The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, October 25, 1911, EVENING EDITON, Page 2, Image 2

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    ' ft'wy"-,,5,",'' ut.v.i!5 -.c
M. G. MALONHY Ktlltor ami Pub.
western ideas, hundreds of secret
societies have been ut work getting
the lmlse and disseminating nntl-dy-nnstic
llternturo nnd theories, nnd
Xpws Ktlltor , ninny nave been political martyrs
rr-rr at vui'IuiiB tiitios. Tne Manchu dy
nasty might have ingratiated itself
Into the good will of the Chinese
Entered at tho postomce al Marsh
field, Oregon, for transmission ,., ,.,, thnv Bilnwtl nMV iiinin
through tho mails as second
mail matter.
Au Independent Ropublkan news
paper published every evening except
Sunday, and Weokly by
Tlio Coos Hay Times Publishing Co.
Olltclnl Taper of Coos County
Address all communications to
Wnrshflcld :: :: :: t: Oregon
One year $6.00
Per month 50
One year $l.b0
When paid strictly In advance the
(subscription price nf tho Coos Day
rimen Is $G.OO ptr year or $2.50 for
alx months.
Dedicated to tho sorvlco ct tho
people, thnt no good causo shall lack
chnmplon, and that ovll shall not
thrlvo unopposed.
.t ?
Hon to favor the movement for re
form along western lines, which the
people seemed bound to have. This,
however, they steadily refused to do,
and In tho person of the late Em
press Dowager and the Emperor who
was as mere puppets under her
thumb, stringent measures were
taken to crush out western reform
and keep tho people tied down to
the old regime. Uut all tho white
the leaven was working. China has
had her friends among her ow.n peo
ple everywhere In tho colonies of
England, In the Philippines, in Jap
an and oven In our own country, nil
bound by a solemn vow to exterpnte
the hated Mnhchu.
Without undertaking to justify in
any sense tho methods that are be
ing pursued, yet generally speak
ing, one cannot fnll to see
tho Justice of their cause. Wo need
only put ourselves back Into a cor
tain period of our own history as a
nation, or a little later as to tho con
ditions thnt confronted tho French
people, to ronllzo how similar con
ditions can exist In other countries.
The present trouble Is not fomented
simply by a band of rebels bent upon
making anarchists of themselves and
taking powers that do not belong to
them. They represent tho Chinese
peoplo who arc now coming Into
their own. Tho nation ns n whole
Is In sympathy with what Is being
done, for wo see how quickly tho sol
diers, onco they are given tho oppor
tunity, Join In tho general revolt. Tho
movement Is backed by largo num
bers of tho educated class, especial
ly thoso students who have been
trained In western ways of thinking,
and who realize tho dignity and
worth of western types of govern
ment. Furthermore, it hns tho sym
pathy of thoso foreigners who nro
conversant with tho truo conditions
of tho country. They know what
should ho, and so long ns tho present
movement Is carried on without In
terference to foreign interests, things
will ho allowed to follow tho natural
course, and young China will bo
hailed as another to outer tho great
brotherhood of tho free and enlight
ened nations of the world.
(3001) EVENING..
It Is hotter ,to fight for tho
good than to rail at tho 111.
THE other man's Job Is apt to look
hotter to tho observer than It
really Is. A recent illustration is
found In President Tnft'H romnrka
to Denver collego students. Ho told
them not to reel badly It tlioy didn't
get to bo president, because thoro
wore a whole lot of disappointments
In tho business. "I'm not resigning."
ho said, "hut there aro other places
moro comfortable." Colonel Itooso
velt has given a similar testimony re
garding tho trial of an ox-prosldont.
Ho can't go hunting now, ho com
plains, without nil tho newspapers
following him and that "takes nil tho
pleasure out of It." It one Is saving
up hints for a Thanksgiving catalo
gue of blessings, not being a presi
dent might bo Included with perfect
safety In most cases.
THE roports thnt are coming dally
of political troubles In China
seem moro and moro alarming.
Tho unrest anil rebellion aro on
bo largo as scale as to make other
world matters Inslgulllcuut by com
parison. Whou a nation, In number
approximating four hundred million
jiooplo, ami in size larger than our
own country with Alaska and tho
Island possessions thrown In, begins
u movement, which to all appear
ances, seems general, surely It chal
lenges our serious attention.
One can hardly full to observe
thnt such n mighty upheaval as
China seems destined to face Is but
another illustration of tho working
out of that world spirit of freedom,
which In tho past few years, lius
4wopt over one nation after another.
JtiiBsIn, Turkey, Persia, India, Spain,
.Portugal, Egypt and others have felt
1L to a moro or less extent. China is
tho latest (but shall wo say It Is tho
Jast?) peoplo affected by tills "tliuo
aplrlt" as tho Germans call it. It is
Jin Impatience ot mouarchinl rule,
iind especially of that absolute typo
neon la such countries as Russia and
Turkey, nnd for more than four
thousand jours In the Empire of
China. In tho latter country tho poo
jiIo'h whole life has centered In tho
omporor, nnd oven In their religion,
Iio stood us a mediator between them
jinil heaven, worshipping for them,
it Is with China today with tho
other countries wo have mentioned.
The basis for tho uprising and tho
desire to cast off this age-long mo
narchy lies In an Intellectual awaken
ing brought about through western
training nnd contact with tho
thought and spirit of western civiliz
ation. China has long had tho repu
tation of giving moro attention to
education than any other nation In
tho world. Her whole political life
lias been based on 'the educational
ijunllllcntlous of her people
which fact has mado ot
thorn, broadly speaking, a nation of
Mjholurs, such as thoy were, it Is
needless to say, however, that with
Iior old educational methods, mid
Huuttlng herself off from other na
tions, us she did for agus, she might
Juno gone on for four thousand
year moro without any trouble on
tho part of the peoplo. Uut. when
they onro saw what freedom really
is, and learned of tho strength nnd
bounty of western methods of gov
ernment. It was all over. No deep
observation was reipiliod to thai
for several yoars buck thoro has
lutm un under-current, which has
now expressed Itself so foiolbly on
the surface. One could almost fool
ihu trend of things. There aro hlrth
thrnos ot nations, as well as of Indi
viduals. Tho propagation of this
now splilt on u background so radi
cally different certainly portended
something moro than ponce,
Thoro is also tho added considera
tion that for n long time tho Chi
noso peoplo havo borno patiently
with n miich-lmtoil eneniv rulliiur
v,w tiinm? iiw. Miii.niina it ia li.u.J Tho most disagreeable thing about
perhaps that wo llnd n noaror cniiho ' J'08 AiiKeloa Is tho way they nsk us
lor tho present belligerent coiull. I ,.,r10"V.,,C0 "' JlJ8t tr". th,f jl
turns. To all Chinese tho Manchu 'nsm ,,louth 0,B,U,: I' Aling-linyl-
other foreign peoplo.
dynasty has been in
Tlio Laundry of Life.
Noto We don't think this la Any
thing extra as a poem, yet wo nro
continually (moaning about onco a , , ,,, , ..,., t,.
,, , , , .... Oy Associated Press to tho Coos Day
month) receiving requests for Its re-, Times)
printing. So, thanking you for your LOUISVILLE, Ky. Oct. 25. Man
kind attention It was originally do- nmi i,ig nolltlcal ways wero weighed
nnd found wanting this afternoon by
I Mrs. T. P. O'Connor, wife of tho Irish
, loader, who addressed tho National
Woman SulTrngo Convention on tho
text, "Let Our Watchword IIo Unity."
Mrs. O'Connor replied to whnt she
termed tho "old threadbare argu
ments" ngalnst woman suffrage, out-
dlcated to
Life is a laundry In which wo
Aro Ironed out, or soon or Into.
(Who has not known the irony
Of fate!)
Wo enter it when we nro born,
Our colors bright: full Bdon thoy
Wo exit "dono up, old nnd worn,
And frayed;
Frayed round tho edges, worn
Life Is a rough old linen sllnger,
Who has not lost a button in
Life's wringer!
With other linen wo nro tubbed,
With other linen often tangled.
In open court we then nre scrubbed
And mangled.
Some tnko n gloss of happiness
Tho hnrdest wear can not diminish;
Others, alast get a "domes
tic llnlsh."
lined whnt sho declared wero typical
abuses of man's powors, nnd urged
her sisters to "stnnd shoulder to
shoulder and march forward togoth
nnd or."
"If tho majority of men could bo
convinced that It would ho to tholr
personnl ndvantngo and to tho ad
vantage of tho state to accord tho
vote to women our fight would bo nt
nn pnd." sho declared. "When you;
ask them why wo don't vote thoy nd-;
vanco old throadbnro arguments, tho
llrst being thnt all women would voto
according to tho politics of their hus
bands. If this ho true, why should
n't a man want two votes lnstend of
ono? Another nrgumont Is thnt It
women had votes men would no long
er pick up tholr handkerchiefs. I
hnvo lived In England twenty-six
You should do whom you would bo years, and during that tlmo I hnvo
dono by. always picked up my own hnndker-
cholf and I hnvo not had tho nilvnn-
An net of Provldonco Is ono thnt tn':v('f,n'0t.?1llPr . ,
i10illB ., "And finally, tho groat and ovcr-
1 whelming nrgumont Is that to glvo
Don't stand up for your rights un- JE aSW
loss you havo n seat check. mon'. Mnn's homo Is tho thing to
bo considered. Thou thoro Is tho Inst
Tho letters after n man's nnmo wonk-knood nrgumont. tho rofuso of
do not Indicate his horsepower. tho pcsslmlB.t thnt already tho, frnn-
cniso ib too inrgo, nnu as women nro
Tho man who enn smllo Inwardly clamoring for n voto tho only remedy
51 per cent of tho tlmo is happy. ,8 lo. tnko It away from a certain
number of mon who hnvo not gono
., .. ,. ,. , , , , through n colloglnto course and can-
If It continues tho fashion to re- not 8tnn,i won ,,, n 8noiHng compotl-
Ulll'U, 1111111 11 UilUU Will uu uiBiippuiiu- Hon.,
ed when It borrows mamma's stock-
lug for Christmas.
Mon nro not to ho trusted with
unlimited power. But tho very
foundation of tho relntlons of men
nnd women Ib wholly wrong. Tho
theory is that mon toward women nro
wise, noble, gonorous, chivalrous and
Just; that wo can trust thorn to mnko
caro not who makes his coffee."
'I o Mx i.inW,. n mnn nii.l I ,IUVB f0r "8 w"'0 Will protect Olir
Lot rue, make a mnn Inugli, and I,.a. n.i fn .,. . ,,. m...t
. ...v. wwwt in viv x.nv " iiiiioi
by tnct nnd diplomacy mnnngo thorn.
Mnn's grent shibboleth, tho thing ho
crloB out for, Is mnnngomont. If ho
Ib unfaithful to his wife, bIip linRit't
mnnngod him proporly. And what
woman I nak you, no matter how
Thoro aro some who worship a myth Rood or olovor sho Is, can mnko n
At all ovonts California has shown
thnt It doesn't Intend to bo frlglftcn
od by presidential pessimism.
NCLE SAM'S furm hns ylolded 10
barrels of flour for ovory fam
ily. 150 bushels of corn. 50 of
outs, -15 of potatoes and ono each of
rice and buckwheat. Dul will tho
culled fear
And tremble lest thoy fall,
And others keep themselves In tune
With tho common life ot nil,
Tho man who had his money hot,
And stood to lose or gain,
Is mighty near a nervous wreck
And all becauso ot rain.
An onstorn man who Is tho fnthor
ot fourteen children has declared
mnn go hor way If ho hns begun to go
inn way or anntuor womnn?
"Women nro brought up by tho
theory of exporting undying fnlthful
ncss, consideration, unBolflshnoss nnd
n tnklng of all responsibility from
hor Bliouldnrs by mnn slowly hut
suroly sho hnB to unlearn this fnlso
lesson. Thoro nro mon In tho world
mnny of thorn, tondorly chivalrous to
women my own donr father was
ono of thorn. Hut wo do not. wo
must not, roiy upon sentiment
thnt novor again will ho voto for Whnt wo want, nnd what wo demand,
Itoosevolt. That adds another to tho
list of disgruntled who think Itoose
volt talked too much.
i .1 ., i ,i..i
iiijimiiuiT iiuvu uiu giiiiiiiiiiu nmi luunnss will slioi'tlv
Is Justice. An ounce of liistlen ml.
mlnlstorod by tho Inw with a judge
and a Jury bohlnd It Is worth nil tho
chlvnlry In tho world."
riff i h ! .
go to do his part to provont paying
extortionate prices for thoso acces
saries of life'.'
How Is It that small husliioss buys
n cahbago from tho producor for ono
cent nnd sells It to tho consumer a
few miles distant for live? Tho pro
vailing answer Is that middlemen nro
to blame, nnd n cull rises nil over tho
land to ellmlnato him.
II. F. Yoakum, chairman of tho
Hock Island railways, estimates that
of tho $101,000,000 that tho consu
mer pays for food tho fnrmor re
ceives $.71,000,000. tho mlddloman nnd the rnllrond ?25, Tho elimination of the middleman
Is not practicable; and, If It woro, It
would turn back tho hands on tho
clock of progress In huslnoss. Hut
co-oporntlvo distribution on tho pnrt
of consumers Is feasible, and tho part
played in tho high cost of living by
tho groat cost of mnrketlng makes
co-oporntlvo organizations of purchn
hora a necessity.
City proporty, Farm, Timber, nnd
Coal Lnnd.
Low rnto Flro Insurance host nnd
Tho Manchu
power slnco
1011, nnd through thoso nearly three ! T .,., i.. .....u...,. i.. ...i
fonturlra tho Chinese hnvo smarted miI, ... ,,.. Km. ,,,. (rnm
under this forolgn rule. Thoro hnvo
boon mnny sporadic utotmpts to oust
them, but nothing has been concert
ed or general enough to mnko any
lit'ndway. With the advance of
i tlio auo of olKlit to twolvo. Accom
modations for thirty. Call 4 to 5
P. M. nt studio.
1MIOF. lticii.utns.
In splto of predictions thnt bust-
Im pro vo, J, D.
Itockofoller hns Invested In a $35
overcoat lnstend ot tho $05 kind ho
has been in tho habit of wearing.
If .1. I), hns actod on tho right dono.
this is going to bo u hard winter for strongest company.
tho rest of us. ' Routing of Hooms nnd Houses.
t Soiling ltckots to nny part of Eu-
A nowspnpor In Germany Is cnllod ro1'0,
tho Frankfurter Zoltung. Evldontly , AUG F1UZEEN
a "red hot" shoot. '
08 CEXTItAL AVENUE. Marslifleld.
Tho rain now frowns upon tho girl "'' '" """ " " ' r
Who through tho summor days,
Was wont to wear a pook-o-boo
Anil win iiilnilrlnir ifi7n.
i ' Wo havo secured tho llvory biul-
A Iluffalo, N. Y., business mnn in ,0ba t L- H. Hoisner nnd aro pra
tho bankruptcy court lllod among I'"'od to rondor oxco.lont servlco tn
Ills usfeets n bank doposlt of 75 conts. tn0 IoPlo of Coos Day. Ciror.,1
With that much real money saved Ivors, sooo rigs r.nd ovcryth'.ng
up ho had no oxcuso for acting tho , mt wll mean bntlsfnctory service to
part of a qulttor. !,tno nuu"c,. 1'hone us for a driving
I horso. n rig or anything needed In
An Oliln mnn u-lin l.n.1 J.on ,l,l. lll .1,VOry lillO. Wo nlso do trilCk-
--- . it hwt litiolnnea rf till Trtnfi-
b uiioniun Ui nil AlllUO.
jBlanchard's Livery
.ilver Spoon Sweets
Arc Delicious Chocolates made 01 Pure AEalcrinls
in n Sanitary factory by Clean and 1IBALTJLY
workmen. They arc packed in Mj-pomul
boxes at 25c and 1-pouiul
boxes at 50c. Each package
contains a Coupon which
will help you to get one
of. these bcnutiful
8kv GV
Send i
One Pull t
Coupon, (or 2 JBSX
half Coupons) and wF l
10(? for One SpoonXjL n
(5 Coupons and JSc for
Six Spoons. j
er Spoons
o r y body
Vc Modem
l)y the use of gasoline cook stoves. The
gasoline slove has a long and ugly record
of death dealing calamity. It is shunned
by those whose homes it has burned down.
The fire insurance companies fight the gas
oline stove whenever they get a clunc c.
Thoy know what an extremely dangerous
filing it is. But thoy offer no objections
to Gas Stoves because the proper use of gas
is SAFE. If you value safety in your
homo you cannot discard your gasoline
cook stove loo soon. Tomorrow may be too
late. You may think it expensive lo have
a gas range put in but we think wc can help
you solve this problem.
Telephone No. 178
Oregon Power Co.
for some tlmo recovorod his power of
speech whon ho stepped on a carpot
tack. Wo don't need to bo told what
his first words wero.
Livery, Feed nnd Snles Service.
141 First and Aldor Streots
Phono 138-J
A Pennsylvania named Slglsmo-1
nnkronhoitz was turned down whon Have Us Launder Your Underwear
s.,smjf,srss! 'xr,1?,-' ----,
in tho Koystono stnto evidently don't nnd botter thnn tho work can bo dono
temper their Justice with mercy. lelsowhero, nnd thoy aro not worn so
J much. Wo do not shrink them, oven
At tho CIoso of Ilusliiess, September 1, 1011.
Loans nnd Discounts J209.719.62
Donds and warrants
U. S. Donds to socuro circulation . . . . ;
Hoal ostato.'furnltnro and llxturea
Cash and sight e.M'liango
! ttt
Olympic Flour
Highest Quality
Wondor whnt Genoral Sherman's wnolnn trnrmnnta nr,i i,
comment on wnr sounds Uko In Turk- 8arae sIze n8 when 8ent
I Wo iron the garments nicely, make
"If you marry a collogo .woman." 'ordinary repairs fred of charge and
says a Wellosloy roport, "you nro you hnvo fresh clean, sweet under
mighty npt to stay married to her." wear ready for each week's change.
Is this n warning or n hint of encour- m,nilo vours un with nvf ivv
" " .. vw.
A niedlclno that gives- coulhlenro
Is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
Mrs. T. J. Adams. G22 No. Kansas
Ave., Columbus, Kns., writes: "Foi
a number of years my children have
beon subject to coughs nnd colds. I
used Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Com
pound and found that It cured their
coughs and colds, so I koop It in
the house nil the tlmo." Kefuso sub
stitutes. PUEUSS DRUG CO.
laundry bundle.
Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry
I'll ON 221I..T
Complete lino of Bicycle supplies,
. second-hand bicycles tor sale. Guns,
bicycles, etc., ropalred.
Umbrellas covered and ropalred.
E. BANDEL, Prop.
No. 007 No. Front St. Phone 180-R
Totnl resources snos.OTU.W
Capital stock $100,000.00
Surplus and undivided profits 0,836.26
Circulation 25,000.00
Deposits .133,100.00
Total liabilities $503,070.03
W. S. Chandler, presldont; M. C. Horton, vlce-presldont; Dorsey Kreltier,
Cashier; John F. Hall, John S. Coko, S. C. Rogers, W. U. Douglas,
F. S. Dow, Win. Grimes, W. P. Murphy.
state.mi:nt of condition
Flanagan (& Bennett Bank
At tho close ot business September 1st, 1011.
Loans and Discounts , f 397,393.93
Danking Houso 50,000.00
Cash and Exchanges 141,546.53
Total : $588,010.40
Liabilities ..
Capital Stock pnld in J50.000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits. , ,' 54,165.73
Deposits 484,774.74
Total $588,04Mfl
.:.-.. .
V &Hfc
t-)t(--w y