dent Tnft said tho lnw must bo j,l(jg0 nordwo J enforced against labor uuions not ropnred to i I ami corporations, and ngnlnst 0f tho dofenso a rich nnd poor alike. , O MAN 1 ARRIVE ON ALLIANCE Steamer In' Early Today From Portland Sails For Eu reka Saturday. ' Aiimnco arrived In this morn JS Irom Pn.n...i . . .. ..." ino cast. Sho had a largo passengers. WANT OHTIE McMANIGAL. Mny Try to Take Hint to Indianapolis to Testify. (By Assoclntod Press to tho Coos Bay Times) INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 27. It is reported thnt Ortlo McMnnignl will bo brought from Los Angoles to testify boforo tho fedornl grand Jury In tho so-called McNamnrn dynamit ing caso ln November. . ltOSEUURGyiEW OF IT. Want to Seo Actual Construction In- stend of Surveys. Tho Roseburg Roviow says: "Ac cording to residents of Melroso tho surveyors on tho Coos Bay & Eastern Electric Railway, who began several weeks ago at Camas Valley, nro now running a lino through thnt nolgh 1- , 'Hiiiu urriveu in mis morn- downth1 Port,and a"er a good trip "rgooi - i , . , Vaa ? lnrg0 ' borhood nnd seom to bo headed to Hst of passonnr g a B00dwnrd Winchester or Coles Valley. By Congressman Hawley Will As sist In Program to Secure New Report on It. RECEPTIONS TONIGHT. This evening at 8 o'clock, n 4 4 public reception will bo tendered 4 4 Congressman Hnwloy at tho 4 4 Marshflold Chnmbor of Com- 4 mercc. Tho Mllllcomn club will ten- 4 dor him a reception at tho club 4 4 rooms Immediately after tho 4 4 conclusion of tho ono nt tho O 4 Chamber of Commorce, mid all 4 of tho mombcrs of tho club nro 4 Invited to bo present. Promising without rcsorvo to loud Ills Inllucnco to tho plan of tho Port freight carrier of tho McCormlck lino which hnd lost her propollor. Cnpt. Olson snw tho Yollowstono when nbout sixty miles north of San Fran Cisco nnd responded to her cnll for nld. Sho hnd lost her propollor nnd wnntcd n ship with wlroless to sond n mcBBngo for n tug to coino out from San Francisco nnd got hor. Cnpt. Olson had tho messago sont nnd stood by until nn niiBwcr wns rccolvod Btnt Ing thnt n tug hnd tnrtcd for tho Yel lowstone. Owing to tho flno wcathor prevailing, tho yollowstono did not hnvo to tnko n tow. Owing to this dolny, tho Nnnn Smith will not bo nblo to loavo hero until tomorrow . STEEL TRUST CASE CAUSES BIG SLUMP. IN STOCKS TODAY THREE JUDGES TO Plans Made For Trial of Disso lution Suit Against Steel Trust. (By to Coos Bny 27. It is tVssodntcd Press Times.) TRENTON, X. J., Oct nuthorltntlvely announced thnt thrco Judges will henr the caso of tho gov-' eminent ngnlnst tho United States Steel Corporntlon. Tho Judges nro: Georgo Gray of Wlllmlngton, Del.; Joseph Bufllngton of Pittsburg, Pa., and William M. Lnnnlng of Trenton. This trio Is tho snmo tribunal that recently crowned with Bticcess tho government's fight ngnlnst tho so called "powder trust." (Wall Street Shows Uneasiness I by Letting Prices Decline napiuiy. NEARLY ALL KINDS ARE AFFECTED BY IT Part of Decline Made Up During Closing Minutes of Exchange. UP TO MORGAN. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Chair- 4 mnn Gnry und severnl othors high in tho council of tho Stcol V Corporntlon hold u long consul- 4 tntlon with J. P. Morgan today. (By OPPOSED TO DELAY. (By Bny Counsel Dickinson Wauls uu Early Hearing. Assoclntod Press to Coos Times.) CHICAGO, III., Oct. 27. Former Sccrctnry of Wnr Dickinson, special counsel for tho government, prepar ing tho case ngnlnst tho Steel Corpor ntlon, arrived hero todny. Ho said any attempt to cnuso a prolonged do lny In tho hearing of tho action will Associated Press to Coos Bay TlincB.) NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Tho Initial dealings In steel wero on a hugo scalo nt first tho offerings consisting of 28, 000 shares at from DC to 43 V4. a maximum dcclluo of flvo points. Pre ferred shares were off four points nnd stcol sinking fund bonds declin ed, 1 points. Thcso losses wero soon Incrcaitcd nnd tho entire list nnd other Industrials nnd standard railway shares were affected, tho Iobfcs being from ono to two points. United States Stcol profcrrcd, later fell D 3-8 cents on tho lloor of tho Exchange and thcro wero scenes of confusion especially about tho pit at which tho steel stocks aro traded in. During tho afternoon, tho mnrkot recovered slowly. Steel rallied 2 Mi CALVIN TALKS OF COOS BAY Southern Pacific Official Says Work Will Soon Start on Line Here. PORTLAND, Oro., Oct. 27. Assu rances that th eNntron-Klnmntli cut off of tho Southern Pnclflc, which is i to reduco tho running tlmo of trains I between Portland and Snn Frnnclsco to 20 hours, will bo camplotcd early In 1913 nnd thnt tho proposed lino from Eugene to Coos Buy will bo stnrted nnd rushed to completion ns enrly ns practicable, worn given by E. E. Cnlvin, vice-president und gen eral manager of tho Southern Pacific, who arrived ln Portland this week. Mr. Calvin has Just completed an inspection of tho lines in Orogon fivni wlilpli lita IlirlRfllpHnn will Iw of Coos Bny Commission to ondeav- nYtniiA,i vnvmi,n, i. in tnrrimrv or io iiuu w.o i.ei uiwni mm iiiii-tnnor Umt (,to w, orauPnco U tho uuiH uiii curiy zliig n now surv ii 41ifcilffrt nth -tvnllinilt rx W i 4f4f IlllllllllIX.il 111! I1A1I1III11IIIIIIII III llltl III11T I ... .. and n report on Its reconstruction,' '"ou;n . " " " '" """ ! Congressninn W. C. Hnwloy nt tho re-1",,1'0 la"r ar ot tl w$11?nd caption tendorod him at tho North wl" b, Joln llQr0, by oW,.,,Unra Bond Commorclnl Club Inst ovoniuc sl)r?"10- President of tho Southern - l'ftoiiirt ni ir MDi'nrniinir vinn. ttVIHVl MUU V iww - f IbV uo lougui vigorously uy uio govern-, ,,0ntB nni, .,.- nct ,vo atocl(B , t0 2 Ont. nlnlH. tllU 1IUIIIIII IIIVDUIIlllllKIl Ullll iUBU' cutlon of the enso probably will bo by Attorney General Wlckcrsham and assistants. STEEL TRUST E I EXPECrED THE SUIT. Steel CoriMirutloii Ready to Fight Government (By Associated 1'iubu co Coos tl.j Times) NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Ill tho oh Bcnco of n statement of tho stool cor poration's Intentions, tho opinion of Wall Street today was that tho cor poration would light tho government Biilt. Preparations wero ovldontly , matlo in anticipation of such litiga tion Hiich ns yesterduy'B decision tu I abandon tho Groat Northern oro Dprslnrpfl tn Rp Dnzon Littlp ' k'nso' ll rc(1,Ict,on of or troight raios. Kr ,,..,, , i. ' UU' L, together with tho announcement of i rusts wunin une Dig irusi Chance For Delays. the corporation position after tho directors' meeting Septomber 20 was ovldenco of this. CHICAGO STOCKS LOWER. Now (By i.oi u.cra uuu iiHi-irtop tlmt ,,nt0 wl cjuruco nil tho ,if!!f S En ,,,; Southern Pncinc lines south of Port m?naUonUof thVj.wl'?'J:. mndo it plnln thnt ho would do all In his powor to aid in harbor Im provement horo. Tho matter .was brought up by C. R. Peck who was ono of tho speakers on tho program. Mr. Peck stated thnt ns near ns they had been nblo to ascertain from couforonccs with tho U. S. engineer's onico at Portland, tho above plan was tho first stop townrds president in chnrgo of trufllc, whose jurisdiction over freight nnd passon ger business will bo extended to tho Oregon lines November 1. "It is our intention to start tho work on the Coos Bny linens onrly ns possible 'ho said. "It Is ono ot tho first things that must bo dono. Wo nro rendy to do It nnd only havo Tl, .... -" Sun-V ulanco wUI 8an t 10 o'clock turday morning for Eureka. day nB thoso arriving on hor to- "VJ0J Jli!ir.ed ?Iatson' C. Van Poyon, S. UtI If' Jetm Masters, Abbott Mns aan ir8,T- E Putman, T. B. Put Sam'u.i ,' Jnsliam, Wm. Ingham, 5i n ' InBhnn. Clarence Ingham, JllliV, t. Pntnnl a,l(l w,f0' enry c, h r' L"zle Miller. Cora Mlllnr. W, .7 "rownl tie. Miller, Cora Mlllor. W. le. Mrs. Brownio nnd C. E. blue TVAim and White GRANITE at MILXER'S. thus running tholr lino several miles to tho west nnd north of hero they do not seem to hnvo discovered that Roseburg Is on tho map nnd per hnps it isn't so far as thoy aro con corned. However, we only hope they will hurry up and begin actual con struction. People aro grow ing very tired of tho endless surveys which havo resulted lu nothing. If railroads wero only built on all tho surveys already mado therefor ln southwestern Oregon, thoy would make a veritable gridiron of steel. Hurry tho construction work, wher ovor tho lino is to come, is the uni versal opinion, Judging from current talk." , securing n reconstruction of tho Jetty J prellinlnnries to compioto boforo wo cJiSJJe.?; t ua 1 opo ra 1 1 o n b. " If tho frnnchlso was not granted, tho railroad would havo to go on tho oth or side of tho Bay. R. A. Wornicli nlso condemned tho opposition to tho frnnchlso. Pctor Loggio said that ho did not think that tho opposition was bo much to tho franchlso ns It was to tho fact thnt tho peoplo of North Bond fenrcd thnt nothing would bo dono on tho rond Insldo of two yenrs. If given nBsurnnco that thoro would not be n delny of two years, Mr. Log gio said ho thought tho franchlso would bo granted. There wns a good turnout nt tho meeting, n number being present from Mnrshflcld, A llttlo luncheon wns served.- Visit Lower Hay. This nfternoon, Congressman Haw ley accompanied by a delegation of Marshflold and North Bend business men, was taken on tho tug Columbia to tho lower Bay and if tho weather permits, will bo taken out over tho Bar. which all desired horo as a means ot improving tho harbor; Ho asked Mr. Hawley pointedly if ho would cooper ate nud Mr. Hawley said that ho would. Mr. Hnwloy mado a short talk on tho hnrbor particularly nnd reiterat ed his statemont mado in nn Interview in Tho Times yestordny. Ho said that while ho favored tho Jetty, ho did not think that it would bo possl- blo to secure an appropriation for It until tho bar dredgo had been dem onstrated to bo a failure. Besides this, ho said that ho would keep tho Jotty boforo tho engineers and do all ho could ln Its favor. Ho also prom ised to-asslst In any thing that would bo beneficial to this section. Ho said that ho would appreciate any sugges tion from his constituents as to aid ho might bo ablo to glvo. In closing, ho painted a roseato futuro for tho Coos Bay country with tho develop ment that tho railroads will bring. R .A. Wernlch, president of the Club, presided. Among thoso re sponding woro Mayor L. J. Simpson, Peter Loggio, C. R. Peck, and A. H. Derbyshire. Mayor Simpson after welcoming Mr. Hawley devoted most of his talk to tho Terminal Railway's application for a franchise. He said (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Oct. 27. Now that in tho .government's tight to dlssolvo tho United Statos Steol corporation, the latter will havo four months to inako its answer to tho government's allegation that it Is a dozen trusts within a trust, a "me nace to tho nation," and practically tho most complete monopoly over per fected In this country, thoro aro tornntlonul Harvostor tumbled 0& otner doNolopiuentb lit tho meniitimu. points, Seurs-Roobiiek common 2 Mi, Attornoys for tho corporation may and American Can proforrcd, 2. Ur domur to tho government's charges gout soiling forced Swifts from 09 ft nnd in thnt event there mny bo off to 89V&C Bouio delay. After that possibility Is Common steel sold down to 50c, a disposed of, tho circuit court will now low record point for sovorul probably appoint n muster to hoar 'years. Proforrcd sold ot $1.03. Oth- tho testimony and the buttlo of tho er stocks nro weak In sympathy. giants win uosin. York Decline Reflected In Illi nois Metroiolls. Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) CHICAGO, HI., Oct. 27. Tho ox cltomout on Wall Street was rolloctod In tho Chicago Stock Exchange In- AFFECTS WHEAT PRICE. Weakness In Steel and Stocks Causes Decline of 1 & Cents. (By Associated Prega to Cooa Bay Times.; CHICAGO, 111., Oct. 27. Tho weakness In tho stock market at Now York nffected wlient hero, December option selling off n cent nud a half per bushel to 9 9 Vic. NEGRO IS SOUGHT. HUNTING coats at MILXER'S. Big HALF-PRICE JEWELRY sale By Associated Press to the Coos Buy Tlmos.) MARSHALL, Tex.. Oct. 27 Scores ot armed men nro hunting for Will Olllo, tho negro nllegod ot hnvo as saulted n farmer's wife. Ho probably will bo lynched it caught. RE00ND0 FROM .i.li H STEAMSHIP ARRIVES THIS AFT ERNOON FROM SAN FRANCISCO WITH MANY PROBABLY SAIL MONDAY. Tho Redondo arrived ln today from Sau Francisco with a good pas senger list. Sho had considerable frolght for North Bond and also for Dow's dock which delayed lu hor reaching hor own dock lu Marshflold. Sho will probably sail at 3 o'clock Monday nftornoon for San Francisco. Among thoso arriving on hor o day wero tho following: Mrs. A. It. Sears, .Miss Myron, Mrs R, Jones, Mrs. C. M. Mnupln, John Mnupln, Lou Mnupiu, Frank .Mnupln, Tallin ATniinln. lMn Mniutln 11 An U.. .. M .V N't.., ww. , .. .....,...., .. ............ ... .... Sheriff Stownrt loft hero at noon to'dorson, Mrs. G. O, Glanvi'.le, Mr C Investigate sensational reports that nO. Glanvlllo, E. C. Corte'you. A D Southorn Pacific engineer fired upon Androws, L. G. Irwin. W K Wlso, when his train passed Ellwood enrly F. E. Savary, II. II Richards. Mra this morning and thnt Jator thirty- A. II. Manwnrlng, J W W't- F o six BtlcfcB ot dynamlti wero found Shores, Mrs. F. G. S ore p d n,i d. placed beside the tracks. Tho dyna- F. J. Hubbard, E. O- P Hot N A is- mite was found by Officer Macoy, nostou, J, Kondollz, .1 n i who reported it to tho sheriff. TRY TO DYNAMITE TKAIN, Sensational Attack on Southern Paci fic In California. (By Assoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) SANTA BARBARA, Cnl., Oct. 27. Ednu Mnupln, Ella Mnupln r